Thanks Texsis. As you probably know, even the name 'Christian' was given to 'those Christ followers' by the people in Antioch ( Acts 11:26), & was intended to be used in a derogatory manner, as Gerald has pointed out in his other comments. So it wasn't a glowing affectionate name that was given at that time but it certainly became a badge worthy to be carried on their, & our, hearts & lips, with great honor.
And Paul considered himself to be an apostle ( 1 Corinthians 1:1; 2 Corinthians 2:1), though the sense here I think, was that he was numbered with the other apostles yet one born out of due time (i.e. the others were direct witnesses of Jesus, walked with Him & called by Him, whereas Paul's qualification was of his explicit vision & calling to be Jesus' chosen vessel). Since Paul's day, there has been no other apostle, except Barnabas & those others since, who fulfil the apostolic definition of being God's messenger to the unsaved but not of the original 12 + 1.
Merry Christmas to you and yours. We are all here at our house. Still recovering with a cough and fatigue, so am not cooking this time.
So glad that Daniel is doing so well and has such a promising life ahead. Praise the Lord, for He is good, His mercies never cease and His love never fails!
I too have struggled with feelings of inadequacy and isolation . I have come to realise that it really does not matter what any one thinks or believes about me . The only thing that matters to me is that my God and my Saviour love me . They love you too . They know all about you , all of your faults and failings and they adore you . You are a shining jewel to them . This is what gets me out of bed every day with a smile on my face , knowing that the ones who really do know me , love me . I have been and probably still are sometimes my own worst enemy . I've messed up and missed out on so many things because of my own lack of confidence and ambition . God alone has preserved my life and sanity . Be assured , you are most precious to your God , stick with Him and you will know overwhelming love and an absence of fear of the things that this world throws at you . You are beloved by Him . He is yours and you belong to Him and He loves you as you are . The things of this world will be gone in the blink of an eye , but you will live forever with Him . You have an awesome future , those who know not God ? Job chapter 4 verse 8+9 . Psalm 9 verses 8-10 .
Thank you Giannis. I understood it to be in the Near Demonstrative also. The Greek professor whose ministry I sat under for a few years taught it that way, in that when Jesus said upon this rock, the Near Demonstrative would have indicated that He would have been pointing to Himself when He said upon this Rock.
Dear Free , thanks so much for your reply . It's good that we are all on here growing in the Lord . Most people don't like change , myself included , though I feel that change is essential for our growth spirituality . If we stand still I think it's a bit like saying that we are finished , done , no improvement needed . We have a saying here , when we haven't seen someone for a long time we might say to them : you haven't changed . I guess it's meant as a compliment but if someone said it to me I would be worried ! I need to change , a lot ! The only Truth I know for sure is with God Everlasting . I wait for Him , I long for Him . Everything else is banal . I know I must allow myself to get bogged down in this life , keep my eyes looking up and do my best to show love love love . I fail every day . I like what you said about checking your car , that sounds like personal experience . Here's hoping 2023 is the best year ever , for the whole world , God willing .
Contrary to most sermons that infer that the "public humiliation" that Joseph was avoiding was a publicized divorce (as opposed to a "quiet divorce" - what is the difference: like slightly pregnant?) he HAD to be pondering the Jealousy offering in Numbers 5. Suspecting infidelity, except I am positive he never doubted Mary, and this particular offering is COMMANDED for a husband to perform to avoid raising a bastard as your own offspring. The fact that Joseph would not perform this speaks to the fact that he and Mary had not yet been intimate although already basically man and wife under Jewish law: engagement required divorce to get out of. He was pondering God's claim on the child ("privity" is a legal definition regarding two parties interest in the same property). The prophecy never states if the Virgin is married. He struggled and almost made Jesus a bastard. Seriously. The jealousy offering in Mosaic law proved that Joseph is in actual LEGAL FACT the earthly father of Jesus. WOW!
Psalm 67. THIRD attempt to post after I wiped out AGAIN like last tiime.. ugh
I lost Psalm 66 but this Psalm once again has a Millennium type of fulfillment as indicated in verse 4. Isaiah 9:6 speaks of Christ as "wonderful; counselor; mighty God; everlasting father; Prince of Peace" with surrounding verses describing how He rules with fairness and settles disputes impartially etc. The nations have hardly sung about this sort of thing as a whole yet.
Verse 2 and the "saving health" could be a reference to Petra where His people are physically preserved previously from Antichrist ( Rev. 12:14). It also could be how those who worship God are given a life like that of a tree ( Isaiah 65:22) where those who die at 100 will be considered as a child two verses previous. There will probably be physical life for those who don't rebel until the end of the 1000 years in the Eden like state of the earth but those who rebel will be immediately judged.
Again as in the previous Psalm; the crops will be multiplied (verse 6); and blessings and fear of the whole world will occur (verse 7). The lack of the fear of the Lord now as opposed to then certainly will be due to Christ Himself returning. Sadly though the unregenerate still will follow the Pied Piper's call when Satan makes his last stand at the end of that period immediately before the Great White Throne Judgment.
Mark 16:15 also shows how the Temple was designed to be a place of prayer for all nations (referring to multiple passages in the O.T. including Jeremiah; Isaiah; Chronicles and others).
Apostles. Throughout the history of Christianity apostles have not ceased existing. Paul and the 12 and the rest carried the good news to a small part of the world, mainly in todays Middle East, Turkey and Greece, some went even further, to Rome(who actually, definitely not Paul). But in the following centuaries the gospel went all the world. By whom?. Somebody brought the good news to the UK, some believers to the Pagan Central and Northern Europe, some to the Americas, some to the Slavs, to Africa, to Asia ... Who were they, weren't those apostles? Nowadays some believers sacrifice their lives going and preaching in muslim countries and China, aren't those apostles? What are they? If not apostles, what are they? The mission of an apostle is to preach the gospel AND establish new churches. Whereas the mission of Evangelists is to preach the gospel and bring the new believers into an already existing church, in the region they are serving the Lord. So even today there are many apostles. How can one see if someone is an apostle? As you said from his life, his doctrines, but also from the results he is having and (very important) if God gives proofs of His ministry. Of course we haven't seen people like Peter, Paul, .. that perform huge miracles, but we still see people been born again, been baptized in the Spirit, getting healings, seeing visions etc. God always shows His face to honest people that love and serve Him. If you go to the Testimony section of this site you will read jaw droping testimonies about God's actions in peoples lives. In Ephesians the spiritual gifts are described, two of those are the apostle and the prophet. If we assume those do not exist anymore, then the rest should also not exist any more, but they all exist. If we accept that God is so near to us, actually inside us, why do we think it is over any logical thinking that He talks to us? If He doesn't talk to us, then He is distant God out there in the deep space. But He is not.
Those were the criteria for the inner circle of Jesus' disciples, not for the rest of them. Paul didn't live with Jesus, neither Barnabas nor Luke, Silas, Timothy, Titus, Apollos ... neither the rest of those we read in Acts.
I haven't gone to a theological school, I am not a scholar or a theologist either, I am an engineer, it's machines I am dealing with in my everyday time not the scriptures, but I serve as a deacon in a small congregation over here. And I very much like reading all sort of information about Christianity. Nowadays there is a huge amount of information on internet. And I think all people here on this site are born again christians, so everybody has experience with God and His revelations, some people more some people less. Definitely one needs the Spirit to guide them to the truth. But still one has to be in church to be taught things properly, you just can not stay home and expect for God to reveal you all the time about everything in the Bible. In that incident with the eunoch and Philip, the eunoch makes a question to Philip, Acts 8:31, "And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.". Obviously somebody had to guide him, that person should had been a man from God, the Spirit wouldn't teach him directly, isn't it so? So the main doctrines should be learned in a church, and if one wants to go deeper or just understand something they haven't understood well, then the Spirit of God helps them. Well, at the end it seems the things we are in agreement are more than the ones we disagree. GBU
My first reply was wrong that is why I corrected it later.
In that verse in Matthew the actual meaning of Peter(Petros) is rock(petra), not stone. A more specific anc. grk word for "stone" is "lithos", it is used in Matthew 21:42, "Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone(lithos) which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner(cornerstone): this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?". So Jesus describes Himself as stone in this scripture, isn't He?
I am in agreement with what you say about picking a single verse and make a doctrine out of it. But as I have already said I don't think this is an important topic to spend so much time on it. GBU
It may be yet didn't sound that way when I first read it tho after re-reading & reading your references, I can see he meant well & not being negative. Forgive me DJ & Chris. It was shaped like a cross and knowing Gods creation, long before any cross or tree, if you look up Laminin, is why sit bothers some. All Gods creation has purpose. He even knew who was going to give the cross its name as well as putting a name to Jesus believers & followers, "Christian". I myself prefer simply "believer" or in conversation amongst a group, rightly divided. Tho Paul wasn't one of Jesus direct Apostles, he was directly appointed by Jesus, on the road to Damascus, to teach the gentiles. Yet many include him as an apostle. In the long run if we keep our focus on Jesus & doing Gods will in our life, nothing else really matter.
I can completely understand this reaction to Harold Camping and his Bible studies. However, if anyone does decide to visit the SearchingHisWord web site, please go to the Literature section and read the Introduction to that section. This will provide you with background information about Mr. Camping and His approach to the Bible and which the SearchingHisWord web site continues to hold.
As a personal testimony I will say that I have been exceptionally blessed by Mr. Camping's studies. However, no Bible teacher is infallible. Only the Bible itself is absolutely true and trustworthy. And Mr. Camping constantly reminded His listeners to check him out by going back to the Bible as their only authority.
Dear Sammi, I have to apologize but there is something wrong with my phone email so I don't get notified when someone has posted a comment. So it's not at all because I don't want to answer you. On this day, I received a message from gmail that I have 17 emails in, but when I click on it, I get a reply that everything has been done. whether we can call it human or not. In any case, it is wrong.
I would very much like to answer what I have learned in the past year.
1. Reads what I write. At least if it's in American English.
2. That we can wish to be elsewhere. But we have to work where we are.
3. That I must ensure and carry out the necessary service on the car. Because after days with minus 25, the car stands like 10 stones. Presumably in the spring.
4. The most important thing is with the Lord. Where He teaches us so that we understand that He is involved as much in the Small as in the Big (matters).
5. Now the Lord works with me daily. Like this: I don't know what I say to people about the Lord on the phone. I share His Word but don't remember what I read to them. I believe it is because: I shall not boast of anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. It is by Him that I live. It is through Him that all will come to the knowledge of truth, Amen.
Stand up and read carefully in God's word, some of the secret is in 1 Peter 1 chapter. That is where we find the Lord in God's Word. Have a wonderful Christmas talking about Jesus and what He had to do for us all. Be bold in His holy name. Throw away all negativity and live with your heart of flesh. This is how I see you are. You know everything really good and bad. So guard your heart above all things.
Merry Christmas too u and yours in Godly peace and love in Christ.
Greetings everyone, with wishes for God's peace and joy during the Christmas season, and after. Thank You God that we can also gather here online. And I believe that we have the same mindset, carry each other's burdens and much, much more. Thank you humbly for all intercessions and understanding. We are on our way to see our Jesus Christ!
If we are cold and starving, we know we have something to look forward to. He will wipe away every tear. And we will shine like candles in a dark world we are in right now. So it is with the Lord. Therefore all rejoice. Rejoice and always be overwhelmed in the Lord. He knows how to bring His ppl home! When we see our sin and confess it. Also remember (this is important) and confess it with your own mouth. To a brother or sister you trust. Thus that affliction will be removed from your heart and mine heart forever. After that we take every thouht and throw it away to the darkest abyss, and it will forever stay there in Jesus Holy name. Love u all in Christ. Stay close to God in His holy word, and remember too fear Him. And read the secret in 1 Peter 1 chapter.
Now may God bless us for every good work. So that we can give of our abundance to the poor who are outside of His grace and blessing. ps hint: Widows and fatherless children.
Merry Christmas to your all in Jesus Christ Holy Name, Amen.
I try not to second guess people or assume to know what they're thinking or what their motives are . I'm a plain speaker with no hidden motives or agenda and I'm never looking for confrontation of any kind . I'm too happy and laid back to get embroiled in circular contentions . I hope you are feeling better and that you have a lovely day with your loved ones . Best wishes to you all .
Out of curiosity, and since you sent the invitation to anyone interested, I did visit the website you shared and I found the "I hope God will save me" booklet you mentioned.
There are also many other books there for one to read, mostly written by the same author (Harold Camping).
I would not recommend any of Harold Camping's books or teachings to anyone. I would caution anyone before reading any of his writings to do some research on this person first.
Hello James. It is my understanding that the new city will be established on the new Earth. The removal of the old Earth, sky & seas are done for the purpose of a full cleansing from the stain of corruption that permeated everything. The New Jerusalem is indicative of a fresh beginning with Satan & his henchmen locked away permanently.
I would again encourage you and anyone interested in a thorough study of what the Bible teaches about God's Salvation Program to visit the SearchingHisWord web site and download the booklet "I Hope God Will Save Me".
There you will find literature and recorded Bible teaching that endevours to be faithful to God's Word, the Bible, the only and total authority for our lives.
Hi Texsis. I think D J Grim might be referring to Acts 5:30; Acts 10:39; Acts 13:29. And this is understood as the Cross, the stake bringing death that was once fashioned from a tree.
Thank you Jesse, for double checking the guidelines.
For me, I do check several translations if I read something that is unclear from another, even the KJV can be unclear. I am glad you come on here and help us with Greek.
And Paul considered himself to be an apostle ( 1 Corinthians 1:1; 2 Corinthians 2:1), though the sense here I think, was that he was numbered with the other apostles yet one born out of due time (i.e. the others were direct witnesses of Jesus, walked with Him & called by Him, whereas Paul's qualification was of his explicit vision & calling to be Jesus' chosen vessel). Since Paul's day, there has been no other apostle, except Barnabas & those others since, who fulfil the apostolic definition of being God's messenger to the unsaved but not of the original 12 + 1.
Merry Christmas to you and yours. We are all here at our house. Still recovering with a cough and fatigue, so am not cooking this time.
So glad that Daniel is doing so well and has such a promising life ahead. Praise the Lord, for He is good, His mercies never cease and His love never fails!
Thank you so much for your reply!
I lost Psalm 66 but this Psalm once again has a Millennium type of fulfillment as indicated in verse 4. Isaiah 9:6 speaks of Christ as "wonderful; counselor; mighty God; everlasting father; Prince of Peace" with surrounding verses describing how He rules with fairness and settles disputes impartially etc. The nations have hardly sung about this sort of thing as a whole yet.
Verse 2 and the "saving health" could be a reference to Petra where His people are physically preserved previously from Antichrist ( Rev. 12:14). It also could be how those who worship God are given a life like that of a tree ( Isaiah 65:22) where those who die at 100 will be considered as a child two verses previous. There will probably be physical life for those who don't rebel until the end of the 1000 years in the Eden like state of the earth but those who rebel will be immediately judged.
Again as in the previous Psalm; the crops will be multiplied (verse 6); and blessings and fear of the whole world will occur (verse 7). The lack of the fear of the Lord now as opposed to then certainly will be due to Christ Himself returning. Sadly though the unregenerate still will follow the Pied Piper's call when Satan makes his last stand at the end of that period immediately before the Great White Throne Judgment.
Mark 16:15 also shows how the Temple was designed to be a place of prayer for all nations (referring to multiple passages in the O.T. including Jeremiah; Isaiah; Chronicles and others).
Apostles. Throughout the history of Christianity apostles have not ceased existing. Paul and the 12 and the rest carried the good news to a small part of the world, mainly in todays Middle East, Turkey and Greece, some went even further, to Rome(who actually, definitely not Paul). But in the following centuaries the gospel went all the world. By whom?. Somebody brought the good news to the UK, some believers to the Pagan Central and Northern Europe, some to the Americas, some to the Slavs, to Africa, to Asia ... Who were they, weren't those apostles? Nowadays some believers sacrifice their lives going and preaching in muslim countries and China, aren't those apostles? What are they? If not apostles, what are they? The mission of an apostle is to preach the gospel AND establish new churches. Whereas the mission of Evangelists is to preach the gospel and bring the new believers into an already existing church, in the region they are serving the Lord. So even today there are many apostles. How can one see if someone is an apostle? As you said from his life, his doctrines, but also from the results he is having and (very important) if God gives proofs of His ministry. Of course we haven't seen people like Peter, Paul, .. that perform huge miracles, but we still see people been born again, been baptized in the Spirit, getting healings, seeing visions etc. God always shows His face to honest people that love and serve Him. If you go to the Testimony section of this site you will read jaw droping testimonies about God's actions in peoples lives. In Ephesians the spiritual gifts are described, two of those are the apostle and the prophet. If we assume those do not exist anymore, then the rest should also not exist any more, but they all exist. If we accept that God is so near to us, actually inside us, why do we think it is over any logical thinking that He talks to us? If He doesn't talk to us, then He is distant God out there in the deep space. But He is not.
Those were the criteria for the inner circle of Jesus' disciples, not for the rest of them. Paul didn't live with Jesus, neither Barnabas nor Luke, Silas, Timothy, Titus, Apollos ... neither the rest of those we read in Acts.
I haven't gone to a theological school, I am not a scholar or a theologist either, I am an engineer, it's machines I am dealing with in my everyday time not the scriptures, but I serve as a deacon in a small congregation over here. And I very much like reading all sort of information about Christianity. Nowadays there is a huge amount of information on internet. And I think all people here on this site are born again christians, so everybody has experience with God and His revelations, some people more some people less. Definitely one needs the Spirit to guide them to the truth. But still one has to be in church to be taught things properly, you just can not stay home and expect for God to reveal you all the time about everything in the Bible. In that incident with the eunoch and Philip, the eunoch makes a question to Philip, Acts 8:31, "And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.". Obviously somebody had to guide him, that person should had been a man from God, the Spirit wouldn't teach him directly, isn't it so? So the main doctrines should be learned in a church, and if one wants to go deeper or just understand something they haven't understood well, then the Spirit of God helps them. Well, at the end it seems the things we are in agreement are more than the ones we disagree. GBU
My first reply was wrong that is why I corrected it later.
In that verse in Matthew the actual meaning of Peter(Petros) is rock(petra), not stone. A more specific anc. grk word for "stone" is "lithos", it is used in Matthew 21:42, "Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone(lithos) which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner(cornerstone): this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?". So Jesus describes Himself as stone in this scripture, isn't He?
I am in agreement with what you say about picking a single verse and make a doctrine out of it. But as I have already said I don't think this is an important topic to spend so much time on it. GBU
It is near demonstrative.
The grk text writes (using latin letters):
"Ka'go de soi lego oti su eisai Petros, kai epi TAUTE te petra oikodomeso ten ekklesia mou"
The word "taute" is the word you asked for, it means "this".
"Epi(upon) taute(this) te petra(the rock), [in grk infront of all nouns an article(definite or indefinite) is always placed, so it is "the rock"]
As a personal testimony I will say that I have been exceptionally blessed by Mr. Camping's studies. However, no Bible teacher is infallible. Only the Bible itself is absolutely true and trustworthy. And Mr. Camping constantly reminded His listeners to check him out by going back to the Bible as their only authority.
I would very much like to answer what I have learned in the past year.
1. Reads what I write. At least if it's in American English.
2. That we can wish to be elsewhere. But we have to work where we are.
3. That I must ensure and carry out the necessary service on the car. Because after days with minus 25, the car stands like 10 stones. Presumably in the spring.
4. The most important thing is with the Lord. Where He teaches us so that we understand that He is involved as much in the Small as in the Big (matters).
5. Now the Lord works with me daily. Like this: I don't know what I say to people about the Lord on the phone. I share His Word but don't remember what I read to them. I believe it is because: I shall not boast of anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. It is by Him that I live. It is through Him that all will come to the knowledge of truth, Amen.
Stand up and read carefully in God's word, some of the secret is in 1 Peter 1 chapter. That is where we find the Lord in God's Word. Have a wonderful Christmas talking about Jesus and what He had to do for us all. Be bold in His holy name. Throw away all negativity and live with your heart of flesh. This is how I see you are. You know everything really good and bad. So guard your heart above all things.
Merry Christmas too u and yours in Godly peace and love in Christ.
If we are cold and starving, we know we have something to look forward to. He will wipe away every tear. And we will shine like candles in a dark world we are in right now. So it is with the Lord. Therefore all rejoice. Rejoice and always be overwhelmed in the Lord. He knows how to bring His ppl home! When we see our sin and confess it. Also remember (this is important) and confess it with your own mouth. To a brother or sister you trust. Thus that affliction will be removed from your heart and mine heart forever. After that we take every thouht and throw it away to the darkest abyss, and it will forever stay there in Jesus Holy name. Love u all in Christ. Stay close to God in His holy word, and remember too fear Him. And read the secret in 1 Peter 1 chapter.
Now may God bless us for every good work. So that we can give of our abundance to the poor who are outside of His grace and blessing. ps hint: Widows and fatherless children.
Merry Christmas to your all in Jesus Christ Holy Name, Amen.
Out of curiosity, and since you sent the invitation to anyone interested, I did visit the website you shared and I found the "I hope God will save me" booklet you mentioned.
There are also many other books there for one to read, mostly written by the same author (Harold Camping).
I would not recommend any of Harold Camping's books or teachings to anyone. I would caution anyone before reading any of his writings to do some research on this person first.
When was the gospel preached to Abraham as mentioned in Galatians 3:8 ?
It what way did God perform the covenant with Abraham?
In what way did he respond when it was counted for him for righteousness?
Goodnight and God bless.
I would again encourage you and anyone interested in a thorough study of what the Bible teaches about God's Salvation Program to visit the SearchingHisWord web site and download the booklet "I Hope God Will Save Me".
There you will find literature and recorded Bible teaching that endevours to be faithful to God's Word, the Bible, the only and total authority for our lives.
For me, I do check several translations if I read something that is unclear from another, even the KJV can be unclear. I am glad you come on here and help us with Greek.
Spirit helps me to understand and guides my thinking to a good end.