Christian Life Page 164

  • Tim sarumi on Genesis 8:11 - 9 years ago
    The olive leaf is really olive oil.from the tree are leafs and then olive seed which is compressed for oil.Jesus said wait for the oil after I leave.So Noah is been anointed after the rapture somewhat.
  • Marie Woodruff on Job 9:18 - 9 years ago
    We are told that our breath is our soul. People are eligible to go to heaven but not animals, we are told. Why is the breath of animals any different from humans? Don 't we ALL breathe in the same breath air ?
  • Stuart on John 1:18 - 9 years ago
    Sus in latin means pig, research it, our Blessed Lords Name is Yahoshua which means God is salvation because He will save His people Yahoshua is Son of God makeing Him a differnt "rank " from the Almighty, Yahoshua represented the qualitys of Heavenly Father so when you have seen the Christ you have seen the qualitys that God is, Praise Jah you people!
  • Carlo on Matthew 15 - 9 years ago
    Typo in last comment kind should be mind
  • Terefe on Genesis 31:47 - 9 years ago
    wow it is best
  • Betty on 1 Corinthians 5 - 9 years ago
    I love to read the BIBLE!
  • Wayne on Matthew 22:19 - 9 years ago
    Is it possible for an average person to aquire an actual 1611 King James Bible ? If a value were placed upon it what would an estimate roughly become ? If not an original 1611 Bible what would the oldest copy be that a person may obtain at some point ? Thank you and have a good day.
  • Jose M Vega on Isaiah 45:18 - 9 years ago
    The stars to give us light and mark the seasons and the earth to be inhabited by humans created in the image of the creator. He might have plans for all those planets later on when redemption is completed.
  • Evang. Murphy Amos on Romans 7:19 - 9 years ago
    The law 's of the Lord daily brings to our subconscious minds the knowledge and reality of what is right and wrong. There are several things we define to be right and wrong based on the declaration 's of the Word of God, but we must be conscious to realize that we live in the flesh on earth, and these flesh is a product of the earth we live in. So if we want to carry out our plans to do that which is moral without the divine backing of the Lord through His quickening Spirit, we will fail even with the best of our efforts. We can all consent to the knowledge of the law, but we need the Spirit of the Lord to live above the desires of the flesh that daily draws our attentions to the world. Like Apostle Paul, we all hate to do evil, not literally to commit crimes, but knowing what is right and refusing to do it alone is sin, what am I saying, to overcome the evils of the flesh, we must constantly partner with the Holy Spirit, prayerfully seeking the truth and in obedience applying these truths in our lives as a lifestyle. Finally! Let us realise that we are partakers of the divine nature of God, the devil brings temptations as a seed of thought, right through the foundation of our hearts, but we must always be conscious to know that, if we refuse to reject these evil thoughts though we plan to do what we right, these evil thoughts will germinate to influence us on doing the bad. Let us partner with the Spirit of the Lord and also guide our heart. Paul didn 't just find himself doing evil, because He must 've delayed or refused to do what is good, the devil must 've planted evil seeds in his hearth for as he thinketh in his heart so is he. A good man out of the good treasures of his heart bringeth forth good fruits and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his earth produces evil fruits. Let us learn to guide our heart with all diligence. Am sure, someone will be blessed by this comment.
  • Lilian on 2 Timothy 1 - 9 years ago
    John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ whoever believes in him will not be perish but have eternal life. Thanks to Jesus for sheding his precious blood to us. He came to redeemed us so that we have life in abundance. God prepares everything in order for our soul to be saved. We must have faith by hearing the word of God for He is faithful to his promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Obedience in Christ are more vital coz by our obedience we recieved life in abundance. The Bible and the Church are available for us to believed in Jesus not to figure out how Jesus redeemed and saves us.
  • Elizabeth on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    I pray Karl never hurts me he ripped the retina in my eye and said I deserved it.I pray God sends me a new home
  • JUANIE BARBU NAHABWE on 2 Corinthians 12:14 - 9 years ago
    Being born again creates a way to be free from all burdens, and the struggle of care shouldnt be for children but for parents
  • John lacava on 2 Kings 18 - 9 years ago
    was looking up something about moses.can t find here i ll try again later.
  • Zia on John 1:19 - 9 years ago
    19. Record of John 20. he denied , I m not Christ 21. he denied.. he is not Elias , he denied he is not prophet here try to cleared about three person which is up-coming, Christ , Elias and Prophet. After that Christ we get it and how about Elias and Prophet 26 and 27 IN 27 john said : He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe 's latchet I am not worthy to unloose. here John is saying about Christ or about whom ? because he said after me and before me ... if he is not saying about Christ then he saying about whom ? or he is saying about Elias and Prophet.???
  • Faithful Servant on 1 Corinthians 2 - 9 years ago
    Jimmy: Read II Peter 1-13. The Wisdom of this world does not work the righteousness of GOD. Especially ver 11 . Something for you to think about. where is the Kingdom of Heaven?
  • Enoch on Hebrews 7 - 9 years ago
    l am going to let people understand where is the problem of unknowers-beleivers it 's a blessing to know first of all the order and regulation of the supernatural thoughts from the Holy One then the processes of being deprogrammed and reprogrammed will make sens even for this chapter 7. anyone who never learn the Anointed Virtue still in blindness.........
  • Anbarasan on Exodus 15:2 - 9 years ago
    hi. I m anbarasan deaf. Plz give book story me reply post my home
  • Flora on Psalms 27 - 9 years ago
    Are we want for The lord to See The Good Brother,s And Sisters be of Good courage
  • SherryAnn Munn on Ephesians 6 - 9 years ago
    it hit home, lately my older children girls or I should say women have been very nasty to me bc I made up after not speaking to a family member for 3 yrs. We are to forgive and this person has been kind and respectful to me . Both of my daughters disagree w this bc they didn 't get along w her before . This person called my 1 daughter who was to have surgery, she wanted to pray w her and offer her best wishes, but my daughter didn 't answer and they both dayghters are upset and not talking to me hardly over this like this is my punishment . I 'm very hurt over this and on top of this I suffer w back pain and it was my 70 th birthday, I didn 't even get a card from them . The devil is working hard .
  • Gabrielle on Genesis 11 - 9 years ago
    God bless the person who made the bible now make sure you do whatever you have don 't listen to the devil
  • MISSY JOHNSON on Ephesians 6 - 9 years ago
  • Daniel on Revelation 8 - 9 years ago
    a meteorite strike 1 of the oceans on the coast of America I impact is so incredible it causes tital wave volcanic eruptions and neuclear power plants to explode on all the lakes and streams where they sit in America poisoning the water with neuclear fallout. The volatile volcanoes blow their stacks blowing tons of ash soot and debris into the atmosphere blotting out some of the sun moon and stars throwing the world into a partial ice age from lack of sun. earthquakes divide the land and 1 3 of the worlds population perishes. with out America to help Israel stands alone and th Chinese and Russians come over the norther ice through Canada and take over the remnants of the fallen American empire modern or mystery Babylon. the judgements of man judging man is the judgements of RACE, Religion, Sex, sexual preference or gays, on a massive scale in America
  • Wisdom Edem on Matthew 1:21 - 9 years ago
    How come about the Name Jesus which is to be call Iesus or Yahushua?
  • Blessed on Acts 1 - 9 years ago
  • Maria on Psalms 53:1 - 9 years ago
    Jews through the years have lost for some reason plenty words in their language that it has made difficulty to comprehend. In present times many people attach themselves to the language in the place they live and forgotten some or altogether. I speak to languages. Keeping up with both is crucial for me, because part of my culture will be lost and this is who I am. If Hebrew language has been kept alive we would be getting a wide picture of things in those days enriching our spiritual lives even more, but God and Father of Jesus our savior has permitted it to be so for some reason. So, He knows best.
  • Robert on Romans 9 - 9 years ago
    No one has ever seen God no one has ever heard him talk. Jesus is the one that said now let US make man in our image nothing would never been made without Jesus When we die we will be equal to the angels but when Jesus was on earth he was equal to God when he died he is the boss.
  • Darlene on 1 Timothy 2:12 - 9 years ago
    I believe women are chosen to teach preach, but I do not believe in women Pastors. GOD did not equip women to be the overseer of churches. I am called of GOD to take the WORD to the whole world, but not as Pastor, as a SERVANT!We are all to go into the whole world, and, preach the gospel. The WORLD is not should not be in the church.The word "preach " does NOT mean "pastor ".
  • Gale on Genesis 1:1 - 9 years ago
    Gods word is all truth and power to mans lives if he will accept him as sarprime master and the god of our lives all of gods word is pure truth and I believe it all
  • Moses grant on Ephesians 1 - 9 years ago
    the lord jesus Christ want use to walk as he walk, and also to do things that will please him for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret,
  • Wilson behera on Acts 16 - 9 years ago
    it is very hard to acceapt through this scripture but is not hard to read this scripture because david says o test see that the LORD is GOOD.

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