The Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost represent two but the same attributes of the comforter.
The Holy Ghost is that which guides and directs our mortal bodies in this world. It can appear in what we can see and hear. It actually becomes our navigator , seeing things as they really are in the spiritual world, that we live in! We can find ourselves in circumstances we no little about, but the Holy Spirit knows and thereby uses us to convict others of sin. Our character is the effect of the Holy Ghost on others.
The holy Spirit however, is what we read in the scriptures and it is the fruit, the soil we grow by. The Holy spirit is what convicts us of sin, teaching us to obey all things which it has taught us. They are the same , but different . One complements the other. You cannot have one without the other. Jesus said when the comforter comes He will teach you ALL things. Those in Christ will see and teach even as Christ taught. It is His Spirit that is living in us! This is truely a miracle, as the Anti Christ is becoming more prevalent the Holy Ghost has become even more so. This spiritual warfare is real, guiding and teaching us all the way. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have. We must use it at any given instant. Pray without ceasing!
Agreed! We should never take sin lightly. The price to propitiate was the blood and life of our savior. When believers take sin lightly and indulge without repentance, then the blood of Christ is trampled underfoot.
Hello jimbob, your quotation from the niv is incorrect. mine goes like this:
eccl 8:10 "then i saw the wisked buried who had come and gone from the place of holiness, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done. this also is vanity."
that is word for word from my niv and my kjv says the same thing, word for word.
Since you are asking for thoughts from anybody, I would like to share mine. This word generation in Matthew 24:34 has no association with years at all. The word generation means race or kind of people. GENEA is the word, and it means a race or kind of people.
Some theologians have said that the word "generation" means 40 years. Today, people attach different numbers of years to this word generation. Some say 70, some say more. But it doesn't have anything to do with a number of years.
There have been books written by people that have said that generation meant a certain number of years and that when Israel became a nation in 1948, they figured 40 years from there that the rapture was going to happen in 1988.
Well, 1988 passed and it didn't happen. But someone wrote a book on it and made millions of dollars. And then when it didn't happen, they wrote another one as to when the next one would be.
But GENEA has nothing to do with years. It is a race or kind of people.
Basically, what Jesus is saying here, is this kind or race of people, (the Jews), shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. They are His elect. They are His protected people, His chosen people, and He will fulfill His promises to them.
I used to believe that the word generation used in Matthew 24:34 meant a certain number of years. But now I understand it differently. There is no way I can come to any other conclusion on this word GENEA.
This word has no association to a number of years. It means a race or kind of people, specifically the Jewish race.
If we choose to change the word GENEA to mean a number of years, and we use 1948 as the beginning of that number, then we can know for sure the year that Jesus will return. Jesus says no one knows, nor can we know. There Bible gives no clues for us to determine the year or time of His return.
One thing we can know is that the Jewish race (GENEA) will not pass until those things be fulfilled.
What is the difference between true worship and false worship? Col 2: 16-20
One sort of church says, silence and solemnity is worship, and another, loud praise music and thanksgiving is worship.
Is worship not just holding a true reverence to God in our hearts? Would that consists as worship. No matter the form God chooses to use, through his children? John 4:23
Revelation 10:1-4 is the instruction concerning the prophecy of the thunders. And we have the description of the angel in Verses 1 through 3. Daniel 10:21 and Ezekiel 1:28 can be referenced.
Many of these characteristics and descriptions are descriptions of Christ from Chapter 1.
Many have thought, especially Jehovah's Witnesses, because it says a mighty angel, that Jesus is not God, and that He's just an angel.
But there's some differences here taken with this small scroll. What is this small scroll? It is the property deed to the earth.
In the first line it says, and I saw another mighty angel. The word another, and there's two different words in the Greek text for another, another of the same kind, or another of a different kind.
This is another of the same kind, making reference to Revelation 8:3, another mighty angel.
There are only two angels in the bible that are called mighty angels. Back in the book of Daniel Chapters 7 through 12, we have Gabriel, and we have Michael.
Michael is the archangel. He's the head angel and he usually has to do with the business of the nation Israel. And he's constantly at war with Satan concerning the things of Israel.
And Gabriel is a messenger. We especially see him at the announcement of the birth of Christ.
So this has to be one or the other, either Michael, or Gabriel, that has come down from heaven, clothed in a cloud and a rainbow about his head. And all of this tells us that he comes in the authority of Christ. He had a rainbow upon his head, his face as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire, and he had this small book.
As for the thunders, I believe it is making reference to Gods voice coming down from heaven. Revelation 4:5 and Psalm 18:13 causes me to believe that these thunders are the voice of God.
Sammi thank you for your reply. I dont think its wishful thinking Sammi to think Jesus will return soon. The evil is just about taking over every part of our lives today, but the Bible tells us things will get a lot worse before our Lord does call us home. Stay strong in your Faith! You are right, our best days are yet to come.
P2) Chris you said in your comment "so to say that the words or prophecies given at the beginning can only find its complete accuracy in the KJV and nothing else, lacks verifiable proof" I completely disagree with that statement.. The Words of the LORD are pure Words that we are told (not to add unto) or (take away from). (The Words) in the KJB are verifiable proof if we Believe the Words of the LORD are the Truth! You referenced Is.55:11 in one of your comments, It says "So shall my words be that goeth forth OUT OF MY MOUTH: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it". Now lets look at a couple of examples of the KJB and the Niv again. (KJB) Eccl.8:10 I saw the wicked buried, and they were forgotten. Now the (Niv) I saw the wicked buried, they receive praise. (Would it make sense for God to say the wicked that were buried receive praise as the Niv tells us? Or the wicked were forgotten which is what the KJB says? Gods Words are pure Words! Here's 1 more. 2 Cor.2:17 (KJB) we are not as many, which (corrupt) the word of God. (corrupt) #2585; it means to adulterate. Now the (Niv) Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God. (Remember the (pure) Words of the LORD, pure#2889; it means sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated. (Chris the verifiable proof is in the Word itself.) Jesus tells us in Mt.4:4 But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD. (The Bible says the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, What, or where would that doctrine be thats not sound doctrine today? Connect that corrupt doctrine with all the modern versions that change and leave out complete verses and we get the answer to that question) I do appericate you responding Chris, as I told GiGi, no one has all the answers but Iron sharpens Iron and the Word of God is Alive today.
P.1) Chris thank you for your reply. I believe God would not allow us to go through this evil world without giving us His True Word. Jesus was asked by the Disciples what would be the sign of His Coming, Jesus first reply was "that heed that no man deceive you". Deception is in almost everything today, people have to be blind to not see that. If the devil wanted to deceive Believers in the Lastdays, what would be the most logical way for him to do that? ((Twist the Word of God)) God cannot lie! I truly hope you believe that Chris. Titus.1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began. Also Heb.6:18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie,... If you believe that then we have to believe Gods Word is Truth when it tells us in Ps.12:6-7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. (7. Thou shalt keep them O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. (If we Truly Believe in God we have to Truly Believe the Word of God is 100% Truth, Right? God cannot lie! This verse tells us Gods Words are (pure) #2889; to be pure, sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated, morally innocent or holy. (This verse also tells us Gods Words are (preserved for ever) This tells me that we have those Words today. Its also interesting that those pure Words were as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times, A time is 1 year so they were purified 7 years the exact time it took to translate the KJB. And the words for ever, do mean exactly that, FOR EVER. So if we Believe the Word of God is Truth, we should Believe His Words mean what they say. In Pro.30:5-6 We are told Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. (6. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. (Again EVERY WORD OF GOD IS PURE, Then v. 6 tells us to not add unto His Words, so we have them today, Right?
Revelation 12:11 states that "they overcame because of the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." It also states that they didn't love their life even to the death.
I recently watched a video from someone named Nick Jones on Youtube. I am not sure if I can mention names here but my point is that he discussed the Grammy awards and the Satanic ritual that apparentely CBS actually retracted a comment about being ready to worship when the entertainer (whose name I won't mention here) did his thing on stage. That being said; he pointed out what others seemed to miss; namely that ALL of the "Christian" award recipients sat through the blasphemous performance so that they could have their claim to fame later being recognized on stage. Imagine; for a moment if someone walked out; or better yet protested on stage. Such a sad demonstration of lukewarmness (at best) is characteristic of the church today and thus the enemy is "in your face" everywhere.
We can take some solace in the strides that the Pro lifers have made overturning Roe vs Wade. Many may not realize the person in that original Supreme Ct. OPINION (not really the "law of the land") became a believer and had a complete change of heart since supporting that legislation in the early 70's. We can see some result from generations of prayer.
There are many who continually petition the Lord for revival. I can only assume that your church IS teaching the Word and properly interpreting doctrine. I will further hope that you are teaching within the bounds of what authority is given to women in the church. That being said; women are needed to evangelize and be prayer warriors today in particular. From my experience; I have had to "scratch and claw" as close to obnoxiousness as possible in pursuit of more prayer; and in particular impromptu and necessary spontaneous prayers when needs arise. The other issue tends to be discussion on the Word in fellowship not trivial matters.
Imagine the disciples sitting and listening to Jesus words. Jesus words in the book of John ,Mathew, Mark, Luke, word for word written perfectly according to the Holy Spirit, while John is exiled on an Island, the last only and the closest to Christ. What is amazing, while each book is different, in the end it is the perfect combination needed for what we need for our learning, and yet it allows us the freedom to look into those things that freely belong to us, opening our eyes ever wider unto eternal life!
The words are Christs, they are a well spring unto eternal life!
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled!" This is what you seek! His spirit will guide and direct you! Jesus first sermon on the mountain would be a great place to meet Him!
Sanctification comes through faith, Baptism comes through the Holy spirit, the washing of regeneration, a renewal of our body and spirit, the miracle we all wish to see, and will!
Always remembering, it is not us, but what He did on the Cross!
That we might have life and have it more abundantly!
Yes Jimbo , my thoughts are....the same as yours exactly in this matter , I believe that 70 years is counted as a generation in this instance and that the year 1948 is deeply significant , I know a few others who also think that the six day war of 1967 is also very important . I do wonder if it might be a bit of wishful thinking on our part as we so desperately await the return of Our Lord . Let's hope , most fervently , that Christ returns soon . I love life , I love waking up every day , I love to see God all over His beautiful creation but these kingdoms of men , our doings , really get me down sometimes . It's only God who truly cheers me up and gets me through each day . May Christ return soon , when it is God's will . Acts chapter 1 verses 1-11 and Zechariah chapters 12 ,13 and 14 . Our best days are to come .
Then speaking of faults, may I list just a few verses 'of concern' (in Caps), just in the very chapter we're referring to. And these errors might be very slight even inconsequential to you, nevertheless they can be concerning to some:
a. Revelation 22:4: "And they shall see his face; and his name shall be IN their foreheads." The Greek gives that word as 'epi' = on. Most translations picked up on this, KJV didn't.
b. Revelation 22:11: "He that is UNJUST, let him be UNJUST still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, LET HIM BE HOLY still." For 'unjust', it should be 'unrighteous' (Gk. adikeo) and for 'let him be holy', the Greek is 'hagiastheto', which is 'let him be made holy' still: implying a continued progression in holy living (as opposed to the finality of the unrighteous).
c. Revelation 22:12: "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to GIVE every man according as his work shall be." Greek is 'apodounai', which is 'to give back, to return, to restore'.
I only share these few examples to show that, at least in the Greek Lexicons we have, there are variations in translations of the Bible, even in the KJV. These may be considered minor & certainly they are if compared to verses that are missing or distorted in other translations; but the question is 'where do we draw the line as to what translation is absolutely faithful to the words given to the apostle?' In my perception, none meet that absolute criterion, but overall, in spite of the many negative opinions by others about the KJV, I still consider it the best we have - but not perfect by any means.
Hi Jimbob & thanks for your comment. After going through it, I think we can focus on the Book of the Revelation as your comments appear to center on that.
You asked, "Ok which Bible does that book of Revelation have to be in?; referring to Revelation 22:7,18,19. Even as verse 10 states, "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." So we know that Jesus is speaking of this particular prophecy that He gave to John, to which John faithfully recorded. Had he not done so, I feel sure that he would have been checked, reprimanded & also become the first recipient of the dire warnings given in verses 18 & 19.
So what John had recorded was then passed on, presumably as copies to the Churches. Now for us, does it become a matter of which Bible version is the exact representation of Jesus' Message to John, considering the many hands it has passed through & the great passage of time as well? One could say, 'it does matter for we must read it as originally given' (and as you believe, the KJV is that version). But really apart from what we have now in our hands, we cannot refer to anything that the translators received & studied, & certainly not the original writings. So, if we are to state, 'KJV & nothing else', we must be entirely certain that it faithfully represents the original; to say that the words or prophecies given at the beginning can only find its complete accuracy in the KJV & nothing else, lacks verifiable proof. Why I say this, is because the contents of the Bible never point to the KJV as the repository of Truth - only one's acquired belief that the KJV is without error.
I just want to praise the Lord. My son who lives with us tested positive for covid last week and now he is cleared to return to work. He did not have much in the way of symptoms. But I want to thank the Lord that neither my husband nor I contracted covid from him. I just got over a month-long respiratory infection, so my system is a bit weak. But God preserved me from another infection. Hallelujah!
Timeline for the Lastdays? In Mt.24:34 Jesus says Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. (For all things to be fulfilled, that would no doubt be the last generation, now when could that generation have started? When Israel became a nation in 1948. How long is a generation? Ps.90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. A generation is 70 years, but if by reason of strength it be 80 years, then that last 10 years would be a time of labour and sorrow! From 1948 to 2018 is 70 years. So by this verse we are 5 years into the time period the verse calls (labour) and (sorrow). (labour) #5999; toil, wearing effort, worry of body or mind, iniquity, miserable (-sery) pain (-ful) sorrow, trouble, wearisome, wickedness. (sorrow) #205; to pant, (hence to exert oneself) usually in vain, to come to naught, also trouble, vanity, wickedness, affliction, evil, false, unjust, unrighteous, vain, vanity, wicked (-ness) (The meanings of the words labour and sorrow in the oringinal languages show us exactly what we are dealing with and living today! And went it is cut off "we fly away" Any thoughts, anybody?
I would like to add to what Gigi has already shared.
You asked, "WHO is the CAUSE of suffering ?
I believe the cause of suffering goes back to the Garden of Eve.
All of God's creation was effected by the fall.
We suffer physically and emotionally.
And we suffer persecution because of our new birth.
We have a sin nature in this EARTHY TABERNACLE.
Romans 5:12 says "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and SO DEATH PASSED UPON ALL MEN, FOR THAT ALL HAVE SINNED:
Look at Romans 8:18-23.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
8:20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
8:21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
We see what it will be like when all God's creation is redeemed in
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; ..."( 1 Cor. 13:22)
There are enough descriptions of the heavenly city; the New Jerusalem to sufficiently convince our minds of the riches of His glory to come. One must; however get beyond what Satan himself beheld before his fall. All the riches of splendor are of no avail when the soul has become proud; corrupted and rotten. Compare this to the state of Adam after his fall when he saw an earthly paradise slowly decay to thorns in his garden; his progeny being about the first murder with Cain slaying Abel; and finally watching the antidiluvian world quickly spiral out of control hastening toward judgment before his own demise.
With both heaven and earth it is; of course God's glory which is the center of attention as He is the Creator of all things. The Spirit within testifies to our spirit that we are the children of God ( Romans 8:16). A dwelling place is being prepared for us suitable for our new roles as kings and priests; and eventually for us to partake in a new heaven and earth where there is no more death; and sorrow ( Rev. 5:10; 21:4).
Our earth at present is contaminated; ripe for judgment because of the sin of men; and fallen angels. Psalm 140:3 states that the "poison of asps is under their lips." There are numerous other verses about wicked men; and the fact that we were all enemies of Christ before being granted repentance ( Romans 5:10; 2 Tim. 2:25; etc.) Once we are saved; we stop looking within and focusing on ourselves; and we can look to Christ and His church as part of a future; a heavenly calling and thus truly be free to serve and love our Creator. The rest of the world; of course is caught up with created things; forgetting that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ( 1 Cor. 3:19). Thus; all the A.I. world with it's endless violence; cyber fantasies and other vain imaginations will as a vapor pass away as will all we hold dear to other than God in this world.
The Holy Ghost is that which guides and directs our mortal bodies in this world. It can appear in what we can see and hear. It actually becomes our navigator , seeing things as they really are in the spiritual world, that we live in! We can find ourselves in circumstances we no little about, but the Holy Spirit knows and thereby uses us to convict others of sin. Our character is the effect of the Holy Ghost on others.
The holy Spirit however, is what we read in the scriptures and it is the fruit, the soil we grow by. The Holy spirit is what convicts us of sin, teaching us to obey all things which it has taught us. They are the same , but different . One complements the other. You cannot have one without the other. Jesus said when the comforter comes He will teach you ALL things. Those in Christ will see and teach even as Christ taught. It is His Spirit that is living in us! This is truely a miracle, as the Anti Christ is becoming more prevalent the Holy Ghost has become even more so. This spiritual warfare is real, guiding and teaching us all the way. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have. We must use it at any given instant. Pray without ceasing!
eccl 8:10 "then i saw the wisked buried who had come and gone from the place of holiness, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done. this also is vanity."
that is word for word from my niv and my kjv says the same thing, word for word.
Since you are asking for thoughts from anybody, I would like to share mine. This word generation in Matthew 24:34 has no association with years at all. The word generation means race or kind of people. GENEA is the word, and it means a race or kind of people.
Some theologians have said that the word "generation" means 40 years. Today, people attach different numbers of years to this word generation. Some say 70, some say more. But it doesn't have anything to do with a number of years.
There have been books written by people that have said that generation meant a certain number of years and that when Israel became a nation in 1948, they figured 40 years from there that the rapture was going to happen in 1988.
Well, 1988 passed and it didn't happen. But someone wrote a book on it and made millions of dollars. And then when it didn't happen, they wrote another one as to when the next one would be.
But GENEA has nothing to do with years. It is a race or kind of people.
Basically, what Jesus is saying here, is this kind or race of people, (the Jews), shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. They are His elect. They are His protected people, His chosen people, and He will fulfill His promises to them.
I used to believe that the word generation used in Matthew 24:34 meant a certain number of years. But now I understand it differently. There is no way I can come to any other conclusion on this word GENEA.
This word has no association to a number of years. It means a race or kind of people, specifically the Jewish race.
If we choose to change the word GENEA to mean a number of years, and we use 1948 as the beginning of that number, then we can know for sure the year that Jesus will return. Jesus says no one knows, nor can we know. There Bible gives no clues for us to determine the year or time of His return.
One thing we can know is that the Jewish race (GENEA) will not pass until those things be fulfilled.
One sort of church says, silence and solemnity is worship, and another, loud praise music and thanksgiving is worship.
Is worship not just holding a true reverence to God in our hearts? Would that consists as worship. No matter the form God chooses to use, through his children? John 4:23
Many of these characteristics and descriptions are descriptions of Christ from Chapter 1.
Many have thought, especially Jehovah's Witnesses, because it says a mighty angel, that Jesus is not God, and that He's just an angel.
But there's some differences here taken with this small scroll. What is this small scroll? It is the property deed to the earth.
In the first line it says, and I saw another mighty angel. The word another, and there's two different words in the Greek text for another, another of the same kind, or another of a different kind.
This is another of the same kind, making reference to Revelation 8:3, another mighty angel.
There are only two angels in the bible that are called mighty angels. Back in the book of Daniel Chapters 7 through 12, we have Gabriel, and we have Michael.
Michael is the archangel. He's the head angel and he usually has to do with the business of the nation Israel. And he's constantly at war with Satan concerning the things of Israel.
And Gabriel is a messenger. We especially see him at the announcement of the birth of Christ.
So this has to be one or the other, either Michael, or Gabriel, that has come down from heaven, clothed in a cloud and a rainbow about his head. And all of this tells us that he comes in the authority of Christ. He had a rainbow upon his head, his face as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire, and he had this small book.
As for the thunders, I believe it is making reference to Gods voice coming down from heaven. Revelation 4:5 and Psalm 18:13 causes me to believe that these thunders are the voice of God.
Hope this helps!
I recently watched a video from someone named Nick Jones on Youtube. I am not sure if I can mention names here but my point is that he discussed the Grammy awards and the Satanic ritual that apparentely CBS actually retracted a comment about being ready to worship when the entertainer (whose name I won't mention here) did his thing on stage. That being said; he pointed out what others seemed to miss; namely that ALL of the "Christian" award recipients sat through the blasphemous performance so that they could have their claim to fame later being recognized on stage. Imagine; for a moment if someone walked out; or better yet protested on stage. Such a sad demonstration of lukewarmness (at best) is characteristic of the church today and thus the enemy is "in your face" everywhere.
We can take some solace in the strides that the Pro lifers have made overturning Roe vs Wade. Many may not realize the person in that original Supreme Ct. OPINION (not really the "law of the land") became a believer and had a complete change of heart since supporting that legislation in the early 70's. We can see some result from generations of prayer.
There are many who continually petition the Lord for revival. I can only assume that your church IS teaching the Word and properly interpreting doctrine. I will further hope that you are teaching within the bounds of what authority is given to women in the church. That being said; women are needed to evangelize and be prayer warriors today in particular. From my experience; I have had to "scratch and claw" as close to obnoxiousness as possible in pursuit of more prayer; and in particular impromptu and necessary spontaneous prayers when needs arise. The other issue tends to be discussion on the Word in fellowship not trivial matters.
The words are Christs, they are a well spring unto eternal life!
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled!" This is what you seek! His spirit will guide and direct you! Jesus first sermon on the mountain would be a great place to meet Him!
Sanctification comes through faith, Baptism comes through the Holy spirit, the washing of regeneration, a renewal of our body and spirit, the miracle we all wish to see, and will!
Always remembering, it is not us, but what He did on the Cross!
That we might have life and have it more abundantly!
Repent and be Baptized
Then speaking of faults, may I list just a few verses 'of concern' (in Caps), just in the very chapter we're referring to. And these errors might be very slight even inconsequential to you, nevertheless they can be concerning to some:
a. Revelation 22:4: "And they shall see his face; and his name shall be IN their foreheads." The Greek gives that word as 'epi' = on. Most translations picked up on this, KJV didn't.
b. Revelation 22:11: "He that is UNJUST, let him be UNJUST still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, LET HIM BE HOLY still." For 'unjust', it should be 'unrighteous' (Gk. adikeo) and for 'let him be holy', the Greek is 'hagiastheto', which is 'let him be made holy' still: implying a continued progression in holy living (as opposed to the finality of the unrighteous).
c. Revelation 22:12: "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to GIVE every man according as his work shall be." Greek is 'apodounai', which is 'to give back, to return, to restore'.
I only share these few examples to show that, at least in the Greek Lexicons we have, there are variations in translations of the Bible, even in the KJV. These may be considered minor & certainly they are if compared to verses that are missing or distorted in other translations; but the question is 'where do we draw the line as to what translation is absolutely faithful to the words given to the apostle?' In my perception, none meet that absolute criterion, but overall, in spite of the many negative opinions by others about the KJV, I still consider it the best we have - but not perfect by any means.
Hi Jimbob & thanks for your comment. After going through it, I think we can focus on the Book of the Revelation as your comments appear to center on that.
You asked, "Ok which Bible does that book of Revelation have to be in?; referring to Revelation 22:7,18,19. Even as verse 10 states, "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." So we know that Jesus is speaking of this particular prophecy that He gave to John, to which John faithfully recorded. Had he not done so, I feel sure that he would have been checked, reprimanded & also become the first recipient of the dire warnings given in verses 18 & 19.
So what John had recorded was then passed on, presumably as copies to the Churches. Now for us, does it become a matter of which Bible version is the exact representation of Jesus' Message to John, considering the many hands it has passed through & the great passage of time as well? One could say, 'it does matter for we must read it as originally given' (and as you believe, the KJV is that version). But really apart from what we have now in our hands, we cannot refer to anything that the translators received & studied, & certainly not the original writings. So, if we are to state, 'KJV & nothing else', we must be entirely certain that it faithfully represents the original; to say that the words or prophecies given at the beginning can only find its complete accuracy in the KJV & nothing else, lacks verifiable proof. Why I say this, is because the contents of the Bible never point to the KJV as the repository of Truth - only one's acquired belief that the KJV is without error.
Hope to speak with you more. Glad you came on this forum.
I would like to add to what Gigi has already shared.
You asked, "WHO is the CAUSE of suffering ?
I believe the cause of suffering goes back to the Garden of Eve.
All of God's creation was effected by the fall.
We suffer physically and emotionally.
And we suffer persecution because of our new birth.
We have a sin nature in this EARTHY TABERNACLE.
Romans 5:12 says "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and SO DEATH PASSED UPON ALL MEN, FOR THAT ALL HAVE SINNED:
Look at Romans 8:18-23.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
8:20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
8:21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
We see what it will be like when all God's creation is redeemed in
Revelation 21:1-4.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
There are enough descriptions of the heavenly city; the New Jerusalem to sufficiently convince our minds of the riches of His glory to come. One must; however get beyond what Satan himself beheld before his fall. All the riches of splendor are of no avail when the soul has become proud; corrupted and rotten. Compare this to the state of Adam after his fall when he saw an earthly paradise slowly decay to thorns in his garden; his progeny being about the first murder with Cain slaying Abel; and finally watching the antidiluvian world quickly spiral out of control hastening toward judgment before his own demise.
With both heaven and earth it is; of course God's glory which is the center of attention as He is the Creator of all things. The Spirit within testifies to our spirit that we are the children of God ( Romans 8:16). A dwelling place is being prepared for us suitable for our new roles as kings and priests; and eventually for us to partake in a new heaven and earth where there is no more death; and sorrow ( Rev. 5:10; 21:4).
Our earth at present is contaminated; ripe for judgment because of the sin of men; and fallen angels. Psalm 140:3 states that the "poison of asps is under their lips." There are numerous other verses about wicked men; and the fact that we were all enemies of Christ before being granted repentance ( Romans 5:10; 2 Tim. 2:25; etc.) Once we are saved; we stop looking within and focusing on ourselves; and we can look to Christ and His church as part of a future; a heavenly calling and thus truly be free to serve and love our Creator. The rest of the world; of course is caught up with created things; forgetting that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ( 1 Cor. 3:19). Thus; all the A.I. world with it's endless violence; cyber fantasies and other vain imaginations will as a vapor pass away as will all we hold dear to other than God in this world.