Jimbob, Yes I am aware of that verse in Corinthians, yet Jesus indeed had a physical body and said that "a spirit does not have flesh and bones" like He did when He presented Himself to Thomas. So perhaps there is more to this than both you and I know.
I know that the angels have spiritual or celestial bodies, but man was made with a physical body and that is what Jesus took upon Himself as God the Son, and He did rise bodily. He ate and drank with the apostles and could be physically touched. Scripture does not say that He divested Himself of this physical body that was raised and glorified. So, I think that our resurrection and glorification is perhaps something we must wait till it happens to truly know.
But then Satan wanted permission to attack his health. And his body broke out in boils. And he wound up sitting out in the garbage dump scraping these boils with pieces of pottery that was out at the garbage dump.
And his friends were walking by and shaking their heads saying "Wow, the richest man in the area, so blessed. Now look at him." In fact, Job's wife yelled through the fence "Just curse God and die." Get it over with, you know? And some people think this is why Satan didn't attack his wife, because she was a good tool, saying just curse God and die.
You see, Satan thinks that we are too attached to too many things in this world, and if he gets permission to touch those things, that we're going to get mad at God.
So be careful. We're being scouted. And Satan only wants to attack us in the areas that he knows that we have problems with. "Oh, that person means a lot to you? That car means a lot to you? That house means a lot to you? Well, let's see what we can do about that!"
And he tries to get you to curse God to His face because of your loss of worldly goods.
Revelation Chapter 12 tells us that when Satan rebelled against God, that he took a third of the angels with him. And those are the demonic spirits that we hear of and know of today.
From the book of Revelation, we know that Satan himself is standing before the throne of God. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He is not omnipotent, omniscient, nor omnipresent. He's in one place. And the angels that rebelled with him are coming and giving him information. We get that from Job Chapter 1, how Job was scouted by Satan.
And the messengers come and give Satan the information, and then Satan accuses the brethren before God. If you want to know what he accuses, you can read Job Chapters 1 and 2. It's very interesting because Satan's one principle and purpose for what he's doing is permission to attack God's people in a certain way so as to get them to speak against God. He has to get permission. That's all he can do.
So, everything that happens to us, well, we trust the Lord for a while. And then something else happens and it's like "Oh no, well Lord, you can handle this too." And as time goes on, we become bitter and tired. And all Satan wants us to do is speak against God, shake our fist at Him, and tell Him we're not going to cooperate anymore because we don't serve a God that's going to allow this to happen.
That's his purpose. That's what he accuses. He says just let me touch his life and I'll show you that he will curse you to your face. That's what he said about Job. So, it's to turn us away from the Lord. What can happen? In Job's life, his family members were killed, his cattle were stolen, and he still praised the Lord.
If God did this, then He's not slumbering, and He's not delaying about His judgment. And this is interesting because it shows a past tense. God did not spare angels that sinned but cast them down to hell. The word for hell is TARTARUS. And it is the Greek version of the term for Hades, where the unseen spirits go, in a compartment waiting for judgment. It's the only place where it's found in the bible.
And so, he says that God in past, He cast these angels who sinned into TARTARUS, and delivered them into chains of darkness.
Now it's the darkness that is the chains. How do you take spirits and put chains on them? It's a phrase that associates locking someone up so that they cannot escape.
And to be reserved for judgment. So, if God did not spare the angels that sinned, how's He going to spare these that sinned?
We will find out more about these angels when we get into Jude Verse 6. It's a one-chapter book. Both Jude and Peter run along the same lines and minister the same thing. And the evidence provides for us that Peter used some of Jude's warnings in order to have a unanimous unifying warning to all the churches.
It's interesting, but in Jude Verse 6, when he talks about these same angels, he says these angels which kept not their first estate, that is, the angels that rebelled against God with Satan, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
So, these are angels who had sinned and had left their first estate. Many believe that these are the angels that brought on the evil that forced God to bring the flood, the demonic forces that are mentioned in Genesis Chapter 6.
But it is interesting that it is well known amongst the apostles and amongst the early church that there were angels who had sinned.
I dont talk about sin as a thing we can do. We dont want to sin, its so. The biggest sin is too not belive on Him that God have send. Becouse it end in a eternal death!
Ill pray that u all understand what i try to say in Jesus name. Belive for your own good that Jesus Christ is Gods Son. Amen.
He says to give your money to the exchangers, and then at my coming, I should have received mine own with interest. That is what usury means, with interest.
Here is what I believe to be the moral of the story in Matthew 25:28-30:
God has left the Jews with the greatest commission that He could ever give. He left His word. The Jews should be out preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to whole world. But instead, Paul says in Romans Chapters 9 through 11 that the Gentiles have been grafted in. The Jews rejected their Messiah. So that's why we were brought in, and we are now preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
But it says, so that they can be jealous because we have their Messiah. And eventually, at His second coming, all the Jews that are alive will be saved. And so basically what He is saying is, I left you with a commission, with an assignment. What did you do with it? I dug a hole and buried it. You will be cast in to outer darkness. That is hell.
That is an interesting way of looking at it. Please allow me to share my thoughts with you on this parable. I notice that these three servants were each given talents (money), one five talents, another two talents, and the third, one talent. You might already know this, but a talent was a lot of money. It is equal to 6,000 drachmas. I know that might not mean anything, but 6,000 drachmas, which is 20 years wages, it equals 1 TALENTA.
In our money, one talent would be worth $600,000. So, we are going to deal with somebody that gave back 10 talents. So now we've got a $6 million investment here. That is a lot of money.
We see in Matthew 25:18 that it says he that had received one went and digged in the earth and hid his lord's money. As you know, he is the only one who buried what was given to him. So, the one who had one talent, he comes up to the Lord, and he says I knew you that you are a hard man. And here is what are called Modal Participles in the Greek.
This is what He means by a hard man. He says, you reap where you haven't sown. I mean, you don't even put seed in the ground, and you expect something to be there? You are a hard man!
And you gather where thou hast not strawed. Now the word strawed is a good word, isn't it? It means to scatter. It is the word DIASPORA. You gather together where you haven't even scattered anything. That is a hard man!
Matthew 25:25 tells us that this man was afraid. He hid the talent in the earth, and then later comes back with it and says "here you go, here's your talent back!" He didn't lose it, right? I would have said you are fired, but the Lord had some harsher words in Verses 26 and 27.
I mean if you know He is a hard guy, you better get out there and do something with it, right? You don't go hide it and say well, He is a hard man. Yeah, well guess what, the hard man is coming back, and he wants to talk to you.
I need a little more space so I will send a part 2.
Dear IG Totally agree with you, when I think about this I think the example here is a bit unfair. After all, we know that God is righteous. And when we know that Jesus just spoke the way He did, it was Not for everyone to understand. If we compare this with the virgins, the parable is like this ill think: the First had oil in the lamps and got a little extra considering the oil they had bought, (souls) ill think. .
Jesus says to us come and buy gold from Me. Revelation 3:18 Now we know this that the gold we buy is the gateway to the kingdom of God. For eternity. The others who have not settled with lamp oil or with interest. Is not Fit for Gods Kingdom.
It would be nice if more ppl here on the web have some thoughts about this. He died for all, but not evrybody is called. Because they are against Him. Dont want to belive in Him. Ohh i wish that i have bought some gold and white cloth from Lord Jesus.
God bless us all and give us wisdom and understanding in His word. Love u all in Christ.
GiGi In 1. Cor.15:42-44 (42. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: (43. It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in (glory): it is sown in weakness; it is raised in (power): (44. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. These verses tell us the body is sown a natural body, and raised a spiritual body. Also raised in (glory) and raised in (power) Remember in Mt.24:30 . ., and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with ((power)) and great ((glory)). The rapture is Immediately AFTER the tribulation, and the dead are raised in a spiritual body. 1 Cor.15:50 tells us that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. So if the dead are raised in a spiritual body then our flesh, which cannot enter into the kingdom of God will also have to be a spiritual body. Right? Thank you for replying GiGi.
V.1 "ever" following "whoso" indicates perpetuity of person. Regenerate believers now possess eternal life. The "eth" suffix of "believe" indicates the perpetual tense of the verb. Hence an ongoing person engaged in an ongoing activity which specifically is believing a "that" Jesus- not an "any" Jesus. The "that" Jesus is meticulously and conspicuously the subject of all scripture. There is but one real Jesus who is the Christ. None believe that Jesus is the Chirist but that they are first "born of God". Believing that Jesus is the Christ does Not motivate God to save the man. Believing that that exclusive Jesus the Word of God testifies of indicates that God has generated or if you prefer, regenerated the man. As it is written Salvation (being born of God) is of the (one) Lord.
In Acts 1:10-11, when the Lord ascended up into Heaven, the angel said why do you disciples look up into heaven? Why are you gazing up there? This same Jesus will come in like manner. He will come in the clouds. The actual event recorded is in Revelation 19:11-16, the second coming of Christ. He comes with power and great glory. Revelation 24:31 tells us that when He does come, He shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet.
I am going to get technical for a moment, just to show how good this passage really is. He is going to send His angels out with a great sound of a Shofar. It's a ram's horn. In the Greek text, the word "sound" is in brackets, which means it has been added to the text by some unseen person who doesn't understand the fact that the word "great" modifies the trumpet. It is called a great Shofar. The prophecy is in Isaiah 27:12-13. It says the great Shofar will blow, and the Lord will gather His people from the four corners of the earth.
So that is very important because that's a prophecy that the Jews looked for. It says He is going to gather them together, (his elect), that would be the Jews, from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other, north, south, east, and west.
This is my understanding of this section of Matthew.
As you asked, here is what I can share on Matthew 24:29-31. I will need more than one post to give you, my understanding.
(Part 1)
These verses speak of the promise of Jesus' second coming. Understanding the 7-steps of a Jewish wedding helps give a better understanding of Christ's second coming, and also some of the Jewish views about when Christ is coming back. If you would like for me to send you what the 7-steps are, I will do so. It is very interesting, I promise! They are literal steps of a Jewish wedding, and they parallel the things spoken of in Matthew's gospel.
So, reading through Matthew 24:29-30, it says that immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give any light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn.
Now the word "tribes" is very important. That tells us that we are talking about Jewish people. It is a Jewish term. All the tribes of the earth shall mourn. And they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. All the tribes! Again, that would be Jews.
In Revelation 1:7, it tells us that every eye will see Him, even those who have pierced Him. Zechariah 12:10 is a prophecy that the Jews hold to, only they don't understand its application. It says that when Messiah comes, they will look upon Him whom they have pierced.
So, at this time when Christ comes (at His second coming), the Jews who are left on the earth, they are going to mourn, and they are going to look and go "Oh no, we crucified our Messiah, and here He is!" They are going to recognize Him. And we see in Verse 31 that the Lord's going to round them all up. It says in this verse that He's going to come upon the clouds of heaven. That's given to us in Daniel 7:13.
I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with you that the term elect is referring to the church. We are the bride of Christ. I agree to that. But we are not the elect. Going all the way back to the OT, the term elect is a title referring to the Jews. The church was not in existence when the Jews were given this title. They are God's elect, His chosen people. Looking at Matthew 24:22 which says "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
If God did not have a time period when He says okay, I am going to stop, everybody would be wiped out. But for the sake of the elect, which again is special word brought over from the Old Testament as a title for the Jewish people. They are His elect people. It does not mean they are all saved. They are His chosen people, His idea, and He has chosen them out. And He realizes there are 144,000 of them out there, plus all the others who believed, and this is something that is going to happen at the last part of the tribulation period. Those days will be shortened for the 144,000 Jews. The church will not be here.
In Revelation Chapter 11, John says that at the second coming of Christ, all of Israel will be saved. That is what that verse makes reference to. At His second coming, all of the Jews at that time will be saved. So, God shortened the days, 3 years, just so His own people (His elect) could survive.
You are asking for my understanding of Matthew 24:29-31, so I will share that with you in a separate post as there is not enough space here to do so.
Well written Chuck. The Scripture that came to mind was 2 Corinthians 5:17: "... if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
Chris You believe in the pre-tribulation rapture? Lets look at the #1 pre-trib rapture verse, (1.Thes.4:16-17) and compare it to (Mt.24:29-31) 1.Thes.4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first: (17. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. ((4 things to look at and compare with Mt.24:29-31)) ((1st.)) The Lord descends from heaven. ((2nd)) A sound of a trumpet. ((3rd)) A gathering together. ((4th)) In the clouds. Now to look at Mt.24:29-31 Immediately AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. (30. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (31. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. ((1st)) He descends from heaven in the clouds. ((2nd)) A sound of a trumpet. ((3rd)) We are gathered together. ((4th)) We meet Him in the clouds. Mt.24:29-31 and 1Thes.4:16-17 are the same event! Also 1.Cor.15:51-52 Is the same event, we are changed in the twinkling of an eye to meet Him in the clouds. Phl.3:20-21 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ: (21. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself. (When we meet Him in the clouds we are changed into spiritual bodies like unto His glorious body.. We are changed in the twinkling of an eye.
The Lord in verse one is the King of glory in verses 8-10. Who is also the King of King's and Lord of Lord's in Revelation 19:11-16. He is the One riding on the white war horse. He is the Great Creator and Controller of all things. He has a name no one knows but he, himself. His name is, (not was), called the word of God. This is His knowable name. The sword that proceeds from his mouth is His holy word, empowered by His Holy Spirit, will destroy His enemies and brings these rebellious nations under His eternal rule. Praise God, I am on His winning side through Christ, my Lord!
The parable of the talents has always bothered me. I view the third servant who buried the talents as one who is perhaps unskilled in increasing his own wealth--let alone that of a harsh taskmaster whom he fears (I know we are not supposed to be fearful). But I think this servant was at least intimidated by the owner and may have possessed the Godly quality of meekness. There seems to be no punishment for the owner who appears to have been a bully (we have all had those in our experience). Maybe there is more to this parable than appears, upon deeper thought. Yes, we are to trust and obey and have faith; yet from childhood I have not quite understood the harsh punishment for the servant rather than the owner.
As we all whom believe in christ jesus will become as a new creation through jesus christ by the holy sprit !!!!! so casting off the old man or woman an putting on the new !!!!! for we have been given forgiveness and it's not remembered no more so rid yourself as well of your past sinfulness an wrongly ways of the old because you're changing and no longer do or even have desires for your past ways for your character has changed through the power of asking jesus's helping by his holysprit and your becoming a newness beautiful in jesus's holysprit !!!
Part.2) v.30 tells us Jesus (appears), that verse also tells us He appears with power and great (glory). (31. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. ((When Jesus returns riding a white horse nobody is gathered together because we are already there with Him, we return with Him)), see (Rev.19:11-16) In Col.3:4 Tell us "When Christ, who is our life, SHALL APPEAR, then shall ye also appear with him (in glory). Mt.24.30 He comes with power and great (glory). 1.Pet.5:4 And when the chief Shepperd (shall appear), ye shall receive a crown (of glory) that fadeth not away. (The chief Shepperd is Jesus) 1.Jn.3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, WHEN HE SHALL APPEAR, (we shall be like him); for we shall see him as he is. Phil.3:20-21 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: (21. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned unto his (glorious body), according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. When Christ appears, we appear with Him in glory, we are given a crown of glory, our body is fashioned like unto His glorious body.. (We change from flesh bodies to spiritual bodies, in the twinkling of an eye) In 1 Cor.15:50 we are told ' Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God,.. ( We are tested before the return of Christ in the clouds, He returns in the clouds (Immediately AFTER the tribulation) so our test will be DURING TRIBULATION! The word tribulation is #2347; it means pressure, afflicted (-tion), anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble, suffer tribulation. Do the words that define the word tribulation not sound like a testing? That fiery trial that is to try us will be going through great tribulation to test our faith!
You can always come to the feet of Jesus and seek forgiveness and restoration. 'god will receive you back "from the dead" if you so desire. The unrepentant backslider who has turned his heart from God without desiring to be rectified by God's grace and presence within is the one who in in peril.
Thank you for such a thoughtful reply. There is room for prodigals in God's "house" should they take God up on the repentance He extends to us and return to Him in humbleness, sincerity, and sorrow for having sinned against Him. And, yes, I agree, sin is a deadly thing, always. It deeply offends God and always harms the sinner in many ways. In the righteousness of Christ and a life of godliness we can know what true freedom is. It is certainly not the so-called freedom many feel sin affords them. In truth, it is bondage in the worst way.
Part.1) 1 Pet.1:7 That the (trial) of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be (tried) with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. The word (trial) is #1383; it means a testing, trustworthiness, trying, test, proof. The word (tried) is #1381; it means to test, by implying to approve, discern, examine, try. This verse is clear when taken in context that our faith will be tested, when will it be tested? This verse says that it might be found unto praise and honour and glory (AT THE APPEARING OF JESUS CHRIST) So our faith will be tested just before the Lord Jesus Christ appears! 1 Pet.4:12-13 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the (fiery) trail which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: (13. But rejoice as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be gad also with exceeding joy. The word (fiery) is #4451; it means calamity as a test. This verse says the fiery trial that is to try us will be a calamity as a test! Ps.11:4-5 The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORDS throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids (try) the children of men. (5. The LORD (trieth) the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth. The words (try) and (trieth) have the same meaning, #974; they mean to test, to investigate, examine, prove, try, trial. We are clearly tried, or tested before the appearing of Jesus Christ. When does Jesus Christ appear? Mt.24:29-31 Immediately (AFTER the tribulation) of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken, (30. And then ((shall appear)) the sign of the So of man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Here He appears)
I have not been much of a servant for Jesus. In my heart, I've always known he is real, but death and judgement seemed far away, and in my mind, I didn't believe 100% anyway, so its been easy just to forget about Him and do what I want. I didn't commit any terrible crimes according to man's law, but definitely have sinned according to God's.
In these crazy times, I should have been deceived the same way millions of others have been, but it's no contest. I've been able to see the truth, and the lies, for what they are the whole time. It's like my eyelids are taped open and I can't help but see the truth.
The only explanation is that Jesus granted me this undeserved insight, and must have done so for a reason. I just don't know what to do next.
It's a scary time for all of us, and I want to leave darkness for good and live in the light of God. I just don't know what to do next. I know to read the Word and to pray, but it feels like I should do more. Maybe I need help finding the right scriptures to study; how to learn more about God's plan for me from here for dummies.
What does 2 Peter 2:4 means? If God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be remembered unto judgment; mean?
I usually do not reply to ay comment made on this website. I just read your comment and it pricked my heart. Jerry, yes we have an option to walk away from God and every gift he has given us. We can trodden under foot the son of God.
I want to make one thing very clear. God is not willing that any should perish. Yes, to fall away is a terrible thing and the punishment is great and if we stay in that state the punishment will be everlasting. The fruit that sin provides leaves a long trail that only God can mend, but my friend ease realize we have an advocate who loves us dearly.
"My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:"
I also want you to realize, we all need to realize that sin is not something we need to take lightly. Society today has put sin in such a light where some sin is not so bad, but when you put any sin before such a Holy God we can begin to realize how sick sin really is.
My friend you have a God who loves the backslider. If you come to him and repent My God will forgive you. Come to him in a true heart and he will forgive you. A lie of this world will tell you that if you were saved you're always saved that is hells longest standing lie. "ye shall not surely die" if you sin there is wages and that is death, but the gifts of God are eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord.
I was once a back slider and God was good and gracious to me. He found it fit so save this sinner boy. Now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have many scars, but Gods Grace is sufficient. Now I am here today preaching the Gospel. If he can save me. He can save you. I am not ashamed of this Gospel, it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.
I know that the angels have spiritual or celestial bodies, but man was made with a physical body and that is what Jesus took upon Himself as God the Son, and He did rise bodily. He ate and drank with the apostles and could be physically touched. Scripture does not say that He divested Himself of this physical body that was raised and glorified. So, I think that our resurrection and glorification is perhaps something we must wait till it happens to truly know.
Have a good evening. Going off to bed soon.
But then Satan wanted permission to attack his health. And his body broke out in boils. And he wound up sitting out in the garbage dump scraping these boils with pieces of pottery that was out at the garbage dump.
And his friends were walking by and shaking their heads saying "Wow, the richest man in the area, so blessed. Now look at him." In fact, Job's wife yelled through the fence "Just curse God and die." Get it over with, you know? And some people think this is why Satan didn't attack his wife, because she was a good tool, saying just curse God and die.
You see, Satan thinks that we are too attached to too many things in this world, and if he gets permission to touch those things, that we're going to get mad at God.
So be careful. We're being scouted. And Satan only wants to attack us in the areas that he knows that we have problems with. "Oh, that person means a lot to you? That car means a lot to you? That house means a lot to you? Well, let's see what we can do about that!"
And he tries to get you to curse God to His face because of your loss of worldly goods.
Hopefully this is of some help!
Revelation Chapter 12 tells us that when Satan rebelled against God, that he took a third of the angels with him. And those are the demonic spirits that we hear of and know of today.
From the book of Revelation, we know that Satan himself is standing before the throne of God. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He is not omnipotent, omniscient, nor omnipresent. He's in one place. And the angels that rebelled with him are coming and giving him information. We get that from Job Chapter 1, how Job was scouted by Satan.
And the messengers come and give Satan the information, and then Satan accuses the brethren before God. If you want to know what he accuses, you can read Job Chapters 1 and 2. It's very interesting because Satan's one principle and purpose for what he's doing is permission to attack God's people in a certain way so as to get them to speak against God. He has to get permission. That's all he can do.
So, everything that happens to us, well, we trust the Lord for a while. And then something else happens and it's like "Oh no, well Lord, you can handle this too." And as time goes on, we become bitter and tired. And all Satan wants us to do is speak against God, shake our fist at Him, and tell Him we're not going to cooperate anymore because we don't serve a God that's going to allow this to happen.
That's his purpose. That's what he accuses. He says just let me touch his life and I'll show you that he will curse you to your face. That's what he said about Job. So, it's to turn us away from the Lord. What can happen? In Job's life, his family members were killed, his cattle were stolen, and he still praised the Lord.
This is what I can offer on 2 Peter 2:4:
(Part 1)
If God did this, then He's not slumbering, and He's not delaying about His judgment. And this is interesting because it shows a past tense. God did not spare angels that sinned but cast them down to hell. The word for hell is TARTARUS. And it is the Greek version of the term for Hades, where the unseen spirits go, in a compartment waiting for judgment. It's the only place where it's found in the bible.
And so, he says that God in past, He cast these angels who sinned into TARTARUS, and delivered them into chains of darkness.
Now it's the darkness that is the chains. How do you take spirits and put chains on them? It's a phrase that associates locking someone up so that they cannot escape.
And to be reserved for judgment. So, if God did not spare the angels that sinned, how's He going to spare these that sinned?
We will find out more about these angels when we get into Jude Verse 6. It's a one-chapter book. Both Jude and Peter run along the same lines and minister the same thing. And the evidence provides for us that Peter used some of Jude's warnings in order to have a unanimous unifying warning to all the churches.
It's interesting, but in Jude Verse 6, when he talks about these same angels, he says these angels which kept not their first estate, that is, the angels that rebelled against God with Satan, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
So, these are angels who had sinned and had left their first estate. Many believe that these are the angels that brought on the evil that forced God to bring the flood, the demonic forces that are mentioned in Genesis Chapter 6.
But it is interesting that it is well known amongst the apostles and amongst the early church that there were angels who had sinned.
Ill pray that u all understand what i try to say in Jesus name. Belive for your own good that Jesus Christ is Gods Son. Amen.
Love u all in Christ.
He says to give your money to the exchangers, and then at my coming, I should have received mine own with interest. That is what usury means, with interest.
Here is what I believe to be the moral of the story in Matthew 25:28-30:
God has left the Jews with the greatest commission that He could ever give. He left His word. The Jews should be out preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to whole world. But instead, Paul says in Romans Chapters 9 through 11 that the Gentiles have been grafted in. The Jews rejected their Messiah. So that's why we were brought in, and we are now preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
But it says, so that they can be jealous because we have their Messiah. And eventually, at His second coming, all the Jews that are alive will be saved. And so basically what He is saying is, I left you with a commission, with an assignment. What did you do with it? I dug a hole and buried it. You will be cast in to outer darkness. That is hell.
That is an interesting way of looking at it. Please allow me to share my thoughts with you on this parable. I notice that these three servants were each given talents (money), one five talents, another two talents, and the third, one talent. You might already know this, but a talent was a lot of money. It is equal to 6,000 drachmas. I know that might not mean anything, but 6,000 drachmas, which is 20 years wages, it equals 1 TALENTA.
In our money, one talent would be worth $600,000. So, we are going to deal with somebody that gave back 10 talents. So now we've got a $6 million investment here. That is a lot of money.
We see in Matthew 25:18 that it says he that had received one went and digged in the earth and hid his lord's money. As you know, he is the only one who buried what was given to him. So, the one who had one talent, he comes up to the Lord, and he says I knew you that you are a hard man. And here is what are called Modal Participles in the Greek.
This is what He means by a hard man. He says, you reap where you haven't sown. I mean, you don't even put seed in the ground, and you expect something to be there? You are a hard man!
And you gather where thou hast not strawed. Now the word strawed is a good word, isn't it? It means to scatter. It is the word DIASPORA. You gather together where you haven't even scattered anything. That is a hard man!
Matthew 25:25 tells us that this man was afraid. He hid the talent in the earth, and then later comes back with it and says "here you go, here's your talent back!" He didn't lose it, right? I would have said you are fired, but the Lord had some harsher words in Verses 26 and 27.
I mean if you know He is a hard guy, you better get out there and do something with it, right? You don't go hide it and say well, He is a hard man. Yeah, well guess what, the hard man is coming back, and he wants to talk to you.
I need a little more space so I will send a part 2.
Jesus says to us come and buy gold from Me. Revelation 3:18 Now we know this that the gold we buy is the gateway to the kingdom of God. For eternity. The others who have not settled with lamp oil or with interest. Is not Fit for Gods Kingdom.
It would be nice if more ppl here on the web have some thoughts about this. He died for all, but not evrybody is called. Because they are against Him. Dont want to belive in Him. Ohh i wish that i have bought some gold and white cloth from Lord Jesus.
God bless us all and give us wisdom and understanding in His word. Love u all in Christ.
In Acts 1:10-11, when the Lord ascended up into Heaven, the angel said why do you disciples look up into heaven? Why are you gazing up there? This same Jesus will come in like manner. He will come in the clouds. The actual event recorded is in Revelation 19:11-16, the second coming of Christ. He comes with power and great glory. Revelation 24:31 tells us that when He does come, He shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet.
I am going to get technical for a moment, just to show how good this passage really is. He is going to send His angels out with a great sound of a Shofar. It's a ram's horn. In the Greek text, the word "sound" is in brackets, which means it has been added to the text by some unseen person who doesn't understand the fact that the word "great" modifies the trumpet. It is called a great Shofar. The prophecy is in Isaiah 27:12-13. It says the great Shofar will blow, and the Lord will gather His people from the four corners of the earth.
So that is very important because that's a prophecy that the Jews looked for. It says He is going to gather them together, (his elect), that would be the Jews, from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other, north, south, east, and west.
This is my understanding of this section of Matthew.
As you asked, here is what I can share on Matthew 24:29-31. I will need more than one post to give you, my understanding.
(Part 1)
These verses speak of the promise of Jesus' second coming. Understanding the 7-steps of a Jewish wedding helps give a better understanding of Christ's second coming, and also some of the Jewish views about when Christ is coming back. If you would like for me to send you what the 7-steps are, I will do so. It is very interesting, I promise! They are literal steps of a Jewish wedding, and they parallel the things spoken of in Matthew's gospel.
So, reading through Matthew 24:29-30, it says that immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give any light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn.
Now the word "tribes" is very important. That tells us that we are talking about Jewish people. It is a Jewish term. All the tribes of the earth shall mourn. And they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. All the tribes! Again, that would be Jews.
In Revelation 1:7, it tells us that every eye will see Him, even those who have pierced Him. Zechariah 12:10 is a prophecy that the Jews hold to, only they don't understand its application. It says that when Messiah comes, they will look upon Him whom they have pierced.
So, at this time when Christ comes (at His second coming), the Jews who are left on the earth, they are going to mourn, and they are going to look and go "Oh no, we crucified our Messiah, and here He is!" They are going to recognize Him. And we see in Verse 31 that the Lord's going to round them all up. It says in this verse that He's going to come upon the clouds of heaven. That's given to us in Daniel 7:13.
To be continued...
I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with you that the term elect is referring to the church. We are the bride of Christ. I agree to that. But we are not the elect. Going all the way back to the OT, the term elect is a title referring to the Jews. The church was not in existence when the Jews were given this title. They are God's elect, His chosen people. Looking at Matthew 24:22 which says "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
If God did not have a time period when He says okay, I am going to stop, everybody would be wiped out. But for the sake of the elect, which again is special word brought over from the Old Testament as a title for the Jewish people. They are His elect people. It does not mean they are all saved. They are His chosen people, His idea, and He has chosen them out. And He realizes there are 144,000 of them out there, plus all the others who believed, and this is something that is going to happen at the last part of the tribulation period. Those days will be shortened for the 144,000 Jews. The church will not be here.
In Revelation Chapter 11, John says that at the second coming of Christ, all of Israel will be saved. That is what that verse makes reference to. At His second coming, all of the Jews at that time will be saved. So, God shortened the days, 3 years, just so His own people (His elect) could survive.
You are asking for my understanding of Matthew 24:29-31, so I will share that with you in a separate post as there is not enough space here to do so.
You can always come to the feet of Jesus and seek forgiveness and restoration. 'god will receive you back "from the dead" if you so desire. The unrepentant backslider who has turned his heart from God without desiring to be rectified by God's grace and presence within is the one who in in peril.
Thank you for such a thoughtful reply. There is room for prodigals in God's "house" should they take God up on the repentance He extends to us and return to Him in humbleness, sincerity, and sorrow for having sinned against Him. And, yes, I agree, sin is a deadly thing, always. It deeply offends God and always harms the sinner in many ways. In the righteousness of Christ and a life of godliness we can know what true freedom is. It is certainly not the so-called freedom many feel sin affords them. In truth, it is bondage in the worst way.
I hope to hear more from you.
In these crazy times, I should have been deceived the same way millions of others have been, but it's no contest. I've been able to see the truth, and the lies, for what they are the whole time. It's like my eyelids are taped open and I can't help but see the truth.
The only explanation is that Jesus granted me this undeserved insight, and must have done so for a reason. I just don't know what to do next.
It's a scary time for all of us, and I want to leave darkness for good and live in the light of God. I just don't know what to do next. I know to read the Word and to pray, but it feels like I should do more. Maybe I need help finding the right scriptures to study; how to learn more about God's plan for me from here for dummies.
Any suggestions?
I want to make one thing very clear. God is not willing that any should perish. Yes, to fall away is a terrible thing and the punishment is great and if we stay in that state the punishment will be everlasting. The fruit that sin provides leaves a long trail that only God can mend, but my friend ease realize we have an advocate who loves us dearly.
"My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:"
I also want you to realize, we all need to realize that sin is not something we need to take lightly. Society today has put sin in such a light where some sin is not so bad, but when you put any sin before such a Holy God we can begin to realize how sick sin really is.
My friend you have a God who loves the backslider. If you come to him and repent My God will forgive you. Come to him in a true heart and he will forgive you. A lie of this world will tell you that if you were saved you're always saved that is hells longest standing lie. "ye shall not surely die" if you sin there is wages and that is death, but the gifts of God are eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord.
I was once a back slider and God was good and gracious to me. He found it fit so save this sinner boy. Now I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I have many scars, but Gods Grace is sufficient. Now I am here today preaching the Gospel. If he can save me. He can save you. I am not ashamed of this Gospel, it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.