Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 472

  • David0920 - In Reply on Psalms 84 - 2 years ago
    Mr. Priday,

    Regarding Psalm 84, I think there is no question that this is talking about Salvation itself. We must remember that Christ spoke in parables and without a parable spoke He not. And since Christ is the very Word of God we can expect these parables to exist in every part of the Bible teaching some aspect of the Gospel. That is certainly the case in Psalm 84. Every verse is dripping with with a salvation message and the blessedness of being in the eternal kingdom of God made up of all True Believers and Christ Himself.
  • Josephine-Agape on Jonah 1 - 2 years ago
    I have also discovered by the help of our Teacher (God The Spirit) that God dealt with the Old Testament people with Love (He created humans to have a better relationship with them. A relationship better than he had with any of His angels, especially Lucifer), Anger (due to His disappointment at the garden of Eden and downward spiralling of sin degradation in human race), Grace (using them for His Agenda despite the fact that they not deserving in of it) and mercy (because of course "He will have mercy on those He would" - He is The God Of Creation, This has the prerogative to do what pleases Him. Also because His plan for the creation of humans in relative to the pre-created earth and satan and the fact that Jesus already died for the humans before they were created has to be fulfilled). Please What Is Your Take On This? I Stand Corrected...
  • Josephine-Agape on Jonah 1 - 2 years ago
    How did the other people know how to sacrifice to the Lord? Does it mean they also knew the Lord of Jonah (our Lord)? Earlier in the chapter it indicated "everyone called on his god" not "The Lord" does it mean the use of the word "god" was for story telling purpose and not to be specific as to which, god or for Our Lord?
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 84 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 84. This Psalm once again is written for the sons of Korah and addressed TO the chief musician "upon Gittith". The theory apparently is that there was a certain musical style that was attributed to whoever this people were.

    Remembering once again the rebellion in Numbers 16; there is a pretty clear indication in verse 10 of the event as it is stated that being a doorkeeper in God's house than to "dwell in the tents of wickedness." This should help us keep in mind situations such as that of Sodom and Gomorrah as well where Lot escaped "as through the flames" ( Gen. 11:27; 1 Cor. 3:15).

    We are given future promises as well. Men will come to worship every year in Jerusalem ( Zech. 14:16) or else face punishment. (verses 5-8). We even see provision for birds who will apparently nest there (verse 3) Verse 6 shows how there will be ample water in the area at that time as well. The verse of the anointed in verse 9 surely refers to Christ; although David will once again rule as well as ourselves as "kings and priests" ( Hosea 3:5; Rev. 5:10).

    Verse 12 shows a very important principle of trust and blessedness associated with it. If we desire a blessing we must live according to His righteousness and be obedient in service out of love ( John 14:15).
  • SIKHETO - 2 years ago
    what will happen on Earth when the river Euphrates dries out?
  • Nigel - 2 years ago
    Good day to all!

    I am a brand new Christian. I grew up in a house of faith but spent a lot of my life distanced from the lord. As an adult I can now see the forest for the trees in life and I've realized the importance of having Jesus and our Lord in my life permanently.

    Please forgive me if my question seems ignorant, I am honestly just searching for answers here.

    What I would like to know, is why are there books that have been removed from the Bible? Why did someone else get to decide what parts of the holy book that I get to read? Wouldn't tampering with the lord word be blasphemy?

    As far as I can tell, the 1611 KJ version is the Bible with the least amount of editing that I can purchase. Is there another version I haven't heard of?

    Thank you in advance and God Bless!
  • Anonymous - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yah is merciful and truth I'm unworthy for his love.
  • Anonymous - In Reply - 2 years ago
    ask Jesus who is the bridge to the Father so we can be Gods Sons and daughters too
  • Anonymous - In Reply on Genesis 8 - 2 years ago
    Christians are the seed of abraham through faith.
  • Mel8 - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Yes ! So many people have a massive problem admitting that they got something wrong in this world and in their spiritual life . Why this is I don't know , it must be pride . Does anyone really believe that they always get everything right first time ? Anyone who believes that is genuinely an idiot . If we can't accept correction wherever it comes from then we get stuck , entrenched in error that just gets harder and harder for us to get out of as time passed . You are right , the key is to be open to correction indeed , to welcome it , that's how we grow , grow closer to our God which surely is the desire of us all ? To obtain His acceptance not the praise of each other .
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 10 - 2 years ago
    Hi Eric. The way I understand Genesis 6:3, is that the LORD is giving mankind 120 years of life till He wipes them out. So, "yet his days" don't refer to the 'new' lifespan of humans, but to the remaining days that man has on Earth. All would be wiped out, but Noah & his family "found grace in the eyes of the LORD". And within that time frame of 120 years, Noah was given the plans for building the Ark, collecting the wood & beams, building it, collecting the animals & food to sustain them all, until God shut the door & brought the rain.

    It didn't take Noah that long to build the Ark (some have calculated the figure should be around 70 years), but from God's announcement of 120 years left for mankind's life on Earth, there would have been a long period (long, for us today) between the announcement & the start of the building work & the coming of the rain.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Jimbob. I do accept what you've quoted in Matthew 24:29 & Revelation 6:12-17 refers to the time of God's Wrath poured out. But if those Scriptures & others previously referred to for this particular time in history are the only ones used, then we should have no problem is believing what you say, "that the tribulation and God's Wrath are not the same".

    Yet, we haven't discussed 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7, which I had given in my last post (I only shared my own understanding). And this of course ties in with the Rapture; this too is important to consider when looking at the timing & character of the Great Tribulation/God's Wrath. So, maybe I'll keep this short & get your thoughts on that Scripture, if you so wish (no compulsion at all): What was deeply engaging those believers' minds that prompted Paul to pen these words of assurance? Who or what is the one who "letteth will let" ('katecho', restrains, holds back)? When this being or entity is "taken out of the way", what are the implications of that removal upon the Church & the World?

    These are the questions I have to ask myself when looking at such verses, particularly in the light of eschatology, where we are compelled to form an opinion or a belief with often very little information given (at least information so succinct for us, that the early Church receiving such, would have grabbed the opportunity to request the author to expand his teaching). Obviously we can't do that & I sense that the early Church did know far more than is revealed to us now, but God has permitted that we receive what is given & hold onto it. Hence, our variations in understanding to what should otherwise be a straightforward doctrine.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes JRR, the word 'flesh' can be taken to apply to only mankind; but the Bible does speak of 'other' flesh. As the Apostle Paul referred to this in 1 Corinthians 15:38,39: "But God giveth it (i.e. the seed by God that contains the necessary constituents to form a particular organism), (gives it) a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." So, I believe that Genesis 6:18-20, speaks of the various categories of 'flesh' & not to the many tribes & families that exist as human beings.

    And back to the Kenite origins. I have seen opinions that indicate that the Kenites descended from Cain, hence not all flesh were destroyed by the flood. And yet, we get an example in Judges 1:16 indicating that Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, was a Kenite. And then in Numbers 10:29, Jethro is referred to as Raguel (also called 'Reuel' in Exodus 2:18), as a Midianite. What would you make of this? We know that it is the same man, Jethro, that is referred to, but can we assume a connection between the two families (Kenites & Midianites)? If there is and we go back to the immediate descendants of Noah's sons, we can follow the descendency from Shem through to Terah to Abram to Midian (through Keturah): Genesis 10:21-31; Genesis 11:10-32; Genesis 25:1-4 (here, we see Midian born to Abraham through Keturah, of whom (Midian), Jethro is connected to. If Jethro is also recorded as being a Kenite, there must be another family line coming through Midian (maybe through a daughter, not mentioned (only sons) in Genesis 25:4).

    So, it appears that we must be open to the possibility that the Kenites were not from Cain (as much as a similarity exists in those names), but could have come through the descendants of Shem & the Abraham.
  • Dave15 on Philippians 3 - 2 years ago
    I love this bible study tool
  • Jesse - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Ruby Lea Read,

    It is a blessing to be humbled by God. What you said reminds me of what James tells us in James 4:6.

    God gives more (or greater) grace. Wherefore he says, and this is Proverbs 3:34, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

    Proverbs 3:34 is found three times in the New Testament. It's a very important and popular verse. God resists the proud. Who are the proud?

    There are two things about the word for proud. Number one, a person filled with pride is self-centered.

    Now by that, the word means that you are centered on yourself whether you think you are somebody great, or you think you're somebody like a failure.

    It's the high or the low, high self-esteem, or low self-esteem, you're still focused on yourself. It's still pride.

    The other thing about the word for pride is self-reliance. This is the person that uses their human resources to live their life and satisfy their problems. And for them, maybe when they run out of human resources, they might call on God.

    God resists the proud, the person who is relying on their human resources, who is self-centered and self-motivated. God will resist that person. But He gives grace to the humble. And the word humble is the person who has been made low, just like we see in James Chapter 1.

    Why does God resist the proud? God is bringing that person to a position where they need God's grace. God only gives His grace to the lowly.

    If a person is self-centered and self-reliant, God has to oppose them so that they turn around and become dependent upon the Lord. But He only gives His grace to the humble!

    So, as it says in James 4:5, God has given me a spirit that dwells in me that lusts to envy. The word spirit is no doubt the human spirit that God has given us. The human spirit in us lusts to envy.

    But God has greater grace because He'll resist me. And He'll give me His grace when I'm humbled!

    May the Lord continue to bless you also!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Amen Ronald,

    We do learn from each other and we should be open. I definitely agree with that. You have been on here for several years now and you always have a lot of knowledge to share and I for one do appreciate you. We may not always be in complete agreement on everything, and we shouldn't expect to be. I have no expectations of people agreeing to everything I share. That is all any of us can do, is share what we have studied on our own, what we believe to be true, and share those things here with others.

    We all believe (or at least we should) that Gods word alone is truth. That's how I see it. It's not what I say, and not what I believe to be true. I can tell someone "This is what the Bible says," and yes, it does say that. But I always have to keep in mind that my understanding of what I believe it says can be faulty. Nevertheless, Gods word alone is true.

    But yes, we need to keep on studying, and coming here and sharing what we have learned can be a fruitful experience. I trust that the Lord will be there at all times to let us know if we are right or wrong.

    I think sometimes God allows us to hash things out before showing us. And sometimes I have to wonder whether it's me in a back and forth discussion about a disagreement, or any two believers for that matter, if the Lord is up there with His arms crossed, laughing at us, and saying "You know something, you're both wrong."

    I believe that is always a possibility. Blessings to you my brother. Keep sharing!
  • JRR - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Maybe so. But not just the giants are talked about after the flood so are the Kenites who are the descendents of Cain.

    To me, "flesh" means humans, people, man etc .Not creature, animals, insects etc. This is why it sounds to me like there was more then Noah and his son's . Maybe they were the only eight souls saved per sa. I also can not see only eight people taking care of that many animals 24/7. That is a lot of work for only eight people. The animals did eat, Noah ate as well, so someone had to clean messes 24/7 otherwise the ark would have caught fire from the gas build up and the flame for lights. I can't see just eight people taking care of themselves,the animals and able to rest. I believe in scripture, I have always thought it to be just Noah s family until recently something just clicked about the flesh and thinking about the size of ark and all the animals to be care for by just eight people. I've worked at a kennel before with about 120 dogs and a few cats with 4 of us working and we could hardly stay up so I can't imagine.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris Thank you again, I have really enjoyed our friendly discussions. You believe the great tribulation and the wrath of God are the same period, right? In Mt.24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall ((the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light)), and ((the stars shall fall from heaven)), and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. (The sun is darkened and the moon shall not give her light). When does this happen in the book of Revelation? At the sixth seal! Rev.6:12-17, (12) And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and ((the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood)). (13) And ((the stars of heaven fell unto the earth)), even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. (14) And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. (15) And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; (16) And said to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. (17) For the great day of his wrath is come: and who shall be able to stand. (The sun and moon are darkened and the stars fall from heaven IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION in Mt.24:29, So the tribulation period has ended when these things happen.) Then Rev.6:16-17 tell us the great day of his wrath is come, this wrath is AFTER the sun and moon are darkened, and the stars fall from heaven. The tribulation and the wrath are not the same, these verses prove they are different time periods Chris, they are not the same. You are right, we are not appointed to wrath (we will be gone for the wrath), but we will be tested during great tribulation. Thank you again Chris.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago

    What is the definition of ALL.

    1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam ALL DIE, so in Christ ALL shall be made ALIVE.

    Doesn't everyone (ALL) at some point DIE, is not the ALL the same in that scripture; as ALL die in Adam, ALL shall be made alive in Christ.

    This is the GOSPEL

    Did this not happen at the death and resurrection of Christ.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hey Jesse,

    Thanks, I appreciate that, I agree it is not a contest, we learn from each other. We should be open to other understandings and humble to study for the truth and be thankful if we are shown it. Like I told S Spencer I can see both views, but I have not been able to fit it into Revelation and the scriptures line up. That is why we were told to study.

    God bless,

  • Eric D Byrd on Genesis 10 - 2 years ago
    Here in Gen. 10, we see a quick rundown of the lineages of Ham and Japheth, and last but not least, Shem; but it is rather striking that for Ham and Japheth, no reckoning of their ages and lifespans appears to exist. Certainly not here... while on the other hand, Shem's male offspring are listed generally as having 400-500 year lifespans, apparently in direct contradiction to the remark of God in Gen. 6:3, that He will no longer strive with man, and will reduce his lifespan to 120 years.

    It's not explicitly discussed after this (as far as I know), and Ham's and Japheth's lineages fade out of view, and obviously it's because Shem's lineage leads to the Messiah. And eventually we see this lineage lead to Abraham, whose lifespan was "only" 175 years, but it's probably safe to "read between the lines" here and assume Shem's offspring retained really long lifespans because they were in the lineage of the Messiah, while Shem's brothers' lineages shrank to 120 years after God's pronouncement in Gen. 6:3 and the imminent Flood.
  • BenSven - In Reply on Ephesians 1 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 18:22Leviticus 18:22 (KJV)

    22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 18:22 (KJV)

    Hopes this helps you
  • BenSven - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Indeed and correct
  • T Levis - 2 years ago
    I am feeling led to share a dream I had while sleeping recently. ( Jeremiah 23:28-30, )

    the dream; There was a man & woman that seemed "closed off" like not wanting to get involved or be helpful, they seemed pleasant, polite. They were closing the front door of their home. Me & my 2 sons were in a vehicle, in the driveway of that man & woman. The house was on the left. I heard the LORD say in my spirit, "I AM now going to judge the greedy, rich, & corrupt." I felt a fearful Awe. Instantly the wind started blowing. My sons noticed something & told me to look. They insisted. I looked more intently. There were two trees. One seemed more like a bush, the other like a small tree. One was pulled up by the wind with roots blown left possibly at the back of house. We couldn't see damage. Then the electric poles that were in front of us & to the left were ripped up, & pulled that same direction. We knew it was going to cause a continued reaction, from the connected powerlines behind us. Before we could turn around to look back, the powerlines were dragged upon & over our vehicle, lighting it up with the electricity. Then being pulled a twisted mess of hotwires were in a powerful explosion of fire & electricity infront of us. The sun had set, it was dark outside so the intensity of the brightness was even more vivid. The dream switches to a large tornado above a large mirrored glass skyscraper & city. I was with many people outside. I loudly told everyone to pray. People furthest away on the left were beginning to be swept away before the large whirlwind was above us. Urgently I started to pray outloud for mercy. I plead that none should perish ( 2Peter 3:9, & Matthew 18:14,). The tornado broke apart in an unusual way, into many pieces & completely dispersed away. All the people within the streets nearby were safe, we were unharmed in all of those things, yet experienced the full intensity. End of dream.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Ronald,

    Thank you for sharing this information for my consideration. I have read the account of the 70 AD destruction of the temple. The things Antiochus IV Epiphanes was the inspiration for the Maccabean Revolt.

    Some people think that when Jesus mentions in Matthew 24:15 "there shall be an abomination of desolation" is that's what they called it when Antiochus IV Epiphanes, back in 165 B.C., put up his image.

    Yeah, it happened once before. But in Matthew, this is a future event, not to be confused with that event. This is something that must happen in the future.

    I know this is one of the most debated topics amongst believers, but like you, I am not looking for debate either.

    I believe that all prophecy concerning the end time is based on Daniel 9:24-27. I also believe that the misunderstanding of the prophecies of the last days is based upon combining Luke's account with Matthew's and Mark's account as if they are the same message. From what I have read, they are not the same message.

    Looking at what Jesus said in Matthew 23:38, I understand that was fulfilled 38 years later in 70 A.D., when Titus the Roman General rode into Jerusalem and killed 1,600,000 Jews. He leveled the city, including the temple, just as Jesus said they would. Why?

    Because they rejected their Messiah and even to this day, they no longer do sacrifice. That is because there is only one place that they can sacrifice and it is in Jerusalem, which is why the Jews don't sacrifice today.

    But there will come a time in the future when the antichrist arrives on the scene, and he is going to help the Jews rebuild their temple in Jerusalem. And he's going to help them start sacrifices up again. And then right in the middle of the tribulation period, right in the middle of the 70th week, he is going to set up his image in the Holy of holies, and he is going to say that everybody must worship him.

    Again, thank you for what you've shared.

    God bless!
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Current revival

    I have studied a number of accounts of the firsthand experiences in the Asbury college event. It seems that things are fairly consistent with true repentance; scripture readings and some other things that at least don't put any red flags as to falsehood.

    Apparently this went on there in 1970 as well. I am also aware of the other high school events of the last 4 or 5 years where there was a short burst of school prayers in several places.

    Today; I heard a video from someone who attended that university about 15 years ago who was called to pray daily for such an event; with an exhortation from another person as to the fact that the fruition of such a prayer for revival may not happen while they were there but would be effective in a future group of people. This is the first point that I feel is important; that most things are paved ahead; as Paul states one waters and God gives the increase ( 1 Cor. 3:6-8). This principle also holds true; no doubt for evangelism. We could even extend it to the end times; for prayers for a mountain to move ( Rev. 8:8; Mark 11:23). We don't know exactly how; but we are told "vengeance is mine; I shall repay ( Romans 12:19). The sants who die as martyrs in Revelation will surely be vindicated; with the bowl judgments in Revelation as well as eternal consequences including ruling and reigning during the Millennial Kingdom over the earth for true saints of God.

    Obviously; there needs to be a proper guaging with discernment of how this move proceeds as time goes on. For now; another positive aspect is that big name preachers have largely stayed out of it at least as to being in the limelight. No doubt there will be; probably for financial gain an intrusion at some point either from false apostles and preachers; or those who identify as working for Satan as a test of faithfulness. The enemy is well entrenched and we are promised persecution as all are who are godly ( 2 Tim. 3:12). Let us diligently rpay.
  • Alex1900 - 2 years ago
    Romans 9:8...Not all Israel is Israel...That is the Children of the flesh,...natural Israel are not the Children of God...Its the Children of PROMISE that are counted for the GOOD seed...Which is the seed of Christ the word N.C. LIVING spirits...Who are the Children of Promise Spirits. the H.G.....Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit which is the H.G the Child of Promise...Our new innerman...our new heart and new spirit the H.G. is not born by the will of man nor of blood nor of flesh but is only born by the will of God... JOHN 1:13...Thats y we must be bornagain of that incorruptible seed yielding a new innerman...That Child of PROMISE a baby Christ which is the Elect thats y the woman is giving birth to the manchild that is gonna rule all nations....All Israel will be saved in the end but not all ISRAEL is the Promise Seed....Natural Israel is flesh and blood....But the Israel of God are Spirits the H.G. that is gonna be born in flesh and blood....I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh...By 1 spirit we are ALL baptised into the body of Christ Jew or Gentile...etc....Jesus said behold i send the PROMISE of my Father upon you which was baptism of the H.G. the main Elect....But the Church is the Elect LADY The bride....The Church and the H.G are gonna be married...But the Elect Lady is only a joint heir with the H.G the gift of God...But Jesus prayed that they might be one as we are one in John 17 As Him and the FATHER ARE 1...
  • AnewGeorge - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I believe he did. When he appeared to the disciples, he showed them to prove it was he that returned.
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My reply on 2-12-23 is scripture. You must have me confused with someone else! By grace are ye saved through faith, it is a gift from God ,not of works lest any man boast!
  • Steve on Proverbs 15 - 2 years ago
    For those of us that can hear the parable of the sower,I want to thank God your converted and listen to the Word (Jesus).The Word falls into the soil,rock,and thorn bushes.It is hard to plant seeds and how much more the Word of God in people's heart that is choked by the cares of this world ( Matthew 13:19).

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