This or psalm 23 is my favourite psalm I think. love to read verse 2, it seems to drift into my mind thought out the day sometimes; I try to live good but in spite of doing my best, it seems impossible not to sin somewhat someway; but i say my grace and the lord's prayer; review the commandments and try to keep them; I readAbit h/there n the Bible, studied genesis and evolutionN61 GenesIsRight
why do people always have to bring in the black and white thing in you better get that out of your heart of course our government keeps it going no where in the bible God talked about color just people i go to a black church some because they know how to worship God deals with the heart so get your heart right I'm 72 haven't met anyone who puts there pants on different than i do
Babs ... I'm new at all of this with the Lord so for give me ... I never even thought about mentioning that Charles Stanley said that Sunday morning... I hope that makes you feel better
To anyone - Kenneth Zimba a year ago mentioned Acts 14: 16-1 It refers to a scripture in the O.T. which I thought was in one of the first 5 books of the O.T., but I cannot find it. In just one verse God says to Israel, in effect, don't concern yourselves with the nations round about you; I'm letting them do their own thing. cont.
I been dwaling with fornication for ten years i want to get married soon we have plans to we have a 7 year old son do you think GOD hates me for this should i leave him and get married what should i do...i dont want to be in sin
I would like to ask an ex Muslim if they thought a person was sincere in their heart and used the name Allah if they thought God would answer their prayers?
For all of you who don't believe that you "must" keep God's commandments, statues, laws, judgments, and faith, along with believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. See if you make it to the First Resurrection and are among those standing before the Lord with your "one way" express trip to the Lake of Fire. Read the Bible carefully because in these last days even the most elect will be fooled!!!
Hello I.know from so past experiemcest in my life that God is truly faithful. He has made so many ways for me. Hejas healed my body when even the doctors didn't know what was going on. I am so grateful to have the in my and my and tge life of my family.He is everything to me. I want to encourage everyone who has not made the Lord your very own Lord,start 2017 right with Jesus in your life!
a dream was used by GOD at all time to help men in God's will so who was using the star that the wise men of the world was following...I love this of Mat. 2 but are you reading and listening or are you full of your own pass teaching of what have learn from the pass. This is a AMAZING story but we need to pay attention to the facts and not the fiction of tradition... we lose when we are not correct
Just a thought. I'm here to warn you of the truth but if you believe another way that's your business but be prepared so when you realized that you have got caught up in the deception and Satan is deceiving the world you can get out. Satan on earth about 3 month when he gets here with his locust priest. If they drag you in for the 10 days blank your mind and let the Holy Spirit speak through you.
I am praying for God to keep my mind in prefect peace. I found out after being married 32yrs that my husband has an obsession with porno. it has totally effected my mind please pray for us .
I think: Yah is most high! His son name is actually Yahsheua. Which, in the 1600's was then translated from its actual spelling to Jesus. Exactly like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego whose names were changed under bondage. Yahsheua means the son of Yah. All powers of Yah has been given to his son Yahsheua. Both in heaven and on earth. Lets now return unto Yah most high through Yahsheua
You are a WHOSOEVER.
Everyone is a WHOSOEVER.
REJECT Calvinist belief that only some are called.
YAHSHUA died for us ALL.
we are all called. Period.