The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.(Deut.29,29)
Parents and Teachers have known forever about bullies at school and in the neighborhood, and mostly look the other way and pretend it's just part of life that we have to accept. I think that is disgraceful and wicked! Teaching people to hate the evil and that bad behavior brings punishments is the old fashioned way that WORKED! Bullies are the real cowards, and often victims themselves.
This is the first time a woman preach, and preach to men. Why isn't this ever mentioned in any church ministry. Also, this Woman (Huldah) changes everything men say about women preaching.she was the first preacher God used. How can they believe they can change what God ordained.
I have been unable to locate where to actually post bible scripture chapters and or verses of my own, please if anyone could help me, I would be very grateful? Thanks for your help.
No human being Will ever predict the date of rapture. It is impossible because God word said no man knows the day or time. All this maths won't make anyone rapturable. Let's focus on preparing ourselves and others.
Scott phinn. Glasgow scotand on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
On the 23rd sept 2017. Jupiter will be in retrograde in constellation Virgo ( the woman ) and it will pass thru the middle of the constellation as if her womb.and 4planets will line up above her head. And moon will be in lower part. Makes perfect sense. Look it up ppl godbless
Bible is not allowing for divorce. Every men can marry one women only. But this chapter is not said about divorce. It is said about the bounds, other than divorce ( see versus 6-). Sexual relation may also be included in the bound.
And to live without marriage also be as per the versus from 3-)
O full of all subtlety and all mischief ,thou child of the devil ,thou enemy of all righteousness, will thou not cease to pervert the right way of the Lord?Acts13:10
A prophet who correctly predicted that Donald Trump would be the next president said that the Lord told him that Pope Francis is the Prophesied False Prophet in Revelation 13. If this is true then the return of Christ is coming in our day.
"Rapture" is not in the bible! Man made word created to give merit to our oblivious state in death. We remain completely unaware of surroundings until we are raised by Jesus to fight Satan, which could be thousands of years. Not one human knows when. Just as the word "pope" is not stated in the bible in any language, just a celebrated tax collector or priest living way above their needs ..
Why tempt me ye hypocrites? You know that I AM here as every spirit knows that Christ is come in the flesh! My children, These standing in their White House honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me. The devil sitting in the midst of his antichrists which crucified me. Weak and fearful are they now: and cast down without power. Be thankful beloved children for your salvation is here!
The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted- psalm 12/8. This country is divided beyond repair. Our enemies are preparing for war. Our politicians are corrupted and Godless in spite of their verbage with which they ran on. Christians voted en masse to put these people in office. All I hear in these comments " Of Jesus save me." why would he hear prayer of the wicked, blind
Irene 123 knows the Lord.I truly knew the Lord when I was re-baptised in 2004 from his titles (matt28:19) into his name (Acts2:38).The name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit is The Lord Jesus Christ.Praise the name of God.
I believe this is type and shadow as is a lot of the Bible. The sign in heaven is exactly that. the constellations in heaven. Virgo Mary . Leo with mercury, Venus and mars twelve stars jupiter Christ in the belly of Virgo for 9 months waiting to be delivered sun at head of Virgo moon at feet of Virgo . On sept 23 2017 jupiter is delivered.some of this chapter refers to past and some is future.
Of course if you want the truly original version, to the extent it's known to us, you should read it in Greek. Or, if you insist on an 'original' Protestant version, why not read Martin Luther's original German translation. Orginalism in this context is remarkably similar to that pursued by certain constitional scholars; it is a phantom.
When a devil is found hiding in the vessel of my servant; that same devil is found guilty of the sin done in my servant: and is deemed worthy of the punishment, and not my servant! Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who has trodden under foot the Son of God and has counted the blood of the holy covenant, wherewith my chosen servant was sanctified, an unholy thing?
HEAR ME NOW O MY PEOPLE: Seek ye the LORD all ye meek of the earth which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: and ye shall be hid IN THE DAY of the LORD'S anger. HEAR the LORD'S commandment and DO IT. Be children of THE DAY: and not as those which walk in darkness awaiting the shadow of death. Be not wise in your own eyes but fear the LORD and depart from evil: SEEK JESUS.
O Satan, thou devil! You cause my people to do all manner of wickedness through deceit! You have no good in you! And a God? You are not! How can you be God when lusting after the sun and the moon or the stars? Or, what power will you have when you are cut off and cast out? Therefore, O Wicked one: NOW will their sin be your sin: and their punishment your punishment, O death, thou son of perdition!
Dan 2:35 I believe this is going to occur soon in our future. All of these areas are now Muslim countries. Soon after the return of Jesus, He will go into the middle east and crush all of these countries, who have tried to destroy his people and divide His holy land. He will do this soon after the Rapture, and we will be with Him as part of His army. (please respond)
And to live without marriage also be as per the versus from 3-)