Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 276

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago

    to which they are now dead, instead of being dead to the world by it, may be made partakers of the resurrection that is in Christ Jesus, unto newness of life. Rom 6:4 For they that are truly in Christ, that is, redeemed by, and interested in him, are new creatures. Gal 6:15 They have received a new will; such as does the will of God, not their own. They pray in truth, and do not mock God, when they say, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. They have new affections; such as are set on things above, Col 3:1-3 and make Christ their eternal treasure. New faith; such as overcomes the snares and temptations of the world's spirit in themselves, or as it appears through others: and lastly, new works; not of a superstitious contrivance, or of human invention, but the pure fruits of the Spirit of Christ working in them, as love, joy, peace, meekness, long-suffering, temperance, brotherly-kindness, faith, patience, gentleness, and goodness, against which there is no law; and they that have not the Spirit of Christ, and walk not in it, the apostle Paul has told us, are none of his; Rom8:9 but the wrath of God, and condemnation of the law, will lie upon them. For if there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ; who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, which is Paul's doctrine; they that walk not according to that Holy Spirit, by his doctrine, are not in Christ: that is, have no interest in him, nor just claim to salvation by him: and consequently there is condemnation to such.

    to be cont...
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago

    So that though the unrighteous latitude of their lives be matter of lamentation, as to themselves it is of destruction; yet that common apprehension, that they may be children of God, while in a state of disobedience to his holy commandments; and disciples of Jesus, though they revolt from his cross, and members of his true church, which is without spot or wrinkle, notwithstanding their lives are full of spots and wrinkles; is, of all other deceptions upon themselves, the most pernicious to their eternal condition. For they are at peace in sin, and under a security in their transgression. Their vain hope silences their convictions, and overlays all tender motions to repentance; so that their mistake about their duty to God is as mischievous as their rebellion against him.

    Thus they walk on precipices, and flatter themselves, till the grave swallows them up, and the judgments of the great God break their lethargy, and undeceive their poor wretched souls with the anguish of the wicked, as the reward of their work.

    VIII. This has been, is, and will be the doom of all worldly Christians: an end so dreadful, that if there were nothing of duty to God, or obligation to men, being a man, and one acquainted with the terrors of the Lord in the way and work of my own salvation, compassion alone were sufficient to excite me to this dissuasive against the world's superstitions and lusts, and to invite the professors of Christianity to the knowledge and obedience of the daily cross of Christ, as the alone way, left by him, and appointed us to blessedness; that they who now do but usurp the name may have the thing; and by the power of the cross,

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago

    VII. True it is, They that are born of the flesh, hate and persecute them that are born of the spirit, who are the circumcision in heart. It seems they cannot own nor worship God after her inventions, methods, and prescriptions, nor receive for doctrine her vain traditions, any more than they can comply with her corrupt fashions and customs in their conversation. The case being thus, from an apostate she becomes a persecutor. It is not enough that she herself declines from ancient purity, others must do so too. She will give them no rest that will not partake with her in that degeneracy, or receive her mark. Are any wiser than she, than mother church? No, no: nor can any make war with the beast she rides upon, those worldly powers that protect her, and vow their maintenance against the cries of her dissenters. Apostasy and superstition are ever proud and impatient of dissent: all must conform or perish. Therefore the slain witnesses, and blood of the souls under the altar, Rev6:9 are found within the walls of this mystical Babylon, this great city of false Christians, and are charged upon her, by the Holy Ghost in the Revelation. Nor is it strange that she should slay the servants who first crucified the Lord: but strange and barbarous too, that she should kill her husband and murder her Saviour; titles she seems so fond of, and that have been so profitable to her; and that she would recommend herself by, though without all justice. But her children are reduced so entirely under the dominion of darkness, by means of their continued disobedience to the manifestation of the divine light in their souls, that they forget what man once was, or they should now be; and know not true and pure Christianity when they meet it; yet pride themselves upon professing it. Their measures are so carnal and false about salvation, they call good evil, and evil good; they make a devil a Christian, and a saint a devil.

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    No Cross No Crown cont..

    VI. Let no man deceive his own soul; "grapes are not gathered of thorns, nor figs of thistles:" Matt7:16 a wolf is not a sheep, nor is a vulture a dove. What form, people, or church soever thou art of, it is the truth of God to mankind, that they which have even the form of godliness, but by their unmortified lives, deny the power thereof, make not the true, but false church: which, though she entitle herself the Lamb's bride, or church of Christ, Rev17:5 she is that mystery, or mysterious Babylon, fitly called by the Holy Ghost, the mother of harlots and all abominations: because degenerated from Christian chastity and purity, into all the enormities of heathen Babylon; a sumptuous city of old time, much noted for the seat of the kings of Babylon, and at that time the place in the world of the greatest pride and luxury. As she was then, so mystical Babylon is now the great enemy of God's people.

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    V. Sin is of one nature all the world over; for though a liar is not a drunkard, nor a swearer a whoremonger, nor either properly a murderer, yet they are all of a church; all branches of the one wicked root; all of kin. They have but one father, the devil, as Christ said to the professing Jews, the visible church of that age: he slighted their claims to Abraham and Moses, and plainly told them "That he that committed sin, was the servant of sin." John 8:34,35. They did the devil's works, and therefore were the devil's children. The argument will always hold upon the same reasons, and therefore good still: "His servants ye are," saith Paul, "whom ye obey:" (Rom. vi. 16:) and saith John to the church of old, "Let no man deceive you; he that committeth sin is of the devil." 1 John3:7,8 Was Judas ever the better Christian for crying, Hail, Master, and kissing Christ? By no means; they were the signal of his treachery; the tokens given by which the bloody Jews should know and take him. He called him Master, but betrayed him; he kissed, but sold him to be killed; this is the upshot of the false Christians' religion. If a man ask them, Is Christ your Lord? they will cry, God forbid else: yes, he is our Lord. Very well; but do you keep his commandments? No, how should we? How then are you his disciples? It is impossible, say they. What! would you have us keep his commandments? No man can. What! impossible to do that without which Christ hath made it impossible to be a Christian? Is Christ unreasonable? Does he reap where he has not sown? Require where he has not enabled? Thus it is, that with Judas they call him Master, but take part with the evil of the world to betray him; and kiss and embrace him as far as a specious profession goes; and then sell him, to gratify the passion that they most indulge. Thus as God said of old, they make him serve with their sins and for their sins too. Isa 43:24

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Cont,,, No Cross No Crown

    IV. This miserable defection from primitive times, when the glory of Christianity was the purity of its professors, I cannot but call the second and worst part of the Jewish tragedy upon the blessed Saviour of mankind. For the Jews, from the power of ignorance, and the extreme prejudice they were under to the unworldly way of his appearance, would not acknowledge him when he came, but for two or three years persecuted, and finally crucified him in one day. But the false Christians' cruelty lasts longer: they have first, with Judas, professed him, and then, for these many ages, most basely betrayed, persecuted, and crucified him, by a perpetual apostasy in manners, from the self-denial and holiness of his doctrine; their lives giving the lie to their faith. These are they that the author of the epistle to the Hebrews tells us, "Crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to open shame:" Hebrews 6:6 whose defiled hearts John in his Revelation styles, "The streets of Sodom and Egypt, spiritually so called, where also our Lord was crucified." Rev11:8 And as Christ said of old, a man's enemies are those of his own house, so Christ's enemies now are chiefly those of his own profession; they spit upon him, they nail and pierce him, they crown him with thorns, and give him gall and vinegar to drink. Matt27:34 Nor is it hard to apprehend; for they that live in the same evil nature and principle the Jews did, that crucified him outwardly, must needs crucify him inwardly; since they that reject the grace now in their own hearts, are one in stock and generation with the hard-hearted Jews, that resisted the grace that then appeared in and by Christ.

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    No Cross No Crown William Penn

    Though the knowledge and obedience of the doctrine of the cross of Christ be of infinite moment to the souls of men, for that is the only door to true Christianity, and that path the ancients ever trod to blessedness; yet, with extreme affliction let me say, it is so little understood, so much neglected, and what is worse, so bitterly contradicted by the vanity, superstition, and intemperance of professed Christians, that we must either renounce to believe what the Lord Jesus hath told us, that whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after him, cannot be his disciple; Luke 14:27 or, admitting that for truth, conclude, that the generality of Christendom do miserably deceive and disappoint themselves in the great business of Christianity, and their own salvation.

    II. For, let us be never so tender and charitable in the survey of those nations that entitle themselves to any interest in the holy name of Christ, if we will but be just too, we must needs acknowledge, that after all the gracious advantages of light, and obligations to fidelity, which these latter ages of the world have received by the coming, life, doctrine, miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, with the gifts of his Holy Spirit; to which add the writings, labours, and martyrdom of his dear followers in all times, there seems very little left of Christianity but the name; which being now usurped by the old heathen nature and life, makes the professors of it but true heathens in disguise. For though they worship not the same idols, they worship Christ with the same heart: and they can never do otherwise, whilst they live in the same lusts. So that the unmortified Christian and the heathen are of the same religion. For though they have different objects to which they do direct their prayers, that adoration in both is but forced and ceremonious, and the deity they truly worship is the god of the world, the great lord of lusts: to him they bow
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    No Cross No Crown continues

    with the whole powers of soul and sense. What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear? And how shall we pass away our time? Which[3] way may we gather wealth, increase our power, enlarge our territories, and dignify and perpetuate our names and families in the earth? Which base sensuality is most pathetically expressed and comprised by the beloved Apostle John, in these words: "The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life," which, says he, "are not of the Father, but of the world, that lieth in wickedness." (1 John, ii. 16.)

    III. It is a mournful reflection, but a truth no confidence can be great enough to deny, that these worldly lusts fill up the study, care, and conversation of wretched Christendom! and, which aggravates the misery, they have grown with time. For as the world is older, it is worse; and the examples of former lewd ages, and their miserable conclusions, have not deterred, but excited ours; so that the people of this seem improvers of the old stock of impiety, and have carried it so much further than example, that instead of advancing in virtue upon better times, they are scandalously fallen below the life of heathens. Their high-mindedness, lasciviousness, uncleanness, drunkenness, swearing, lying, envy, backbiting, cruelty, treachery, covetousness, injustice, and oppression, are so common, and committed with such invention and excess, that they have stumbled and embittered infidels to a degree of scorning that holy religion, to which their good example should have won their affections.

    to be continue.....
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Jimbob , I'm so glad that we have some one like you on here , some one who has done their research and can present all these facts to us . Many years ago I tried one or two other Bible versions but I was so horrified by the discrepancies , that I gave up on them very quickly and haven't read any other version for about 29 years . Please keep up the posts , just because you don't get much feed back , doesn't mean you are not appreciated , you are ! :) .
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    Another one. Inspired by God, or not?

    The KJB says in ( Col 1:14) "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins".

    The KJB says we have redemption ((THROUGH HIS BLOOD)) Wouldn't that be a TRUE statement?

    The Nasb says "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins". The Nasb removes the words (through his blood).

    The Niv says "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins". The Niv removes the words (through his blood).

    The Esv says "in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins". The Esv removes the words (through his blood).

    The Nlt says "who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins". The Nlt removes the words (through his blood).

    The Gnt says "by whom we are set free, that is, our sins are forgiven". The Gnt removes the words (through his blood).

    Should I go on? I really could!

    Who would put their trust in a bible that removes the blood of Jesus Christ from this verse?

    This is the 3rd post that is without a doubt Biblical proof that modern version bibles are corrupt, and not Inspired by God!

    The KJB has again proven itself to be the Inspired Word of God!

    ( Luke 22:20) Jesus says "Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you".

    The word (blood) is #129; it means (the atoning blood of Christ) by implying bloodshed.

    Would someone with good intentions remove those words in all those modern version bibles?

    Or do you think those bibles are what we are warned about in ( Jer 23:36) and ( 2 Tim 4:3-4)? And maybe even ( 1 Tim 4:1)?

    Anybody want to answer those questions?

    Truth matters!
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    Another one! Inspired by God, or not?

    The KJB says in ( Jn 7:8) "Go ye up unto the feast: I go not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come".

    (Jesus say "I go not up YET"

    The Nasb says "I am not going up to this feast"...

    The Niv says "You go to the festival, I am not going up to this festival"...

    The Nlt says "You go on. I'm not going to the festival"...

    The Esv says "You go up to the feast. I am not going up to this feast"...

    The Gnt says "You go on to the festival. I am not going to this festival"...

    The Csb says "Go up to the festival yourselves. I'm not going up to this festival"...

    All these modern version bibles are saying Jesus is a liar.

    In verse 10 they say this!

    The Nasb says "But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, He Himself also went up"...

    The Niv says "However, after his brothers had left for the festival, he went also"...

    The Nlt says "But after his brothers left for the festival, Jesus also went"...

    The Esv says "But after his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he also went up"...

    The Gnt says "After his brothers had gone to the festival, Jesus also went"...

    The Csb says "After his brothers had gone up to the festival, then he also went up"...

    Is Jesus a liar? That IS Blasphemy!!

    All these modern version bibles are saying Jesus Christ was a liar!!!

    The KJB is the only Bible where Jesus said "I go not up yet", NOT UP YET. And then He went, Jesus was NOT A LIAR!

    All the other bibles said "I am not going" Then He went! That would make Him a liar!

    How could anyone possibly trust a bible that claims Jesus was a liar??

    Anybody want to answer that question?

    All modern version bibles are corrupt!!
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    Inspiration of God, or not?

    The KJB says in ( Luke 2:33) "And Joseph and his mother marvelled at the things which were spoken of him".

    The Nasb says "And his father and his mother were amazed at the things which were being said about him".

    The Niv says "The child's father and mother marvelled at what was said about him".

    The Esv says "And his father and his mother marvelled at wat was said"...

    The Nlt says "Jesus' parents were amazed at what was beng said"...

    The Csb says "His father and mother were amazed"...

    The Gnt says "The child's father and mother were amazed"...

    All these modern version bibles claim that Joseph was the father of Jesus.

    Was Joseph the father of Jesus?

    That could be considered Blasphemy! Who would trust such a bible as these?

    The KJB is the Inspired Word of God!

    modern version bibles are NOT Inspired by God?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good thoughts, Jema. We are hoping Ronald will receive what he needs from the Lord soon.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    oops, I meant derive, not drive. Typing too fast.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Ronald.

    I am so sorry that you are having such troubles in your thoughts and sleep. Have you talked with your doctor about this? There could be some disfunction going on in your brain in a physical way.

    Also, have you spoken to your pastor and/or elders to pray for you? I would suggest this.

    I am happy to pray for you.

    Dear Heavenly Father, today, in the name of Jesus, we ask that You will heal Ronald in the areas of unwelcome thoughts that are hindering him and also multiple sleep problems that are bothering him, robbing him of sleep and leaving him feeling attacked and unsettled. Father, remove whatever is bringing these things to Ronald, for you are stronger than any illness, disorder, power or principality that can cause these things. You are sovereign over all of these things and we believe that You will help Ronald and bring to Him soundness of mind, purity of thoughts, and restful sleep. Bring Him dreams that honor You and promote spiritual growth. Engage Ronald in healthy thinking and prayer with You as His guide and teacher. Demolish all the wiles of the enemy and bring Ronald peace today and every night and day hereafter. Amen.

    Ronald keep us posted on how you are doing. We will continue to pray for you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I agree that we are not competing here. I hope I did not give that impression. I was jesting when I said "Tag-you're it."

    It is more like Iron sharpening iron here. We are building one another up in knowledge for what God has revealed about Himself in Scripture. That is wonderful. It would be good to take a few days rest on this. We all need time to digest what is presented in the posts on this forum and take a serious and prayerful look at what people say.

    This line of posting is very exciting for me because I love speaking and listening about Who God is in truth, not what we make Him to be in our minds. Scripture reveals His character and we can know that what He says about Himself is true and does not change. We can depend and trust Him because He is faithful to Himself.

    I hope your new job works out well for you. Let us know how it goes. Also, how are you feeling since your illness? Have you your strength back? I will continue to pray for your wellness and that you find this new job a good fit for you at this time in your life.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Giannis,

    Just reading your posts, I am enjoying them, it is unveiling the truth. I will reply later on them I just want to go over them with prayer and more study. I love what you are posting much can be learned with an open heart.

    God bless,

  • Giannis - 1 year ago
    Romans 16:7,

    "Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen (relatives), and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me."

    Ah, so there were people, Paul's relatives that were in Christ before him and certainly prayed for his salvation. And God answered.

    Have a blessed day or night.
  • Giannis - 1 year ago
    Romans 15:12'

    "And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust."

    Firstly instead of "gentiles" the grk says "nations" (grk ethne). And instead of "trust" it says "hope" (grk elpiousin).

    Which is that reign? A literal reign of Jesus with Israel, as some believe? Or as it seems that it talks about a spiritual kingdom where the other nations really put their hope on Him (for salvation).

    And it goes on in verse 13, thus giving a certainty about which is that kingdom.

    "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost."
  • Giannis - 1 year ago
    Romans 15:4,

    "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope."
  • Giannis - 1 year ago
    Romans 14:9,

    "For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living."

    How could Christ be Lord of the dead if the soul is not alive but dies together with the flesh?

    Compare the above with Luke 20:38,

    "For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him."

    So really there is not any dead man since their soul is living "unto Him".
  • Giannis - 1 year ago
    Romans 13:1,

    "1. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2.Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation."

    The grk "exousia" is more properly translated as "authority", than power (gkr kratos or dymamis)

    So Paul asks christians to obey the authorities, in other words the Law of their land.

    The above verse has been used in the past by all kind of rulers (kings, dictators, conquerors, ...even churches like the R/C church) who were trying to establish their authority on people using the belief of a God offered authority, The phrase "by the grace of God, king" relied on those verses and was invented to show to people the "divine right of rulers/kings". But when the Bible talks about " the powers that be are ordained of God", it means the characteristics that God put in people to make organized societies with hierarcy and subjected to rules. Not that God placed some people of His own will to rule others. The latter is true in democratic societies (since God respects our free choise) but not in dictatorships or conquerors or any other forced rule.
  • Giannis - 1 year ago
    Romans 12:1-2,

    "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."

    Cain offered a sacrifice to God. But it wasn't acceptable unto God. Why not? Because God gave specific instructions on how a sacrifice should be offered, Similarly nowadays (think about the word "holy").
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Whoa nelly! I haven't gotten to completion of the f and g with the infernal 2000 character limit...just took a nap and voila you have about 8 suggestions...

    Why don't you at least put down your f and g ideas first as a posting; or post ALL the aforementioned ideas. Seems as though I was wrong you have the speed AND the detail at a pace that seems to outmatch me in both aspects. Cudos to you; although it is isn't a competition I suppose...

    I guess people may look at these comments anyway. First problem I have is there is so much overlap and sometimes in a particular verse. Would be fun in a way for the children to get some long statement with all the letters to stimulate minds.

    Such works with the saying "Almighty beauty caring "divine essence" of "Father God" who is "holy and invisible; jealous and kind" or something to that affect. Maybe a song..

    At the end of the day it is God's everlasting character which goes beyond or circumstances; the length of our lives from and to all eternity which is our foundation. We as puny man are given an opportunity to represent Him as He shapes and molds us through sanctification to ultimate glorification. I am thinking glorification as an interesting theme both for how Christ was glorified after suffering and then us as "first fruits". I'll give you a day or two to collect your thoughts and maybe finish Zechariah 13 and 14 or post something else in the meanwhile. Starting work Tuesday so likely will slow down posts next week.

    I know some read and rarely comment; it doesn't seem there is a huge audience at any rate. I had thought of how answered prayers could be coordinated as it seems rather sparce with one or two serious requests a day and no clear evidence some are answered that at least are coherent or make sense. There seems to be a lack of answered prayers and that may be a category the site should explore or a subject to post about.

    Agape; bye for now; Rich P
  • Giannis - 1 year ago
    Romans 11:22,

    "Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off."
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Richard, I will leave off for now. Your turn-tag you're it-so to speak. This is delightful to do this with you. Thank you. God is the only One who is truly worthy of our attention, study, and worship. Glory, honor and praise to Him!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    cont. from Lam. 3:21-23

    ".. because they compassions fail not; They are new every morning: Great is Thy faithfulness." So, so thankful!

    For "G" I think that God is GOOD:

    Only God is truly good, without any lack of goodness, nor does He have any evil in Him. He is perfectly, eternally good. There is no one truly good beside Him as Jesus said in Mark 10:18.

    Romans 3:12 says that there is no one who does good, all of us have sinned and fall short of the good that is who God is. His goodness is the mark that we fall short of.

    In Genesis 1 we see that all that God created was good. It was truly good, but not perfected as He is perfect. Satan and mankind were able to sin, but God had this in mind when He made the Everlasting Covenant within the Godhead before creation. His aim in creating was to perfect a people for Himself in eternity for all eternity so that, with the angels, we will forever do His will, love one another, worship God in the way He deserves, and sing of His goodness forever.

    2Chr. 7:3 says that God is good; His love endures forever. How comforting it is to know that God will never do to us what is wrong! see Ps. 119:68-the Lord is good and all that He does is good. Ps. 145:9 says that the LORD is good to ALL!

    Ps. 100:5 attests that the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures through ALL generations.

    So knowing that God is truly Good all the time, we, who have been made sons and daughter of God by the Holy Spirit through the work of His Son, ought to seek what is good and hate what is evil. We should avoid company that would lead us into sin, situations that will tempt us to do evil. We should live as one who has been set free of the slavery of our sinful nature and live for God, being slaves to righteousness. We cannot earn our way to God with good deeds, but we are to live as He wants us to, and that is to do what is good and righteous, godly and God-honoring. We should despise our sins and flee evil, resisting Satan.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello again, Richard

    For "F" I think of God's FAITHFULNESS

    He is forever faithful. Deut. 7:9 says He is the faithful God. Psalm 33:4 says that He is faithful in all He does. And Ps. 89:24 says that His love is faithful. Ps. 145:13 says that the LORD is faithful to all of His promises.

    1 Cor. 1:9 says that God is faithful (see also 1 Cor. 10:13. 1 Thess. 5:24 and 2 Thess. 3:3 firms that God is faithful and will keep us and establish us in our life in Christ. Even if we are unfaithful to God, He remains faithful because He cannot deny Himself-

    2 Tim. 2:13

    1 Peter 4:19 says we can commit our self to our Faithful Creator when we suffer. And 1 Jn. 1:9 says God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. And gloriously in Rev. 19:11 Jesus is called Faithful and True.

    So we can depend on God's faithfulness because it is true and trustworthy. It never fails and is never withdrawn or disappears. Nor does it this faithfulness ever deceive us as being unfaithful when He says He is faithful because God cannot be what He is not. Ps. 36:5 and 57:10 say His faithfulness reaches to the skies. It is immeasurably reliable.

    Ps. 89:8 says:

    "O LORD God of hosts, Who is mighty like You, O LORD? Your faithfulness also surrounds You." It is part of His glory that comes from His essence. Ps. 117:2 says His faithfulness endures forever.

    Is. 25 :1 says

    "O LORD, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things; Thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth." God's faithfulness and truth cannot be separated, they are aspects of His Essence which is not divided up into separate attributes; all His attributes are unified in His One Essential Nature.

    Is. 42:3 says that in His faithfulness He will bring forth justice. So true justice comes from His faithfulness to Who He is.

    I love Lamentations 3:21-23:

    "This I recall to my mind., therefore I have hope. It is of the LORD's mercy that we are not consumed,

    (see next post)
  • Jema - In Reply on Ezekiel 26 - 1 year ago
    Amen :) .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen :) .

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