Dear Kobe, You have asked some questions that are perplexing.
In this post I will address the first one.
Why are we told not to be jealous when the Bible says that God is jealous?
We must understand that our emotions are not pure and holy like God's are. Jealousy for us is a negative and usually sinful emotion for us because we are jealous out of selfish love.
On the other hand, God is Jealous for His people and does not want them to follow after other gods because us doing so is destructive to us being so sinful as to sever the relationship between us and God. God wants us to follow, serve and worship Him alone because it benefits us tremendously to do so. so, for our sake, God is jealous because He does not want us to be separated from Him by us being unfaithful and idolatrous.
Dear Heavenly Father, we bring before You Jason, Jennifer's husband and ask in the name of Jesus that He will be brought to salvation soon and for the restoration of their marriage. We ask that You bring answers to all of Jennifer's requests for Jason mentioned here today and those unmentioned as well. Thank You Lord God for hearing our prayers and for the mercy You will give to Jason, bringing him to repentance and faith in Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Dear Heavenly father we lift up Jennifer's mother, Anita in the name of Jesus, Your son, Our Lord. We ask that You do a healing work in Anita and bring and end to the cancer in her body. We ask that any treatment she has will be effective. We ask that You give Anita strength and enjoyment in her life even as she is ill. We ask that You return her to health and wellness. Amen.
Dear Kobe, You have asked some questions that are perplexing.
In this post I will address the first one.
Why are we told not to be jealous when the Bible says that God is jealous?
We must understand that our emotions are not pure and holy like God's are. Jealousy for us is a negative and usually sinful emotion for us because we are jealous out of selfish love.
On the other hand, God is Jealous for His people and does not want them to follow after other gods because us doing so is destructive to us being so sinful as to sever the relationship between us and God. God wants us to follow, serve and worship Him alone because it benefits us tremendously to do so. so, for our sake, God is jealous because He does not want us to be separated from Him by us being unfaithful and idolatrous.
Why does God not want us to be jealous but in the bible, it says he is a jealous God?
And if we are servants of God, why did he come to Earth as a servant and in the likeness of a man, didn't he want us to believe that he was God if he did so much why didn't he make it so much easier a have scientifical proof or just turn into an light so bright that only the son of God could turn into?
And if God is so good why does he let bad things happen to good people all the time, and if he is all powerful and don't want anyone to go to hell why did he create the devil because he knew that he would turn on him in heaven so isn't that God's fault?
And if he gave us free will how does he know what we are always going to do technically he didn't give us free will since he knows technically he wrote out our lives for us is this true or not sorry for asking weird questions I just need to know?
for me, I would choose the Gospel of John because, for the people of his day, Jesus was clearly a man to look at outwardly. But John brought out the aspects of Jesus that show that He is God in the flesh. There is only one Person in Jesus, the Word of God made flesh, the Son of God, though the second Person of the Trinity, and therefore divine, the Only-Begotten Son of the Father, was given for us to redeem us and bring us to salvation. Though only one Person, Jesus had two natures, both a divine and a human nature. But the were united in Him, though not mixed together to form a third type of nature.
The truths about who Jesus is are so important for believers. Knowing these things about him help us to understand the supreme value of His work of redemption and how privileged we are to be called to communion in Him with the Father and the Son through His perfect life, suffering, death, and resurrection. He is forever our high priest (in His human nature) and forever the King and Lord of the Universe (in His divinity).
Amen sista, Pray your better. Been super busy myself though have to address a few questions on here & pray for as many as I can. Well, till my hands go numb, haha..sorry for a few of my things being repeated. after sending them I left and when came back they hadn't been added so I thought I didn't push the send button & I sent again. Won't do that again..!
Henkdenkt, I'm a number person too. My friend is a color chart person & my neighbor loves shapes. We all have our quirks yet we must keep in mind, to keep satan at bay, that "if it's not of God, not to take it to heart. He is the inspiration of the Bible & Knows ALL & has His reasons for not putting it in. Which one can learn if looked up. apocryphal, by definition: Of questionable authorship or authenticity. Erroneous=(containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong:); fictitious.
So, basically by definition alone, it was left out for not being Gods truth. Therefore, Apocrypha could not have been put in the Bible for Gods word is complete & Only Historical, Factual truths. Nothing to add or take away. I wouldn't ever add the word error to Jesus, that's an oxymoron. My name on here adds up to 38 real name adds to adds up to 70 or 102 yet these numbers only mean something on earth for we will be given a new name in Heaven. I stopped wasting my time on to many earthly things & choose to concentrate more on Gods word to be sure I get there.! Not that numbers have no purpose & if you know the Bible, they most definitely do yet, not to be twisted for evil, NO. God knows our heart so I pray that's not the case here. God be with you & yours my friend..!
Have been reading your bible that reads each chapter I find interesting and very useful. My grandmother who passed before the turn of the centry read the bible everyday when I was young and I have fond memories setting with her and talking about our lord the father. I am 68 years old soon to be 69 years old on April 3rd of this year and I have downloaded your app on my computer and cellphone and reading your bible I think of her and what she taught me. We had long talks and I miss her so and tears of memories tell me not to let her down reading about our heavenly father. Thank you for a chance to rekindle her memories of days long passed with her and pray I will be with her in paradise.
Hi it's me again I've been listening to about reducing spirits I'm not saying that correctly I've been trying to read about it wondering is it possible the reason why our country the way it is or world reducing spirits and I'm not saying that right that's why things are the way they are that's I'm trying to learn how to fight against this it would be appreciated with somebody could help me out I hope you know what I meant by reducing spirits I'm not saying the right sorry
I was the person that just asked about the garment and when God people will be judged 60 years old I know I have an angel and I know Jesus Christ is with me but it's so hard in 1995-96 I became a born again Christian I've not done a good job in serving my Lord Jesus Christ yes I know you're not saved by your works but he wants you to have love and it's so hard to be a Christian today I like being on his team I know that's a little bit different forgive me if it seems like I'm all over the place I'm really not like 1995 today when you read it things are not the way they're supposed to be you know sorry about all the texts
There might be two texts in this sorry I'll do my best please when you respond I have a hard time understanding some things one the garment of Jesus Christ I understand a little bit about it and read it but when the dead rises and The living goes with the Dead God's people is there certain levels of judgment for God's people are going to be judged I know Jesus says a new testament I don't come to destroy the old I come to fulfill it I hope I said this right
Hi Gizzmoo. When we see the word 'God', in Hebrew it is 'Elohim'. And this is a non-specific word, which applies generally to God ( Genesis 1:1), gods ( Genesis 35:2) & judges ( Exodus 21:6). But when the word 'LORD' is written, then it becomes a specific word, meaning 'Yahweh' (the Self-existent, Eternal God); and this is His Name, as was revealed to Moses ( Exodus 3:13-15).
When we see God's Name expressed differently (as well as several other names of God that reflect God's Person & Work), we can understand that the author of the Book, by the inspiration of God's Spirit, has chosen to name the God of Heaven (Elohim) and/or the God Who is the unchangeable & eternal One (Yahweh). Either way, it leaves us no doubt Who God is that the Bible speaks of & when 'elohim' is used in its other applications, we should understand those meanings as well & not confuse them with the True God.
As far as your second question, do you mean that as it is written, God "breathed into his (Adam's) nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" ( Genesis 2:7) but it is not written the same about animals, therefore where did they get the ability to breathe ( Genesis 1:20-25)? I suppose, the same could be said about the description of man & woman's creation in that chapter ( Genesis 1:26,27), that here also it hasn't been written that they received breath. So, I would say that it is understood that all living creatures did begin to breathe (whether sea, land or air animals), even as a greater description of man's creation is given in chapter 2 of him getting the 'Breath of God'.
I suppose we might never know conclusively how Adam knew that this woman was made from a part of his body. It seems likely though that as he awoke out of deep sleep & whether or not the marks of this first recorded surgery was evident on him, God may have told Adam who this new person was & where she came from, when He presented her to him ( Genesis 2:22). That new special creation that came from his own body would have especially endeared Adam to Eve and Eve to Adam, truly making them one flesh; he even naming her Eve (Heb. 'ishshah'), for out of 'ish' (man) she was created.
It is okay Mark to read the apocryphal books, as you would read many other similar writings. But there were important reasons why they were not allowed into the Canon of Scripture. Reasons such as, apostolic authorship, non-recognition of those books by the Jews, the apostles, even the Lord Himself, historical errors, doctrinal errors, etc., prompted their non-acceptance; even though those books are recognized & incorporated by Roman Catholics & some orthodox churches in their Bibles.
Tobit (I think you meant to write that) & 1 & 2 Maccabees are amongst those with some errors - not many, yet one needs to have a watchful eye & be led of God's Spirit when reading any material not found in the Word of God that we have in our hands now.
I Love the book of PSALMS. IT HAS SO MUCH WISDOM, This is cne of many chapters how God Loves us,also how much confidence, appreciation,most of all how God Loved King David! ,King David Loved GOD. Today modern times why is new age Christians can't have the Love for God ? Like David Loved GOD? It's simple to Love someone we se all the time,but one that we never see, but Thu the word , though worship,though songs,also though praise we feel his LOVE. I remember this scripture John 3:16 For God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life.
My comment/question is everything is identified as God, but later he is called Lord God. What is the difference? Is there a difference? Could it be that God is His name but Lord is His position. Either way, I love him.
God created man out of the dust but made animals out of the ground. How do they breath since they do not have the breath of life.
There is another distinguishing mark of all God's children: They bring forth fruit. You see, God does not have any shade trees. All His trees are fruit-bearing trees. All the seed that He sows is capable of bringing forth fruit. Some will not bring forth as much as others. Actually, only one-quarter of the seed ever fell in good ground, and only one-third of that brought forth a hundredfold. That means, according to my arithmetic, that only one-twelfth ever really brings forth a real harvest. But that one-twelfth, believe me, is a bumper crop! However, the results come because of the work of the Holy Spirit. My business is just sowing the seed.
When God's Word is faithfully taught, it falls on four kinds of ground. What kind of ground are you?
These are great days in which to sow this precious seed. I thank God for the privilege of sowing the Word of God day by day. Sowing is my business. What is yours? And how is your business?
In this post I will address the first one.
Why are we told not to be jealous when the Bible says that God is jealous?
We must understand that our emotions are not pure and holy like God's are. Jealousy for us is a negative and usually sinful emotion for us because we are jealous out of selfish love.
On the other hand, God is Jealous for His people and does not want them to follow after other gods because us doing so is destructive to us being so sinful as to sever the relationship between us and God. God wants us to follow, serve and worship Him alone because it benefits us tremendously to do so. so, for our sake, God is jealous because He does not want us to be separated from Him by us being unfaithful and idolatrous.
Dear Heavenly Father, we bring before You Jason, Jennifer's husband and ask in the name of Jesus that He will be brought to salvation soon and for the restoration of their marriage. We ask that You bring answers to all of Jennifer's requests for Jason mentioned here today and those unmentioned as well. Thank You Lord God for hearing our prayers and for the mercy You will give to Jason, bringing him to repentance and faith in Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Dear Heavenly father we lift up Jennifer's mother, Anita in the name of Jesus, Your son, Our Lord. We ask that You do a healing work in Anita and bring and end to the cancer in her body. We ask that any treatment she has will be effective. We ask that You give Anita strength and enjoyment in her life even as she is ill. We ask that You return her to health and wellness. Amen.
In this post I will address the first one.
Why are we told not to be jealous when the Bible says that God is jealous?
We must understand that our emotions are not pure and holy like God's are. Jealousy for us is a negative and usually sinful emotion for us because we are jealous out of selfish love.
On the other hand, God is Jealous for His people and does not want them to follow after other gods because us doing so is destructive to us being so sinful as to sever the relationship between us and God. God wants us to follow, serve and worship Him alone because it benefits us tremendously to do so. so, for our sake, God is jealous because He does not want us to be separated from Him by us being unfaithful and idolatrous.
You didn't say why Lamentations is your favorite Bible book. would love to know.
And if we are servants of God, why did he come to Earth as a servant and in the likeness of a man, didn't he want us to believe that he was God if he did so much why didn't he make it so much easier a have scientifical proof or just turn into an light so bright that only the son of God could turn into?
And if God is so good why does he let bad things happen to good people all the time, and if he is all powerful and don't want anyone to go to hell why did he create the devil because he knew that he would turn on him in heaven so isn't that God's fault?
And if he gave us free will how does he know what we are always going to do technically he didn't give us free will since he knows technically he wrote out our lives for us is this true or not sorry for asking weird questions I just need to know?
for me, I would choose the Gospel of John because, for the people of his day, Jesus was clearly a man to look at outwardly. But John brought out the aspects of Jesus that show that He is God in the flesh. There is only one Person in Jesus, the Word of God made flesh, the Son of God, though the second Person of the Trinity, and therefore divine, the Only-Begotten Son of the Father, was given for us to redeem us and bring us to salvation. Though only one Person, Jesus had two natures, both a divine and a human nature. But the were united in Him, though not mixed together to form a third type of nature.
The truths about who Jesus is are so important for believers. Knowing these things about him help us to understand the supreme value of His work of redemption and how privileged we are to be called to communion in Him with the Father and the Son through His perfect life, suffering, death, and resurrection. He is forever our high priest (in His human nature) and forever the King and Lord of the Universe (in His divinity).
So, basically by definition alone, it was left out for not being Gods truth. Therefore, Apocrypha could not have been put in the Bible for Gods word is complete & Only Historical, Factual truths. Nothing to add or take away. I wouldn't ever add the word error to Jesus, that's an oxymoron. My name on here adds up to 38 real name adds to adds up to 70 or 102 yet these numbers only mean something on earth for we will be given a new name in Heaven. I stopped wasting my time on to many earthly things & choose to concentrate more on Gods word to be sure I get there.! Not that numbers have no purpose & if you know the Bible, they most definitely do yet, not to be twisted for evil, NO. God knows our heart so I pray that's not the case here. God be with you & yours my friend..!
Once again thank you, Sonja West
When we see God's Name expressed differently (as well as several other names of God that reflect God's Person & Work), we can understand that the author of the Book, by the inspiration of God's Spirit, has chosen to name the God of Heaven (Elohim) and/or the God Who is the unchangeable & eternal One (Yahweh). Either way, it leaves us no doubt Who God is that the Bible speaks of & when 'elohim' is used in its other applications, we should understand those meanings as well & not confuse them with the True God.
As far as your second question, do you mean that as it is written, God "breathed into his (Adam's) nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" ( Genesis 2:7) but it is not written the same about animals, therefore where did they get the ability to breathe ( Genesis 1:20-25)? I suppose, the same could be said about the description of man & woman's creation in that chapter ( Genesis 1:26,27), that here also it hasn't been written that they received breath. So, I would say that it is understood that all living creatures did begin to breathe (whether sea, land or air animals), even as a greater description of man's creation is given in chapter 2 of him getting the 'Breath of God'.
Tobit (I think you meant to write that) & 1 & 2 Maccabees are amongst those with some errors - not many, yet one needs to have a watchful eye & be led of God's Spirit when reading any material not found in the Word of God that we have in our hands now.
God created man out of the dust but made animals out of the ground. How do they breath since they do not have the breath of life.
Colossians 3:21, Colossians 3:8,
Psalms 37, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Psalms 37:8, Proverbs 15:18,
Ephesians 4:26,
Psalms 103:8,9, Psalms 145:8,
If you look up fear in search option on site it pulls up 13 pages,
Hopefully helpful
And thank you. To be honest I wanted to stop pasting about halfway. I didn't realize it would take so many.
However I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Goodnight and God bless.
The original writings always showed his name, even if it was the Tetragramatton - it still revealed his name.
There is another distinguishing mark of all God's children: They bring forth fruit. You see, God does not have any shade trees. All His trees are fruit-bearing trees. All the seed that He sows is capable of bringing forth fruit. Some will not bring forth as much as others. Actually, only one-quarter of the seed ever fell in good ground, and only one-third of that brought forth a hundredfold. That means, according to my arithmetic, that only one-twelfth ever really brings forth a real harvest. But that one-twelfth, believe me, is a bumper crop! However, the results come because of the work of the Holy Spirit. My business is just sowing the seed.
When God's Word is faithfully taught, it falls on four kinds of ground. What kind of ground are you?
These are great days in which to sow this precious seed. I thank God for the privilege of sowing the Word of God day by day. Sowing is my business. What is yours? And how is your business?
The end.
Sorry for such a long series!
God Bless."
Can you re-phrase your question.
Thanks, and God bless.