HI all, I'm new to this, so let me just ask the question, towit: Is there anywhere in the Bible that can be used to quell the argument that the Earth is FLAT?? There seem to be SO MANY folks that think we live on a disk of some sort, that it's not funny anymore.
Of course they can't answer the simple question of WHAT is at the edge of this disk, but if anyone could help answer my question, it would be much appreciated.
We should add the purpose of the Resurrection and baptism of the Holyspirit in those debates.
The Law with its sacrificial system points to Christ.
When we look at the Power of the Resurrection and baptism of the Holyspirit we find it does what the commandments couldn't do in regards to sanctification.
There's no rebirth.
There's no change inwardly.
There's no cleansing the inside the cup that the outside may be cleansed also.
We're sanctified by the Spirit of God Positionally and there is also Practical sanctification. "A new heart that desires God's precepts and there is a law written in our hearts.
We're always checking ourselves by the obedience to the commandments.
But Israel downfall was they didn't and couldn't bare fruit.
The law couldn't make them do that collectively as a nation.
But we can collectively because we're Grafted in the true/Genuine vine.
Concerning Proverbs 18:21...My mom told me that when I was born, an elder in the family commented, upon looking upon me and reacting to, what she referred to as me looking too angelic. She told my mom, " She didn't come here to stay".
Well eight months later I contracted SPINAL MENIGITUS. My mom had to be very proactive and had to respond to the Holy Spirit's leading; with her working with God, I was saved by her being led to a phone booth in the hallway of that hospital that gave up on me and calling a Private Pediatrician . He told my mom to get me out of that hospital...he ordered an ambulance and saved my life...that was 68 years ago ( Drs. FORREST P. WHITE AND NELSON PAYNE). I believe the words spoken over me by the family member had power to cut my life short. In my life I've had so many up close and personal encounters with God. I ought to write a book detailing them. I've written them in great detail on my I Pad. Peace to everyone
I set this post aside as a side note for the thread debating the PURPOSE for the commandments and what seems to be requirements for salvation.
Not whether they were good to follow.
I also stated Israel was given the articles of God and no one keeps those laws better than them.
My point was they weren't broken off for not keeping them, They were broken off because they stumbled over that rock of offence and chief Cornerstone. Christ!
Oseas disagreed with my assertion of Israel but we agree on James 2:10.
I said amen to James 2:10, That was more to my point.
Most of the time obediance to the commandments comes up by some individuals it's about requirements for salvation not sanctification.
Did not know it was Messiah the King in Dan. 9:25, whether that would matter, we know He is King.
I have enjoyed this discussion because of its importance not on salvation but for those who will be living when the end starts. This 70th week, if it is in the future or if it has been fulfilled in the past makes a world of difference in what people are expecting to happen.
If the 70th week is in the future there will be the 7-year pre, mid, or post-tribulation as taught, but if it has been fulfilled in the past that would make that false. What outcome would that have on those who are here?
Daniels people, the lost sheep of Israel, Matt. 10:5-6 did not reject Him, it was the corrupt rulers of Jerusalem and the temple, Luke 16:14-15 whose eyes were blinded and Jesus cried over it Luke 19:39-44. Many of them believed in Him but would not confess Him, John 12:42. Jesus the Messiah had to be cut off/sacrificed, Psalm 22:16-18Isaiah 53:8-12 to atone for sins, Dan. 9:26.
If the priests and leaders of Jerusalem had received Jesus as their Messiah and had not conspired with the Romans to crucify Him, there would be no atonement sacrifice for the salvation of the Jews first and also to the Greek/Gentiles, it was God's plan.
Daniel 9:25-27 is a precise prediction of when Jesus would come and be anointed. In the scripture from Matthew to Acts 8:4-5, there is strong evidence without assumption of a 7-year amount of time from the anointing of Jesus the Messiah and His 3.5-year ministry/confirming the covenant to the lost sheep of Israel, Daniel's people.
His crucifixion in the middle and 3.5 more years the gospel was to only the lost sheep, Daniel's people by Jesus through His apostles, thousands were saved, then the death of Stephen, and the gospel going to the Gentiles, to make the Jews jealous, the branch broke off, but still offered to the Jews.
The destruction of the city and the temple was the judgment for the ruler's abominations that was carried out, after the 490 years, Dan. 9:26Luke 19:41-44. Why? Thou knowest not the time of thy visitation and this time was prophesied in Dan. 9:25. The Greek word here that is translated as visitation is episcope, which means investigation, inspection, overseer, and that was the 3.5 years He had been among them.
In Rev. 11:1-2 42 months, Rev. 11:3-7 1260 days, Rev. 12:6 1260 days, Rev. 12:14 a time and times and half time, Rev. 13:5 42 months. All these equal 3.5 years, the Gentiles trod down the Holy City, 3.5 years, the two witnesses are given power, 3.5 years, the woman is fed in a place from the face of the dragon for 3.5 years, and the first beast who people call the antichrist, power was given him to continue, 3.5 years. All is before the 7th trumpet, Rev. 11:15.
The Gentiles trodden down the holy city, the two witnesses, the woman being fed and hid from the face of the dragon, and the beast continuing, all 3.5 years. Are all these things going on at the same time? Without speculation can we say they are not? None of these 3.5-year 4 events looks peaceful, but the opposite. One thing is clear the beast in Rev. 13 is given only 3.5 years, not seven. And for those who consider Dan. 7 in Dan. 7:25, it is also 3.5 years.
So if he confirmed a covenant/treaty and 3.5 years of peace there is no mention of it in Revelation, only the 3.5 years from when he ascends out of the bottomless pit, Rev. 11:7, Rev. 13:1, and Rev. 17:8 until he is cast into the lake of fire by Jesus, Rev. 19:20.
I end with this, we have made it a long one. It has been a pleasure discussing this, may we all learn and grow from each other and be blessed, and be led by the Spirit of Truth. May your week go well.
The question is: All of those who accept Christ will be glorified at the end? The answer actualy lies in verse 28, " And we know that all things work together for good TO THEM THAT LOVE God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". Not all of them but those who love and keep keep loving God till the end of the road, no matter the hardships, the tribulations, the trials, etc. Because there are many who loose their love to God and follow their deceitful heart in loving other things, even things that are not sinful but still drive people away from God. Like the cares or the riches amd the desires of this world, as it is written in the parable of the seed. Saul the king loved the fame, Balaam the prophet the riches, Judas the money, Demas loved this world and so many cases that are written in the Bible. One should be aware not to let satan enter their heart and lead them away from the Lord, one way or another. Jesus warns us, Remember Lot's wife. She ended up loving Sodom and Gomorrah more than God so she was left behind (and away from salvation), although being a daughter of God.
God's will is to glorify us BUT the same will must be inside us till the very end.
The belief of predestination is based mainly on the following verses:
"29. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
30. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."
Let's see what the word "predestinate" means.
The grk for it is "proorizo" (first person). From "pro" which means "pre" and the verb "orizo" which means "ordain, define, determine etc". So "proorizo" means to "determine beforehand".
So let's use an example with that word.
Example. "A father "proorizei" (verb of the third person) his son as his successor in his company."
The above says that the father's will, intention, decision is that his son will get his company when he is going to quit sometime in the future. But does that guarantee that his son is actually going to do that. It is the father's will, intention. BUT it has to be the son's will and choise as well. But the son may not choose to do what his father would like him to do. Maybe the son has something else in his mind for himself, anorther job, another lifestyle. Even maybe the son initially accepts the jod but later on leaves it. Any other thing really. So you see that for the result to be what the father wishes both parts, father's and son's, will must the same, otherwise what the father wants won't be accomplished.
S let's go back to those verses. An free interpretation could be as:
The ones that God knows that will accept Jesus, He determines to be like Jesus (it means glorified, which actually means saved). So God calls them out of the world. Then He justifies them through Jesus' Blood and glorifies them (although that seems to have been done, it actually refers to the future, at the resurrection).
The question is: All of those who accept Christ will be glorified at the end?
Hello Giannis and thanks for your reply . I don't make the rules of my congregation :) the brethren do that . I joined it almost 30 years ago . As far as I can tell , it's because partaking of the bread and wine is a very special and spiritual thing to us , not to be taken lightly . We like to know that whoever does partake , knows exactly what they are partaking of and that they understand the things that are believed by us in fellowship . As I said , we have a lovely open meeting on a morning , usually anyone interested in joining us starts with that meeting , I did . Then as time goes on , an interested visitor may come to the breaking of bread , no one is allowed to break bread with us unless they have been baptized by full immersion as an adult . These are our rules , I didn't make them :) .
The only perfect translation is the book in the right hand of the FATHER that Jesus wrote with his own blood....Which is the book of Life.....Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.....Which is baptism of the H.G. and fire. .....There can not be any righteousness or Judgement or sinlessness.....Till the woman gives birth to the manchild that is gona rule all nations with a rod of iron....No Salvation or kingdom till the Child is born in us.... Rev. 12 :10.....Its only the Child that can reprove this world of sin and righteousness and Judgement.....Thus this world cannot attain true righteousness till the manchild is born in us sinners.
.......Thats y Jesus is saying unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child ( the H.G.) you will in no wise enter there in.....As that which is BORN of the spirit is spirit which is that Child of Promise that has to be BORN in us via his good seeds.....Thats y he has to know us, if he does not know us there will be no Child of Promise the H.G.....They don't call him the bridegroom for nothin.....The spirit has to be BORN in us which is the H.G.....Thats y Jesus refers to the H.G. as a child simply b/c he has to be BORN in us via his good seed..... Rev 20:12 kjv....The contents of the book of life.....My words are spirit and life ...Jesus is the author of this book of life....All the bibles and Churches in this world can reprove this world of sin and Righteousness and Judgement.....Its only by the blood of the lamb of God that this New Covenant is come to humanity....And The Mercy of God that wanted to give humanity a new Covenant via the Blood of Jesus The lamb of God....Its was Jesus that impregnated this woman in Rev 12 :5 by his living words/seeds....B/C I have spoken these words Sorrows ( a spiritual pregnancy) have filled your hearts...But after the Child is come her sorrows are turned into Joy.....The Child is Salvation and a kingdom.....This Woman knew Jesus thus the Children
Rom 7:21-23, "I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. 22For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members."
The law of sin and death IN MY MEMBERS, the law of sin WHICH IS IN MY MEMBERS. So Paul talks not about the Law of God but our sinful nature and its grasp.
I think you got it right (as far as I am concerned) in explaining that God's grace frees people not from the Law but from God's condemnation for breaking it. jesus paid the penalty for that instead of us so now we are free from condemnation. Well said.
This is not a secret. Since ancient times it is known that Matthew originally wrote his gospel in Hebrew but afterwards he himself rewrote it in Greek, The original Hebrew text has been lost, probably because not so many people used it, since the Word of God was spread to the gentiles who at the time spoke greek that was the international language at that time. So if even one could find that text they wouldn't read anything different.
Of course there are problems when one translates a text from one language to another. Often there are not respective words, often different phrases are used. But it seems that all apostles were speaking Greek fluently (especially Luke's and Paul's grk is perfect) so we can trust the scriptures they wrote in grk. And of course we can trust all good translations written for people of other nationalities. And if one has questions there are always concordances. Especially nowadays one can find a huge amount of information on the internet. GBU
Why is this? In my congregation everybody is free to attend (members and visitors), come in and get out any time they like. We welcome visitors but if they wish to be anonymous and not be bothered by anybody (for as long as they like) that is OK with us, we respect that, no problem. The church is not a private club with standard registered members. We don't sign any paper. There is nothing compulsory. If the visitors wish to participate in the breaking of the bread they are not prevented, it is their responsibility to be clean so that they will not get condemned. When there are visitors on a Sunday the pastor makes sure that they understand what we are up to do and what requirements are needed for taking part in the communion but this is as far as he goes. Everybody is free to choose whether they want to participate or not, the responsibility for doing so is upon them not on the church. And I think this kind of freedom is what a visitor would like to (and should) feel.
The initial post on this topic did not say that we need to obey the commandments to be saved. So, I interpreted the discussion as pertaining to the life we live as believer, not what we must do to be saved as far as works based salvation.
Anyway, I think we have discussed this topic fairly thoroughly once again. I hope your day goes very well today. Talk with you later.
The obvious issue of worldly appeal in regard to music and other entertainment features; and watering down or shortening sermons to draw people in has been going on for decades now in many mainline denominations. My beef here isn't to necessary deliberate each point (such as movie or game night) to determine what is right or wrong. What I am focusing on is the purpose of such an event.
Entertainment is something which laypersons need to be cognizant of monitering; especially when there are activity directors involved. Such was the case with a particular concert event which my local church routinely has monthly. The group; to be left anonymous had some noteriety playing with secular bands; and their music also was either secular or quite worldly. Thankfully; after I left halfway through the Pastor coordinated with several others in agreement that it would no longer be represented at our church. I have also seen issues when a church decides to pay for outside entertainment rather than looking to ways they can host events with their own music; for instance. Thankfully; I have seen several good venues after that aformentioned group; where local musicians limit their touring to churches; as well as secure incomes in reputable employment outside their concert venue. Speakers also have to be watched; such was the case with another person I will also keep nameless. It turned out he had ties with a group that is into spurious teachings (again to avoid being flagged here I will just say that it is a pretty well known organization). Finally; of course the fruit in lives of people often isn't clear; a background check is needed in all cases!
We do well to heed to Paul's words; 2 Corinthians 11:6 shows how this Mega-Apostle wasn't particularly gifted in oratory.
In short; for the Lord to be active and present; one should feel uncomfortable in their flesh and in the presence of His Holiness.
In my congregation we have two services on a Sunday . We have a Bible based lecture in the morning which anyone can attend and in the afternoon we have a members only service when we take the bread and wine . Outsiders may attend the breaking of bread but only with pre arranged permission of the brethren .
Yes, I believe we can, if we have Faith in God, and Believe in His words, and we live in His Spirit, Jesus tells us all things are Possible. Matthew 17:201 John 3:5-9 and 2 Corinthians 5:17
Just like the scripture above, we would like to believe it, but we have doubt, and so our unbelief continues to provide Satan the opportunity to sow doubt, and we give him a resting place in our mind, and the ongoing ability to continue to control our mind.
Today, all we hear is a loud and deafening drumbeat from Christians telling other Christians - we can never stop sinning, reinforcing sin contrary to what Jesus tells us what he expects from us. John 8:11 and John 5:14
"Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee."
Today God gives us the same choice that he gave Adam and Eve. Gen 2:16-17 But we continue to eat from the wrong tree.
To everyone that has been following this conversation
In Chris last point, he has a solid reasoning concerning the Scriptures that we now possess.
Yet, none of the translations are 100% accurate, one says the meaning is this, & another says no, its this.
Ephesians 4:5; & He's the John 1;1; is Christ divided? Look back in history & take note how much blood was shed because of this division of the Word. Is this not turning Christ words against His works. The Lord is One.
Reading over the whole of our conversation, the intent I purpose to reveal was not the discrediting of the Scriptures, but that they are spiritually discerned. That man un-regenerated heart Jeremiah 17:9, would shun the cross & choose another method than ordain of God to know him. & lets keep in mind that the Scriptures are only 2Timothy 3:16; the Strong's Complete Exhausted Concordance, etc; is not! Though ever so skillfully endeavored. Man has turn this note worthy endeavor into a replacement of Him. The promise is that God will teach His people Himself, Isa 54:13; the results; we come to know Him, a personal intimate fellowship; 1John 1:1-3; This has been God's heart desire from the beginning & only by coming in the Way that He has provided will make this a reality, along with all His other promises. We must look to His Spirit John 16:13, Zechariah 4:6;
The Hebrew scholar, Dr. Nehemia Gordon, discovered several years ago that the Gospel of Matthew was originally written in Hebrew. I encourage you to obtain his booklet, 'THE HEBREW YESHUA VS THE GREEK JESUS. SUBTITLE: NEW LIGHT ON THE SEAT OF MOSES FROM SHEM-TOV'S HEBREW MATHEW.
Personally, I have found Dr. Gordon's research to answer some questions that I had about the Greek translation of our most prescious resource on understanding our Creator's design for It's creation.
I have also been fascinated by the Hebrew language and can understand why the Greek scholars had problems. As Dr. Gordon once said, "They were not Hebrews." In other words. They thought like Greeks not Hebrews, so of course there were misunderstandings.
May the love and blessings of our Creator be with you and yours always. Brother John C
There are 2 facets to the Cross the new Covenant from Calvary....Plz keep that in mind.....One is redemption for humanity via his precious blood.....But the 2 nd is multiplication of his seed...Smite the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered then i will turn my hand to the lil ONES....The babes and suckling he mentions that can worship God with a Perfect Praise.....That are gonna be born in us that hear his words his seeds.....Thats y he is saying whosoever receiveth one such Child in my NAME receiveth ME.....Which are the Children of Promise.....An Israel of God.....The Children of the kingdom...
.......That was the great PROMISE..... Genesis 22:17......I will multiply thy seed as the stars of Heaven.....Thus multiplication of his precious seed in humanity.....Resulting in a Baby Christ born in us sinners who cd not keep the law in a Dream.....And this Child is born of God in us and he cannot sin.....Thus fulfilling the law.....The 2 nd facet is truly multiplication of his seed in humanity...Thus the sower and his precious seed.....When a seed dies it multiplies.....He told the Greeks unless a seed dies it abides alone...Just 1 seed ....but if it dies it will bring forth much fruit many Christ.....Everybody is gonna get a seed thus everybody is gonna birth him.....The Greeks wanted to see him.....The whole world is gonna see him b/c of what he did at Calvary that New Covenant in his blood....Remember God Almighty was so passionate about this Promise of multiplication that he swore by his very self...Thats y Jesus is saying to whom the word came ( the living word) it made them Gods and the scriptures cannot be broken....Living scriptures his offspring born in us via his seed.....Thats y the woman is giving birth ,its simply a picture of multiplication of his seed.....And thats y the dragon satan wants to kill the woman and her CHILD...Her Child is gonna reprove this world of sin and righteousness and Judgement....Which is the spirit of truth Jesus spoke of.
Isa 38:3; 1 Kings 11:4; 1 Kings 8:61; "present tense", Luke 1:5,6; they were perfect under the gospel of their dispensation. What God requires of us, is to walk uprightly according to the Truth that we know.
a perfect sacrifice requires a perfect offering Matt 5:48; Rom 12:1; Perfection is required. He's the head, we're His body, is Christ sinful?
Gigi, describe perfectly the heart intent of a believer journey in the work of regeneration, except, not being able to overcome all sin. 1John 3:8; the perfect work of Grace purges out all iniquity, Titus 2:14; the littlest of leaven, leaveth the whole lump.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the son's of God, & the Spirit of God will never, never lead one into sin. Therefore we know by who spirit we are of; 1John 3:9,10; Matt 17:17-23
The "some" in Jude 1:22 could be referring to two different groups of people.
1. It could have been in reference to "some" believers who were being influenced by the false teachers in Jude 1:4 who "...crept in unawares...", and compassion was needed to ground them in the faith so they would not depart from the faith.
2. The "Some" could also have been those who were close to being saved, and great compassion was needed to bring them to a place of receiving Christ as Saviour.
This is for those who were wondering what it meant.
My spiritual gifting tends to be weak in the area of hospitality and such nicities; perhaps that helps me explore this subject with a bit more impartiality. (I haven't figured out yet who gets what name tags in the welcoming committees). With such manners thrown to the wind; challenging a newcomer to repent of sins; or challenging professed believers of dangers ahead; as well as the temptations to fall away; persecution; etc. is open to discussion. Having discernment as a gifting; of coure needs to be balanced.
It would be nice for me to take the time to ask someone what their name is before getting into a twenty minute doctrinal discourse.
I have even gone to the lengths of asking those who I perceive as strong in the Lord to pray for things (such as for more prayer in my local church). Again; discretion is needed-outsiders don't need to be aware of all the problems or "dirty laundry" in a church; or alternatively; have to listen to all of our problems or gripes either. Nonetheless; it would be nice when those around us are struggling not to have to always put on a happy face to meet the expectations of a "seeker friendly" comfortable environment which guests are expected to enter.
One thing is for sure; if hypocrisy exists no one needs to tell a true believer who is visiting on a given Sunday; God Himself will reveal what He will. Imagine; for instance a visitor from the outside upbraiding someone for such an issue. Such audacity! Such presumption! Again; it may be better procedure to know someone first and the particulars involved before such a declaration is made; but being too familiar or comfortable I fear is a much greater issue on the politeness side of the equation.
Maturity also; of course being willing to share about other fellowships; for example that may better fit the needs of an individual due to resources available for someone to attend; rather than holding onto someone for monitary gain.
I thought it fitting to also point out how those in leadership will also be held accountable on this subject. There are few in ministry who will ask the congregation to pray for their needs; or who will openly acknowledge when they have done something amiss. Specifically; it is methodologies that are often held from worldly experience that are used to build up ministries; such as slick advertising campaigns. I prefer to hold to the seeker unfriendly camp; or perhaps what has been coined "your worst life now". Such advice is exemplified in Paul's harsh retort to the Corinthians who were living "like kings" at the time ( 1 Cor. 4:8). Sounds familiar; right? It would be wonderful to see the Gospel preached out of envy ( Philippians 1:15-16). That would be the case if the world was being turned "upside down" ( Acts 17:6); but in truth there are few that want to go down in a blaze of glory which the martyrdom at the time exemplified.
Exhortation; or iron sharpening iron ( Prov. 27:17) is also becoming a rare art heading toward extinction. Sin may be covered by the blood; but undoubtably still can lead to death; at least as far as the body is concerned. Such is the case with 1 Corinthians 11:30. For us to not have some awareness of the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin after salvation ignores passages such as Galatians 5:17. It is easy to ignore the desires of the Holy Spirit in the contentious struggle and just focus on the struggle with the flesh; for conflict to occur evidence of the Spirit's sanctification must be present. Again; without such things all of our "good deeds" simply are a remake of our actions to satiate God to the best of our ability; without ceding control to the Lord's authority and power. His RIGHTEOUSNESS is the only way we are going to want to obey His commandments; the whole emphasis of Psalm 119 as an example. And the Bema Seat keeps us humble now; every action is judged ( 1 Cor. 3:13)
The subject matter here is on sin; righteousness and judgment to come as the role of the Holy Spirit; and undoubtably I have made several postings on that subject. 1 John 4:3-5 is another fundamental precept as to the origin of a spirit; as well as verses involving the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom.
I would venture to say that often things seem to be backwards in given testimonies on the initial experiences with God or the Holy Spirit. A genuine conversion gives us a sort of "smackdown" in regard to us being enemies of God; which should occur when we realize that we have been heading to hell up until that point and that our sin NATURE is the real source of this enmity. Many like to tout about this sin or that sin but don't get to the source of the problem; namely a heart problem. This; of course simply substitutes one action for another; where we start living with a works based merit (whether we realize this fully or not).
One wouldn't want to have a decayed; maggot filled month old steak; no matter how well it is carefully seasoned; prepared and cooked! We are all enemies of God; and only His atonement can bridge that gap and repair the damage. Running away from God or having some natural repulsion at first I would say is a better indicator of true faith of a real experience with Christ. His love; of course is understood as pure and Holy and righteous; but our desire to avoid consequences; and find some other remedy for our condition usually causes a desire to escape. Only when we understand our sin NATURE can we begin to accept our helpless; hopeless state.
Judgment to come involves individual as well as national destinies. Much of the persecution of the Prophets came from these warnings; and a true messenger of God also is persecuted for the same. Hell is unpalatable but a necessary subject; as God's love is always balanced by justice. Thus; our love should grow during sanctification; not just be reactionary.
Well Frankie J, I really don't know how else to approach & respond to your comments when referring to the original languages. You clearly have another view of that aspect of hermeneutics, considering the Bible you now hold in your hands is the result of many months of intricate persistent work by the translators who examined the manuscripts in their possession & sought to correctly translate them into English for us. If this means their work would also come "from the traditions & teaching of man, the wisdom that's from below, earthy...", then what else could I write, for the plain facts stare me in the face. I think that our conversation must end here with such a belief you've shared. Blessings.
Of course they can't answer the simple question of WHAT is at the edge of this disk, but if anyone could help answer my question, it would be much appreciated.
Thanks for sharing your life saving testimony, God does miracles John 14:13. Amen
So sorry to hear. I would think God's house would be spending it's resources on saving souls..not entertainment.
There are so many souls crying out to be helped/saved in our streets today, and probably just as many sitting in churches being entertained.
Only God can correct this mess .
All I can say is we need to pray a lot for Christs intervention, and help whoever we can at this point.
We should add the purpose of the Resurrection and baptism of the Holyspirit in those debates.
The Law with its sacrificial system points to Christ.
When we look at the Power of the Resurrection and baptism of the Holyspirit we find it does what the commandments couldn't do in regards to sanctification.
There's no rebirth.
There's no change inwardly.
There's no cleansing the inside the cup that the outside may be cleansed also.
We're sanctified by the Spirit of God Positionally and there is also Practical sanctification. "A new heart that desires God's precepts and there is a law written in our hearts.
We're always checking ourselves by the obedience to the commandments.
But Israel downfall was they didn't and couldn't bare fruit.
The law couldn't make them do that collectively as a nation.
But we can collectively because we're Grafted in the true/Genuine vine.
God bless.
Concerning Proverbs 18:21...My mom told me that when I was born, an elder in the family commented, upon looking upon me and reacting to, what she referred to as me looking too angelic. She told my mom, " She didn't come here to stay".
Well eight months later I contracted SPINAL MENIGITUS. My mom had to be very proactive and had to respond to the Holy Spirit's leading; with her working with God, I was saved by her being led to a phone booth in the hallway of that hospital that gave up on me and calling a Private Pediatrician . He told my mom to get me out of that hospital...he ordered an ambulance and saved my life...that was 68 years ago ( Drs. FORREST P. WHITE AND NELSON PAYNE). I believe the words spoken over me by the family member had power to cut my life short. In my life I've had so many up close and personal encounters with God. I ought to write a book detailing them. I've written them in great detail on my I Pad. Peace to everyone
I set this post aside as a side note for the thread debating the PURPOSE for the commandments and what seems to be requirements for salvation.
Not whether they were good to follow.
I also stated Israel was given the articles of God and no one keeps those laws better than them.
My point was they weren't broken off for not keeping them, They were broken off because they stumbled over that rock of offence and chief Cornerstone. Christ!
Oseas disagreed with my assertion of Israel but we agree on James 2:10.
I said amen to James 2:10, That was more to my point.
Most of the time obediance to the commandments comes up by some individuals it's about requirements for salvation not sanctification.
God bless.
I'm on agreement with what Gigi posted.
It just wasn't anything to do with my post as far as requirements for salvation.
I was thinking along the lines of Paul in Galatians 5:2-4.
Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.
For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
However the Scriptural examples you gave puzzles me, but I will not get into that here.
What I will like to note is you seem to be saying, We as the body of Christ with Christ being the head we can live a perfect life.
Gigi stated in her reply "We never can be perfect like Christ.
I agree with her there as well.
We are to grow in grace.
I'm sure we all agree on that.
All these things is on this side of salvation.
My initial post was that the law was not meant to give life and Israel stumbled with that.
God bless.
Part 1
Did not know it was Messiah the King in Dan. 9:25, whether that would matter, we know He is King.
I have enjoyed this discussion because of its importance not on salvation but for those who will be living when the end starts. This 70th week, if it is in the future or if it has been fulfilled in the past makes a world of difference in what people are expecting to happen.
If the 70th week is in the future there will be the 7-year pre, mid, or post-tribulation as taught, but if it has been fulfilled in the past that would make that false. What outcome would that have on those who are here?
Daniels people, the lost sheep of Israel, Matt. 10:5-6 did not reject Him, it was the corrupt rulers of Jerusalem and the temple, Luke 16:14-15 whose eyes were blinded and Jesus cried over it Luke 19:39-44. Many of them believed in Him but would not confess Him, John 12:42. Jesus the Messiah had to be cut off/sacrificed, Psalm 22:16-18 Isaiah 53:8-12 to atone for sins, Dan. 9:26.
If the priests and leaders of Jerusalem had received Jesus as their Messiah and had not conspired with the Romans to crucify Him, there would be no atonement sacrifice for the salvation of the Jews first and also to the Greek/Gentiles, it was God's plan.
Daniel 9:25-27 is a precise prediction of when Jesus would come and be anointed. In the scripture from Matthew to Acts 8:4-5, there is strong evidence without assumption of a 7-year amount of time from the anointing of Jesus the Messiah and His 3.5-year ministry/confirming the covenant to the lost sheep of Israel, Daniel's people.
His crucifixion in the middle and 3.5 more years the gospel was to only the lost sheep, Daniel's people by Jesus through His apostles, thousands were saved, then the death of Stephen, and the gospel going to the Gentiles, to make the Jews jealous, the branch broke off, but still offered to the Jews.
See Part 2
Part 2
The destruction of the city and the temple was the judgment for the ruler's abominations that was carried out, after the 490 years, Dan. 9:26 Luke 19:41-44. Why? Thou knowest not the time of thy visitation and this time was prophesied in Dan. 9:25. The Greek word here that is translated as visitation is episcope, which means investigation, inspection, overseer, and that was the 3.5 years He had been among them.
In Rev. 11:1-2 42 months, Rev. 11:3-7 1260 days, Rev. 12:6 1260 days, Rev. 12:14 a time and times and half time, Rev. 13:5 42 months. All these equal 3.5 years, the Gentiles trod down the Holy City, 3.5 years, the two witnesses are given power, 3.5 years, the woman is fed in a place from the face of the dragon for 3.5 years, and the first beast who people call the antichrist, power was given him to continue, 3.5 years. All is before the 7th trumpet, Rev. 11:15.
The Gentiles trodden down the holy city, the two witnesses, the woman being fed and hid from the face of the dragon, and the beast continuing, all 3.5 years. Are all these things going on at the same time? Without speculation can we say they are not? None of these 3.5-year 4 events looks peaceful, but the opposite. One thing is clear the beast in Rev. 13 is given only 3.5 years, not seven. And for those who consider Dan. 7 in Dan. 7:25, it is also 3.5 years.
So if he confirmed a covenant/treaty and 3.5 years of peace there is no mention of it in Revelation, only the 3.5 years from when he ascends out of the bottomless pit, Rev. 11:7, Rev. 13:1, and Rev. 17:8 until he is cast into the lake of fire by Jesus, Rev. 19:20.
I end with this, we have made it a long one. It has been a pleasure discussing this, may we all learn and grow from each other and be blessed, and be led by the Spirit of Truth. May your week go well.
Thank you, brother and God bless,
The question is: All of those who accept Christ will be glorified at the end? The answer actualy lies in verse 28, " And we know that all things work together for good TO THEM THAT LOVE God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". Not all of them but those who love and keep keep loving God till the end of the road, no matter the hardships, the tribulations, the trials, etc. Because there are many who loose their love to God and follow their deceitful heart in loving other things, even things that are not sinful but still drive people away from God. Like the cares or the riches amd the desires of this world, as it is written in the parable of the seed. Saul the king loved the fame, Balaam the prophet the riches, Judas the money, Demas loved this world and so many cases that are written in the Bible. One should be aware not to let satan enter their heart and lead them away from the Lord, one way or another. Jesus warns us, Remember Lot's wife. She ended up loving Sodom and Gomorrah more than God so she was left behind (and away from salvation), although being a daughter of God.
God's will is to glorify us BUT the same will must be inside us till the very end.
The belief of predestination is based mainly on the following verses:
"29. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
30. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."
Let's see what the word "predestinate" means.
The grk for it is "proorizo" (first person). From "pro" which means "pre" and the verb "orizo" which means "ordain, define, determine etc". So "proorizo" means to "determine beforehand".
So let's use an example with that word.
Example. "A father "proorizei" (verb of the third person) his son as his successor in his company."
The above says that the father's will, intention, decision is that his son will get his company when he is going to quit sometime in the future. But does that guarantee that his son is actually going to do that. It is the father's will, intention. BUT it has to be the son's will and choise as well. But the son may not choose to do what his father would like him to do. Maybe the son has something else in his mind for himself, anorther job, another lifestyle. Even maybe the son initially accepts the jod but later on leaves it. Any other thing really. So you see that for the result to be what the father wishes both parts, father's and son's, will must the same, otherwise what the father wants won't be accomplished.
S let's go back to those verses. An free interpretation could be as:
The ones that God knows that will accept Jesus, He determines to be like Jesus (it means glorified, which actually means saved). So God calls them out of the world. Then He justifies them through Jesus' Blood and glorifies them (although that seems to have been done, it actually refers to the future, at the resurrection).
The question is: All of those who accept Christ will be glorified at the end?
.......Thats y Jesus is saying unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child ( the H.G.) you will in no wise enter there in.....As that which is BORN of the spirit is spirit which is that Child of Promise that has to be BORN in us via his good seeds.....Thats y he has to know us, if he does not know us there will be no Child of Promise the H.G.....They don't call him the bridegroom for nothin.....The spirit has to be BORN in us which is the H.G.....Thats y Jesus refers to the H.G. as a child simply b/c he has to be BORN in us via his good seed..... Rev 20:12 kjv....The contents of the book of life.....My words are spirit and life ...Jesus is the author of this book of life....All the bibles and Churches in this world can reprove this world of sin and Righteousness and Judgement.....Its only by the blood of the lamb of God that this New Covenant is come to humanity....And The Mercy of God that wanted to give humanity a new Covenant via the Blood of Jesus The lamb of God....Its was Jesus that impregnated this woman in Rev 12 :5 by his living words/seeds....B/C I have spoken these words Sorrows ( a spiritual pregnancy) have filled your hearts...But after the Child is come her sorrows are turned into Joy.....The Child is Salvation and a kingdom.....This Woman knew Jesus thus the Children
I think you are right about Rom 7:22-23.
Rom 7:21-23, "I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. 22For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members."
The law of sin and death IN MY MEMBERS, the law of sin WHICH IS IN MY MEMBERS. So Paul talks not about the Law of God but our sinful nature and its grasp.
I think you got it right (as far as I am concerned) in explaining that God's grace frees people not from the Law but from God's condemnation for breaking it. jesus paid the penalty for that instead of us so now we are free from condemnation. Well said.
This is not a secret. Since ancient times it is known that Matthew originally wrote his gospel in Hebrew but afterwards he himself rewrote it in Greek, The original Hebrew text has been lost, probably because not so many people used it, since the Word of God was spread to the gentiles who at the time spoke greek that was the international language at that time. So if even one could find that text they wouldn't read anything different.
Of course there are problems when one translates a text from one language to another. Often there are not respective words, often different phrases are used. But it seems that all apostles were speaking Greek fluently (especially Luke's and Paul's grk is perfect) so we can trust the scriptures they wrote in grk. And of course we can trust all good translations written for people of other nationalities. And if one has questions there are always concordances. Especially nowadays one can find a huge amount of information on the internet. GBU
Why is this? In my congregation everybody is free to attend (members and visitors), come in and get out any time they like. We welcome visitors but if they wish to be anonymous and not be bothered by anybody (for as long as they like) that is OK with us, we respect that, no problem. The church is not a private club with standard registered members. We don't sign any paper. There is nothing compulsory. If the visitors wish to participate in the breaking of the bread they are not prevented, it is their responsibility to be clean so that they will not get condemned. When there are visitors on a Sunday the pastor makes sure that they understand what we are up to do and what requirements are needed for taking part in the communion but this is as far as he goes. Everybody is free to choose whether they want to participate or not, the responsibility for doing so is upon them not on the church. And I think this kind of freedom is what a visitor would like to (and should) feel.
The initial post on this topic did not say that we need to obey the commandments to be saved. So, I interpreted the discussion as pertaining to the life we live as believer, not what we must do to be saved as far as works based salvation.
Anyway, I think we have discussed this topic fairly thoroughly once again. I hope your day goes very well today. Talk with you later.
The obvious issue of worldly appeal in regard to music and other entertainment features; and watering down or shortening sermons to draw people in has been going on for decades now in many mainline denominations. My beef here isn't to necessary deliberate each point (such as movie or game night) to determine what is right or wrong. What I am focusing on is the purpose of such an event.
Entertainment is something which laypersons need to be cognizant of monitering; especially when there are activity directors involved. Such was the case with a particular concert event which my local church routinely has monthly. The group; to be left anonymous had some noteriety playing with secular bands; and their music also was either secular or quite worldly. Thankfully; after I left halfway through the Pastor coordinated with several others in agreement that it would no longer be represented at our church. I have also seen issues when a church decides to pay for outside entertainment rather than looking to ways they can host events with their own music; for instance. Thankfully; I have seen several good venues after that aformentioned group; where local musicians limit their touring to churches; as well as secure incomes in reputable employment outside their concert venue. Speakers also have to be watched; such was the case with another person I will also keep nameless. It turned out he had ties with a group that is into spurious teachings (again to avoid being flagged here I will just say that it is a pretty well known organization). Finally; of course the fruit in lives of people often isn't clear; a background check is needed in all cases!
We do well to heed to Paul's words; 2 Corinthians 11:6 shows how this Mega-Apostle wasn't particularly gifted in oratory.
In short; for the Lord to be active and present; one should feel uncomfortable in their flesh and in the presence of His Holiness.
Nothing else matters.
Yes, I believe we can, if we have Faith in God, and Believe in His words, and we live in His Spirit, Jesus tells us all things are Possible. Matthew 17:20 1 John 3:5-9 and 2 Corinthians 5:17
Just like the scripture above, we would like to believe it, but we have doubt, and so our unbelief continues to provide Satan the opportunity to sow doubt, and we give him a resting place in our mind, and the ongoing ability to continue to control our mind.
Today, all we hear is a loud and deafening drumbeat from Christians telling other Christians - we can never stop sinning, reinforcing sin contrary to what Jesus tells us what he expects from us. John 8:11 and John 5:14
"Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee."
Today God gives us the same choice that he gave Adam and Eve. Gen 2:16-17 But we continue to eat from the wrong tree.
In Chris last point, he has a solid reasoning concerning the Scriptures that we now possess.
Yet, none of the translations are 100% accurate, one says the meaning is this, & another says no, its this.
Ephesians 4:5; & He's the John 1;1; is Christ divided? Look back in history & take note how much blood was shed because of this division of the Word. Is this not turning Christ words against His works. The Lord is One.
Reading over the whole of our conversation, the intent I purpose to reveal was not the discrediting of the Scriptures, but that they are spiritually discerned. That man un-regenerated heart Jeremiah 17:9, would shun the cross & choose another method than ordain of God to know him. & lets keep in mind that the Scriptures are only 2Timothy 3:16; the Strong's Complete Exhausted Concordance, etc; is not! Though ever so skillfully endeavored. Man has turn this note worthy endeavor into a replacement of Him. The promise is that God will teach His people Himself, Isa 54:13; the results; we come to know Him, a personal intimate fellowship; 1John 1:1-3; This has been God's heart desire from the beginning & only by coming in the Way that He has provided will make this a reality, along with all His other promises. We must look to His Spirit John 16:13, Zechariah 4:6;
In love & truth
Frankie J
Personally, I have found Dr. Gordon's research to answer some questions that I had about the Greek translation of our most prescious resource on understanding our Creator's design for It's creation.
I have also been fascinated by the Hebrew language and can understand why the Greek scholars had problems. As Dr. Gordon once said, "They were not Hebrews." In other words. They thought like Greeks not Hebrews, so of course there were misunderstandings.
May the love and blessings of our Creator be with you and yours always. Brother John C
.......That was the great PROMISE..... Genesis 22:17......I will multiply thy seed as the stars of Heaven.....Thus multiplication of his precious seed in humanity.....Resulting in a Baby Christ born in us sinners who cd not keep the law in a Dream.....And this Child is born of God in us and he cannot sin.....Thus fulfilling the law.....The 2 nd facet is truly multiplication of his seed in humanity...Thus the sower and his precious seed.....When a seed dies it multiplies.....He told the Greeks unless a seed dies it abides alone...Just 1 seed ....but if it dies it will bring forth much fruit many Christ.....Everybody is gonna get a seed thus everybody is gonna birth him.....The Greeks wanted to see him.....The whole world is gonna see him b/c of what he did at Calvary that New Covenant in his blood....Remember God Almighty was so passionate about this Promise of multiplication that he swore by his very self...Thats y Jesus is saying to whom the word came ( the living word) it made them Gods and the scriptures cannot be broken....Living scriptures his offspring born in us via his seed.....Thats y the woman is giving birth ,its simply a picture of multiplication of his seed.....And thats y the dragon satan wants to kill the woman and her CHILD...Her Child is gonna reprove this world of sin and righteousness and Judgement....Which is the spirit of truth Jesus spoke of.
a perfect sacrifice requires a perfect offering Matt 5:48; Rom 12:1; Perfection is required. He's the head, we're His body, is Christ sinful?
Gigi, describe perfectly the heart intent of a believer journey in the work of regeneration, except, not being able to overcome all sin. 1John 3:8; the perfect work of Grace purges out all iniquity, Titus 2:14; the littlest of leaven, leaveth the whole lump.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the son's of God, & the Spirit of God will never, never lead one into sin. Therefore we know by who spirit we are of; 1John 3:9,10; Matt 17:17-23
1. It could have been in reference to "some" believers who were being influenced by the false teachers in Jude 1:4 who "...crept in unawares...", and compassion was needed to ground them in the faith so they would not depart from the faith.
2. The "Some" could also have been those who were close to being saved, and great compassion was needed to bring them to a place of receiving Christ as Saviour.
This is for those who were wondering what it meant.
God Bless you!
My spiritual gifting tends to be weak in the area of hospitality and such nicities; perhaps that helps me explore this subject with a bit more impartiality. (I haven't figured out yet who gets what name tags in the welcoming committees). With such manners thrown to the wind; challenging a newcomer to repent of sins; or challenging professed believers of dangers ahead; as well as the temptations to fall away; persecution; etc. is open to discussion. Having discernment as a gifting; of coure needs to be balanced.
It would be nice for me to take the time to ask someone what their name is before getting into a twenty minute doctrinal discourse.
I have even gone to the lengths of asking those who I perceive as strong in the Lord to pray for things (such as for more prayer in my local church). Again; discretion is needed-outsiders don't need to be aware of all the problems or "dirty laundry" in a church; or alternatively; have to listen to all of our problems or gripes either. Nonetheless; it would be nice when those around us are struggling not to have to always put on a happy face to meet the expectations of a "seeker friendly" comfortable environment which guests are expected to enter.
One thing is for sure; if hypocrisy exists no one needs to tell a true believer who is visiting on a given Sunday; God Himself will reveal what He will. Imagine; for instance a visitor from the outside upbraiding someone for such an issue. Such audacity! Such presumption! Again; it may be better procedure to know someone first and the particulars involved before such a declaration is made; but being too familiar or comfortable I fear is a much greater issue on the politeness side of the equation.
Maturity also; of course being willing to share about other fellowships; for example that may better fit the needs of an individual due to resources available for someone to attend; rather than holding onto someone for monitary gain.
I thought it fitting to also point out how those in leadership will also be held accountable on this subject. There are few in ministry who will ask the congregation to pray for their needs; or who will openly acknowledge when they have done something amiss. Specifically; it is methodologies that are often held from worldly experience that are used to build up ministries; such as slick advertising campaigns. I prefer to hold to the seeker unfriendly camp; or perhaps what has been coined "your worst life now". Such advice is exemplified in Paul's harsh retort to the Corinthians who were living "like kings" at the time ( 1 Cor. 4:8). Sounds familiar; right? It would be wonderful to see the Gospel preached out of envy ( Philippians 1:15-16). That would be the case if the world was being turned "upside down" ( Acts 17:6); but in truth there are few that want to go down in a blaze of glory which the martyrdom at the time exemplified.
Exhortation; or iron sharpening iron ( Prov. 27:17) is also becoming a rare art heading toward extinction. Sin may be covered by the blood; but undoubtably still can lead to death; at least as far as the body is concerned. Such is the case with 1 Corinthians 11:30. For us to not have some awareness of the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin after salvation ignores passages such as Galatians 5:17. It is easy to ignore the desires of the Holy Spirit in the contentious struggle and just focus on the struggle with the flesh; for conflict to occur evidence of the Spirit's sanctification must be present. Again; without such things all of our "good deeds" simply are a remake of our actions to satiate God to the best of our ability; without ceding control to the Lord's authority and power. His RIGHTEOUSNESS is the only way we are going to want to obey His commandments; the whole emphasis of Psalm 119 as an example. And the Bema Seat keeps us humble now; every action is judged ( 1 Cor. 3:13)
The subject matter here is on sin; righteousness and judgment to come as the role of the Holy Spirit; and undoubtably I have made several postings on that subject. 1 John 4:3-5 is another fundamental precept as to the origin of a spirit; as well as verses involving the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom.
I would venture to say that often things seem to be backwards in given testimonies on the initial experiences with God or the Holy Spirit. A genuine conversion gives us a sort of "smackdown" in regard to us being enemies of God; which should occur when we realize that we have been heading to hell up until that point and that our sin NATURE is the real source of this enmity. Many like to tout about this sin or that sin but don't get to the source of the problem; namely a heart problem. This; of course simply substitutes one action for another; where we start living with a works based merit (whether we realize this fully or not).
One wouldn't want to have a decayed; maggot filled month old steak; no matter how well it is carefully seasoned; prepared and cooked! We are all enemies of God; and only His atonement can bridge that gap and repair the damage. Running away from God or having some natural repulsion at first I would say is a better indicator of true faith of a real experience with Christ. His love; of course is understood as pure and Holy and righteous; but our desire to avoid consequences; and find some other remedy for our condition usually causes a desire to escape. Only when we understand our sin NATURE can we begin to accept our helpless; hopeless state.
Judgment to come involves individual as well as national destinies. Much of the persecution of the Prophets came from these warnings; and a true messenger of God also is persecuted for the same. Hell is unpalatable but a necessary subject; as God's love is always balanced by justice. Thus; our love should grow during sanctification; not just be reactionary.
However I believe you are missing the point when regarding my replies.
You may want to go back and view them.
You're adding a "But" and pretty much repeat the same thing I'm saying.
We have been very clear for years on this topic. I would think you would know where we stand by now.
We're talking about requirements for Justification.
Not fruit barring.
I've even quoted Paul in Romans 7.
"The Law is Holy"
We're talking about the ungenerated heart of man under the influence of the law verses the new heart and work of the Holyspirit.
If we were under the law Christ would have came after the order of Aron.
Some of these guys that post is clear on their stance that you have to keep the 10 commandments to be saved.
They're not saying try your best!
This is why they say; No one knows they're saved until Judgment.
They're saying they don't know if they kept them well enough.
Today we are told to go out and preach the cross because we acknowledge by way of the 10 commandments we come up short of God's standards.
We're not in a discussion on sanctification, We're in a discussion on Salvation.
God bless.