Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 365

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks for that comment David0921. I do understand that verse differently to you. Actually, I see that the Ninevites are already under God's Judgement (except those who may actually have had repentance over their sins & coming destruction, to a real heart seeking after this God of Israel). While under judgement ( Matthew 12:41), they will condemn 'this generation' for not believing in Christ & His message, just as they had believed & repented because of Jonah's preaching to them. I don't see that the Ninevites were saved because of what happened when Jonah was with them, since there is no further word as to how they were brought into a knowledge of God & His demands upon people. All they knew was that they had repented & were saved then - how they will fare in their coming Judgement can only then be speculation, just as whether the Queen of Sheba is also saved, she who will rise in judgement against these Jews.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 4. David0921.

    I think our point of difference here is on Faith: did the OT faithful (the elect) have a God-given faith so as to be accepted, or did they come in their own faith, which God accepted looking ahead to the Cross? Yet knowing, that faith could never save them - only Christ's Blood. Hebrews 11:39,40, "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect." We have been made perfect (cleansed, holy) in Christ & so also those others to join us as new creatures in Christ Jesus, that which they could only hope for & never attained.

    f. Born again. The entrance of the Holy Spirit into a sinner's life: the sinner who has heard & understood the Gospel in view to the wretchedness of his sins & holiness of God, repented, called upon God for salvation, & God's Gift of Salvation & of His Spirit, Who seals, secures, & ministers to every area of the person's life. The once lost, despairing & fearful under the judgement of God, now enjoys peace with God, freedom from sin's grip, victory over temptations, power & desire to live unto God & not to self, & the assurance of God's tender care to eternity, would show the redeemed one this dramatic change in life that can only be done by the Power of God. I see this, in brief, the re-birth work of the Holy Spirit & resulting effect on this 'new' person's life ( 2 Corinthians 5:17).

    I trust brother that my comments have gone some way to help you understand what I believe.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 3. David0921.

    d. Christ's Atoning Work applied to all mankind: for those before the Crucifixion, that Blood would avail for them looking forward in (by) faith; for those post-Crucifixion, Christ's Blood applied looking back through faith. The OT folk could never have 'accepted Christ' (they knew nothing about Him - all they had was a faith & hope looking forward); yet the Blood availed for them, for that is what the Sacrifices pointed to yet falling short. For us post-Cross, we have seen Christ crucified for us, we now receive this free Gift of salvation, & through Spirit-given faith we can truly call upon God & His Son Whom we never knew as Israel knew Him. We were as Romans 10:13,14, as those who never knew God or saw His Works as Israel did. But now we do know Him & believe on Him & His Son through His Faith given us. We were all "in bondage to sin and Satan", yet the hunger for God, understanding His Message of Love, & hope for the future can still occur while in such bondage & deception. And so we might be led to the Cross, receiving Christ, released from that bondage, Satan's grip, & hopelessness.

    e. "Christ's atonement" availed for all sinners from Adam to those ahead of us; all with the fallen sin nature & spiritually dead. But the atonement & redemption finds its application to those who turn from their sin. So I agree to your statement as far as the Atonement, though available to all, was specific to those dead in sin, but whom God in His Mercy & Foreknowledge brought many to glory. And Christ, Who was "slain from the foundation of the world", shed His Blood to atone all whom God had called (OT & NT) that salvation is given by His Grace alone. To Page 4.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 2. David0921.

    The true believer now can never deny the Lord, unlike those pre-Cross who without the Spirit's indwelling, had to be diligent & persevere to gain God's acceptance & salvation.

    b. Revelation 13:8. "The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world", speaks to me that it was always in God's Plan that He would, in His Son, the Lamb of God, that He would be the perfect & only Sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Even before the worlds were framed together, Christ had to come & give His Life as a ransom, hence it speaks of an unalterable fact that the Lamb Who was physically slain at Calvary was already planned for death before that time & that when His death took place, His shed Blood would apply to all who turned to the Lord from the time of creation till the final judgement. But until that Blood was shed, the OT folk could only await their salvation (being held in paradise) until 'it is finished' was Jesus' Cry.

    c. Election & Predestination. Yes, these terms are applicable to all people in all history, whether to those who would turn to & belong to the Lord & those who reject the Lord, all according to God's Foreknowledge. I believe this 'Foreknowledge' is important here as it tells us that God already knew the path we would take & so He directs our lives accordingly to him or not. I don't see God's determination as just a random selection of individuals; but that all people will know that they are accepted or rejected according to the conduct of their lives & not by any appeal to God for salvation but still being rejected. 1 Peter 1:2, if the Elect are predestined according to God's foreknowledge, I think it's reasonable to believe that the non-elect are likewise rejected, because of it.

    To Page 3.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 1.

    David 0921, 'never say never', as far as leaving a discussion. The fact that the Holy Bible is being read & discussed should always give us reason to explore it together even if we understand it differently or disagree. It has to be a most profitable exercise to stir our minds, hearts & spirits. So now to your very good questions.

    a. OT "believers". Yes, all men stand before God as corrupt & spiritually dead. Does that mean that in this state we never exercise faith (not referring to saving faith here)? A family member, a friend or an institution that has proved their genuineness, sincerity, honesty, etc., usually induces a faith in us that they will do as they declare. The OT folk had every experience of God that God wanted to give them, to show & shower His Love upon them (as to none other), caring for them beyond their expectations. If I were living in those days, hopefully, I would say, 'here is a God Who is real, loving, & leading me to Himself (in this life & in the next)'. But of course, many only grumbled & turned to idols. What of those who stayed faithful to God, recognizing that God is Who He says He is & can be trusted to fulfil His Promises? Did they suddenly get a special faith to stay close to God & how is this different to the ordinary faith we express in everyday life?

    So I don't perceive that their 'faith' saved them - only Jesus' Sacrifice could do that. But their faith, however feeble, kept them persistently trusting in God with their Works, that even in their death, they could trust God to receive them (& of course, this would be realized by Jesus' Coming & His Blood availing for them as for us). God accepted their faith, even as it gave Abraham his righteous standing before Him, but Abraham would have had to remain faithful to realize his salvation in Jesus. We however, will always remain faithful because of the Spirit of Grace given us to secure us & stir our hearts always toward God. To Page 2.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago

    We know for a certainty that these 120000 Ninevites were saved because of Matthew 12:41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

    All True Believers will be resurrected and raptured to usher in the final judgment at the Last Day in condemnation of those that have not been saved. Their very resurrection and rapture is in itself a condemnation. This is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. I believe there is no other Biblical way to understand Matt 12:41.

    Also, the Bible clearly teaches that the brokenness before God and repentance exhibited by these Ninevits is an Essential characteristic of those that God saves. They are in fact, one of the most dramatic pictures and examples of Salvation that we find in the Bible.

    God is also demonstrating in this picture that He does not require an extensive knowledge of scripture to be saved. But He does require a "broken and contrite heart" and recognition of our sinful condition and need for God's Mercy, which can only come from God Himself.
  • GiGi on Numbers 22 - 1 year ago


    Balaam asks if he should continue to go to Balak, God tells him yes, but he was not to curse Israel, but bless them and to only say what He tells Balaam to say.

    Here the chapter ends. The rest of the account is in chapter 23.

    It is unclear if Balaam was descendant of Abraham (through sons other than Isaac or through Esau) or a descendant of Lot, or otherwise a gentile. The chapter says that his God is YHWH, because the text uses this specific name. It does not say how He knows of YHWH or whether YHWH was the only God he worshipped of one of many. He may have heard of what occurred with the Israelites over the past 40 years. He may have known about the blessings God gave to all of Abraham's sons and the promises specific to Isaac since 400-500 years had passed since Abraham lived.

    So there are many questions about Balaam's belief system. Regardless, Balaam did have a sense that YHWH is to be obeyed, having power and authority over men. Balaam seemed to attest to one thing but in his heart, he really was inclined to the opposite of what he attested to. We need to be careful to not be double-minded like Balaam. We need to be careful to not go along with people we know to be evil or against God, like Balaam did. We need to be careful to not put God to the test by not fully accepting His directions to us and continuing to seek to see if He would change His will, like Balaam tried to do.

    If we know that an action or way is wrong for us to do or follow, we should not seek God to grant us permission to do something that is against His will. We also should not seek the counsel of anyone who is not a believer or any source that does not align with His Word, whether a Bible teacher or secular source.

    Balaam could have told Balak, "No, I will bless Israel because God is with them and His will is for them to be blessed. I want to follow God and His command to me." But Balaam did not hold his ground before the princes of Balak and refuse.
  • GiGi on Numbers 22 - 1 year ago

    This is the first part of the account of Balak and Balaam.

    The Israelites had conquered many peoples of the east Jordan area and the king of Moab heard about these conquests.

    The Israelites came into Moabite territory and camped across the Jordan from Jericho.

    The king of Moab. Balak, was very alarmed and contacted the king of Midian to help them come against the Israelites and route them out of their land.

    Balak sends some of his officials to the land of northern Mesapotamia to seek Balaam, who was a prophet that God spoke to and through but also he was a diviner and worker of evil prophecy, too. Balaam knew of the Israelites and of YHWH.

    At first, after seeking God about going with the men to Moab to curse Isarael, God told him, No, Israel is blessed, so you are not to go and curse them. Balaam informed the men and they returned to Balak.

    There is a second attempt to get Balaam to come to Balak and curse Israel. But God says no.

    Then Balak sent his princes, men of more importance than the first group, and money for payment for his services. He again inquires of God about going with the princes to Balak and cursing the Israelites. God says that if the men come to them then he can go with them, but he must not curse the Israelites, only bless them. Balaam was to only say the words that God gives him to say.

    As Balaam is on his way to Moab, riding on his donkey, God is angry at Ballam because He knows the intent of Balaam's heart event though Balaam affirms that he wants to do what God commands. The angel of the Lord appears and stands in the way. Although the donkey sees the angel, Balaam does not. Three times the donkey veers from the path to avoid the angel, but Balaam beats her each time. After the third beating, God makes the donkey speak to Balaam where she reveals that the angel is in her way and she was avoiding him. Then God allows Balaam to see the angel. He falls on his face, admits he has sinned.
  • Alan Manson - In Reply - 1 year ago
    To Alex7 - you continue to maintain that "...the good seed is the WHEAT" despite Jesus Christ's own words contradicting what you claim, as stated below:

    "Now the parable is this: THE SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD." ( Luke 8:11)

    Another scripture verse is this that confirms that the word of God represents "seed" and in fact "incorruptible seed":

    "Being born again, NOT OF CORRUPTIBLE SEED, but of INCORRUPTIBLE [seed], by THE WORD OF GOD, which liveth and abideth for ever." ( 1 Peter 1:23)

    So, my dilemma is do I believe you - who (presumably) is a 'man' who has NOT died and has NOT risen from the dead and has NOT ascended in Heaven - OR, do I believe the words in the Bible spoken by Jesus Christ Himself - supported by the Apostle Peters words also thereby making TWO WITNESSES that agree:

    "...In the mouth of two or three witnesses [Jesus and Peter] shall every word be established." ( 2 Corinthians 13:1)

    If I was to believe what you wrote, I would then have to say that Jesus Christ is a liar. I couldn't do that.

    Given that Jesus Christ has both died, risen from the dead and ascended into heaven according to the scriptures and as both He and the Apostle Peter have affirmed that "THE [incorruptible] SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD", I have to reject your false claims.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Giannis

    1John 2:1 but then he moves on: 1John 3:9

    You say, because we have this sin nature, Not if we're born again, 2Cor 5:17, His Spirit of Grace has brought us through the regeneration & renewing of the Holy Spirit unto the new creature, created in Ephesians 4:24 Col 3:10. By His Spirit of Grace, the Cross, the old nature has been deny, mortify & finally crucify Rom 6:6,7 & We have become partakers 2Pet 1:3,4

    Its very true, as you stated we, in & of ourselves we cannot stop sinning, its a hopeless situation. But with God all things are possible! Jeremiah 32:27

    Jesus stated, John 7:17,18 Meaning; if one is practicing in their lives the doctrines of faith they believe & its not having the results the Word of God clearly states, then their doctrine & faith is not of God & their speaking of themselves.Their faith is not Hebrews 12:2 Matt 7:14

    Friend anyone who would not be prejudice, can perceive that throughtout the Scriptures God is calling His people to be holy.

    He kick Lucifier out of heaven when he sinned, He put Adam & Eve out of paradise when they sinned, He kick the nation of Israel out of the promise land when they continue sinning. Do you really believe He's going to allow anyone into His holy Kingdom that's a sinner? Especially now that He has sent His Son, if He was going to allow sin into heaven, Jesus could have avoided that horrible humiliation & vicious suffering at the hands of ungodly men.

    No, my friend, sinners will not enter the kingdom of God, it not happenning,

    Last par; HEAVY LOAD ON THEIR SHOULDERS, it an evident token that they have not come to the True Jesus Matt 11:28 because He's the John 1:29

    I kindly request that you read No Cross No Crown William Penn, Chap 1-8 & serious consider what discover in these pages.

    freely on the net, No Cross No Crown project gutenberg

    in love & truth
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes, I think it's time to leave this part of the discussion David 0921. But just to close this, & respond to your 'difficulty in processing my submission', I liken the repentance of the Ninevites to the repentance of Israel (when they did on those rare occasions). When both repented before God for their wicked & wayward ways, God forgave them. If they didn't repent, punishment, as promised, would be certain. Israel & the Ninevites were spared punishment when they repented.

    Can we honestly deduce from those two peoples & accounts, that their repentance eventually led them to salvation (looking forward to the Cross)? You may believe that this is how the account should be read & understood. Unfortunately, my understanding of how the OT (true) Israel & those believers post-Cross came to be accepted, cleansed, & brought into God's family is different, though certainly, the Cross is the focus that made it all happen. So blessings to you too brother as we walk together on this great journey of new life granted only by God's Mercies to us.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you Jema. I do enjoy these types of discussions. We may not find agreement in everything, but it does provoke one to consider another's point of view & deeply reflect on it & see how 'truth' might also lie therein. Of course, God's Word, though sufficient for our present knowledge & growth, does not always give us a nice step-by-step outline on these important doctrines & teachings. We do have to dig around, rightly dividing the Word, and though the flecks might be scattered around, the pot of gold might still need to be found & most probably only at that day when all will be revealed & understood. Blessings.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Chris , you are having to work very hard on this site lately :) . You have my sympathy .
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I do agree with all you have written in your last comment brother Chris. As far as that, "that those rules don't even come within a hair's breadth to all that the Lord requires & expects of us to live holy before Him, dealing with all our sin."

    The above is very true but I believe God will take in Heaven christians who are sanctified but probably not perfect. There is a difference between sanctified and perfected, One may have not become perfect but they are striving to live holy and when they fail they get cleaned up (sanctified) with Jesus' Blood.

    Anyway thanks for the conversation. GBU
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Richard, glad that you have a good showing for a core group for the study. I will pray that these stick with the study and that your residential group gets off to a good solid start, too.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Bro Dan.

    I do understand where you want to come to. This is actually what John tell us in 1 John 2:1-2.

    "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not."

    It is clear that John asks us not to sin. But then he moves on,

    "And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:".

    Why? Because we still have a sinful nature and we CANNOT overcome sin. It is not that we don't want to but often we haven't got the ability to win against sin. There is a difference between God and people, God is not tempted at all (because His nature is so), but we, people, are tempted (because our nature is so) and fail. Let me give you an example. When I was a smoker, I had reached a point that I wanted to quit, so I decided to stop smoking, but in practise I realized that I couldn't manage to stop it. So it was a matter of capability, not a matter of decision. You may say that we are given the Spirit (or grace) of God to win sin. The Spirit is a "helper", He has not transformed our nature, it still remains a human nature with all the disadvantages that come with it.

    Brother, as far as I am concerned, I am in the faith for more than 20 years and if the belief that a christiam must not sin at all is right then I have failed badly, and not only me but my wife, my relatives, all the other christians I know, everybody really. Because I don't think I have met so far somebody that claims that they don't sin at all.

    And something else. It is not right that some christians sin easily, they don't even try to resist. One must be strict to them. On the other hand there are christians that whatever they do, they feel guilty and blame themselves all the time because they think they never please God with their life and behavior. The belief of "not doing a sin at all" will place such a heavy load on their shoulders that they will eventually collapse. A christian should feel joy, it is a fruit of the Holly Spirit, and not guilt all the time.

  • Adam - In Reply on Mark 13 - 1 year ago
    Hello, another point worth sharing is God is also powerful enough to limit His power if He chooses. If you disagree, where is the Bible verse saying that? And why assume that all all powerful God somehow doesn't have the power to do certain things? That also contradicts itself.

    Plus, the Bible already tells us that Jesus chose to limit Himself and become a servant in the form of a man on earth. Many tend to assume that the way Jesus was as a temporary man must be the way He is all the time. Some can't possibly imagine Him any other way, failing to realize that the whole becoming a man thing was a temporary. If He didn't allow Himself to be a man within the parameters of human beings it might seem to defeat the original intent on becoming a man and being an example for us to follow.

    Phil 2:5-11
  • Adam - In Reply on Mark 13 - 1 year ago

    I'd like to respond to your post and challenge your assumptions.

    You wrote: "Well, here the Messiah says that he doesn't know the Hour, which makes him a normal creature and not God. If he truly were God, he would know the timing of the Hour and his return, but he said that he doesn't know."

    It sounds like you are assuming God has limitations based on your human logic. I think your logical assumptions are flawed, however.

    Isn't God big enough to choose to know or not know things? God can also change His mind. He made all things and is powerful enough to do all things including choose to operate on our time frame or dimension or not. You're assuming that God can't do that, and so you're assuming that God must have that limitation while also claiming that he has no limitations. Doesn't your assumption contradict itself?

    John 1:1-3 says the Word (Jesus [verse 14]) is God, has always existed, and made all things? If you believe the Bible why would you not believe this verse?

    God bless.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago

    We have already been warned about you.

    Acts 20:28-30

    Matthew 7:15-16

    The sheep you are looking for - do not hear your voice.

    Matthew 10:27-30

    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes GiGi, well said. We christians, the children of God, have to grow spiritually from being babies in Christ (when we come in the faith) to mature men, Ephessians 4:13, "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:"

    God asks us to love Him more than anything or anybody else. Why? Because 1. He deserves it, and 2 this is our assurance that we will never leave Him and that we will keep walking the narrow path till the end. In the Bible there are many examples of people who although started their godly life well, afterwards their deceitful heart loved something else more than Him and led them away from God. In the parable of the Seed, Jesus warns us not to let our ambitions and pleasures of this life to fill our heart. If yes then our field will become fruitless. There is a moto in the world lately, "Follow your heart". How wrong it is if our heart drives us away from our creator.

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    A day in the life of Christ...spiritual giftings

    We; being the Body of Christ only have individual functions-each part being essential in the ministry of the Holy Spirit coming from Christ in the heavenly places. Christ; of course ( John 3:34-35) had the Spirit without limit. As a member of the Godhead He also wouldn't have had to rely on anything from the Spirit in His own Divinity; but He did when on earth He was strengthened by the Spirit as well as angels in time of greatest struggle (such as after the 40 day fast and Satan's interrogation and in Gethsemene).

    When Jesus was stated to know what people were thinking; it seems never to be good. It was a general statement to the Pharisees; where large chunks of scripture were dedicated to rebuke for hypocrisy along with the section for the same treatment for the lawyers of the time. Luke 7:36-50 is a fascinating section where the thoughts of the Pharisee were revealed to Christ; but He chose instead to talk to Peter about how such a "sinner" could be justified and put everyone to shame. The "blasphemy" of Him forgiving her sins trumped all earlier issues no doubt at the end of this section.

    The "word of knowledge" which seems to be most apparent is the statement to Peter about denying Him. Again; that fit into prophecy as did the running away of everyone in Mark 14:50. Also; the statement of being betrayed was prophetically in scripture along with the whole section of Isaiah 53 and everything else predicted to happen to Him in the crucifixion and later raising from the dead. I can't think of anything offhand that isn't in the Old Testament that Christ revealed; short of the further implications of the law in what was to be the new covenant of grace. The scriptures were further revealed from the concealed passages of hidden meanings in the Old Testament; and will be further still at the Second Coming. What is new is statements of what would happen specifically with Peter in the Book of Acts.
  • Plaintalk - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother Dan:

    There is only ONE SIN ..... UNBELIEF .....all other sins are COVERED by the blood of Christ.

    John 16:8 And when HE IS COME, he (the Holy Ghost) will reprove the world of SIN .... UNBELIEF ..... the HOLY Ghost is going to rule the world with a rod or iron (truth and mercy)

    John 16:9 OF SIN, because they BELIEVE NOT on me (THE WORD) .....

    Most believe Jesus came for the WORKS of the cross ..... they don't BELIEVE those WORKS ....

    ALL BODIES DIED (yours, mine, and Christ's) on the cross 2000 years ago; ONLY ONE BODY arose, the BODY of CHRIST.

    1 Corinthians 12:27 ... NOW ye are the BODY of Christ ..... who did NO SIN .....

    There is NO .... I, me, myself ... ONLY ONE BODY .... the body of Christ ..... all creation, the NEW CREATION ....

    John 17:22 And the glory that thou (the Spirit that raised Christ) has given me, I have GIVEN THEM (the new creation) that they may be ONE as we are ONE.

    If you don't BELIEVE his WORDS your continuing in SIN ..... if you BELIEVE his WORDS you CANNOT SIN .... your just doing what Christ WILLS and Causes you TO DO.

    Colossians 1:27 ..... this MYSTERY .... Christ in YOU ......

    Ezekiel 36:27 And I (the Holy Ghost) will put my Spirit IN YOU (his body) and CAUSE you to walk in my statutes, and keep my judgements, and DO THEM.

    Philippians 2:13 For it is God that WORKETH IN YOU both to WILL and to do his good pleasure.

    Most don't BELIEVE the WORD.

    God is giving you eyes to SEE his truth, your Christ's BODY, he is causing you to DO his good pleasure; therefore, you; his body, CANNOT SIN, because it's HIS WORKS, not your works.

    Revelation 2:26 ....and he that keepeth MY WORKS to the end, to him will I give power over the nations I have been given of my Father .....

    God bless you as Christ CAUSES us to walk in TRUTH.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    So Chris,

    I know I said I would leave off this discussion, but I am curious about a few questions regarding your understanding of the Nature of Salvation, if I may.

    If I'm understanding you correctly, Abraham and other Old Testament "believers" were "saved" because of some INHERENT faith within themselves, not given to them by God, but that they must exercise in appropriating the promises of God. Where then did that faith come from if they were SPIRITUALLY DEAD as we read in Psalm 53:2,3 and Psalm 14:2,3 and Romans 3:11-18?

    How do you understand "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" in Rev 13:8 relative to Christ's atonement and its application to Believers throughout time?

    What is your understanding of election and predestination? Are these terms applicable to every True Believer throughout time or only to a specific group of Believers during a specific time period in history?

    Was Christ's atonement a general atonement for all of mankind that we must appropriate by "accepting Christ" or "exercising our inherent faith" of our "free will" in order to be saved? And if so, what does it mean to be "in bondage to sin and Satan"?

    Or was Christ's atonement specific and limited to those Spiritually Dead sinners whom He chose to save by His Mercy from before the foundation of the world, and that Christ would draw them and apply this atonement in Salvation to their life by His Grace Alone?

    What does it mean to be Born Again?

    Thank you in advance for your responses.
  • Alex7 - 1 year ago
    2 Thess 2:3....The day of the lord cannot come till there 1st come a great falling away and that man of sin be revealed.....Jesus said it was gona be like this.....I am the light of the world but the Night comes when no man can work.....6.5 million Jews died in Hitlers death camps....That should tell ya something about the times we are in.....And Isaiah 60:2 said that darkness was gonna cover the earth and gross darkness the ppl.....No Salvation or the Kingdom till the man child (The H.G.) is born Rev 12:10.....Which is mankinds fruit unto God via his good seed the contents of that book in the fathers right hand that Jesus wrote with his own blood at Calvary.

    .......The last 2 k yrs have been nothing but wars and senseless killings.....The 2 days he was in the tomb is translating to 2 k yrs of Spiritual darkness for humanity......As Isaiah 60:2.....said darkness was gona cover the earth and gross darkness the ppl.....Churches and bibles on every corner but our world has become another Sodom and Gomarrah.

    ......I am the light of the world but the night is coming when no man can work.....Israel has become a nation again after 2 k yrs....Thus the Israel of God cannot be far behind.....When the book will be opened that he wrote with his own blood.....Sin will come to an end simply b/c the manchild which is the gonna reprove this world of sin and righteousness and JUDGEMENT.....The prince of this world that lives in humanity is gona be Judged.....As our God is a consuming fire.....

    .....But what happened to the early Church....They were a great Army.....But God gave them up....Till the woman is in travail and Child birth.... Micah 5 :3 Therefore shall he give them up till she that is in travail has given birth....The woman in Rev 12 :5 that is giving birth to the man child the H.G. that is gonna reprove the world of sin and righteousness and Judgement.....But Jesus said 4 times in John 6... I will raise them up AGAIN THE LAST DAY.....Ezek. dried bones...Gbu
  • Moha4med on Mark 13 - 1 year ago
    On the other hand, you also say that Christ was crucified and died. So, you know that the one responsible for killing people is the angel of Death. Now you are saying that Christ is God, so if Christ died, who took his soul? The angel of Death? Does that mean the angel of Death is more powerful than God? So, according to your understanding, the angel of Death is more powerful than God. Don't you think about this?"
  • Moha4med on Mark 13 - 1 year ago
    "Friends, I urge you to be rational, fair, and logical. We all know that the definition of God is that He is all-knowing and knows everything, past, present, and future. Well, here the Messiah says that he doesn't know the Hour, which makes him a normal creature and not God. If he truly were God, he would know the timing of the Hour and his return, but he said that he doesn't know. So, we have two possibilities here: either he knows everything or he is not all-knowing, and you can't combine both because that would be a contradiction. If he doesn't know the timing of the Hour, then he is not all-knowing and incomplete, so he is not God because God is all-knowing. Secondly, if he knows the timing of the Hour and lied when he said he doesn't know, then he is also not God because God does not lie, He is truthful.

    Someone might come and say that he didn't know the Hour in his human nature when he descended and that he chose that. Well, my friend, you are saying that before he descended, he was God and knew everything, and when he descended, he became incarnate in a human body, but he is still God and human at the same time, and this is a contradiction because human nature is ignorant, while divine nature encompasses everything. So, if Christ knows everything and at the same time does not know everything, this is ignorance and contradiction in the book. Moreover, Christ is not self-existent because he relies on others, and this makes him not God because God is self-existent and does not rely on others. From the perspective of Christ, he relied on his mother Mary's milk, and this is a great contradiction: to worship a child who drinks milk and claim that he is God. If he is God and has the ability to do everything, why doesn't he produce milk by himself?
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Adam,

    It's very sad. It wont be long and this is truly coming Luke 21:12

    As a guy by the screen name of Cowboy always use to post here: "We need to stay prayed up!"

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    BTW not sure if you're going to see this; but my Bible Study was stellar; had 8 to 10 people today with a chance for doing a second one in the Residential (another section) of the facility next time. Was able to pray for 4 people as well; thanks for your prayer!
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago

    The thread Our Addiction to Sin, is becoming too long. I'm responding to your question in a new thread here so we can continue on with the Sin subject.

    You state: I was given to understand that 1 John 3:6,9 showed that abiding in Christ meant that NO sin would be committed, not "a lifetime of continual sin".

    Yes, I agree with the scripture: If we believe it and strive to get there, we will eventually get to that perfection where we know Him perfectly and we abide in him perfectly. If we say we can't, then we will not even try to get started, and guarantee our failure!

    You state: Therefore, I think that your quote, "It is not just about "one sin" - It's about a lifetime of continual sin", may be what's causing us confusion.

    God knows that it will take us time to change and bring us into him, to make this happen 1 John 3:6 and 1 John 3:9 You and others seem to want to ignore/disregard/dismiss these verses by any means. God gave us his Son to provide us the means to receive forgiveness of sin. He gave us His Holy Spirit to strengthen and teach us - to make the impossible possible! So to reiterate, it's not about one sin, or a few sins, he has promised he would forgive us if we are sincere and we are truly repenting.

    By repenting it means we promise that we will get the sin out of our life. If we say we can't get the sin out of our life we will continue to sin - that my friend is not repenting. That's what I mean when I say it's not about one sin - it's about continual sinning without making the serious effort to stop. A half hearted effort will not get us there. It becomes a never ending sin/forgiveness/repeat/sin/forgiveness/repeat on and on throughout our lives.

    Cont. to page 2
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Chris Page 2

    So then, we never achieve the perfection with God that he desires/requires from us! If we accept that we can't stop sinning -We are saying we will spend some time with God, and spend some time with Satan. God tells us we can't serve both! We need to eventually get sin out of our life so we are serving God only!

    You state: "I deal with sin as it surfaces but I won't live in a false spiritual bubble " Chris If we are sinning we are living in Satan's bubble! What can be worse than that? If, we can break free from sin, we can really say we are free!

    You state: "Yes, we must strive to deal with sin & be holy but to believe that sin will never rear its ugly head, is beyond the whole biblical message." Sin will not rear its ugly head IF we don't give into the temptation! It's the temptation that we must overcome. We must work on overcoming temptation, as sin will not occur if we don't succumb to it. 1 John 3:8


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