Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 3 - 10 years ago
Baptism is very necessary, along with repentance, and being filled with the Holy Ghost. Baptism is part of the salvation plan. If it were not necessary then those 12 men in Acts 19 would not have had to be rebaptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If it were not necessary then Peter would not have had Cornelius house, the first Gentiles in Acts Chapter 10, to be baptized in the name of the Lord after they received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Book of Acts is the recorded beginning of the church age. The Book of Acts shows how important each component of the salvation plan is and all are very necessary. You must follow Acts 2 38 in order to be saved. Jesus said himself you must be born again of water and of spirit, John Chapter 3. Jesus said, Peter clarified it on the day of Pentecost, the Apostles carried the plan of salvation out, and we today still receive it through Acts 2 38.
God philip family cried to thee, O LORD and unto the LORD we made supplication. Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon Philip family LORD, be thou our helper.
God loves when we praise His name and pray in Spirit . I wonder how many of us would really do what Paul and Silas did when they were in prison. Like Paul says to the Ephesians in chapter 6 verses 13 to 18 we have to wear "the whole armour of God " all the time , in every situation of our lives, specially now that everything is changing so fast. Jesus is coming, Rapture is a breath away now.
I have an old book about the History of the Church written by a Greek Bishop, which states that John returned to Ephesus after his release from Patmos island where he wrote the book of Revelation , and he died Ephesus in the year 97 A.D. This was stated by Polycrates bishop of Ephesus at the end of 2nd century. Another Bishop,of Lyons called Irenaeus , states the same thing again in the second century.I also checked on internet and found the same information from several sources. Hope this will help you in some way.
One will not call on a decease man. So this means the caller believes He, Jesus, is the Name, and the Saviour. He believes He paid the price and is alive today to hear you call. Now trust him and don 't try to earn you way. God does not want braggards boasting in heaven
We are called to slay giants whether it be the besetting sin that ruled us. For instance mine was tobacco and crystal meth in which God delivered me from them but in the new testament we wore against enemies greater than us but thru Christ we are more than conquerors thru Him who loves us
Psalm 1 3 And he shall be LIKE A TREE. Isa 61 3 that they might be called TREES of righteousness, Mark 8 24 I see MEN AS TREES walking. Matt 3 10 the axe is laid unto the root of the TREES therefore every TREE which bringeth not forth fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. The Corinthians were the most carnal church and had a problem with their tongue. 1 Cor 12 30 do all speak with tongues? NO! Babies speak of their gifts all the time and spiritually they are christmastree babies. Check Jeremiah 10 3thru5. The christmastree looks good outwardly with its GIFTS but is full of dead mens bones.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 4 - 10 years ago
Hello Joshua Ihuoma He was the Word that was made flesh and dwelt among men. Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. It is a mystery to many but the Bible speaks the truth. Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh 1 Timothy 3 16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
And the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. Darkness cannot stay where light comes in . The light of God 's glory is greater than any darkness that I might go through in this life . Praise God !!!!
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 2 - 10 years ago
Hello Word Thank you for those scriptures. I am sorry I do not have a photographic memory. The Bible is the living word of God each time you read it you gain a little more knowledge. You learn information each and every time you read it and the Holy Ghost brings things back to your remembrance what you have read. The Lord brought back to my memory where Jesus Christ, who is God manifested in the flesh, did compare or did a parable concerning saints, spiritual fruit and the corrupt, Matthew 7 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Verse 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them . Ezekiel is a prophetic book In Ezekiel Chapter 31 this is dealing with the glory of Assyria and its great fall. Chapters 25 thru 32 are dealing with divine judgments upon the seven surrounding nations. I believe it is talking about those that surround Israel. Because in Chapter 33 God is talking to Israel and Ezekiel is admonished of his duty, as a watchman verse 7. Not every man knows everything in the Bible it is a living word. If that were the case then everyone would know that Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. Everyone would also know that you have to follow Acts 2 38 to be saved.
I think this verse is explaining more about racism, as King Solomon telling the woman not to look at his dark skin as the course of the sun, so it tells us that we must stop racism against other people, because either you black,white,indians,chinese etc but you are all the children of God, this verse reminds me of the scripture which says we are all filled with one spirit, one blood many are members but Christ is the single body of them. In the song of songs 1 6 God is talking about racist, because we were created by God apart from our skin color because God doesn 't look at the appearance but on the heart that seeks him in truth and in spirit, because it is true that God hates racism, because if we are racist that means we are disagreeing that he is the God of all creation, because he is the God who created every living on earth and is capable of creating everything, nothing is impossible with God. May the Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ and may His peace be with you, thank you Amen....
1 Response Verse 7 clearly indicates that Simon Peter is the one who was naked because he, Simon Peter, "girt his fisher 's coat unto him. " The disciples were fishing. 2 The Catholic Jerusalem Bible will naturally have different words for MANY things than the King James Version, and neither is right or wrong...they are simply different translations. The use of the words "friends " and "children " have absolutely NO CHANGE to the meaning because Jesus is speaking, and he refers to ALL MEN as "children, " and his disciples were known more closely as his "friends. " 3 Verse 18 does not mean that ungodly people will be in charge of you. It means that when you are "old, " you will have to reach out your hand for assistance from someone else, to help you along to where you cannot take yourself.
I 'm just trying to find my place in you. I 'm frustrated because I don 't want to be distracted from serving you. All my desires you fulfill. Thank you.
This means Jesus ' body was King Davids son. His seed was put into Mary via artificial insemination by the Angel Gabriel. This was foretold He would inherit his father David 's throne. He is the first born of the dead. If you know medicine you understand. Strange things went on long ago. Jesus said I am not of this world. "
The act of subjection to vanity occurred before Adam. Every commentary is wrong. The creation meaning the expanse was subjected to vanity due to the angel wars see Rev 12 Sin happened before Adam amongst the angels. Adam and Eve introduced sin to this world. The whole of creation is afflicted due to the war in heaven s meaning the expanse or the universal construction.
I 'm just trying to find my place in you. I 'm frustrated because I don 't want to be distracted from serving you. All my desires you fulfill. Thank you.
Who came in the flesh? I would say Jesus the son of god, Who ascended up to heaven? I would say Jesus the son of god, who preached unto the gentiles? I would say peter
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Acts 19 - 10 years ago
Hello James Did you mean to say Mark 8 24? It states the following And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. However, this is not Jesus Christ talking this is the blind man that Jesus just healed. Mark is giving the account of what happened. If you read Verse 23 after Jesus spit on the blind man 's eyes and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. Then the blind man answered in Verse 24 that he saw men as trees walking.