The seals are not in order because the famine for the word is already happened in the churches men call houses of God. We know from scripture Satan comes first with a fake crown and a toxic bow that looks real as a crown King but it's poison to the soul and that's what he wants. He brings his own super preachers locust army not to kill your flesh but to gather souls. He wants to be worshipped.
1st seal Satan comes looking like the Lamb of God acting a role as Saviour of the world. Fly always big revival. White horse looks just like CHRIST. Red horse is Spiritual war and the Elect go to battle against false CHRIST. All dead is spiritual dead in this book. Black horse Amos 8 vs 11 is famine for the word because communion will be to antichrist and the word is not taught. Not the truth.
4 A Sinner Lyk Me Its At First Like Adding Salt 2 A Wound ,but After Meditating In the Word And Reading It Again Word By Word It Gives Me The Urge 2 Av The Heart Of Flesh Rather Than Aving The One I Av Now.I Hope The Word Is Lyk A Beginning Of A New Personality In Me..2 Whoever It May Concern Plz Pray 4 Me.Amen. Martin
I just like to say god has brought me a long way I was on drugs prostituting for drugs fighting stabbing people but god has brought me a long way and I thank him so much I could have been dead so many times but god has brought me away from all those things and delivered me away from people places and things I thank god for that.god is so good I just pray that I'm doing all things that god want me to do in Jesus name.I go threw anxiety some times I have to pray.I no god will remove it cause he is a on time god I thank him so much I just pray for straight to pull threw in Jesus name.god is all ways there for me no matter what I go threw.I ask for peace in my life.
29 The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.
Is this saying they have oppressed the Palestinians (stranger) wrongfully?
Verse 10. If one speaks a word against Jesus, their savior, is it forgiven? If one speaks a word against the Son of man, Antichrist, is it forgiven? Which one is forgiven to speak against, the savior or the destroyer? Jesus is the SON of GOD, not the Son of man. The Son of man kills to achieve dominance. Jesus said love your enemy and do not kill, we are all family. Everyone dies in nuclear war.
Baptism is for remission of sins, not death of something or someone innocent. The elders are the 24 prophets of World War 3 warning man against it. The Son of man, Antichrist, the bringer of death, dies when the peace treaty is signed which takes 3 days. Peace kills War. WW3 Nuclear Radiation rises
Well first thing the Jeremiah in verse 3 isn't our Jeremiah just so you know and the Rechabites are the lowest of heathens you can find in fact you would be wise not to even get near to them because they are of there father the wicked one and want nothing to do with the wine. That's all I'll say you can search it out if you want to.
I do have a comment to share regarding pride, but tried to send my comment and could not because there is a limit of 400 characters??? Many other comments are far more than that. Is there a way to submit to include more characters???
keep the true Bible verse to there original the Hebrew Bible have 700 time the name Yahweh or Jehovah in it, Jesus make his father name known to us, lets keep that way.
amen to that America cannot continue to sin against God and expect His blessing on us, America basicly in the whole chapter of Ezekiel 22 when our so called leaders continue the shedding of innocent blood By funding of planned parenthood.and redefining marriage between a man and a women. The Lord`s judgements are just,and they are have already started but you can still repent to God Almighty.
Sons are angels in this case fallen angels, they got with female humans. Their offspring called Nephilim translates to giants who were killed off during the flood but a remnant remained ex. Goliath. Israelites encountered tribes of them. Moses sent out spies and they returned with reports of giants.
Keep up the good work Your web pages looks very attractive and well designed. I cannot help but visit your website each time im looking for bible scriptures. And not to say about your indepth and clear commentaries. Look, only God will reward for this priceless and ertenal endevour
This prophecy is sent by commandment of God Almighty. Read and retain for reproof, instruction and your salvation. The following events mark world decent into spiritual damnation, or hell: Syrian President The Lion will visit the United States for what appears to be a diplomacy visit. During the visit, the US will experience large-scale blackouts, particulary in the northeast, coastal and metro areas. Soon after, during the blackouts the LORD JESUS CHRIST will save the faithful, children, teens, the destitute and others from around the world. Immediately proceeding this event US coastal cities and military bases, beginning with NY, will fall under nuclear attack from Russia, China and others. Cities will lay desolate with the remaining people devastated and the world in chaos. Anarchy, famine, enslavement and horrible deaths will ensue. Repent and ask JESUS to save you from this hell. Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
As for men who sag their trousers exposing in some cases dirty boxers there is no sermon for them. Maybe we should all go back to the days of Moses and dress like them and declare all modern clothing a sin. Men dress like Moses , women dress like Moses wife. Pastors. Who are modern levites should dress like Aaron and his son.
Is this saying they have oppressed the Palestinians (stranger) wrongfully?
if does who advertise any such things got moved by satan himself.
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Thank You and May God pour out his Blessing upon you all.
MN1 Robert Briggs
USN Retired