1John3:9 says Whosoever is born of God doeth not commit sin that means to put a deposit on that sin and continue doing it for his seed remaineth in him : and he cannot sin because he is born of God. I still sin: but I do not continue in the sin that I did because I have confessed it and I turn from it . I Praise God that sin hath no more dominion over me. Once I confess it and forsake it. There is no man alive can say that he has never sinned : all have sinned : including me !!
_. {Samuela} Alexandra McElroy on Romans 1:22 - 10 years ago
I like how Francis Bacon was not afraid to stand up to the opposition against GODS ' People he was so clear in the language of his day, there were people lifting up works of spiritism, trying to pass them off as good works, in the idolatry of dimensions we are not to be involved with, in accordance with GODS ' HOLY BIBLE. I 'm Grateful for men like him. Someone to look up to in the walk of Faith, unafraid of the forces of darkness, and calling them out, just as they should be. That 's called, being asn of GOD! Praise GOD of such as he, with the courage strength to STAND IN THE BATTLE!
It 's hard to believe in something I can 't see or touch,and if this world does belong to the ALMIGHTY then why he 's letting mankind he himself created destroy this world..I was raised to believe in Jesus Christ and GOD,and also Santa Claus but I was a child then,today I 'm OLD enough not to believe in fairy tales..if GOD does exist I would LOVE to meet him...
I believe that God is transferring the wealth of the sinner over to the righteous, as we are living in these final days. He 's looking for people which He can trust with large amounts of His money to add to His kingdom. Therefore, everyone will be presented with the opportune to draw near to God. When much is given, much most certainly will be required. God is soooooooo awesome that words cannot compare to the love He gives His children. I am team GOD!!!!!!
Book of Revelation white stone The white stone verse is an instruction to the overcomers 144,000 . They are to prepare a secret password. When it is time to gather them, they will be presented with a white stone having their password written on it. They will then obediently follow where ever they are led.....it is that simple. may God bless
I am so thankful for our amazing LORD! I would be so lost without God guiding me through my days the Lord has truley worked miracles in my life and has helped me turn my life around 100 I 'm so grateful for the second chance at life God has given me. We are all so lucky to be able to call God our Father and our Savior. I just wanted to spread the word of how great JESUS is how He honestly saved my life and my family. I LOVE YOU GOD!
It makes me feel protected and feel Jesus right by me, if im upset he humbles PEACE BE STILL and i feel good the rest of the day. This prayer is powerful Amen.
Yes, Habakkuk 1:5 is being fulfilled today! The doctrine religion teaches today is far from the Word of God! I continue to ask ALL denominations "If the disciples were commanded to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, why didn 't they do it? WERE THEY DISOBEDIENT? Why can 't I find "anyone " in Scripture doing it? Why did the apostles baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus after the establishment of the "original church in Acts 1 2? " Why do we not "...observe ALL things... " that the apostles did as commanded in Matthew 28:20? Why did they "Continue in the apostles ' doctrine " as stated in Acts 2:42? Which was not "the apostles ' doctrine " but the Holy Spirit 's JESUS ' Doctrine since He was "putting His laws in their mind, and writing them in their hearts! " Why? Because Habakkuk 1:5 is being fulfilled and all related Scriptures! Search the Scriptures! Jeremiah 31:31-33, Hebrews 8:10 10-16. "...put my laws in their mind, and in their hearts... " under the NEW Covenant John 14:26 "promised " the Comforter Holy Spirit which would "teach us all things " and came on the Day of Pentecost Acts 2:2 . Thereafter, the apostles baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus! Religion wishes to "cover up " truth in His Word by not searching Scripture or "rightly dividing the word " saying things like "They are all the same " although the Scriptures specifically "told us " to "Continue in the apostles ' doctrine " after the New Covenant and when the NEW Covenant was established in Acts 1 2! The Scripture says in Colossians 2:9 "For in HIM JESUS dwelleth ALL the fullness of the Godhead bodily. " Don 't they know the NAME JESUS completes the Father, Son and Holy Spirit based on this verse? These are not NAMES but GLORIES! His Name IS JESUS! However, most importantly, the Holy Spirit "promised " us a NEW Covenant in Jeremiah and Hebrews, John 14:26 "promised " us a Comforter Holy Spirit , and fulfilled those "promises " in Acts 2:2,which began "...putting His laws in their mind, and writing them in their hearts " which commanded the apostles to baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus! So why? Why do we do as "religion " has taught us rather than doing what the Holy Spirit "promised " and fulfilled? Habakkuk 1:5 and other related Scriptures are being fulfilled today! God Forbid!
Jesus will always take His time to screen every voice that He hears whether it is from God.He judge the voice,and His judgement is always true because once His personal Will is in it ,He withdraws.The same every believer must understand that once your personal will is anything,it is no longer God you are trying to please
Can I fear God and covet after a new car or does that go under , serving two master 's and is that why , many will stand and say , did I not cast out devils in your name , and God Will say depart from me I never knew You .
Who is my mother, father, sister or brother. Those who think act as I do. Jesus is clearly most importantly 1 of the trinity spirits of Yehwah . Ancient people of the biblical region were clearly all of color. However if you truly love the Lord, let 's stop portraying him in any color. Ex 20.4 Let 's take down the thousands of graven images in our churches throughout the land. Unless your true mission is to plant a deeper seed to oppress a people or to right a wrong for the former action. Lets learn to praise the Lord in spirit and in Truth Seek to Save the Lost. AMEN
I am reading through the KJV for my second time, this time I am doing it out of excitement for my Saviour,Jesus Christ and I am understanding it so much better. It all comes together the more you read and study.I question myself everyday, would I have been a grumbler or would I have praised God for my trials? Try putting yourself in their place, what would you do?
I am a believer but married to a non-believer. Too often Mark 3:24 has been quoted to me. Since the bible tells me that as Christians the kingdom of God is in us. Yet, in early childhood marriage I have been unequally yoke. How does that verse apply to me.
When I was young and got my frist job my mom told me to read. Every moring befor I go to work. Now I am older and a little wiser I still read it before I go to work. I read it and belive it.
I pray that we do not rewrite the law of God. Why do people have a problem with sabbath keeping and idol worshiping. Why dont we say the whole ten commandments were nailed to the cross. Ppl ar not forbidden to preach everyday. It was the desciples 's custom to break bread on sunday not Jesus ' custom. We ar weakening the power of Jesus. Go back to the law and testimon Isaiah 20:8 b4 we comment. God 's word never changes. Oh ppl of God lets not play God. Desciples were human. They also err. But Jesus on the other hand was law and love personified. As His custom every sabbath was in the synagogue healing the sick and preaching God 's word. Ezekiel 20 preaches the sabbath even in the new heaven and earth. According to revelation. We will worship from sabbath to sabbath. John tells us that to prove our love for Christ, we must keep His commandments. Help us God to know the truth which shall set us free.
When God speaks Words into our lives, listen, hold true to His teachings. Knowing that He said heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away live in obedience to His Word and don 't lean to your own understanding but have Faith in Jesus the Son of God. This is where our Destiny abides. Read,Live Trust in His Word, the Bible. Be still and know that He is coming soon!
If we talking about husband and wife relationship, at the time of courtship both parties should internalize what kind of person he she marrying. They should see to it that they are compatible with each other because no one can walk together if they are always in conflict with each other.
God keeps the promise he makes to his people ,,on elapse of time he wil exactly do wot he promised b4,,,he wil never change like human being does with time,,,,nothng tht wil change him,amen
Jesus allowed no law to act as a barrier to his fellowship with his disciples. "The law " was a barrier then, and still is a barrier today, to many christians. Jesus is the law. The book of Acts was written around 70 AD. IN ACTS 16.3 we see where Timothy is required, under the law, a circumcision. In Gal.2.3 we see Titus was not required to be circumcised some 14 years later. Obedience to God, through the blood of Jesus, is the only path to a life filled with joy. We are to become the doorways by which the love of Christ Jesus enters into this chaotic world. If the law could make us righteous there was no reason for Christ to die. Gal2.20