Be steadfast in the word that the Lord has given you. Depart not from it. Unmoveable from it. I need to always be abounding in the work if the Lord. The work of the Lord is to believe on His Son whom He has sent. John 6 29 For the amount of knowledge that you have of the Lord and what you are doing with it is not in vain in the Lord. Add to what you have. Praise God forever more !!!!
My Father in Heaven, Who is greater than I, and none can snatch you out of His hand. I come not of My own authority, but of My Father who sent Me. Never the less, Your will be done Father. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Three in one. I will not leave you comfortless. I will pray to the Father that He send you His Spirit. There is so much knowledge in the Bible, His Word, that we can not fathem it. Awesome! Powerful! Thank you Jesus! Amen. God bless you all!
I was awaken early this morning the TV still on "The book of Ruth " was just coming on. I could not sleep for watching the movie in it 's entirety I just read the story KJV and I love it even more
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 3 - 10 years ago
Hello Max, If you read verse 15 up in this chapter, this is talking about Jesus Christ. If you read St. John chapter 1 you will see that Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. Then read my comments under Acts 2 you will find a lot of answers there.
We all must remember one thing when it comes to the Bible. The scriptures are given by inspiratiion of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. If we are going to follow Christ, we must follow what the scriptures say and leave out how we "feel ". Everything that we need to know is in the scriptures and we do not have to wait for someone else to tell us. We all are tell teach others about Christ, but women are not to do it during fellowship the church among the brothern. Women are not to be deacons or bishops either. The Bible explains the characteristics of a MAN who desires these offices. Read it in 1Tim.3. Living for Christ may not always be easy, but in order to LIVE for Christ, you must deny yourself and follow Him. Just do what the Bible say and don 't try to "interpret " something that is what it is! Thanks.
Scientists are saying the Sun is changing drastically. It could change to put out a more pure light that only the pure in heart can be healed but the wicked perish. Antibiotics seek out deadly germs and leave the patient healed. Who would have thought that was possible? I ' m not sure if it is a metaphor or real occurrence as stated.
Amazing grace to be counted as one of the king priest in heavenly kingdom but first we have to pass through tribulation suffering like John . Unless we endure and be overcomers we may lost it
Well Now I took Proverbs 34 Very Very Touchy.Be caused I left here last Sunday! They bought Me back all Bruised up like Jesus. They said My Body was Shocked three times 12 I 've pokes.But I had a Chance to Call on His Name that Mighty Name Jesus Jesus I have work to do.. I want to Meet My President He and zi are Born on the Same Day year and Month. Godkept Me My work Here my Father is UIn done.
Scientists are saying the Sun is changing drastically. It could change to put out a more pure light that only the pure in heart can be healed but the wicked perish. Antibiotics seek out deadly germs and leave the patient healed. Who would have thought that was possible? I ' m not sure if it is a metaphor or real occurrence as stated.
Number 11 is the number of righteousness of mankind .It is the personification of his legs and thighs as he stands put! It is the number of being straight,in contrast to being homosexual who would succomb to many disease and could not walk straight.They might even have had diseases in their inner ears which destroyed the coakley and made the person wlk in dizziness. the twin tower in the city of New york constituted number 11 and the God of Mount Sinai wanted to remind them that they were no longer righteous, also the number 911 is opposite of Psalm 119 which is all about obeying God 's laws.By the way Psalm is actually salm which was pronounced Psalm by Greeks which looks like they had stuttering problems at the time the Bible reached to them!! Also the word "Psychology " and many other words which have silent "P 's ". "Salm " means having peace with God ,and it is represented by the longer piece of the Cross.The word "Solh " which is the root word for "Selah " means having peace with men and it is represented by the short piece of the Cross. "Selah " means seeking God 's advice concerning a matter.United Nations is in charge of "Solh " while the church is in charge of "Salm "
To Jabba Then where did the word " trinitarian " come from? It certainly did not come from the bible. Trinitarians believe that there are three gods God the Father, God the Son, and God,the Holy Ghost. So if you say you never met a trinitarian that believes in three gods then they are not trinitarians.
It heals me coz now I 'm hurting, my frnd has turned her back on me nd nw shez with other rich friends just because I hv nothing nd we r not on the same standard.
Just wanted to comment that I feared death also for years and in fact until I repented of my sins, and surrendered my life over to the Lord. I have not feared death or had scary dreams about death any longer. It was about 2 30 in the morning when I woke from my sleep some years ago and heard this Scripture Evey knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.
This 21st Century Generation think that Silver Gold it the monument to HEAVEN, but it is not. Silver Gold does not walk, but it make people walk a mile to do EVIL. thanks
in genesis chapter 2 vers 7 one can see how Adom is formed, he is formed to look after the garden and to name everything God created. But if you look at genesis chapter 1 vers 27, other people where made befor Adam, male and female he created them. He blessed them to have dominion over all. Adam and Eve where not the first people God created...
1year is equal to 365 days.In those times 1year was equal to one month.1year equals 365days equals 12months.777years Bible time divided by 12months equals 64.75years in our time...on our calender.
My comment if The word oF God is powerful.can please pray for me my study i want finish and graduate my course in college.I want to proceed in college of Law.and Please pray for my financial needs in study 200,000 needs.