Christian Life Page 101

  • The new - 6 years ago
    The new one has change my life
  • Priscilla D. Aguilar on Ephesians 1 - 6 years ago

    Acts 2: 38-39

    Our Salvation: 38. Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    God gave us our salvation and its his promise: 39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
  • Lenzie on Isaiah 55 - 6 years ago
    Julie-your call out: earth, wind, and fire in conjunction with your commentary suggests a hint of witchcraft? The " beggarly elements Apostle Paul warned of? I hope not, but if so be careful.... you are quite right about M. McDonald, pre tribulation "rapture" is not in the Bible... Nope, works won't work...all colors are heavenly colors, there are seven as there are seven spirits of God-it is the Lord's bow and is not native to the earth.... I am not sure how you are processing Ecclesiastes....?
  • JAYYYYYY on Isaiah 55 - 6 years ago
    Good love comment of Days!!!
  • Alvin Rushing on Proverbs 6 - 6 years ago
    I love reading my Bible daily, because I learn that everything that is happening today was put in the scrolls centuries ago. In the book of Revelations all of the things that were printed are now happening. Wars and rumors of wars are seen and heard today. Fathers against sons and mothers against daughters.
  • Servant of God on Exodus 7 - 6 years ago
    For Stephanie, who I love for her confession of the might of Yahaveh (hebrew for Jehovah). For He is all together real and present with those who believe wirhout question for His law governs our lives and saves us from death, for we will live as angels in His Kingdom. He brings peace to us and strength to proceed. Our hearts are full, our words are not cynical, our path is before us. Love ever
  • Bruce on Matthew 25 - 6 years ago
    word: comfort One another with these Words. The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a Shout --- and with The Trump of God: and The Dead in Christ shall Rise First:: Then We which are Alive --- shall be caught up together with them in The Clouds: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. When The Trump Sounds? / there shall be Mockers in The Last Time, who --- Walk after Their Own ungodly lust. Jude 18
  • Tann on Colossians 1 - 6 years ago
    Why repeat? If there be any preperations for a Christian it is of Faith. Prepping like a prepper does not work. Trying to save even those of our own blood does not work, they have to choose just as a believer has. Warning is likened to Noah. Do not fear....may we continue to seek and abide in Jesus Christ our LORD.
  • Nosa on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 6 years ago
    i love it i always wanted to read sirach in kingjamesversion
  • Carla Walker on Psalms 12 - 6 years ago
    Through a storm we look for cover, and at the same time depending on the severity of the storm one will call on the Lord. If a storm arises in an individual life, and there is no way out in the natural, God will cover and protect you from the enemy that oppressed his people. He will place in in a place where he she is safe until the storm is over. I you peak outside and see the storm is still there, don't leave the place of safety until God says it's ok. Staying in the word and meditating, fasting and a continuous prayer life will keep you in the safety zone. We have to keep pressing on like the woman who had the issue of blood.
  • OLUWASEYE IGE on Matthew 18 - 6 years ago
    The word of God is a mystery; it is only those who are in Spirit that can understand and explain it in detail. 1 Corinthians 2:14; Romans 8:8; John 4:23-24
  • David Spreading the Lords Truth - 6 years ago
    So we see that Satan has the power to Give All things in this world and the Glory of them ( Materialism and Worldly Glamour and Luxury) only that he may Lure the simple minded to chase after them and in the end be Deceived ? For their material possessions became their god ?and they served them ! Instead of seeking after The Lord ? No man can serve Two masters ? He must Love the one
  • David spreading the Lords truth on John 8 - 6 years ago
    Matthew 4;1-11 KJV ..then was Jesus Led up in the spirit to be tempted of the devil . (8) again the devil taketh him up to exceedingly high mountain ( and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world ) and the Glory of Them .(9) and Saith unto him ; ( all these things will I Give Thee ) if thou shall fall down (bow ) and Wordhip Me . (10) then saith Jesus unto him; Get thee Hence Satan ,
  • Keith stalker on Ezekiel 39 - 6 years ago
    The Psalm 83 war must take place before Ezek 38,39. The Arab nations form a confederacy to attack Isreal. Isreal will win decisively and expand territory greatly. All the Arab enemies will be destroyed. Isreal will live at rest with no walls , bars or gates. This may take place after Isaiah 17v1 where Damascus is a ruinious heap. The enemies listed in Psalm 83 are not the same enemies in Ez 38,39
  • Sabrina White - 6 years ago
    Thank you Father for your love and mercy. Even tho I'm full of flaws
  • RM on Psalms 109 - 6 years ago
    Having problems out of 2 sisters,they have tarnished my name,ruined my reputation in my family with all lies,whenever i say something,they go back and put it a different way and it's always lies,always trying to make me the villain of the family, if i go to holiday dinners,they'll say something to embarrass me/offend me,they don't want me around, all lies told to my son who has turned against me.
  • Carolyn Rowe on Ezekiel 19 - 6 years ago
    America is following in the footsteps of Israel. Our leaders are selling out to evil persons. God is trying to warn us about the results of this behavior, but like Israel, we are not listening. Destruction will be the result of ignoring God. Pray for this President to be sensitive to God's will and take us back to the good ways.
  • Douglas G Wells - 6 years ago
    had wanted for this nation
  • Douglas G Wells on Acts 24 - 6 years ago
    Jesus at that time came to shake the jews leadership at time forgot their heritage by letting other god into their way of live, Ever thou they were not in their home country for. Win were in their home their leader allowed other god into their county and their way life. That why God allowed Trump into The White House to bring The country of The United States of America back to. What are founding
  • Tann on Psalms 125 - 6 years ago
    For the former comment: Galations 5:4
  • Jerry W. King on 1 Corinthians 10 - 6 years ago
    What ever you do to to GOD'S GLORY. Even in playing sports. 2GodBetheGlory Ballin4Christ
  • W.w on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    sorry, what is the name of the man who is reading in audio?
  • Latonia Wingfield on Isaiah 32 - 6 years ago
    I justwant to tell lord to keep his hand on me and my kids and my grandson I need pray and guide with my family that why I'm trying to stay pray up so I can get out my mother house and get my own house for me and my kids and grandson I known you got lord thanks you I love you.
  • Nino on Ecclesiasticus 5 - 6 years ago
    I would Concord with Matth. 24, 36 42 44 50 25, 13 As a refrain we hear No one knows when that day and hour will come You don't know what day your Lord will come The Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him That servant's Master will come back one day when the servant does not expect him and at a time he does not know You don't know the day or the hour.
  • Alicia on Luke 12 - 6 years ago
    I need prayer for me and my family I need someone to help me so many people act like they hate me for no reason I give people and they still hurt me
  • Carlos Angel Rey on 1 Kings 3 - 6 years ago
    Famous story. How many know how to match them with their books?
  • Abda Adoniyah on Genesis 42 - 6 years ago


  • Cody George on Hebrews 13 - 6 years ago
    I have been sober for going on a year and working at my new job, when I seen a man sitting on a bench as I walked by he stood up and looked at me saying I'm proud of you as if he knew me it was so strange but what was even more bizarre as I walked off I turned back thinking maybe I knew him and was being rude just saying thanks and walking away but when I turned back he was gone nowhere in sight.
  • Janice on 1 Corinthians 3 - 6 years ago
    I love you. A reminder from an older Christian who has been unwell since 18 but diagnosed later with a condition which is in need of medicine to control horrible pain. I love Jesus. I am still filled with the Holy Spirit even when medicated. Please believe Christ con use even the elderly, sick, and disabled, for His plan. He uses the weak. Does not illness teach us to lean more?
  • Apostle B on Leviticus 18 - 6 years ago
    Noah had three sons. Shem, Ham and Japeth. Their wives They had children in the area know as Turkey/Asia today. The land or earth was divided by Noah to each child. Nemrod, a son of Ham, became the ruler of Babylon and other nations and they paid tribute to him. It may have taken hundreds of years but remember Yah (God) wanted to repopulate the world through Noah to bring righteousness to the e

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