Christian Life Page 113

  • Charlie Chester Zeigler - 7 years ago
    May y'all have a bless day!Give the gift of love and your heart to a stranger this season.
  • Wakom Barnabas on Psalms 4 - 7 years ago
    Is this very verse useful when one is about to sleep at night,?

  • BettyG on Ephesians 4 - 7 years ago
    Eph. 1-6; thank-you; that is all for this post
  • Doug on Luke 1 - 7 years ago
    Luke 14:33 COMES to mind, like wise whoever does not forsake all that he has can not be my disciple.
  • Alex on Ezekiel 22 - 7 years ago
    God is no respector of persons we are all the same in his eyes,we were all born by the wil of some man thus we all corruptiible , We may be good or bad but we still carry that stain n spot of Adam.i.e we all carry the image of sinful Adam, The law cd not arrest or address mans Adamic nature,Thats y Paul said as we have borne the image of the earthy (adam ) we must bear the image of the heavenly.
  • Angela on Genesis 1 - 7 years ago
    I asked The Holy Spirit to guide me, as I write this: Me: "Abba, who are You?" Abba: "I Am THAT I Am. God." Me: "In the Word, Genesis 1:26, it says, 'Let Us make man in Our Image.' Who is Us, and why did you say 'Let?'" Abba: "Let, refers to My Fear. I spoke to My Fear, to show My Faith, which is greater than My Fear. My Fear fell in Love with My Faith, and submitted."
  • Donald Young on Revelation 10 - 7 years ago
    1991 Easter-eve @ 8pm I was slain in the spirit while setting at my kitchen table
  • Obbie Beal on Ezekiel 6 - 7 years ago
    idols. idols, idols, everywhere in 2017... made by the hands or imagiination of men and loved by the people of the whole world... loved to the degree that again GOD shall repeat his action of yesteryear. WOW! The Marriage Supper of the LAMB, want it be GRAND!
  • Stephen F. Zielski on John 15 - 7 years ago
  • Theresa M Hassell on Matthew 13 - 7 years ago
    God has spoken and he will not lie.May he add a blessing when we continue to sow and read the word of God.
  • Stephen F. Zielski on Mark 6 - 7 years ago
    No man can receive anything except it be given him from above indeed. And so I speak. Shalom ! Shalom ! Shalom oh beloved Judah Holy Zion to come and enter into our Glorious and Blessed Lords sheepfold to come in these latter days in the Kingdom of God in this end of the age of the gentiles of His promise of His of His latter rain of His final outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Restoration amen.
  • Brother Lewis on Romans 8 - 7 years ago
    I Think We need To Be Very Careful As To What And Who We Listen Too As We Should Be Aware Of The Fact That Most Of The Time We Respond To What We Hear.A Lot Of Our Hearing Comes From Self And A lot Of Our Past And Present Mishaps Or Fairues Joined By The Devil Himself Has A Tendency To Have A Conversation With Us To Try And Keep Us Unmotivated .What I'm Saying Is We Sometimes Talk Too Negative To Ourselves.This Self Talk If We Are Not Conscious And Careful Will Cause Us To Drown In Self Pity,Cause Low Esteem Issues And Make Us Feel Depressed And Condemned. We Need To Stay In Sheep Mode Always Listening To Jesus Voice For He Says My Sheep Know My Voice And A Stranger They Will Not Hear.So ListenTo What His Word Says And Take His Word Seriously.If Its Says There Is No Condemnation To Them Which Are In Him Christ Who Who Walks Lives Not After The Flesh But After The Spirit Believe It Jesus Will Not Lie To You ?Even If Your Conversation To Yourself Say Otherwise Don't Listen Yourself.....
  • Billie Norman on Acts 2 - 7 years ago
    In the 1000 yr reign of our Lord will the ones whom killed themselves
    And that are on the wrong side of gulf
    Will they be able to make things right in the Day of our Lord?
  • Martine Poulin on John 15 - 7 years ago
    I 've been rejected by the world,I still ask myself why
  • Donna on Psalms 46 - 7 years ago
    YOu never know. . .we plant seeds of Love "behind the wall" and the Lord gives the increase. . .We call things that are not as though they are. The word does not fall to the ground void, but goes forth to do that which he please AND it prospers unto that thing that it was sent. We witness by the things we do (being a doer of the word, planting those seeds). Their last words of life can be. . .
  • Robert J. DeHaan on Deuteronomy 10 - 7 years ago
    I find so much precious insights from Matthew Henry. I can not wait to meet him in the New Jerusalem one day. Cleave! To our Lord and King with much anticipation. I long for the waiting to be over at times, because we know we are in temporary bodies. What joy and hope should abide in our hearts knowing we are standing on the Rock of Ages. I pray that all who read this comment will experience JOY!
  • Wayne on Genesis 1 - 7 years ago
    I was reading a book at this site (can't remember which one) and I saw a face appear! The face had eyes and a mouth and was oval. The face disappeared before becoming complete as I seen it on the side of my screen. Does anybody know if this is part of the program or did anyone see this before? I prayed for knowledge, but I still do not now what it was about. Is there a Daniel out there?
  • Leroy Geames Ministerinartist on Ezekiel 34 - 7 years ago

    Be not many masters, for we shall receive great condemnation, Let not your good be Evil spoke of, My son whatsoever you find your Hands to do do unto the Lord Pray for the man, THE Pastoral Office stands forever. Pray for our great Assembly of the saints. Saints pray for us do not gossip or be a busybody Jesus loves us all Jesus told us the ENDING before he save. BE FAITHFUL
  • Alex on Genesis 1 - 7 years ago
    Bill perfect context to man may not be perfect context to God,There are a zillion different bible scholars that think they are in perfect context with churches on every corner, but they all believe something completly different,Most all the prophets were stoned b/c israel didnt know what the right context WAS,That which is born of the flesh always persecutes that which is born of the spirit. GBU.
  • Landon Lavigne on Proverbs 4 - 7 years ago
    Jesus is the way to be saved: He gives this for Salvation: Luke 24:47 Obey these scriptures and we will be saved living also a holy life of service to Him and our brothers sisters in Jesus! Acts 2:38 , Mark 16:16 1 Peter 3:21, Acts 19:1-6, Acts 5:32, Acts 10:44-48, 1 Corinthians 14:2,14:22, 14:39
  • Ferdinand on Judges 4 - 7 years ago
    How many Bible Verses are moral?
  • DONAL FLOYD on John 1 - 7 years ago
  • Eric on Jeremiah 7 - 7 years ago
    Just remember to be loving and forgiving towards each other, and serving only 1 idol, God the Creator. With all your heart do these things. Trusting with all your heart in him and you will receive your inheritance. Jesus loves you guys. Merry Christmas
  • Eric on Jeremiah 7 - 7 years ago
    I pray for poor Jesus. He doesn't need to carry my sin. I'll carry my own. He deserves better.
  • Alex - 7 years ago
    You cannot quench your thirst for salvation with water baptism,thats y Jesus told the woman at the well whosoever drinks of this water shall thirsh again,but THE WATER that i shall give him shall be a WELL of water springing up unto everlasting life which is the H.G. that living water which is Spirit. WHEN HE SAID IF ANY MAN THIRST LET HIM COME UNTO ME AND DRINK THATS THE H.G.not H20. NO OFFENCE
  • Alex on John 4 - 7 years ago
    JESUS didn't need to be bornagain or baptised, he had no sin but as the Sacrificial dove that had to be killed and his blood sprinkled on the living bird which is the Church he had to be washed ( baptised ) thats y the dove descended on Christ, the 2 lovers in Song are Christ and the Church but they refer to each other as having DOVES EYES this washing had to be done by running water the Jordan .
  • Wayne on 1 John 1 - 7 years ago
    If the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness. Words of Jesus Christ.
  • Kdr on Revelation 18 - 7 years ago
    it is been shown to me that this chapter is clearly discussing the final world superpower that will fall and be replaced by the Islamic messiah/antichrist as things line up on the world stage the Holy Sprit has put into my heart that it is USA that this is talking about. 2nd largest jewish population in world, God is telling His people to get out of this place. Jerimiah 51 fills in gaps in Rev18
  • Karen on Matthew 6 - 7 years ago
    But, if a christian man backslides into lust and chasing women, what is he then besides a fornicator and heart breaker.
  • ALex on John 4 - 7 years ago
    IN the time of Moses when a house had a SCALL OR LEPROSY Moses wd have to wash 2 turtle doves and kill 1 and sprinkle his blood on the living bird and this had to be done by running water, the Jordan was running water, Christ and the disciples answer to the 2 turtle doves that had to be washed (baptised ) the church is his house but we have a LEPROSY,thats y he says you are made CLEAN BY WORD ETC

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