Praise be to The King of Kings! Hosanna in the highest! We serve an awesome and mighty GOD! Word's cannot not express the joy that awaits us in Heaven. Let us rejoice and praise and bask in the glory of GOD! Soften our hearts lord. Let us not be vain or puffed up against one another. We love you, We love your word. We are filthy and vile lord. You are our only hope, The author and finisher of our faith. Thou are art the only one found holy, oh lord. I will praise thee in the gates. I will sing of your holiness, your beauty and your righteousness. Filly my cup with the overflow of your abundant love. Cleanse my mind of impurity and evil. Lord I pray for all of the people on this forum lord. May your love overshadow them today in a mighty way. Bring tears of love and of joy to our eyes lord as we think of the beauty of your holiness and glory. Oh GOD, How great thou art! I love you King Jesus! I love you father! We love your spirit, Your holy spirit! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Alleluia! Praise be to the King of Kings!
I have read and have a thought. The jews were under the law and were in bondage or captive to the laws. Christ game by grace to bring a new covenant to replace the old. Galatians 4 vs 9 explains this thought process. It also says Christ lead captivity captive and left man gifts. The gifts that Christ had, healing, etc.
I have looked and have this thought. When the jews were under the law they were in bondage to the law or in captivity to the law. Christ replaced the law with grace and broke the bondage or cpativity of the old covenant with the new. It also says he left men with gifts.
I'm not sure if that's a question or a statement but if it's a question, I would say that Philippians was written by Paul mainly. But he also signs Timothy on.
He has Timothy with him. He also has Luke with him. But he says Paul and Timothy are the authors of the letter. Paul's inscription is on all thirteen of his letters.
Paul wrote to the church in Philippi. Philippi became the first European city to receive the gospel. The church at Philippi was founded during Paul's second missionary journey, recorded in Acts 16:8-12.
Epaphroditus was a messenger. He was also believed to be a pastor of the church in Philippi. Paul seems to have visited the church in Philippi twice. That is found in II Corinthians 1:16; Acts 19:21; Acts 20:1-3.
The church in Philippi sent Paul two love offerings for his missionary endeavors in Thessalonica, found in Philippians 4:15-16.
In fact, Paul said nobody else sent for support except for the Christians in Philippi, not once he said, but twice to support the missionary effort.
In 62 AD Paul finds himself as a prisoner in Rome. That is in Acts 28:30-31.
When the church heard of Paul's imprisonment in Rome, they again sent a love offering to him by way of Epaphroditus. Paul describes him as the pastor or messenger, the one that gives the messages in Philippi.
So Epaphroditus is sent 700 miles with this love offering to help Paul while he was imprisoned in Rome, and to minister to Paul there.
While in Rome, Epaphroditus became very sick and nearly died. At this time, some 10 years after his original visit to Philippi, Paul wrote the epistle of Philippians.
Paul writes to the Philippians both to thank them for their gift and also to report the good news of Epaphroditus' recovery.
God took Him to heaven, translated him for one day he will do the same to the church in the last day he will take us as well those that walk with Jesus and do according to his will.
Genesis 5:21
21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he fathered Methuselah. 22 Enoch walked with God2 after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters. 23 Thus all the days of Enoch were 365 years. 24 Enoch walked with God, and he was not,3 for God took him.
Give freely as you purpose in your heart, you are forced if you give knowing that you will not receive a curse then you're not a cheerful giver because you're giving under pressure.
Concerning giving i know God cares more about worshiping him with all our hearts with all our mind and soul in his house more than Tith.
Infact God said to the People of Israel he did not speak to them about burnt offering by They ware to obey his words which they failed and got carried away by Burnt offering
Jeremiah 7:22
For in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak to your fathers or command them q concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. 23 But this command I gave them: r 'Obey my voice, and sI will be your God, and you shall be my people. t And walk in all the way that I command you, u that it may be well with you.'
I pray this gives you understanding.
So Please Pray and ask God to help you understand.
Ezekiel found a door chapter 8 Behind the door was all manner of dead and Evil and idols it was. The Temple whwith the leaders inside take heed among yourselves and I will take heed with myself be careful God is not mocked. I heard a radio preacher tell a lady the reason men didn't live as long after Noah's Ark was because of climate change I think he sent that woman on a road without the power of God I pray she recovers from the voice of Dead m e n and what do you say
I don't think that this site is supportive of giving out e-mails addresses. I think that you can just post to me and I will repond on this site. I come here daily. At this time I do not wish to give out my e-mail address.
This is the second reply I give to you . Here are a couple of scriptures that back up my conclusion about Jesus's tears being because people he loved were reproaching him for not coming to Lazarus's aid sooner , Romans chapter 15 verses 3 + 4 and Psalm 69 verse 9 . When someone we love dies , how many of us blame / reproach God ? It makes me sad that so many people who don't even believe in God or Jesus , are very quick to blame God when anything bad happens in their lives .
Please , read the whole chapter of John 11. You will notice that Jesus does not rush to Lazarus's side to heal him of his sickness , he waits a couple of days . Jesus already knew what was going to happen and how he would deal with the situation , verse 4 of John chapter 11 . In verses 21 + 32 we find that Martha and Mary seem to reproach Jesus for not coming to Lazarus's aid and healing him before he could die . These reproaches , gentle as they were , probably hurt Jesus feelings and , when he sees how upset everyone is, verse 33, Jesus allows his emotions to be witnessed by all . In verse 36 we read that the Jews interpret Jesus's tears as grief for Lazarus , but in verse 37 he is reproached again and in verse 38 he groans again in himself . We might ask , if he is groaning within himself how does John know this ? Real pain and sorrow usually shows in our face expressions and body language . So , personally , I do not believe that Jesus weeps for the death of Lazarus . I believe that his tender heart is hurt by the reproaches of his friends because they had hoped that Jesus would come quickly to heal Lazarus and by the grief of people that he obviously loves very much .
We as a church still should give of our tithes unto the Lord. However, I still believe that to not give the tenth does not place a person under an Old Testament curse as many would tend to believe. If a curse remained upon us because of our giving, this would nullify the the work of the cross and the atonement that Jesus afforded us. I tend to believe it puts us rather, under the Law of the sowing and reaping benefits of 2 Cor chapter 9: He that sows sparingly shall reap sparingly and He that does bountifully shall reap bountifully. But our salvation is not In jeopardy from a curse if we don't . What is your take on it?
When it is accepted that we can do nothing, the trouble of doing nothing remains, which has the same meaning as total prostration for the allmighty God continuesly .
So how do you do nothing ?
To me it seems like the only possible way of that is to understand and treat everything on all levels as God, then you have given everything and since you are not taking all the space anymore God is there instead and can fulfill the work we can not.
Happy to know that your sons prefer spending more time with you and your hubby now. God is surely drawing them still closer to the Christian faith.
My son is in his early 20s, a technologically inclined and adorable young adult and has become a game savvy. I missed his being my sweet little boy who prayed with me before bedtime and rose up early with me as if there was an imaginary string that tied us together and pulls him to follow me wherever I go :)
Thank you for giving me hope that I can stand the gap for him until he comes to full measure of faith in Jesus. I know he is a good and very loving young adult.
You can reply to tome anytime convenient to you as I am still off today.
Hi Janet. This isn't a spelling error. Many spellings in 17th Century English appear different to what we have now. You can see several of these differences in the Bible; one that comes to mind is the word 'throughly', what we spell as 'thoroughly'.
Dear Lord Jesus, Have mercy on Antoinette and bring relief from her back pain. We ask that You will bring great improvement to her spine as you did for me. Keep her healthy so that her body will be strong to heal and repair the effects of scoliosis. Cause her heart to be strong and healthy. Thank you. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Kenneth is laying his brother before You today and asking You to bring him to salvation soon. Help Kenneth to be an effective witness to his brother, holding out the gospel to him in love and faith in what You alone can do for his brother. We offer these prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, touch Martha's husband through Your Holy Spirit and bring the gospel to him and have it take root in his heart for his salvation. Remove from him all and any obstacles and objections he wishes to put up against the truth of Christ, Your Son. Soften his heart and cause him to see his need for salvation from his sins. Give him a contrite heart and repentance to turn to Jesus and believe. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I'm not sure if that's a question or a statement but if it's a question, I would say that Philippians was written by Paul mainly. But he also signs Timothy on.
He has Timothy with him. He also has Luke with him. But he says Paul and Timothy are the authors of the letter. Paul's inscription is on all thirteen of his letters.
Paul wrote to the church in Philippi. Philippi became the first European city to receive the gospel. The church at Philippi was founded during Paul's second missionary journey, recorded in Acts 16:8-12.
Epaphroditus was a messenger. He was also believed to be a pastor of the church in Philippi. Paul seems to have visited the church in Philippi twice. That is found in II Corinthians 1:16; Acts 19:21; Acts 20:1-3.
The church in Philippi sent Paul two love offerings for his missionary endeavors in Thessalonica, found in Philippians 4:15-16.
In fact, Paul said nobody else sent for support except for the Christians in Philippi, not once he said, but twice to support the missionary effort.
In 62 AD Paul finds himself as a prisoner in Rome. That is in Acts 28:30-31.
When the church heard of Paul's imprisonment in Rome, they again sent a love offering to him by way of Epaphroditus. Paul describes him as the pastor or messenger, the one that gives the messages in Philippi.
So Epaphroditus is sent 700 miles with this love offering to help Paul while he was imprisoned in Rome, and to minister to Paul there.
While in Rome, Epaphroditus became very sick and nearly died. At this time, some 10 years after his original visit to Philippi, Paul wrote the epistle of Philippians.
Paul writes to the Philippians both to thank them for their gift and also to report the good news of Epaphroditus' recovery.
No one knows the day nor the hour.
but be sober minded watching always in Prayer reading your bible and fasting seeking God daily in your life for even tomorrow you don't know about it.
Paul a bondservant of Christ -Here Paul is captive to Jesus Christ but before his redemption from sins he was in captivity in sins.
Thanks to God i just learned this when you asked this question
Give thanks to God always in all things.
Genesis 5:21
21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he fathered Methuselah. 22 Enoch walked with God2 after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters. 23 Thus all the days of Enoch were 365 years. 24 Enoch walked with God, and he was not,3 for God took him.
Concerning giving i know God cares more about worshiping him with all our hearts with all our mind and soul in his house more than Tith.
Infact God said to the People of Israel he did not speak to them about burnt offering by They ware to obey his words which they failed and got carried away by Burnt offering
Jeremiah 7:22
For in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak to your fathers or command them q concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. 23 But this command I gave them: r 'Obey my voice, and sI will be your God, and you shall be my people. t And walk in all the way that I command you, u that it may be well with you.'
I pray this gives you understanding.
So Please Pray and ask God to help you understand.
I don't think that this site is supportive of giving out e-mails addresses. I think that you can just post to me and I will repond on this site. I come here daily. At this time I do not wish to give out my e-mail address.
So how do you do nothing ?
To me it seems like the only possible way of that is to understand and treat everything on all levels as God, then you have given everything and since you are not taking all the space anymore God is there instead and can fulfill the work we can not.
Let him be your Fear
Let him be your dead
God is the only one
who can extinguish
both flesh and soul
I hope you're all good. Please keep me posted.
Happy to know that your sons prefer spending more time with you and your hubby now. God is surely drawing them still closer to the Christian faith.
My son is in his early 20s, a technologically inclined and adorable young adult and has become a game savvy. I missed his being my sweet little boy who prayed with me before bedtime and rose up early with me as if there was an imaginary string that tied us together and pulls him to follow me wherever I go :)
Thank you for giving me hope that I can stand the gap for him until he comes to full measure of faith in Jesus. I know he is a good and very loving young adult.
You can reply to tome anytime convenient to you as I am still off today.
God bless us all!
Warm regards,
Solid archaeological evidence was found by men named Rast and Schaub in 1973.
Those cities showed the evidence of the destruction mentioned in the Bible was accurate however there is no mention that it is still burning.
God bless.
Thank you and enjoy these Holidays.
God bless you.
Dear Lord Jesus, Have mercy on Antoinette and bring relief from her back pain. We ask that You will bring great improvement to her spine as you did for me. Keep her healthy so that her body will be strong to heal and repair the effects of scoliosis. Cause her heart to be strong and healthy. Thank you. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Kenneth is laying his brother before You today and asking You to bring him to salvation soon. Help Kenneth to be an effective witness to his brother, holding out the gospel to him in love and faith in what You alone can do for his brother. We offer these prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I will pray for your husband's salvation today.
Dear Heavenly Father, touch Martha's husband through Your Holy Spirit and bring the gospel to him and have it take root in his heart for his salvation. Remove from him all and any obstacles and objections he wishes to put up against the truth of Christ, Your Son. Soften his heart and cause him to see his need for salvation from his sins. Give him a contrite heart and repentance to turn to Jesus and believe. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.