Father in Heaven, I bind evil speaking injurious words either by self and with others toward about sister, co-worker, and unique people...Loose in me a clean heart and a right spirit, In Jesus ' name, Amen Forgive me Heavenly Father for speaking injurious
Joel 2:28 your sons and Daughters shall prophesy and v 29 servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. acts 2:17 your sons and daughters shall prophesy v18 servants and on my handmaidens what is this mean. Sons is a man Daughters is a women and handmaidens is a women to. Meaning of prophesy is PREACH Merrimack webster 's dictionary
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Acts 2 - 10 years ago
Part 1 of 3: Hello Jacob: James quoted James 2: 26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also . This scripture is very true, even if Paul did not say it. The disciples in Acts 19: 1 is the same disciples in Acts 19: 12. This is what I was saying when I posted, as well as in other post, the importance of baptism and people receiving the Holy Ghost is so important that God had Paul in his travels run across these men and rebaptize them correctly and then he laid his hands on them and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and spake in other tongues. We can agree that every scripture is important in the word of God. Therefore, if this was not important God would not have allowed it to be written. This is faith believing that all scriptures are truth, John 17: 17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
i am just starting my research into the bible so i can find my exact meaning of rebirth reborn and what it means according to what my spiritual awakening has shown me. in peter: Being borne againe, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liueth and abideth for euer. in another verse of the bibleL in the beginning was the word, and god is the word, and the word is god. therefore, according to what little i have known, the soul gets reborn according to gods word, being reborn on and on forever, via eternity. getting more and more perfect living according to how god wants us to live.....
Milk in the breast of mother before the birth of a baby proves that food for every living being is arranged before coming on earth. We should not waste our life much time in earning for food and clothings.The human birth is very precious and we should spend it for spiritual progress.According to hinduism and sikhisim we got human birth after 84 lacs births in other species.Only human birth has right to find the God in the body and to get rid of this hell world and cage of body filled with latrine and urine .
Verse 26, The daughter spoken of may be computer technology that is a tower and a fortress in protecting a nation. Computers transfer intel and communication is used in airport towers on air force bases. An air force base is definitely a fortress for a country. A modern war can not be waged without computer technology. If military computers can be hacked or destroyed as with an EMP attack then the enemy has tremendous advantage. I think Jeremiah is a prophet of the future. Verse 22 may be talking about Russia backing Syria and Iran. If so, then the sweet cane in verse 20 may be symbolic of Cuba. Russia has recently given Cuba nuclear weapons. Russia claims the USA broke the 2010 New Start treaty when they placed missile defense systems on the border of Poland. This heightened the distrust between the 2 nations. Sheba is thought to be an area in S.W. Arabia.
This has been very uplifting and hopeful in what we as a family are facing. Praise the Lord for the comfort I have received in this message..just please continue your miraculous healing and faith to all man kind. Amen.
To Christian Nwankwo 's remark on Luke chapter 1. It was not Elizabeth 's choice to name the baby John but the angel who visiting Zachariah told him to name the baby John. See same chapter verse 13. JOHN means the Lord, Jehovah has been Gracious.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on John 4 - 10 years ago
Hello Ron I would like to add to my comment. Who is to say that Paul did not meet Arabians who had been converted into Christianity on the day of Pentecost. Even though this was a Jewish feast on the day of Pentecost there were Gentiles there also. Acts 2 10 and 11. Amongst them were Arabians and proselytes who converted to Judaism . There are also some Jews who lived in Arabia. Even though it does not say what he studied, one can deduce that he studied the oneness.
Was married 27 yrs, went to church, cried out to God to forgive and strengthen me,its been 3 yrs separated now, stay in fellowships ,I 'm very weak, I know I 'm born again, but do I have the. Spirit. Of God?
This world does not know the true God. Their were two trees in the Garden with Adam and Eve. One was the tree of life the other was the tree of death. There is only on True Church on the Earth and It keeps Gods Ten Commandments and Holy Days. The other is a counterfeit, Satan 's Church. God only revealed himself and law to Israel. This world is being deceived Rev 12 9. The Bible says Prove All Things. Seek the origin of Xmas, did Jesus say keep my birthday holy? did the disciples keep it, did the first Church in Acts?. In Jeremiah 10 1 God says the customs of the people are vain or worthless. All our holidays are customs of people or man made. There is only one Bible, where did all these churches come from? Its obvious something is wrong, its time to wake up folks.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 10 years ago
Hello Word We seem to be at an impasse. Once again the rapture is very real. I will not deviate from the word of God. Therefore, the following scriptures I leave with you, Matthew 10 14 and Mark 6 11. Symbolically, I do not have anything else to say to you on the subject of the rapture. I suggest you pray, truly seek God and follow Acts 2 38 so that God can open up your understanding. Have a nice day.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 5 - 10 years ago
Part 3 of 3 Can both of these phrases be used interchangeably? I believe they can. Jesus stated in Matthew 4 17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand . Then Jesus stated in Mark 1 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand repent ye, and believe the gospel . The point is this, if I can say it like this, people who have followed Acts 2 38 and have been filled with the Holy Ghost have a piece of the kingdom in them which is the spiritual part, the Holy Ghost part. Then the physical part which is the dwelling place is heaven. Therefore, the physical kingdom is not here on this Earth.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 5 - 10 years ago
Part 2 of 3 If I can say it like this, the kingdom of God is twofold. First it is made up of people that have followed Acts 2 38. The book of Romans backs this up. Romans 14 17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 1 Corinthians 4 20 For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power . Then it is a place in which to dwell which is also called the kingdom of heaven. We know this because in 1 Corinthians 6 9 and 10, no one committing those sins mentioned will be able to enter into the actual place or kingdom of God. Because we know that God will forgive a person who has committed these sins if they truly repent. This is why I stated that the kingdom of God is twofold.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 5 - 10 years ago
Part 1 of 3 Hello Bill I do not understand your response. I do not believe that I stated that the words kingdom of God or kingdom of heaven did not mean heaven where God resides. There is more than one heaven. This heaven and earth that we see will pass away and a new heaven and earth will take their place. You have to understand that the Bible is written to those that are truly saved. The only thing the Bible is telling the unsaved person is to get saved. The salvation plan is Acts 2 38. The church of Jesus Christ began in the Book of Acts.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 3 - 10 years ago
Part 2 of 3 Human beings want to blame everything on the devil, but man s thoughts are wicked Genesis 6 5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Mark 7 21 thru 23 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness All these evil things come from within, and defile the man . This is why when you repent you have to ask God to change your mind the way you think, act, and carry yourself. Philippians 2 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus
There 're several verses in the Bible indicating hell is in the center of the earth so you tell me why a preacher walking on this earth today spreads another gospel as to the Apostle Paul would say using books and other written material spreading it out all over the world that can never be withdrawn. They 're belittling everything Billy Graham and others great preachers stand for after winning many million souls to Christ. Yet these preachers keep digging a hole deeper and deeper down towards the center of the earth making their own souls get hotter and hotter till the day they get there feeling the great heat and they still will not repent. I believe they would not stop if Jesus Christ Himself would verbally say " you wrong. " The question is, is it the love of money or is it just not admitting being wrong or maybe there 's something else like Apostle Paul says. They 're Cursed. The Apostle Paul was the first and worst sinner that was and he found God 's mercy maybe they can too.
Verse 12, In 1976 Egypt formed the Nuclear Power Plant Authority. Egypt withdrew from the Nuclear Non proliferation Treaty in Geneva in April 2013. In 2006 Egypt announced plans to build a 1,000 megawatt nuclear power station in El Dabaa. This project was planned to be completed in 10 years which would place the completion date at 2016. That is 40 years after 1976. Perhaps 2016 is the date of Egypts captivity.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Ecclesiastes 3 - 10 years ago
Hello Everyone You know what sticks out to me is verse number 21. Animals are not going to heaven. In addition to that animals have no souls. When Noah built the Ark and the animals, Noah, his wife, their three sons and their son s wives entered the Ark the scripture states that only 8 souls were saved. This scripture is significant because it denotes the fact that God recognized the humans with souls and the animals did not have souls. If animals had souls then God would have had it written that every soul in the Ark was saved instead it distinguishes that only 8 souls were saved. 1 Peter 3 20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
there will be one name in there that says Jesus but its really Yahshua, keep that in mind, this is how it was written in the old King James Bible before it was changed. Book 1 and book 2 of Maccabees are all here for you to read when you have time. I saved it to favorites and I 'm slowly Printing it out to have my own book.