You 're upset, angry, fighting for things and God does not answer because what you 're asking for is not going to bring honor and glory to God. Psalms 37: 4 says delight thyself in the Lord and he will thee the desires of thine heart. God will never respond to our lustful desires! God bless!
Jesus is so faithful to his promises. He is the perfect obedience to the Father. His love, mercy and grace always following us. Keep praising God and thanking Jesus everyday for his favor and blessing is with us. We must obey his commandments and trust God until Jesus comes back to us to rapture. Jesus is knocking our door everyday he who opens his door for him will recieved life. Love Jesus for the blood he shed for us. Jesus loves u..
Jesus provide us his powerful message. To conquer evil is to do good and trust God will all our heart for God is God and Jesus is the Son of the living God who fullfill the scriptures and perfect obedience of God 's words. We must seek God 's first and we shall find the truth. Jesus is the only Jehovah, the Provider, the Peace and the righteousness, He who believes in him will recieve life and abundance blessing. Jesus loves us so much for he is faithful and he never leave us comfortless. We must be Born Again in Spirit in order for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven as Jesus revealed to Nicodemus. Keep your faith and waith till the Lord will come to take his church and we must be found in the church serving God until rapture. Be Blessed and Jesus loves you
Hi, I am looking for the Bible verse say There will be earthquake after earth quakers, famine, wars in one place after another, mothers against daughters, fathers against sons and then the end going to come nations against nations.
i think the miraculous burial and destruction of the Gog and alliance will turn into petroleum sources in Israel and so thus there will be no need for Israel to gather from outside the material for LPG and Oil.
The prophecies do not apply to the European Khazarian converts who moved into the land in 1948..these prophecies apply to the true children of Israel who are scattered amongst the four corners of the earth
I Believe, God what us to walk in a even balance. Even Balance, in all the things we do in our Life. The Holy Spirit will Lead you to the Path that,That Has for me and you to be on. With our whole heart.With my integrity,is my Love,my ability.How I work with the body of Christ.
Jesus said every tree that bears fruit he prunes so that it may bear more but the tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Fruit is souls that we win, an investment into our eternal future, treasures laid up in heaven, A TREE OF LIFE! God help us win souls!
The scriptures are written with grate clarity and I am able to see them clearly. Thanks for making the bible easy to have with me always the God of peace be with you.
If you are working for God at your workplace, the more opposition you will experience because you are expanding the Kingdom of God, remember He said, " they hated me first.. " The Father will jeep you safe, keep pressing on!!!
In Jesus Christ Good will to all man! But only good can one offer is that but only a gift of God!And the charity of goodwill toward man in the conception of Gods word to our brethren. Blessing to mankind who trust in Gods work! A true gift is freely given as is given the King James Version. No copyright! Call God at His word and trust in His provisions given, Faith of Job! JCS
This is very important to my life right now because I am waiting for God to show me direction out of this darkness into the marvelous light. On this topic, there are so many around me that could stand to see the glory of your power working in my life as you shine to show your will being done on my territory. All steps lead to your truth and undoubtedly you are worthy to be praised. It came to me... Please remove the stubbornness from my feet and protect me from all evil.
I have been taught that the millennium temple is a spiritual temple, that is why the elect are given no inheritance and they 're inheritance is the Father and the Son and they are spiritually the columns there of....but what I really came here for is that I believe people are already under strong delusion of this liberal age, that 's why you cannot reason with so many people..God has given them Strong delusion....
The spirit of the Lord watches over the darkness for the appointed time to come. B cos God has plan for the earth and nothing can stop it. The devil cannot withstand the spirit of the Lord. The spirit of Lord has been on earth for yrs before the devil 's fall, the spirit knows the earth far more than the devil that why as God speak the spirit take it to the direction .
I have received several bad dreams about my self getting serious in my personal ca. I want my fellows Christians or believers and Deacons, pastors and Bishops to humbly pray for me on their church on this coming Sunday on 8th Feb 2015 and beyond in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
He knows his wanderings were recorded, as is all our deeds, and wanted the Lord to put his tears into the Lord 's bottle and take notice of all the tears he cried because of his heartfelt sorrowfulness of his wanderings.
Is true and very powerful word.Man plans God laugh because at the end of the day,God determines what happens,you can make your plans,arrangements,schedules and all that.
Jesus is the perfect obedience to the Father therefore we need to follow Jesus by obeying his commandments. He who loves him has to keep his commandments. We need to walk with Faith and not by sight. Jesus himself is the word of God the heavenly manna. Jesus is the good Shepherd he who obey and follow Jesus the Sheep knows his voice and the sheep is us who serve the Lord. Jesus loves us all the time
GAL 1-4...If you go back to Acts chapter 8 you can read about a certain character, who the writer of Acts the Apostle Luke was inspired by the Holy Spirit to strategically insert, 15 verses of a Samarian sorcerer who was revered as a God who had practically the whole of Samaria bewitched as the word calls it. Met up with Philip the Apostle and followed with him beholding the miracles that were performed through Philip, and this Simon said he believed also and was baptized, later he attempted to buy the power of the Holy Spirit from Peter and John and was sternly rebuked, but Historians of the time, tracked the movement of this Simon the Sorcerer and it seems as though he migrated into Rome where he laid the foundation to the Roman Catholic Church, his mark is all over the church of Rome. But his most distinguishing mark come from his belief and worshipping of Mithraism a Mystery Babylonian religion which was the worship of the SUN, this is why the Catholic Church changed God 's Holy 7th day Sabbath to Sunday the 1st day, this was all the doings of Satan diverting the children of God from the truth, and he succeeded! now that you know what you are up against you can research it yourselves to find the truth of GOD 'S Sabbath and come out of the fog of deception you 've been in. The Sabbath may not seem important to the World, but to God it is a different story! God 's people perish for lack of knowledge. Don 't let that be you. AMEN!!