ANTHONY KAYODE AKINNAGBE on Mark 8:36 - 10 years ago
Jackson is a musician, Dolly is an actress both are famous follow by millions of people in the their social networks. But they are far from God. Once death comes and they close their eyes in death eternity will be dawn on them. It is appointed for a man to die once after this judgment.Hell and Heaven is real.
ROM 1--25...Their is not one line, or verse in the entire Bible, where the Messiah, Apostles, and their disciples, kept the 1st day observance. You are deceived, under the delusion, because you have failed GOD, by not caring to know the TRUTH! The Roman catholics changed the Sabbath to sunday not our Lord, the only first century people that worshipped on the venerable day of the sun, sunday were the catholics, and if you call them Christian then you have more than a few things to repent of! Your ramblings are utter nonsense because you do not know History, or the Holy word of God, but regardless, your spewing reckless lies, that can fall at the feet of young believers, causing them to stumble and lose their way along the path. The Word of God is not written for the Carnal mind to interpret... I Cor 2:14..But the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of GOD, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. The ONE thing you did say is correct though, and that is GOD CANNOT LIE, BUT THE ONE THING YOU FORGOT IS "GOD DOES NOT CHANGE EITHER " YOU are the one making GOD out to be a liar, NO ONE ELSE! take those blinders off and read this. MATT 5:18. For verily I say unto you Till Heaven and Earth PASS, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise PASS FROMM THE LAW, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED! Don 't be offended by this but you need to repent, and turn to God in TRUTH and HE will open your mind to the TRUTH. AMEN!!
Derrick, thank you for your well thought out reply. Your points are well taken. I read the KJV, stem to stern, many years ago. I have been translating the Vulgate into English just to keep my brain from rotting , so I have been thrust into the nuts and bolts of each verse more so than the average reader. My Latin, such as it is, was learned in high school, from which I graduated in 1962, you might say is a little rusty. I have found many interesting departures in meaning between what Jerome 's Latin says and what the KJV says--nothing world shaking, but interesting, nonetheless. Yes, I know the original texts are not in Latin, but Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. It just happens that I know Latin a little , but have no clue as to the other tongues. But, I figure, at the end of this project, I will know both the Bible and Latin very much better than I do now. Again, thank you for sharing your cogent views.
I 'm feeling so horrible right now because my husband of 15 yrs infected me with herpes the other tests are pending. I want to trust God for my healing my fear is not being able to receive healing from him for my ignorance faith .
As i studied early in the morning. I noticed the words witness and God sent. It says that when the priest and the Levites sent to find out who John was. No one knew. He wasn 't round many people to speak about Christ except for his parents, who were in the office of those who looked for that answered question. I began to notice that witness has had an encounter or there physically to give witness of. So I thought about what if John experience in revelation happened before he was sent to his mother and when Mary and his mother met that is why he leaped in her womb. Also spoke of those things which he witnessed. Pondering moment
What GREAT comfort our LORD and GOD has given to us HIS PRECIOUS children....HE IS the same yesterday, today and FOREVER!!! We must only stand on HIS WORD AND RECEIVE!!! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!
i love the way it is being expressed,ill like to hear more as im still growing in the word of God and if anyone around africa who needs a student pastor to work on the church please dont hesitate to tell me,i really wanna work for God even voluntarily,thank you God bless you..
It is his blood that makes us white as snow but there is no remission without the blood and act 2 verse 38 says to first repent and be baptized all you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and you shall receive the holy ghost
Another possible explanation for verse one is that 7 nations militarily will want to form an alliance for defense in war. They want to remain autonomous as distinct nations with command of their own military but want the strength of unity. These 7 are Christian nations and the man is Jesus.
Very Very important that we let go of the past by Grace and move on because the past can be our prison and can also act as a brake to the future. People hold on to the past to feel comfortable, blaming their parents or an incident that happened in the past. The past cannot be recalled. If you can 't affect the past then stop thinking about it. The past is spilt milk. The antidote is the SERENITY PRAYER.
verse 19-20: When I stand up for Jesus in public there are always those who are offended by it and hate me for it. They hate me wrongfully and render evil by persecuting me for the good that I do because I follow the thing that good is. What is the thing that good is? Belief in Jesus, preaching Jesus, confessing Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and not being afraid or embarrassed to mention the name of Jesus in public.
Will some one please help me, I am trying to change my way of living and my way of thinking. So pray for me to give me a way on how to pray to my God of my understanding.
As a practising lawyer in a corrupt society like mine Nigeria my effort to live a godly life is greatly misunderstood and I feel the scorn And derision from people who do not make such special effort to live a godly life.
My soul is healed! Pray for me I have the uterine fibroid! The Drs suggesting operation and I have faith that with prayers this fibroid will be out of my body and will be as before. I trust in God the only one to heal me, Amen
I re-call God 's covenant with Abram in Genesis 12: 1 - 3 and wish that all the nations which voted in favour of a Palestinian state would repent and demand that recognition of Jerusalem be recognized for what she is, THE ETERNAL INDIVSIBLE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL.
It appears that only those that do not read the spiritual message of these passages get to have their comments posted. I have given you the Word as it was revealed to me, it is a shame that all views do not get placed here for others to decide to follow what the spirit has to say to the churches. much respect but you are missing the truth found in this scripture, for great is the mystery, amen.
It is a challenge to those who quarrelled, instead of asking God for consultation, each and everyone is expected to respect together with their families.
The word of God give us life psalms 33:6 , it also creates,it makes something stand firm,its like water. john 15:3 ,it makes us holy,it keeps clean ie pure psalms119:9,11