Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 533

  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus is called the second and last Adam . He is then likened into the first .

    Though in truth the scriptures say the " first Adam was a foreshadow of Him who was to come .

    You say the Lord did not establish any church?

    Yet the scruptures state " I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"

    Perhaps then it's your concept of the church that needs therefore adjusting?

    Was not the first Adam created from the dust of the earth?

    And did not Almighty God put Adam into a deep sleep and create Eve from the body of the man? Namely his rib.

    If then the first Adam was a foreshadow of Him who was to come .The last Adam .

    Then through the death of the last Adam another body the bride of Christ will come from His body .

    Peter a great Apostle was none the less but a stone a pebble .

    God is that ' rock of ages ' upon which the eternal church of God is built upon .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Your first question is answered in your own reply .

    The Lord said " Thou art Peter a stone "

    Upon this rock what Rock? " Thou art the Son of the living God "

    2 Samuel 22:47

    Deuteronomy 32:31

    Psalm 62:7

    And many more all found on a search God is the rock on this very app.

    While any man can get it wrong for no man is infallible . Though some religionists foolishly claim otherwise . What does the scriptures say? "ALL scripture is given by inspiration if God and is good for correction reproof and instruction in righteousness "

    Taking ONE verse to build your case is not only unwise it will inevitably lead to error . Which is why the Roman church is now full of it .

    While you may be in doubt as with this one verse may mean .

    ALL of scripture clearly states GOD is that rock .

    Jesus being God manifested in the flesh it clearly means by the rest of scripture that it does not mean Peter but the Lord Himself .

    To hold to anything else in the light of the rest of scripture is simply foolish at best .

    At worse you judge ..
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Giannis,

    You are one I trust to turn to if I'm looking for further clarification on the Greek. My question is, when Jesus said "upon this rock," is the word "this" used in the Near Demonstrative or Far Demonstrative?

    That's my only question. Thanks!
  • GiGi - 2 years ago

    Slept on my thoughts last night and was thinking about Jesus taking on the flesh and nature of humanity more.

    Knowing that the Triune God by nature is Spirit and fills the universe, to think that the Son restricted Himself to fill a zygote with Himself and give it Personhood made me think of how much he humbled Himself to come to us. To be fully present in a single fertilized cell is astounding. And to allow Himself to grow and develop in the womb as a human even though He is the creator of all things fills me with wonder.

    I also thought about conception of all other humans and about personhood. We can admit that the egg and sperm are human flesh (cells) but separately they are not persons. But when they unite together at conception, they then have personhood, as is our reasonable thoughts tell us. Human life begins at conception and the new life is a person from the point of fertilization on. Where does the "person" and "human nature" begin and how are the distinguished from one another. There cannot be a human nature without a person to possess it. And there cannot be a human person without a human nature to animate it.

    So, in the case of Jesus, He was the Person that took on the human nature and flesh and life of this zygote. This zygote would not have existed in Jesus had not chosen to be the Person to possess it. It was not a person and then Jesus took over that person's flesh and life. He was the only Person connected to this zygote with its human nature and human life. But with all other zygotes, how does the "person" come to possess the human flesh and nature?

    I was perplexed a bit by this. Itis easy to think of the Son of God becoming human, but when you get down to conception and when human life begins and when personhood begins and where does the personhood come from since it is not fleshly, it boggles the mind bb it. Scripture does not really give us these answers except in saying the Father prepared the body for His Son to dwell in and thru.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gerald

    You wrote, "An Apostle of God is not ordained by man at all ,but ordained by God ." and you are right. My question to you is, how does God ordain ministries? Does He speak, does He show visions,..., how?

    Paul in 1 Ephesians 4:11 talks about the ministries in the church, some of them are apostles and prophets. So from your posts I think we agree that those ministries should still exist in the church, God and His Word haven't changed. But according to your opinion how does God points out who is what?
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Ryan.

    Question. Where exactly in New Testament does it say that the age of apostles and prophets ended or is going to end sometime in the future? Because I cannot find anything written about it. Paul in 1 Cor 12,13,14 describes how the church should function when gathered together. Assuming that this is not the case anymore, how according to the scriptures should we function today?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello David, thanks for your reply.

    Okay, I would like you to be the first person to say to someone who has called on the name of the Lord to be saved and believed the gospel, but has then turned away, that they were never really saved or born again when they first called on God to be saved, This makes God out to be a liar in His word and will likely cause someone to resist returning to such a God who will not truly save someone who seeks Him to be saved through Jesus. I know many people who have this history. My sons are among these, i will never tell them that, though believe since childhood and into their teens but then turned away that they were never saved or born again. This implies that children may not be truly saved when they believe the gospel. Or someone who was a strong believer for many years and through hardships or the draw of the world has turn away. You be the first to tell such a person, that God did not really save them when they believed all those years.

    Jesus said that I have come to save the lost, even those who where "of His flock" and turned away. He leaves the 99 and seeks after the one who strayed. In the parable of the prodigal son, who was of His household, but walked away, upon his return the father said that his son was dead; but now he is alive.

    But, David, I do not want to make an debate over this topic. I understand your viewpoint and respect that you are free to keep it, as I can do with mine.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Gerald

    1. Where exactly does it say that Peter was a "stone"?

    2. I won't get into an argument about who is exactly the "rock" that Jesus meant. I don't think it is something essential, it is not a doctrine anyway. And to be honest I am not sure which one is right (the one that is the most acceptable in my church is the no. 2 in my previous post). But let's examine it. Firstly I want to say that I am in agreement with what you have written so far about Jesus on this topic. But lets see that conversation again. Peter says to Jesus that He is the Son of God. Jesus answers him that Simon(his real name) is a stone(Peter) and upon this stone He will build His church. So if you were a witness at that time what would you had assumed that Jesus meant? The obvious I think. Peter was a dynamic personality, that is why Jesus called him a "rock", he wasn't soft, he wasn't unstable. He had done some mistakes before Pentecost, but afterwards him and the rest and Jesus' brothers carried the load of spreading the Gospel everywhere. Of course Jesus(Word of God) is the foundation of our faith. But Jesus Himself didn't establish any church. The church was initiated on Pentecost after Peter's preaching to Jews, and from there on him and all the other apostles and disciples carried those good news all over the world under God's Grace.

    The Catholics claim that he was the 1st Pope. But none of the 12 seems to had been a pastor. Peter in 1 Peter 5:1 calls himself an elder just like the other elders, not higher than them. In grk the terms elder and bishop are alternated in the text, they mean the same thing. Long later in some denominations like in Catholics the Bishop became a leader. But in Acts bishop is just another name for an elder. So Peter was an elder. Paul was not an elder, but an apostle. Similarly John seems to not had been an elder either. So that claim of Catholics' is not right. But even if it is right, this doesn't make the Bishop(Pope) of Rome higher than any other.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Ronald, for your prayers. Enjoy this time with family and friends.
  • Texsis - In Reply on Psalms 105 - 2 years ago
    DJ Grim, ONLY word tree in Psalms 105: in verse 33; "He smote(struck)their vines also & their fig trees; & brake (splintered) the trees of their coasts(territory)". Absolutely Nothing about being nailed to a tree. Praise goes to Jesus for our sins that HE was nailed to said cross.! Furthermore, He, God/Jesus remembers them (our sins) no more. We ask God for forgiveness in Jesus name hence 'through HIM we are saved'. To GOD be all glory *The word cross is mentioned 28 times in new testament. Esword dictionary states: From the base of G2476; a stake or post (as set upright), that is, (specifically) a pole or cross (as an instrument of capital punishment); figuratively exposure to death, that is, self denial; by implication the atonement 'of Christ':-cross. 'The cross' is the place where all the wounds of sin are healed. If you suffer from emotional problems--guilt, anxiety, depression, anger, or whatever-there is healing in the "cross of Christ". If you are going through tragedy or suffering, there is comfort in abundance as you contemplate the sufferings of the 'spotless Savior' on your behalf. Who was standing by "the Cross of Jesus"? Many a witness that HE was nailed to "a cross" Simply put, the meaning of "the cross" is death. "The Cross" is a great contradiction. A simple upright post with a transverse bar used crucifixion. It's a symbol of death, but so much more. Death and life, hate and love, violence and peace, accusation and forgiveness, sin and purity, brokenness & wholeness, all is lost yet everything is gained, destruction & restoration, defeat and victory. Once the cruelest form of execution, *yet now it is a symbol 'of abundant life*'. The Life JESUS gave to save anyone willing to except Him for dying for their sins. God showed great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners ( Romans 5:8). I feel, it's the unbelievers way to demean Jesus death & resurrection by calling it a tree. He died4U & loves you, RESPECT HIM PLEASE.!!
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Richard,

    I agree an eclipse does not last for three hours, the dark time when Jesus was on the cross. I feel many things will not be clear until they start. Like what was said about the beast, Rev. 13:4 "who is able to make war with him?" In today's world what beast could be that China, the US, Russia, and the world would be defenseless to make war? We just need to be ready and watching.

    My understanding is different, I know many believe in the rapture of the church and will be taken to heaven and the 7 years from Daniel placed at the end times. My understanding of Daniel 9:27 has been fulfilled, the whole prophecy was about the Messiah and the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus's ministry, the first 3.5 years and Jesus through His apostles the last 3.5 years, which ended the 70 weeks. Dan. 9:24 the things determined, then the gospel was taken to the Gentiles. The first was Philip the evangelist, Acts 8:5.

    I feel it will start when Satan is cast out of heaven, Rev.12:8-9.

    God bless,

  • CreationTruth on 2 Peter 3 - 2 years ago
    RE: 2 Peter 3:5

    Present day scoffers are willingly ignorant of literal 6 days creation written with the finger of God as stated in Exodus 20 and 31.

    Specifically the creation and flood accounts in Genesis. Uniformitarianism, proclaimed by evolutionists, is anticipated and warned against. The flood account does not allow for millions of years but instead accounts for the evidence in nature.

    God Bless,

    Creation Truth
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks, GiGi hope you are feeling better, you are in my prayers, I don't post my prayers. Merry Christmas to you and all on this site.

    God bless,

  • D J Grim on Psalms 105 - 2 years ago
    Praise be to GOD for our sins are nailed to a tree and He remembers them no more Hallelujah
  • David0920 - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I quote from your response to Adam...

    "Adam has not said that we need to obey God to be saved or do any sort of "work". He does not say that we need to continue to obey God to stay saved. He does say that one can turn away from God once born again through disobedience. Our good works and obedience do not "keep" us saved, but our disobedience and apostasy will bring us back to a state of spiritual death."

    If we have truly become "saved" it means that we have become Born Again, that God has given us a Resurrected Soul in which we will have an earnest ongoing desire to be obedient to what God reveals to us in the Bible, both in doctrine and in practice. It means that we have past from DEATH into LIFE in our Soul. It means that we are Eternaly Secure and CANNOT lose our salvation.

    If we fall away it means that we in all likelyhood have not become Born Again and are still UNSAVED and remain in a condition of Spiritual Death. Not that we have returned to that state.

    Wonderfully, however, that is not the end of the story. God continues to save His Elect right up until the very Last Day. Anyone that is still living, including ourselves, may be one of God's Elect and God has obligated Himself to save every one of His Elect.

    But God's Elective program is GOD'S business; it is not OUR business. it's not our job to decide who are Elect and who are not. Only God knows.

    If we are uncertain about our own Salvation it is still the Day of Salvation and we can still cry to God for His Mercy in the Hope that He might save us, Just like the Ninevites (Read Jonah 3 and Matt 12:41).

    Psalm 34:18 Psalm 51:17

    If we have loved ones or others for whom we are concerened about their salvation we can, and are in fact encouraged, to pray for their salvation, if it is His will. Knowing that if they are one of His Elect, they will certainly become saved.

    Always recognizing that God determines who and when He saves anyone. God does all the work of salvation on His time table
  • Texsis - 2 years ago
    "M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S EVERYONE & AN EVEN HAPPIER NEW YEAR (and the year to come).! JESUS IS THE BEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE ANYONE. WE MAY NOT HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER, YET TOGETHER WE HAVE IT ALL! This time of year most ppl want to help everyone so first pray allowing God to guide you & give you proper discernment for He knows all truth & who is really in need or merely wanting the next fix. Not what you think yet, that feeling you get-well, it's Him so follow it". Ohtay, if electric goes out, I wanna pray for each & everyone of y'all to have the best holiday season ever.! Love as He first Loved us. Forgive & you Will be forgiven. Praise God for Everything, even the hard times cuz through those, we grow in His wisdom. When you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours! Every now & then, pay it forward, like if your going through a drive thru, to the person behind you. To a grocery store clerk, waitress, person in uniform or a Teacher. God bless & be w/each & everyone, Amen. oh wait, that wasn't a haven't slept all night I'm so excited I already cleaned & now I get to cook yeeha.. My 2 faves.! Prayers I get the fireplace to stay burnin, Brrr its cccold , bbfn fellow KJV 1611s p.s same to the owners of this site too. p.s.s (if there is such thing, haha) Keep praying for the evil in this lovely world. Love the sinner not the sin.
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I once had a number of conversations with a Muslim ,a sincere man but one quite ignorant of God .

    Who in one of our last conversations in which he held in his hand the Koran in Arabic and the opposite page an English translation . He surprised me by saying " only the Koran in Arabic is the true word of God " ( so he believed) Astonished ,I replied " have you been lying to me then ?He answered no! I pointing to his book asked is that book lying then? His answer was the same .is God an Arab then? He equally astonished said "No".

    I said is God an Englishman ? One time they thought perhaos he was . But He isn't .

    Is God Chinese? and other examples to prove the point .

    For God is none of them , you might argue that Jesus was a Jew after the flesh but still you cannot argue God is .

    All those languages then are all mans langauge . God must therefore if you will have His own language.

    Who " humbles himself to speak to man"

    It is not then the langauge it is translated into that is the " original" but God who inspired men so to write what it is written .

    The devil changed that "Word of God that came forth out of His mouth" into a lie .

    Men still do it today and still boast in their " better understanding" of the original texts but prove otherwise .

    An overconfidence in understanding or having a knowledge of Greek or Hebrew has led many into gross error .

    Even as an overconfidence in one's intellectual abilities has as well .

    In the same measure as the Holy Spirit was needed to inspire men to,so write the scriptures so He is needed to understand what is written in what ever language it is written in .

    We are very fortunate in this country to have had the KJV for so long but men in their pride have cast it aside and think otherwise and by many in the church it is despised and rejected .

    While other versions are held in high esteem ,for reasons which escape me and they would be hard to explain .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yet Paul does not fit that criteria .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The trouble with this is that which usually goes along with it .

    That the gifts of the Spirit no longer happen as too miracles etc .

    This clearly is not true .

    God has not changed yet we seem to have made our God set in aspic or stone .

    And many have " heard of thee" but how many " now seeeth thee"?

    Moses had heard of God as he grew up . But a day came when he met the Living God .

    Gideon had heard of God but he too had a day when he met the living God and the lines of a lively communication were established .

    Samuel had heard of God and had served in the temple for a number of years but he "knew not the Word of the Lord "

    It could even be said of Isiah .

    And what about Saul of Tarsus ?

    and others .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    An assertion is not an ' argument' and to assert all three are applicable has to be substantiated with an argument .

    The Lord stating thou art Peter a " stone" not a rock he clearly differentiated Himself " the Son of the living God" the Rock ,from Peter ,the stone .

  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    " NOW faith is.."

    It is written that because He loved them he delayed going to them . Mary said if you had come earlier you could have healed him .

    Her faith was in the past and was thus ineffective .

    Martha said that she believed Hecwouid raise him up at the end . Her faith was in the future and thus ineffective.

    Jesus replied to her " I AM the resurrection and the life "

    The Lord is always present ,now .

    And while we may and should have a "sure and certain hope" for the future , our faith must always be and can only operate in the

  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Merry Christmas to you as well & a Happier New Year.!
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There are but two forms of righteousness . That righteousness that is of the Law .

    And that righteousness that is by faith .

    Jesus fulfilled the Law and justified by the law . He walked by faith and was also righteous by faith .

    We who are true born children of God are not saved by baptism for it is written that in baptism we are buried with Christ .." only the dead are buried .

    But we do willingly ( by grace) conform to Christ .

    We "uphold the Law " for we die and are crucified with Christ confessing our sin and putting our faith in Him who died for us all .

    And are then justified by faith in Christ .whoGod raised from the dead " for our justification "
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...Yes Aldenapoli...Faith is the result of his seed his words Thus a spiritual pregnancy results which is the Child of Promise the H.G. the kingdom we hope for..Thats y he has to know us then when we have the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...A spiritual pregnancy...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. our new innerman...A kingdom Child ...Unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in..

    .....Even in the natural when a woman is pregnant she has the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...Her fetus is evidence she has known the Bridegroom...Even tho no body can see it yet...But she knows it without a doubt....Thats faith ok lemme go...
  • Johnpage59 - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your kind reply, regards John.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Duncan . Enjoy your posts , thank you . Are you quoting the KJV ? I notice Matthew chapter 28 verse 20 in my KJV says : and , lo , I am with you alway , even to the end of the world ( not age ) . Amen . This is a KJV site , not just a Christian site . Those two words in that context ( world and age ) could be interpreted very differently .
  • T Levis - 2 years ago
    Merry Christmas everyone! :)
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please read Mark 13, Matthew 24, 2Thessalonians 2,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Texsis - In Reply on James 1 - 2 years ago
    Not only can they be but all, except Judas (that betrayed Jesus) are saints.! The apostles are the disciples of Jesus and all were canonized (made saints) with the exception of Judas. A saint is "anyone" who has led a virtuous life and or "martyred" for their faith and 'usually' has 'miracles' attached to them. Plus, anyone placing their life & trust in Jesus as Chris said. So if one truly believes, and only God knows the heart, can be a saint. He can weed out the false people saying & or acting holy.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Therefore all children under the age of accountability will be raptured. If you want to be certain, beings we do not know the time or day, talk to them about Jesus all their life as much as possible & bible says He will grow the seed that we plant. Anyone that isn't controlled by satan that hears His word will make the right choice, again, in His time. Beings He knows this time He will see that anyone who is meant to be saved will be! Thirteen is the most common age "suggested" for the age of accountability, based on the Jewish custom. However, the Bible gives no direct support to the age of accountability. It likely varies from child to child.

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