My spirit finds calm in knowing lies and treachery is handled by God. At 2:00am one of my stalking neigbors pass my door to singing there is no future in loving a married man. When you live your lives surrounding by manufactured lies its challenging. My peace is in knowing I cannot be intimidated and God already sees the web of lies and deceit. They tried to desyroy Jesus' reputation too.
Ooo I'm torn between 2 and 6. I rellay like how the water reflects the other grass in number 6. And I'm a horrible decision maker so I don't have a for sure answer and I guess my vote won't count. But at least this is my two cents.
Just researching what I think may be things that would anger God. ie How do the organizationa that are hate and anger driven and sponsored ie /white Supremist, (sp) ? and Black lives matter fit into Gods plan?
Verses 23-28 This an excellent example of legalism. ( The word “legalism” does not occur in the Bible. It is a term Christians use to describe a doctrinal position emphasizing a system of rules and regulations for achieving both salvation and spiritual growth.)
Anderson's tales are thought to be only for children but these fairy tales are far deeper, darker than that and often quite disturbing. He has as St Paul has done put away childish things and is writing with maturity but he can still appeal to the child-like in us all. To be child-like is to retain that freshness and wonder in the world as we had for the first time as children
Reply to Don's comment on 3 06 2015, 9:19am... Prov. 14:34 says Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. My prayer for America are the words in verse eight, that God would "let the skies pour down righteousness:let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation,and let righteousness spring up together I the LORD have created it. God has poured down righteousness from the skies through modern media satellite, air wave radio frequencies, and the world wide web, hosted by Judea Christian television Radio station Network. Amen Glory to God, his words are indeed true and is being brought to pass in our generation. WoW Amazing!
1john3-8 he that committeth sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the
beginning.pray for me i struggle with sin i keep falling and hate it when i
please pray fro me
I am unable to listen to the speeches, but I can do it on a different computer.
Am I doing something wrong? I listen to the speeches of the world with no problems.
I am having a problem with the program. When I read a chapter, say chapter 24 and close out the program and I start it up later, the startup goes back to chapter 15. This happens all the time. This discourages me from reading more., Bob.
Thank you for the new website! It is soft, warm and very welcoming. Blessings to all who are a part of making this site a blessing to others by the Hand of God and Him be the Glory. You all will be blessed of the Lord for your faithfulness and diligence. God bless in Jesus name.
This chapter 24 is the massage of the hop of salvation from that ancient times to this present generation. it could be the last generation if our lord could appear on the times when we could be celebrating the second millennium of the crucifixion, which will be in 2033. time when the cycle of the constellation of Leo will be turning on to its next cycle. bringing up a storm of meteors through the comet Tuttle Tempel p55, getting out of the perinea burning sun throughout all the solar system. We can analyze that our Lord was predicted by Jacob under the "Couched Leon" Gen 49 The Leon of Judah, the couched Sphinx of Egypt aligned with the constellation of Leo when he blessed his son Judah. And John saw in his visions that the Leon of Judah was the only one who could open the seals. Rev 7 . it could be a great distress for the world if the melting glaciers will be banished by 2035 as the intergovernmental Panel of climate change of 2007 reported, but themselves screamed, saying that "it can not be the end of the world yet" so they rejected all their reports as embarrassed reports. There are other scandals predictions from scientists of invention of fluids of micro chips to control mans conscious. The time for Christian believers will be tense but we should learn to staid very strongly faithful as been inside the ark of Noah, so until the wrath of our Lord against this sinful world be calm down, so may our hope of salvation fulfilled.
beginning.pray for me i struggle with sin i keep falling and hate it when i
please pray fro me
Am I doing something wrong? I listen to the speeches of the world with no problems.