Christian Life Page 162

  • Bev on Mark 9:44 - 9 years ago
    I think their worm is what they Sinfully always lusted after, yet can't obtain now ,and will torment them for eternity .
  • Marvin on Acts 2 - 9 years ago
    First I'd like to say we have an awesome God, by this religion is one thing salvation is another thing. To say the Gospel of the Kingdom to be on earth and the Gospel of Grace for salvation to get into Heaven that's also two different things. So if I'm reading the Apostle Paul in Galatians Chapter 1 verses 6 thru 9 right some of us need to wake up and start rightly dividing the WORD OF GOD.
  • Mae Hicks on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    I need help in understanding my bible. I just a lost soul.
  • Becky g on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    Lord thank you for your mercy. I praise your name. Be with me and my family. Have angels over jalen Jamie James Julian and joe me and friends and family and tillie and her family. Praise God
  • Donna on Genesis 1 - 9 years ago
    god is with you where ever you go and he will lead you through you darkest times
  • David L. Henson on Job 22 - 9 years ago
    People don't realize that in verse 16 it tells you what caused the flood in Noah's time. The KJV margin which is the best translation read the Translators to the Reader - 15th paragraph .... it tells you that NAHAR the sea was poured on their foundation. Look NAHAR up in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.
  • Pamela McGinnis on Genesis 1:7 - 9 years ago
    I think scientest could save a whole lot of money if they would just take God at his word and quit trying to play God with this insane cern stuff for they are causing more havoac than good and it cost em millions to do it when the answer they are looking for has been right in front of them in the seven verses I just read.its been there for alot of years man are they slow or what, or mabey they just like padding thier pockets too much.
  • Don on Matthew 4:20 - 9 years ago
    God knows what you are thinking. The Holy Spirit changed their thought processes. Peter, and Andrew had no choice!!! At the -SPEED OF LIGHT- these two brothers heard the command from "The Son of God" himself, and Wham-o!!! they were beamed over instantly to the The Master's side. In Biblical numerics 3 Spiritual Completeness. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - With these 3 Mighty forces working together Satan, and all the demons in hell can't stop the power of Miracles from happening!!!
  • Victor on Mark 13 - 9 years ago
    I'm confused I dnt know wat 2 believe now I hav seen phrophet doing wonders. But saying the word of god
  • Ruby Dixon on Proverbs 27:16 - 9 years ago
    i realize that i can't hold oil in my hand as is the annointing so it flows through my hand....Lord how excellent is your way in ALL the earth....forgiveness is a most wonderful gift to me and all that believe....i submit to His work in and through me .... now Faith is.....amen
  • Robert on Acts 2 - 9 years ago
    Beware there is alot of false doctrine being pushed here. Your salvation is found in believeing- ICor.15:1-5 the gospel of grace. We are NOT saved by being baptized in water as were these early Jews on the day of Pentecost, a Jewish feast day. Our salvation is by FAITH in Jesus Christ ALONE not by water. Read what the Bible SAYS not what people presume it to say. There is No gentiles at all here on this day. Peter is explaning that the Jews needed to repent for killing their Messiah. This Chapter is dealing strictly with the Jews. It's very important to rightly divide the word of God.
  • Kathy Stephenson on Psalms 10 - 9 years ago
    This chapter defines Bill. Lord how much many more years 22 years of abuse. We are divorced but still he abuses me..curses God..when his mother was alive he cursed her..he has had his children locked up. I am begging Lord for you to intercede this day. Should others read this please pray not only for me but Bill as well. Amen
  • Carole on Genesis 6:4 - 9 years ago
    This passage talks about the fallen angels having intercourse with the women born to men, and producing giants. Reading further in the same chapter, you will see that these creatures were terrible doing much that was evil in God's eyes even becoming cannibals. The chapter also suggests that the fallen angels committed **, which produced giant creatures of all types. As a layperson, I believe that many of the early myths of winged horses, half men-half animals, medusa, etc. may have been developed by pagans to explain the abominations.
  • Jame king on Ecclesiastes 3:8 - 9 years ago
    this is intended to be a warning that we should be careful in our dealings with others And have one hand extended, open and the other hand hidden, at the ready to defend against evil that has both hands extended and open, espousing god's mercy but without a moral boundary. And when confronted with the such evil as defind by a nation of just laws, a nation that fears annihilation of freedom and life, we should seek God's spirituial guidance before we kill with a clear mind's eye with one shot-one kill to protect all that is God's.
  • Karen Stewart on Song of Solomon 1 - 9 years ago
    My Skin is very Dark and I'm Beautiful-My Heart is as big as GOD won't it to be. my vineyard was left und-attended. well it's my time all in Jesus Name AMEN!!
  • Anonymous on Daniel 7 - 9 years ago
  • Tolu Ajayi on Acts 12:12 - 9 years ago
    i name my son marcus, wanna know if the name is good?
  • Harriet Wright on Matthew 5:11 - 9 years ago
    I know first hand how your own family can be so evil towards you for no reason ......except for people not liking you......but what I know for sure is that some of my family don 't like me but it 's ok ......but GOD LOVE AND THAT IS ENOUGH.......THANKS
  • SK on Isaiah 12 - 9 years ago
    Father, Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit -all three are One. As a mere human, we don 't have the right or authority to separate them and prioritize one above the other.Genesis1:1, starts with Elohim, which is a Trinity Father, Son, Holy Spirit .
  • Pastor C. Smiley on 1 John 4:1 - 9 years ago
    If it don 't sounds right, check the fact, in other words study to show yourself approval.
  • Rick on Genesis 5 - 9 years ago
    Pastor Eleazar, what do you mean that 65 year old Enoch began to observe how helpless a child could be without a primary care-giver? He lived 300 years after Methuselah and had sons and daughters and was taken. What makes Methuselah any different from the others? Just curious...I 'm not seeing something you saw.. thanks, rick
  • Jeremy on Proverbs 18:13 - 9 years ago
    Please everyone apply this to all you may lean on your short sighted understanding, towards calling someone claiming heinous or nefarious acts by leaders or bankers a conspiracy theorist or a fear monger. i see such a common tragedy in our press and consequently into the minds of the public. that tragedy is or was what was supposed to be the motive of our republic, stated by Thomas Jefferson that the truest patriot is a dissident, that one who questions the government would have the heart of we the people in mind. now the standard of keeping freedom is described under a blanket response as some kind of nut. To all believing in our Savior, listen to some of the out landish claims you may hear. Compare that to what Jesus himself warned against, the culture of last days deception. Do the math not the methane gas the media blows. Do your own homework for My people will perish for lack of knowledge. It 's the glory of Kings to seek these matters out. Amen.
  • Susan Ewing on 2 Corinthians 3 - 9 years ago
    You have misspelled the word veil in this chapter. Veil is NOT spelled vail. Vail means to doff ones hat or is a town in Colorado. Veil means mask, cover, conceal, hide, screen, hide, shroud, etc Scripture loses meaning when you use incorrect words.
  • Avens boateng on Isaiah 66 - 9 years ago
    He is GOD that makes things which are impossible to be possible. He makes doctors, scientists etc report to be wrong. If woman who didn't have womb to conceived and give birth to twice. Then Isiah 66:3-10 makes us to understand that GOD is the controller and the finisher of our lives.
  • Gary Canant on Psalms 91 - 9 years ago
    One thing I learned years ago is to pen and ink Gary into the scriptures where it makes the word of God come alive. EXAMPLE: 1. Gary that dwelleth in the secret place 3. Surely He shall deliver Gary 15. Gary shall call upon me and I will answer Read it out loud so your ears can hear it and I can guarantee you, you will get bold and like little sheppard boy David and say, "WHO IS THIS UNCIRCUMCISED WENNER THAT WOULD DEFY THE LIVING GOD?! " When God gives me a replacement word of understanding, i write it in fly leaf as reference. EXAMPLE: Abomination REBELLION So now I understand to inquire, rebellion to what? Example: To choose homosexual life style is to be in REBELLION to "as long as the earth remaineth, SEED, TIME, HARVEST " The most a homosexual can do is recruitment not REPRODUCTION. Recruit reproduce are not the same
  • Rick on Genesis 4 - 9 years ago
    I have decided to keep my reading down to about 20 verses a day, which I read through 4 times a day. This gives me a little greater understanding of them, lets me take my time and helps me to try to memorize a verse or 5 a day. Adah bare Jubal--the father of all that handle the harp and the organ--I wonder if that 's where we get the term "jubilee "... just a thought. :D
  • John madden on Matthew 21:30 - 9 years ago
    Talk verses walk ..
  • Michael W. Gephart on John 3:16 - 9 years ago
    It disturbs me how some modern Bible translations have omitted that word "begotten " in John 3:16. To me, that is one of the most important words in all the Bible. Jehovah Witnesses believe that Jesus is a reincarnation of the Archangel Michael. My argument against that is that angels are "created " beings. But Jesus was not "created ". He was "begotten ".
  • Blessed on Isaiah 55 - 9 years ago
  • Koroma Amadu on Genesis 1:26 - 9 years ago
    Hi, thanks ALL for making this research work available to us readers. How can you help me to read and understand the Bible and get an award to be qualify to do GOD 's work every where in the world. I will also be pleased if you can help or support me to spread my God 's work established in my country to spread all over my country and the world at large. Thanks and blessings in Christ Jesus. Amadu

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