Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 535

  • Ellix2u - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ephesians 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

    Believing seals you with the Holy Spirit

    Ephesians 1:13

    In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

    And to address Jessie's point about the devil believing that is different from the faith we have in believing that Jesus died, was buried and rose again for the remission of our sins. Their belief is not a salvation belief.

    James 2:19

    "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

    There are MANY clear verses that salvation is by faith aloneJesus paid it ALL even after we are saved we will still sin until we die from this flesh. And that is why we are to be as little is easy to be saved even a small child can be saved.
  • [email protected] on James 1 - 2 years ago
    In the commentary for James you refer to the apostle Paul as St. Paul. Do you believe the aostles can be saints, were do you find that in the bible? Is this a beief system for the church of Christ. For me it seems to be a view the catholic support.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Heavenly Father I thank you for your son Jesus more then anything in life. Without His courage, strength & death we would not know what to do. Lord I ask that you be with GiGi, as you know, she is fighting a respiratory virus w/a cough, being tired & wheezing. Give her the strength to fight this Lord as she ask for a quick recovery w/out asthmatic problems or painful breathing. Oh, and thank you for keeping covid away from her. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen....Love, Hugs & Prayers your way
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My prayers are with y'all as well.
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There is no identity crisis when you are in Christ. old things are passed away all things are new!
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Remembering the words of Christ to John at his baptism, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We are sanctified by the blood of Christ. Jesus said if they have hated me, they will hate you also! They will have a reason in their own mind , not being able to discern good from evil!
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Doh ! Living not loving ! Sigh .
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    A false resurrection , what an interesting idea . Thanks for that . Science really does think it is the power doesn't it ? All shall be revealed and there shall be a lot of very surprised people . Can't come soon enough .
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Get yourself to church ! You are never alone , God is always with you . Reach out to Him !
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes thankyou . I am also an avid reader of the whole Bible , not just the new testament . I believe it's essential for us to get the whole picture . God is the same God from the old in the new and there are many very important lessons in the old testament .
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 65 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 65. This Psalm has several prophetic overtones; both of the first coming and Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 2 reminds us of Haggai 2:7 as the "desire of nations" shall come. Again; we see specifically mentioned those who are in prayer and God "hearest" them. God does not heed to the prayers of the wicked ( Prov. 15:8); this of course can be extended to those in rebellion. Christ is NOT desired of men ( Isaiah 53:3) in our natural state; and to understand the beauty of the love the Father extended to us who was pleased to "crush His Son" ( Isaiah 53:10) while we were yet enemies is something beyond our comprehension.

    1 Samuel 13 shows how David was chosen; much like the verse 4 in this Psalm. Certainly Christ was chosen as well to fulfill all righteousness ( Matthew 3:13) and His baptism was part of the plan.

    Verse 5 is somewhat indicative of the scenario during His judgments; although there through the rest of the Psalm generally gives God's blessings through the natural cycle with tides (verse 7) and weather patterns of rain v. 9-12; and the resulting harvest (v. 13). These will; of course be brought to the greatest fruition during the Millennial period and we will see an end to much destruction with natural disasters; notwithstanding those who refuse to come to Jerusalem to worship shall have no rain. ( Zech. 14:8).
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Makes much sense & thanks. I thank God I have ppl on here to help me see things at a different level. I can not tell y'all how much I appreciate each and every one of you. People have lived & thought a certain way all their lives & it isn't until someone outside of our normal day to day life says something that gets them to understand life isn't the same for everyone everywhere. That's where the "Love everyone" comes in handy. I do not know everything so I greatly appreciate input especially when it come to the bible. We do the best we can & for you, or anyone, to care enough to talk to strangers I appreciate it. I'm so hungry for Gods word yet never pushed it with them & yet through me (glory be to God) they learn how Jesus works so even with the worldly ways, all 3 have come to know & love Him. Yet they think it weird of me to be so bold when it comes to facing wrong doers or the enemy. I know God is with me so have absolutely no fear to what happens to me should I go to far yet I will not deny Christ though need to learn more tact at times. Definitely pray more for guidance too. Again, thank you & God bless
  • Joseph S. Bertolucci on 1 Corinthians 7 - 2 years ago
    I have a question about 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 Verse 39.

    How about a husband, if he loses his wife, is free to remarry?
  • Joseph S. Bertolucci on 1 Corinthians 7 - 2 years ago
    I have a question about 1 chapter 7 verse 39, if a husband loses his wife, is he also free to remarry

  • Diane on Psalms 75 - 2 years ago
    I would like clarity of verse 8, exactly what does it mean. Thank you
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The mark of the Beast cannot come until Antichrist comes; is worshipped by all the unregenerate; a mark is given for allegiance to him; and a death penalty is worldwide for those who will not recieve it. The allegiance will be to the man who appears to have a deadly wound then is healed from it. This prophecy can be found in Zechariah 11:17 as well as in Revelation 13. This will appear to be immortality as a type of false Resurrection as it were. The son of perdition in John 17:2 as well as 2 Thessalonians are describing the fate of Judas Iscariot; and the second verse Antichrist. These two individuals are both directly controlled by Satan; although technically the possession of the Beast is due to Apollyon king of the bottomless pit the way I see it in Revelation 9:11 which means; among other things the destroyer.

    There are certainly foreshadowings today technologically speaking; and the genetic AI concept likely will also involve some sort of DNA alteration assuring eternal life for those taking it. I take chronologically most of Revelation; bolstered by "after these things" used so frequently. There will clearly be a false one world religion that will ride the beast at first; and this will be overturned at the Midpoint of the Trib. ( Rev. 17:16); as Satan only wants worship for himself. There will be a process where it appears all men will praise God after the Rapture in Revelation 5:13. I haven't heard it preached but we must remember there is the Resurrection of all the church saints; so even if the Rapture isn't seen by some the partially empty graveyards can't be denied. At any rate; men's hearts will harden to the point where they fear God and are aware of judgment coming at the sixth seal; and later on dthey will blaspheme God and attempt eventually to fight God (see also Psalm 2; Rev. 19). BTW God's people are also "sealed" ( Eph. 1:13); as well as the 144,000 ( Rev. 7:1-8) invisibly.
  • Lloyd W Stambaugh on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    Maybe it is my imagination, but I detect a note of bitterness toward God in Lamech's comment.

    Could it be that that is the reason he died 5 years before his father?
  • David0920 - 2 years ago

    Good morning all,

    I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to share what I believe regarding the Nature of God's Salvation Program and what it means to be saved.

    I have read many comments on this site with differing understandings on this very important topic. Just as during the church age their were vastly differing teachings regarding God's Judgement and the Nature of Salvation. But there is only One Truth. What is only and ultimately important is what the Bible, the very Word of God Himself, teaches. The Bible, the WHOLE BIBLE, must be our only and ultimate authority. Not what we might conjure up from our own mind or from a few verses that we like, or what any church or confession or theologen might have taught.

    There is no other doctrine more important than this, in my view. In fact the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is God's message to mankind regarding the condition of mankind, God's Judgement Program, and the incomprehensible Mercy of God in providing, at an unimaginable cost to God Himself, a Salvation Program to save a people for Himself.

    Since it is difficult to deal comprehensively with this subject by a few comments on a site like this, I would encourage anyone that has an interest in exploring what the Bible teaches about God's Salvation Program to visit the SearchingHisWord web site, go to the literature section, and download the booklet entitled "I Hope God Will Save Me"; this is an indepth Bible study on this important and critical question. Most importantly though, we must test everyting we have been taught or believe with the WHOLE BIBLE, constantly praying that God would open our understanding and lead us into truth.

    I do hope all have a Blessed Christmas season and New Year.

    In Christ,

  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    No one can deny there are not the dispensations of God . But take any doctrine and attempt to understand all scripture through the lease of that one doctrine and sooner or later you will have to " twist the scriptures" to make them fit .

    ANY ' ism' will lead you astray .

    I fear that for many doctrines have become intellectual trophies one places up on a shelf , rather than living breathing eternal truths that each has its purpose and function .

    I liken them to the bones of the body . That give it strength and structure and help it to stand .

    Each in its place and fulfilling its function .

    We are I think to day like Ezekiel valley of dry bones .

    Or as the Lord was crucified " all his bones were out of joint "

    Truth is out of joint ,not broken but out of joint . Primarily because man subjects the scriptures to his intellect and reasoning to his " better understanding " of the original texts .

    Rather than subject man's reasoning to Gods .

    " My ways are not your ways and as far as the heaven is above the earth so far are my thought above your thoughts .

    That is not to say however that you cannot follow His reasoning or the reasoning of the scriptures and they are not unreasonable .

    Nor is Gods logic or the logic of the scriptures as such that it cannot be followed .

    " Till we all come to a unity of the faith .."

    But all we like sheep have gone astray each going his own way using his own version of the truth .(?)
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The church since the reformation has been a prodigal church . In that we having left the pig sty of false religion are on our way home to the Father .

    " Luther's enlightenment that " the just shall live by faith " was but the first shoot of the seed of the church that had been effectively buried for centuries . That's not to say zGod did not have a witness , but they were very few and far between .

    But the church had to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.

    So you had a development of theology from Calvin .

    Then the Baptist's .

    Then Quakers as they were then ,



    Pentecostals etc .

    Each denomination holding to a fresh revelation of God . Not that there is any ' new' revelation . But rather as Luther's eyes were opened to understand the scriptures so others r that followed him by the grace of God understood more and more .

    God is indeed BUILDING His church .

    It is not yet completed . Yet in Gods eyes perhaps is already done .

    We are then a prodigal church .

    On the way home to our Father house .

    But we have made the wandering in the wilderness for 40 years as the Christian norm .

    Boot camp is over .

    For is it not written of the Bride of Christ that she will "come out of the wilderness terrible as an army with banners ? Leaning upon her beloved "

    The Bride must get herself ready .

    " Be ye also ready " said the Lord to the disciples .

    The last day church cannot be anything less than the first day church .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The logic of Johns statement clearly shows a growing maturity and development of a child of God .

    From Little children . To young men , to fathers .

    Which in turns confirms to the scripture that we are to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.

    Which also follows Paul's admonition to " go on to perfection .

    I wouod also respectfully point out that Jesus said " I am the way the truth and the life ,no man comes unto the FATHER accept by me "

    The whole point and purpose of Jesus coming to this world was so that we might be reconciled to the Father .

    In our praying did He not teach us " Our Father ."

    I have said it a number of times and will keep on saying it. The church of which I am a part has reduced our so great salvation to being BORN again . Which is but getting out of Egypt . Praise the Lord .Our sins are forgiven and we know the father .

    But having so reduced the gospel we have simply kept recycling the milk of the word and there is not much meat .

    That's not to say we should not teach the milk . But children are expected to grow up!

    Into young men and then onto fathers .

    I there for put it to you that to know Him who is from the beginning must in some great measure know the Creator. On the one hand and thinking on it ," in the beginning was the Word " on the other .

    The church does not know God as much as it thinks it does .

    Nor indeed do we have many " young men" as John would have it so .

    Partly because a lot of Gods people do not believe Him who was in the beginning ,but to have peace with the world mix truth with falsehood .

    But if we believe Him who said " Son thy sins are forgiven"? Should we not also believe Him who sent Him?
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You are confusing two things at least .

    1) The Lord himself said Peter was a stone .

    Jesus is the Rock upon which he will build his church .

    I know by some who take this one verse and build a molehill upon it to justify their spurious claims . But all of scripture declares that God is the Rock .

    And you cannot build an eternal church upon a pebble or on a son of Adam . But quite reasonably you can build such a church on the rock of ages .

    When Jesus spoke of some saying " lo here is Christ and lo there is Christ ,He was not speaking of Himself

    But rather of the anointing . For Christ means anointed .

    Those who make claims that here is the anointing or there is the anointing are as deceived as they are deceiving .

    For the eternal resting place of the Holy Spirit of God is the Word of God . For John say Him descend-as a dove and rested or abided on the Lord as He came up out of Jordan .

    In Noah's day he sent out a dove twice . The firs5 time it found no resting place and returned . The second time it returned carrying a token of rest an olive branch or leaf .

    In the Old Testament we read of a number of occasions where the Spirit of God came UPON people .

    But it is only in the new Testament after the resurrection we read Hecwilll not only be with you but shall be IN you and will abide forever .

    If anyone goes running after the anointing they are going in the wrong direction . No matter what the claims .

    They who honour me says the Lord I will honour ..

    Honour the Word and the Holy Spirit abides .
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...Ellix2u I agree with you some what...But we have to birth the Child which is the H.G. that Child of Promise.. but when the book ( that New Covenant ) is opened...We will all travail in birth pains...As Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth pains Jeremiah 30:6...Its gonna happen automatically after tHE BOOK IS OPENED...We answer to the woman in Rev 12:10 that is giving birth to the Children of the Kingdom which are spirits An Israel of God which is the H.G. God is gonna pour out of his spirit on ALL FLESH...We dont have anything to do with it as our carnal minds is the very ENEMY of God..

    .....This New Covenant is different then the O.C...Thats y Romans 8:5 is telling us ...While we were yet sinners Christ died for ALL of us...Its not according to the O.C... Jeremiah 31:34...God Almighty gave us this N.C. Saying I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest...If I be lifted up I will draw ALL MEN UNTO ME...When he took the cup he said this is the New Covenant in my blood drink ye all of it...Which took place on Calvary...I was found of them that sought me not and made manifest unto them that asked not after me...What a Covenant, I kiss you my son Jesus...Its all his doings...But there is a Child involved b/c of his seed the words of the book....Ya gotta realize he has to KNOW US..We can only birth this Child via his seed the living word the contents of the book that he wrote with his own blood that N.C...Remember that tree of KNOWLEDGE.

    .....That which is Perfect is yet to come on the 3 rd day...I will be perfected on the 3 rd day...Outta of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has PERFECTED PRAISE...Unless you receive this Kingdom OF God as a lil Child you will in NO WISE ENTER THERE. IN... Isaiah 11:9....Knowledge is gonna cover the earth as the waters cover the seas...I will know (knowledge an intimacy ) them all from the least to the greatest...Thus the Woman giving birth to the Children...The babes and sucklings our new heart n new spirit.
  • Baruch Alberts on Psalms 71 - 2 years ago
    David writes the psalm
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    One more thing in light of the earlier comment is that all the things now are being restrained but seeing what the enemy already controls we can understand how demons will torment people in the Tribulation; and how the angels of destruction will wreak havoc. The seal judgments are going to be most terrible as well as the other judgments; I feel in my spirit that this needs to be a message preached. The sword; famine and pestilence of course comes after the 1st Seal Antichrist is allowed to conquer. I wouldn't be surprised if there was chemical or biological warfare causing death and hell to kill one fourth of the earth. I would surmise that there are forces of darkness that will be released allowing these plagues to be worse than ever; and of course there will be no magic innoculation; etal to mitigate these events. We need to boldly proclaim the Rapture of the church; it will provoke the Jews to jealousy I believe as Romans 14 states; and it will wake many up. It is needed for the final "revival" or countless souls that will be martyred. There are many who think they are ready but are not; some of which I am convinced will wake up in the Tribulation and have to bear fruit the hard way through martyrdom. The enemy has paralyzed many; God determines ultimately who is saved and who is not.

    I firmly believe that there are few who are "on fire" in the Lord; most who think they are have a Kundalini or some other spirit that is energizing the flesh and deceiving people to think it is from God. The Spirit of the Lord does NOT appeal to the flesh but makes us realize our sinfulness and utter hopelessness in our own efforts. His sheep hear His voice so we know when we meet someone who is blessed by God; as well as those who are of another spirit if discerning.

    Remember; take heart; Elijah thought he was alone but there were 7000 that also followed God and would not bend the knee to Baal.

    Agape; Rich P
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    As to your first statement; I would rebut by saying that the preplanned narrative of movies we are in a sense "victims" of where the agenda is almost guaranteed to have violence or sexually inappropriate material; cuss words and attitudes of unforgiveness.

    In the case of the cartoons of course there is not only fantasy but now the increasing amount of "politically correct" sexual gender identification and behaviors for these "heroic" characters not to mention darker and darker protagonists which tend to blur the difference at best between good and evil (or are evil no matter who you look at). In real life; however God can intervene to stop things; individuals can be stopped if the hand of God is activated (of course prayer is very helpful with all these things; breakthrough types of prayer). In the real world God can work all things even tragedies out for the good. There are some movies of Christian source material that bear these things out.

    As far as music is concerned I am not going to focus on types of music; I for one am much more concerned about the message than the style. Secular music I do listen to at times with talented people on YouTube. I have found that sometimes the spirit in which something is sung matters; someone can find the musical core of a song at times and it is actually more interesting than the original. Again; I won't try to convince you if you only listen to Christian music; but there is much of the occult symbology; associations and new age type lyrics in so called "Christian songs"; in some sense it is better listening to non offensive lyrics in a "secular band" without that type of imagery.

    Perfect love casts out fear. In the Spirit if we are living Godly in Christ then the enemy at worst can be allowed to end our earthly existence with God's permission. Jesus has the victory over all powers of the enemy; but the accuser is always there to make our lives miserable. We need to warn others to flee the wrath to come.
  • Sparkie73 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    When the rapture happens will the passengers in cars, trains, airplanes, buses, and so on die in a crash if the driver is raptured? Book, Chapter, and verse please. All so I would like to hear your thoughts on the above,
  • Sparkie73 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I like you also think that the babies and children would go in the rapture. The impact on the people left behind would surely convince millions to repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. God does not do anything such as the rapture unless it has a positive impact on bringing souls into His kingdom for eternity. The mercy and love of God is seen even to the end of the age.

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