is a matter which should be prefered because now countries are going with power , if a country not have power its means no country. I am very disappointed to see the negligence the government. I thought when will next year come when we will get reveal by this government.Our ruler only know to their loaves and fishes, they don't care the mass.They only protect their families not protect the countr
Verse 9. How sad it is that those who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture do not allow those that come to Christ out of the rapture to hold this promise. Either all who come to Christ are New Testament saints, able to claim this promise, or they must be "raptured" in order for this promise to be a pre-trib promise. I fear that pre-trib is a seriously false doctrine. Study!!!
Love it so much because it is light to my life and my eyes. My soul magnified the Lord and my spirit has rejoice in God my savior. May God bless you at all times. I love the works you are doing. Belai Haile.
Your new format is not the really good . you have the verse in a different font that is no to attractive...and then the inspirational image from a purty dogs calendar...then recent comments in a light cyan color......and then what do you think of ..... Hebrews 11:1...but there is not a link to the whole your old format.....
just found this web site and hope to join in with some of the discussions but I just thought i'd say when referring to The Lord as in God, Father, Christ and so on its always respectful to Capitalize, this not only shows reverence but your reader will know of whom you are speaking. we use a lower case g to show the gods of Satan. lower case f when we are not speaking of our Heavenly Father.
It up to you to make every opportunity count share Facebook share Jesus post Bible verses post comments about your Lord always look to tell other about Jesus use it for good don't get carried away about yourself
Greetings in Jesus name, thank-you so much for the new version,it's more clear that the old one.It also has bigger letters which makes it easier to read and its also highilighted were Jesus spoke which makes it to be easly understood.
Hi Paula I'm happy to read that this scripture passage gave comfort. God truly takes care of his children. I pray you continue to meditate on the word. It is our everything while we wait on Jesus to return for us. Please do not allow anyone to deter from this anointing. Liz
I really applaud you and staff for this tremendous upgrade to KJV online! I'd like to see the Bible Options Table at the top of the page as a suggestion: no big deal tho; I am thrilled to have the audio option! I like the "look" of the whole site; really professionally done! Congratulations!
The symbol of the cross is not for worship for we only worship the living God but it is a reminder and also a celebration of what Jesus did for us. That is why I display it proudly. Not a cross w/Jesus on it because He is no longer there but an empty one that displays His love for us and reminds me my sins are forgiven. I worship the Savior but the cross reminds me of His sacrifice.
I cannot copy and paste, I have shared the ''verse of the day'' on Facebook for years. I believe getting the word to as many people as I can. I loved how I could search subjects, copy and paste, especially since I knew someone was misquoting the scripture. I sure miss that feature of copying and pasting. :
God sent his Son to die for us all God would not need to send his son if he was manifested in the flesh God have never been manifested in flesh the truth is God knew that we needed a savoir so he sent his spirit threw Mary and allowed her to have his son now there was no sex involved he just use Mary body Jesus was not born from mary having sex but from spirit Jesus took on a body of flesh but he was not born from flesh. it was the plan of God learn more go to utube listen to pastor Gino Jenning The Church of Jesus Chirst he is world wide listen to the truth and learn don't be fool hell is real Amen
I love Jesus and will never deny that for any reason. I hope that most Christians feel this way, and if not they are surely in a really perilous situation with the rise of Islam in the world.... Your life on earth is worth nothing compared to your eternal existance.
the book of psalms is a calendar, the year 1680 matt. 1:17 40 x 42 1680. 1680 divide by 17 98 psalms. also 2015 divide by 17 118 psalms. almost there ? chapter 119,
Thank You
For the blessings of This bible version.
praying for you!