Christian Life Page 185

  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 1 - 10 years ago
    Hello Brother Kirk Lewis I mean no disrespect. When you talk about accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior, what comes to my mind is what they call the sinners prayer. Is this what you are referring to? Because Brother Lewis what I have seen is that people say those words and think that they are saved. However, faith without works is dead. What the preachers are failing to inform people is that you have to follow Acts 2 38. You cannot get into heaven or even see heaven unless you have the correct water baptism and you have the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the spirit of God give utterance. Jesus Christ spoke on this, Peter clarified it and the Apostles carried it out.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Hello Word I do not know if this will be posted. I am just honest and blunt. I do not sugar coat anything for anybody. I did read what you posted. However, what you have read you are mistaken in your interpretation. This is why I just simply asked you a question. For example let s take a look at 2 Peter 3 5 thru 7, these scriptures are not talking about an aged Earth where we were all living with God. Verse 5 is referring to the creation in Genesis. Verse 6 is talking about the flood. Verse 7 is talking about this heaven and this earth will remain in place until the fire of judgment comes which is talked about in Verse 10. Word, if you are not under a Holy Ghost filled person that has followed Acts 2 38 then you should find one. I also think you should stop reading all of those other books and focus on the Bible and ask God to really open up your understanding. Also, I particularly do not like Strong s version or interpretations, especially if it is giving you this misinterpretation of the scripture.
  • Delcine Dacosta on Numbers 11 - 10 years ago
    I am a mother of 8 children and sometime i ask God what did i do to deserve all these children with different dads. And i sit and i think to myself. Lord it was not your will for me to have all these children by different fathers because you do love me. And that you have showed me your love through all that i have put myself in through sin. Even after all I did that disrespect Him he stills shows me favor. I just want to show my thanks and gratefulness to a all knowing and perfect presence that He knows every string on my head that 's hair and he knows my heart in the deepest part. And that His love is so sweet to my soul. That He has offer another chance in my life to reconcile with Him through the blood of His only son Jesus Christ. I just want to use my mouth to say thank you again and again for all that you do. Amen
  • Emmanuel on Matthew 21 - 10 years ago
    The United States Of America is that Nation. Mat 21 43,44
  • Emmanuel on Matthew 12:25 - 10 years ago
    Ego and true Self must become One otherwise you will fail at everything.
  • Emmanuel on Matthew 11:25 - 10 years ago
    What this means is that "Except you be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. " Mat 18 3
  • Emmanuel on Matthew 11:11 - 10 years ago
    Jesus is the Son of Man, John is described as born of a woman, therefore if you are the Son of Man,in the kingdom of god you are greater then the sons of women.
  • Denis Yoka on Exodus 2 - 10 years ago
    Let the God teaches us the right manner to minister before him, not by killing and hidding people do not let anyone intimidate your size or challenge your greatness because your greatness will be affirmed,confirmed by signs and wonders acts7 V35 36
  • Nkosinathi Ngulube on Luke 17:32 - 10 years ago
    Remember Lot 's wife.It is a warning that we cease to be attached to earthly carnal possessions, as they are what Lot 's wife had become accustomed to, might even have been a certain type of delicious food only found there, just as the Israelites complained to Moses on a desire to go back to Egypt for the things that they had become accustomed to. I tell you most of us, stinking rich and with out of this world possessions, secretly wish that His second coming does not descend upon this generation . Lot 's wife had fallen in love with Sodom!
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 14 - 10 years ago
    Hello Jane Doe I do not know when my other comment will come out, but in short, salvation is not complicated at all. However, a lot of people do not want to follow Acts 2 38. Jesus said it, Peter clarified it on the day of Pentecost, and the Apostles carried it out.
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Gayle Adcock to help understand the ages and eons of time in the New Testament and the men of God that spoke of the mystery of God which is the first earth age you will need to read an appendix 146. There are two terms for foundation you will need to learn to understand the world ages in the New Testament or two words in the Bible for foundation and you will need to ............... type in and search for Levend water. org companion index companion. html and then you come to the page and click on Appendixes to The Companion Bible levend water Org and you will get all 198 appendixes show scroll down to 146 worlds and read it. That should be read first before we go into Satan as prince of Tyrus meaning little rock and his attempted overthrow and what started off this age of the flesh and choice.
  • Rabbi on Exodus 1:9 - 10 years ago
    That 's our appearance we,Christians before our enemy,the devil. And we always intimidate him. This happens even in his own territory. I thank God,am able to understand what I am in christ Jesus our Lord.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Hello Referring to Jeremiah 1 5, when God spoke here this was not saying that he lived with Jeremiah. Jeremiah was not a spirit floating around on the Earth in a first Earth age. The first time God made man was Adam. When God was speaking to Jeremiah in Chapter one he is not talking about that he lived with Jeremiah on a planet. God is Omniscient. He knows all things before they happen. This is what God is talking about. He knew of him in his mind before he became a being in his mother 's womb. I have not read where there is another recording of another Earth other than the one God created in the beginning, except the one in Revelation that will come after God has destroyed this heaven and this earth. Technically if you want to say that God lived with man in his thoughts before he was born then alright, since he is Omniscient, however there were no spirits of humans floating around on an earth prior to the earth that God created and then he formed man out of the dust and that man was Adam.
  • MockingBird on Psalms 51:10 - 10 years ago
    The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked who can know it ? I as every one on here prays this much in my life. I always want a tender heart toward my Lord God It is always my prayer to walk in the light and will of my Heavenly Father. God is faithful and He will do His part as long as I do my part. Working together side by side. Not saying I don 't miss it I do My Lord is with me always helping and leading me on . Sometimes hard to do what my Lord says but He will help me get it done . Much of the time have to cut that ugly pride down and go with God Walk with God Walk with God Walk with God !!!!!!
  • Nehemiah on Nehemiah 1 - 10 years ago
    I really like my name
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 14 - 10 years ago
    Hello Jane Doe It is not my word but God 's word. Let me ask this question to both you and Ar. Do you honestly think that God would have something written in his word if it were not true? Peter answered the question on the day of Pentecost to those that were seeking the truth. You have to follow Acts 2 38 if you want to be saved. God knows who truly has repented before giving out his gift which is the Holy Ghost. So if you do not have the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the spirit of God give utterance you are not saved. If you do not have the right baptism you are not saved. You have to have the full package. I did not write the Bible. What I am saying is in the Book of Acts. I hope that God open up the both of your understanding before it is to late. If you die without Acts 2 38 and living a truly saved life you are not going to heaven according to the word of God. If the rapture takes place and you do not have it like the Bible says you are not going up in the rapture.
  • Alamba on Psalms 91 - 10 years ago
    Fantastic. I call it dinamic and active in condition iam a leaving testimony of this chapter and it stsnd, REALITY.
  • Getta on Romans 12:3 - 10 years ago
    I feel that leaders in church should re examine themselves or ask the members to re evaluate them using this scripture and be open to the results. Church is not supposed to be a Money thing it 's to bring others to Christ and with proper teaching from the Word members will do what is expected of them without the constant Sunday begging. Sorry I was getting carried away
  • Theophilus Ezike on Romans 9:16 - 10 years ago
    God blesses those he loves while they 're asleep Psalm 127
  • Micah on Luke 24 - 10 years ago
    That 's my best friends name so, what I want to know is who wrote this book in the new testament
  • Olabode on John 11:26 - 10 years ago
    To my understanding,the death this particular verse is talking about is spiritual death. Apostle Paul said,not everybody will experience natural death,some will be translated. Those who believe in Jesus though he she will die naturally, but spiritually, he she will live.
  • Art on Luke 16:16 - 10 years ago
    Law suspended for kingdom age, john 1 of the 2 witnesses to come, law during trib for they who refuse grace.
  • Amos on 1 Corinthians 3:21 - 10 years ago
    Man was created a baby in the beginning without knowledge, wealth, clothing, power,self defense, he was just like a farmer which land brought increased for, as for such a farmer had nothing to boast about than to give thanks to God who made the increase possible. If man were to be boasted he supposed to be a self dependent right from his birth, that means he supposed to be able to clothing, feeds, takecare, advice, impacted knowledge to others, drive, cook, bath right from the day of his birth, so in as much he could not do all this things by himself had nothing to boast about.
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Gayle Adcock also remember Malachi 1 vs 2 and 3 God loved Jacob and hated Esau and again you have to have lived with someone to love or hate them and that is why God wrote it that way so we would pick up on these as we go through His word. He tells us to eat the Book, consume the whole Book chapter by chapter so we can understand what it is all about. Anyway we lived in spirit bodies and souls which is our self. We will be going into what happen with Satans pride causing it.
  • Mark on John 1 - 10 years ago
    I thank you all for listening and putting up with my argumentative crap and trying to help. I am lost and I do need to be baptized in the Holy Ghost the Spirit of truth, Nobody will ever convince me that the only "true way " that will ever happen is that I must be baptized "in the name of Jesus " by water, I have seen it happen otherwise. Actually, I think I have been baptized submerged in the name of Jesus since early childhood, I grew up in church and was taught about Jesus and his sacrifice for many years and came to believe. Thank you all.
  • Ar on Proverbs 3 - 10 years ago
    To Ferdy O 's chapter 3 remark. I Wrote to you but it was not printed. God Bless
  • Insight 777 on Genesis 3 - 10 years ago
    Chatuana, I do not think you are judging me. No one has the right to judge, Not you or me or Jesus. ONLY GOD has the right to judge. We can listen to people and decide our actions but ONLY GOD judges if we make the right choices.
  • Word on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 10 years ago
    Just fly away and be the first one taken if you please but your mind is not mine and time will tell the truth.
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Gayle this will help you see understanding. 2 Peter 3 vs 5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, Note. first earth age before.... and the earth standing out of the water and in the water Note. God created earth beautiful and told us in Isaiah 45 18. 2 Peter 3 6 Whereby the world that then was, Note. first earth age.... being overflowed with water, perished Jeremiah 4 vs 22 to 31 destruction, no Noah, boat, or bird or twig and in Hebrew it says God submerged it in water and washed it real good. 2 Peter 3 7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, Note. Peter is saying the one I 'm standing on..... by the same word are kept in store, Note. this earth, this age of the flesh.... reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition Note. to perish, fall away, be gone....of ungodly men. Note. blotts out ungodly men, that 's what this earth age is about, love Father or at the Great White Throne Judgment the ungodly will be gone.
  • Samuel on Proverbs 8:35 - 10 years ago
    God favour should fall on me this year.

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