The Bible does not give us an answer to that but we know the number was at least 6. We know the names of the four brothers, but we are not given the names of the sisters (plural), so there had to be at least two. So it was at least 6 or more.
Leviticus Chapters 21 and 22 HOLINESS IS FROM THE LORD
God sovereignly chose to set apart the priests from the others in order for them to perform special tasks. He wanted them to know that in order for them to perform these special tasks before God they had to remain undefiled because of God's innate holiness. God had a higher standard for the priests because He had sacred tasks for them to do-making sacrifices and offerings for the people and for themselves because of man's innate sinfulness. This is the reason they had a higher standard to avoid defilement. not because they were more righteous than any other Israelite, but because God is holy and both the sacrifice and the offerer must be holy before the LORD.
The Scribes and the Pharisees did not conform themselves to the Word of God. They, instead, conformed the Word of God to their liking. Rather than being aware of their persistent sinfulness and their ongoing need for a sacrifice to remove their sin, they saw themselves as having made themselves holy and were deserving of God's blessing. Rather than see themselves put in a position of privilege by God, they saw that they had this position by right. Rather than seeing their ministry as a service to God and the people, they saw it as their right to have a higher status. We are in the same way when we do not allow Scriptures to convict us but rather use Scriptures to elevate ourselves.
Both priests and sacrifices had to be perfect. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was both the perfect high priest and perfect sacrifice that these Levitical laws foreshadowed. Unlike the religious leaders in Jesus' time and us at times, He fulfilled these sacred roles and tasks perfectly, effectually, and comprehensively. His priestly sacrifice of Himself once and for all made holy all who trust in His work on their behalf. We add nothing to our holiness and right standing before God. But Jesus supplies everything for it. And we can be ever thankful to Him.
Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 7, James 2, 2Peter 1, 2Peter 1:10 "wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things ye shall never fall:"
James 5:9, "brethren" "lest you be condemned" James 5, in context
Points out, these for-sure think they are 'saved' entitled" to enter they even boast of the Religiousness, Matthew 7:21-24, "Many will say in that day Lord, Lord, have we not ._._." & those who actually feel unworthy, were/are welcomed. Matthew 25:37-40. When anyone starts thinking they're all deserving we need beware by being aware! Because pride comes before a fall'' Proverbs 16:18,
Matthew 7:21 "._._. but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven" Micah 6:8, James 1:27,
2Timothy 2:15,
With much study there indicates the treatment of "the least of these" is a major weight to GOD ALMIGHTY throughout the scriptures, Old & New Testament. Luke 12:45-47, note (abusive treatment towards people having less authority,) "._._ will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers" context Luke 12, indicating these are "believers"
Please notice
James 2:13-19, "For he shall have judgement without mercy, that hath showed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgement. What doth it profit my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say thou hast faith, and I have works: Show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; Thou doest well: The devils also believe and tremble." James 2 in context
Having come to this false conclusion, then one could reason, like the Scribes and Pharisees that it was one's own works that made himself righteous. It was this attitude that the Lord said characterized His opponents. Jesus used the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector praying to God to illustrate that the attitude of self-righteousness does not justify anyone.
The Scribes and the Pharisees were wrong on two accounts. First, they were wrong to think that they were righteous ( Mt. 5:20; 7:15). Secondly, they were wrong in attributing righteousness to their own efforts. They thought their righteousness was the results of their efforts to obey the commands of Leviticus Chapters 21 and 22.
Then what did God intend to teach the priests by giving them these commands to avoid any outward corruption or defilement in these chapters? He was teaching them that He is the one who makes them holy. " I am the LORD who sanctifies you?" God said this 6 times. It was God who set the priests apart, sanctifying them. The priests did not sanctify themselves. God commanded the priest to avoid outward defilement because He had already made them holy. They were told to avoid the things that would make them unclean not that avoiding these things would make them clean.
Salvation-cleansing from sin-is a work of God alone. Keeping ourselves pure is our duty enabled by the Holy Spirit so we do not defile what God has cleansed. That is why the Apostle John tells us that if we sin, we are to confess our sin, and God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ( 1 John 1:9). We are to seek to stay clean, not to make ourselves clean. Only God can do that.
Holiness is not contagious. We don't acquire it from others. It cannot be transmitted by us to others nor by contact with "holy things". But defilement can be caught, and this God warns the priests about coming in contact with unholy. Holiness only comes from God.
As spiritual leaders they should have been even more sensitive to the exemplifying the mercy and love of God towards their kinsmen, at the least. Humility, not pride, was the mark of God's leaders. The commands of Leviticus 21 and 22 was given to assure a greater sensitivity to sin and corruption on the part of the priests, not to promote a sense of pride and arrogance, as though they were better people because God had required more of them.
The second error they made was that of Externalism. The things that contaminated the priests in chapter 21 and 22 and thus were to be avoided were not flaws of character or even conduct (sins) but were ceremonial defilement. It would be easy to falsely equate ceremonial purity (holiness) for ritual cleanness. the Scribes and the Pharisees thought that holiness was largely a matter of keeping away from defilement and, especially, sinners. Jesus taught that defilement comes not from without, but from within, from the heart. ( Mk 7:14-15, 20-23). Evil attitudes lead to evil actions.
We must search for meaning in O. T. that goes past the concrete, external, and literal to the heart of the matter. The Scribes and Pharisees failed to do this. This is precisely where they went wrong. They did not take the Law far enough, stopping at the level of concrete (don't touch) the obvious, and the observable. They stopped and the external without pressing in to the internal issues of the heart. God gave the law to deal with man on both of these levels, but primarily to lead to the internal. The Scribes and Pharisees stopped short of getting to the wickedness within themselves.
Their third error was that of Legalism. They had a mindset of works righteousness. One might conclude like the Scribes and Pharisees did that if one was able to avoid the defilements of Leviticus chapters 21 and 22 that he would then be holy.
These two chapters go together since they are God's commands for the priests and the high priest concerning how they are to avoid defilement. The emphasis in these commands is that those who are to present themselves before God in prayer or service must acknowledge His holiness and their own need for it also.
These commands were instructive to the Aaronic priesthood in the time of the Exodus as well as going forward through the time of Jesus. And then, for the church, there is application, as well.
In Jesus' time, the Scribes and Pharisees were the religious leaders of the Jews. Many of them were priests in the line of Aaron. Jesus and these leaders had many confrontations and Jesus exposed the false ideas of these leaders again and again.
Concerning the topic of Leviticus 21 and 22 the religious leaders adopted several false ideas concerning the priestly requirements to avoid defilement.
First among their errors was Elitism. They believed that the priests were in a class by themselves above the rest of the Jews. They avoided contact with the common folk and were fastidious about not outwardly breaking any of the commands of Moses, especially the laws concerning defilement of their bodies. They measured personal holiness in terms of keeping ceremonially and ritual purity. The holiness of God is to be manifested in obedience to God's commands and in loving their neighbor as themselves, as Jesus taught. But the Scribes and Pharisees thought that holiness was obtained by maintaining a separateness from all things that could defile them, which included most of their kinsmen. The went to great lengths to avoid contamination because they thought they were holier than the common people.
Certainly, as leaders, God holds them to higher standards because of their service to Him and the people. But this does not mean that they are holier than anyone else.But they viewed themselves as the spiritually elite and were prideful in the ways
You must admit your sin . You didn't 'fall' into adultery , you commited it . I'm assuming it's you yourself , so have you confessed to your wife ? Are you genuinely sorry that you deliberately and knowingly sinned against God ? If the answer is 'yes' , then you may be forgiven , all things are possible with God so you must always have hope and talk to Him about it . Remember , He knows your heart .
Alex1939...Billy its a picture of the offering up of Christ Jesus...That Ram caught caught in the thicket by his horns was symbolic of Christ and HIS CROWN OF THORNS...That resulted in the great Promise that there was gonna be a nation of Israel via Abraham's seed...B/C thou has done this thing i will multiply thy seed as the sands of the seas...That resulted in Jacob and the 12 tribes...
.....Thus the offering up of Christ is gonna result in an Israel of God the H.G. Plural as the stars of Heaven..That 2 nd Promise ... Gal 6:16 Which are spirits the H.G. PLURAL...That New Covenant in his blood...I will pour out of my spirit on ALL FLESH...If i be lifted up I will draw all men unto me...And the 2 nd time the angel spoke to Abraham is when God swore by his very self Gen. 22:15 saying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven...Thus the sower and his seed the very seed of God to whom the word ( his seed ) came it made them Gods and the scripture cannot be broken...Thats y they refered to the H.G. as the Promise the H.G. is the multiplication the regeneration of very God in humanity via the seed of Jesus the word...His breath...That New Covenant in his blood from Calvary...When he had taken the cup he says this is the New Covenant in my blood drink ye all of it.
.....But The Lord also says that i am the light of the world but the nite comes when no man can work...And the day of the Lord cannot come till there 1st come a great falling away and that man of sin be revealed which is mans carnal mind...Satan's seat is our carnal minds that is in war with the wheat the H.G...The kingdom of Heaven sufferes violence b/c of the Tares and the wheat...The dragon and the woman with Child.. Rev 12:5 kjv...But the woman with Child wins and is gonna rule all nations with his rod of iron the word of God that cannot be broken....That New Covenant...The book in the fathers right hand..k gbu
Alex1939...William this Matthew 21:16 is prophetic of the Manchild the H.G. that has to be born in us...Rev.12:5 she brought forth a manchild that is gonna rule all nations...Thats y the sower wants to sow his precious seed in our hearts that we might birth a baby Christ the Son of Man...The H.G...That Children of Promise...Thats y he cannot speak of him self simply b/c he has to be born in us via the seed of the sower, he is just an infant spiritually speaking...Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child ( the H.G. ) that Child of Promise That New BIRTH you will in no wise enter there in...We need a new heart and a new spirit a new innerman...Which is the H.G...Our biggest enemy is our carnal minds...And nothin can still this demon without Christ in us...Which is the wheat from his good seed but satans sows a Tare in us ...Then we are in a war with satan...Its gonna be Kingdom against Kingdom...The only way we can win this war is by the babes and sucklings...which are baby Christ, Jesus offspring from his good seed the living word that is gonna be sown in humanity the opening of the BOOK ...The Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild the H.G.....Read Rev.12v10
......The world is gonna have a Baby....Thats y Jeremiah 30:6 Tells us all men are gonna travail in birth pains...The Child is the H.G. THE Children of PROMISE...I will Multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven...Thus the Children of PROMISE the H.G... Joel 2:28 I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh...Jeremiah says he saw all men with their hands on their loins as woman in travail with birth pains... Jeremiah 30:6...The Child is the H.G. that heavenly Jacob that is now in a warfare with the Tares...Satans seed...A time of Jacobs troubles...Jacob was the 3 rd person but the H.G. is also the 3 rd person...The wheat Jesus's seed the H.G.
But these things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto babes.... Matthew 11:25...William this is for spritually minded.
It is our heart that God looks at . When Christ returns he won't judge us by the sight of his eyes , he will go straight to our hearts . Many people , Christian and none Christians , do good deeds all day long , there is nothing wrong with that but people can do good deeds and be atheist or idolators . Do we have a heart of flesh or a heart of stone ? Jesus knows . I know many soft hearted Christians who are not physically capable of doing very much through illness and disability . I know many kind hearted atheists who wouldn't heart a fly . First and foremost we must learn ( yes , learn , I had to ) to love God and Jesus . This can take a long time , it didn't come naturally or easily to me . Love is the key . Once we begin to feel love for God and for Jesus we are on the right track . I don't love either of them enough . When I look back through my life and see them , in retrospect , always with me , saving me from myself and others , planting me in a safe place , keeping me from harm , feeding me , clothing me , I didn't see them at the time because I didn't recognise their love working for my benefit in my life . It's a bit overwhelming to me at times . I know that no person loves me more than God does or more than Jesus does . It's hard to love some one that you can't see . But , if you take time to think , you can see them , in your life now and through your past . Guiding you , protecting you , providing for you . Once you recognise their love in your life , once you see them you start to appreciate and feel their love for you , it becomes easier and more of a natural progression for you , to love them . Good deeds ? Yes of course ! But they must be done in LOVE .
Hello William. If Matthew 21:16 is taken on its own without using its context, one could use Jesus' Words for the spiritual babe in Christ voicing praise in a simple or unlearned tongue. However, for an exegetical understanding, the meaning & intent of the verse is quite the opposite.
Jesus was clearly referencing Psalm 8:2: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." In this Psalm of praise, David likens the defeat of his powerful enemies as coming mysteriously from the simple & weak (babes & sucklings). Even with their fewer numbers & feeble shouts when engaging in battle, it is the LORD Who has gained the victory - and no doubt 'stilling' the enemy & avenger (Heb: shabath, to cease, to draw back). This is reminiscent of Jahaziel's great assurance in 2 Chronicles 20:15: "Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's."
When Jesus uses this Psalm 8:2 to highlight the chief priests & scribes ignorance of the Scriptures & animosity against Him, He asks them, 'aren't your ears open to what these young ones are shouting about, even as you saw the mighty things that were done in the Power of God? Even these little ones have joined the others to shout praises to God's Messiah (the Son of David).' As the shout of victory went out by Israel's 'feeble' army against the enemy, so now the shouts of praise from the 'simple & unlearned' uttered to praise this Jesus, God's Messiah. But this would have been too much for the religious leaders who refused to accept Jesus & to have their 'great' knowledge of the Scriptures questioned.
is it possible for this scripture matthews 21:16 to be in referenced in away to the born-again experience of a new spiritual babe , camparing the tongues ( languages ) that can neighter be understood , from a natural born & a spiritual born ?
I believe many have believed "children are ok" because on outward observation the youngest children outwardly appear to not to have the severe breakdowns adults have. Even when children outwardly "act out" it may be disregarded because it doesn't seem to affect as much; easily contained. With adults much more can be effected & usually is. That may be why, when trying to address extreme loss, mental stability, counseling they focus on the parents. They may even assume the counseling & well-being will be shared with the child.
Thank you so much for sharing this about your life. I am so sad to know you were so traumatized and never received the help you desperately needed. May God bring that healing to you in full measure and keep you strong in your knowledge of His love and mercy for you.
I just wanted to share this. When I was at the lowest point of my life (20 years ago) and I was thinking that if God was as others had said that He was, then how could I follow Him? The Holy Spirit spoke to me, "To whom else can I go, for You alone have the words of eternal life." ( john 6:68) With that input from the precious Spirit, I turned myself around and said to God, I will not believe what others say about You, I will believe what Your Word says about You, for Y9ou are my only hope!" So my doubt was destroyed that moment. Praise the Lord! That was a very hard place to be in, very painful, very discouraging, very confusing. But God used it to set me rock solid on the testimony of His Word in Christ and I am all the better for it.
One Eighty-how hard it must have been to be without your brother and to see him die. How sad that you did not have any other siblings to grieve with. Your mom was so full of grief that she needed the treatments she received to be set aright to be able to raise you. It was not the best of circumstances for either of you, nor your parents. But I am so happy that your mom continued to believe and train you up in the word and way of Christ. My prayer for you today is that God will restore to you over and above what the enemy stole from you when you were 3 and from your life from year to year. May you receive abundant mercy and comfort from our Lord by the Spirit who lives in you. I pray that you God will bring you joy in place of the sad spot in your heart concerning your brother and the grief you have borne all of these years. Amen.
The Bible does not give us an answer to that but we know the number was at least 6. We know the names of the four brothers, but we are not given the names of the sisters (plural), so there had to be at least two. So it was at least 6 or more.
God sovereignly chose to set apart the priests from the others in order for them to perform special tasks. He wanted them to know that in order for them to perform these special tasks before God they had to remain undefiled because of God's innate holiness. God had a higher standard for the priests because He had sacred tasks for them to do-making sacrifices and offerings for the people and for themselves because of man's innate sinfulness. This is the reason they had a higher standard to avoid defilement. not because they were more righteous than any other Israelite, but because God is holy and both the sacrifice and the offerer must be holy before the LORD.
The Scribes and the Pharisees did not conform themselves to the Word of God. They, instead, conformed the Word of God to their liking. Rather than being aware of their persistent sinfulness and their ongoing need for a sacrifice to remove their sin, they saw themselves as having made themselves holy and were deserving of God's blessing. Rather than see themselves put in a position of privilege by God, they saw that they had this position by right. Rather than seeing their ministry as a service to God and the people, they saw it as their right to have a higher status. We are in the same way when we do not allow Scriptures to convict us but rather use Scriptures to elevate ourselves.
Both priests and sacrifices had to be perfect. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was both the perfect high priest and perfect sacrifice that these Levitical laws foreshadowed. Unlike the religious leaders in Jesus' time and us at times, He fulfilled these sacred roles and tasks perfectly, effectually, and comprehensively. His priestly sacrifice of Himself once and for all made holy all who trust in His work on their behalf. We add nothing to our holiness and right standing before God. But Jesus supplies everything for it. And we can be ever thankful to Him.
James 5:9, "brethren" "lest you be condemned" James 5, in context
Points out, these for-sure think they are 'saved' entitled" to enter they even boast of the Religiousness, Matthew 7:21-24, "Many will say in that day Lord, Lord, have we not ._._." & those who actually feel unworthy, were/are welcomed. Matthew 25:37-40. When anyone starts thinking they're all deserving we need beware by being aware! Because pride comes before a fall'' Proverbs 16:18,
Matthew 7:21 "._._. but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven" Micah 6:8, James 1:27,
2Timothy 2:15,
With much study there indicates the treatment of "the least of these" is a major weight to GOD ALMIGHTY throughout the scriptures, Old & New Testament. Luke 12:45-47, note (abusive treatment towards people having less authority,) "._._ will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers" context Luke 12, indicating these are "believers"
Please notice
James 2:13-19, "For he shall have judgement without mercy, that hath showed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgement. What doth it profit my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say thou hast faith, and I have works: Show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; Thou doest well: The devils also believe and tremble." James 2 in context
Hopefully these are helpful
Having come to this false conclusion, then one could reason, like the Scribes and Pharisees that it was one's own works that made himself righteous. It was this attitude that the Lord said characterized His opponents. Jesus used the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector praying to God to illustrate that the attitude of self-righteousness does not justify anyone.
The Scribes and the Pharisees were wrong on two accounts. First, they were wrong to think that they were righteous ( Mt. 5:20; 7:15). Secondly, they were wrong in attributing righteousness to their own efforts. They thought their righteousness was the results of their efforts to obey the commands of Leviticus Chapters 21 and 22.
Then what did God intend to teach the priests by giving them these commands to avoid any outward corruption or defilement in these chapters? He was teaching them that He is the one who makes them holy. " I am the LORD who sanctifies you?" God said this 6 times. It was God who set the priests apart, sanctifying them. The priests did not sanctify themselves. God commanded the priest to avoid outward defilement because He had already made them holy. They were told to avoid the things that would make them unclean not that avoiding these things would make them clean.
Salvation-cleansing from sin-is a work of God alone. Keeping ourselves pure is our duty enabled by the Holy Spirit so we do not defile what God has cleansed. That is why the Apostle John tells us that if we sin, we are to confess our sin, and God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ( 1 John 1:9). We are to seek to stay clean, not to make ourselves clean. Only God can do that.
Holiness is not contagious. We don't acquire it from others. It cannot be transmitted by us to others nor by contact with "holy things". But defilement can be caught, and this God warns the priests about coming in contact with unholy. Holiness only comes from God.
13Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,
but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
You also need to take up the whole armor of God. for this way by his word, you will be able to with stand when your being tempted.
Remember his words is a light to our path and God has said if you obey and incline to his word. the word will keep you from stumbling.
This is done by praying without ceasing by reading his word and by fasting humbling yourself through fasting.
Ephesians 6:13-24
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Lastly God is merciful, and he cares for you. Remember Jesus took your place at the cross so that you might receive his righteousness.
2 Corinthians 5:21
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
So don't give up but kneel down and call to HIM and repent your sins for He who began a good work in you will see it to completion.
Sin has no dominion over you. amen
As spiritual leaders they should have been even more sensitive to the exemplifying the mercy and love of God towards their kinsmen, at the least. Humility, not pride, was the mark of God's leaders. The commands of Leviticus 21 and 22 was given to assure a greater sensitivity to sin and corruption on the part of the priests, not to promote a sense of pride and arrogance, as though they were better people because God had required more of them.
The second error they made was that of Externalism. The things that contaminated the priests in chapter 21 and 22 and thus were to be avoided were not flaws of character or even conduct (sins) but were ceremonial defilement. It would be easy to falsely equate ceremonial purity (holiness) for ritual cleanness. the Scribes and the Pharisees thought that holiness was largely a matter of keeping away from defilement and, especially, sinners. Jesus taught that defilement comes not from without, but from within, from the heart. ( Mk 7:14-15, 20-23). Evil attitudes lead to evil actions.
We must search for meaning in O. T. that goes past the concrete, external, and literal to the heart of the matter. The Scribes and Pharisees failed to do this. This is precisely where they went wrong. They did not take the Law far enough, stopping at the level of concrete (don't touch) the obvious, and the observable. They stopped and the external without pressing in to the internal issues of the heart. God gave the law to deal with man on both of these levels, but primarily to lead to the internal. The Scribes and Pharisees stopped short of getting to the wickedness within themselves.
Their third error was that of Legalism. They had a mindset of works righteousness. One might conclude like the Scribes and Pharisees did that if one was able to avoid the defilements of Leviticus chapters 21 and 22 that he would then be holy.
These two chapters go together since they are God's commands for the priests and the high priest concerning how they are to avoid defilement. The emphasis in these commands is that those who are to present themselves before God in prayer or service must acknowledge His holiness and their own need for it also.
These commands were instructive to the Aaronic priesthood in the time of the Exodus as well as going forward through the time of Jesus. And then, for the church, there is application, as well.
In Jesus' time, the Scribes and Pharisees were the religious leaders of the Jews. Many of them were priests in the line of Aaron. Jesus and these leaders had many confrontations and Jesus exposed the false ideas of these leaders again and again.
Concerning the topic of Leviticus 21 and 22 the religious leaders adopted several false ideas concerning the priestly requirements to avoid defilement.
First among their errors was Elitism. They believed that the priests were in a class by themselves above the rest of the Jews. They avoided contact with the common folk and were fastidious about not outwardly breaking any of the commands of Moses, especially the laws concerning defilement of their bodies. They measured personal holiness in terms of keeping ceremonially and ritual purity. The holiness of God is to be manifested in obedience to God's commands and in loving their neighbor as themselves, as Jesus taught. But the Scribes and Pharisees thought that holiness was obtained by maintaining a separateness from all things that could defile them, which included most of their kinsmen. The went to great lengths to avoid contamination because they thought they were holier than the common people.
Certainly, as leaders, God holds them to higher standards because of their service to Him and the people. But this does not mean that they are holier than anyone else.But they viewed themselves as the spiritually elite and were prideful in the ways
I second Brother Chris on that very well explained answer.
God bless.
.....Thus the offering up of Christ is gonna result in an Israel of God the H.G. Plural as the stars of Heaven..That 2 nd Promise ... Gal 6:16 Which are spirits the H.G. PLURAL...That New Covenant in his blood...I will pour out of my spirit on ALL FLESH...If i be lifted up I will draw all men unto me...And the 2 nd time the angel spoke to Abraham is when God swore by his very self Gen. 22:15 saying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven...Thus the sower and his seed the very seed of God to whom the word ( his seed ) came it made them Gods and the scripture cannot be broken...Thats y they refered to the H.G. as the Promise the H.G. is the multiplication the regeneration of very God in humanity via the seed of Jesus the word...His breath...That New Covenant in his blood from Calvary...When he had taken the cup he says this is the New Covenant in my blood drink ye all of it.
.....But The Lord also says that i am the light of the world but the nite comes when no man can work...And the day of the Lord cannot come till there 1st come a great falling away and that man of sin be revealed which is mans carnal mind...Satan's seat is our carnal minds that is in war with the wheat the H.G...The kingdom of Heaven sufferes violence b/c of the Tares and the wheat...The dragon and the woman with Child.. Rev 12:5 kjv...But the woman with Child wins and is gonna rule all nations with his rod of iron the word of God that cannot be broken....That New Covenant...The book in the fathers right hand..k gbu
Thank you.
How do you know it was Timothy who wrote it? And do you mean he wrote it himself or for Paul?
People disagree on who actually wrote the book of Hebrews, but thankfully it is preserved as God's WORD.
......The world is gonna have a Baby....Thats y Jeremiah 30:6 Tells us all men are gonna travail in birth pains...The Child is the H.G. THE Children of PROMISE...I will Multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven...Thus the Children of PROMISE the H.G... Joel 2:28 I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh...Jeremiah says he saw all men with their hands on their loins as woman in travail with birth pains... Jeremiah 30:6...The Child is the H.G. that heavenly Jacob that is now in a warfare with the Tares...Satans seed...A time of Jacobs troubles...Jacob was the 3 rd person but the H.G. is also the 3 rd person...The wheat Jesus's seed the H.G.
But these things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto babes.... Matthew 11:25...William this is for spritually minded.
Jesus was clearly referencing Psalm 8:2: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." In this Psalm of praise, David likens the defeat of his powerful enemies as coming mysteriously from the simple & weak (babes & sucklings). Even with their fewer numbers & feeble shouts when engaging in battle, it is the LORD Who has gained the victory - and no doubt 'stilling' the enemy & avenger (Heb: shabath, to cease, to draw back). This is reminiscent of Jahaziel's great assurance in 2 Chronicles 20:15: "Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's."
When Jesus uses this Psalm 8:2 to highlight the chief priests & scribes ignorance of the Scriptures & animosity against Him, He asks them, 'aren't your ears open to what these young ones are shouting about, even as you saw the mighty things that were done in the Power of God? Even these little ones have joined the others to shout praises to God's Messiah (the Son of David).' As the shout of victory went out by Israel's 'feeble' army against the enemy, so now the shouts of praise from the 'simple & unlearned' uttered to praise this Jesus, God's Messiah. But this would have been too much for the religious leaders who refused to accept Jesus & to have their 'great' knowledge of the Scriptures questioned.
Jacob meaning "heel-catcher" i.e. supplanter"
Genesis 32:28,
Hopefully these are helpful in your study
Isaiah 22:21-25, Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 49:22,
James 1:5,
Hopefully these are helpful in your study
If we break it down :
1st Jesus asked for their forgiveness: Luke 23:34, John 17, John 6:37-40,
2nd He outwardly confessed & believed Jesus Luke 23:42, John 3:16-18, John 6: 47,
3rd confessed his sins Luke 23:41, 1John 1:9,
4th he showed Jesus mercy & compassion when the crowd, rulers, officers, & others were not: Luke 23:40,
Matthew 25:31-46,
Hopefully these are helpful in your discussion & study
I believe many have believed "children are ok" because on outward observation the youngest children outwardly appear to not to have the severe breakdowns adults have. Even when children outwardly "act out" it may be disregarded because it doesn't seem to affect as much; easily contained. With adults much more can be effected & usually is. That may be why, when trying to address extreme loss, mental stability, counseling they focus on the parents. They may even assume the counseling & well-being will be shared with the child.
I'm sorry that happened to your family.
Hopefully these are helpful in your discussion & study
christ our righteousness
he is all we need to be with god.
Thank you so much for sharing this about your life. I am so sad to know you were so traumatized and never received the help you desperately needed. May God bring that healing to you in full measure and keep you strong in your knowledge of His love and mercy for you.
I just wanted to share this. When I was at the lowest point of my life (20 years ago) and I was thinking that if God was as others had said that He was, then how could I follow Him? The Holy Spirit spoke to me, "To whom else can I go, for You alone have the words of eternal life." ( john 6:68) With that input from the precious Spirit, I turned myself around and said to God, I will not believe what others say about You, I will believe what Your Word says about You, for Y9ou are my only hope!" So my doubt was destroyed that moment. Praise the Lord! That was a very hard place to be in, very painful, very discouraging, very confusing. But God used it to set me rock solid on the testimony of His Word in Christ and I am all the better for it.
One Eighty-how hard it must have been to be without your brother and to see him die. How sad that you did not have any other siblings to grieve with. Your mom was so full of grief that she needed the treatments she received to be set aright to be able to raise you. It was not the best of circumstances for either of you, nor your parents. But I am so happy that your mom continued to believe and train you up in the word and way of Christ. My prayer for you today is that God will restore to you over and above what the enemy stole from you when you were 3 and from your life from year to year. May you receive abundant mercy and comfort from our Lord by the Spirit who lives in you. I pray that you God will bring you joy in place of the sad spot in your heart concerning your brother and the grief you have borne all of these years. Amen.