Mild Bill,saved by grace on Psalms 23 - 6 years ago
"there is 1 God, and 1 mediator between God and men,the man Christ Jesus;Who gave himself a ransom for all,to be testified in due time."Due time is our time here on earth."He that believeth on him is not condemned:but he that believeth not is condemned already,because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."but that the world through him might be saved.He paid 4 your sin.
I was once young and now I am old I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed bagging for bread .so my brother my sister in Christ Jesus we are the children of the most high all u have to do is open your mouth call him up and tell him what u want it starts like this our father whuch are In heaven in Jesus Name then u praise him for all the things he have done for u now tell him .
The battle on earth, lead by Satan (who else), for lost souls (what else)? God, and the Arch Angel, Michael, had enough of Lucifer. His schtik got old, so he and his Hell's Angels had to go. When he came to earth, he didn't let up with his mischief. He created havoc there as well, not caring that he jeopardized earth's delicate ecology. He was after that truth teller on earth, her son, Mesiah
I am wondering of verses 10 and 11 in 2nd John chpt 1--So does this mean people who come to your door and wanting to explain how they believe and give you little papers to read? I used to have different ones come and my husband and I felt that a door should not be shut in anyone's face so to speak but they can be very persistent so do we tell them we believe different and good bye, any views?
I need a Parables for women graduating a life recovery program other than the prodigal son I need to be able to give them an item that they can take with him and keep like the prodigal son’s father did when he gave his son the ring if you can help me please direct me to a good Parable that I could use as a theme for our graduation thank you and have a blessed day
Our father in heaven will give us strength in our time of need. We cannot live in hope, and joy if we try to do things on our own without consulting our Lord Jesus.It's like trying to do something far above our capabilities. We can rest knowing that he is loving,and powerful.
We know Christ is come and we know he has departed to heaven. If your faith tells you he will come again after Armageddon, hold fast or not, but the Mosaic law is forever, the Word is here and the teaching of the Prophets as well. So get with it. Believe what you will, for you are the one who will answer to God in due time. That is certain if you believe in God. You do believe in God, right?
ONE Almighty, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Infallible Eternal Celestial God TRUTH PROVES that "cursed is the man who trust in man and makes flesh 'his' strength"..."He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword"..."woes to 'that' man by whom offences come." do onto others as you would have others do unto you." Satan---who foolishly relinquished his God given Authority as Lucifer---is Futile.
I thank. God. he is so merciful. he full with mercies and his mercies enduret for ever.
I pray that the believers all over the world and the people using this site. and the owner of this site. and i.
will be raptured to meet the lord Jesus in the air. and so shall we be with the lord for ever and ever. No believer shall be left behind. in Jesus Name i pray AMEN.
That is so true. I have always God was with us. I never have been much of a church person . My wife of 35 years fell on the ice 7 weeks ago and hit her head really bad she was life flight out. I never have prayed more in my life all the doctors said she should be dead. I know that it was God that saved her. She is 100 percent ok amen
Mild Bill,saved by grace on Psalms 15 - 6 years ago
A persons behavior bespeaks to whom they are in subjection to.Citizens are ruled by their own consent to temporary rulers. Subjects live under a monarch,a sovereign ruler,by his grace to them.As Jesus is Lord,his rule is eternal,therefore,believers follow and serve him with song in their hearts for eternity.Love,joy,peace,longsuffering,goodness,gentleness,faith,meekness,self control, from the Lord
Hi John; I'm glad to help. It sounds like they are Jehovah's Witnesses; is that right? They are best known for their door-to-door preaching, distributing literature such as The Watchtower and Awake! and refusing military service, etc. They follow a false Bible; completely mutilated and rewritten after their own heretical views, such as denying the divinity of Christ or the existence of hell.
A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. A geat quote “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi God loves His Creation we need to treat animals with dignity and respect and love. Please do not eat meat if it is raised cruelly. Think of how Veal is raised..
I recommend reading the Bible in a quiet room by yourself under prayer and spiritual provision understanding and humbleness. Less opinion on what you don't understand. If you still call people rejects you are far from the truth. Don't give up. The LORD IS PATIENT with us in our folly. We should all practice love and forgiveness before we bother with doctrine. God bless everyone in your pursuit. 27
Whoever is born of God does not continue sinning because we are now alive in Christ Jesus. But if due to carelessness a believer backslide God is still merciful to forgive if he will confess his/her sin. But it is untrue that we cease sinning only when we die because we are now new creature in Christ, also we are now risen unto righteousness through His death and resurrection. - 1 John 5 : 18
I pray that the believers all over the world and the people using this site. and the owner of this site. and i.
will be raptured to meet the lord Jesus in the air. and so shall we be with the lord for ever and ever. No believer shall be left behind. in Jesus Name i pray AMEN.