Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 552

  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    A warning.

    Hebrews 12:15 serves as a warning about any "seed of bitterness" that arises within us.

    There are two ways in which the enemy will work. As believers; the Spirit makes the truth of scripture clear to us so that we know clearly what certain sins are and how to conduct ourselves rightly; in contrast. The lie that so often is effective is to convince ourselves that since we are indeed saved by grace that we are free from being entangled once again with our sin nature; or perhaps better put we think because we know INTELLECTUALLY what to do and we are "covered" by the blood that there are no more dangers lurking inside. Satain is well aware of our weaknesses; and that if we are looking for outside threats from the enemy we may not be paying attention to our hearts where sin gives him the only access to affect us.

    It is always good to remember that Satan is not a foe to trifle with. God's purposes were even used with Christ and the temptation in the desert for His total reliance on the Spirit as an example of how to live sinlessly and victoriously in our lives.

    Jesus knew better than to try to get into a physical confrontation at that time with Satan; and didn't argue about the authority that was claimed over the earth when the devil tempted Him to worship him in return for all the glory of the earth. ( Matt. 4:1-11).

    All of us; and I repeat ALL are to remain steadfast in prayer for one another as all go through like temptations as the Body of Christ while on this earth. Keeping this in mind helps us not to focus too much on our own issues. Satan loves to "divide and conquer" and one of his favorite tactics is to make us feel that there is nothing anyone can do to help us. Contrast that with the overdependent type; either immature in faith or not believing at all. Those individuals are only there for themselves. Part of our TRUST in God is that He will provide brothers or sisters in our time of need wherever we are. We are not alone.
  • Mary B on Psalms 19 - 2 years ago
    The word of the Lord is perfect
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for that Gerald - I hear what you're saying. We can be so engrossed & nit-picky on the wording & grammar of the Scriptural texts but in the end miss out on what the Holy Spirit is trying to get through to us. But for the believer who has both the grasp of the original language & able to correctly interpret & "divide" the Scriptures, to me, is a wonderful asset. And our two brothers who regularly share their knowledge in such a manner, have been vital to my greater appreciation & understanding of the Word. Unfortunately, for both Hebrew & Greek, I can only depend on the published lexicons for these languages, which sometimes can even fall short of what a word or thought is actually perceived by their respective speakers. Thanks for your input - much appreciated.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes brother Spencer,

    Thanks for sharing Romans 7:18. It is a great example. In fact, that verse is part of a chapter outline in Chapter 7 that begins at Verse 24 and goes to Verse 25, and it has to do with the performance in Sanctification.

    In Verse 18, where Paul says in my flesh dwells no good thing, the word "good" in the text is the Greek word Agathos that has to do with Spiritual good. Not human good, but Spiritual good. So Paul says there is no Spiritual good at all in my flesh. Nothing! Zero!

    I think Paul summarizes this whole section pretty well in Verse 25 by saying, "So with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with my flesh I serve the law of sin."

    Wow, what a statement! The flesh will never serve the law of God.

    In his (Paul's) flesh is no good thing. We see in Chapter 8 that he says that the flesh has no ability to serve the law of God. It's just all sin in the flesh. There is no spiritual good in it at all.

    So Paul sees these two laws, that with his mind he serves the law of God, but with his flesh is the law of sin.

    God bless!!!
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You may be right Gerald about predestination, I may have understood that word wrongly or express my thoughts wrongly and a wrong conclusion came out, but let's leave it for tomorrow, I haven't got any time for a detailed answer now.

    But as far as grk or hebr are concerned nobody I think claimed that if one knows them then they know the Bible better than others but it is often useful for clarifying some verses, nothing more than that GBU
  • Monica on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Love it!
  • GiGi - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Welcome James, glad you found us here.

    Chris has given you a good explanation to you two queries.

    I just want to add that I have been pretty much a homebody since covid began in 2020 since I have 5 of the risk factors for having a covid infection become a very serious illness for me. But, with being home, I have been blessed to also keep up with the news and world happenings and along the way I came to this site also, as I was seeking to read the KJV for the first time. This site has truly blessed me in so many ways. I hope you find yourself "at home" here. I will pray for your health.

    Dear Heavenly Father, today we come to You in the name of Jesus and ask that You will bring improved health to James. We ask that You supply to James the health care that will most benefit him. We are thankful that James is seeking You more during this time. Bless James in his seeking after You and Your truth with wisdom and understanding. Amen.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Guy.

    In John 1:29 John sees Jesus and says "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

    And then in John 1:33 John says Jesus "is he which shall baptize with the Holy Ghost.


    John's baptism was to Identify the Jews with the coming covenant which would be brought in by Christ death. see Hebrews 9:15-17.

    Jesus baptism was Identifying with us. see Romans 6:3-6.

    Jesus was baptized because He was taking our place. This reveals His perfect identification with us; He took the place of the sinners.

    The account in Matthew 3:15 Jesus says it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness"

    He was made "sin for us, who knew no sin" ( 2 Corinthians 5:21). I think the explanation is found in that. He's identifying Himself with the human family in the baptism.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • Tammy on Luke 6 - 2 years ago
    Is it in the Bible where you should give the church 5% offering, I know you give a 10% tithe?
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Luke 3 - 2 years ago
    alex1939...Hiya Guy Gbu very good question...Jesus had no sin but according to the law he cd not offend in any place till all was fulfilled...Moses law cd not be offened in any place till all was fulfilled..I come not to do away with the law but to fulfill the law...Moses law said that 2 turtle doves had to be washed by running water and the Jordan was running water and 1 of the doves had to be a sacrficial Dove...He had to be killed and his blood sprinkled on the living bird...Thats what the dove the H.G. was trying to tell us when he descended on Jesus...And John said he that has the bride is the bridegroom...Husbands love your wives as Christ LOVED THE church and gave his life for it..One dove had to give his life for the living bird...Thats y that dove descened on Jesus....Jesus had no sin but he had to be washed by running water b/c of Moses law...In Song of Solomon the 2 lovers are Christ and the Church and they refer to each other as having doves eyes...Jesus was our sacrificial Dove that had to be washed by running water the Jordan and killed and his blood sprinkled on the living bird the Church...Then the living bird was set free in an open field..Whom the son sets free is free indeed..As the king sets at his table my spicknard sends forth a sweet smell..thats when Mary broke the alabaster box sending a sweet smell all thru the house...Moses law said that if the leperous house was made clean a sweet smell had to be OFFERED UP all thru the house...Jesus was in the house of Simon the leper when Mary broke her alabaster box...We are all in the house of Simon b/c of sin..But Jesus said you are made clean by the word i have spoken unto you..Jesus answers to that sacrificial dove whos blood was sprinkled on the living bird the Church...As Jesus was the living word made flesh and blood..But it was only b/c of the law of Moses that Jesus was water baptised..Not for sin...Jesus cd not offend, thus he became our sacrificial dove..Thats y the dove descended on Jesus.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Brother Jesse!

    Acts 3:16 is one I missed and a great example.

    I'm also traveling and trying voice command that Isn't going well!

    You have to have perfect pronunciations. I'm originally from Louisiana

    I didn't realize my speech has so many issues.

    I generally don't like to respond until I'm at home on the desktop.

  • S Spencer - 2 years ago
    Amen Brother Jesse.

    Even when we act in the flesh as ww often do, we grieve the Holyspirit and the urge we get on the inside to correct ourselves comes from the Holyspirit. Paul says it best in Romans 7:18, "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not."

  • Jesse - In Reply on Luke 3 - 2 years ago
    Hello Guy,

    I can speak a little on Jesus' baptism. I do agree with the things GiGi has shared in that the triune nature of God was revealed during His baptism.

    But as far as Jesus being baptized to be cleansed of sin, you are correct in saying He has no sin. So we can rule out that as being the purpose for His baptism.

    If we look at Matthew Chapter 3, we see Jesus coming to John to be baptized by him. But John didn't want to do it.

    In Matthew 3:15, Jesus answers and says to John, allow it to be for now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered, (or allowed) Him.

    Notice it says becomes "us" to fulfill all righteousness.

    It is the fulfillment of Exodus 29:4. to fulfill all righteousness! And there are some things that are very interesting about Jesus' coming.

    At 30 years of age, that is the age of the priesthood. According to Numbers 4:30, it was 30 years of age.

    The priest had to go through a MIKVEH, (a baptism). They had to be baptized from head to toe. The washing, or the MIKVEH of the priesthood is in Exodus Chapter 29 Verse 4.

    But, Moses was supposed to do the baptizing! That is interesting because here is John the baptizer standing there and Jesus says this is for "us" to fulfill all righteousness.

    And so John is stepping in the place of Moses and baptizing Jesus for the priesthood. The anointing of the priesthood is in Exodus 29:7. They were anointed with oil.

    Now all of this information is to bring us back to our text. Jesus was 30 years of age, and in order for Him to officially, according to the law, enter into His priesthood according to the Jews, He would have to be baptized.

    So that is why He was baptized, not to be cleansed from sin, as you rightfully said, but to fulfill a requirement for Him to enter into His ministry.
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Please pray for the Holy Spirit to help me and mine today.

    The Lord is able to meet every need.

    God is good ALL THE TIME.

    Please pray for the (6 men) people on the bus yesterday. They all needed Jesus. So lost and broken.

  • Lthornsburg73 - In Reply on Luke 3 - 2 years ago
    Why did Jesus get baptized? Matthew 3:15...And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to FULFIL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS. Then he suffered (baptized) him.

    Jesus was our example. He did no sin, but he went through the process he expects us to go through. As for the Holy Ghost, it appeared in the bodily shape of a dove. And remember God spoke saying, "this is my son in whom I am well pleased." What this shows you is God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Ghost (or as some say, The Trinity). God is not Jesus and Jesus is not God. They are two seperate beings.

    John 1:1...In the beginning was the Word (notice the capitalization), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    I submit to you God as in God the Son. Not God the Father. I have the same last name as my father, but I'm NOT my father. Hopefully that makes sense.

    Genesis 1:26...And God said, Let us (us means more than one, so who else was he talking to? Jesus! Remember, he was from the beginning) make man in OUR (there's another word that means more than one) image, after OUR likeness: and let them have ominion...
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The lost art of biblical argument (2)

    If on some point you either misunderstand them or disagree with them . You stop and face each other and either get the misunderstanding resolved or come into agreement and carry on or if impossible you part company .

    Paul is not an easy man to follow ,but we are in good company because Peter found somethings " hard to understand" .

    Nevertheless what did Paul speak of those ministers to the church are to do?

    Perfect the body " till we all come to a unity of THE faith"

    To the same understanding ,of the same mind not his or mine or yours but Christs . " Let this mind be in you as it was in christ.

    Not blindly ( without understanding) following the blind but as the Holy Spirit leads them so He leads you for did not Paul say " be ye followers of me even as I am of Christ "?

    We have too many of Gods people blindly following they know not who or what who not only are hirelings but make " merchandise of Gods people"

    Is it not written that if the Holy Spirit dwells in you ," you have no need of any to teach you" some then say ' well I have the Holy Spirit your not teaching me!. But that is not so. For has not zGod seen fit to give " teachers" to the church? Pray for them for they will have to answer to Almighty God how they have and what they have taught .

    But it does mean that even as the Spirit of truth has borne witness with their spirit that they are now the children of zGod if so be that is the case . Then He the Spirit of truth will bare witness to the truth as it is also spoken in Christ .

    Or not as the case may be . Thus by Ora time we learn to discern good from evil.

    It is not then the blind leading the blind but the Holy Spirit leading us all .

    For is it not written by John that if any be of God they will receive my words"?

    We are not meant to blindly follow anyone . Least of all politicians and self appointed religious leaders .

    Nor indeed to blindly follow true men of God .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The lost art of Biblical argument .(1)

    The finest exponent of this is Paul the beloved Apostle .

    The finest examples of it are the letters to the Romans and Hebrews .

    In one of the UK newspapers they regularly publish the findings of the Appeal courts judgements .

    I'm no lawyer but what they do is state the case which is up for appeal and then argue line line upon line step each following step till they reach their conclusion, A trained mind can follow the argument and if the argument is sound will reach the same conclusion . Thus Justice is seen or understood to be done by all .

    But if the argument is not sound or has some fault in it then there may well be grounds for an appeal for you cannot reach the conclusion (whatever it is) if the steps do not properly follow the other ,

    For you must start with the truth and with each step speak the truth and by such means you can ,if you follow the argument arrive at the truth . And the appeal is dismissed or upheld in law.

    Paul in both those letters speaking primarily to Gentiles and Jews is seeking to prove some thing. To the Jews that Jesus was and is the promised messiah among other things .

    To the Gentiles concerning the Law among other things and proving both Jew and gentile are both sold unto sin and the answer fir both .There is much more but what he is doing is arguing his case going from step to step climbing a mountain and as everyone does ,he stops for a rest and like everyone does looks back and sees where he has come thus far and says " therefore " in the light of all that has been said so far " count yourself dead to sin.." let's that sink in and continues the climb stopping here or there for the same reasons.

    "How can two walk together unless they agree"? If anyone has ever had a serious conversation with their father or someone they respect you walk . Not looking at one another but often with heads down as you listen carefully to each other and considering what they say .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello ' Sammi '

    Just because their bodies did not die for another 800 years does not mean they did not die on the very day that they did eat of it .

    Personally I think God had created man with so much life it took that long for that death that now reigned in him to manifest itself .Now it only takes 70 years or so .

    For are we not " dead in trespasses and in sin"? Yet we are to all appearances alive .

    Many will have Christmas trees in their living rooms . They look green and alive . But because they are cut off at the root they are in fact dead and that death will soon begin to manifest itself anon.

    And all the lights and tinsel and even the false fruit of those baubles will not make it otherwise .

    So we should believe God that he means what he said and he says what he means .

    For then we might come "to know Him who is from the beginning "

    It was not believing God that in the day ye eat if it "you shall surely " and believing the lie " ye shall not surely die " that has led the world and all of mankind into the sorry mess it is in now .

    For the devil not only "changed the truth into a lie" by simply adding ' not' but told a half truth , for on the face of it they did not .

    Are we now to think the devil speaks the truth and God has the character of the devil !?

    God was right in the beginning and has always spoken the truth and is right now also and every will be.

    The devil on the other hand that arch deceiver was a liar in the beginning and is the father of all lies .

    That day and hour when he will be forced to bow his knee and confess Jesus Christ is Lord will not be to his salvation but everlasting contempt and damnation.

    Indeed that victory has already been accomplished when Jesus died for sin and thus stripped him of all power and authority .

    For the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the Law .

    But that victory obtained unseen will also one day be manifested but we can by faith enjoy it now .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Saul of Tarsus was indeed a very gifted man full of zeal " but without knowledge" when he was converted he was still full of zeal but now with knowledge and a proper understanding of the scriptures which his knowledge of all those languages did not give him.

    Your right it does not specifically say that Paul spent 3 years in the Arabian desert unlearning and learning and getting an understanding of the scriptures he had not got sitting at the feet of Gamaliel who was considered the greatest teacher of his day .

    But given we are instructed to " rightly divide " the Word of God is it unreasonable the Lord showed him how to do so?

    The letter to the Romans ( gentiles) and the letter to the Hebrews are in my humble opinion the greatest examples of the lost art of Biblical argument .Where he not only leads up,the mountain of exposition but also stops (as all men do climbing one)and looks back and says in effect in the light of all this " therefore consider yourselves dead to sin and alive unto God." Then leads us further up,the hill .occasionally stopping as before .

    I find him not an easy man to follow or to walk with , but goodness me well worth the effort and I'm in good company because Peter had the same problem .

    I'll say therefore again knowing Greek or Hebrew is no guarantee and I'm thankful to him who pointed it out with regards to predestination . I can't argue in Greek . But while it may say destined in Greek (though I do wonder if that's all it says or means )it would be wrong to put it in English . It must be predestined in English . For no man is destined for that would make him have some inherent characteristic which would make him worthy of it .

    It is due to the foreknowledge and predetermined will and working of God . Thus it must be PRE destined .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yet a careful reading of the scriptures shows they actually stated in Jerusalem . Perhaps thinking that as the Lord said it in that order we must do it in that order . It was not until persecution came that those 3000+ disciples were scattered to the four winds " preaching the gospel" that the whole world soon knew of it . There is written evidence that the gospels reached the shores of the UK in only 30 to 50 years of Gods fulfilment of His promise to mankind in the garden of Eden.

    No wonder the great host of heaven being a very disciplined lot were silent while the angel gave the message to the shepherds but once given could no longer keep their joy to themselves and let loose! And heaven broke its banks .

    I would suggest the church has lost much ground for what that generation achieved in spite of great persecution we seem to have achieved very little . Some seem to think those of the reformation has very little faith . Yet they with their " little" turned the world upside down ,yet they who boast in so much do very little .

    I'm reminded of the Tower of Babel . For God told that generation to go out into all the world. But they found a nice spot and said let us make a name for ourselves and build us a tower .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yet if that Greek is true and it was 'destined ' that word destined in English would imply if not state that there was or is something inherently worthy of that which it is destined for .

    That clearly and theologically and doctrinally is impossible .

    For no man is worthy of anything and there is nothing in man that is destined for anything but hell and damnation .

    Therefore while you can argue the Greek word means 'destined ' in the context of zGod Almighty the right English word to be used is " predestined" pre - before . For anything we might become has nothing to do with us or inherent in us ( for in our flesh there is no good thing) but was and Is due to the foreknowledge and determined council of His own will and it's out working .

    As for any other translations they simply make the matter worse .

    This is no slight on the previous writer ,but rather to show how translations cannot be automatically go from one to the other .

    It is an awful responsibility to translate the Word of God and no man should take it upon himself to do so. For to get it wrong iscto at best mislead and confuse people who read it thinking they have the light when in fact it is darkness .

    For the record ,I do not know Greek or indeed Hebrew . But I do know English . If then someone says they have a better understanding of the text in the original language let them explain their understanding in English . If they can't or don't or say you are not qualified then you should seriously doubt their understanding .

    Another writer explained wisely how in Pakistan he had to be careful in making sure the translators had it right . So do we in English .
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Gerald.

    Well spoken brother.
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for that ,I find languages fascinating. Having married a French woman it was interesting how many English words and French are much the same but used very differently.

    Desolate being one . In English desolation is like a land stripped bare of vegetation after some catastrophe or a city in ruins . In France if you went into a shop and they did not have what you wanted in stock they would say ( in French) I am desolated we don't have any . A somewhat exaggerated form of "I'm sorry ".

    In comparison the French language is very limited English being very rich and of a much greater range of its expressive forms .

    Capable of expressing quite abstract and complex concepts .

    I have no objections at all in people wanting to learn Hebrew or Greek ( how could I?) what my contention is if you will is that learning ' the original text' no more guarantees you understanding the Word of God as knowing English does . My argument to uphold that is that neither Saul of Tarsus or many of the Pharisees or Sadducee's or Drs of the law despite it being their mother tongue understood it either . Subjecting the Word of God to their intellect rather than subjecting their minds to the Spirit of God .

    Saul who later became Paul spent three years unlearning what he had learnt at the feet of Gamaliel and got things so right at the feet of Jesus .

    As I have already said many if not most of the new translations boast in their " better understanding" but show their lack in the very first verse of the very first book ! I know of two versions that have wrongly translated a verse in revelations 3 from " IN" to 'ON' and so make themselves God .

    How is that possible?

    Men lean more upon their own understanding either of Greek hebrew or English ! Rather upon Him who leads us into all truth .

    I think if a man learns Greek or Hebrew which cannot be unprofitable has to be even more careful to lean not upon his understanding for reasons given above in those examples .

  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    That's 1 way to look at it. Day definition as span of time. Psalms 90:4, 2Peter 3:8,

    Genesis 3, Also a Spiritual death, that happened immediately, the results of which were immediate fear, instead of trust to their creator. Feeling naked before GOD, & man etc. Matthew 8:22, Luke 9:60, Romans 5:12-21,

    Eternal life, reference too Psalms 82,

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Reginald Carroll on 1 Timothy 4 - 2 years ago
    Many have departed from the truth
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

    Psalms 24:1, & 1Corinthians 10:26,

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm sorry , my fault I guess I didn't make myself clear , when God said that in the day thou eatest thou shalt die , and then on the day that Adam and Eve ( 24hour day) did eat , they did not die , but lived another 800 years as Gerald said , then a possible explanation of that is because , one day is a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day to God as stated in 1st Peter I think . Sorry for not being clear in my post .
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you brother for that pertinent message focussed on Truth. Just to share a little of my own experience in Pakistan on this matter of the Word of God, which is Truth, & how it can be translated & give a different meaning to another of a different language group.

    In preparation to share in a Bible study with a group of believers, I spoke to my Pakistani brother, who was fluent in both Urdu & Punjabi, about certain words that I would refer to in the study. My passage was from 1 John 4:7-11. As is common practise, the speaker would first verify certain words that the translator may not be familiar with or if the meaning given is different to what the Bible teaches. I didn't refer to the Greek here, as this was unnecessary for the audience, but asked this brother how he understood & would translate the word, 'propitiation' (as in verse 10)?

    He mentioned the Urdu word he would use in his translation, would be 'kaffare', as this is the word given in the Urdu Bible. I then asked what he personally understood of that word. He replied, 'when we see that word, it means 'atonement'. I asked, 'do you see any other meaning in it?' Apparently not. So, I needed to include the full meaning of propitiation, which is not just an atonement, but really an appeasement of an Holy God angered by sin & its hold on man. The brother didn't know any of this & hopefully, by using my English Bible (& by the way, the Greek also agrees to it), some believers were brought to a better knowledge of the "breadth, length, depth and height" of God's love towards us sinners.

    So, in one sense, we are a different language group to those of NT days who spoke other languages, with the NT written in Koine Greek. As much as our KJV NT is properly translated from Greek, often a better appreciation can be had if we could actually read it in Greek & not rely on a translation which at best may not deliver the best meaning in English. What we have is good & profitable; the original would be better.
  • Mukesh - 2 years ago
    Who is the owner of this physical world ..aaj in whose hands this world has been taught....we have taught the truth according to the Bible ... O brother, I am not accepting anything (other brother pastor) says that God is the master of this physical world.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Luke 3 - 2 years ago
    Oops Guy, I meant "being" not "big"

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