Just a quick one because I've just seen something on the internet . Can't help thinking of the book of Esther , connecting it with , Matthew ch24 , Mark ch13 , Revelation ch13 and the images that a certain president has posted concerning his vision of what Gaza will be like when he takes over . Check out donalds Trump Gaza AI video , it will blow your mind !
Day 18 January 18,2025 Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Proverbs 3:5 KJV
"Being a man and woman of your word-Direct to best of knowledge or if something changed of rule based procedures and laws. Good news is to trust in the LORD to be identified Christian shown and known to be directed, lead to change uncertainty to certainty of your faith Ephesians 4:6KJV. Where it begun will be completed.
I have proof, evidence of my speaking habits are approved to receive and be services of speaking correctly, holiness actions, speech. Principle of God all religions Always performaning righteousness, holiness in actions "to do it" of God. To have faith, believe Romans 10:9-10 KJV. Myself is an example cordial and sincere. Romans 10:10 KJV (Standard rule and practice).
Ezekiel 36:26 KJV Allows people to see Jesus Christ is God and believe practical understanding of morals. Not if acts "did it" actions,sensorys of wanting not to be a man and woman of your word ."
Proverbs 3:6 KJV
"Rules of all God's in all paths.By faith first Romans 10:9-10 KJV believe.For greater results and responds standard rules and practices Christian methods serving, reading holy bible, praying, fasting.
Most Quoted Jehohvah which is needed-Jesus Christ is God the Father. Allowing God to give you what you suppose to have and returned guaranteed in truth. That's your mind, body, soul, counsel Psalms 119:24 KJV confirmed did the word of God where it begun and will be completed.In truth I have applied my faith, believing, supporting God,God supporting me, supporting West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral distinction of born man identified Christian, service ,ministry, Christian methods reading holy bible, praying, fasting. "
Nehemiah 8:10 KJV West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Nehemiah 8:10 KJV
I believe in God's word scriptures holy bible having faith Jesus Christ death, burial, and his resurrection after the third day gives me joy Romans 8:2 to recieve and do the will of God.
Please do not add or take away from the Holy Scriptures for it can be misleading. Please note or cite it if it is one's opinion or interpretation. Nevertheless, the first verse in Ecclesiasticus chapter 1 verse 1 is as follows: All wisdom cometh from the Lord, and is with him for ever.
SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOK December 8,2024 Psalm 95:1-7 KJV 1Timothy:12-17 KJV
COGIC WORSHIP 1 Corinthians 15:3-4:Jesus Christ is God,. I worship a God that is power,strength over all the world and all things Philippians 4:13 KJV that reaches the whole world and saves those of faith. I Worship the creator.Holy allows you to listen and do it, act, actions, obey. Immense Gratitude and Imperative God.
We know we are saved because God said it and we have faith to believe it. Faith takes God's Word as true and relies upon it. If you came to Christ, that was saving faith. Now then He wants you to have faith in His Word for assurance.
John Rice
Trust wholly in Christ; rely altogether on His sufferings; beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than by His righteousness. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation. There must be atonement made for sin according to the righteousness of God.
John Rice
Trust wholly in Christ; rely altogether on His sufferings; beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than by His righteousness. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation. There must be atonement made for sin according to the righteousness of God. The person to make this atonement must be God and man.
John Wycliffe
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built. If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation.
Ezra Taft Benson
The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation.
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
There is much for the saints of GOD to rejoice in.
JESUS CHRIST to shine HIS face on us. May we then be obedient and glorify our SAVIOR GOD as we learn to go forward and make disciples.
Does the infilling of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues remain with the church today? Many Christians truly believe, that this wonderful gift of God to His precious church, was only for the early church and it has become a doctrine no more, as if it just faded away, to be ignored or even condemned. The devil hates the things of God and is always trying to confuse God's children so in his evil way he spreads this lie.
The infilling of the Holy Ghost, as we read in the scriptures, is the gift God gave to His church on the day of Pentecost. He had promised this Gift and while the church was tarrying in the upper room and had prayed until they were in one accord He infilled them with the Holy Ghost and they began to speak in languages unknown to them.
They were gathered in the upper room because they were afraid of the Sanhedrin who were persecuting Christians. But after they received the Holy Ghost they were no longer afraid and went forward and began preaching in many different languages so all the people could understand them. Peter wasn't the only one who preached and because of the power of having the Holy Ghost IN them the church flourished as it did and this gift remains in the church today.
We do have the Holy Spirit with us when we get saved but having the Holy Ghost IN us gives us greater strength, knowledge, discernment, understanding and much more power to stay righteous as a child of God. We are fighting the DEVIL; we must desire all the power we can have against him.
Disregarding this blessing is disregarding a gift from God and why would you do that? Because grandma or mom or dad or your pastor TELLS you it isn't of God? Did you study, after serious prayer and maybe even fasting, to learn for yourselves about this doctrine? Why wouldn't any child of God want to be blessed this way? Perhaps fear that it is of the devil, would God give a gift to His church that is from the devil? Or it seems too evil and crazy because that is the way people on social media act and God's people don't act that way. This is wrong thinking, the poor souls on social media that behave badly are being deceived by the devil. You need to study to know the truth. Find out for yourself, study and don't listen to anyone but God - including me. Forget or at least compare sermons you've heard denouncing this doctrine with what the bible teaches with an open mind toward God.
Christians use 1 Corinthians 13:8: to claim that tongues HAVE ceased but the expression "whether there be" makes the question hypothetical or could be or could be not, so what verse 8 in this passage is saying is that whether tongues cease or not the love of God never will, or even if knowledge shall vanish away or not the love of God won't and as for the "putting away childish things" The CHURCH OF GOD was filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues, that was not a childish experience.
Salvation comes first and then if you also ask God to take the desire for sin, the want to live a sinful life out of you, that you want it gone forever you are asking for your sin nature to be gone and you are fully sanctified. God has destroyed, killed, crucified your sin nature. Then your soul is pure and holy and if you simply ask to have the Holy Ghost to fill you He will, but keep praying until you pray in the heavenly language God has for you. It's beautiful and you will experience only joy and peace and power. The devil will have nothing to do with it. He can't interfere with you when you are praying with Jesus.
I've been filled with the Holy Ghost for over 40 years and I, nor the church I was a part of then, ever acted the way that is seen on social media. This is the way the devil confuses christians and makes the things of God appalling to them. There are scriptures that tell how a Holy Ghost filled christian should act whether alone or in a gathering of other christians. Search for it in, hopefully, your KJB. Christians use 1 Corinthians 13:8: to claim that tongues HAVE ceased but the expression "whether there be" is a subjunctive form of speech meaning hypothetical or an uncertain situation." (Merriam Webster Thesaurus), so what verse 8 in this passage is saying is that whether tongues cease or not the love of God never will, or even if knowledge shall vanish away the love of God won't. I hope you will find this blessing for yourself.
As a woman, I'm having a very difficult time relating to Proverbs as it is very often addressing a male reader. I know if I take away any wording and insert my own, I'm being disobedient to the LORD JESUS' precious Word. For example, when it says "my son", how am I to relate to that teaching when it's speaking to a male when I'm not allowed to insert "my child" or" my daughter"?
As a 74 yr old Christain for 66 yrs, Baptist faith. I see more and more of the Bible been fulfilled each day . I'm so tired of the evilness our world is in. God doesn't like what people are doing. They've left God out of their lives and are doing what the devil is telling them is OK to like, do , dress, talk, murder, to lie,. It's easier they think to go in his footsteps and leave God out of their lives completely. They will stand before God one day and hear the truth of their easy evil lives, but it'll be too late. COME JESUS COME. Soon I pray. God bless you all.
So much evil has been done , by our nation , in the pursuit of scientific / creationist knowledge ( or the knowledge of God ) . I don't imagine that many of us know this terrible fact so prepare yourself for a shocking truth about our deeds .
Up until 1974 ( when President Richard Nixon banned these practices ) , women were routinely paid to get pregnant and have abortions to provide fetuses for American scientists to experiment on , also mentally retarded institutionalised patients ( adults and children ) were routinely injected with deadly diseases in order to test out cures and vaccinations . Richard Nixon banned all of this in 1974 . We have no idea of the evils that go on in this world , we only get tiny glimpses . Our God sees everything , all day every day . What a horrible sight we must be . He loves all of His creation , all of it , plants , animals , rivers , seas etc . He sees what we do , to ourselves , to each other and to His beautiful Earth .
I think that considering all this , we can only say , Psalm 12 , Psalm 33 , Psalm 37 , Psalm 49 , Psalm 64 . Praise ye the LORD . O give thanks unto the LORD ; for He is good : for his mercy endureth for ever .
"A test of a Christian's character is what he does after he comes to the blockade in the road and what his attitude is after everything has left him except Jesus. You will never know down here that Christ is all you need until Christ is all you have left. You will never be able to tell the world for sure that He will do in a crisis unless you learn how to live in a crisis." Lester Roloff
"The only way to build a church, if you have a Bible church, is to preach out of the Bible, teach out of the Bible, read out of the Bible." Lester Roloff
"If you want to save America, get America saved." Lester Roloff
"America is an insane asylum run by the inmates." Lester Roloff
"I see no hope for a revival among God's people today. They are so enamored and so cluttered up with Hollywood and newspapers and magazines and parties and bowling alleys and camping trips and everything else. How in the world are they going to get still long enough to see anything from God?" Lester Roloff
"A church is not a church when the passion for souls is gone." Lee Roberson
"The Bible does not contain the Word of God; It is the Word of God." Lee Roberson
"If you are a child of God, know that every promise in the Bible is yours." Lee Roberson
"Revival begins in the individual's heart. Let it begin with you on your face alone before God. Turn from every sin that might hinder. Renew yourself to a new devotion to the Savior." Lee Roberson
"We should remember that people can go to Heaven without knowing much of
the Word of God, but they cannot go to Heaven without knowing Jesus Christ
This is going to seem a bit strange odd Not to sure what people will think and may Not be welcomed ? i don't know. Just a little first yes i am Catholic/Christian. I believe .
a few things. I was at a safe way at the check out counter a guy comes up behind me and and says he likes my tee shirt i turned around and the guy couldn't look me in the eyes he kept looking down away covering his eyes that's what it looked like to me . I mentioned to him how i received the Tee shirt. It was from a contest Top prize award (my mother won). Any way its my turn to pay the guy looks at the girl behind the counter, i had no clue as i was not looking at his direction. He started to speak to the Girl in Spanish now i looked at him ! he said to the girl tell him what i told you, he repeated and she said he told me to tell you your Not from Here ??? she looked at him so did i he then says looking away from me your from up there ??? i must be a Angel ?? i don't know, i have enough sinning Not happy with and as i was leaving he told me his email address " drunkjesus " mine is genesis WOW i walked away.
The other is this i don't know how to say this or put it . Jesus is real Yashwa/ Jehovah /Yahweh/ I am This is Fact he is our Savior our father our Creator HE IS EVERYTHING
I'm getting a strange feeling because of what i'm seeing, someone opened me up to see things i never saw before. With that being said it seems like were in a trap, so to speak. Were have huge issues in this world the Book of Revelations is coming True right from A to Z so to speak you can actually see it. Getting back to a trap. It seems that this is there World Not Ours (They/Them/Us/Demons). We leave our body as its a simple vessel but our spirit lives on.When people go to buy Children clothing, they don't see The words (Walt Disney Tee shirt)" Upside Down World " someone pointed that out to me. I did this to other people who believe some my family. Everyone said nice tee shirt ? I was laughed at.,
Oh dear DEAR JESUS , if I only could, I would enter the big world for sharing my confidence and optimism. But my life has been only brains and quiet northern freeze. I'd love to tell each And every person one by one, how much I love every suffering and poor. I myself have only couple of small coins , They're not enough to travel...My english language has been already 53 years alert for volunteering...
did ya already know about the person who was not WORTHY OF CONFIRMATION. I have my studies and prayers been for to encouraging the BARNABAS-style of persons, recignize the letter N between. the BLIND one that followed his heart and PAVEL..with believing he got eyes. Remember the words? yes
I feel my life has been like the one who was not WORTHY to enter the holy confirmation but yet I have been stubborn and I have my share of shaking...58 age woman.
The year 4365 is going to be 777. That year is the last to be known on this side. This comment is ENCOURAGING. The human digit is 6. It is it without any currency that number. As ya calculate the 727,5 divided number is the SOLUTION for the non dixie metric but the 6-metric ANSWER. So now. listen every sign which are Not binded into currency methods. The crowd on earth is ready for to get ready early enough. you have only at this calculations for device NON-ZERO substance. the calculation begins with 1. The zero doesn't exist. NOSTRADAMUS was wrong. His calculations wrre leaving on currency and pribes rottening society . That's not going to happen. Human kind has already the seed for understanding. It did spread year 2013. It has been a wave around the tellus 3 times already. it is in ya all. When ya see this method of calculations, you understand the Endless optimism of continuence.
I have had couple of experiences of diciplined writing with my hand from somewhere very large (i guess maybe GABRIEL) angel. the hand of mine writes down words without any voice. My hand obays highest force and I'm not in hypnosis nor trance. I just take Pen and paper. And the flow is very straight to the point and my brains does nothing while the writing. Remember to tell your friends the end is not near. I have been sober for 14 years now and continuing so. But of course I don't advice anyone for that matter.
The optimism is the alternative for currency. Yes, there is. It is based on individual talent and born babies basic instinct and need for to get approved along with own talent. Your gift is going to shine personal career with your own innovations.
The currency alters into skill barter economy. And it is going to let ya all free for to be productive.
and this happy period of human kind is going to last 1200 and over years. Of course no one acnolidges this altering. the society seems like the same the schools works and people do jobs. Seemingly nothing changes
the Lord is our strength
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Proverbs 3:5 KJV
"Being a man and woman of your word-Direct to best of knowledge or if something changed of rule based procedures and laws. Good news is to trust in the LORD to be identified Christian shown and known to be directed, lead to change uncertainty to certainty of your faith Ephesians 4:6KJV. Where it begun will be completed.
I have proof, evidence of my speaking habits are approved to receive and be services of speaking correctly, holiness actions, speech. Principle of God all religions Always performaning righteousness, holiness in actions "to do it" of God. To have faith, believe Romans 10:9-10 KJV. Myself is an example cordial and sincere. Romans 10:10 KJV (Standard rule and practice).
Ezekiel 36:26 KJV Allows people to see Jesus Christ is God and believe practical understanding of morals. Not if acts "did it" actions,sensorys of wanting not to be a man and woman of your word ."
Proverbs 3:6 KJV
"Rules of all God's in all paths.By faith first Romans 10:9-10 KJV believe.For greater results and responds standard rules and practices Christian methods serving, reading holy bible, praying, fasting.
Most Quoted Jehohvah which is needed-Jesus Christ is God the Father. Allowing God to give you what you suppose to have and returned guaranteed in truth. That's your mind, body, soul, counsel Psalms 119:24 KJV confirmed did the word of God where it begun and will be completed.In truth I have applied my faith, believing, supporting God,God supporting me, supporting West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral distinction of born man identified Christian, service ,ministry, Christian methods reading holy bible, praying, fasting. "
Word Spoken and Written by REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY
Nehemiah 8:10 KJV West Angeles Church Consecration Calendar
Me being a member at West Angeles Cogic Church Cathedral Los Angeles California
Nehemiah 8:10 KJV
I believe in God's word scriptures holy bible having faith Jesus Christ death, burial, and his resurrection after the third day gives me joy Romans 8:2 to recieve and do the will of God.
Word Spoken and Written by REDAPPLETREATY4MEONLY
COGIC WORSHIP 1 Corinthians 15:3-4:Jesus Christ is God,. I worship a God that is power,strength over all the world and all things Philippians 4:13 KJV that reaches the whole world and saves those of faith. I Worship the creator.Holy allows you to listen and do it, act, actions, obey. Immense Gratitude and Imperative God.
I'm no longer getting them.
May we honor and glorify You daily in all we say and do.
GOD to shine His face on all who call on Him; and be gloriously blessed.
Let Your wisdom show in our up coming elections; help us to pray in thanksgiving and worship You according to scripture.
October 19, 2024
John Rice
Trust wholly in Christ; rely altogether on His sufferings; beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than by His righteousness. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation. There must be atonement made for sin according to the righteousness of God.
John Rice
Trust wholly in Christ; rely altogether on His sufferings; beware of seeking to be justified in any other way than by His righteousness. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for salvation. There must be atonement made for sin according to the righteousness of God. The person to make this atonement must be God and man.
John Wycliffe
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built. If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation.
Ezra Taft Benson
The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation.
Charles Spurgeon
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
There is much for the saints of GOD to rejoice in.
JESUS CHRIST to shine HIS face on us. May we then be obedient and glorify our SAVIOR GOD as we learn to go forward and make disciples.
September 29, 2024
Does the infilling of the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues remain with the church today? Many Christians truly believe, that this wonderful gift of God to His precious church, was only for the early church and it has become a doctrine no more, as if it just faded away, to be ignored or even condemned. The devil hates the things of God and is always trying to confuse God's children so in his evil way he spreads this lie.
The infilling of the Holy Ghost, as we read in the scriptures, is the gift God gave to His church on the day of Pentecost. He had promised this Gift and while the church was tarrying in the upper room and had prayed until they were in one accord He infilled them with the Holy Ghost and they began to speak in languages unknown to them.
They were gathered in the upper room because they were afraid of the Sanhedrin who were persecuting Christians. But after they received the Holy Ghost they were no longer afraid and went forward and began preaching in many different languages so all the people could understand them. Peter wasn't the only one who preached and because of the power of having the Holy Ghost IN them the church flourished as it did and this gift remains in the church today.
We do have the Holy Spirit with us when we get saved but having the Holy Ghost IN us gives us greater strength, knowledge, discernment, understanding and much more power to stay righteous as a child of God. We are fighting the DEVIL; we must desire all the power we can have against him.
Disregarding this blessing is disregarding a gift from God and why would you do that? Because grandma or mom or dad or your pastor TELLS you it isn't of God? Did you study, after serious prayer and maybe even fasting, to learn for yourselves about this doctrine? Why wouldn't any child of God want to be blessed this way? Perhaps fear that it is of the devil, would God give a gift to His church that is from the devil? Or it seems too evil and crazy because that is the way people on social media act and God's people don't act that way. This is wrong thinking, the poor souls on social media that behave badly are being deceived by the devil. You need to study to know the truth. Find out for yourself, study and don't listen to anyone but God - including me. Forget or at least compare sermons you've heard denouncing this doctrine with what the bible teaches with an open mind toward God.
Christians use 1 Corinthians 13:8: to claim that tongues HAVE ceased but the expression "whether there be" makes the question hypothetical or could be or could be not, so what verse 8 in this passage is saying is that whether tongues cease or not the love of God never will, or even if knowledge shall vanish away or not the love of God won't and as for the "putting away childish things" The CHURCH OF GOD was filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues, that was not a childish experience.
Salvation comes first and then if you also ask God to take the desire for sin, the want to live a sinful life out of you, that you want it gone forever you are asking for your sin nature to be gone and you are fully sanctified. God has destroyed, killed, crucified your sin nature. Then your soul is pure and holy and if you simply ask to have the Holy Ghost to fill you He will, but keep praying until you pray in the heavenly language God has for you. It's beautiful and you will experience only joy and peace and power. The devil will have nothing to do with it. He can't interfere with you when you are praying with Jesus.
I've been filled with the Holy Ghost for over 40 years and I, nor the church I was a part of then, ever acted the way that is seen on social media. This is the way the devil confuses christians and makes the things of God appalling to them. There are scriptures that tell how a Holy Ghost filled christian should act whether alone or in a gathering of other christians. Search for it in, hopefully, your KJB. Christians use 1 Corinthians 13:8: to claim that tongues HAVE ceased but the expression "whether there be" is a subjunctive form of speech meaning hypothetical or an uncertain situation." (Merriam Webster Thesaurus), so what verse 8 in this passage is saying is that whether tongues cease or not the love of God never will, or even if knowledge shall vanish away the love of God won't. I hope you will find this blessing for yourself.
an angel of the Lord killed how many Assyrians in one night?
ANSWER : __________________.
Up until 1974 ( when President Richard Nixon banned these practices ) , women were routinely paid to get pregnant and have abortions to provide fetuses for American scientists to experiment on , also mentally retarded institutionalised patients ( adults and children ) were routinely injected with deadly diseases in order to test out cures and vaccinations . Richard Nixon banned all of this in 1974 . We have no idea of the evils that go on in this world , we only get tiny glimpses . Our God sees everything , all day every day . What a horrible sight we must be . He loves all of His creation , all of it , plants , animals , rivers , seas etc . He sees what we do , to ourselves , to each other and to His beautiful Earth .
I think that considering all this , we can only say , Psalm 12 , Psalm 33 , Psalm 37 , Psalm 49 , Psalm 64 . Praise ye the LORD . O give thanks unto the LORD ; for He is good : for his mercy endureth for ever .
"The only way to build a church, if you have a Bible church, is to preach out of the Bible, teach out of the Bible, read out of the Bible." Lester Roloff
"If you want to save America, get America saved." Lester Roloff
"America is an insane asylum run by the inmates." Lester Roloff
"I see no hope for a revival among God's people today. They are so enamored and so cluttered up with Hollywood and newspapers and magazines and parties and bowling alleys and camping trips and everything else. How in the world are they going to get still long enough to see anything from God?" Lester Roloff
"A church is not a church when the passion for souls is gone." Lee Roberson
"The Bible does not contain the Word of God; It is the Word of God." Lee Roberson
"If you are a child of God, know that every promise in the Bible is yours." Lee Roberson
"Revival begins in the individual's heart. Let it begin with you on your face alone before God. Turn from every sin that might hinder. Renew yourself to a new devotion to the Savior." Lee Roberson
"We should remember that people can go to Heaven without knowing much of
the Word of God, but they cannot go to Heaven without knowing Jesus Christ
as Savior." Lee Roberson
a few things. I was at a safe way at the check out counter a guy comes up behind me and and says he likes my tee shirt i turned around and the guy couldn't look me in the eyes he kept looking down away covering his eyes that's what it looked like to me . I mentioned to him how i received the Tee shirt. It was from a contest Top prize award (my mother won). Any way its my turn to pay the guy looks at the girl behind the counter, i had no clue as i was not looking at his direction. He started to speak to the Girl in Spanish now i looked at him ! he said to the girl tell him what i told you, he repeated and she said he told me to tell you your Not from Here ??? she looked at him so did i he then says looking away from me your from up there ??? i must be a Angel ?? i don't know, i have enough sinning Not happy with and as i was leaving he told me his email address " drunkjesus " mine is genesis WOW i walked away.
The other is this i don't know how to say this or put it . Jesus is real Yashwa/ Jehovah /Yahweh/ I am This is Fact he is our Savior our father our Creator HE IS EVERYTHING
I'm getting a strange feeling because of what i'm seeing, someone opened me up to see things i never saw before. With that being said it seems like were in a trap, so to speak. Were have huge issues in this world the Book of Revelations is coming True right from A to Z so to speak you can actually see it. Getting back to a trap. It seems that this is there World Not Ours (They/Them/Us/Demons). We leave our body as its a simple vessel but our spirit lives on.When people go to buy Children clothing, they don't see The words (Walt Disney Tee shirt)" Upside Down World " someone pointed that out to me. I did this to other people who believe some my family. Everyone said nice tee shirt ? I was laughed at.,
I feel my life has been like the one who was not WORTHY to enter the holy confirmation but yet I have been stubborn and I have my share of shaking...58 age woman.
I have had couple of experiences of diciplined writing with my hand from somewhere very large (i guess maybe GABRIEL) angel. the hand of mine writes down words without any voice. My hand obays highest force and I'm not in hypnosis nor trance. I just take Pen and paper. And the flow is very straight to the point and my brains does nothing while the writing. Remember to tell your friends the end is not near. I have been sober for 14 years now and continuing so. But of course I don't advice anyone for that matter.
The optimism is the alternative for currency. Yes, there is. It is based on individual talent and born babies basic instinct and need for to get approved along with own talent. Your gift is going to shine personal career with your own innovations.
The currency alters into skill barter economy. And it is going to let ya all free for to be productive.
and this happy period of human kind is going to last 1200 and over years. Of course no one acnolidges this altering. the society seems like the same the schools works and people do jobs. Seemingly nothing changes