I do think Lee that "sons of God" procreating with the "daughters of men? means plainly that the sons of GOD is falling away from th union with Him when they is following their lust," the daughters of man" here is pointing on following the will of man, which always comes into conflict with the will of GOD. There can not be a union with GOD if there are two wills, and since UNUS DEUS , One GOD contain everything, so then He is all there is, then
a son of GOD who follows a desire for a daughter of man is in conflict with his own nature when he identify with a part of himself, and moves on it, instead of wholehearted moves, where the spirit of God lives in him and moves him.
Sons of GOD is created by GOD and in union with him.
Daughters of man is of the flesh,
When this is said, remember that a human being or a man is both a man and a woman in one body , so when we follow our will, we do separate and lose our wholeness.
Hi Bruce. Your question sounds like a combination of a couple of Scriptures: Revelation 9:15,16 and Revelation 16:12. I'm unconvinced that these two scenarios are tied in together, with the Book of Revelation itself filled with various imagery & timelines making a definitive interpretation impossible.
Yes. Earth is flat and not moving, NASA are liars and work for Satan. The Firmament is above us and above it is water. There is no space at all, we are not circling the sun but the sun is circling us ( Joshua 10:12). There are many many scriptures that show what the Earth really is. Even the Hebrew word for sky, "Shamayim", mean "Water is there".
The emphasis was on the motive in which we do things. " Examine ourselves to see if we are doing it by command. glory or Agape.
I believe what is important is the Heart behind every action.
The work and the heart behind the things we do that pleases God can only be achieved by the Holyspirit.
Romans 8:7-9.
In my post I was asking WHAT IS OUR MOTIVE when we do the things we are asked NOT to do.
That's why a stated; "If we are supposed to be moved by the Spirit "by the instrument of faith" unto good works but yet we don't display good works, then our faith is vain/dead, Then is it fair to say that if we provide works THAT IS NOT BY THE INFLUENCE of the spirit that causes obedience to God's word, "then our work is vain."
Here's an Scriptural example
Matthew 6:1-8.
If our works confirms our faith and that work is tried by fire, it will stand. But if we perform a work we are asked NOT to do, What is the motive? Pride? And should we care?
If pride I believe we are building with wood hay and stubble. It will go up in smoke!
So the context in these posts isn't focused on the people in rebellion to God's instructions. It's focus is on those who seem content in their salvation when we should be concerned about the order mentioned in scripture that helps us grow so we don't become lukewarm.
Our attitude and trust in God's structure and instructions being profound or not to Grow "or perfect" the Church is on trial
Ephesians 4:11-16. seems to say he gave particular offices to particular people to Prosper the Church.
You are right, this is hard to understand so we need not be dogmatic but humble. The sons of God are in the OT only 5 times Gen. 6:2, 5 Job 1:6Job 2:6Job 38:7, and Daniel 3:25. The times in Job and Daniel are clearly angelic beings, so how do we take the meaning in Gen. 6. It says, "when the sons of God saw daughters of men", The Hebrew word for men here is h-'-m/adam meaning mankind. So, is this distinguishing a difference in the sons of adam/men?
There are words that we may overlook, "and also after that". We see giants/Nephilim after the flood. 2 Sam. 21:16Joshua 12:4Num. 13:33Deut. 2:19-21Deut. 20:17Amos 2:9 and more. Are there any NT scriptures that speak to this?
2 Peter 2:4-6 and Jude 1:6-7 both are talking about angels who sinned and "which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation", the Greek word is used only two times translated habitation is oiktrion, the other place was in 2 Cor 5:2 the word house. Peter and Jude both compare what these angels did the same as in Sodom and Gomorrah, strange flesh.
There are fallen angels along with Satan who are active on the earth today and still have access to heaven, but these angels did something even worse because God made an example of them and locked them in chains of darkness in the bottomless pit, until judgment. I do not know of any man in the OT who was ever called or referred to as son of God, I may have overlooked it, but my understanding is Nephilim came from these angels that God locked up.
WOW! Am completely impressed with your answer to my so confusing question which no one has ever answered in a way that really makes a lot of sense...like you did! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind help. WOW! Am an author and I have five )5= books published in 51 countries around the world. All my books are non-fiction and are about God and other extremely important yet interesting subjects like for instance "How-To Guard Against Pedophiles" for parents of young kids, and others. My name is Nelson Torres and you can visit the website Smashwords and search for my books by my name. Thank You! and God bless you for all eternity.
Dear Heavenly Father, today we come to You on behalf of jean and her husband. Together we ask that You bring financial blessing to them to meet their needs for bills, groceries, and all of what is essential for their day to day, month to month lives. We know that You are more than able to provide for our needs when we ask of You and can do so overabundantly. So, we ask You today for this outpouring in the lives of Jean and her husband, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I read recently that scientist have found large amounts of water are located across the universe. But outer space is not all water. There is "air" space between planets, solar systems, etc. These spaces do not contain air like in our immediate atmosphere, but they contain photons of light waves.
There is movement due to gravity and also collisions such as asteroids bumping together, there is magnetism and gravity, solar winds. there is "space dust and "star nurseries". I also read that the universe is stretching out (expanding in dimensional space) so this means that objects and collections of objects are moving farther apart.
There are exploding stars (novas and super novas) black holes that transmit an immense amount of energy, quasars, comets, and so much more in space.
And there are billions of stars, planets, and galaxies.
God has a purpose for all of these things. In eternity we will know so much more and be awestruck even more than we are at this time.
Everything went well with the Doctor. My biopsy showed the tumor is benign and also a very rare type and in a space tat is even more rare for these to occur. Just kind of weird. The first one of these in the nostril that was recorded was in 1965 and since then only about 50 cases have been reported. So, 50 cases in 50 odd years is really rare and also hard to study (as far as from a medical standpoint.)
I am thankful it is removed and non-cancerous. It has a low recurrence rate. So, I hope that this chapter in my life story is closed.
It is very likely that the climate did change after the flood. The surface of the earth was most likely very different. Mountain ranges may have been pushed up on land and sea, which would affect climate. The waters that were above the earth held in the firmament had burst open. So, these waters were no longer intact, which would allow much more sunlight and ultraviolet light. May have affected the oxygen levels in the air and also the air pressure. Also, the changes in the atmosphere would produce storms, hurricanes, etc. that did not occur pre-flood. These would have an affect on humanity after the flood.
I am looking forward to meeting Enoch. He must have really stood out among the people of the pre-flood era. He walked with God. How lovely. Don't know why God took him so "young" in those days. It would seem that the people in his sphere could have used his influence for another 500-600 years until the flood came.
But God had his reasons, and somewhere in the word it says that God does not fail to leave a witness. So, there must have been others, and in the last days, Noah, who gave witness to God like Enoch. But we just don't really know.
I wish we did know more about the pre-flood times, but God chose to eliminate traces of this time, unless some artifacts are excavated by archeological teams from that time. Don't know if God wants us to know about that time. Perhaps the level of corruption was exceedingly greater than our world now and knowing about it would feed the sinful nature of those who learn of it.
Hello Doc, My thoughts have always been that Jesus bound up the enslaving power of sin in Ephesians 1:18. This meaning that He overthrew the powers of Satan and death and sin through the victory of His death on the cross and resurrection from this death. He despoiled (looted them of their power) principalities and powers. He conquered them and the grave.
So, in taking captivity captive, Jesus released us from the power of sin that kept us captive to sinful nature. He broke the hold that sin had on us like breaking the bonds from the hands and feet of a slave or prisoner. He then, bound up Satan by His authority so that Satan would no longer have power over those who are redeemed.
In regards to giving gifts to men, Jesus' victory for us brings all the riches of salvation to us. Also, the Holy Spirit's indwelling and the power of grace for us. In Jesus, we are sealed for eternity to receive the crown of life and incorruption and immortality. By His blood shed for us, He has given us the gift of His righteousness and the freedom of our set free will to serve God instead of sin. These are very precious gifts. But Jesus needed to take captivity captive in order for us to be able to possess these and many other spiritual gifts kept for us in heaven.
I would like to bring some thoughts into consideration.
If I don't feel like doing a good work that is infront of me but still know that this is God's Will, should or should I not do it? What is Lord expecting from me and how is He going to judge my specific action(or lack of it)?
If I don't feel like obeying God's commandements in the New Testament, should I still or not obey them? Is is how I feel (or driven/moved by the Spirit) or is it how it should be and what is God expecting from me?
What do we actually mean when we say that we are driven by the Spirit or that we are under the influence of the Spirit? Do we expect a feeling or a motivation getting somehow inside us? Isn't it enough that the written Word of God istructs us to do certain things? Isn't the Word of God written by the influence of the Spirit? Isn't it what the Spirit of God wants us to do(or not to do)? Do we really need an extra motivation/inspiration? And if there isn't such an extra motivation are we justified for not doing the obvious? How is God going to judge our works or the lack of them?
Well, it is 1 o'clock after midnight here, so I'll get back here tomorrow. Till then GBU. I would also like to see what others believe about that.
Dear Heavenly Father, we need Your help with Gianna's mother. You know what is going on in her. We ask that You break up the clots in her blood vessels and restore her to health. We ask that all of the medications being given to her will help resolve this serious situation. We ask that You comfort and calm her. We pray that she will turn to You for help and hope today. We ask these things of You Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.
This account in Genesis 6 is puzzling. And since the anti-diluvian world was demolished by the flood, then we may never know what really occurred. Also, since we do know some things about angels, yet we do not know all. And, on top of that, we do not know all of the creatures God created in the spiritual realm. So the sons of god may have been angels a different type of spiritual being, or the sons of the line off Seth. We really cannot say that we know.
the longest held viewpoint in both Christianity and Judaism is that the women were impregnated by non-human beings, with angels being the common thinking. But the view that they were descendants of the godly line of Seth is another view that has merit.
We do not know all that God has created even on earth let alone in space or in the spiritual realm.
I think that it is a good idea to cross-reference the term "sons of god" in the Scripture and see to whom God was speaking bout in other passages.
I looked it up in a Hebrew religious site. The exact translation from the Hebrew Bible was written as:
Isa 45:18
"ki ke amr ieue BURA eshmim eua ealeim ITZR eartz (Hbr)
thus that he-says Yahweh one-creating theheavens he theElohim one-forming theearth (Eng)
uOSHe eua KUNNe la theu brae lshbth itzre ani ieue uain oud (Hbr)
andone-making-ofher he he-establishedher not chaos he-createdher toto-dwell-of he-formedher I Yahweh andthere-is-no further (Eng)"
BURA, ITZR, OSH, KUNN are the words you are reffering to, they show a God's characteristic for the specific action. I noticed that "Yahweh" is written as "ieue" and "he" as "eua"(they seem to be very similar) and "one" ias "u". Also "Elohim" as "Aleim" which is plural in Hbr since the ending "im" always shows the plural form. The singular form is "El", in Hbr "Al".
Worshipping in truth and in spirit. Does that mean by the letter/ordinances which refers to man's efforts or is it the effectual working of the Holyspirit that lines one heart to be in agreement with God's law? Not written on tablets of stone but written in our heart.
If that's so, is it just revealing the hidden wisdom of God in the scripture? Or does the Holyspirit also cause us to love God's statutes and causes us to function in the way scripture identifies us as desciples. "One who FOLLOWS Christ teachings"
(I'm singling out mature Christian here.)
If we are supposed to be moved by the Spirit "by the instrument of faith" unto good works but yet we don't display good works, then our faith is vain/dead, then is it fair to say that if we provide works THAT IS NOT BY THE INFLUENCE of the spirit that causes obedience to God's word then our work is vain.
Would the spirit move us to not only obey Christ but also "Paul's epistles?
Every man's work shall be tested by fire. We can be caught up so much in proving our worth amongst men we may never realize we are building a two-story hay house.
If there is no spiritual growth, we can become ineffective but yet satisfied because we're proud of the work we put in. And if we're content with that we become Lukewarm or perhaps never was actually converted!
This is why we examine ourselves "Examine the motive in everything you do and the spiritual fruit in our lives NOT the two story hay house.
Many will try to present their works to the Lord " Matthew 7:22-23." The Lord will say he NEVER knew you" and you have no works to confirm because your evidence went up in smoke!
Deny ourselves and do all things in the spirit to glorify God
This text is EXTREMELY confusing in part because the Nephilim (which means "fallen ones") are mentioned but not really described here. In Numbers 13, however, they're described as some sort of giants. To add to the confusion, this language about the "sons of God" procreating with the "daughters of men? My question is "PROCREATING!" How can Angels and or Fallen Angels (Nephilim) take woman's into themselves and have SEXUAL relationship and these woman bare children? Do heavenly being also have intimate parts? How did the "Sons Of God" came into the daughters of men?
The LORD; Isa. 45:18 = When written in all capital letters as it is here, the title LORD renders GOD's unknown, incommunicable, unpronounceable Proper NAME.
It translated from the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHWH (Eng. transliteration.).
The Hebrews added the vowels from their title "adonay" (Eng. "lord") to the tetragrammaton YHWH to derive the more pronounceable name "JEHOVAH" (or "YAHWEH").
When recorded in this all-capitals manner, the title "LORD" Identifies "The Eternal, SELF-Existing ONE.
created; Isa. 45:18 = Translated from the Hebrew verb root "bara'" (transliterated; pronounced "baw-RAW"), the term "created" applies only to JEHOVAH GOD, for it literally describes HIM bringing something into existence from nothing simply by HIS DIVINE Words or Will (cp. Rev. 4:11). Compare Genesis 1:1:
"In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth."
formed; Isa. 45:18 = Translated from the Hebrew verb root "yatsar" (transliterated "yaw-TSAR'"), the term "formed" describes JEHOVAH GOD miraculously, and on a grand scale, shaping and fashioning that which HE previously created out of nothing.
made; Isa. 45:18 = When translated from the Hebrew verb root "asah" (transliterated' "aw-SAW"), the term "made" describes the sequence of GOD first "creating" something out of nothing, and then shaping and fashioning "formed") that "creation" into its beautiful and useful existence. Finally, HE arranges, places, and securely fixes ("established") HIS Creation for HIS and man's availability and use.
Compare GOD's subsequent actions immediately after HE "created the heaven and the earth" ( Gen. 1:1). Note that "the earth was without form and void" ( Gen. 1:2). GOD's creative finishing touches of "forming" and "establishing" that which HE previously "created" occurs throughout the following verses (vv. 1:2b - 2:3).
Understand, the act of GOD's "forming" and "establishing" HIS Creation required DIVINE miraculous Words and Will that only JEHOVAH GOD possesses, and that JEHOVAH GOD solely could accomplish.
established; Isa. 45:18 = When translated from the Hebrew root verb "kuwn" (transliterated "koon"), the term "established" describes GOD setting HIS Creation and HIS fashioning of it into its permanent place and operation.
Consider GOD's "establishment" of the sun which HE created in the heavens ( Ps. 19:4):
"In them hath HE set a tabernacle for the sun."
In addition, consider GOD's "establishment" of the earth ( Job 26:7):
"HE stretcheth out the north {the vast expanse of the northern heavens} over the empty place {nothing exists for support}, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."
Well said. Jesus has become a curse for us all on the cross ( Galatians 3:13), so now every believer that is covered with His Blood is protected. In fact there are no curses at all (from God) in the world even for unbelievers since we live in the age of Grace, not Law.
Now about tenths, Paul in 1 Cor 16:2 says "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come". So there isn't a fixed amount of money that we should give to the church, ie tenths, but a much as we wish to give, if we have anything to give.
"Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men"
The expression "he led captivity captive" is a Hebraism, it means that one "captures somebody or something" or "takes somebody/something as a captive". In this case it is Jesus who captured gifts for believers, a figurative expression that means that Jesus took the authority to give gifts to believers.
The above verse in Ephessians was a prophesy written in Psalms 68:18.
There are also two other mentions of that verse in the Bible:
1. Judges 5:12. Here it literally means that one captures people as captives, ie Barak.
2. Amos 1:6. Here it also literally means that one took God's people as captives, ie Edom.
It is interesting but unimportant who the scribe was that penned Phillippians. God Himself is the author of Phillippians. And every word in the original autograph is the Word of God. As is every word in the entire Bible. This is why we are commanded to compare scripture with scripture in order to come to truth. The Bible is its own dictionary and its own interpreter. And we must approach the Bible recognizing that the Bible is ONE BOOK with ONE AUTHOR. Holy men of old wrote as they were moved by God The Holy Spirit. The Bible is not the word of Paul or Peter or Mark or Luke or Jeremiah. It is indeed THE WORD OF GOD.
a son of GOD who follows a desire for a daughter of man is in conflict with his own nature when he identify with a part of himself, and moves on it, instead of wholehearted moves, where the spirit of God lives in him and moves him.
Sons of GOD is created by GOD and in union with him.
Daughters of man is of the flesh,
When this is said, remember that a human being or a man is both a man and a woman in one body , so when we follow our will, we do separate and lose our wholeness.
Good questions.
The emphasis was on the motive in which we do things. " Examine ourselves to see if we are doing it by command. glory or Agape.
I believe what is important is the Heart behind every action.
The work and the heart behind the things we do that pleases God can only be achieved by the Holyspirit.
Romans 8:7-9.
In my post I was asking WHAT IS OUR MOTIVE when we do the things we are asked NOT to do.
That's why a stated; "If we are supposed to be moved by the Spirit "by the instrument of faith" unto good works but yet we don't display good works, then our faith is vain/dead, Then is it fair to say that if we provide works THAT IS NOT BY THE INFLUENCE of the spirit that causes obedience to God's word, "then our work is vain."
Here's an Scriptural example
Matthew 6:1-8.
If our works confirms our faith and that work is tried by fire, it will stand. But if we perform a work we are asked NOT to do, What is the motive? Pride? And should we care?
If pride I believe we are building with wood hay and stubble. It will go up in smoke!
So the context in these posts isn't focused on the people in rebellion to God's instructions. It's focus is on those who seem content in their salvation when we should be concerned about the order mentioned in scripture that helps us grow so we don't become lukewarm.
Our attitude and trust in God's structure and instructions being profound or not to Grow "or perfect" the Church is on trial
Ephesians 4:11-16. seems to say he gave particular offices to particular people to Prosper the Church.
Thanks and Goodnight.
You are right, this is hard to understand so we need not be dogmatic but humble. The sons of God are in the OT only 5 times Gen. 6:2, 5 Job 1:6 Job 2:6 Job 38:7, and Daniel 3:25. The times in Job and Daniel are clearly angelic beings, so how do we take the meaning in Gen. 6. It says, "when the sons of God saw daughters of men", The Hebrew word for men here is h-'-m/adam meaning mankind. So, is this distinguishing a difference in the sons of adam/men?
There are words that we may overlook, "and also after that". We see giants/Nephilim after the flood. 2 Sam. 21:16 Joshua 12:4 Num. 13:33 Deut. 2:19-21 Deut. 20:17 Amos 2:9 and more. Are there any NT scriptures that speak to this?
2 Peter 2:4-6 and Jude 1:6-7 both are talking about angels who sinned and "which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation", the Greek word is used only two times translated habitation is oiktrion, the other place was in 2 Cor 5:2 the word house. Peter and Jude both compare what these angels did the same as in Sodom and Gomorrah, strange flesh.
There are fallen angels along with Satan who are active on the earth today and still have access to heaven, but these angels did something even worse because God made an example of them and locked them in chains of darkness in the bottomless pit, until judgment. I do not know of any man in the OT who was ever called or referred to as son of God, I may have overlooked it, but my understanding is Nephilim came from these angels that God locked up.
God bless,
Google Mischievous Angels or Sethites?
I think you might find this interesting.
God bless.
1st pray for wisdom James 1:5-7,
2nd in your spirit you already had a leading to what the beast was
3rd To clarify GOD does still speak through dreams, visions, prophecy : Matthew 2:13, Acts 2:17, Malachi 3:6,
4th The Holy Spirit will teach you: 1John 2:27,
5th The Sword of the Spirit = The WORD of GOD, (as you declared in your dream) Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12,
6th if You're struggling with addiction & fear of it returning; continue to turn to GOD 'deny the flesh' : Matthew 17:20-21, Romans 8, Psalms 139,
Hopefully these are all helpful & I've prayed for you also as you've asked
Great questions and goodnight. I'm shutting it down also.
We'll talk later.
God bless.
Dear Heavenly Father, today we come to You on behalf of jean and her husband. Together we ask that You bring financial blessing to them to meet their needs for bills, groceries, and all of what is essential for their day to day, month to month lives. We know that You are more than able to provide for our needs when we ask of You and can do so overabundantly. So, we ask You today for this outpouring in the lives of Jean and her husband, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I read recently that scientist have found large amounts of water are located across the universe. But outer space is not all water. There is "air" space between planets, solar systems, etc. These spaces do not contain air like in our immediate atmosphere, but they contain photons of light waves.
There is movement due to gravity and also collisions such as asteroids bumping together, there is magnetism and gravity, solar winds. there is "space dust and "star nurseries". I also read that the universe is stretching out (expanding in dimensional space) so this means that objects and collections of objects are moving farther apart.
There are exploding stars (novas and super novas) black holes that transmit an immense amount of energy, quasars, comets, and so much more in space.
And there are billions of stars, planets, and galaxies.
God has a purpose for all of these things. In eternity we will know so much more and be awestruck even more than we are at this time.
Everything went well with the Doctor. My biopsy showed the tumor is benign and also a very rare type and in a space tat is even more rare for these to occur. Just kind of weird. The first one of these in the nostril that was recorded was in 1965 and since then only about 50 cases have been reported. So, 50 cases in 50 odd years is really rare and also hard to study (as far as from a medical standpoint.)
I am thankful it is removed and non-cancerous. It has a low recurrence rate. So, I hope that this chapter in my life story is closed.
It is very likely that the climate did change after the flood. The surface of the earth was most likely very different. Mountain ranges may have been pushed up on land and sea, which would affect climate. The waters that were above the earth held in the firmament had burst open. So, these waters were no longer intact, which would allow much more sunlight and ultraviolet light. May have affected the oxygen levels in the air and also the air pressure. Also, the changes in the atmosphere would produce storms, hurricanes, etc. that did not occur pre-flood. These would have an affect on humanity after the flood.
But God had his reasons, and somewhere in the word it says that God does not fail to leave a witness. So, there must have been others, and in the last days, Noah, who gave witness to God like Enoch. But we just don't really know.
I wish we did know more about the pre-flood times, but God chose to eliminate traces of this time, unless some artifacts are excavated by archeological teams from that time. Don't know if God wants us to know about that time. Perhaps the level of corruption was exceedingly greater than our world now and knowing about it would feed the sinful nature of those who learn of it.
So, in taking captivity captive, Jesus released us from the power of sin that kept us captive to sinful nature. He broke the hold that sin had on us like breaking the bonds from the hands and feet of a slave or prisoner. He then, bound up Satan by His authority so that Satan would no longer have power over those who are redeemed.
In regards to giving gifts to men, Jesus' victory for us brings all the riches of salvation to us. Also, the Holy Spirit's indwelling and the power of grace for us. In Jesus, we are sealed for eternity to receive the crown of life and incorruption and immortality. By His blood shed for us, He has given us the gift of His righteousness and the freedom of our set free will to serve God instead of sin. These are very precious gifts. But Jesus needed to take captivity captive in order for us to be able to possess these and many other spiritual gifts kept for us in heaven.
I would like to bring some thoughts into consideration.
If I don't feel like doing a good work that is infront of me but still know that this is God's Will, should or should I not do it? What is Lord expecting from me and how is He going to judge my specific action(or lack of it)?
If I don't feel like obeying God's commandements in the New Testament, should I still or not obey them? Is is how I feel (or driven/moved by the Spirit) or is it how it should be and what is God expecting from me?
What do we actually mean when we say that we are driven by the Spirit or that we are under the influence of the Spirit? Do we expect a feeling or a motivation getting somehow inside us? Isn't it enough that the written Word of God istructs us to do certain things? Isn't the Word of God written by the influence of the Spirit? Isn't it what the Spirit of God wants us to do(or not to do)? Do we really need an extra motivation/inspiration? And if there isn't such an extra motivation are we justified for not doing the obvious? How is God going to judge our works or the lack of them?
Well, it is 1 o'clock after midnight here, so I'll get back here tomorrow. Till then GBU. I would also like to see what others believe about that.
Dear Heavenly Father, we need Your help with Gianna's mother. You know what is going on in her. We ask that You break up the clots in her blood vessels and restore her to health. We ask that all of the medications being given to her will help resolve this serious situation. We ask that You comfort and calm her. We pray that she will turn to You for help and hope today. We ask these things of You Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.
This account in Genesis 6 is puzzling. And since the anti-diluvian world was demolished by the flood, then we may never know what really occurred. Also, since we do know some things about angels, yet we do not know all. And, on top of that, we do not know all of the creatures God created in the spiritual realm. So the sons of god may have been angels a different type of spiritual being, or the sons of the line off Seth. We really cannot say that we know.
the longest held viewpoint in both Christianity and Judaism is that the women were impregnated by non-human beings, with angels being the common thinking. But the view that they were descendants of the godly line of Seth is another view that has merit.
We do not know all that God has created even on earth let alone in space or in the spiritual realm.
I think that it is a good idea to cross-reference the term "sons of god" in the Scripture and see to whom God was speaking bout in other passages.
Well said, you are right about those.
I looked it up in a Hebrew religious site. The exact translation from the Hebrew Bible was written as:
Isa 45:18
"ki ke amr ieue BURA eshmim eua ealeim ITZR eartz (Hbr)
thus that he-says Yahweh one-creating theheavens he theElohim one-forming theearth (Eng)
uOSHe eua KUNNe la theu brae lshbth itzre ani ieue uain oud (Hbr)
andone-making-ofher he he-establishedher not chaos he-createdher toto-dwell-of he-formedher I Yahweh andthere-is-no further (Eng)"
BURA, ITZR, OSH, KUNN are the words you are reffering to, they show a God's characteristic for the specific action. I noticed that "Yahweh" is written as "ieue" and "he" as "eua"(they seem to be very similar) and "one" ias "u". Also "Elohim" as "Aleim" which is plural in Hbr since the ending "im" always shows the plural form. The singular form is "El", in Hbr "Al".
Worshipping in truth and in spirit. Does that mean by the letter/ordinances which refers to man's efforts or is it the effectual working of the Holyspirit that lines one heart to be in agreement with God's law? Not written on tablets of stone but written in our heart.
If that's so, is it just revealing the hidden wisdom of God in the scripture? Or does the Holyspirit also cause us to love God's statutes and causes us to function in the way scripture identifies us as desciples. "One who FOLLOWS Christ teachings"
(I'm singling out mature Christian here.)
If we are supposed to be moved by the Spirit "by the instrument of faith" unto good works but yet we don't display good works, then our faith is vain/dead, then is it fair to say that if we provide works THAT IS NOT BY THE INFLUENCE of the spirit that causes obedience to God's word then our work is vain.
Would the spirit move us to not only obey Christ but also "Paul's epistles?
Every man's work shall be tested by fire. We can be caught up so much in proving our worth amongst men we may never realize we are building a two-story hay house.
If there is no spiritual growth, we can become ineffective but yet satisfied because we're proud of the work we put in. And if we're content with that we become Lukewarm or perhaps never was actually converted!
This is why we examine ourselves "Examine the motive in everything you do and the spiritual fruit in our lives NOT the two story hay house.
Many will try to present their works to the Lord " Matthew 7:22-23." The Lord will say he NEVER knew you" and you have no works to confirm because your evidence went up in smoke!
Deny ourselves and do all things in the spirit to glorify God
God bless.
It translated from the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHWH (Eng. transliteration.).
The Hebrews added the vowels from their title "adonay" (Eng. "lord") to the tetragrammaton YHWH to derive the more pronounceable name "JEHOVAH" (or "YAHWEH").
When recorded in this all-capitals manner, the title "LORD" Identifies "The Eternal, SELF-Existing ONE.
created; Isa. 45:18 = Translated from the Hebrew verb root "bara'" (transliterated; pronounced "baw-RAW"), the term "created" applies only to JEHOVAH GOD, for it literally describes HIM bringing something into existence from nothing simply by HIS DIVINE Words or Will (cp. Rev. 4:11). Compare Genesis 1:1:
"In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth."
formed; Isa. 45:18 = Translated from the Hebrew verb root "yatsar" (transliterated "yaw-TSAR'"), the term "formed" describes JEHOVAH GOD miraculously, and on a grand scale, shaping and fashioning that which HE previously created out of nothing.
Compare GOD's subsequent actions immediately after HE "created the heaven and the earth" ( Gen. 1:1). Note that "the earth was without form and void" ( Gen. 1:2). GOD's creative finishing touches of "forming" and "establishing" that which HE previously "created" occurs throughout the following verses (vv. 1:2b - 2:3).
Understand, the act of GOD's "forming" and "establishing" HIS Creation required DIVINE miraculous Words and Will that only JEHOVAH GOD possesses, and that JEHOVAH GOD solely could accomplish.
established; Isa. 45:18 = When translated from the Hebrew root verb "kuwn" (transliterated "koon"), the term "established" describes GOD setting HIS Creation and HIS fashioning of it into its permanent place and operation.
Consider GOD's "establishment" of the sun which HE created in the heavens ( Ps. 19:4):
"In them hath HE set a tabernacle for the sun."
In addition, consider GOD's "establishment" of the earth ( Job 26:7):
"HE stretcheth out the north {the vast expanse of the northern heavens} over the empty place {nothing exists for support}, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."
Well said. Jesus has become a curse for us all on the cross ( Galatians 3:13), so now every believer that is covered with His Blood is protected. In fact there are no curses at all (from God) in the world even for unbelievers since we live in the age of Grace, not Law.
Now about tenths, Paul in 1 Cor 16:2 says "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come". So there isn't a fixed amount of money that we should give to the church, ie tenths, but a much as we wish to give, if we have anything to give.
In Ephesians 1:8 it says:
"Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men"
The expression "he led captivity captive" is a Hebraism, it means that one "captures somebody or something" or "takes somebody/something as a captive". In this case it is Jesus who captured gifts for believers, a figurative expression that means that Jesus took the authority to give gifts to believers.
The above verse in Ephessians was a prophesy written in Psalms 68:18.
There are also two other mentions of that verse in the Bible:
1. Judges 5:12. Here it literally means that one captures people as captives, ie Barak.
2. Amos 1:6. Here it also literally means that one took God's people as captives, ie Edom.