Christian Life Page 130

  • Colm on Revelation 18 - 8 years ago
    Really, you deleted my comment talking about how the music industry uses satanic propaganda to mislead people? All I was doing was exposing darkness like the Bible tells us to
  • Mary on Psalms 83 - 8 years ago
    There is no J in the Hebrew language. The Jews can discount you as having a false religion when you continue to use the wrong name when you know there is no J in the Hebrew language
  • Carolyn J. Lumpkin on Galatians 1 - 8 years ago
    Just wanted to clarify that God became flesh and dwelt among us, so Christ's brothers and sisters would have been half brothers and sisters unless you want to take the Catholic view that they were step brothers and sisters from a previous marriage of Joseph.
  • Daniel on 1 Peter 5 - 8 years ago
    The translation is more than inaccurate. From the beginning the translation is not according to original book written in old Greek language, that was spoken there. The correct translation is not "The elders". The correct word to use is "The priest" and so on.
    People are usually looking for easy ways, bending and twisting the truth. This is the reason for so may "christian" churches today.
  • ***ANGI*** on Galatians 5 - 8 years ago
    I need help in my marriage. We're separated now. Any prayers could help!
  • Joan on Romans 12 - 8 years ago
  • Michael on Malachi 2 - 8 years ago
    "Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?"

    We are all part of the Body of Christ, no one more than the other, all are one. One Father, One God, the LORD of LORD and KING of KING's Jesus Christ.
  • Michael on Malachi 1 - 8 years ago
    The Body, Blood, Water and Spirit of our LORD Jesus Christ is available to us if we are Catholic or any other denomination of Christianity. I was raised Catholic but have found Christ outside the church in a much more intimate way. I think we are part of the Body of Christ and I do not think anyone should judge you or anyone else but the LORD and GOD Jesus Christ.
  • James on 1 Peter 2 - 8 years ago
    Great looking forward to receiving every day
  • Angelina on Isaiah 5 - 8 years ago
    What does 27 mean.the ,lord gave it toe more then one time
  • Yahya Wright on Genesis 6 - 8 years ago
    Noah lived in the beginning of time, and I think this isn't a medaphor when it states that the son's of God came into the sons of man. Creating giant's, because Satan had fallen with all his followers hence the fallen Angels. I believe that their are still fallen angels and the government calls them Aliens.
  • Mark Zhang on Psalms 104:24 - 8 years ago
    Thank God for everything you've given me. To God be the glory of all my life.
  • MzDebi on Philippians 3 - 8 years ago
    we have a pastor who has filled our fellowship hall with water damaged stuff and it is growing black mold and breeding roaches so I came to find some biblical help
  • Wayne on 2 Peter 2 - 8 years ago
    Each time we vote we pick the lesser of two evils. So each time we get evil. It adds up. Col. 1. Read chapter. Luke 4: 5-6.
  • Peter on Luke 3 - 8 years ago
    NO...animals has no animal that perished the bible says
  • Shahara on Proverbs 18 - 8 years ago
    I agree with the word of the day but who ever is wririnhmg the word need to use correct language such as that instead of the word DAT. The words are not correctly spelled may who everybody posting this word of the day need LA to write directly out of the Bible...
  • Jo on Proverbs 29 - 8 years ago
    I love KJV also...but it is not the original it is from Geneva Bible which I love to read. King James "did" alter a few things. Research please.
  • Stephinie on Psalms 30 - 8 years ago
    I truly believe in it and in my father my LOrd and. Savior. My favorite verse is weeping end8res for night but joy cometh in the morning. So true and such powerful meaningfull words.
  • Marie Colon on Matthew 3 - 8 years ago
    Now I am a women who has a lot of faith in God but never have I heard that ppl speak so nD Not our fAther trying so hard to tAke awAy from me what was planted in me since I was a child I believe in our Lord cause of the blessing I have gotten once I die n came bAck it was God blessing cause I aS going to be a mother at that time I name my girl miracle in spanish. People lost a lot of faith in our
  • Marie Colon on Matthew 3 - 8 years ago
    I pray yesterday on my knee which is very difficult for me to walk n be in my knee but yesterday I was. Very depress cause I know I will be in the hospital soon the pain I have are very strong n pain killers are taking the pain but very little I am sore as I was taking care of a problem that could leave me n my Ford homeless for a debt that section 8 does not want to cover they want me to cover I
  • Pearler Washington on 2 Timothy 3 - 8 years ago
    We have encountered the enemy's flood. Countless created children have been infected
    God is the same God. It may take teaching the
    Very young in Jesus and waiting until all other
    Stiff minded individuals die off, as with the those who walked with Moses, to see the lost found. May we continue inspiration of GOD teach correct reprove and stand firm on the
    Foundation Jesus laid and the perilous e
  • Clude Davis. on Psalms 1 - 8 years ago
    Wonderful Reading, I Shall Read Again. I Own an Edition, but I Require the Value so I can buy another Edition so I can buy The AKJV of the 1804 Book of Psalms, for My Daughter.
  • Clyde Davis on Psalms 1 - 8 years ago
    I Would to by the King James Version of the Eighteen Hundred And Four Book of Psalms. DM.dccc.lx. By Andrew Wilson. Produced by Oxford University Press London.
  • GeraldineCole - 8 years ago
    Verse 5 in this chapter speaking on huband and wife living apart .verse 5 tells us when a man marriage he shall not go to war or take care any business for one year he shall be with his wife .thats what cleave to his wife mean to stay with in the same house .that why so many marriage break down when we don't do it God way we lose the real meaning of why we got married.
  • Bill on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 8 years ago
    amen bro tell it like it is
  • Howard Masters - 8 years ago
    Very enjoyable verse I don't know how Joseph did all those moves with him being a carpet and all what a wonderful man he was
  • Renee Allen on 2 Corinthians 4 - 8 years ago
    Listen I can't speak for no one else only myself. GOD can and will bring you out of anything if you put your trust in Jesus and keep the faith. I tell you once you build your relationship with Him you will know who the true GOD IS! I love the footprints prayee. Because all that time He was carrying us! HE STILL IS EVERYDAY! Have a blessed day.
  • Dieuseul Joseph on Matthew 2 - 8 years ago
    I enjoyed that bible app i want you send the verse to read and keep me in your prayer that my life can be change and my situation can be change also please and thank you.
  • Zepton Greaves on Nahum 1 - 8 years ago
    I would like to know if you have a commentary based on the King James Bible? And who is the Author?
  • Bookreadingismything on Matthew 18 - 8 years ago
    Please pray that my family members accept the Lord and follow this scripture.

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