The following is an excerpt from The MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Matthew 7:15-20.
Part 1
Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? ( Matthew 7:15-16)
After warning about false prophets, Jesus tells us what to watch for in identifying them. Because they are so extremely deceptive and dangerous ravenous spiritual and moral wolves in sheep's clothing-the Lord would hardly have left us without means of determining who they are.
Jesus assures us that we will know them by their fruits. A fruit tree may be beautiful, decorative, and offer pleasant shade in the summer. But its primary purpose is to bear fruit, and it is therefore judged by what it produces and not by how it looks.
Similarly a prophet-used in this passage in the broadest sense of one who speaks for God-is judged by his life, not simply by his appearance or his words. The kind of person he really is cannot help being revealed. Some false prophets are noticeably spurious and only the most gullible person would be taken in by them. Others conceal their true nature with remarkable skill, and only careful observation will expose them for what they are. But there is a true assurance in the statement you will know them. There is no need to be deceived if we look closely.
It is the cleverly deceptive false prophet that Jesus is speaking about here. No one needs help in deciding that a tree is bad if it bears shriveled, discolored, and obviously rotten fruit-or no fruit at all. It is the tree that appears to bear good fruit, but does not, that is deceptive.
It is possible for grapes to be stuck on thorn bushes and for figs to be stuck on thistles. From a distance they might appear to be growing on real fruit trees. Because the fruit is genuine, naive persons might conclude that the tree itself also has to be genuine.
Hello Mara. As Gigi has shared with you, Hezekiah was a king of Judah. He was the son of King Ahaz ( 2 Kings 18:1) & reigned from 715-686 BC, and at this time the Prophet Isaiah was prophesying. Ezekiel was called a priest, son of Buzi ( Ezekiel 1:3) and was among the captives that the Babylonian king had taken from Judah ( Ezekiel 1:1). And it was during the captivity, that Ezekiel began receiving visions from God (around 600 BC), some 86 years after the death of King Hezekiah. Therefore, Hezekiah & Ezekiel cannot be the same person because of the years they lived & their different status (King & priest/prophet).
One thing that has come to my mind, is that you might have seen the name, Ezekias, somewhere and this has caused you this confusion. This name (Ezekias) is the Romanized writing of the Hebrew, Hezekiah, and is not the Prophet Ezekiel. Hope that helps to clarify the matter.
"uirau(andthey-are-seeing) bni(sons-of) ealeim (theElohim) ath bnuth(daughters-of) eadm (thehuman) ..."
It talks about the sons of Elohim. But IF in this case the word El/Elohim means mighty/strong and not God then it is going to be "That the sons of the mighty saw the daughters of men ..." Who are the sons of the mighty? They are the giants described in verse 4. That is why the children of those with the daughters of other people were mighty (giants in the Septuagint). Because neither the "Angelic" nor the "Sethite" theories can explain why their children were also mighty (or giants according to the Septuagint). So if this is right then the text says that the sons of the giants liked the daughters of other men and took them as wives who bare children to them, giants like them. Well, it makes sense to be honest. It is not what I believe, I actually tend towards the "Sethite" theory but searching on the net for information I got that staff, maybe it is worth thinking about it.
Apart from the "Sethite" and "Angel" views there is another view as well.
Introduction: The word "El", prural "Elohim" means not only God/s in Hebr but it comes from a root word for strong, powerful, mighty, noble, Judge etc.
Example. Psalm 82:1, "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods." (KJV).
Lets see in Hebr, "Aleim(Elohim) ntzb (one-being-stationed) bodth(incongregation-of) al(El) b qrb(inwithin-of) aleim(Elohim) - taken from the Online Hebrew Interlinear Bible).
The expression "congregation of El" is translated as "congregation of the mighty" in KJV as it should be since the word "El" in this case means "mighty", not "God". This is how this specific verse is translated in almost all Bibles. But I found out that the Septuagint text translates it differently, i.e. "God stands in the congregation of gods, he sees among the gods". That version translates the word "El" as "God", not "mighty". I am writting all those to make you understand that in Hebrew "El" apart from God it also means all those I wrote above.
So lets go to Genesis 6:1-4
"1- And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 - That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; ... 3 - And the LORD .... 4 - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men(giants in the Septuagint text) which were of old, men of renown." (KJV)
The Bible is God's gift to us, a book of great multiplicity! It incorporates history, law, types and symbols, poetry, promises, devotion, doctrine, parables, and prophecy, the Message. The Bible is a collection of 66 books by about 40 authors over approximately 1600 years that were inspired by God (the word of God) that is now in almost all languages.
Is the entire Bible prophecy? No, about one-third of it is. Are many to most of them fulfilled? Yes. Can we find prophecies in Genesis? Yes. Can we see the meaning of the historical reality that can be archaeologically proven and still see the message of how God was working His plan starting with the first Adam? Yes. Is Jesus the spirit of prophecy? No, it is our testimony of Jesus that is the spirit of prophecy.
Were the people of Noah's time preached to? Yes. Some take this verse differently 1 Peter 3:18-20. My understanding the same Spirit that raised Jesus, through Noah preached redemption to the people for 120 years as he built the ark, 2 Peter 2:5 the flood took all the ungodly but the eight. Jesus did not while He was in the tomb preach to the dead, if that was the case why only those who died in the flood?
Angels are ministers but they do not preach the gospel they do not have a testimony because they do not understand it, 1 Peter 1:10-12. Regardless of the innovations in the world, it does not change and is not new, what was, is now, human nature has remained and always will remain the same.
We must be led by the Holy Spirit of truth. We must know all has not been revealed and all answers will not be given. We are responsible and we will be held accountable, Rev. 20:15. We can get lost in prophecies and parables our own wisdom can shade the truth for truth is simple to understand even for a child in faith.
Frank, I'm praying for you today. Work as unto the Lord. Your boss/company will be so blessed. And you can love the Lord as if it were Him you were working for.
Colossians 3:22-24
I pray that the Lord will lift you up and energize you in the Holy Spirit today and every day. In Jesus name amen
Craig try this, Study small sections at a time to start out, and use a Strongs Concordance to look up the true meaning of the words, then use a note pad to write down the verses, the number of the word in the Strongs, and the meaning, it seems to be really helpful to me. before you know it you'll have a note pad full of studies from the Word of God that you can read over and over if you need too, that way you can study the same thing a lot easier to keep it fresh in your mind, plus it always seems to stick with you more when you write it down. I hope this helps you it really helped me, I have probably 20 note pads almost all full of studies I've done over many years. Stay in the Word!
John 9:41 ....if you were blind, you would have no sin: but now you say, WE SEE, therefore your sin remainth.
When we read God's word and we come to words such a mountain, we automatically picture in our carnal minds a physical mountain, instead of what it represents in Christ mind.
As we study and the spirit of Christ teaches, we begin to develop the mind of Christ, we see the meaning, not the physical, this is a process that happens with time and study.
Matthew 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables, because they seeing see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
Daniel 7:13 like of the Son of man come with the clouds of heaven ----has that image popped into your carnal mind ------ that not the meaning in Christ mind ----
God Bless you as he creates the mind of Christ IN YOU.
Hi Kalebu...All thru the Old Testament....The tabernacle was for a House for God to dwell in...And it had 3 parts,..3 Dividions....But the holist was where God wd meet with the Priests....The tribe of Levi...
But God wanted a new COVENANT....And a new temple ....And this New Temple wd be mans hearts and minds....Abide in me and i in you...Now the H.G. is our high Priest...And he has to be born in us....Now under this new covenant our bodies are the temple of the H.G. ....OK GTG....BBL
Everyone gets the same wage: immortality; Christ ONLY hath immortality ( 1 Timothy 6:16), the firstfruits in this age, all others in the next age, the feast of the ingathering, feast of the TENTS or tabernacles.
Zechariah 12:7 And I will save the TENTS of Judah FIRST ---- firstfruits -----there are TWO harvest, firstfruits then the ingathering.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done shall be done, there is no new thing under the sun.
Are you hungry ?Are you thirsty? I hope so , I'm starving and never feel full ! I always want more ! Throughout the old testament we are told that God will provide us with food and drink , is that really physical food and drink or is it a promise of...the Bible itself ? I'm not great at tying things together so I hope these verses are ok , they say what I want to much better than I ever could , Matthew 4:4 , Matthew 5:6 and also 15-26 , Luke 6:21-25 , John 6:35 , Isaiah 9:13-20 also 29:7-24 , all of Ch 32 , 49:5-10 , 65:11-25 , all of Ch 66. Psalm 106:15 , also 107:1-15+31-37 and all of 146 . The Bible is the LIVING WORD , it is what sustains us , feeds us and waters us as we wander in this wilderness towards our promised destination .
Hi Spencer GBU....But the new covenant is all inclusive.... Jeremiah 31:34 I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest...and their sins and iniquities will i remember no more...That New Covenant is by the blood of Jesus...If i be lifted up ( his blood ) I will draw ALL MEN unto me...Thats everybody...An all inclusive Covenant.
Matthew 20:1-16....The vineyard...Some were hired early and some were hired late...But in the end they were ALL HIRED....And given the same wages....The last shall be 1st and the 1st shall be last....But they were all given the same wages from the 1st to the last...Which is the Kingdom....Thats y Jesus is saying if i be lifted up ( The Cross )..I will draw ALL men unto me......ALL MEN
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every Creature... Mark 16:15...And his words cannot return unto him void....But the book the N.C. has to be opened 1st....b/f the Kingdom comes in Rev 12 :10...We have to birth the manchild which is the H.G....That New Creature....Thats y he is saying the 1st shall be last and the last 1st...indicative of this 2k yr period of darkness coming to an end...I am the light of the world but the night comes darkness when no man can work....
In Isaiah 11:11.. He saw an ocean of knowledge covering the earth as the waters covering the seas thats everybody ...And this knowledge is an intimacy that is gonna result in a birth of Christ in everybody....Thats y Jeremiah saw ALL MEN in travail and birth pains as woman in travail....Simply b/c this Knowledge is an intimacy....Thats y he has to know us which answers to tree of knowlege in Gen. and this ocean of knowledge covering the earth in Isaiah 11...He is gonna know everybody resulting in a birth of Christ in us Everybody...ok lemme go.... Jeremiah 31:34 I will know them ALL FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST and their sins and iniquites will i remember no more....And its God Almighty that is making this new covenant with the blood of Jesus... if i be lifted up I..will.
The Priest Hezekiah And Ezekiel Are The Same Person, The 48 Chapter Of The Book Of Ezekiel, Isaiah Chapter 38:1-22; Second Kings Chapter 20:1-21; Second Chronicles Chapter 32:1-33. Why Are They Portrait As Two Different People?
A question : do you have faith , in God and in Jesus ? I'm guessing yes , so , why haven't you moved a mountain ? For many years I beat myself up over this , Matthew 17:20 , Matthew 21:21 , Mark 11:23 , John 4:21 . Obviously , I don't have even a tiny mustard grain of faith ! It's only quite recently that I realised that Jesus is using a metaphor . The mountain represents those trials and tribulations that I have in my daily life , my worries my fears my insecurities that come from paying too much attention to the things of this life . Then of course I had to rethink a few other things , once I had realised and accepted that , Jesus sometimes used metaphors , this has opened up my mind to all kinds of possibilities . Further study is required ! Guess what ? Further study is always required ! We are used to metaphors in the Bible especially in the book of Revelation but I hadn't really thought about Jesus using them , parables yes , metaphors ? Took me longer to recognise them . The Bible never stops teaching us new things , this is how it works , it opens up slowly , the more effort you put in and the more your heart and mind are open to it , the more it reveals . It doesn't matter how long we have been reading it , it doesn't matter how many times we've read it , it doesn't matter how great we think our knowledge and understanding is , there's still got good stuff in there to teach us . This is why we need to be careful about how we receive others , they may now something that we don't know yet , we may now something that they don't know yet , we must not discourage open discussion , we must not close our eyes and ears to each other . May God bless us all with open eyes , ears , minds and hearts , to receive His Word from each other with humility and patience and love .
This is why the old testament is so massively important , I wish people would study it as much as they do the new , their understanding of the new would be so much enhanced ! I have no idea why some people are reluctant , maybe they will find things in there that challenge their beliefs ? We must remember that God is the same , He doesn't change , His words in the old testament tie in perfectly with the new , it's the same Almighty God , the Holy One of Israel . It boggles my mind that some Christians ignore it completely . ALL scripture is given by God and helpful to us .
this is powerful chptr, in 3 basic parts. the Birth of Jesus.8 days later,back to Jerusalem at the temple,from Egypt.then 12 years later...
at the Temple 7-8 days later after his Birth,is a special part of a special story
There an elderly man and woman were present ,Anna and Simeon,along with Baby Jesus ,Mary n Joesepth.Simeon held baby Jesus and proclaimed his purpose,Anna instantly did like wise.a bunch of little stories within these stories
Mary and Joesepth would go to Jerusalem evry yr. for Passover feast,there was another reason Jesus did what he did when he did
Something to think about... you Said Cains decendents were killed in the flood... before the flood there were Nephilim just like after the flood there was Nephilim roaming the earth. Wouldn't have all the Nephilim died in the flood?
The size of the Ark was huge, YAHWEH told Noah in Genius 6:19 to take of every living thing of ALL flesh, 2 of every kind male and female to keep them alive with you, they shall be male and female. Then he says of the birds after their kind,and of the Animals after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind. It sounds to me like he is talking about other humans flesh. Plus 8 people could not take care of the Ark that size with that many animals 24/7. They had to keep it clean otherwise it would have caught fire from the waste. No electricity only by candle.
The word of God is ultimately a prophecy of the kingdom of God.
The Word is Christ, Christ is the spirit of prophecy.
Even the first chapters of Genesis has prophecies of the kingdom of God.
The same spirit that resurrected Christ preached to the people at Noah's time.
Christ said the gospel was preached to them as well as us.
The ministering angles preach the gospel, they are the Sons of God, and they take wives of the daughters of men, just as Christ takes us as his wife, they are all one in Christ, as we will be one with him when we are translated.
Ecclesiastes says that what has been will be again, there is nothing new under he sun.
Genesis 6 is a prophecy of the kingdom of God. Even the ark is prophecy.
I tried to keep this short, if you want scriptures, I will give them, I know you are well versed; and know which verses i am referring to.
The Gospels were written after Jesus ascended to heaven but when we read them it is like it was happening as they wrote them. Jesus told them several times what was going to happen to Him, but it was hidden from them, Luke 9:44-45Luke 18:31-34. We see how they reacted when He was crucified and after He was resurrected, they did not believe the women when they told them Jesus had resurrected Luke 24:9-11.
The disciples believed Jesus the Messiah was going to set up the kingdom then, the gospel of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and being raised from the dead was hidden from them. So, when we read how Peter denied knowing Jesus and the disciples ran away when they arrested Him, this must be considered.
What they were expecting was crumbling in front of them. Their eyes were not opened until first Jesus opened their understanding, Luke 24:44-45 and later a Pentecost with the baptizing of the Holy Spirit.
When studying the story of Peter and His denial of Christ; the first thing that tends to come up is the self confidence of Peter and his arrogance in thinking he was stronger than he actually was. That is certainly a valid point; although it could be said for all the Disciples at that time who ran off. What is also evident is the sense of complacency; or predictability which they all thought could be depended on; closing their hearts and thus blinding their minds to the frequent prophetic warnings from Christ about his death that was soon to come.
The same thing applies to us as believers; for instance if we have had a long season (as in this country) of relative freedom. Should organized governmental persecution; war, famine or another pestilence come are we too set in our ways to be able to endure?
There is; of course the inevitable day of death; either for ourselves or others we know. Ecclesiastes 9:13 states that it comes as a snare and on an unknown schedule. Getting our affairs in order as a believer involves the daily disciplines and working toward His goals which involves; one way or another fulfilling the Great Commission. The disciples were to learn what was needed to begin growing the church; and were given the Comforter and thus His presence to guide them ( John 14:26). The next major change was after Paul was martyred; as well as Peter. They both warned of the wolves in the flock who would soon be preaching falsehood. Satan is constantly to be watched for; both causing falsehood as well as persecution to affect the Body of believers.
Just as we would prepare for a natural disaster; it pays to be proactive with prayer and our devotional life. It strengthens us with our trust in the Lord through scripture meditation and memorization; but is also necessary as a witness to others; both lost individuals and those caught in life's unexpected trials. Wisdom with physical resources means we can aid others
The part of Gen. 6 that is being discussed was only vs. 1-4, about the sons of God and mating with the daughters of men (ha-a-dam). The "sons of God" are only 5 times in the Old Testament, and the Son of God was said once in Daniel 3. I believe I listed all of the scripture that has the sons of God where all references are to angels.
I could write more but I usually keep it short, but it would not change my understanding. Not all understand it the same and that's ok. If you have another view, you want me to see please show it, I always study what is not the same as my understanding. Truth is what is important not being right or wrong.
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV - Does this mean that we wear gold crosses around our necks? Does this mean that we go to the tattoo parlor and ask for a cross to be etched/cut into our skin.......which is against the law by the way ->
"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:28 KJV
Ruby Lea Read A parable is #3850 in Greek: it means a similitude, fictitious narrative (of common life conveying a moral) apothegm or adage, comparison. It would seem that some could see the Word of God as being written as a parable but I do not, this is how I see it, by the Word of God! Ps.12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. The word pure is #2889; it means pure (in a physical, chemical, ceremonial or moral sense) sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated, morally innocent or holy. Prov.30:5-6, Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. (6) Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Mt.4:4 But he answered and said. It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Deut. 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. Isa.55:11 So shall my words be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto I sent it. (To see the Word of God as a parable is giving way to much freedom for ones own interpretation, which is not a good thing!) Jn.14:23 Jesus answered and said unto them, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. (( The Words of the LORD are pure, unadultrated, uncomtaminated, Every Word of God is pure!)) One more thing if everybody saw the Word of God as a parable then everybody would interpret it as they see it. where would the Truth be in that? 1 Cor.14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace,. . .
Part 1
Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? ( Matthew 7:15-16)
After warning about false prophets, Jesus tells us what to watch for in identifying them. Because they are so extremely deceptive and dangerous ravenous spiritual and moral wolves in sheep's clothing-the Lord would hardly have left us without means of determining who they are.
Jesus assures us that we will know them by their fruits. A fruit tree may be beautiful, decorative, and offer pleasant shade in the summer. But its primary purpose is to bear fruit, and it is therefore judged by what it produces and not by how it looks.
Similarly a prophet-used in this passage in the broadest sense of one who speaks for God-is judged by his life, not simply by his appearance or his words. The kind of person he really is cannot help being revealed. Some false prophets are noticeably spurious and only the most gullible person would be taken in by them. Others conceal their true nature with remarkable skill, and only careful observation will expose them for what they are. But there is a true assurance in the statement you will know them. There is no need to be deceived if we look closely.
It is the cleverly deceptive false prophet that Jesus is speaking about here. No one needs help in deciding that a tree is bad if it bears shriveled, discolored, and obviously rotten fruit-or no fruit at all. It is the tree that appears to bear good fruit, but does not, that is deceptive.
It is possible for grapes to be stuck on thorn bushes and for figs to be stuck on thistles. From a distance they might appear to be growing on real fruit trees. Because the fruit is genuine, naive persons might conclude that the tree itself also has to be genuine.
See Part 2.
One thing that has come to my mind, is that you might have seen the name, Ezekias, somewhere and this has caused you this confusion. This name (Ezekias) is the Romanized writing of the Hebrew, Hezekiah, and is not the Prophet Ezekiel. Hope that helps to clarify the matter.
Verse 2 in the Hebr text:
"uirau(andthey-are-seeing) bni(sons-of) ealeim (theElohim) ath bnuth(daughters-of) eadm (thehuman) ..."
It talks about the sons of Elohim. But IF in this case the word El/Elohim means mighty/strong and not God then it is going to be "That the sons of the mighty saw the daughters of men ..." Who are the sons of the mighty? They are the giants described in verse 4. That is why the children of those with the daughters of other people were mighty (giants in the Septuagint). Because neither the "Angelic" nor the "Sethite" theories can explain why their children were also mighty (or giants according to the Septuagint). So if this is right then the text says that the sons of the giants liked the daughters of other men and took them as wives who bare children to them, giants like them. Well, it makes sense to be honest. It is not what I believe, I actually tend towards the "Sethite" theory but searching on the net for information I got that staff, maybe it is worth thinking about it.
Hello Spencer
Apart from the "Sethite" and "Angel" views there is another view as well.
Introduction: The word "El", prural "Elohim" means not only God/s in Hebr but it comes from a root word for strong, powerful, mighty, noble, Judge etc.
Example. Psalm 82:1, "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods." (KJV).
Lets see in Hebr, "Aleim(Elohim) ntzb (one-being-stationed) bodth(incongregation-of) al(El) b qrb(inwithin-of) aleim(Elohim) - taken from the Online Hebrew Interlinear Bible).
The expression "congregation of El" is translated as "congregation of the mighty" in KJV as it should be since the word "El" in this case means "mighty", not "God". This is how this specific verse is translated in almost all Bibles. But I found out that the Septuagint text translates it differently, i.e. "God stands in the congregation of gods, he sees among the gods". That version translates the word "El" as "God", not "mighty". I am writting all those to make you understand that in Hebrew "El" apart from God it also means all those I wrote above.
So lets go to Genesis 6:1-4
"1- And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 - That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; ... 3 - And the LORD .... 4 - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men(giants in the Septuagint text) which were of old, men of renown." (KJV)
The Bible is God's gift to us, a book of great multiplicity! It incorporates history, law, types and symbols, poetry, promises, devotion, doctrine, parables, and prophecy, the Message. The Bible is a collection of 66 books by about 40 authors over approximately 1600 years that were inspired by God (the word of God) that is now in almost all languages.
Is the entire Bible prophecy? No, about one-third of it is. Are many to most of them fulfilled? Yes. Can we find prophecies in Genesis? Yes. Can we see the meaning of the historical reality that can be archaeologically proven and still see the message of how God was working His plan starting with the first Adam? Yes. Is Jesus the spirit of prophecy? No, it is our testimony of Jesus that is the spirit of prophecy.
Were the people of Noah's time preached to? Yes. Some take this verse differently 1 Peter 3:18-20. My understanding the same Spirit that raised Jesus, through Noah preached redemption to the people for 120 years as he built the ark, 2 Peter 2:5 the flood took all the ungodly but the eight. Jesus did not while He was in the tomb preach to the dead, if that was the case why only those who died in the flood?
Angels are ministers but they do not preach the gospel they do not have a testimony because they do not understand it, 1 Peter 1:10-12. Regardless of the innovations in the world, it does not change and is not new, what was, is now, human nature has remained and always will remain the same.
We must be led by the Holy Spirit of truth. We must know all has not been revealed and all answers will not be given. We are responsible and we will be held accountable, Rev. 20:15. We can get lost in prophecies and parables our own wisdom can shade the truth for truth is simple to understand even for a child in faith.
Just a little.
God bless,
Colossians 3:22-24
I pray that the Lord will lift you up and energize you in the Holy Spirit today and every day. In Jesus name amen
God is so good
John 9:41 ....if you were blind, you would have no sin: but now you say, WE SEE, therefore your sin remainth.
When we read God's word and we come to words such a mountain, we automatically picture in our carnal minds a physical mountain, instead of what it represents in Christ mind.
As we study and the spirit of Christ teaches, we begin to develop the mind of Christ, we see the meaning, not the physical, this is a process that happens with time and study.
Matthew 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables, because they seeing see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
Daniel 7:13 like of the Son of man come with the clouds of heaven ----has that image popped into your carnal mind ------ that not the meaning in Christ mind ----
God Bless you as he creates the mind of Christ IN YOU.
But God wanted a new COVENANT....And a new temple ....And this New Temple wd be mans hearts and minds....Abide in me and i in you...Now the H.G. is our high Priest...And he has to be born in us....Now under this new covenant our bodies are the temple of the H.G. ....OK GTG....BBL
Everyone gets the same wage: immortality; Christ ONLY hath immortality ( 1 Timothy 6:16), the firstfruits in this age, all others in the next age, the feast of the ingathering, feast of the TENTS or tabernacles.
Zechariah 12:7 And I will save the TENTS of Judah FIRST ---- firstfruits -----there are TWO harvest, firstfruits then the ingathering.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done shall be done, there is no new thing under the sun.
God Bless YOU!
Oh Lord! I will follow your leading as you hold me by my hand.
Matthew 20:1-16....The vineyard...Some were hired early and some were hired late...But in the end they were ALL HIRED....And given the same wages....The last shall be 1st and the 1st shall be last....But they were all given the same wages from the 1st to the last...Which is the Kingdom....Thats y Jesus is saying if i be lifted up ( The Cross )..I will draw ALL men unto me......ALL MEN
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every Creature... Mark 16:15...And his words cannot return unto him void....But the book the N.C. has to be opened 1st....b/f the Kingdom comes in Rev 12 :10...We have to birth the manchild which is the H.G....That New Creature....Thats y he is saying the 1st shall be last and the last 1st...indicative of this 2k yr period of darkness coming to an end...I am the light of the world but the night comes darkness when no man can work....
In Isaiah 11:11.. He saw an ocean of knowledge covering the earth as the waters covering the seas thats everybody ...And this knowledge is an intimacy that is gonna result in a birth of Christ in everybody....Thats y Jeremiah saw ALL MEN in travail and birth pains as woman in travail....Simply b/c this Knowledge is an intimacy....Thats y he has to know us which answers to tree of knowlege in Gen. and this ocean of knowledge covering the earth in Isaiah 11...He is gonna know everybody resulting in a birth of Christ in us Everybody...ok lemme go.... Jeremiah 31:34 I will know them ALL FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST and their sins and iniquites will i remember no more....And its God Almighty that is making this new covenant with the blood of Jesus... if i be lifted up I..will.
The Priest Hezekiah And Ezekiel Are The Same Person, The 48 Chapter Of The Book Of Ezekiel, Isaiah Chapter 38:1-22; Second Kings Chapter 20:1-21; Second Chronicles Chapter 32:1-33. Why Are They Portrait As Two Different People?
at the Temple 7-8 days later after his Birth,is a special part of a special story
There an elderly man and woman were present ,Anna and Simeon,along with Baby Jesus ,Mary n Joesepth.Simeon held baby Jesus and proclaimed his purpose,Anna instantly did like wise.a bunch of little stories within these stories
Mary and Joesepth would go to Jerusalem evry yr. for Passover feast,there was another reason Jesus did what he did when he did
The size of the Ark was huge, YAHWEH told Noah in Genius 6:19 to take of every living thing of ALL flesh, 2 of every kind male and female to keep them alive with you, they shall be male and female. Then he says of the birds after their kind,and of the Animals after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind. It sounds to me like he is talking about other humans flesh. Plus 8 people could not take care of the Ark that size with that many animals 24/7. They had to keep it clean otherwise it would have caught fire from the waste. No electricity only by candle.
The word of God is ultimately a prophecy of the kingdom of God.
The Word is Christ, Christ is the spirit of prophecy.
Even the first chapters of Genesis has prophecies of the kingdom of God.
The same spirit that resurrected Christ preached to the people at Noah's time.
Christ said the gospel was preached to them as well as us.
The ministering angles preach the gospel, they are the Sons of God, and they take wives of the daughters of men, just as Christ takes us as his wife, they are all one in Christ, as we will be one with him when we are translated.
Ecclesiastes says that what has been will be again, there is nothing new under he sun.
Genesis 6 is a prophecy of the kingdom of God. Even the ark is prophecy.
I tried to keep this short, if you want scriptures, I will give them, I know you are well versed; and know which verses i am referring to.
God Bless YOU as HE deliveries us.
God bless.
The Gospels were written after Jesus ascended to heaven but when we read them it is like it was happening as they wrote them. Jesus told them several times what was going to happen to Him, but it was hidden from them, Luke 9:44-45 Luke 18:31-34. We see how they reacted when He was crucified and after He was resurrected, they did not believe the women when they told them Jesus had resurrected Luke 24:9-11.
The disciples believed Jesus the Messiah was going to set up the kingdom then, the gospel of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and being raised from the dead was hidden from them. So, when we read how Peter denied knowing Jesus and the disciples ran away when they arrested Him, this must be considered.
What they were expecting was crumbling in front of them. Their eyes were not opened until first Jesus opened their understanding, Luke 24:44-45 and later a Pentecost with the baptizing of the Holy Spirit.
Just something to think about.
God bless,
When studying the story of Peter and His denial of Christ; the first thing that tends to come up is the self confidence of Peter and his arrogance in thinking he was stronger than he actually was. That is certainly a valid point; although it could be said for all the Disciples at that time who ran off. What is also evident is the sense of complacency; or predictability which they all thought could be depended on; closing their hearts and thus blinding their minds to the frequent prophetic warnings from Christ about his death that was soon to come.
The same thing applies to us as believers; for instance if we have had a long season (as in this country) of relative freedom. Should organized governmental persecution; war, famine or another pestilence come are we too set in our ways to be able to endure?
There is; of course the inevitable day of death; either for ourselves or others we know. Ecclesiastes 9:13 states that it comes as a snare and on an unknown schedule. Getting our affairs in order as a believer involves the daily disciplines and working toward His goals which involves; one way or another fulfilling the Great Commission. The disciples were to learn what was needed to begin growing the church; and were given the Comforter and thus His presence to guide them ( John 14:26). The next major change was after Paul was martyred; as well as Peter. They both warned of the wolves in the flock who would soon be preaching falsehood. Satan is constantly to be watched for; both causing falsehood as well as persecution to affect the Body of believers.
Just as we would prepare for a natural disaster; it pays to be proactive with prayer and our devotional life. It strengthens us with our trust in the Lord through scripture meditation and memorization; but is also necessary as a witness to others; both lost individuals and those caught in life's unexpected trials. Wisdom with physical resources means we can aid others
The part of Gen. 6 that is being discussed was only vs. 1-4, about the sons of God and mating with the daughters of men (ha-a-dam). The "sons of God" are only 5 times in the Old Testament, and the Son of God was said once in Daniel 3. I believe I listed all of the scripture that has the sons of God where all references are to angels.
I could write more but I usually keep it short, but it would not change my understanding. Not all understand it the same and that's ok. If you have another view, you want me to see please show it, I always study what is not the same as my understanding. Truth is what is important not being right or wrong.
God bless,
"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:28 KJV
All these scriptures you have referenced to understand Genesis 6, add a few more, get them in correct order, and I believe you will SEE.
God Bless YOU!