Christian Life Page 107

  • Kiran on Matthew 5 - 7 years ago
    Our Messiah was the one Who wrote the Torah, Prophets and all the books.... please be cautious when anyone contradicts His Own writings. Our Lord Christ never want us to Contradict Him, when we are talking as if we are new. Remember our Lord never annointed any king james or martin luther ever. Hope He gives Grace to all of us when He comes back. Mathew 5:17-22
  • Andrew on Proverbs 22 - 7 years ago
    the Hebrew is Tabab onah barak when translated is tabab to speak onah sin barak make kneel. How is this translated to what we have?
  • Servant of God on John 9 - 7 years ago
    The night come and ye shall see me no more, and so it is that Jesus was nought but the Holy Ghost while incarnate upon the earth, but now rules in heaven. So our blindness remains, but Jesus taught Faith, and the Father gave certain proof by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. So it was and so it is. This is what is being taught in this chapter of the man born blind, healed by Messiah.
  • Lilian on Acts 2 - 7 years ago
    Thank you Jesus for helping me to be born again every moment of my life and thanks to the blood that you shed for us you alone are worthy to be praise i will worship you forever my Savior my Peace my Rock and my Salvation Shalom amen
  • Madeleine Thomas gallo guihagnini on Psalms 12 - 7 years ago
    Father I don t understand everything happening to me but I wanna you to give me discernment. I am tired. My hope is only in you I need my housing father God. I know already I put me on the top of the list I thank you from the bottom of my heart
  • Mild Bill,saved by grace on Psalms 7 - 7 years ago
    David's concerns are,my God,trust,soul,hands,enemy,life,honor,judgement,righteousness,integrity and defense.The ungodly are,wickedness,persecutors,iniquity,mischief,falsehood and violent.David calls upon God to show deliverance,anger,commands,establishment,trying,salvation,judgement,readiness,preparation and ordained action.Like David,we should want that Almighty God fills our sight,not sinners.
  • Brady on Revelation 10 - 7 years ago
    I true my believe we are going through the tribulation ,and have been for quite some time. All the violence ,insurrection ,both in the Government ,and family life of our citizen's ,seem to point in the direction of the last days. We have all the signs Jesus spoke about to the twelve before he was transported back to his father in the mount. Floods ,fires , seasons ou t of the normal pattern.Amen.
  • Lakeitcha Stancill on Hebrews 11 - 7 years ago
    I Love The Truth Of St.James Bible
  • Hazel on Luke 14 - 7 years ago
    We are the salt of the earth if we should lose our faith we would be like the traft that the wind blows away Lord help ous to keep faithful
  • Florence Nyeswah on Matthew 1 - 7 years ago
    Mark 11:24 says; " Whatsoever thing you ask for in prayer, believe that you received it, and it will be yours. so no need pray for one thing over and over. just believe the first time you altered the prayer, and it will be done.
  • Eli on Genesis 1 - 7 years ago
    God create our earth but think our earth is flat. “Jesus went to a mountain so high he could see all the kingdoms of the earth, four angels standing at the four corners of the earth”. According to Christian mythology the earth must be flat.
  • Armando on John 1 - 7 years ago
    God is both personal and impersonal, otherwise, God will be limited.
  • Lisa on Psalms 7 - 7 years ago
    Thank you God for share with me the way I should live my life it gives me couragement and hope within my soul to do what is right in your site.
  • Lisa on Psalms 5 - 7 years ago
    One must be righteous everyday as long as you pray I mean pray to God from the heart and truly mean it I believe his kingdom come his will, will be done.
  • Charley on Deuteronomy 22 - 7 years ago
    trangender same sex marriage abomination to GOD
  • Alex on Genesis 21 - 7 years ago
  • Mild Bill,saved by grace on Psalms 26 - 7 years ago
    "For that which I do I allow not: for what I would,that do I not;but what I hate,that do I."Paul was not spared from sinning while saved in this world."If we say that we have no sin,we deceive ourselves,and the truth is not in us.""If we say that we have not sinned,we make him a liar,and his word is not in us."Paul was a sinner with God's word in him.
    Grace is complete,a gift from God to the saved
  • Mild Bill,saved by grace on Psalms 28 - 7 years ago
    Believers need help which is only found in God.We have been turned away from the path to the pit, and should walk in this world as saved,unlike others in this world around us who have not.Our song to God is not from duty,but from love of him who first loved us as our Savior on the cross.Our deeds were once as theirs.Gods voice in our lives
    brings his word to our heart,so as to lead us towards him.
  • Eutychus on 1 Corinthians 1 - 7 years ago
    In the NT, there is love, and unity. Denominations have destroyed both, and yet we teach the NT, while ignoring both. We know we cannot love Him, without obeying Him. Our love and unity are our primary testimony to the world, John 17:21
  • Wanda on Revelation 21 - 7 years ago
    I don't know man. Sounds to me like you're going to be put into a box where there will be no day or night and no temples. Doesn't no temples mean no thought... because that's where my thinking takes place, between my temples.
  • Tara on Genesis 1 - 7 years ago
    Satan tries to hide things not our Father in heaven! 185000 men were taken out when they came to invade his people...but they prayed and believed God could and would do this. The answers are written for u to read...he shows us our weapon in spiritual warfare! Our greatest fight is won on our knees. Thru Esthers prayers...and faith so many were saved! The truth is not hidden...we just forgot.
  • Tara on Genesis 1 - 7 years ago
    We as people in this world keep thinking were ok. We have weapons and those in power. So i have to wonder if our father keeps seeing us fight on our we not need him? Battles are won on are knees how many of us do this? Do our leaders ask for his help or r they alright on their own....our father is not forceful ...he is patient. I just hope we wake up but we need him as ruler.
  • Charley on Deuteronomy 17 - 7 years ago
    wrong we do not pray to saints if they were good possibility
    they were not 1st tim2-5 there is only one mediator between
    GOD and man the man christ jesus how blind could you be
    still steeped in idolatry which god hates.
  • Alex on Romans 10 - 7 years ago
    jesus said there is gonna be only 1 shepherd and 1 Sheepfold not 2.Thats y there is no more JEW or Gentile in Christ Jesus, All men carry tHE stain and the spot of Adam,THERE WAS NONE RIGHTEOUS NO NOT ONE. There was no good seed till Christ , James addressing the 12 tribes ASK is there any sick among you? let him call on tHE ELDERS OF THE CHURCH,Thus the Church is Jew and Gentile, WHOSOEVER WILL.
  • Esworth on Genesis 1 - 7 years ago
    The whole bible I have doubt though there are some good things I could
    have said about it, This life is not what the most high has given us, All around us is all evil, iniquity, even our government are evil so what had gone wrong,
    Are we still in captivity? what is still hidden from us that would give us life as the most high had planned for his chosen people, Surely this is not his plan for us.
  • Mrs. Teasley on Psalms 127 - 7 years ago
    Psalm 150 tells us ways in which we must give God praises, by use of instruments and by the use of our voices. We were created to worship God and only Him. I give him all the glory everyday
  • Word on Deuteronomy 1 - 7 years ago
    Faith, complete faith in God. When things look bad coming at you such as sickness and you have been reading the scriptures, talking with Father and loving Him know that He is with you through Christ and have complete Faith that you will be healed and God will show you the way through all problems that face you. But you have to have full complete faith in Him and please Him by study in scriptures.
  • Word on Daniel 11 - 7 years ago
    only one vile one in the scriptures as far as the future plan that is written for us at this time. Play with the word all you want but prepare for the truth that Satan the false messiah is coming and he comes to deceive the whole world and how would Satan do that deception by coming in peace and prosperity claiming he is God return. It last as the time of the locust,5 months. Chase him if you want
  • Michael frye on Genesis 4 - 7 years ago
    Also God specified using ( He ) before even the Birth. So could this thing the Serpent Doctrine actually be true, and How could the Serpent talk, did the other Animals talk also up to that point. Right out of the Gate meaning The book of Genesis we have some major questions.
  • Mild Bill,saved by grace on Psalms 28 - 7 years ago
    Believers need help which is only found in God.We have been turned away from the path to the pit, and should walk in this world as saved,unlike others in this world around us who have not.Our song to God is not from duty,but from love of him who first loved us as our Savior on the cross.Our deeds were once as theirs.Gods voice in our lives brings his word to our heart,so as to lead us towards him.

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