Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 529

  • Ricardo N. Apuyo on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Before God created Adam and Eve, leaving in the garden of paradise, God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion and scattered over all he created on earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth- So, therefore before Adam & Eve- there are a lot of peoples living on the entire earth. So, what will happen in the time of Noah- all people die in the flood water, except Noah and his Family & selected animals? That's our new generation until now in the present time? Kindly please deeper explanation to send my email address account. Please wait for your reply. Thank you.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    As ever I appreciate your input. My friend in Pittsburgh took a gander at Psalm 32 where I somehow neglected to mention how David sought forgiveness so quickly. So I gave analysis of individual verses and missed the whole theme; which is of course hardly isolated as a characteristic of David. Since you seem to have the most feedback; any other suggestions are appreciated. Clearly your knowledge is good in regard to scripture.

    I normally don't name names here; at least when I am criticizing certain bad fruit that many preachers have today. I do recommend Paul Washer..if I'm allowed to say that here as the most convicting and truthful preacher (as far as I'm concerned) exisiting today. He happens to agree with me on the subject of divorce and remarriage as well; and is able to preach convictingly about God's Holiness as well as His forgiveness. He also has recently stated that pastors are the biggest problem in churches today and how God is going to judge the House of God first. Highly recommended.

    I have been quite blessed with the latitude I have been given writing things; it is possible a few things were flagged. We don't know how long a site like this can exist where truth can be proclaimed without it being considered "hate speech."

    I guess I have done a lot of thinking; hopefully if I get too redundant I can "cease and desist" somewhat. I happen to have a unique situation with time available with my current situation living with my aged parents. I may get a nursing home ministry soon; and should get to lead a study in my small group at church on prophecy in January as well so may be a bit busier.

    This has helped me to look up scripture that I know is somewhere as to it's exact reference so is helpful to me as well.

    My family doesn't believe so I get cut down to size at times trying to be an Apologist; as though I am some kind of "know it all."

    I have to make sure anything I say is corroborated so normally I stick to scriptures as references.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Richard, Thank you for your faithfulness in putting forth your comments on Scripture. I so appreciate you doing so.

    In reading the Bible there certainly are many practices that we find not very acceptable today in Western civilization, as you mentioned many.

    I just wanted to comment on the subject of concubines. These women did seek to be harlots. They were sold or traded by their parents to people of wealth and position or they were taken as spoil from war and added to the harem that way. These women were often very young when they were added to the harem. they had very little power to avoid this entrapment. Esther was such a member of the king's harem. Although these women were kept ready for the call of the master, groomed and taught how to behave, this was no different than what we call today, sex slavery. These women were made captives of the ruler of the house. So, whether a king or a chief, as Abraham is often called, or in the case of Jacob. These women were expected to do as asked and many became mothers of their master's children and were considered part of his family but not equal to his chosen wife or queen.

    We are not really told how this practice began again after the flood. But perhaps there was a large unbalance of men to women due to war and so many daughters were given as multiple wives because the women outnumbered the men. This was one way to build up a nation making use of as many women to bring forth children as possible.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Knowledge of good and evil part 4.

    The conclusion is that once Adam and any one of us started in the course of sin; then the mind was permanently ingrained with that memory; and all the desires to repeat such actions were the default mode against which there was no effective resistance apart from the Spirit of God. God would "wink" at certain things ( Acts 17:30) as specifically referring to idol worship. There were some such as Rachel in the O.T. who would be with God's people but secretly carrying family idols with her. There are other things such as "concubines" which no matter how culturally defined basically were "politically correct" versions of harlots. The situation of multiple wives and such brings out the unique situation when at first there was only a sister for instance; for Cain to marry.

    We can look at the ancient conquests and widespread carnage; and go through much angst with the tough verses where God Himself commanded widespread slaughter. That is a subject which I may have touched on and could some more in the future.

    What IS certain; however is that much of these things were due to sins that Israel specifically committed and of course the book of James states that people war because they lust after things they cannot have. ( James 4:2). We also had a national political and religious state where the law of the land was to be enforced directly from God's commandments. Again; there is a level of responsibility that His Covenant people had above any other nations; but the same principles are involved.

    In general; there has to be a submission to God's authority involving a trust relationship which is based on His Covenant(s); namely today in the New Covenant that Christ has brought into effect. ( Heb. 9:15). All good gifts come from God above ( James 1:17). That is referring specifically to spiritual gifts; but certainly all blessings in life have Him as the source.

    Let us follow Romans 12:2 and be transformed by renewal of mind.
  • Linda on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    Is it a sin to eat pork?
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Knowledge of Good and Evil (part 3)

    What is good and evil? To get a definition we must first adhere to God's standards rather than our own; while acknowledging that His ways are higher than ours. For instance; we are not commanded to fight against the whole world of wicked man and the Antichrist and False Prophet and usher in God's Kingdom. There are some Dominionists who seem to go pretty far in that direction though; acting like Christ coming in vengeance ( Isaiah 63:3) is going to somehow be preceded by a red carpet welcoming mat of a world that is subjugated to Christianity. That isn't even what Post Mil reformers are saying! In any case a mass slaughter of most of the surviving earth at the end of the Tribulation isn't something that would be classified as good for anyone but the King of Kings. No doubt; of course Antichrist will beforehand attempt to justify his wars of conquest as a "man of peace" and when that is proven to be wrong; as the only one who can fight God who will be; to put it mildly called unjust.

    To the world; Psalm 2 will seem like a way to "loosen their fetters" so to speak; this will seem like the ultimate revolutionary act to do for the world against those "aliens" attempting to invade the earth!

    The other side of the coin; of course is the concept of what exactly "good" is. We know that God Himself can do no wrong; and is love itself ( Job 34:12; 1 John 4:8). We know that no one does good and all are estranged from the womb ( Romans 3:12; Psalms 14:3). Christ mentions this with those who are "evil" that give good gifts to their children. ( Luke 11:13). Therefore; the action may be the same among the regenerate and unsaved; but the motivations will be different; for instance pride of self or family; or an attempt to appease God and men through behaviors. This may be why the young man wasn't disputed when he said that he obeyed certain things since a youth. ( Matthew 19:20 and elsewhere). Hidden covetousness was thus exposed.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello again, Anna, just to let you know. the name of Mary's mother is not mentioned in the Scriptures but was in the apocryphal book of the gospel account of James. This early writing names Mary's parent as Anne, (or Anna) and Joachim. However this writing of james was included in the canon of the Bible.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Dear Anna,

    My understanding is that her name was Anna, like your name.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part two: Knowledge of Good and Evil.

    We may ask ourselves; well then before the sin was there no knowledge of good? God's own goodness not to mention the idyllic environment of the Garden; the beauty of the first man and woman in a sinless state of innocence and their whole existence would bring to mind that they should have had some idea of what "good" was. We see; with careful examination of what is NOT said that there is no praise mentioned toward their Creator; or any other scripture indicating that they were even truly saved. No mention is made in the Garden of any greeting that said "Lord" when He spoke to Adam in the cool of the day. They are NOT included for instance in the long list of saints in Hebrews 11. The only thing I can see is when Seth was born to replace Abel after Cain murdured his brother ( Genesis 4:1) where Eve said that she had gotten a "man from the Lord."

    Knowing evil; hence was the introduction to Satan's world and usurping the authority God gave them in the garden; as well as bringing thorns; toils; and a guaranteed death sentence to the body; and later if not repentant and saved; to their souls sending their spirits to Sheol. We can't be certain as to their fate; but looking at the state of their children such as Cain being a murdurer and their later descendants such as Nimrod it doesn't seem evident much discipline was given to them either.

    Anyway; KNOWING evil of course is the nesting place where thoughts and imaginations lead to the depravity that increases in an individual and all of society in time; so we have a condition like in Genesis 6 where God had to destroy the earth. Knowing evil led to women literally "knowing" fallen angels intimately; and bringing the Nephilim and all sorts of hybrid offspring; so that only Noah and his family were "perfect" before God. ( Gen. 6:9 says "perfect in his generations.") Others can interpret as they may; but only 8 people all in his immediate family were saved.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Knowledge of Good and Evil: Analysis

    A day or two ago; I quoted Paul in Romans 7:9-11 where he stated that before he knew about sin it didn't have a hold on him but then now that he does it slayed him (my own rough translation). THe LAW of course was what caused the death sentence; as many of has have read that he who doesn't follow the law completely ( James 2:10) and breaks it in one area breaks it all.

    In looking at the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil it is good at first to examine what we can surmise about man (in this case Adam and Eve) in an innocent state; before the fall. In a sinless state; there would be no compulsion or even understanding of doing anything sinful and hence displeasing to God. Therefore man could have remained in this state of innocence had the tree of life been eaten at this time. Theoretically; since the tree of life HAD no restrictions on it they were free to eat it; but by Divine Providence they did not; because of God's foreknowledge that they were going to be fallen and that would put them in that state forever. The potential certainly existed in Adam and Eve much as it did with Satan in his glory as Lucifer in the beginning. Wisdom of knowing good from evil actually is something as Christians we need to pursue. To seek it for their own betterment or somehow because God was trying to cheat them out of something of course was the first wrong concept Satan was able to infest their minds with. This lack of trust in God led to them trusting themselves; and hence no doubt to TRUST Satan's lie was more to their benefit than their Creator's commands. Just how LONG this took isn't exactly clear for the fall to occur; just as with Satan. In Satan's case it certainly must have been quite a campaign to get that many angels to rebel that took some time.

    No doubt the knowledge of evil and the sin itself was already occuring at some point after the serpent's message was heard; heeded and followed through.
  • ANNA CRESTANI on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    what was the name of the mother of mary the mother of jesus
  • Charles on Numbers 31 - 2 years ago
    How were the Israelite soldiers to know which of the enemies' women and female children were virgins or not?

    Also, am I to understand that Moses claimed that God told him that the Israelite soldiers could rape Virginia women and little girls as a reward for their victory in war?

    Are today's Jewish boys when achieving manhood at age 13, aware of this disturbing history?
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Another thought in that vain is that since God cannot sin He had to use an entity that did in order to accomplish His purposes. He doesn't tempt anyone ( James 1:13); but His created being(s) can be used through sin to accomplish His purposes. If not allowed to sin; or having a sin nature man would have no desire or even need to be saved. Satan also can't be forced to do anything; he is limited to accomplish God's purposes or he would have ended all life on earth according to the Book of Matthew chapter 24; verse 22. Man is drawn in and enticed by his own sin; prompted by Satan so that man is without excuse. Satan is to be judged eventually fully; and blamed for the initial downfall of man; but man himself can't say the "Devil made him do it." Such was implied in Eden; the Lord knew better. He will pay; however so we shouldn't bypass that important fact. God's patience will end in His timing and all will be made right.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Some things can't be understood. I have a few thoughts here in regard to Satan's creation and fall that may be helpful.

    Satan himself was created as all things as God desired; origimally as we can see from both Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 as a "Cherubim" and song worship position to glorify God in heaven. He clearly had free will; and also clearly saw spiritual realities so that he chose to rebel after becoming proud; then drew 1/3 of the angels after him ( Rev. 12:4).

    God foreknew the need for the adversary for one clear reason; to test His saints as to their loyalties. Job apparently was unaware of the heavenly discussions going on with Satan and God and that Satan was the source of his troubles. Nonetheless; He tested what Satan had accused Job of; namely cursing God when things didn't go well as well as when his body was afflicted with boils.

    This testing of character could also be evident when the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had WAS clear as to its source; nonetheless GSod's grace was sufficient and He was NOT granted the healing he prayed for 3 times. ( 2 Cor. 12:7-10).

    Secondly; it is necessary to lay down our lives sacrificially for the Lord or "carry our crosses daily." ( Luke 9:23). God used Satan to bring forth the "son of Perdition" with Judas Iscariot ( John 17:12 prophesied in Psalms 109:8 and elsewhere); as well as testing Peter in Matthew 16:23. Since Satan has been granted temporary authority in this world; He has been allowed both with false doctrines and outward persecution to test the saints; and ultimately; of course the Antichrist will be used when the whole world goes through its trial ( Rev. 3:10). As God draws all men to Himself (that are His sheep); He uses Satan as a "dragnet" to draw the whole world to eventually fight Christ ( Psalm 2; Rev. 19) as well as take the Mark of the Beast and worship him.

    Rewards for the saints; therefore are procured through a conflict and resistance. Spiritual warfare is where victories are won.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination and heaven part 3

    Romans 8:29-30 is a mouthful; and clearly demonstrates predestination along with the process of going from salvation to glorification as a "done deal" seen through the corridors of time in God's Omnipresent viewpoint. We also are given the idea of being "conformed to the image of His Son."

    Consider for a moment what the world is looking for. It is; as Joni Mitchell said in her "Woodstock" song looking to "going back to Eden." It is well presented in Brandon Heath's song "leaving Eden" as to how we as believers can't go back; as well as the decay of the mind; body and souls of those in the world because of the effects of sin. The enemy; who succeeded in usurping the authority of God and man over the earth (allowed; of course by His foreknowledge and planning) now plants the thought in all men of some fantasy that there is still some good remaining; some hope of a return to a state of innocence. We can see the fruit of the sixties "free love" movement and the resulting riots later on; as well as the long term consequences today with the forced acceptance of all sorts of "alternative" lifestyles. Even the Millennium when Satan is locked up still won't be able to bring a repentant heart to some; if one can imagine Christ Himself ruling and reigning and man still rebelling in the end when Satan is released one last time leading them to war against God and His camp.

    However much true saints of God want to see a world free of violence; disease and other calamities; they recognize that going back to innocence is only accomplished by looking to Christ (see Numbers 21:5-7). The curse had to be placed on Christ; the Son of God Himself; there is no other way to remove the sin. True believers recognize therefore that they are "aliens" to this world ( 1 Peter 2:11-12). The war has been won; but many battles remain especially the consummation at Armageddon.

    Let us be in the supper of the Lamb instead of BEING the supper ( Rev 19:17
  • Rugged Christian - 2 years ago
    Is anyone familiar with any biblical sound position on the issue of Do No Resuscitate? As Christians, are we permitted to be DNR?
  • Rugged Christian - 2 years ago
    They came "from the east," which based on the nature of their gifts, and Old Testament prophecy, means they most likely came from the ancient Arabian kingdom of Sheba. Arabia was known for its vast wealth from gold mines of Africa, as well as the Boswellian and Commiphora trees - from which frankincense and myrhh are derived. Of course men from Persia could have brought these gifts, but they signify a giving of the best commodities from their own country to a neighboring King.
  • Rugged Christian - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am kjv only
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination and heaven part 2

    Consider for a moment how we are born into this world and how we are Born Again. Previous to these events; we are aware of nothing; have no control over the family who raises us; the people that come into our lives; where we are born and other such things. Again; I see being Born Again in the same light as our natural birth in respect to the fact that God has sovereign control over placing people to witness to us; circumstances that cause us to consider our helplessness and also the hope of glory of such amazing love. God can use a dream or vision to draw someone to Him; although the caution remains that the enemy can also do similar things to give us a "spiritual experience" minus the factors involved in true conversion; namely the fear of the Lord; realization of our sinfulness and need of a Savior; and the concept of the Holiness of God that leaves us prostrate at His feet and helpless to save ourselves. Such is the message which so often abounds among those who peddle their merchandise and like to associate with other well known people that "cooincidentally" tend to live in mansions and accumulate much wealth by talking about some experience (usually one in "heaven" or "hell").

    I am convinced there are a few who have been delivered and have a convincing testimony. It is possible such individuals get caught up in the wrong crowd and/or are naive about the false doctrines of ministries they are involved with; the same could be said of musicians and other artists.

    The evidence of fruit of good character is evidence of a true believer. This can be extended to their desire and hope for heaven as a place where we SERVE God; and rule and reign with Him. Those who are not saved can talk all they want about heaven but it seems to me there are few if any that talk about the desire to serve Him forever. I will try to elaborate on this in my next post. This understanding comes from the desire to CORRECTLY praise God.
  • Rugged Christian - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The correct way is immersion unless there are no means to do so
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination and heaven

    There are certain things which God may overlook; for a time for the greater purposes. Hosea 4:14 may be such a passage.

    That entire book; in fact on the surface seems like a conflicting situation on whether to destroy Ephriam (chapter 11; verses 8-9).

    The principle of forgiveness is on a personal level as well with the Prophet himself who is told by God to marry a harlot and not only that to buy her back after she has gone back to her old ways. Such passages demonstrate perhaps most clearly of any O.T. scriptures God's grace. There are lilkely undertones of interaction among the Godhead and the idea of Christ's intercession when God the Father cannot look onto any sin. We need only look at other characters who ended up not only mentioned but commended as being "heroes" of the faith such as Rahab (always followed by "the harlot".) In this example; there is no clear "statement of faith" but there IS evidence of saving faith. The same could be said of the book of Esther where God isn't mentioned at all; or Ruth where there is little mention.

    The concept of God loving the world and ultimately only some being saved in the end has the opposing views that God wants to save everyone but doesn't vs. God "giving His life as a ransom for many" ( Matt. 20:28). Again; assuming we aren't universalists; then we all would agree that the efficacy of His sacrifice is only valid for those who come to faith in Him. Nonetheless; just as we are challenged facing the eternal consequences of sin for the unregenerate; we also are amazed that He would save any sinners; not to mention have them rule and reign with Him.

    The world is often fixated on external manifestations of sin that are shocking while overlooking their own hearts which are the source of all bad fruit as seen in Matthew 7:16-20 (although the entire chapter is good reading on the subject). This is why; sadly we often see behaviors manifest when self restraint is reduced.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...Leentje...Lemme just say this...Had Joseph been Jesus biological Father we cd not be bornagain by the seed of Joseph...We can only be bornagain of that Incorruptible Seed...Even by the words of God...But had Joseph been his biological Father Jesus wd NOT have such a heavenly Incorruptible seed..And Jesus wd have been a sinner like all men had Joseph been his biological Father...And Jesus cd not be Gods lamb if he carried the spot of any earthy being...He had to be heavenly incorruptible God in the flesh...A terrestrial being...Thats y he told the Jews you are from beneath but i am from above...You are of this world but i am not of this world....Remember what the angels told Joseph when he thought to make her a public example...FEAR NOT to take unto thee Mary as thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the H.G....Jesus had to be God so that he cd sow his Godly seed in humanity...That all men might be bornagain of his incorruptible seed...There has to be a heavenly Birth of a Lil Child in us That Child which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Under the law the old covenant Isaac was the Child of Promise but under this New Covenant its the H.G. that is the Child of Promise the Elect...Thats y God gives us the H.G simply b/c he is Gods Elect...Behold mine Elect in whom my soul is well pleased, he shall show Judgement to the ppl and the Gentiles...k lemme go
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Baptism: Acts 2:38-47, Matthew 28:18-20, these are the same baptism, Ephesians 4:5, context Ephesians 4:1-13, please read all the scriptures I've included even the scriptures surrounding the ones you're asking about. They're very important on what Jesus our Christ =(the Messiah) is saying & the Scripture is saying about Him.

    Origin of Baptism: Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1, John 3 - John 4:1,2, ; Matthew 21:25, Mark 11:30, Luke 7, Luke 20:4, Acts 13:24,25,26,

    Acts 1,

    Symbolism of baptism: Matthew 20:22-28, Matthew 11:10,11,12,13, Mark 10, note these scriptures in Mark 10:21,29,30,31,32,33,34,38,39,42,43,44,45, Mark 16:16, Luke 12:49-59, in context Luke 12, John 3:3,5, Romans 6, Colossians 2:12, 1Peter 3:21,

    HOLY Ghost HOLY Spirit Baptism: Acts 8, Acts 10, Acts 11, Acts 19:2-7,

    In one Spirit 1Corinthians 12:13,

    Hopefully these are all helpful
  • John Snow on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    i like this bible the KJV is the true word of God. there can only be one bible which is the KJV 1611 all the others are false and came from the prience of darkness which is satan.
  • Helen Denmark on Titus 2 - 2 years ago
    Would you like to receive daily devotional readings
  • T Levis - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Job 12:16, Revelation 12:10, James 1:5-7,

    Wise men; Matthew 2,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study
  • Eddie12 - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    He deals with the devil to give us free will
  • Eddie12 - 2 years ago
    What is the right way to be baptized? Mat.28:19 or Acts 2:38???
  • Parker on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    1) If God is God why does he have to deal with the Devil at all?

    2). information on the wise men who came from the east. China?
  • DsTruths - 2 years ago
    From! Tomorrow after the sabbath!!! No need sundown to sundown, our carnal mind gets us all the time. As scripture says we should worship God in spirit and in truth. God bless

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