What do people mean when they say God is in control ? I think that saying is a cop out !!! Is God in control of my life : No , if I am not allowing myself to DO His will , then and only then is God in control when we are working together toward His goal that He has mapped out for my life : Is God in control of all that is going on in the world : Obviously NOT : Look at all the CHAOS !!! Unless the people in the world turn to God and do it HIS WAY : Then God is in Control !!! Some people say that God is in Control so they do not have to do anything : Which category do you and I come in ??? God must be involved in your life ,and if not , He is not in your life !!!
Good day everyone, i have something to share with you about my sister dreams. Half month before she went for vacation in Philippines she saw Jesus and 2 angels in her dream it bother us about that but we just ignore what was that all about then 5 days in philippines theres something bad happen to her. Then she went back to work dubai she again Jesus on her dream. I want to ask what that all about
I read in book of Jasher 23: 86. And behold, Satan came to Sarah in the shape of an old man, and he came and stood
before her, and he said unto her, I spoke falsely unto thee, for Abraham did not kill his
son and he is not dead; and when she heard the word her joy was so exceedingly violent
on account of her son, that her soul went out through joy; she died and was gathered to
her people.
Christ is the Son of Father Mother God... yet his teachings are to be yourself and follow your unique path that has been graciously given to you as a Gift... I am Daniel John 318 and GOD wrote in my Heart... While Satan attempts to write in my mind... and I am aware of all the darkness... for I see the Light that comes from within my Heart... ;D God is taking care of his Children.. We are Blessed.
I Really, Really, can relate to the Biblical Authors of, what is the, 'Most read Book', ever in the History of Story Telling(BIBLE)!! What came first?, The Chicken or the Egg??
yes that I so correct you have to thoroughly repent no cutting corners ..... you have to name them off one by one not in a lump some because you or I did not sin in a lump some we sinned day by day
I used to work in Corrections and before I enter the facility where I work at I would pray this scripture and as a testimony to this scripture I did 16 years in Corrections God be praised.
Heb. 9:27. Those who die are rewarded for their life in Christ or life of sin. Those who are not a child of God go to hell and those who are saved go to Heaven.
My boyfriend is manipulative and I dont want to b with him. He acts this way more than I can handle. I called him evil and i dont feel guilty about saying it. My heart is safer with the Lord. He has a hard time apologizing and he thinks he is always right when I feel and know him to b wrong. he makes me think of how the dark one was in the garden..he has a rebellious attitude towards anything I say.
My son and his wife are moving into their first home. Before painting their walls, they want to bless their house and are using a pencil to write scriptures that will then be painted over. This is one of the passages they are putting on the walls and into the fabric of their home. Love it.
Another words you have 4 grandparents and 8 great grandparents so if one great grandparent is an edomite but the other 7 were Isrealites and you grew up in the true faith of Isreal then you would be eligible to enter the congregation of the LORD. Note the Egytians of today are NOT the Egyptians of Joseph's time and have not been since the Nubian invasion and then later the moslen invasions as well
For all our pain, suffering, worries are already took by Jesus on the cross so that we all must have life in abundance Jesus paid the price for us already all we have to do is to follow Jesus and live like Jesus, obey his words until rapture. Jesus made everything new Let's give thanks to his blood and praise him for he worthy amen
If there is a young cow. There must be an old cow The young cow is the New Testament,the new covenant the old cow the Old Testament , or old law. That man is JESUS!!! The two sheep are the Jew and The Gentile. Thank you God for your grace and mercy
Please god in heaven help me with pain in my heart for you said love the as you loved us please forgive me of my transgressions i repent all my sins please help lord in you're name Jesus Christ in heaven please
Please pray for peace to once again unite my family. One hasn't spoken to the other in a long time, and it has caused a great deal of stress for everyone. I am healing from a cardiac issue stemming from gene therapy after having surgery/chemo for cancer;their issue has been brought to me, and I try to help. I need God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to help all of us, and I pray every day to them.
Please pray for peace to once again unite my family. One hasn't spoken to the other in a long time, and it has caused a great deal of stress for everyone. I am healing from a cardiac issue stemming from gene therapy after having surgery/chemo for cancer;their issue has been brought to me, and I try to help. I need God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to help all of us, and I pray every day to them.
When you dwell on ungodly thoughts, when you frequent ungodly places, when you are addicted to anything, you are taking fire to your breast and walking on hot coals. Turn or burn!
Thanks - I enjoy the site.
before her, and he said unto her, I spoke falsely unto thee, for Abraham did not kill his
son and he is not dead; and when she heard the word her joy was so exceedingly violent
on account of her son, that her soul went out through joy; she died and was gathered to
her people.
btw the NIV and RSV ect...are Jesuit corrupted manuscripts.
I Thank God for my friend sharing Gods words and asking me to read the word of God and believe