Pr 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. Jesus has the keys Rv 1:18. Paul had to rebuke Peter for his stance after knowing of Gods transition from Jew to Gentile Gal 2:11. Acts 2:38 is not the gospel for today Gal 1:8. There are 4 different ways people received the Holy Ghost in Acts. Doctrine wasn't established until Paul Eph 3:1-9.
Revelation speaks about the current state of the world, you can see how United states of America has implement democracy to all the nations around the globe so that they can get what they want, they using the Revelation to rule the world that is why they always brings something from the Revelation,Hardship,war all over the world,all for people to know that the ends of the world has come
Faith alone that any and all religions exist (Christianity included). How do you define faith? Is it blind faith, what happens those who do not believe? will they be deprived of the heaven? Muslim say only Muslim will go to their heavens, Christian say only Christians will go to Christian heavens, Buddhist say there is no GOD, HEAVEN OR HELL. Agnostic say there may be or may be not be.
Where two or three are gathered, there I will be in the minst. God will chose who is worthy. The glory of knowing is to believe what God is doing in your life, now. Seek and you will find, knock and it shall be open. But remember God says: my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts... The word holy bible is a two edge sword... Cuts out going in... Cuts going out... Worship the Lord not what he has done, not what he is going to do. Worship God for what he is doing now in your life and know his presence. He she who can believe is free indead. Believe though this? The devil does and trembles... Fear God.. Give all your troubles to Jesus Christ the Lord and saviour and watch what the Holy Ghost will do in your life. Thank you Jesus ... GB you all.
Some may struggle mightily with this but the land where our Lord was raised and ministered through crucifixion was North America, primarily in the North Eastern United States, not the middle east or western Asia. Same for Noah, Moses, many apostles and other elders. Bethel mentioned in Genesis 28 may be Bethel VT. Other scriptural references to this satanic, geographical deception include Deuteronomy 32:5, Ezekiel 8:6, Psalms 68:8, Revelation 2:9 but is really throughout scripture once the LORD reveals this truth to you. THANK YOU LORD GOD MOST HIGH, HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, my SAVIOR! Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
I am so enjoying reading the King James Bible online. It is so easy to carry my IPad wherever I go. Thank you for blessing me with this convenience. When I read Genesis I feel amazed how The Lord orchestrates every little detail for us. He loves us so much and I am so grateful for his perfect love..
Thank you lord my heavenly father i know I'm not worthy of your blessings I am as a lowly worm on your great earth I fall short of your commandments daily but you have mercy on me and i thank you for that in Jesus's name amen.
The meek that inherit the earth are the smallest elements of life, the atoms that are benign without the hatred of man. There is no winning nuclear World War 3. Jesus said the end would be in fire and like Noahs flood. Nuclear fire covers the earth in fallout and destroys Gods creation, Life.
Seldom read commentaries because they tend to confuse me rather than clarify. Case in point, the 2nd sentence states 'epistles of John'. That is incorrect. They are epistles of Jesus ! By your reasoning, Peter should be called Mark and Paul's letters (epistles) should say Tertius ( Romans 16:21). Carelessness ? Oversight ? Either way, my confidence level is down and my 'Berean Barometer' is on full
By the power of the Holy Ghost which can only be given by God, God has revealed the man of sin, the son of perdition, the antichrist, the devil, who's last name in Arabic is THE LION. The time IS come! Repent of your sins, receive JESUS now and pray you are found worthy to escape God's wrath which will come on the children of disobedience! Colossians 3:6 For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:
I'm so thankful and blessed to see post on fb lost my Grandy on 11/6 2015 and to help me your site has touched me she was my foundation of faith God BLESS you keep up the support I'm sharing it socially spreading the word as she done for 93 years til I see her again.
Its a blessing to read God's word (KJV) and see that I don't have to put my trust in a SIGN for the nation of Israel ( 1 Cor 1:22, 14:22, Matt 12:39) to be saved. We are saved by grace through faith ALONE ( Eph 2:8-9). Acts 2:38 is for a different time period see Rom 3:25 and Gal 3:14. Rightly Dividing ( 2Tim 2:15) the word keeps us from applying Scripture to the wrong group ( 1 Cor 10:32).
So many in the Body of Christ today are not taught to live in righteousness that there is a place if true victory over sin, through the Blood of the Lamb. One main reason is all the versions of the Bible that have been watered down and perverted by the cunning craftiness of so called scholars. Thank God, we still have His pure word in the King James - where we find such gems of godly wisdom.
Jesus Christ came into this world to save : He also healed. His salvation is complete : In every area of life : we have preservation , healing , prosperity . soundness of mind , and safety : When I became born again ,I became freed from sin that I should no longer sin but live unto righteousness. Any sin is death , it will put to death the body, relationships. finances. safety ,and soundness. By His stripes I am healed !!!
what is one to do when overwhelmed with so much negativity, yet desiring to seek and please God, trying to be what is asked for attendance of teacher, and due to physical limitations getting worse report excuse from class,yet during this request, I get pulled between so much negativity from family an needed Sunday school teacher (Pleasing God- which is my only positive) what am I to do
by the false roman catholic church who teach your bible rachel