Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 365

  • Moha4med on Mark 13 - 1 year ago
    On the other hand, you also say that Christ was crucified and died. So, you know that the one responsible for killing people is the angel of Death. Now you are saying that Christ is God, so if Christ died, who took his soul? The angel of Death? Does that mean the angel of Death is more powerful than God? So, according to your understanding, the angel of Death is more powerful than God. Don't you think about this?"
  • Moha4med on Mark 13 - 1 year ago
    "Friends, I urge you to be rational, fair, and logical. We all know that the definition of God is that He is all-knowing and knows everything, past, present, and future. Well, here the Messiah says that he doesn't know the Hour, which makes him a normal creature and not God. If he truly were God, he would know the timing of the Hour and his return, but he said that he doesn't know. So, we have two possibilities here: either he knows everything or he is not all-knowing, and you can't combine both because that would be a contradiction. If he doesn't know the timing of the Hour, then he is not all-knowing and incomplete, so he is not God because God is all-knowing. Secondly, if he knows the timing of the Hour and lied when he said he doesn't know, then he is also not God because God does not lie, He is truthful.

    Someone might come and say that he didn't know the Hour in his human nature when he descended and that he chose that. Well, my friend, you are saying that before he descended, he was God and knew everything, and when he descended, he became incarnate in a human body, but he is still God and human at the same time, and this is a contradiction because human nature is ignorant, while divine nature encompasses everything. So, if Christ knows everything and at the same time does not know everything, this is ignorance and contradiction in the book. Moreover, Christ is not self-existent because he relies on others, and this makes him not God because God is self-existent and does not rely on others. From the perspective of Christ, he relied on his mother Mary's milk, and this is a great contradiction: to worship a child who drinks milk and claim that he is God. If he is God and has the ability to do everything, why doesn't he produce milk by himself?
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Adam,

    It's very sad. It wont be long and this is truly coming Luke 21:12

    As a guy by the screen name of Cowboy always use to post here: "We need to stay prayed up!"

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    BTW not sure if you're going to see this; but my Bible Study was stellar; had 8 to 10 people today with a chance for doing a second one in the Residential (another section) of the facility next time. Was able to pray for 4 people as well; thanks for your prayer!
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago

    The thread Our Addiction to Sin, is becoming too long. I'm responding to your question in a new thread here so we can continue on with the Sin subject.

    You state: I was given to understand that 1 John 3:6,9 showed that abiding in Christ meant that NO sin would be committed, not "a lifetime of continual sin".

    Yes, I agree with the scripture: If we believe it and strive to get there, we will eventually get to that perfection where we know Him perfectly and we abide in him perfectly. If we say we can't, then we will not even try to get started, and guarantee our failure!

    You state: Therefore, I think that your quote, "It is not just about "one sin" - It's about a lifetime of continual sin", may be what's causing us confusion.

    God knows that it will take us time to change and bring us into him, to make this happen 1 John 3:6 and 1 John 3:9 You and others seem to want to ignore/disregard/dismiss these verses by any means. God gave us his Son to provide us the means to receive forgiveness of sin. He gave us His Holy Spirit to strengthen and teach us - to make the impossible possible! So to reiterate, it's not about one sin, or a few sins, he has promised he would forgive us if we are sincere and we are truly repenting.

    By repenting it means we promise that we will get the sin out of our life. If we say we can't get the sin out of our life we will continue to sin - that my friend is not repenting. That's what I mean when I say it's not about one sin - it's about continual sinning without making the serious effort to stop. A half hearted effort will not get us there. It becomes a never ending sin/forgiveness/repeat/sin/forgiveness/repeat on and on throughout our lives.

    Cont. to page 2
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Chris Page 2

    So then, we never achieve the perfection with God that he desires/requires from us! If we accept that we can't stop sinning -We are saying we will spend some time with God, and spend some time with Satan. God tells us we can't serve both! We need to eventually get sin out of our life so we are serving God only!

    You state: "I deal with sin as it surfaces but I won't live in a false spiritual bubble " Chris If we are sinning we are living in Satan's bubble! What can be worse than that? If, we can break free from sin, we can really say we are free!

    You state: "Yes, we must strive to deal with sin & be holy but to believe that sin will never rear its ugly head, is beyond the whole biblical message." Sin will not rear its ugly head IF we don't give into the temptation! It's the temptation that we must overcome. We must work on overcoming temptation, as sin will not occur if we don't succumb to it. 1 John 3:8

  • Alex7 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Alan Matthew 13:25....While men slept an enemy came and sowed Tares among the WHEAT.....So the good seed is the WHEAT....As the word of God, that good seed is the bread from Heaven....There is a hidden manna involved.....The very reason the sower goes forth to sow his seed is that he might be multiplied as the stars of heaven.....That was the great Promise that Christ might be mutiplied as the stars of heaven.....Thus the sower and his seed.....Thus the wheat is a baby Christ simply b/c its Christ the bridegroom that is sowing his seed in humanity.....Thats y he has to know us....If he does not know us there will be no fruit which is a baby Christ.....Which is the H.G. the Child of Promise.....Whosoever receiveth one such child in my name receiveth ME....As Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit.....Thats the H.G. that is gonna be born in us via his good seed the living word.....Thats y Peter is saying being bornagain of an incorruptible even by the words of God.....We have to birth a new Creature via his good seed the word......Alan there is only 1 quota for the good fruit.....If I be lifted up i will draw ALL men unto me.....ALL MEN.....And no man can come unto me unless it is given to them of my father.....Which is the father's new covenant Jeremiah 31:34.....I will know them ALL from the least to the greatest.....Alan ya gotta keep in mind that the sower of that good seed is Christ the bridegroom.....That y he wants to know us.....She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations.....Jesus is gonna be multiplied as the stars of Heaven.....Thus the sower and his precious seed the bridegroom's seed thus a baby Christ.....Thats y he is saying blessed are them that follow me in the REGENERATION.....He is gonna multiply/regenerate himself in humanity via his good seed...Thats y Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth pains.... Jeremiah 30:6 kjv.....The Child is the H.G. THAT Promise Child.....Behold i send the Promise of my father upon you.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I have to say that I'm having great difficulty processing what you have stated regarding the 120000 Ninevites.

    These Ninevites were saved by God from the Wrath of God and will experience eternal life with Christ in the New Heavens and New Earth just like every True Believer.

    Why? Because like every True Believer, they were "saved" by Christ's Faithfulness in paying the full penalty for each and every sin they have ever committed. And they like every True Believer they were chosen, i.e. elected and predestinated, by God to Salvation before the foundation of the world. And their humbleness before God and their repentance from sin was the result of that Salvation.

    We seem to have a very different understanding of what the Bible is teaching regarding the Nature of Salvation itself.

    So I am going to leave it there and may God richly bless you.
  • Alan Manson - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Brian - and welcome into God's kingdom!

    The best place to commence reading is the New Testament's Book of John through to the Book of Jude.

    Then go to the Old Testament books, commencing at the Book of Genesis and reading each book through to the end of Malachi.

    Then continue on reading the remaining gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke and finish with reading the Book of Revelation.

    You should aim to read it through in a year - cover to cover. Generally speaking, reading three chapters of the Old Testament and one chapter of the New Testament each day should see you complete the task in the year.


    1. Knowledge about the Bible is inexhaustible. You can never stop learning the many truths it contains.

    2. If you are seeking the truths within God's word and not simply dabbling in it, God will keep giving your MORE TRUTHS:

    "For whosoever hath [a passion for the truths in the Bible], to him shall be given [many more truths], and he shall have more abundance [including the WISDOM of God in a MYSTERY - 1 Cor 2:6-7]: but whosoever hath not ['truth' but prefers a religious viewpoint instead], from him shall be taken away [his salvation] even that he [thinks he] hath." ( Matthew 13:12)

    3. It is hard to find a truly Bible-based church these days. nevertheless,

    - keep looking for a church,

    - keep reading your Bible,

    - Check everything you are told by using your Bible,

    - keep praying to God and Jesus for guidance,

    - keep on "enduring to the end" ( Matthew 10:22)

    Blessings, Brian!
  • Alan Manson - In Reply - 1 year ago
    With reference to Isaiah 45:7 and your concerns regarding:

    1. "I form the light, and create darkness"

    2. "I make peace, and create evil" - my response is this.

    The Bible reveals many 'opposites' (or contrasts) that exist in scripture, such as:

    - Being HOLY or UNHOLY ( 1 Peter 1:16; Heb 12:14)

    - Being SAVED or UNSAVED (or 'lost' - Romans 10:9-10; Matt 18:11)

    - Walking in the SPIRIT or walking in the FLESH ( Rom 8:1; 2 Peter 2:10)

    It is in this context that God created DARKNESS so that the LIGHT that He dwells in ( 1 Tim 6:15-1) has some comparison. It is the same principle regarding "peace" (a good life and the pursuit of happiness) and "evil" (meaning war, death and destruction) that God creates these things.

    However, on a spiritual basis, LIGHT represents absolute TRUTH, whereas DARKNESS represents lies, deception, misinformation, etc.

    "And this is the condemnation, that LIGHT [via the words of Christ and the Apostles] is come into the world, and [religious-based] men LOVED DARKNESS rather than LIGHT [or Bible-based truth], because their deeds [of corrupting God's word - 2 Cor 2:17] were EVIL." ( John 3:19).

    As for God creating "EVIL" the same principle applies:

    - Being GOOD or being EVIL ( Matt 19:17; John 3:20)

    - Doing GOOD or doing EVIL ( Matt 5:44; 1 Peter 3:12)

    The principles in Isa 45:7 therefore regulate what people attract on Earth from God according to this statement:

    "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth [by his actions - meaning, 'good' or 'evil' in this life], that shall he also reap [in the next life]. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh [or lusts in this life] shall of the flesh reap corruption [in Hell throughout eternity]; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap LIFE EVERLASTING [with God - IF all the conditions associated with Salvation are met]." ( Galatians 6:6-8)

    I hope this answers your questions, One eighty.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    There are verses where it says that God dwells in thick clouds; i.e. a form of darkness. ( 1 Kings 8:12; also see Psalm 97:2). Darkness in the physical realm is simply the opposite of light. We could say in terms of evil that calamity is created by God for His purposes; although the Lord allows evil spirits to have some authority in that situation (such as the trials with Job). As with Job; the Tribulation also is predetermined to be a time of greater evil than has ever occurred before; or will ever be afterwards. ( Matt. 24:21). Such a trial can be escaped ( Rev. 3:10) by those who are walking in the Spirit as Jesus declared to the Philadelphia church. Those who will endure the Tribulation will be given the strength to overcome; and all those NOT written in the Book of Life will worship the Beast ( Rev. 17:8). In short; physical death represents overcoming; while preserving one's life causes one to ultimately lose it; in terms of eternal life ( John 12:25). This means as a believer it makes sense to "die daily" ( 1 Cor 15:31) which opposes the flesh which desires the opposite.

    God did create hell as well; but originally it was meant for the Devil and his angels. ( Matt. 25:41). Clearly; men enter in there because they are following their master; namely Satan rather than God. Therefore; all things work out for the good for those who love God ( Romans 8:28); but conversely; there is no peace for the wicked ( Isaiah 48:22; other passages).

    Those who truly know Christ have already gone from darkness into light ( 1 Peter 2:9; etal). We also are able to escape any of the second death ( Rev. 20:7). It is in men's hearts where the god of this world has blinded them; not in the physical realm at this time ( 2 Cor. 4:4). Therefore the darkness of spiritual blindness is basically the essence of evil; so in that sense if we aren't careful what we consider light is really darkness ( Luke 11:35).

    Deuteronomy 29:29 shows how we can't fathom God's hidden counsel.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 2. David0921.

    Then the mysterious transaction of Spirit-given Faith: to believe, to receive, & then to rejoice that the Work of Salvation has been completed in us. Nothing at all of us - but all of God to bring sinners devoid of the knowledge & blessings of God, into the family of the olive tree's 'natural branches'; standing only by faith ( Romans 11:20).

    And Galatians 2:16: this is Paul speaking of those 'justified by faith & not the works of the law'. This "faith of Jesus Christ" can only apply to those after Christ's death & not before, even as Peter was reprimanded for his hypocrisy in applying the ceremonial Law - applying the works of the Law to the faith of Christ. And you've stated that this is the 'Christ's Faith' ("His faithfulness in paying the full penalty for the sins of those he saves"). I think the Greek here is that it is the 'Faith from Christ', but I can't be sure; one of our Greek-speaking brothers will need to verify this as this is an important point in what you shared. In any case, only those after Jesus completed His Work on the Cross, can this Faith be seen and applied.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 1.

    Sorry David0921. To your question of "what is the "faith" you are referring to?" In regards to Israel (i.e. those living in obedience to God & with holy fear), under the Law & looking ahead by faith to God's Salvation, I understand that this is the faith that they possessed. It wasn't a God-given faith, simply a faith in God based on God's Commands, His dealings, His special care. They had no Cross to gaze upon & no Holy Spirit unction to grant them Divine Faith. But God recognized that faith, even as "Abraham believed (expressed faith in) God, and it was counted to him for righteousness". Was Abraham's faith God-given? I don't believe so - just ordinary faith to proceed in the ways of God by what He heard, saw, & experienced. That same type of faith that was seen in Abraham is the faith that carried them through to the Cross & the application of the Blood shed to their hearts.

    In regards to Gentiles post-Cross (i.e. those not knowing God, steeped in idolatry & sins, & undeserving of God's Mercy), Christ's Blood was extended to them as well ("through faith", Romans 3:20; Galatians 3:8,14). Even though our faith is likened to Abraham's faith ( Galatians 3:7), the description is that of an expression true faith & not how it has been derived. Our natural faith could never secure salvation, as can be seen by those in other religions who also acknowledge God, even Jesus, yet not having the faith that saves. As well, Christ had already completed His Work & His Spirit sent out to do His Work. But when we look to the Cross, understanding that our sin put Jesus there, & the weight & punishment for sin being too much, we then call on God for Mercy. Onto Page 2.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen to you .
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi One eighty.

    Isaiah 45:7. These verses from verse 1 to 7, are a discourse to Cyrus, the Persian King, revealing Who this God is, One Who will use the king as His instrument. So verse 7 comes as a further reminder to Cyrus that this God is unlike anyone else: He creates Light & He has the power to remove it (once Light from a source is removed, darkness prevails - darkness is the default with light's absence). He can bring about peace (or, happiness, prosperity) & also can remove that (therefore evil instantly emerges & is rampant, with Satan ready to pour out his evil upon man & the world). The Lord has the power to do all things, which the Persian gods could never do.

    To be able to correctly understand the 'behavior' of a Holy God Who can do no evil, for evil is never present within Him, the only way that I can read this verse, is to know that the God Who creates, can also remove - not that God has any evil planned for there is no evil in Him. So in one sense God does create 'evil' and 'darkness', but this is not because of His Will to do so, but in His Power to remove what He has placed there (giving or taking away peace with God & man; placing or removing His light (physical & spiritual light)). However, it is true, God does bring on what appears to us as 'evil', as in consigning men to hell, but that comes as a justified punishment for man's disobedience & rejection of Him. For your consideration.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 2.

    With obedience to the Law, as is our subject here, yes, we could adhere to the Decalogue & if that is all we had, including the other Laws that built up from it, we have a clear set of rules to live by. And yet I find, that those rules don't even come within a hair's breadth to all that the Lord requires & expects of us to live holy before Him, dealing with all our sin.

    Hence, my reliance is not on what the letter gives (& that which was given to Israel), but to the Spirit, Who makes God's Laws (all of it) real & applicable to my situation & understanding - something the Old could never do. So, I do see the Holy Spirit's Work as all-encompassing: where there is any lack to physical resources of the Word & Fellowship, He will minister; where there is any lack to understanding the full depth & breadth of sin, He will reveal it, alert us, even deal with us in Love; where it seems that loneliness or the world's rejection is our lot, He will be the Comfort & Help that we need. He will minister according to the need in our lives that we should have no fear or concern that God has forgotten us - for He is our sufficiency, our All in all. Every blessing.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 1.

    Thank you once again brother Giannis for your great & important comments & your expressions in English are perfectly understood. I must say that I do agree with what you've shared & the thought of how the Holy Spirit works in a believer's life caused me to pause & reflect a while. Since we are blessed with having God's Word in our hands, having congregations to attend, pastors/elders to lead & teach, & people to encourage & pray for us, are all truly God-given so that we might be well formed & informed completely according to God's Will.

    I then wondered, what about those who don't enjoy what we have now? Those who live under communist regimes where Bibles & gatherings are forbidden; those in prison, or converted there, who have little else than a Bible or NT; those currently being persecuted & killed (a little published fact of what's going on, especially in two States in India, where over a hundred Christians now dead because of Hindu militants, many Church buildings razed to the ground, Bibles destroyed, & believers fleeing for their lives - with the Hindu govt. doing nothing about it); & other situations where the ministry that we enjoy now is absent for many.

    How does the Holy Spirit work in these varied people & situations they're in? I believe that when there is a dearth of spiritual help & guidance, the Spirit can minister in greater measure - for God is not limited in how He reveals Himself & the application of His Word to a person. Yet, the Spirit still helps us in spite of all that is available to us, so that we can correctly learn & discern between Truth & error & approach Him confidently with our needs & struggles. Onto Page 2.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you brother S. Spencer for those additional thoughts & Scriptures. Unlike many, I do see a clear demarcation between the Old & New Covenants, between those living in the OT under Law & those since Calvary, living under Grace, without the Law. For me to fuse these people, events, & the operation of God together, would make no sense to me of what the Bible declares as fact. I could then read the Bible in whatever I choose to do to satisfy some pre-conceived belief in the Operation of God in people's lives & for their eternal blessing or punishment. GBU.
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello One Eighty, I think God can describe Himself from the Father or the Son or the Holy Ghost for His purpose with man. Perhaps from each view by God the expression may vary?

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 2. David 0921.

    I again revert to the matter that when our hearts are right before God then we are accepted. The OT folk, whether Abraham or the Ninevites, still had to maintain a right standing before God in faith, obedience, & hope - then the Blood of the Cross availed also for them. We today stand guilty, in danger of hell, but faith in Christ's Work makes us not guilty before God just as faithfulness to God & His Word would that carried those living pre-Cross to Calvary for salvation. Maybe some Ninevites, as Abraham, came before God with a true repentant worshipful heart, but salvation from destruction was only promised to the Ninevites, not salvation through Christ - that happened only to those whom God accepted; the Ninevites were only granted salvation from immediate destruction.

    And I don't believe that I am fragmenting the Scriptures; I endeavor to take all Scriptures into account and to apply them pertaining to the Covenants, the times, the people, & the requirements by God upon them. God doesn't change, but the Covenants & especially the Cross have a direct bearing on how I approach the Scripture & how they affect man's position before God & God's acceptance of them. Every blessing.
  • Alan Manson - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Alex7,

    In my post that responded to S Spencer, it focussed on the following statement:

    QUOTE: "In John 15:2 and especially verse 6, Jesus is very clear that if Christians FAIL to produce unto God the required quantities of "spiritual fruit" expected, God the Father will remove them permanently from Christ. When that happens, John 15:6 says they become "withered" (spiritually) prior to men (or angels - Matthew 13:40-42) later gathering them prior to burning in the Lake of Fire." UNQUOTE

    Instead of you addressing this very serious claim associated with Bible-based Salvation, you have chosen to refer to the parable of the Sower and the Seed and presented your "take" on what you believe it represents. I disagree with what you say because you open up your claims by saying:

    - "the wheat is a Baby Christ".

    There's nothing in the parable that says the "seed" is wheat or the "Baby Christ" as you claim. Jesus Christ's own words in scripture prove your claim here to be false, Alex7:

    "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God." ( Luke 8:11)

    Given that you have this basic understanding of the parable wrong, it is pointless for me to comment on anything else in your reply.

    Thanks anyway, Alex 7.
  • Hemorlan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The book of ACTs is the transitional book between Old and New. God Bless
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 1.

    Thank you for your comments David0921. I re-read the Book of Jonah & agree to some things you shared (the wickedness of the Ninevites & God's Judgement against them). But you wrote, "God had worked in their hearts to save them". I think that you meant that salvation from their sins would be their blessed end.

    Looking at this Book, I learn: Jonah 1:2 (the wickedness of Nineveh had come before God & He planned for their destruction).

    Jonah 3:2 (a command came a second time to Jonah to preach God's Word to them). Jonah 3:4 (Jonah's message of destruction, unless they repent & turn from evil). Jonah 3:5 (the people (& king vv 6-9) believed the message of coming destruction, repented & left off their evil ways). Jonah 3:10 (God recognized their repentance & renunciation of evil). And what did God do as a result? Were they granted salvation for their hearts of sin, or were they granted salvation from an impending destruction by God?

    Moving forward to our Lord's time with the Jewish religious leaders; & to Matthew 12:38-42. Jesus spoke of the sign of Jonah (Christ in the grave), & "the men of Nineveh rising in judgement & condemnation against this generation". How could these Ninevites accomplish this? Because they heard, repented & obeyed God's Word of destruction against them whilst the Jews refused. And so also would the Queen of Sheba speak against this generation. These folk of Nineveh & Sheba would condemn the Jews for their rejection of Christ & His Message of repentance. The Ninevites repented & were not destroyed (unlike those of Sodom who faced utter destruction), but did their repentance grant them salvation & eternal life? If you read it as that it did, then I would say that I don't agree. Onto Page 2.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Giannis,

    I started this post entitled: Our Addiction to Sin - for a reason. I was hoping I would hear from others here that despise sin, as much as Christ/God does, up to this point - I found only one.

    Everyone else states the current Christain status quo, we can never stop sinning. So it doesn't matter That God tells us we can't sin and walk with Him, 1 John 3:6 and 1 John 3:9 Jesus tells us we must stop sinning, dies on the Cross so that we can be forgiven - if we simply ask Him, but the catch is - we also need to repent. Christains really like the forgiveness part of the equation, but what we convienatly forget is the repent part, as evidenced by the stubbron resistance to making a life commitment to stop sinning. How would we like to hear Christ tell us He can't give us eternal life. We are adamant that God should keep his commitment to us, but we do not feel we have to follow his Laws, and Commands! We want to pick and choose which of God's laws we can conviently accomodate into our worldy lives, and find excuses/doctrine to ignore/dispose of the rest. How convenient for us, a win-win for us. Really?

    Giannis, in my last post to you, you asked, and I explained 1 John 1-10 to you, and now you are bringing up more scripture and parables to try and justify your belief that Christians can sin and walk with God at the same time - when God and Jesus tell us throughout the scripture that we need to stop sinning. Jesus tells us point blank to stop sinning or something worse will happen to us. If we think we are walking with Christ and bad things are happening to us shouldn't we want sit up - and take notice of this verse. John 8:11

    I'll tell you the same thing that Jesus told the Pharisees Mark 11:29 answer my question here, and then I will answer your additional questions.

    Who would want to convince Christian's that they can continue to sin - and still walk with God?
  • One eighty - 1 year ago

    Isaiah 45:7 - "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

    I'm having difficulty reconciling the above with 1 John 1:5 - "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." And also, Proverbs 8:13 - "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil............."

    When combining the verses, it appears that God hates the evil He created and that He created darkness out of something not in Him at all.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    God Is

  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Dan

    its very true what you have stated here, concerning separation from the world,

    you may find the book freely available on the web under No Cross No Crown project gutenberg

    be waiting to hear from you

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Hello Pam

    Ok, get in a quiet place, & in sincerity & truth place all the issues of your life before Him, Psalms 145:18 & release them

    Follow the Light of Truth within you conscience, the truth that you presently know practice in your normal everyday life, it the Voice that cautions you not to do wrong, & inspires you to do right. With the receiving of His convictions, also comes the Power, Faith; believe that it is God speaking to you. He's the inspiration force that compel you to seek help, He is who led you to ask for prayer, the Father drawing you by His Holy Spirit to His Son

    John 6:44 John 6:65

    To all that would receive Him in this manner, John 8:32 John 8:36

    Read the book of John & Psalms 119 slowly, attentively, & pausing, listen for the Witness within conscience, when what read capture your attention, Read it again throughout the month, the more you give yourselve to Him in truth, the more He'll show Himself strong on your behalf. For the eyes of the Lord run throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong to those who hearts are perfect towards Him, meaning here in this instance, perfect in repentance & godly sorrow for one wrong doings.

    May the Lord Himself strengthen you, for there will be a battles within your heart/conscience in the 1Pet 1:7, for the James 1:3, but let James 1:4-6 1Pet 1:5

    Remember who you have place your hope in Jeremiah 32:27 1John 4:4 release & believe.

    Its important to noted, that this may not be a instant deliverance experience, but a work of deliverance in progress as you show your sincerity & willingness to follow Christ, the Light in your heart by faith in His still small Voice; Line upon line, one step at a time.

    Continue in this good godly exercise, asking Him to lead you in the path to righteousness for His name sake.

    May God bless you

    in love & truth
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Bro. Dan. As I stated, "but if we don't (attain sinlessness) in our lifetime, then we not only never had Christ abiding in us...simply because we have committed even that one sin"; & you wrote, "It is not just about "one sin". It's about a lifetime of continual sin"; I was given to understand that 1 John 3:6,9 showed that abiding in Christ meant that NO sin would be committed, not "a lifetime of continual sin".

    Whereas I referred to the Greek & Giannis also gave his take on it, refuting the belief that if we are truly His then no sin would be found in us (for that is what the Scripture states, "doth NOT commit sin". i.e. an impossibility to sin since Christ is in us & we in Him). Not "a habitual repeating of sin" here, for no sincere true believer would ever find delight in such a state, but committing just ONE sin - this is what we're dealing with here as pertaining to the Scriptures.

    Then you referred to 1 John 1:9, which is a verse I fully accept because we still sin, yet finding forgiveness, with a determination to put that sin(s) aside. But that verse applies to those overtaken by a sin - it wouldn't apply to any who have no sin, as 1 John 3:6,9 apparently implies. Therefore, I think that your quote, "It is not just about "one sin" - It's about a lifetime of continual sin", may be what's causing us confusion. Are you thinking of someone speaking lies, committing adultery, etc. continuously without repentance or restraint? Or, are you including those three examples I shared when the Spirit alerts one that sin is committed when an isolated persistent thought or feeling arises, yet with no evidence of an outward expression or tantrum? I deal with sin as it surfaces but I won't live in a false spiritual bubble trying to believe that I will never fall into some sin & that sinless perfection is a present experience. Yes, we must strive to deal with sin & be holy but to believe that sin will never rear its ugly head, is beyond the whole biblical message. Blessings.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Chris.

    I see it as you do concerning the indwelling of the spirit upon the people of Israel. It was different than the way he indwells the Church.

    In the Old Testament God often spoke in types, allegorically and similitudes. They also didn't have spiritual understanding of the new covenant ministry and the Church.

    We see this evident when the Lord was talking to Nicodemus and also the Samaritan woman at the Well.

    They had no idea what being born from above meant or what worshiping in truth and in spirit meant.

    They didn't have the Holyspirit IN them as you see mentioned in Ezekiel 36:26-27

    "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.


    (He will cause them to walk in his statutes,) "That hadn't taken place yet "

    The death burial and resurrection hasn't taken place yet, Therefore the baptism of the Holyspirit that quickens the believer wasn't a part of their ministry and wasn't meant to be. If it had been part of their ministry righteousness would have come by the law.

    We would be under the Leviticus priesthood and Christ wouldn't be our High Priest.

    The spirit would come upon them to minister but It seems there was a certain season for certain things he would reveal to them.

    Also God spoke to them by prophets he would anoint, today he speaks to us by his Spirit that teaches us the things of Christ as mentioned in John 14:26. (Church things!) "Something that wasn't revealed to them at that time".

    Without the Holyspirit they would not have had an blood tipped ear to receive them. John 16:12-14.


    I'm not digging into eschatology but focusing on Israel and their sacrifices and the law, what God required of them and what thet put their trust in.

    I'm fully in agreement with you.

    God bless you.

    God bless.
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Romans 3:23

    1 John 1:8

    Romans 3:10

    The Bible makes it clear that all sin and it says those who claim they don't sin are lying. I think this gets confused with God wiping away and "not remembering" sin if (and only if) we're a genuine Christ follower.

    Some believe that a force from God forces you to be sinless as a Christian and that you can just kick back and backslide because you're basically on spiritual autopilot. I believe the Bible debunks this. Even Paul, who was probably the best evangelist for Christianity in world history, admitted that he deeply struggled with sin and said he naturally doesn't want to do what is good, he's in a spiritual war with himself and his own flesh. This means that even for him there wasn't this autopilot force making him be sinless, he worked at it very, very hard, and he struggled and had enormous trials and obstacles and persecution. Some assume God is a genie in a bottle existing to serve and make you comfortable, but its closer to the opposite. God bless.

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