Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 352

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Texsis, If your dream is about something that is to happen, and then this dream proves to be true by the very thing happening, then it is a prophetic dream. I have not ever had such a dream. But the Holy Spirit can work anyway He chooses to work. We can't put a limit on what He may do in and for us.

    We are doing well. Hubby has been retired for a month and enjoying it. Last week he was riding his motorcycle in Oregon (we live in Washington State) and took a back road to Mt. Hood HWY. A deer came out in front of him and he collided with it. He was able to stay upright and not lose control but his motorcycle is most likely totaled. Told him he was being watched over! If he had hit the deer mid body, he most likely would have been catapulted over the handle bars. So very thankful he is o.k. I told him that this was God telling him that he should not ride on remote roads without me tailing him in my Prius. That area had no cell service, houses, etc. So, wake up call for sure. We do tandem riding for long trips, but now we will need to do so for day trips, too. I don't mind driving behind since I will not ride on the motorcycle with him. So, we need to add this safety measure to this hobby!

    He's looking for another motorcycle to replace this one. But he'll not be able to get one until end of summer or so. Bummer for him, but just a slight "bump in the road", so to speak.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Wow ! Thank you for that great answer .
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Frankie J.

    I was just thinking about this verse when I read David's post. We are still in the last days, as Peter called it in Acts, so the Spirit is still working in ways that Joel prophesied and Peter confirmed that it was being fulfilled in his day, which was the beginning years of the last days. The last days have lasted 2000 years so far. The last days will end with the return of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

    I don't think that we can dictate to God what He can and cannot do in these days. But, then again, I think we should be wise in determining if such a vision, dream, or prophecy is truly from the Lord or not, either for ourselves or when another believer reveals that they have had such an experience. These visions, dreams, and prophecies cannot add to Scripture, I believe, because it was completed in the time of the apostles, but they also must align with Scripture in every way. Just as the Holy Spirit guides us in various ways, He also is able to work miraculously, bring answers to prayer, heal someone, and prevent people from going a certain place (like Paul) or open ways for one to go to a certain place. The Holy Spirit can work in infinite ways in us. We need to be open to His work in our lives and those of others. We should ask in prayer for discernment in such matters.
  • Dgjot - In Reply on Deuteronomy 25 - 1 year ago
    If you ask me, all rapists especially child molesters should be fully castrated. Or, at the very least have their hands cut off so they can't rape anyone else.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi David0921

    Acts 2:17,18


    In love & truth
  • Texsis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Didn't realize it was called prophetic. My sister thinks dreams are of satan. So thought something was wrong w/me, till they started coming true. Pray all's well w/you & yurs.! God is sooo good yet it took me yrs to understand His wisdom. I finally learned that things I want to happen, will, in His time, IF its meant to be.!

    If not, no matter how bad It was wanted, I just take a deep breath, shake it off & move on.! Feels so relaxing & comforting to walk in "His peace that passes all understanding" doesn't it? Thnx again GiGi
  • Pastor Ray - 1 year ago
    Goliath was six cubits and a span.

    2 Samuel 21:15-22 gives you the answer to the rest of those questions.

    1 Chronicles 20:4-7

    Goliath had four brothers:

    1. Ishbibenob

    - A Giant, age unknown

    - Had a 300 shekles of brass weighted spear

    - Had a new sword and was going to kill David with it

    - Killed by Abishai

    2. Saph (Sippai)

    - A Giant, age unknown

    - Killed by Sibbechai

    3. Lahmi

    - A Giant, age unknown

    - Spear staff was like a weavers beam (about 5 ft)

    - Killed by Elhanan

    4. Six Fingered (Unnamed)

    - A Giant (a man of great stature), age unknown (likely the largest)

    - Had six fingers on each hand

    - Had six toes on each foot

    - Killed by Shimea

    Hoped this helped, if you have any questions just ask me.
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    That first sentence is untrue. God is a spirit, not a man. John 4:24. He later created man. Just because man is made in His image doesn't mean He's a man Himself. That would be a false assumption and there's no verses indicating that.
  • Pastor Ray - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Revelation 11:9 will give you that answer, It was Satan in the form of a serpent. Angels are spirits and can appear as anything.
  • Pastor Ray - In Reply on Deuteronomy 25 - 1 year ago
    The Bible never says anything close to raping a woman is fine. It is definitely wrong. In 2 Samuel 13, Amnon was murdered by his half-brother for raping their sister. The sons of Jacob murdered the whole city for raping their sister Dinah in Genesis 34. Judges 19 also doesn't condone rape. Deuteronomy 22: 25 says that if a woman is raped the the man that raped her should be stoned. Now to the other topic of questioning, if a man is arguing with another man and he gets hit, it is no right for the woman to step in. Especially should she not grab a man by his man parts. The Mosaic law was very clear that sexual sin in any way would not be condoned. She committed a sexual sin by grabbing his man parts and in turn she would lose that hand for committing that sin. Jesus died on the cross for us and Paul clearly says that we are no under the law, but under grace. Jesus fulfilled the law. There is no excuse to sin because of that, but we don't cut off people's hands anymore.
  • Pastor Ray - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I'm not sure if this is what you are asking or not, but the Bible pictures the Word of God as water in Ephesians 5:26. Also I agree that the Bible is signified as a sword and that God does this for a reason. He says that His word is the Sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrews 4:12. I think this is also found in Revelation 1:16. Out of Jesus's mouth is the Word of God so out of His mouth comes a sword in Revelation. I truly believe that it is symbolic. Also Jesus gives us the example of fighting the Devil with quoting the Word of God. The only offensive weapon. It is not a coincidence. God's word is a sword because it is not only used to be shared, but also used as the weapon against Satan, his demons, and his followers.
  • [email protected] - 1 year ago
    Where does it say Jesus was born on December 25th
  • Pastor Ray - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The sons of God, was and are, (since the beginning of time) believers. From the first mention in Genesis 6 to now the sons of God means believers on Earth. Even in Job, the sons of God does not mean angels. See Satan was already cast out of Heaven, so there was no way he could go there to appear before God. So in Job, it was believers that had come together to worship and present themselves before God. Satan came among them and saw Job and spoke to God about Job, a son of God. Then first mention in the New Testament with John 1:12 is talking about believers. It doesn't change at all in the Bible as far as my study has gone on this. My Bible college would back me up on this belief as well.
  • Pastor Ray - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I would have to humbly disagree with this. Just because God said let us make man in our image in no way proves that He was man before He was God. Jesus was in the beginning and He came as a man. God put Himself into flesh in His own image. God had it all planned. God created us after Himself. God was not created. Man is the image of God, which in turn through looking at man, it points to God. Maybe it's just how you said it or semantics, but I think you came to the right conclusion without the right work to get there.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Further thoughts on Luke 15 and parable of the Prodigal son and the lost sheep of the 99.

    As believers we can truly have Godly sorrow that leads to repentance ( 2 Cor. 7:10). Such is the case with a new believer; but parables such as these show how we should continue as His sheep to live with such a love for our heavenly Father.

    The primary point I wish to emphasize here is how a man's heart can harden to the point where a conscience is seared; hence beyond hope (1 Timoty 4:2). This is serious business; and we see it with professing believers and the world alike. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 gives us a list of the unrepentant sins; more specifically lifestyles which will end up with the sinner in hell. When sin happens it needs to be acknowledged as such; a personal offense to God; other people we know and society at large particularly in the categories of sexual sin; or mental and physical attacks on others. The man who covers up his sins ( Proverbs 28:13 will not prosper; therefore the verse states we should confess in order to obtain mercy. Somehow as believers it seems like it is a one time thing many times to ask for mercy; to beg for forgiveness or to seriously consider how tender His mercies truly are.

    Consider Lamentations 3:22-23. In the midst of the most harrowing; graphically detailed description of God's city of Jerusalem being overcome by famine; disease and war we see this statement showing that God still holds out mercy; despite most of these calamities being a result of deliberate sins warned against by the prophets for many years. The parable in Luke 15 in regard to the older brother is almost the opposite scenario; someone who has an abundance of material wealth and still complains as to his father's forgiveness of his younger brother. This goes to show that spiritual blessings are not dependant on material wealth; and when we have success financially it isn't necessarily appreciated if we have a godless spiritual existance.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Don:

    I went through a mini Sunday school course discussing different kinds of Psalms as well as hearing some comments on the divisions. Briefly looking it up online basically gives hypothesis but in summary no one really knows. Chronologically it is out of order; although there seems to be a more heavy Davidic authorship in the first book in particular; with other sections being clustered together of the son of Asaph; the sons of Korah and other individuals.

    There are different types of Psalms; such as impreccatory (asking for judgment the most "controversial" type); Messianic and or prophetic; Davidic (as stated earlier); and others with acrostic patterns in the original language such as Psalm 119. One can't entirely confine one type in a particular Psalm either; and a number of them seem to blend together in the original text and somehow are divided in English translations.

    As far as any patterns and their meaning; perhaps some further computer analysis; for example could find a predictable pattern as to what the next one should be or find a predictable chronological pattern or patterns that recur. The Bible itself as a whole starts with Job as the likely oldest book; Revelation would be the latest written and happens to be at the end of our Bibles today.

    It seems we have more Psalms than say Proverbs from all the ones Solomon was said to have written.

    Perhaps the musical aspect is something largely missed; there are some Jews who put them to music even today in some more modern sounding tunes among Messianic Jews especially. We have no idea how it would have sounded except the types of instruments used as mentioned in Psalms such as the cornet trumpet or other stringed instruments of the time. It is interesting that part of Deuteronomy involving the blessings of Moses also were a song. Selah as a term is not very well understood either.

    Maybe archaeology will reveal the answers to these questions; until then it is an educated guess.
  • Richard H Priday on Luke 15:22 - 1 year ago
    Luke 15 involves an initial encounter with the Pharisees; who are chiding Christ for hanging out with sinners. Thus the Parables in this chapter certainly are meant for them to hear along with the crowds.

    Luke 15:7 "I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance." Whether this refers to the self righteous Pharisees which Christ described in a similar manner in Luke 5:31 or it literally means people in a right standing with God or both could be debated.

    Luke 15:12 And the younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me.' And he divided unto them his estate. What is often missed here is that BOTH sons had their inheritance divided at that time; and it was likely as tradition held the older son would have the largest sum. Something else I noticed here as well that is often overlooked is that the youngest son spent all of his inheritance. Thus; forgiveness was complete but nonetheless we see the concept of loss of reward.

    To avoid not seeing the big picture here; it was clear that the Pharisees had no love for seeing someone repent and finding any joy in it; whether among themselves or the Gentiles. Their concept of God no doubt affected their lifestyle and dogmas; adding hundreds more laws to the Old Testament Canon through their own thoughts and imaginations (which resulted in the Talmud and other extrabiblical uninspired and mystical texts and traditions of men). With this attitude no one sees the need to repent in order to be ABLE to obey the law; at least in regard to the thoughts and intentions of the heart whereby men had to EXCEED the righteousness of the Pharisees and scribes in order to be saved ( Matthew 5:20). What was missing was understanding the nature and character of God and basically worshipping the law itself rather than it's creator. We can only truly love the law if saved.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    wrong scripture reference Gen 1:26
  • David0921 - 1 year ago
    Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    Once God had completed the Bible with the Book of Revelation, He states in no uncertain terms that we are never again to look for a direct communication from God in a dream or a voice or a vision or a tongue.

    God only speaks to us directly in an articulated way through His Word, the Bible.
  • 0817880641 - 1 year ago
    God was man before he was God such is proven by Adams creation.

    In the beginning the scriptures says God said let us create a man in our own image.

    Meaning the image of man existed way long before human beings were created by God.

    Which proves that before he was God he was man

    Before he was a spirit he was a word.

    Through our flesh we contain the image of the spirit of God.

    We were made through the image, We did not create the image for it was already there.

    When we come to the New testament of Jesus Christ, the book of Hebrews say's Oho God your kingdom shall rule and reign above all and forever.

    Adam was given a creation to rule in a form of a garden and little did that creation consist of human beings only Eve was there.

    But Jesus Christ was given mankind to rule over and god creation to recreate it in his image.

    Let all Angels of heaven worship him, but before him all Angels worshipped God alone.

    Jesus Christ said it that I chose to live and suffer like a man and not a God, which proves that the first image above all images is the image of man.

    Through man you can see God not through God you can see man.

    I hope you all stay blessed

    Faith is not knowing or understanding God.

    Faith is to carry God in you

    Faith is to create

    Faith is to inform

    Faith is to teach

    Faith is to provide

    He carried God to the cross to restore our relationship and authority to God

    He created a space for forgiveness

    He informed people of sin

    He taught the word of God

    He provided by only 2 laofes and 1 fish.

    That's faith
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    23Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.

    24But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,

    25And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.

    Further insight. As Ephesians 1:6 states we are to be made acceptable in the beloved. As far as us "accepting" Christ; that is not Biblical as James 2:19 warns about God. Christ is more than Savior; He is Lord and Master; whether we acknowledge it or not there are only two alternatives ( Matthew 21:44). His Sheep hear His voice; the goats do not. ( John 10:27).

    This "committing" of men it would seem would involve the Godhead living within someone and being sealed with the Spirit. It would involve chastising which Hebrews 12:8 in King James brings out pretty strongly in regard to those not in Christ who are "bastards."

    Therefore Jesus had to do constant "weeding" out; and this would involve challenging statements; parables; and other means.

    Jesus in Luke 16:15 warned that what was esteemed or honorable among men was an abomination to God. That is different than what Jesus Himself did when He was praised in Luke 2:52 for His growth in wisdom and stature in terms of how He "gained favor" at that time. That shows His humility in the 30 or so years; taking up the majority of His earthly life being submissive to His parents (unlike the Pharisees who found ways through their religious piety to disrespect parents for the sake of their own material gain).

    Jesus loved His own so much that He made sure that He was the atoning sacrifice on the cross through His own volition; and death could not hold Him. (see John 10:18). It was a miracle in itself that He survived all the attempts on His life (including Gethsemene) through supernatural assistance so that He could make it to the cross to die at the set time and place. No one in scripture is said to be amazed at these acts
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Texsis, You can read what I wrote to Giannis about visions I have had. Glad to know that God has blessed you with dreams that are prophetic. How wonderful.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Giannis,

    It is good to know that God makes Himself known to believers at times in dreams and visions. I have had a few visions, all of them in 2000 at a time when I needed help from the Lord in some serious spiritual matters concerning our church at that time.

    These visions were really awesome in the true sense of the word. I was changed remarkable since these (for the better). I have not revealed this matter to many people and the content of the visions only to a few. One I have never revealed the content yet. it was the most amazing one and I was incredibly aware of the holiness of our Lord.

    But, like your wife, these visions were private, for me, and not for the church at large or even my dearest friends. They were very personal, having to do with me alone and no one else. I do not share because of this, but also, I do not wish to magnify myself by revealing them. If the Spirit would lead me to do so, I would, as I have shared a bit on here. But, these visions are overwhelmingly humbling in light of the magnificence of the Lord. But, I am not ashamed of them, but wise concerning them.

    Thanks for letting me know of your wife's experiences. This uplifts me today.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    John 2:23-25

    23Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.

    24But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,

    25And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.

    Just as the Son of God warned us that many would claim mighty miracles in His Name ( Matt. 7:22); not knowing Christ as a member of the Godhead kept unregenerate individuals who saw Christ Himself performing them when they ascribed it to someone who was merely a great teacher; or Prophet of God. What the Prophets couldn't do was forgive sins; which is always man's greatest need as we see from John 5:14 where a man for decades was healed from being a paralytic. In this case sin had something to do with his condition but eternal death would probably be the only thing WORSE that Christ was referring to.

    Preaching about sin to enemies of God can and will cause strife and persecution. But the whole Gospel must make it clear that our spiritual condition is dead; and judgment inevitable until we are saved; and that only comes through Christ's atonement removing out sins. The Pharisees themselves were looking for signs; even at the cross He was mocked and challenged to save Himself as though He was under the control of those who crucified Him. The concept of setting someone free was overshadowed by the Pharisees tenacious grasp on the law and their many additions of "working on the Sabbath Day" ( Luke 13:16). The crowds wanted free bread and fish; or to be caught up in the acction of the moment; with only a few truly being disciples; worshipping Him; and giving up all for following Him. Matthew 2:7 shows how Herod pretended to want to worship the Christ child; such is the same sort of concept of those who tried to trap Him with questions later on ( Luke 11:53-54). Others only wanted Him to rule as King; which will happen in the Millennium ( John 6:15).
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Texsis, 2/2

    It is true that we often have to suffer so that we understand how others feel. People who have had easy lives usually are not able to feel sympathy for others, so they tend to be very strict in their judgement for them. This is why God often passes us through tribulations and hardships, to understand our brothers and sisters. We usually tend to be soft to ourselves and strict to others, we all do that, don't we?

    When Nathan the prophet went to David and talked to him about Bathsheba, David shouted "death to that man'. When he realized it was him he put his head down and quitely said "forgive me Lord". 2 different types of measurement, one for him and one for the other man.

    God bless you.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Texsis. 1/2

    My wife has seen visions and has many experiences with God (some are unbelievable even for us, christians) in her christian life since 1996 when she came into the faith. The first one was when she was just a couple of weeks old, I mean as a christian. But I also know other people who have seen visions, one of them has seen Jesus on His way to Golgotha. About tips I don't think she has any. Usually the visions God shows her is about confirming His Word, or explaining it or supporting her when in trouble or something similar. Some have seen things in the future but not my wife. It is a personal gift I guess, it has nothing to do with others. That gift is not included in the list of gifts that are written in the epistle to Corinthians, so as I said it is not for the profit of the church but for her own use and support, for mine as well. If one seeks to see visions and keeps asking the Lord for them, God will eventually answer their request. I think it has much to do with her personality. She is very serious about her faith. She is in love with the Lord and she is very steady and stable and consistent with her faith, always in prayers, in studying the Word, in seeking to help others, in seeking fellowship with christians, consistently attending the church servises, etc. She is like a rock, unmovable. To be honest, I admire her, I am not quite like that. Why in that aspect women are always better than men? It has always puzzled me, maybe it has to do with women's heart.

    About judging others now, the thing is not seeing people's mistakes, but seeing them with love ready to help them. God always, since the very begining, knew that people were suffering. But He actually realized what pain was, when he became a man and felt pain Himself. Jesus suffered as a man and now He can intevene to Father for our sake. Jesus felt betrayed, lonely, abandoned, humiliated, tired...
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jema

    In the Septuagint, the greek translation that was done in the 2nd-3rd centuaty BC for the Jews that were residing in the Eastern Mediterranean who spoke Aramaic and Greek but not Hebrew, the translators used a term from the grk mythology for the Hebrew term "Sheol". That term was "Hades". The same term was also used by the New Testament's authors. Hades in anc grk mythology was the God of the underworld but also the place where the souls of dead were residing, like shadows in a semi-conscious state. But in the Bible it is not that.

    So what is Hades/Sheol? According to Jesus, in the story of Lazarus and the rich man, when they both died, both souls went to Hades but in different sections. The soul of Lazarus (the righteous man) went to the place inside Hades called "Abraham's Bosom", where he was comforted. The soul of the unrepentant sinner went to another section (which is not named) where he was tormented. Hades/Sheol seems to be deep down inside the earth.

    After Jesus was resurrected from the dead He took the souls of the righteous people and carried them to Heaven, to Paradise. In the Book of Revelation that Paradise seems to be located under the altar in the Temple of God in Heaven. The souls of all saved people onwards also go to Paradise where they are waiting for the resurrection of all dead people since creation. The sinners still go to Hades.

    After the resurrection of the dead, all people will aquire a new spiritual body. The saved people will reside the new earth that God is going to create for them, living happily for ever in the presence of the Lord. The sinners will be thrown to the Lake of Fire that God will create for the devil and the people who followed him in their lives, where they will be tormented for ever. Hades also is going to be thrown to that lake/ be destructed.

    In English Hades is often tranlated as either Hell or grave

    Just for information. Hades in grk is pronounced as Ah-thees, the "th" as in "the", stressed at "Ah". GBU
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jessica

    Here are some Scriptures to point you in the right direction, 1Cor 2:9-13, John 16:13;

    Quietly turn, looking within you & listen to the still small Voice of conscience, the one that corrects you when you done something wrong & admonishes you for it. This is the Spirit of Grace appearing within you, who is Christ Col 1:27,28 who been hidden within us, which God willed to make known unto us. Its 1John 2:27

    What God requires of us is to live according to the Truth that we now know, & as we are faithful in exercising His Truth, by being doers of the Word, James 1:22-25, we grow in Grace & more Light is given unto us, Thus Proverb 4:18

    In my own life journey God lead me to pray for a deeper love for Him, who is the personification of Truth. 2 Thess 2:10,11 so in my understanding of these verses, if I would truly love God more than myself. God would break the deception that I was presently in & keep me from being deceive, all through a devout love for His Truth.

    So wait upon the Lord in quietness & stillness of heart, & in simplicity of soul seek His Face 2 Cor 4:6,7, He is Treasure in our earthen vessels, the excellency of the power to open our understand to received the things of God that been freely given unto us, it is not of ourselves, but of God.

    Your very desire to draw closer to Him, came from the Father John 6:44 by His Spirit within you, continue in His love.

    Psalm 51:6

    In love & truth,
  • TROYROGERS - 1 year ago
    who were the sons of God?
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Thank you for your encouragement, I do see the Truth, as I stated it.

    You can be assured that Jesus prayers will be answered. What He did for us allows us to fulfill the Great Commission of Gen 1:27

    Habakkuk 2:14. this I have received from the Lord, not in studies of man made books, but in waiting in silience upon Him in His Spirit.

    & besides, lets take a closer look at present day Christianity, everyone is saying "He's coming soon, even at the door" they have one feller on this site, saying it going to happen just like the movie Left Behind, Ha ! As if God would share the riches of the treasures of His knowledge with Hollywood.

    Friend, in all honesty, & simplicity of heart, Where on this planet do you see His Bride, who is Ephesians 5:27 ,let your own conscience answer that question. John 8:9 Rev 18:4

    In Love & Truth.

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