Christian Life Page 149

  • Ma Miertala Ramirez on 2 Chronicles 15 - 9 years ago
    Beautiful!!! Thank You, Just Ma Miertala P. S. Have a Blessed and prosperous New Year 2016.
  • Dennis Clark on Matthew 1 - 9 years ago
    I like the Matthew Henry Commentary. I have used it for years. My father gave me a set many years ago and That is basically all I use.
  • Phyllis Askin on Psalms 98 - 9 years ago
    Love it is there a smart phone app.
  • Leotta Bovell on Psalms 3 - 9 years ago
    I want the auido Bible
  • Terri on Matthew 4 - 9 years ago
    In the bible trivia #3 the answer should be 40 The Lord was not tempted 3days the bible do not mention how many days He was tempted. The bible states Jesus was tempted 3times the bible didn't say if it was for 3 days
  • YVONNE on Matthew 4 - 9 years ago
    Jesus was tempted 3 times but stayed 40 days in the dessert
    Check the Bible trivia for correction!!!
  • Dave and Jennifer Bollinger on Genesis 16 - 9 years ago
    Sure wish you had a bookmark to keep track of how far you've read!
  • Dewey J - 9 years ago
    Sorry, my last post was directed to David's comments not Jane. Praise God!
  • Jay jay - 9 years ago
    Adam and Eve were the first Adamic humans. Created on the eighth day the races of men were created on the sixth day. Simple.
  • Richard on Genesis 1 - 9 years ago
    Re : LUCINDA PALESTRANT. In 1 John 5:7, this verse has been thrown out from the RSV bible. And its called a fabrication verse. It's been done by our scholars by the highest eminents. How this happened? The words of God have been changed in the bible, our holy books. Somebody can tell me about this? Tq
  • Frederick on Ephesians 4 - 9 years ago
    I would like to know how i can obtain A Kings James Bible.
    I am in Kakuma 2 Zone 2 Block 2, Kakuma Refugee Camp, Turkana County, Rifty Valley Province, Kenya.
    I hope my request will meet the preference of the service that you are responsible.
    I hope to hear from you.
  • LADAWNA TYLER on Daniel 7 - 9 years ago
  • Monique Smith on Exodus 33 - 9 years ago
    I want to ask for prayer for me and my children going through a rough time right now the devil is really weighing on me I'm trying to get me to do things that I know isn't godly by the grace of God I'm able to keep my head held high and put a smile on my face so I just ask that whoever reads this please send prayers up for me and my family because I am going through a traumatic time right now in my life and I know prayer works because I know God is real thank you
  • Lu2677 on Genesis 1 - 9 years ago
    You probably won't find a Bible like that. God, Lord, Jesus, Holy spirit, Lord God, angel of the Lord, etc.; it doesn't matter because they are all God. Jesus is God. You are searching for the wrong things, seek the things of God that will give you understanding and wisdom. There are many names in the Bible that God uses for himself.
  • Deejah on 2 Samuel 12 - 9 years ago
    i love this sight it help me study the night before i preach everytime i preach
  • Denny on Psalms 1 - 9 years ago
    Great in everywhere
  • Barbara on Genesis 3 - 9 years ago
    Is there anything in the bible that says people should stay in there own race
  • Wendi on Colossians 3 - 9 years ago
    I wish my mother had read these verses. She mainly reiterated that I would die soon because I was so disobedient. Disobedient meaning I tried to protect myself and my siblings from physical and sexual abuse at her and my earthly father's hands. Before she died, I asked her if she thought she did everything right with the way she raised me. She said, " I should have beat you more." No words.
  • Donald Kilbuck on Proverbs 16 - 9 years ago
    I need Prayer for safe travel to Mo and Get my Nephew back to Alaska he needs a way up from Florida.
  • Word - 9 years ago
    Once you have seen Satan as instead of Christ the antichrist standing in Judaea Jerusalem pretending and acting like CHRIST then after that first tribulation as verse 24 says.THEN you will see the TRUE Christ return. That is when the war starts with CHRIST crushing Satan and his army. The destruction is the 2nd tribulation not the first when Satan acts like Christ killing souls with peace an love.
  • Funeka on Genesis 1 - 9 years ago
    Notify me of your daily verse of the day through email
  • Bala on Psalms 50 - 9 years ago
    I need verses of the bible for daily living
  • Word - 9 years ago
    If you want to be SAVED you will do it Gods way and His Salvation and not listen to men and their made up fly away. Preachers use the Satan comes to burn y'all up to kill steal and destroy y'all but I the preacher says got you a safe salvation rapture doctrine so you won't have to worry just come into my church. Think! The Test is Satan comes 1st as CHRIST flesh safe soul dead if you worship Satan
  • Word on Ezekiel 13 - 9 years ago
    If you can believe in your mind that somehow CHRIST who tells you He is coming back at the 7th trump and then and only then we are ALL Changed in a twinkle of an eye well I just don't get it believe in Margret McDonald's of 1830 who started that Rapture doctrine and believe a bunch of preachers who have brought that lie of fly away salvation forward to churches full of fools. Listen to God study
  • Reginald Andrews on Romans 8 - 9 years ago
    In plane words, GOD spirit works in those that are his, and these are mark with his spirit, they are different and are not understood, specially by some Paster's, who think that GOD speak's only through them, I often wonder why they are held back and cast away from working with them in the ministry to help build up those that are not filed with GOD spirit, Rom:8:16, the spirit beareth witness...
  • MockingBird on Ephesians 4 - 9 years ago
    Jesus forgave me before I did anything : Even before I was born. He forgave me over 2000 years ago : If I want to be forgiven by my Heavenly Father then I must forgive others the way I want God to forgive me. Even though I was forgiven over 2000 years ago does not give me the opportunity to sin ,I must ask forgiveness and receive that forgiveness . I am to forgive others for mine own sake , so I can be forgiven. When I forgive ,it frees me from allowing what they did to destroy my peace of mind. It does not free them from anything they have to take care of their own lives. I'm going on with God !!!
  • Arnulfo. reyes on Job 22 - 9 years ago
    I'd like to learn more about jesus life , how to read the bible.
  • Norm on Proverbs 7 - 9 years ago
    Lu2677, I can come up with nothing except that which my heavenly Father gives me to receive by His Holy Spirit, His anointing spoken of in 1 John 2:27. The Father is not the author of confusion. Light is reflected in the eye of men as the apple. A stock market correction is a drop of 10-19 percent. Many chase the correction ox assuming another bull market to follow but are instead slaughtered. The harlot spoken of throughout this chapter is the same harlot spoken of in Revelation Chapters 17 and 18 which is New York City, home of Wall Street containing major trade markets. May the heavenly Father bless you and all other readers with all spiritual riches and save your souls from this hell to come! In Christ Jesus I ask these things giving thanks. Amen Jeremiah 10:8 But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities.
  • Teresia muthoni on Jeremiah 52 - 9 years ago
    Ineed bible how can iget

  • Raymond Kporha on Ezekiel 36 - 9 years ago
    I love king James version and is one of the best bible.

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