My pastor preached that not all Christians will be allowed to enter New Jerusalem. That in Matthew 25 when talking about those "with oil," it's talking about those who are saved and served the Lord (doers of his word). And those "without" oil are are saved but did nothing for the Lord (slothful servants). The slothful servant still get to go to heaven but never allowed to enter New Jerusalem, because they did nothing for God.
I love that God told Noah exactly how to build the Ark. Even up to the type of wood to use and how many floors and rooms. I love that he told Noah to bring his children and their spouses onto the boat both male and female. Then he said go bring a male and female of every other creature onto the Ark. why do you think he wanted a male and female? Of course so they could reproduce to replenish the earth when the water receeded. God didn't say bring all males or all females on to the Ark. Because he knew it would take both to reproduce and replenish the earth. It tells us in the beginning that God male then female as a help mate. Then because of sin she was to bear children. From then on the earth started to be replenished. It took both male and female to reproduce. If God had not made a female who Adam named Eve do you think we would have been here today? I love Genisis.
Wow, I just read and listened to the bible with new eyes and new ears. I know now that the God of love I believe in, is the same God of love in this time of Genesis. I did not live back then. I live now. I saw God's love and caring for man in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Off topic perhaps, is my wondering about the word "the" I am building a case in my mind that "the" means "true God is Love, not false gods. And it's all okay. It is okay back in the (God love)time of Genesis and it is true now. Another name for God is Love. Another name for God is Life. Life then and Life now. Does this make any sense?
I believe the psalmist is speaking about when we are going though ,what I call DRY TIMES with God. There will be days we will question our salvation ,our worship,our crying out to the Lord! In these times the Lord sometime wants to see what we are going to do? Our we going to keep studying the word, worship, keep raising our hands to HEAVEN or just give up ? Remember the book of Job, can we be like Job?Well for me ,I have been though a lot of dry times over 42 years. I almost went back . Family, job situations, marriage. But the song writer said "trouble does not going to last always". When hard times come we go on a fast from the TV,from the pleasures of this world . Do God's work all the time, not sometimes. Look at this ,this way. When we our at work, things don't always go our way, we don't always get off on time,that associate that never agrees with you on this day ,worse than ever, that doesn't stop us from going to work! I said that to say this don't give up on Christ, he made the ultimate sacrifice,giving his Life on the Cross. John 10:10 That we may have Life and that more abundantly, In JESUS Remember True Christians don't give up to the world,we give in to JESUS.I believe in " 2 Corinthians 4:8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair ;" 1 Corinthians 10:13
"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." But we must remember this scripture in " James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: Now let's remember also that God loved us first. I leave you with this study your Bible showed thyself approved. Don't slack in God's work,also don't be caught with your work undone. Have A Blessed New Year with Jesus on your mind All the Time.
Another reason why he (Herod) gave the order to have them put to death when he died was so that the Jewish people would have somebody to mourn over because he knew that they would not mourn over him.
That is the kind of man he was. That's how paranoid he was over his "ruler-ship."
Now, can you imagine if a group of men came into town and said "Where is He who is born king of the Jews?"
Now here's how Herod died, and if you research the accounts of his death, you will see that he died a horrible death. He was riddled with disease and here's the circumstances:
Herod's wife's name was Miriam. After he had her put to death, he missed her. He would see various women and think that they were her. And eventually he went down and got involved with prostitutes.
There was one in particular that he thought was his wife, and he called her by name, and he had relationships with her.
He caught diseases from that relationship, which literally, if you would read the account, it was a pretty bad death. He died in 4 B.C. He died a horrible death!
So you can imagine his paranoia about Jesus as these wise men came into town asking where is he who is born King of the Jews.
Herod's thoughts were "I'm the king of the Jews. What are you talking about?" This man Herod, he went crazy. This was Herod the great, Herod the king.
I can share a little on Herod the king that we see in Matthew Chapter 2, information about him, and also how he died.
Here are some important facts about Herod the king:
He's also known as "Herod the great" in times of history. This man was an Edomite.
He was not a Jew. And yet at the same time, through the Roman government, he took control over the Jewish people.
In order to win them over, he would help them. He would actually take gold from his home and from his palace and have the gold sold and the money brought in to feed the poor.
Not only did he help the poor, but he would have athletic fields built and he would have various activities going on to help the community of the Jews so that he would win their favor.
The flip side of Herod the great was that he was crazy. A crazy man can only be nice for so long. But he was paranoid over his reign as king. And so you can imagine what is taking place in Matthew Chapter 2.
Herod was so paranoid over people plotting against him that he had three of his sons put to death because he thought they were plotting against him.
He had his first two sons killed, Alexander and Aristobulus. And later he killed Antipater who was supposed to take the throne. He had his wife put to death because he thought she was plotting against him.
Numerous members of the family, if he saw them together and thought that they were speaking together against him behind his back, he would have them put to death.
He died approximately a year after the Lord was born. And in knowing that he was about to die, he had a decree made that all of the leaders in Jerusalem would be rounded up and placed into a holding area.
And at the moment he died, they would all be put to death so that he would know that no leader would succeed him to the throne.
I need to send a part 2, and I will also share with you how he died.
Unfortunately, many believe that to "produce good fruit" means to gain financially and/or gaining a large flock around them. I believe that by producing good fruit is increasing your love for God and showing that in both one's personal and public life whether it is meant to be seen by everyone or not. "Producing Good Fruit" or "Show One's Fruit" can twist and turn many minds and can lead to intense debates.
Alex1939...Lemme give ya my understanding of what the good fruit is...1st off we know that Mary's good fruit was a baby Christ...And Gal.4:19 Paul is saying My lil Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you...That Good seed can form Christ in anybody that hears ( understands )...And Jesus tells us the Kingdom of God is as a man who sows seed in his field...The world being the field as our hearts our minds etc...Peter said that hearing and understanding the word was the key to being bornagain...We have to keep in mind that we are gonna be bornagain in the Spiritual realm thus there is a Spiritual Child in our future...Thats y Jesus was saying that which is born of the spirit is Spirit...So this good fruit is a baby Christ the H.G. the Child of Promise...Rev.12:10 Proves that the good fruit is a Baby Christ...The H.G...Simply b/c the sower of that good seed is Christ the bridegroom...That GREAT promise was multiplication of his seed...Thus he has to know us...There can not be any regeneration or multiplication of his seed unless he knows us...Not Anybody can understand this mystery...Thats y he tells us these things are HID from the wise and prudent but only revealed unto babes...Our fruit, our new innerman the H.G. That has to be born in us GBU.
The Kingdom of God and the good fruit ( the manchild ) are 1 and the same...Thats y he is saying unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...The Kingdom of God comes by hearing his good seed the word.. .She brought forth aman Child that is gona rule all nations...Then Rev.12:10 says now is come Salvation and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ ( the manchild ) That is gonna rule all nations...Thats y he always refers to himself as the Son of man...Simply b/c mankind has to bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G. That Child of Promise...The multiplcation of Christ in humanity...After the book is opened and we sing that New SONG.
Also, to go along with what you said concerning John the Baptist of the revelation of who Jesus The Christ was before any miracles were performed. Even before John laid his physical eyes upon Jesus, it says in Luke 1:41 that the baby John leapt in his mother's womb at just the presence of Christ also in the womb in his mother's womb. This revelation only comes from the Father and His will and design.
John 1:5 conclusion. When we read John 13:30; we see Judas Iscariot going out "immediately" after given the "sop" which was given traditionally to an honored guest. The narrative continues into John 14 and 15 all the way to John 15:16 which mentions the Disciples being called; chosen AND ordained (sans the traitor). The "fruit production" comes to those God has enabled to do this.
They have promises therefore of inheriting eternal life and the glories of heaven ( John 14:2).
The cost of being a disciple of course was soon to be revealed; namely in Peter's fall. In Luke 22:32 the word "converted" is used in order to describe what would soon happen. Christ knew all; of course that Peter was one of His own (as He would give nicknames to emphasize characteristics of the Apostles). In John 1:42 Jesus said that he would be called Cephus or the rock; later on in Matthew 16:16 we see that Christ was revealed to Peter as to who He was. Therefore the word converted here would mean to be restored spiritually after the fall; but it showed the effects of true repentance. Peter until this point was impetuous and immature in many ways as a child in his walk; so the meaning here is when Peter's outward behavior would represent a radical transfomation and involved dying to self. This made him ready after the Resurrection to take on what he knew would end up in martyrdom ( John 21:18). It also gave him boldness in the Book of Acts despite a realistic fear of his own persecution.
Let us therefore take heed; that we are slow to speak as well as swift to hear and slow to wrath (mixed up interpretation of James 1:19). We need to look out for false teachers as well; who self identify as believers; but show no evidence of true faith and producing good fruit.
Somewhere I have discussion here on the entire book of John focusing on Predestination. I thought this particular verse needed emphasis. This verse shows how those who are in darkness spiritually can't understand the Spirit and how Christ is distinct from the world in Holiness as well as being its Creator. Therefore; the standard set is according to man's interpretation of a "righteous man or a Prophet" ( Matt. 16:15). Such a question this late in the game really boggles the mind; and it is clear early on with John the Baptist ( John 1:33) that the Spirit revealed to him who Christ was. Keep in mind this was BEFORE any miracles were performed by Christ Himself at the onset of the ministry. Jesus went immediately to the wilderness to be tested of the Devil BEFORE His onset of public outreach. This should reveal to us all those world powers and principalities that rule in high places and how hard the enemy will fight those who are potentially dangerous to his world system ( Eph. 6:12). It is interesting to examine this in light of our salvation experience; it seems rare that people take on a fast immediately after conversion but we see Paul for instance in a forced fast after his blindness ( Acts 9:9) after God struck him down.
We need to ensure that the light in us isn't darkness ( Luke 11:35). Satan comes as an angel of light ( 2 Cor. 11:14). This is why we are to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5). Hence the verse of the day ( John 15:16) demonstrates that we are chosen AND ordained to bear fruit. This is slightly different as to Judas Iscariot who was called and chosen but didn't bear good fruit. In God's presence miracles would happen but he was only interested in how it benefited him. This should be a warning to anyone attempting to do good works in their own strength. True fruit only comes from above as the Spirit abides in a man ( John 15:4). We must therefore abide in Him (see Romans 8:16).
Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 19:1-12, Ephesians 4:5,
I think the main point is the outward living life, dead to the flesh ( selfishness, bad actions, etc. ) resurrection in the last days, is the goal. Mark 10:38, Luke 12:50, Colossians 2:12-14, 1Peter 3:18-22,
* Romans 6:3,4, please read all of Romans 6, chapter, Colossians 3:1-17,
John 12:23-36, Romans 8:13, Luke 14:27-33,
Hopefully these are helpful
If you have trouble understanding pray for wisdom: James 1:5
We see the theme here as in much of the Book of Lamentations where God appears to have cast His presence from His people. When we get to chapter 3; verse 31 He promises not to "cast them off forever." Isaiah 26:20 describes God Himself stating that He had turned away for a short time but would return with mercy. Again; the final prophetic application would appear to be in Revelation (or the time of Jacob's trouble in Jeremiah 30:7).
The "perpetual desolations" in verse 3 of this Psalm remind us of the "Abomination of Desolation" when the Temple is overtaken by Antichrist much as it was with Antiochus Epiphanes earlier in Daniel 9:25-27 and quoted by Christ starting in Matthew 24:15.
Verse 8 is as far as I know the only passage in scriptures mentioning the word synagogues; here they were being burned up by the enemy; likely prophetic of the Babylonians and of course the end times. Blasphemy as seen in Revelation 13 is mentioned in verse 18. The prophets being seen no more could refer ahead to the intertestamental times or again when there is vision sought in the end times by false prophets who predicted peace; peace when there is no peace ( Jeremiah 6:14).
Verse 20 implores God to "have respect unto the Covenant" as related; no doubt to the Promised Land. Once again the poor and needy are sought out as those who the Lord will restore; and the Psalm ends with a plea not to forget those enemies and their "tumult". Surely God will come soon; but will there be any faith on the earth when that Day comes? (See Luke 18:8).
I thought I would start out with when we don't fast. That would be for someone that has blood sugar issues (for lengthier fasts); or when we need physical strength for work or mental acumen to perform tasks.
I have stated the verse where Jesus casts out the demon where prayer and fasting were needed for that type of demon; thus the disciples couldn't cast it out ( Mark 9:29). It appears that Jesus expected the disciples to seek the Father through prayer as to the challenges to come; so that it could be revealed to them when fasting was needed. Christ of course had the power to do all things irregardless; but in His dependence on the Spirit so that He could "suffer all things as we did but without sin" ( Heb. 4:15) meant that He trusted in the Spirit for all of His miracles and actions.
Obviously; prayer is something we all should do constantly ( 1 Thess. 5:17). We are also to meditate day and night ( Joshua 1:8). We see how Christ was up all night in prayer before He picked His first group of Disciples; and how at the end the Disciples were to fight sleep due to sorrow ad exhaustion and pray to avoid temptation.
There is no set command for fasting; it appears to have been something the fear of God instigated for instance by the pagan king in Nineveh ( Jonah 3:7). Esther had a 3 day fast before appealing to the King to save her people and reveal her origin in chapter 4; verse 16. The King of Babylon fasted for a night when he was disturbed about Daniel being placed in the lion's den in Daniel 6. Churches these days probably do this much less often than should be done; certainly a short fast would be proper more often than long ones. There are health benefits as well; obviously one without water should be limited. It would seem that God intervened before 40 days without water in the case of Nineveh or it was a miracle they survived that long.
We are to be filled with the Spirit as we are emptied of ourselves.
Hello David. In Job chapter 6, Job is responding to what Eliphaz was speaking to him in the previous couple of chapters. Eliphaz was essentially urging Job to simply bear up (be patient) & submit to God, the God Who would bless him if he would repent of sins, for which he was suffering ( Job 5:17: "Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty").
Now in chapter 6, Job is responding to Eliphaz that the impatience with which he is being charged & the agony that he is bearing, be weighed against the great calamities he has experienced ( Job 6:1-4).
Then in v5, Job asks a couple of questions: 'does the ass complain when it has food and likewise the ox?' The expected answer is, 'No, they are satisfied when there's enough to eat'. Likewise, Job says that he does not complain without good reason, just as those animals. Rather, he has lost his taste for life: just as anyone would refrain from eating saltless/inspid food as also when eating just the white of an egg which has no taste of its own, so to his sufferings (which were undeserved) have now become his detestable portion in life. If it was that easy for Job to overcome his sufferings as simply adding salt to food or flavor to an egg, he would certainly do it. But in vv 8 & 9, Job longs for relief from God, or if none comes, that God would shorten his life so that his sufferings would finally end.
Let's assume you are right about that number 444. Question. So what is the purpose of that number? A sign for what? What do you think it may mean to you, to your life? Is it a kind of a "protection" number, an amulet, a magic number that you may recall when needed? What is it for? Because if it is for nothing, then obviously it is not of any use, is it? It is a number just like any other, one more than 443, one less than 445.
But let's leave nos for now and see what God did for mankind. God left His throne, became like one of us, a poor man, was born in a manger, got mocked at, was humiliated, was beaten, and finally was led to a horrible death on a cross, like the worst criminal, as a lamb for slaughtering. And He did that to save us, you and me, from eternal death. And not only that but He also became our Father and we have become His children. And He has prepared a marvelous place for us to live with Him happily for ever. So my question to you is. What kind of no. or any other thing in this world can be compared or take the place of that Person(God)? What any combination of nos can have any more importance than God's own sacrifice? What else on earth or heaven (anything one may think of) can stand infront of our adoption by The Almighty God? God that made the vast universe, billions and billions of stars and galaxies, with just His Word, became our FATHER, a real father. Can any no. be compared to that person we call God? Didn't God create numbers? Isn't that what the pagan nations were doing in ancient times? They worshiped the creation instead of the Creator? Let's be serious. If you are not a child of God then ask Jesus to come into your heart. Become God's child. Follow Him till the end, and a blessed life awaits for you in the future. And there will be a time that you will see God Himself with your own eyes and speak to Him mouth to mouth.
Something more. Any fake faith that is not based on real things always collapses sometime.
Hello Mara, my suggestion to you is to give up this interest in angel numbers and rely instead on God's word and the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Numbers cannot affect you nor your life. They are only abstract ideas really. And angels will not work on your behalf due to numbers, but only according the true will of God for them and you. So, look to Jesus always, not to angels, nor numbers. The Scriptures are pretty clear about not resorting to such things as brother spencer pointed out. Looking to numbers for hidden meaning or influence on your life is participating in superstition, which is considered sorcery. Prohibited by Scripture.
It is ok to smile whenever the number 4 or 44 or 444 comes up in your life. It is a coincidence. Just say to yourself, God is my only true and righteous influence on my life. I will lean on Him and not on this number.
As a child of God there's several things we should ask ourselves in all we do.
"Will this hinder us? How will this affect our ministering?
Will it cause stumbling for those who are weak? and will it glorify Christ?
You see this example displayed in
1 Corinthians 8:7-13.
This principle applies to everything we do, especially those in leadership.
I don't have tattoos but if I did I may and I may NOT race to have it removed once becoming saved. But I wouldn't go get one knowing what I know now being that I am saved.
Those who would judge one in this matter should be careful being that they place themselves under the same type of judgment no matter what they do.
As we see the numbers of precious people falling into more poverty than we ourselves are increasing in number all around in cities & countries, it's powerful to think GOD does not overlook a single poor person nor does he overlook our actions towards them. Matthew 25:31-46
I started seeing 44 at age 12, before even realizing what angel numbers even were. I didn't know until I searched "why do I keep seeing the same number over and over". Seeing 444 didn't come til later, so I didn't mark it as seeing an angel number as of then.
However, I didn't know what angel numbers were or even believed it at first. That was until, I started seeing signs of things that questioned my belief in the topic. Such as, seeing cardinal birds, seeing a cloud that looked of as a hand, looking at time randomly to see 4:44, which all happened at 4:44.
As of what I know now, I see it as a sign. Maybe not involving god, or any biblical topics. But just as a sign. And no I don't believe the meanings in google of what 444 means.
Lastly, the one true thing that made me question it was my mother showing me a picture of me in the womb. Which had the time of 4:44 in which the time were the picture was taken. I can show the picture to you, but i don't know how or even if you wanna see it.
Yet I have found no other Preacher preaching on this.
Off topic perhaps, is my wondering about the word "the" I am building a case in my mind that "the" means "true God is Love, not false gods. And it's all okay. It is okay back in the (God love)time of Genesis and it is true now. Another name for God is Love. Another name for God is Life. Life then and Life now. Does this make any sense?
"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." But we must remember this scripture in " James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: Now let's remember also that God loved us first. I leave you with this study your Bible showed thyself approved. Don't slack in God's work,also don't be caught with your work undone. Have A Blessed New Year with Jesus on your mind All the Time.
Here is part 2:
Another reason why he (Herod) gave the order to have them put to death when he died was so that the Jewish people would have somebody to mourn over because he knew that they would not mourn over him.
That is the kind of man he was. That's how paranoid he was over his "ruler-ship."
Now, can you imagine if a group of men came into town and said "Where is He who is born king of the Jews?"
Now here's how Herod died, and if you research the accounts of his death, you will see that he died a horrible death. He was riddled with disease and here's the circumstances:
Herod's wife's name was Miriam. After he had her put to death, he missed her. He would see various women and think that they were her. And eventually he went down and got involved with prostitutes.
There was one in particular that he thought was his wife, and he called her by name, and he had relationships with her.
He caught diseases from that relationship, which literally, if you would read the account, it was a pretty bad death. He died in 4 B.C. He died a horrible death!
So you can imagine his paranoia about Jesus as these wise men came into town asking where is he who is born King of the Jews.
Herod's thoughts were "I'm the king of the Jews. What are you talking about?" This man Herod, he went crazy. This was Herod the great, Herod the king.
I can share a little on Herod the king that we see in Matthew Chapter 2, information about him, and also how he died.
Here are some important facts about Herod the king:
He's also known as "Herod the great" in times of history. This man was an Edomite.
He was not a Jew. And yet at the same time, through the Roman government, he took control over the Jewish people.
In order to win them over, he would help them. He would actually take gold from his home and from his palace and have the gold sold and the money brought in to feed the poor.
Not only did he help the poor, but he would have athletic fields built and he would have various activities going on to help the community of the Jews so that he would win their favor.
The flip side of Herod the great was that he was crazy. A crazy man can only be nice for so long. But he was paranoid over his reign as king. And so you can imagine what is taking place in Matthew Chapter 2.
Herod was so paranoid over people plotting against him that he had three of his sons put to death because he thought they were plotting against him.
He had his first two sons killed, Alexander and Aristobulus. And later he killed Antipater who was supposed to take the throne. He had his wife put to death because he thought she was plotting against him.
Numerous members of the family, if he saw them together and thought that they were speaking together against him behind his back, he would have them put to death.
He died approximately a year after the Lord was born. And in knowing that he was about to die, he had a decree made that all of the leaders in Jerusalem would be rounded up and placed into a holding area.
And at the moment he died, they would all be put to death so that he would know that no leader would succeed him to the throne.
I need to send a part 2, and I will also share with you how he died.
The Kingdom of God and the good fruit ( the manchild ) are 1 and the same...Thats y he is saying unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...The Kingdom of God comes by hearing his good seed the word.. .She brought forth aman Child that is gona rule all nations...Then Rev.12:10 says now is come Salvation and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ ( the manchild ) That is gonna rule all nations...Thats y he always refers to himself as the Son of man...Simply b/c mankind has to bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G. That Child of Promise...The multiplcation of Christ in humanity...After the book is opened and we sing that New SONG.
They have promises therefore of inheriting eternal life and the glories of heaven ( John 14:2).
The cost of being a disciple of course was soon to be revealed; namely in Peter's fall. In Luke 22:32 the word "converted" is used in order to describe what would soon happen. Christ knew all; of course that Peter was one of His own (as He would give nicknames to emphasize characteristics of the Apostles). In John 1:42 Jesus said that he would be called Cephus or the rock; later on in Matthew 16:16 we see that Christ was revealed to Peter as to who He was. Therefore the word converted here would mean to be restored spiritually after the fall; but it showed the effects of true repentance. Peter until this point was impetuous and immature in many ways as a child in his walk; so the meaning here is when Peter's outward behavior would represent a radical transfomation and involved dying to self. This made him ready after the Resurrection to take on what he knew would end up in martyrdom ( John 21:18). It also gave him boldness in the Book of Acts despite a realistic fear of his own persecution.
Let us therefore take heed; that we are slow to speak as well as swift to hear and slow to wrath (mixed up interpretation of James 1:19). We need to look out for false teachers as well; who self identify as believers; but show no evidence of true faith and producing good fruit.
Somewhere I have discussion here on the entire book of John focusing on Predestination. I thought this particular verse needed emphasis. This verse shows how those who are in darkness spiritually can't understand the Spirit and how Christ is distinct from the world in Holiness as well as being its Creator. Therefore; the standard set is according to man's interpretation of a "righteous man or a Prophet" ( Matt. 16:15). Such a question this late in the game really boggles the mind; and it is clear early on with John the Baptist ( John 1:33) that the Spirit revealed to him who Christ was. Keep in mind this was BEFORE any miracles were performed by Christ Himself at the onset of the ministry. Jesus went immediately to the wilderness to be tested of the Devil BEFORE His onset of public outreach. This should reveal to us all those world powers and principalities that rule in high places and how hard the enemy will fight those who are potentially dangerous to his world system ( Eph. 6:12). It is interesting to examine this in light of our salvation experience; it seems rare that people take on a fast immediately after conversion but we see Paul for instance in a forced fast after his blindness ( Acts 9:9) after God struck him down.
We need to ensure that the light in us isn't darkness ( Luke 11:35). Satan comes as an angel of light ( 2 Cor. 11:14). This is why we are to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5). Hence the verse of the day ( John 15:16) demonstrates that we are chosen AND ordained to bear fruit. This is slightly different as to Judas Iscariot who was called and chosen but didn't bear good fruit. In God's presence miracles would happen but he was only interested in how it benefited him. This should be a warning to anyone attempting to do good works in their own strength. True fruit only comes from above as the Spirit abides in a man ( John 15:4). We must therefore abide in Him (see Romans 8:16).
Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 19:1-12, Ephesians 4:5,
I think the main point is the outward living life, dead to the flesh ( selfishness, bad actions, etc. ) resurrection in the last days, is the goal. Mark 10:38, Luke 12:50, Colossians 2:12-14, 1Peter 3:18-22,
* Romans 6:3,4, please read all of Romans 6, chapter, Colossians 3:1-17,
John 12:23-36, Romans 8:13, Luke 14:27-33,
Hopefully these are helpful
If you have trouble understanding pray for wisdom: James 1:5
We see the theme here as in much of the Book of Lamentations where God appears to have cast His presence from His people. When we get to chapter 3; verse 31 He promises not to "cast them off forever." Isaiah 26:20 describes God Himself stating that He had turned away for a short time but would return with mercy. Again; the final prophetic application would appear to be in Revelation (or the time of Jacob's trouble in Jeremiah 30:7).
The "perpetual desolations" in verse 3 of this Psalm remind us of the "Abomination of Desolation" when the Temple is overtaken by Antichrist much as it was with Antiochus Epiphanes earlier in Daniel 9:25-27 and quoted by Christ starting in Matthew 24:15.
Verse 8 is as far as I know the only passage in scriptures mentioning the word synagogues; here they were being burned up by the enemy; likely prophetic of the Babylonians and of course the end times. Blasphemy as seen in Revelation 13 is mentioned in verse 18. The prophets being seen no more could refer ahead to the intertestamental times or again when there is vision sought in the end times by false prophets who predicted peace; peace when there is no peace ( Jeremiah 6:14).
Verse 20 implores God to "have respect unto the Covenant" as related; no doubt to the Promised Land. Once again the poor and needy are sought out as those who the Lord will restore; and the Psalm ends with a plea not to forget those enemies and their "tumult". Surely God will come soon; but will there be any faith on the earth when that Day comes? (See Luke 18:8).
I have stated the verse where Jesus casts out the demon where prayer and fasting were needed for that type of demon; thus the disciples couldn't cast it out ( Mark 9:29). It appears that Jesus expected the disciples to seek the Father through prayer as to the challenges to come; so that it could be revealed to them when fasting was needed. Christ of course had the power to do all things irregardless; but in His dependence on the Spirit so that He could "suffer all things as we did but without sin" ( Heb. 4:15) meant that He trusted in the Spirit for all of His miracles and actions.
Obviously; prayer is something we all should do constantly ( 1 Thess. 5:17). We are also to meditate day and night ( Joshua 1:8). We see how Christ was up all night in prayer before He picked His first group of Disciples; and how at the end the Disciples were to fight sleep due to sorrow ad exhaustion and pray to avoid temptation.
There is no set command for fasting; it appears to have been something the fear of God instigated for instance by the pagan king in Nineveh ( Jonah 3:7). Esther had a 3 day fast before appealing to the King to save her people and reveal her origin in chapter 4; verse 16. The King of Babylon fasted for a night when he was disturbed about Daniel being placed in the lion's den in Daniel 6. Churches these days probably do this much less often than should be done; certainly a short fast would be proper more often than long ones. There are health benefits as well; obviously one without water should be limited. It would seem that God intervened before 40 days without water in the case of Nineveh or it was a miracle they survived that long.
We are to be filled with the Spirit as we are emptied of ourselves.
when 'cares' of this world burdens; -
when one determines to -
"Be still. . .
then, is when -
he can
Know -
God' . . .
which is -; as in vs.(7;The Lord of Hosts is with us,
the God of Jacob is with us -
HE; the Great IAM is with us -who/what can come against us! ! !??!!
Gratefully, this verse chimes into my life more than just occasionally.
It rings; remind me, O Lord!
Now in chapter 6, Job is responding to Eliphaz that the impatience with which he is being charged & the agony that he is bearing, be weighed against the great calamities he has experienced ( Job 6:1-4).
Then in v5, Job asks a couple of questions: 'does the ass complain when it has food and likewise the ox?' The expected answer is, 'No, they are satisfied when there's enough to eat'. Likewise, Job says that he does not complain without good reason, just as those animals. Rather, he has lost his taste for life: just as anyone would refrain from eating saltless/inspid food as also when eating just the white of an egg which has no taste of its own, so to his sufferings (which were undeserved) have now become his detestable portion in life. If it was that easy for Job to overcome his sufferings as simply adding salt to food or flavor to an egg, he would certainly do it. But in vv 8 & 9, Job longs for relief from God, or if none comes, that God would shorten his life so that his sufferings would finally end.
"Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg?"
The second question is just a repeatition of the first, is there any taste in the white of an egg (that is the unsavoury) if it has no salt on it?
Let's assume you are right about that number 444. Question. So what is the purpose of that number? A sign for what? What do you think it may mean to you, to your life? Is it a kind of a "protection" number, an amulet, a magic number that you may recall when needed? What is it for? Because if it is for nothing, then obviously it is not of any use, is it? It is a number just like any other, one more than 443, one less than 445.
But let's leave nos for now and see what God did for mankind. God left His throne, became like one of us, a poor man, was born in a manger, got mocked at, was humiliated, was beaten, and finally was led to a horrible death on a cross, like the worst criminal, as a lamb for slaughtering. And He did that to save us, you and me, from eternal death. And not only that but He also became our Father and we have become His children. And He has prepared a marvelous place for us to live with Him happily for ever. So my question to you is. What kind of no. or any other thing in this world can be compared or take the place of that Person(God)? What any combination of nos can have any more importance than God's own sacrifice? What else on earth or heaven (anything one may think of) can stand infront of our adoption by The Almighty God? God that made the vast universe, billions and billions of stars and galaxies, with just His Word, became our FATHER, a real father. Can any no. be compared to that person we call God? Didn't God create numbers? Isn't that what the pagan nations were doing in ancient times? They worshiped the creation instead of the Creator? Let's be serious. If you are not a child of God then ask Jesus to come into your heart. Become God's child. Follow Him till the end, and a blessed life awaits for you in the future. And there will be a time that you will see God Himself with your own eyes and speak to Him mouth to mouth.
Something more. Any fake faith that is not based on real things always collapses sometime.
May God Bless You
It is ok to smile whenever the number 4 or 44 or 444 comes up in your life. It is a coincidence. Just say to yourself, God is my only true and righteous influence on my life. I will lean on Him and not on this number.
As a child of God there's several things we should ask ourselves in all we do.
"Will this hinder us? How will this affect our ministering?
Will it cause stumbling for those who are weak? and will it glorify Christ?
You see this example displayed in
1 Corinthians 8:7-13.
This principle applies to everything we do, especially those in leadership.
I don't have tattoos but if I did I may and I may NOT race to have it removed once becoming saved. But I wouldn't go get one knowing what I know now being that I am saved.
Those who would judge one in this matter should be careful being that they place themselves under the same type of judgment no matter what they do.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
As we see the numbers of precious people falling into more poverty than we ourselves are increasing in number all around in cities & countries, it's powerful to think GOD does not overlook a single poor person nor does he overlook our actions towards them. Matthew 25:31-46
However, I didn't know what angel numbers were or even believed it at first. That was until, I started seeing signs of things that questioned my belief in the topic. Such as, seeing cardinal birds, seeing a cloud that looked of as a hand, looking at time randomly to see 4:44, which all happened at 4:44.
As of what I know now, I see it as a sign. Maybe not involving god, or any biblical topics. But just as a sign. And no I don't believe the meanings in google of what 444 means.
Lastly, the one true thing that made me question it was my mother showing me a picture of me in the womb. Which had the time of 4:44 in which the time were the picture was taken. I can show the picture to you, but i don't know how or even if you wanna see it.