Christian Life Page 143

  • Sharon Johnson on Ephesians 6 - 8 years ago
    very interesting and applicable reading for us christians
  • Zachary on Acts 1 - 8 years ago
    I am Zachary but my Nana help me
  • Norm on Matthew 15 - 8 years ago
    All truth and understanding comes from the LORD by His Holy Spirit. Pray in sincerity of heart asking the LORD to give you His Spirit and understanding. Remember, this is the living Word so traditional teachings of men such as theology taught in the synagogues or "churches" do not give understanding. Be blessed in Christ Jesus our LORD and SAVIOUR and only living God. Amen.
  • Nancy feliciano on Ezekiel 1 - 8 years ago
    My daughter is dealing with a situation were the evil one is trying to capture and destroy her daughter by images that noyoung lady should see,I believe God has a purpose for mygrandaughter and your explanation will open up her perpective on who God is
  • Wayne on 1 Timothy 4 - 8 years ago
    V.I: States those who have left the faith. The big religion, roman catholicism, certainly is the leader in that category!
  • William HARBOUR on Judges 19 - 8 years ago
    The wife left because of her situation with her lord. She went back to the only place she knew. It has the woman again in the light where man has to go out of the place that God provided sadly because of the evilness of man her death was because she left her place that was vowed to God. Women ought not to leave their husband's protection.As well goes for man should not leave his wife either.
  • Clement. Balgobin on Psalms 62 - 8 years ago
    Very good we must read the bible every day
  • Phillistine on Psalms 62 - 8 years ago
    When did the Nelson bible of king James get written.
  • Sandy S on 2 Peter 2 - 8 years ago
    Obviously for orphaned children to survive they must all work together, not individually,
  • Thin with in on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    share your own thoughts
  • Essence Corbin on Matthew 28 - 8 years ago
    Easy and helps me find verses without a problem.
  • Israel on Malachi 2 - 8 years ago
    Our God is faithful, true and just, but we human beings complicate his laws in the name of nonessential religion.
  • Jacob on Numbers 30 - 8 years ago
    If you were never married there isn't a vow if you were then yes she broke her vow and its her fault not yours
  • Thelma marley on Psalms 118 - 8 years ago
    I love it, best bible on internet
  • Mike Byram on Psalms 23 - 8 years ago
    years ago while attending high school we sang this psalm - as i recall the order of the words and phrasing were slightly different, for example "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want - He maketh me down to lie - in pastures green he leadeth me - the quiet waters by" - this is a beautiful psalm but is this correct or have I learned the phrasing incorrectly. Where may I hear it being sung.
  • Scott williams on Psalms 127 - 8 years ago
    I sometimes have to think like the thief on the cross who went to paradise with Jesus although he lived in sin he did confess Jesus as his Saviour and that was enough to save him from hell I wished I had a resume of a life lived as a good holy person so God my Father could say well done my good and faithful servant enter into My everlasting kingdom Iguess all I am trying to say is God have mercy
  • Floyd on James 1 - 8 years ago
    Help us oh God to believe in our hearts so we don't struggle with our past sins
  • Ann Tillman on John 6 - 8 years ago
    Can't go to Church so this helps to study the Bible.
  • Dale C. Rodgers on Joshua 9 - 8 years ago
  • Joseph - 8 years ago
    help me if you can
  • Joseph on Genesis 1 - 8 years ago
    how do you clean away your sins??? im scared
  • Ibsa on 2 Chronicles 2 - 8 years ago
    Pray for me I want to build the house for the Lord all mighty .
  • Faith wright on Romans 12 - 8 years ago
    I am thoroughly enjoying my time in Gods word and your bible studies help me to read each week to the nursing home in Wilson the really enjoy that. there hungry for Gods word there isn't anyone else who want to read to them every body has church on Sunday so I dedicate my time because my mom lives there to and it helps her.
  • Araceli Irra on Matthew 10 - 8 years ago
    Dear King James creator or the Bible. Thank you for sharing this with us and make us knowable of the world and words of our Father Jehovah . Kind regards Ara
  • Sutoria on Psalms 50 - 8 years ago
  • GeraldineCole on Jeremiah 7 - 8 years ago
    I believe every word the bible say I ask the Lord Jesus to teach me his way not my way and that he add more and more of him to my spirit every day so I may become more like him as I die daily and become more like him .todays people r no differant than when Jesus walk the earth some love Jesus and some do not some have fake cover up they have Jesus in their mind not in their hart u will no them by there fruits just watch how they live and how they treat The Lord Jesus and how they treat others u will see more of the world in some of them remember if u do not have the Holy Ghost u do not belong to Jesus also remember some preacher came on their own they are not of Jesus they just want money they help no one in the church or out they are of the devil test the spirit see if it be of God love ye one another remember Jesus is watching and listen to us all and also some people have Jesus in their mind not in the hart they really are none believer they talk a good talk but Jesus is not in them .huband love your wife as Jesus love his church and gave his life for it.wife how do u no that if u are marriage to a none believer he will not come to Jesus by watching your life and the way u treat him. We will answere to Jesus how we treat every one Amen
  • Tammy current on John 19 - 8 years ago
    Please pray for for my sister colleen Fischer
  • Chris on Psalms 62 - 8 years ago
    Comment love to read books
  • Pat on Ephesians 1 - 8 years ago
    Whatever you do...Please do not ever change this website. It is perfect and the color scheme is so rich and inviting. This site is a God-send. Thank you for it. I use it so often; I feel like I almost live here. Thank you for this BEAUTIFUL blessing. I have been using it for approximately a year. Nothing else compare. It make total sense and is easy as pie to use. God bless you
  • Julie on Psalms 25 - 8 years ago
    This wonder I get on how Great Truth and accepting The Lord Jesus as my personal savior gives a good feeling knowing that Trusting in God for me with direction when feeling needed he will be with me and Teaching in Truth Truely feel as in his timing we learn what we need and want even if the Truth may be hard to some to handle he will strengthen and see us through and Our Living Living SAVOIR JESUS CHRIST THE TRUTH THE LIGHT THE WAY NO LIE : will always be leading and teaching his ways and I trust in him amen

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