When you pray for ahusand. Togod. You have to beliver god. And. Stand. Own. His promise and let nothing are. Know one shake your faith ibeliver god so ibeliver god. And that settles. That. Until. God. Being it. To pass because he. Going. To bring to pass I don't. Care what it. Look like. Are. Senses like. I. Beliver. God. And that done done. And I know. God.,,heard. My pray
Please hear my cry, O Lord. Things haven't improved at home, and one of my family members might be told to leave permanently. I'm trying to do what I can, but the feeling is that I am not doing enough. I have been through a lot medically and doing better, and am expected to have improved things since then. We all need the heavenly help. I don't want my family to break up, but what can I do. Thank you for listening, God, in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace God looks at us when born again child of God perfect. Jesus Christ our Lord paid it all, all of our sins are washed away. As I live on this planet, I will still have sin until I'm RAPTURE up or pass away, then I will be perfect like Jesus. Amen
I think that the forbidden fruit story was message meant to keep the poor and uneducated from striving for knowledge and ultimately being equal to the those educated people of the church. Basically, no good comes from seeking knowledge. Leave that to us. You should stick to just trying to survive. To seek knowledge you will have to ignore the basic necessities of Life and ultimately die early.
My daughter has a Dr.'s Appointment tomorrow, I'm praying that by Jesus's stripes she is healed! Nothing but the blood of Jesus! Satan's attack on my daughter has been cancel! I bind that affiliation her on earth
The first adam let sin into the world the second adam came to, Save man kind from the power of sin in the world as we know it. Happy Independse day America.
V7-8, Jesus does not say yes, I will restore the kingdom to Israel. The kingdom of Israel is not mentioned in his reply. The gospel of Jesus will be preached to the uttermost parts of earth.
The gospel is for gentiles not just Jews. It is not a kingdom just for Israel. Jesus rejected the Jewish religion before the Jewish religion rejected him. Will Israel ever be known as a Christian nation? NU?
V39,40 The message being they refused to believe truth because they wanted their past traditions to be true and would do whatever was needed to support those lies. Even to the point of knowing they are refusing to convert to follow Jesus as Christ because of blindness to truth.They were blindly following a religion they were raised to believe without seeing its lack of love and honest justice.
V13, the plants are symbolic religions. Every religion that does not believe Jesus is the Son of God will perish. In the end of days when all life on earth perish, only the followers of Jesus, the Son of God, will be rescued. A war to end all wars will happen that destroys the ecology. Jesus will return to rescue, to save the righteous from death. Others are left to the nuclear firey fate of hell.
Without The Blood of The Lamb there is no Salvation. The Lamb is The Son of God. We are Saved when we ask Forgiveness,when The Father Calls,that's a Tug on Your Heart: John 6:44. You will be Washed by His Blood: Revelation1:5. You will be Baptized with The Holy Ghost: Mark 1:8. You will Know. Impossible not to! 2 Corinthians5:17
Jesus blood=doctrine, words! Gods voice from heaven said that he was pleased with Jesus when Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost at water baptism. God created John the Baptist just for the purpose of teaching mankind that water baptism removes sin. John filled with Holy Spirit in the womb, this Divine purpose was so important. No voice of God telling mankind I demand the death of My Son for sin!
No sacrifice portrays Jesus. Jesus taught against sacrifices. Mary was holding the most Holy thing on earth when she gave birth but Mosaic law says she needs a blood sacrifice to make her clean. Just holding Jesus made her a "sinner" because she was breaking the Mosaic law to not touch anything Holy until the sacrifice. God did not write that law. Stephen said Jesus came to change Mosaic law.
Pauls gospel is different than the gospel of Jesus. Pauls gospel=14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" Jesus gospel= many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. Matthew 9:10 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Mark 2:17
Yes, I have ideas from Jesus that go against the fundamental Doctrine of Jews. Just like Stephen preaching against the Temple and the Mosaic Law. Paul witnessed his stoning and approved of it because Paul supports Mosaic Law and temple blood sacrifice. Jesus came to change Mosaic law just like Stephen said he did. Acts 6:13,14,15.
One can not buy salvation by blood sacrifice, the debt owed would be to the SLAYER. Just as sinners paid money to the temple priests to kill innocent animals for sin. The payoff is to the killer, without the killer there is no "sin" remission. The Jewish religion does not save and it became wealthy from the homage of blood sacrifice. Blood sacrifice is worshiping the Torah, not the New Testament.
Please keep the KJV bible version unblemished for any changes, addition and omission like other bible versions as this is the real message of GOD and dont ever get influence to any institution or any group that may do everything to hide the truth to continue deceiving many because of prestige and wealth as they make gospel as source of living..which is very wrong
World nuclear war could do exactly what verse 10 is stating. Jesus said the earth has an end and his kingdom is not here. There is an end of days. Jesus is in the universe preparing a place for his followers because this planet will be unlivable with radiation. There will be new heavens and a new earth. New heavens, plural, because there may be interplanetary travel and a new planet like earth.
I maureen i am sending you a list of palms to guide you on the right path in life when you cant see the road ahead give god your time and he will direct you call on him have faith ok maureen italk to you tomorow.god bless margaret
V39, There is no scripture that says Nicodemus was water baptized or believes Jesus is the Son of God. Nicodemus is a good man but he is still a Pharisee Jew taking part in the preparation of the dead body of Jesus. He offers myrrh, a gift to the King of the Jews just as the "wise" men did. His belief is the expected Christ was killed. He did not stop it because Son of God is denied in his belief.
V5 Nicodemus is a Chief priest and a Pharisee that the officers came to for advice. Nicodemus is not a christian believing in water baptism and Christ is the Son of God. Nicodemus does think Jesus is a righteous man with powers to be the Jewish Christ. He wants Jesus to be treated with respect and be allowed to teach but is himself afraid of the laws that could condemn him for this tolerance.
Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world! Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Get behind me, Satan: you are an offence to me: for you savor not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. Now, the LORD rebuke thee, Satan!
The gospel is for gentiles not just Jews. It is not a kingdom just for Israel. Jesus rejected the Jewish religion before the Jewish religion rejected him. Will Israel ever be known as a Christian nation? NU?