When the Spirit dwells in an individual in our current Dispensation a foreign righteousness enters our world. He uses the most subtle means and is often quite gentle; but make no mistake. He's not there to do anything less than cause the death of our old nature and all the desires of the flesh. How willingly we submit will determine our spiritual rewards or lack thereof; and could even shorten our life if we aren't careful ( 1 Cor. 11:30). I HIGHLY recommend new believers to examine Paul's writings to the Corinthians after gaining a basic understanding of the Gospels. There is much to learn there about maturity; church discipline and many common problems still relevant today involving cultural surroundings and the affect on those who are new creatures in Christ. 1 Corinthians 4:21 gives the question if Paul would be preferred to come with a "rod of discipline" and this can be applied to the Lord Himself chastising us as we grow in faith. He is the "Captain" of the ship and therefore of our souls ( Heb. 2:10).
The mystery of God involves how God can dwell with man; the infinite with finite flesh ( 1 Cor. 3:16-17). As long as we are on earth; this paradox of foreign righteousness contends with the flesh and we are torn between the two. Christ; then IS our righteousness ( 1 Cor. 1:30) but the source comes from without. We die daily ( 1 Cor. 15:31) as we are transformed by the renewing of our mind ( Romans 12:2).
The church was built with the plan for the Body to be "fitted together" ( 1 Cor. 12:18 and also Ephesians 4:16). Once we get past the melee which was the state of the Corinthians as a "motley crew" that had to be disciplined we are in theory to build one another up. That involves the strong in faith teaching the weak ( Titus 2:4-6) (and apparently 84 other verses in scripture specifically relating to women in that role!) as well as exhortation; rebuke; and reproving ( 2 Tim. 4:2); as well as sympathy ( Rom. 12:15)
Hiya Susanella...GBU...But the way I read it is...This New Covenant is an ALL INCLUSIVE covenant... Jeremiah 31:34...I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel and Judah not according to the covenant i made with their fathers etc...I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest...This KNOW them all is an intimacy with humanity as God so loved the world....And Jesus says if i be lifted up, the shedding of his blood on calvary initiating that New COVENANT I will draw ALL MEN UNTO ME...Told his disciples go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every CREATURE...And his words cannot return unto him void..
"This Know them all is an intimacy with humanity" That is gonna result in a birth of Christ in everyman....As Jeremiah 30:6 he saw all men in travail and birth pains..All men...You have not chosen me but i have chosen you...While we were yet sinners Christ died for every man...I was found of them that sought me not and made manifest unto them that asked not after me...Thats y Jesus says he has to KNOW us...Thus that tree of KNOWLEDGE....And Isaiah speaks of a Knowledge that is gona cover the earth as the waters covers the seas...Thus a 2 nd Flood that is gona kill all of humanity according to our old adamic nature...Man's carnal minds which is the very enemy of God...If thy right hand offend thee cut it off...As our God is a consuming fire that is gona consume mans adamic nature...Thus our new hearts and new spirts answers to a New Earth and New Heavens...When Jesus began his ministry he was preaching i come to bring fire on the earth...Which is his baptism of the H.G. n fire..ok lemme go..And Joel 2:28 speaks of God pouring out of his spirit on ALL flesh...Thats y he said the harlots and the whoremongers will go into the Kingdom of heaven b/f you....I will KNOW them all from the least to the greatest...And if ya be in Christ then are you Abrahams seed and heirs according to that Promise of multiplication of Christ seed...The H.G.The Promise.
I will start this off by saying emphatically that those who say that we should be in love with Christ are placing a confusing term on Agape; which transcends all other human affections. I believe it is safe to say that God's love never relies or comes after human feelings; whether "phileo" (such as brotherly love) and certainly not eros (which involves sensual aspects). It is true that our emotions in any commitment; including the highest one in our spiritual lives will have our mind; heart and soul involved as we gain trust and learn obedience. That is probably what those who are well intentioned mean by this phrase. And in an abstract sense those who are in and ONLY in a Godly marriage can find intimacy as a result of God being at the core of their relationship. But the opposite is risked here and the fruit thereof is often seen in the mega churches. This is seen in the not so veiled "prosperity gospel" that invokes "sowing a seed" to the ministry and promising all sorts of finacial windfalls and is also seen in music obviously appealing to the flesh in the way women dress and shallow lyrics at best with just enough scripture to make it deadly. Matthew 13:30 gives us a strong admonition for those who "immediately" recieve the Word (or seed of truth) with joy. Without root; then as with many today we don't see an enduring capacity when trials of life and cares of this world come along. In fact it seems persecution isn't usually found in these places (hence a real drawing power). 2 Timothy 3:12; of course shows that all who are Godly will be persecuted; and it emphasizes the word "desire" to be Godly. This implies that we obey God because we love Him ( John 14:15).
The flesh and Spirit are in contention with each other ( Galatians 5:17). We need to keep in mind that every good and perfect gift is from above ( James 1:17).
In my next section I will discuss aspects of the Holy Spirit in ministry.
Hi Sandra...GBU...But i think you are refering to Salvation via faith as Faith comes by hearing his voice his words etc...Its Jesus that has to sow his good seed in our hearts that forms Christ in us...Gal.4:19 my Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you...And that Child is gona grow whether we like it or not...Its the H.G. that grows with in us...He is our new innerman our new hearts and new spirits etc...He increases in statue just like his fleshly counter part does...God gives it the increase according to his will...Its gotta come forth in 3 measures, 1st the Baby then the Son then the fulfness of the Godhead in the Son...We all have to come into the fulness of the statue of Christ with in us...Christ in you the hope of glory.
Faith is like a spirtual Pregnancy....Simply b/c we have the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...The Substance of a kingdom and the evidence of a baby Christ in us which is the H.G. As Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. thus it cannot be seen...But we know we got it b/c we can feel him moving in our spirits.... Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for ( the fetus ) The evidence of things not seen...( a baby Christ the Kingdom ).. As Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in..Thats y the new birth is so important.
Thats y he always refered to himself as the Son of Man...Simply b/c mankind needs to bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G. that Child of Promise... Romans 7 :4...But we have to go thru a war with the Tares Satans Seed...Thats y Jesus said there will be Kingdom against Kingdom..The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence simply b/c of the wheat and the Tares are at war...And this war rages with in us...In our hearts and minds...The 2 men in 1 bed is just 1 man that is at war with the Tares Wheat n the Tares..Thats y we must endure to the end th Harvest..1 taken 1 left.GB
Hi Bobby Gbu...Blessed is the man whom God will not impute sins...Thats them that have been bornagain via his seed the word which initiates...Faith a spritual pregnancy...That results in a baby Christ the H.G. that Child of Promise...It was Faith that initiated Sarahs Pregnancy even tho she was pass age as also Abraham was like 90 yrs old ...Too old to produce a Child.
But with the New Covenant ( by his blood ) there is also a Child involved...Which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is Born of the Spirit is Spirit...Thats y John said,..little Children your sins are forgiven for his Name sake... 1st John 2:12..Which is the Israel of God... Spirits...The H.G. Comes in his Name thus no SIN IS IMPUTED.
When Jesus said its FINISHED...When he was on the Cross he was initiating a New Covenant in his blood...Thus there is absolutely no more works we can do...He did it all...Under the old covenant we cd do works ( the law )...But there is no more works under this New Covenant...All of our sins are forgiven for his Name Sake the H.G. the Child of Promise...Remember the H.G. that Child of Promise comes in his name...The Father will send the H.G. in my name impling he is the father of the H.G. and the H.G. will regenerate himself in humanity after the book is opened...Thats when the woman gets Pregnant after the Book is opened...Thus there is gonna be an Israel of God...What Abraham did on the Earth via Faith is gonna be done in heaven and earth via the seed of Christ Jesus...The contents of that Book he wrote with his own blood..
But now under this New Covenant we birth a baby Christ via Jesus seed his words...Thats y there is no sin imputed simply b/c of the Children of Promise the H.G. which is his name sake ... John 1 :13...Which were born NOT by the will of blood nor of the will of man nor of flesh,but only by the will of God...These are the Children of PROMISE...The H.G...Thus there is no sin imputed to them that are bornagain.
Hello Bobby. In Romans 4:8, the Apostle Paul is quoting directly from Psalm 32:1,2, where in that Psalm, David is rejoicing in receiving God's Forgiveness (possibly this Psalm is a sequel to Psalm 51).
Then in Romans 4:1-8, Paul gives an example of Abraham who was justified before God (i.e. declared righteous) without him having to work to obtain that right standing before God. If Abraham had any goodness within him that could secure God's Approval, then he would have to pat himself on the back, for God would give him no credit (loosely translated from verse 2). But as Genesis 15:6 states, "And he (Abram) believed in the LORD; and he (God) counted it to him for righteousness".
So Paul uses these illustrations to show that our righteousness before God can only come by faith alone in Him and nothing else. That being the case, how "blessed" are those who are completely forgiven, sins cast aside, and we now stand before the Lord uncondemned. When the Lord does not "impute" sin to the one made righteous by faith, that sin which was removed can no longer be reckoned or charged to his 'account' (i.e. not imputed). This of course, does not give the saved sinner liberty to continue to sin knowing he is made righteous before God, but now being saved from sin's penalty & God's Judgement, he by the power of the Holy Spirit within will now live unto God, dealing swiftly with any sin that surfaces. As 2 Corinthians 5:15 states, "And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again." "...we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul" ( Hebrews 10:39).
We are indeed so blessed to be in this glorious position of being the beloved of God, accepted, uncondemned. Those thoughts should always be in the forefront of our hearts & minds when sin comes knocking at our door.
Hi Sandra. T. Levis has given you some great Scriptures. I would add that: yes, we do need to pay attention to our lives, that they are well-pleasing to the Lord & our communion with Him through the Word & prayer equally important, we know that it is God, by His Spirit, Who causes spiritual growth ( Philippians 2:13). And 'His Will & His good pleasure' is that we grow into the likeness of His Son.
Those IN Christ, must always be growing, certainly not stagnant or backsliding. And a part of that growth is learning from our experiences & the Lord's dealing with us in our daily walk with Him. We need to be mindful of this & not discount them as something that happens to everyone, or as some would say, 'just our good luck'. Those in Christ are continually ministered to by God's Spirit - all that He allows in our life, whether good or ill, will be for a reason & often unexpected. Those particularly in Christian service in hard areas, as well as those facing struggles in day-to-day living, very often see the Hand of God moving on their behalf.
Some of my more spectacular experiences were on the mission field that certainly brought me closer to my Father & to trust Him for even greater things. And He will do for you also as you give, even your 'little faith' fully to Him. Once, when driving to a particular area in a S. Asian country, a brother in Christ who was also the driver, did all the right things to indicate a U turn. But the motor cyclist behind us, too eager to overtake us when he saw a gap, connected with our vehicle & went for a mighty fall. We were concerned for him & the outcome, as usually this never ends well in that part of the world. But the Lord was there: that man saw in a dream that he would be in an accident but didn't know the outcome. That his life was spared gave him much cause to rejoice & hug us all (this wouldn't normally happen after an accident) & my brother also shared Christ with him. We rejoiced greatly as we proved the Lord's intervention.
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus to help Denise now as she is suffering with nerve pain. Please bring her relief from pain and proper treatment to being improvement. We ask that You bring supernatural healing to her, if that is Your will. We trust that You will do what is best for her. But we ask that You be merciful to her now and every day. Amen.
Dear William, I am so sorry that your girlfriend has treated you this way and thus ended your relationship. My sense is that it is now dead since she so easily has found another man. My suggestion to you is to be prayerful and seek God for wisdom, healing as you grieve this loss, and wait patiently for what God wants to do, not what you want to do. I will pray for you, William, since I know how hard this is to go through.
Dear Heavenly Father, how much William is hurting. We ask You in the name of Jesus to help him through this loss of the woman he loves, of the relationship that is ended, and the future that he thought he would have with here completely destroyed. I pray that You will comfort and lead William, keeping his heart stayed on You and give him the strength to really trust in You for what his future may hold. I know that You know when it would be best for You to bring the best and right woman into his life. This one he loved is not that woman, as far as I can tell since she mistreated him and the love they shared so terribly. Amen.
Dear Verleen, I wanted to get back to you concerning your first inquiry about the two places that God does not abide. Scripture says that God the Father resides in unapproachable light in heaven as I mentioned in my other post. Scripture also says that God's presence fills the universe, including earth. So, God fills all things with His Presence. Scripture also says that He abides in the believers by the Holy Spirit. Scripture also says that God, our Lord Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven but also resides in believers through the Holy Spirit, also. As Richard said, He even oversees hell, as His Presence is everywhere, hell not excluded.
But as to the only please that God does not abide is in unbelievers. He is still Presence in believers due to His omnipresence, but He does not abide in unbelievers as He does in believers.
I would like to list some Scriptures for you to look up on this. I will see how many I can get on this post.
I was not intending to create contention. I just don't agree with Acts 2:38 being the New Testament salvation message. Teaching that water baptism is necessary for salvation and that it has to be in Jesus' name only does not line up with scripture. Paul never taught that. Paul had a much different salvation message.
I have stated my position on water baptism in the past. I do believe water baptism is important, but it comes after salvation, not as a requirement for salvation. In Acts 10:44-48, the Holy Spirit was given before they were water baptized.
Water baptism is a testimony of our salvation and shows our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.
In 1 Corinthians 15:1-2, Paul speaks of the gospel that saves.
It is true what you say that "One verse does not make a doctrine," and yet there is a certain group where a majority of their teachings and doctrine center on one single verse ( Acts 2:38).
In Philippians 3:10, Paul shares his motivation, and more specifically his compassion.
It is difficult to define this one word without taking the entire verse, but I will try.
He (Paul) says, "while being made conformable unto His death;"
So the first two things, the power of His resurrection, and fellowship of His suffering, just those two things, while something else is going on all the time, Paul says, while being made conformable to His death.
You see, Paul saw himself that if he was going to have fellowship with Christ, if he was going to belong to Christ, Jesus gave up, suffered and died for His mission.
Paul saw his life that every day, he's being more and more conformed to the death of Christ, that he too, in order to have his mission that God called him to, that he too would have to die every day, being conformed to the death of Christ.
The epistles were written to the people that came from the book of Acts. They were the people that were water baptized in Jesus name & received the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38 is the gospel. It is the New Testament salvation message.
Therefore Ephesians 1:13-14 is not written to the world, nor to the sinner UNTIL YOU HAVE OBEYED THE GOSPEL MESSAGE. It is written to the saints that obeyed this gospel.
We must first read the 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John then read the entire book of Acts. Acts is where the church was born.
So many people say they have the Holy Ghost & they do not. So many people think they are saved & sadly, they are not. Who is teaching you? Who are you listening to?
The epistles from Romans thru Jude are to be followed once you have obeyed the salvation Acts 2:38.
You do not receive the Holy Ghost once you believe. It took me close to 3 years to receive the Holy Ghost & with the utterance.
Acts 19, "He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost".
Do not jump into the epistles until you have read the beginning of each chapter. The epistles {letters} are written to the born again churches. Written to the saints. They obeyed the gospel which is the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ.
For example many people preach John 3:16, however you must read the very beginning of John 3 before John 3:16. One verse does not make a doctrine.
Pray that we will not be deceived. False doctrine is out there.
When we are born again a new spiritual nature is created in us, this nature desires to obey God, not out of compulsion or fear, but out of love for God and love for what is good. We are changed, yet still have the sinful nature in us. So we battle with this nature with the help of the Holy Spirit every day. We battle it by obedience to God, which, as we practice godliness we become more and more like Jesus who's will was to live in total obedience to His Father. That should be our aim, too.
Paul told us to aim for perfection in 2 Cor.13:11, and He was the apostle who also told us that we are no longer under law and under it's curse for disobedience, but grace and told us that we are saved by faith not works. But He also spoke often, as Jesus did about living godly lives and obeying the commands of Christ and some that He, himself commanded.
Any Christian that thinks that they can live simple faith in absence of obedience to God is fooling himself, as James speaks of in his epistle. In chapter 1 21-25 he speaks of being a doer of the word. And he explains how good works follow faith in chapter 2 mentioning that with Abraham, who was justified by faith in verse 22 says that, "Do you see that faith was working together with his faith and by works was made perfect, concerning his obedience to offer Isaac. In verse 26 he said this, "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead."
The point is that true believers will live by faith because they have been made just by the work of Christ, but living by faith means living for the will of God to be manifested in our lives, as Abraham desired. Faith and obedience go hand in hand in a believer's life. One without the other is not a true Christian walk that honors God and respects the work of Christ on our behalf.
Hi Annette. I think you're referring to 2 Esdras & the other Apocryphal books. The apocryphal books were readily available but not allowed into the Scriptures for four centuries after the Church's formation. But they were read previously: some accepted them as part of the Scriptures & others purely for historical value.
When the KJV was being translated (i.e. the 1611 version), these books were not included within the Old Testament framework, as the bibles that used the dubious Alexandrian (Vaticanus & Sinaiticus) manuscripts for translation did; but the KJV translators, using the 'Received Text' manuscript added them between the Testaments. This action signified that they still had value but were not considered a part of God's Word. The reasons for doing this are several, but the important ones are: neither the Jews, nor the Lord Jesus & His apostles gave them any sanction; they were not written in Hebrew or Aramaic; errors were found in them, both historical & doctrinal (such as praying for the dead, of sinless perfection, magical incantations, & other immoral practises).
The Old Testament Apocryphal Books are given here on KJBO Site for knowledge about them & for interest sake - I would hope that the reader would give due diligence when reading them for they are not accepted as part of the Canon of Scripture.
When the Spirit dwells in an individual in our current Dispensation a foreign righteousness enters our world. He uses the most subtle means and is often quite gentle; but make no mistake. He's not there to do anything less than cause the death of our old nature and all the desires of the flesh. How willingly we submit will determine our spiritual rewards or lack thereof; and could even shorten our life if we aren't careful ( 1 Cor. 11:30). I HIGHLY recommend new believers to examine Paul's writings to the Corinthians after gaining a basic understanding of the Gospels. There is much to learn there about maturity; church discipline and many common problems still relevant today involving cultural surroundings and the affect on those who are new creatures in Christ. 1 Corinthians 4:21 gives the question if Paul would be preferred to come with a "rod of discipline" and this can be applied to the Lord Himself chastising us as we grow in faith. He is the "Captain" of the ship and therefore of our souls ( Heb. 2:10).
The mystery of God involves how God can dwell with man; the infinite with finite flesh ( 1 Cor. 3:16-17). As long as we are on earth; this paradox of foreign righteousness contends with the flesh and we are torn between the two. Christ; then IS our righteousness ( 1 Cor. 1:30) but the source comes from without. We die daily ( 1 Cor. 15:31) as we are transformed by the renewing of our mind ( Romans 12:2).
The church was built with the plan for the Body to be "fitted together" ( 1 Cor. 12:18 and also Ephesians 4:16). Once we get past the melee which was the state of the Corinthians as a "motley crew" that had to be disciplined we are in theory to build one another up. That involves the strong in faith teaching the weak ( Titus 2:4-6) (and apparently 84 other verses in scripture specifically relating to women in that role!) as well as exhortation; rebuke; and reproving ( 2 Tim. 4:2); as well as sympathy ( Rom. 12:15)
"This Know them all is an intimacy with humanity" That is gonna result in a birth of Christ in everyman....As Jeremiah 30:6 he saw all men in travail and birth pains..All men...You have not chosen me but i have chosen you...While we were yet sinners Christ died for every man...I was found of them that sought me not and made manifest unto them that asked not after me...Thats y Jesus says he has to KNOW us...Thus that tree of KNOWLEDGE....And Isaiah speaks of a Knowledge that is gona cover the earth as the waters covers the seas...Thus a 2 nd Flood that is gona kill all of humanity according to our old adamic nature...Man's carnal minds which is the very enemy of God...If thy right hand offend thee cut it off...As our God is a consuming fire that is gona consume mans adamic nature...Thus our new hearts and new spirts answers to a New Earth and New Heavens...When Jesus began his ministry he was preaching i come to bring fire on the earth...Which is his baptism of the H.G. n fire..ok lemme go..And Joel 2:28 speaks of God pouring out of his spirit on ALL flesh...Thats y he said the harlots and the whoremongers will go into the Kingdom of heaven b/f you....I will KNOW them all from the least to the greatest...And if ya be in Christ then are you Abrahams seed and heirs according to that Promise of multiplication of Christ seed...The H.G.The Promise.
I will start this off by saying emphatically that those who say that we should be in love with Christ are placing a confusing term on Agape; which transcends all other human affections. I believe it is safe to say that God's love never relies or comes after human feelings; whether "phileo" (such as brotherly love) and certainly not eros (which involves sensual aspects). It is true that our emotions in any commitment; including the highest one in our spiritual lives will have our mind; heart and soul involved as we gain trust and learn obedience. That is probably what those who are well intentioned mean by this phrase. And in an abstract sense those who are in and ONLY in a Godly marriage can find intimacy as a result of God being at the core of their relationship. But the opposite is risked here and the fruit thereof is often seen in the mega churches. This is seen in the not so veiled "prosperity gospel" that invokes "sowing a seed" to the ministry and promising all sorts of finacial windfalls and is also seen in music obviously appealing to the flesh in the way women dress and shallow lyrics at best with just enough scripture to make it deadly. Matthew 13:30 gives us a strong admonition for those who "immediately" recieve the Word (or seed of truth) with joy. Without root; then as with many today we don't see an enduring capacity when trials of life and cares of this world come along. In fact it seems persecution isn't usually found in these places (hence a real drawing power). 2 Timothy 3:12; of course shows that all who are Godly will be persecuted; and it emphasizes the word "desire" to be Godly. This implies that we obey God because we love Him ( John 14:15).
The flesh and Spirit are in contention with each other ( Galatians 5:17). We need to keep in mind that every good and perfect gift is from above ( James 1:17).
In my next section I will discuss aspects of the Holy Spirit in ministry.
Faith is like a spirtual Pregnancy....Simply b/c we have the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...The Substance of a kingdom and the evidence of a baby Christ in us which is the H.G. As Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. thus it cannot be seen...But we know we got it b/c we can feel him moving in our spirits.... Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for ( the fetus ) The evidence of things not seen...( a baby Christ the Kingdom ).. As Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in..Thats y the new birth is so important.
Thats y he always refered to himself as the Son of Man...Simply b/c mankind needs to bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G. that Child of Promise... Romans 7 :4...But we have to go thru a war with the Tares Satans Seed...Thats y Jesus said there will be Kingdom against Kingdom..The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence simply b/c of the wheat and the Tares are at war...And this war rages with in us...In our hearts and minds...The 2 men in 1 bed is just 1 man that is at war with the Tares Wheat n the Tares..Thats y we must endure to the end th Harvest..1 taken 1 left.GB
But with the New Covenant ( by his blood ) there is also a Child involved...Which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is Born of the Spirit is Spirit...Thats y John said,..little Children your sins are forgiven for his Name sake... 1st John 2:12..Which is the Israel of God... Spirits...The H.G. Comes in his Name thus no SIN IS IMPUTED.
When Jesus said its FINISHED...When he was on the Cross he was initiating a New Covenant in his blood...Thus there is absolutely no more works we can do...He did it all...Under the old covenant we cd do works ( the law )...But there is no more works under this New Covenant...All of our sins are forgiven for his Name Sake the H.G. the Child of Promise...Remember the H.G. that Child of Promise comes in his name...The Father will send the H.G. in my name impling he is the father of the H.G. and the H.G. will regenerate himself in humanity after the book is opened...Thats when the woman gets Pregnant after the Book is opened...Thus there is gonna be an Israel of God...What Abraham did on the Earth via Faith is gonna be done in heaven and earth via the seed of Christ Jesus...The contents of that Book he wrote with his own blood..
But now under this New Covenant we birth a baby Christ via Jesus seed his words...Thats y there is no sin imputed simply b/c of the Children of Promise the H.G. which is his name sake ... John 1 :13...Which were born NOT by the will of blood nor of the will of man nor of flesh,but only by the will of God...These are the Children of PROMISE...The H.G...Thus there is no sin imputed to them that are bornagain.
Then in Romans 4:1-8, Paul gives an example of Abraham who was justified before God (i.e. declared righteous) without him having to work to obtain that right standing before God. If Abraham had any goodness within him that could secure God's Approval, then he would have to pat himself on the back, for God would give him no credit (loosely translated from verse 2). But as Genesis 15:6 states, "And he (Abram) believed in the LORD; and he (God) counted it to him for righteousness".
So Paul uses these illustrations to show that our righteousness before God can only come by faith alone in Him and nothing else. That being the case, how "blessed" are those who are completely forgiven, sins cast aside, and we now stand before the Lord uncondemned. When the Lord does not "impute" sin to the one made righteous by faith, that sin which was removed can no longer be reckoned or charged to his 'account' (i.e. not imputed). This of course, does not give the saved sinner liberty to continue to sin knowing he is made righteous before God, but now being saved from sin's penalty & God's Judgement, he by the power of the Holy Spirit within will now live unto God, dealing swiftly with any sin that surfaces. As 2 Corinthians 5:15 states, "And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again." "...we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul" ( Hebrews 10:39).
We are indeed so blessed to be in this glorious position of being the beloved of God, accepted, uncondemned. Those thoughts should always be in the forefront of our hearts & minds when sin comes knocking at our door.
Those IN Christ, must always be growing, certainly not stagnant or backsliding. And a part of that growth is learning from our experiences & the Lord's dealing with us in our daily walk with Him. We need to be mindful of this & not discount them as something that happens to everyone, or as some would say, 'just our good luck'. Those in Christ are continually ministered to by God's Spirit - all that He allows in our life, whether good or ill, will be for a reason & often unexpected. Those particularly in Christian service in hard areas, as well as those facing struggles in day-to-day living, very often see the Hand of God moving on their behalf.
Some of my more spectacular experiences were on the mission field that certainly brought me closer to my Father & to trust Him for even greater things. And He will do for you also as you give, even your 'little faith' fully to Him. Once, when driving to a particular area in a S. Asian country, a brother in Christ who was also the driver, did all the right things to indicate a U turn. But the motor cyclist behind us, too eager to overtake us when he saw a gap, connected with our vehicle & went for a mighty fall. We were concerned for him & the outcome, as usually this never ends well in that part of the world. But the Lord was there: that man saw in a dream that he would be in an accident but didn't know the outcome. That his life was spared gave him much cause to rejoice & hug us all (this wouldn't normally happen after an accident) & my brother also shared Christ with him. We rejoiced greatly as we proved the Lord's intervention.
Hopefully these are helpful
Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:38,
Acts 16:19-34, Romans 6, 1Corinthians 12, 1Corinthians 12:13, Colossians 2:10-15, 1Peter 3, 1Peter 3:21,22
James 1:5,
Matthew 7, Matthew 25:31-46,
Hopefully these are helpful
Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:1-29,
Proverbs 14:5,25, John 8,
Revelation 12:19,
Hopefully these are helpful
This is very important for one to understand.
God bless.
Hopefully these are helpful
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus to help Denise now as she is suffering with nerve pain. Please bring her relief from pain and proper treatment to being improvement. We ask that You bring supernatural healing to her, if that is Your will. We trust that You will do what is best for her. But we ask that You be merciful to her now and every day. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, how much William is hurting. We ask You in the name of Jesus to help him through this loss of the woman he loves, of the relationship that is ended, and the future that he thought he would have with here completely destroyed. I pray that You will comfort and lead William, keeping his heart stayed on You and give him the strength to really trust in You for what his future may hold. I know that You know when it would be best for You to bring the best and right woman into his life. This one he loved is not that woman, as far as I can tell since she mistreated him and the love they shared so terribly. Amen.
But as to the only please that God does not abide is in unbelievers. He is still Presence in believers due to His omnipresence, but He does not abide in unbelievers as He does in believers.
I would like to list some Scriptures for you to look up on this. I will see how many I can get on this post.
Dwell: Is.57:15 Is. 8:14 Ex. 25:8 Lev. 26:11 Deut. 26:15 1 Kgs. 8:30 Ps 46:4 Joel 3:4
Jn. 1:14 Jn. 4:23 Jn. 14:7 Jn. 14:10 2Cor. 6:16 Eph 2:22 Eph.3:16-17 Col. 1:19 1Tim.6:16 2 Tim.1:14
Heb. 11:9 Rev. 21:3
Heaven: Gen. 24:3 Ex. 16:4 Jos. 2:11 2 Chr. 6:14 2 Chr. 714 1Kgs. 8:23 1Kgs. 8:27 1Kgs. 8:30 Ps. 2:4
Ps. 11:4 Ps.73:25 Ps. 108:5 Ps. 115:3 Ps. 115:16 Ps. 139:8 Is. 40:22 Is. 66:1 Jer. 23:24
Dan.2:19 Mt. 6:9 Mt, 7:21 Lk. 24:51 Jn. 12:28 Acts 7:49 Acts. 7:55 Eph. 1:20 Eph. 4:16 Col. 4:1
1 Th. 1:10 1 Th. 4:16 Heb. 1:3 1 Pt. 3:22 Rev. 21:2 REv.21:10
Earth: Is.66:1 Jer. 23:21 Mt. 5:35 Acts 7:49
Evil: Hab.1:13 Job 34:22 Ps. 119:15 Mt. 7:23 Lk. 13:27
There are more, but hopefully will support my thoughts.
I was not intending to create contention. I just don't agree with Acts 2:38 being the New Testament salvation message. Teaching that water baptism is necessary for salvation and that it has to be in Jesus' name only does not line up with scripture. Paul never taught that. Paul had a much different salvation message.
I have stated my position on water baptism in the past. I do believe water baptism is important, but it comes after salvation, not as a requirement for salvation. In Acts 10:44-48, the Holy Spirit was given before they were water baptized.
Water baptism is a testimony of our salvation and shows our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.
In 1 Corinthians 15:1-2, Paul speaks of the gospel that saves.
Very well stated Gigi.
In Philippians 3:10, Paul shares his motivation, and more specifically his compassion.
It is difficult to define this one word without taking the entire verse, but I will try.
He (Paul) says, "while being made conformable unto His death;"
So the first two things, the power of His resurrection, and fellowship of His suffering, just those two things, while something else is going on all the time, Paul says, while being made conformable to His death.
You see, Paul saw himself that if he was going to have fellowship with Christ, if he was going to belong to Christ, Jesus gave up, suffered and died for His mission.
Paul saw his life that every day, he's being more and more conformed to the death of Christ, that he too, in order to have his mission that God called him to, that he too would have to die every day, being conformed to the death of Christ.
Hope this helps?
It has helped me in finding many scriptures.
I really reading the Bible
Thank You for making this possible.
Jennifer Minton
You can reach me on on Facebook.
Many Blessings to You and Family.....
Therefore Ephesians 1:13-14 is not written to the world, nor to the sinner UNTIL YOU HAVE OBEYED THE GOSPEL MESSAGE. It is written to the saints that obeyed this gospel.
We must first read the 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John then read the entire book of Acts. Acts is where the church was born.
So many people say they have the Holy Ghost & they do not. So many people think they are saved & sadly, they are not. Who is teaching you? Who are you listening to?
The epistles from Romans thru Jude are to be followed once you have obeyed the salvation Acts 2:38.
You do not receive the Holy Ghost once you believe. It took me close to 3 years to receive the Holy Ghost & with the utterance.
Acts 19, "He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost".
Do not jump into the epistles until you have read the beginning of each chapter. The epistles {letters} are written to the born again churches. Written to the saints. They obeyed the gospel which is the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ.
For example many people preach John 3:16, however you must read the very beginning of John 3 before John 3:16. One verse does not make a doctrine.
Pray that we will not be deceived. False doctrine is out there.
Pray for discernment.
I agree with S. Spencer,
When we are born again a new spiritual nature is created in us, this nature desires to obey God, not out of compulsion or fear, but out of love for God and love for what is good. We are changed, yet still have the sinful nature in us. So we battle with this nature with the help of the Holy Spirit every day. We battle it by obedience to God, which, as we practice godliness we become more and more like Jesus who's will was to live in total obedience to His Father. That should be our aim, too.
Paul told us to aim for perfection in 2 Cor.13:11, and He was the apostle who also told us that we are no longer under law and under it's curse for disobedience, but grace and told us that we are saved by faith not works. But He also spoke often, as Jesus did about living godly lives and obeying the commands of Christ and some that He, himself commanded.
Any Christian that thinks that they can live simple faith in absence of obedience to God is fooling himself, as James speaks of in his epistle. In chapter 1 21-25 he speaks of being a doer of the word. And he explains how good works follow faith in chapter 2 mentioning that with Abraham, who was justified by faith in verse 22 says that, "Do you see that faith was working together with his faith and by works was made perfect, concerning his obedience to offer Isaac. In verse 26 he said this, "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead."
The point is that true believers will live by faith because they have been made just by the work of Christ, but living by faith means living for the will of God to be manifested in our lives, as Abraham desired. Faith and obedience go hand in hand in a believer's life. One without the other is not a true Christian walk that honors God and respects the work of Christ on our behalf.
I agree with what others have shared.
I would say the evidence of faith will result in obedience.
That obedience is not always resisting evil or wrong doing.
It's also not just you complying to a command. IT'S CHANGE!
True faith causes change that results in Obedience.
"Your heart" is obeying all of scripture that APPLIES TO YOU.
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
When the KJV was being translated (i.e. the 1611 version), these books were not included within the Old Testament framework, as the bibles that used the dubious Alexandrian (Vaticanus & Sinaiticus) manuscripts for translation did; but the KJV translators, using the 'Received Text' manuscript added them between the Testaments. This action signified that they still had value but were not considered a part of God's Word. The reasons for doing this are several, but the important ones are: neither the Jews, nor the Lord Jesus & His apostles gave them any sanction; they were not written in Hebrew or Aramaic; errors were found in them, both historical & doctrinal (such as praying for the dead, of sinless perfection, magical incantations, & other immoral practises).
The Old Testament Apocryphal Books are given here on KJBO Site for knowledge about them & for interest sake - I would hope that the reader would give due diligence when reading them for they are not accepted as part of the Canon of Scripture.