Beast is a Kingdom Rome Roman Catholic Church Name Papal Vatican Mark sun day worship Don't forget Satan works on being worshiped as God, Therefore being already wiggled thru will deceive and has already most. Roman Catholics already changed and claimed their Mark As they say is Sun-day, Their MAN made LAW sun day Worshiping the Sun- god n Satan who knows God does not like anyone worshiping idols. Look up Who are The Remnant Church ? which are talked about in the Bible, Sabbath is Saturday. This is how easily one can be deceived. One could not be if were a chip or such for many already think it is. And so it must be spiritual mind, actions though Popes name in numbers is 666. One who takes place as God A choice to follow, Gods Laws or Mans Laws. just think if one feels its a chip then will they still do worship on Sun day? Of course. Satan sure is Tricky. Seek N you shall find. May God Bless All
In my opinion, we are now actualy in the end because the angel's explanation of the last rule and desolation, in Lybia, Ethiopia etc and the emergence of Iran and Iracq, the alliance of America with some countries in the middle east is a comfirmation. Israel and christians should get ready to leave this earth now! God help us. Please pray for Chris Davise in America let the Lord strenghten her not to surrender to human laws to issue mariage certificates to gays . Please pray for Nigeria. God bless.
Black Americans are that lost tribe of Judah. I have renewed, and reestablished my relationship with the LORD thy God. Now that I know, I continue to pass the good news, and be obedient unto the LORD. Because obedience is greater than sacrifice. We are Hebrew-Israelites, and it is time to Suit-up, Show-up, and Stand-up on the word of God!!
If we should have sense like a dog that is in heat and seek the opposite sex, then why can't we also be like dogs and fornicate? Dogs are not "tied" to just one dog. When they are in heat they will be with any dog available. I only want to know an answer for this because I know it will come back at me when I preach it to others. I want to be prepared.
"That which can not be named or described" ie, God, Source, Self, Tao, "IT", et al is Within each and every one of us. We and everything else arose from IT and we will all return back to IT - without exception. All other thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, etc, are nothing more than egocentric illusions. Thank you and Peace Be with You All.
Just heard about a church that had some turmoil instigated by just a handful of the enemies handmaidens . Sure gives off a foul odor to a watching world.
What a blessing it is ..... People believe in washing with the blood of ox, goats chickens e.t.c.... We need wash ourselves through the Word of God, Blood of Christ and by forsaking our evil ways.... Amen and God bless you !
God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. His word remains the same, and many shall perish having sinned in their homosexual relationships. But, none this will change those who are now committed to their evil ways. They shall be waxed into their ways and soon fall short of the glory of God. They have been told.
Again I agree with Diesel and Daniel stole my thunder. I can only add Omaine, so be it, but also, I meditated briefly on the same text Daniel quoted before reading his comment. We reached the same conclusion independent of one another. Either great minds think alike or better yet, Out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, shall every word be confirmed. I'm thrilled to say that Yahweh is "my man", in particular the man, Yahshua, a true expression of Himself according to Heb 1:3. Like the brethern whom I haven't had the privilege of meeting yet in person have testified above. Yahweh hates false worship. When I was in lordship circles, I felt their was something missing. It almost felt like I was serving a higher cause other than disclosed. I heard about the tetragrammaton 1st in 1971, a seed was planted, and a few decades later, Yahweh revealed His name and Himself to me. In fulfillment of Hoshea, I add my hearty Omaine. He is a known individual to His Covenant people who love Him with a whole heart!
I agree with Diesel's comment very much. The original Scriptures were written with the Heavenly Father's name revealed. It was only when Yahudah-Yizroyl, like Gomer, departed from her MIGHTY ONE did Yahweh send his people into captivity, eventually leading to many pagan myths added to the faith. It was only after this deportation that Yahweh, the Heavenly Father and His Name become concealed until Yahshua could come to buy us back before the Throne and declare the Name of the Father. Psalms 22:22, Heb. 2:12, John 5:43, 17:26,
7 hilled cities of note re Bible- Rome, Jerusalem, Istanbul Constantinople , Washington DC, Mecca, Athens,Tehran. Moslems believe that Dajjaal their antichrist has one eye, and some Moslems believe it is the One Eye seen on top of the pyramid of dollar bill and other places figure it out . Some people call it the eye of Horus OR God or Satan. Who knows the origin?
My dreams started when I asked God to make things clear to me so that I can understand what your trying to reveal to me. Well, need less to say he did just that. He came to me in a footprints dream, revealed to me I was pregnant 2wks later found out it was true. He came to me and said, "You are having a son and his name shall be Joseph." I didn't even know at that time the sex of my child and it to came to pass.The last thing he revealed to me was about death, and I got spooked.In the dream I was presented a black and white rose, and I knew what that meant because by this time I learned to interpret my dreams. I knew someone was going to die, I just didn't know who. I thought it was me, or at leaat someone close to me!All of my dreams in the past were always about me. I prayed for myself, and my family. A couple of days later, I received a phone call that a coworker passed away, and one of my friends delivered her baby. I was so terrified of what he had shown me, I said "father I am not ready for this. In the past you have only revealed things pertaining to my life. Now you are revealed things about other people. You didnt put a face to it is time, but next time you might. How do I tell a person, that God has revealed something about you to me." I told him.I was not ready for what he was trying to give to me, so he took it away.I should have never done that because I miss him so much. What should I do?
The holy bible is a complete book of Gods ordinances'. Every human race has its way of life, in as much there is cultural differences, there is bound to be pandemonium in our midst. Hence we are bound to go against each other be it spiritually, politically, socially and even morall. Therefore, real men of God should expect opposition in their various ministries.
In Deuteronomy 6:16, Matthew 4:7Luke 4::12 it is forbidden "to test the Lord" yet in 1Kings 18:19-40 that is exactly what Elijah does. If YHWH sees no problem with being tested so as to prove that he actually exists and isn't merely a myth, why don t present-day Jews Christians Muslims set up a similar test today over-seen by secular scientists. Isn't the "proof in the pudding"? Nowadays, aren't we all from Missouri "the Show Me State"? Removing the onus of Doubt from people's livings would seem a very worthwhile goal especially considering the prevalence of doubting Thomases in today's world as evidenced by Harlan Ellison's popular comment that, "No, I don't believe in God. I'm not a moron. I have to have some proof of something.
The Apostle Paul said he was the apostle to the Gentiles, Romans Ch. 11 V.13 and to Jews that are called, I Cor. Ch.1 V.24.Paul also said he came not to Baptize and remembered Baptizing only the household of Stephanas by which were Jews I Cor. Ch.1 V.16. So to me if you want get wet go for it. The main thing is putting your trust in Christ and the finished Work Of The Cross.
Wesleys explanation of this verse is so lame it make me wonder how he got the job. The dead are dead but Wesley can not come to a point of conviction. This makes it bad for the King James crowd. It makes me wonder why he didn't hold back about his explanation of Ezekiel 18:4 or Psm 146:4. Could it be he is thinking that there is a part of the dead that sur survives?
We must remember Matt. 6:33 that if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness all things will be added unto us. We should not seek after riches but the Kingdom of God.
No one should be paying tithes, and paying tithes has nothing to do with belief, but rather a lack of Bible knowledge. Abram gave Melchizedek ten percent of the goods he took in battle as he went out to rescue Lot. The goods or spoil was not Abram s possession, he also refused to take any of it. He said: I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich. Those who are preaching tithes are doing so for their own gain and have become the fat "cows" of the churches. Whoever gives, should do so freely. Many christians are burdened due to lack of Bible knowledge. They are struggling to get by while supporting the extravagant lifestyle of greedy Pastors. The problem with many christians is that they tend to pick out Bible verses to sustain their own opinion instead of reading the entire chapter to understand what is said. If we read further we read: 12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. Jesus does not require ten percent of anything from us, otherwise we should be giving him ten percent of our heart, and money is of no use to him. In Proverbs 23,26 we read My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.