A beast and false prophet are coming but not claiming to be Christ, 2 Thess. 2:4 he "will exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped". This will be a worldwide deception that people of all religions will be deceived.
Some of Matt. 24 is for us today but much of it was for the disciples. History recorded many of the things Jesus said were happening, wars between Jews and Syrians and others. There was not only sedition and civil war throughout Judea but likewise in Italy: Otho and Vitellius contending for the empire. Earthquakes in Rome, Pompeii, Lycus Valley, cities of Pergamum, Laodicea, and Colosse. And the Bible tells of the famine in Jerusalem and other parts of the world.
Bad times are coming that we need to be ready for, we just need to keep in mind this fleshly body is not what is going to be saved. "Here is the patience and the faith of the saints" Rev. 13:9-10. I know we have different understandings; I could say more but I will leave it here.
I think what I was trying to say is , that it is God's perfect love that should cast out our fear . We need to trust that He always loves us and wants us with Him and is willing to forgive us through Christ .
For me , fear can make people behave badly , let's say you have done something bad and you are so afraid of the consequences that you end up doing something even worse to cover up the first offense . Yes we should fear God but I see it as fear that we might disappoint Him , a bit like when a child does something that they know their parent won't like . We know that our parents will still love us but we don't want to incur their disappointment . Perfect love ? That doesn't come from us , perfect love comes from God and it's our faith in His perfect love for us that casts out our fear , we trust in His perfect love and willingness to forgive us . If we don't believe in / trust in His love for us and His willingness to forgive us then we will spend our lives , in this world , in fear of the judgement in the next world . Therefore it is His perfect love that we must have faith in . If we don't then we cannot believe in His willingness to forgive us and we doom ourselves to a life of fear . I hope I've explained that in a way that isn't to awkward . Just my take on those verses .
So, Richard, I realize that most people have no interest in what I 've shared. But I have found researching this about our families to be very interesting, especially to discover how many were believers and their willingness to leave the comforts of manors in England to be settlers in a new land for the English; and, with my family, to come from Europe to homestead and work the land to produce needed crops for the market and to support their families. My family was generally poor with no known nobility or people of significance historically, yet, here we are, my husband and I from two very different family backgrounds making a new family background that differs from that of our pasts. God has had His hand on us and our ancestors to bring us to one another in faith and love.
Beyond what I have shared, I really have never had much interest in discovering the past of our families, but now that I have some good information, I am glad that I did this. We all have a family history, much like the people in the Bible. In every family there is good and bad that is done and that happens to family members, blessings and curses, as Deut. tells us. But God know s the beginning from the end and in the end, our pedigree or history means nothing in terms of our reward in Christ. But I think we all have something to learn from history, whether our own, our countries, world, or the history set forth in the Bible.
I am well aware of Titus 3:9 says about avoiding foolish questions and genealogies and contentions, and strivings about the law, for they are unprofitable and vain. And because of this verse I have avoided doing genealogical research. However, I do not think this is talking about knowing one's genealogy (that was necessary to prove your Israelite heritage, especially one from Judah or Levi), but in the context here it is speaking about using one's genealogy to prove any sort of status in any circumstance. It just doesn't matter for believers as it does not merit us.
To continue, just for human interest here: My husband's family were some of the founding Pilgrims and Puritans of Massachusetts, Jamestown, VA., the Puritan colony in Connecticut, the Quaker colony of William Penn in PA. At that time in history, many of these sects fled to America due to persecution in England for "non-conformists".
His ancestors were the first English Govenor of New York after he negotiated it away from the Dutch of New Amsterdam and changed the name to New York, being sent from King Charles II to do this. Another ancestor was the recorder of this assignment and he settled on Long Island being awarded most of the Island by the King.
And then three branches of his family (different surnames) migrated to Maryland at the same timeframe and were among the first settlers of this colony, settling in what eventually became Annapolis. Others migrated to Virginia, then to the Carolinas and then to Alabama where all three families (of different surnames) ended up in the same city in Alabama. They were homesteaders there since Alabama was the frontier at that time. Many of these were "planters" as they were called who were of nobility sent by the King to plant tobacco farms, thus being awarded hundreds of acres to farm by the King. These soon became plantations with the history that accompanied these as far as social, economic, and culture, some of which created some of the sad history of slavery in our country, as it ready was practiced in England.
I also discovered that Thomas Jefferson's first cousin Lucy, married a direct member of my husband's line. I say all this to show what I have been busy with. I want to create a history of these families with historical and cultural information for my three sons, since they are the only sons to carry forward the family name. I thought it would be good to do before I get too old.
My family tree is pretty much the opposite of my husband's, coming to America in the 1800's as simple homesteaders.
In 1 John 4:18, where it says "He that feareth is not made perfect in love," it would seem as though it is saying that it is bad to fear.
Here is my understanding of this verse:
He says there is no fear in love; but perfect love (that is, love brought to completion), casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect, or complete in love.
He's talking about the motive for obeying God. Some people obey God because they are afraid. Those who have the Spirit of God, and have matured and understand about the love of God, they do things because they love Him. It's like Jesus said in John 14:15 if you love me, you will keep my commandments.
In Luke 12:5, if we look at it with Verse 4, Jesus is showing contrast. All man can do to you is kill you, physically put you to death. And He's following this line of hypocrisy. We act a certain way so that we don't get rejected. We act a certain way so that we don't suffer the consequences.
Even as a Christian, sometimes we compromise with nonbelievers because we have a fear and a concern whether they are going to reject us or receive us. Jesus said all you need to do is fear God. That is the only one you need to fear.
I have not written about LOVE, so go right ahead and write of it! I was debating between the two for "L" but it seems that the Spirit has caused me to think on how He is life over the past few days, so I went with that lead
Good to hear from you, Richard. I pray that your health is being renewed after your BIG DEAL you suffered recently. I am so glad you received the right treatment for that illness and that you returned home. How is your job going?
I have been here, but have not felt very led to share much in recent weeks. I check in daily to read posts and consider what is being said here.
Also, my sister in law, (husband's sister) is into the ancestry thing. I have not been. But she recently found that my husband's family is related to Elvis. Which is really funny because since I first met my husband I noticed resemblances in expressions as well as some facial resemblance. So I went online to find out how this relationship was brought about. Turns out that My husband's dad and Elvis were 4th cousins, going back to a common great, great grandfather on both maternal sides.
From that I have been researching the lines of my husband's families back to Normandy with William the Conqueror. Not related to him, but fought with him in the Conquest, were friends with him, served in his and other courts of Kings and that William the Conqueror awarded earldoms and baronages to many who fought with him and came from Normandy with him as a result. So many of my husband's ancestors were Earls, Barons, and Knights. Earls and Barons (Dukes and Lords) served in the Parliament in the House of Lords representing their fief or section of the county their manors were. One even was one of the signers of the Magna Carta. So I researched this to refresh my learning.
Then I researched how and when they came to America. Found out that many of ancestors left England in the early 1600's to settle the new colonies. Many of them were the founding settlers.
Now that you have reappeared on this forum as it were I suppose I could ask if the love of God was touched upon yet. I could try to make a stab at that in the next day or two although I'm sure your comments would be more complete than mine...
Hello, I'd like to seek input from fellow believers on these 2 verses:
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18 KJV
To me this seems to make fear seem bad, and weak, like a character flaw if you have fear. However, the next fears says to fear God.
"But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him." Luke 12:5 KJV
The first one says someone that fears is not made perfect in love, but the other one says to fear God.
How do I reconcile these 2 verses? Thank you to anyone who replies.
Before you can be a doer of the WORD, you first have to be a hearer of the WORD.
You didn't understand what I said, because you were not a hearer of the word.
You and Christ were raised as ONE FLESH, a new creation.
Your the body, he's the LIFE and FAITH of the BODY, the DOER of the WORD is Christ, the WORD, you the body of the words that does works BY the WORD.
Ezekiel 36:27 I (the LIFE and FAITH) will put my spirit IN YOU (my body) and CAUSE YOU (my body) to WALK in my statutes, and keep my judgements and DO THEM.
Cease from your works (of your carnal mind, YOU DIED on the cross, only the NEW CREATION, you and Christ as ONE FLESH exist) and come into the sabbath rest, all the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
Faith without works is DEAD, but it's NOT YOUR faith and it's not your works: but the faith and works of CHRIST IN YOU, the new creation, by the resurrection of Christ.
The disciples showed JESUS the buildings of the Temple.(Oh how great,admirable,were the stones of the Temple!)JESUS said:See ye not all these things?verily I say unto you,There shall not be left here ONE stone upon another,that shall not be thrown down.
Jesus left His disciples disappointed with His answer,evidently.
What JESUS prophesied LITERALLY was fulfilled,the Temple was destroyed in 70AD,and Israel was banned from their land and scattered around the world for around 1878 years,from year 70AD to 1948AD,more than 100K died under the Romans's attack.
Israel was punished severely from year 70AD until 1948AD, they suffered severe and great punishments in LITERAL fulfillment of Deuteronomy 28:15-68, so 53 verses of severe chastisements and curses.Take a look.The WORD IS GOD,self executing.
After JESUS went to the Mount of Olives,the disciples privately asked Him two important things:
1-What shall be the sign of thy coming?
2-and of the END of the world?(the current Devil's world)
The testimomy of JESUS is the Spirit of prophecy.He LISTED several events linked(1st)to His coming;(2nd)to the END of this current Devil's world.
JESUS LISTED SEVERAL EVENTS, as follow: Matthew 24:4-8:
4-Take heed that no man deceive you;(first concerns of JESUS).
5- Many shall come in my name,saying,I am Christ;and shall deceive many;
(Soon will manifest the Beast of the earth who has two horns like a lamb,actually a false lamb,a false messiah, AN IMPOSTOR:- John 5:v.43 combined with Revelation 13:v.11-18)
6-And ye shall hear of WARS and RUMOURS of WARS;see that ye be not troubled:for all these things must come to pass,but the END is not yet.
7-NATION shall rise against NATION,and kingdom against kingdom(G7,and G20,EU,UNO, among others Entities shall be DISSOLVED from now on?)
-there shall be famines;
-and pestilences;
-and earthquakes in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
The WORST is yet to come as is written in Matt.24:15-25
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is ALL ABOUT WHAT GOD HAS DONE.
By his words we are BORN AGAIN into the KINGDOM of GOD.
We were not there with him when he walked in the flesh 2000 years ago.
So, he takes us through those days, by studying his words, as if we were there, so we can come to the TRUTH of his works on the cross.
The disciples walked with him every day for 3 1/2 years and never understood a word he said.
We are no different today, because his words are veiled in symbols and parables we can not see what he is saying to us.
He told his disciples, after he arose, that he would leave and send the spirit of truth to them, then they would understand all things.
We only come to truth by studying his words and letting the spirit of truth tell us what they mean.
This is a growth process.
As we study we are faced with truths, that man has taught, that don't align with the word of God.
Now since God word says that man will believe other men, before he believes God, we have to rightly divide his word.
Most are lazy and don't want to spend time in the word of God, it's no effort for them to spend 10 hours watching tv or texting on their phone, but they cringe at spending 10 minutes in the word of God.
So they go to a brick and mortar church a hour a week, and are taught by other men, that were taught by other men, and then proclaim they know TRUTH.
In this new life we have in Christ we serve God, not our sinful nature. This is the ideal. and we are to press in the achieve this ideal as we desire to walk by the Spirit of God who lives in us and is stronger in us than any in the world or even our own sinful nature. When we get out of step with the Spirit by grieving, neglecting, denying, not seeing to be filled up with Him, we begin to serve our sinful nature. We ought to take this instruction in Gal. 5:16-26 seriously and greatly desire to conform to what God is speaking to us through Paul.
I once wrote a song on this "walking by the Spirit" for a VBS session. I have misplaced it. I wish I had it handy to share here. I remember parts of it with the melody, and what I do remember lifts me up and encourages me to be determined to walk according to the Spirit for the glory, honor, and praise of God.
I hope you have a great day today, Jema. Always good to hear from you on here.
In God's Essence, Life is His natural state of being. In our life her, which is our natural state of being, the life we have is derived from God, so we should be thankful for each day of life He grants us, rather that He wills for our life to continue from when He started it ---years ago. Our spiritual life is also derived from God through the Holy Spirit, who gives it, Jesus who gives it, and the Father who gives it. We should be ever thankful for having begun this life in us through the regeneration of the Spirit and the washing of the Word and that He will continue this spiritual life eternally. It too is a derived life, being graciously bestowed on us by our God who loves us so. But this spiritual life is supernatural to us, as it goes above and beyond our natural life her in time. This life is not supernatural for God because He is all of life essentially.
Those without faith in our Lord also will live forever after the resurrection of our bodies, but this life is equated with eternal death or the second death as Rev. 20:14 calls the lake of fire judgment of God. This judgement is death, though a person is alive eternally in a state of being dead to God away from His presence, goodness, grace, and mercy; without joy, contentment, nor anything we associate with living a life full of goodness.
God is the author of all life, but no one authored God into life. He is unique in this way from all other beings. I was thinking on this the last few days. I think of how we have attempted to displace God from the generation of life. First is came with the working of conception prevention, then with abortion. And then it jumped to manipulating conception through artificial means, then to embryonic transplantation, then to attempts to clone a human, and now scientists are working on creating organs from stem cells for transplantation. Scientists are at work with gene splicing, gene modification, genome isolation and experimentation transhuman.
Awesome post , I do sometimes forget that everything is done , finished , completed by God through His Son . I'm still living by the sight of my eyes :) . Thank you for reminding me not to !
The Bible is your safe guide. "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." (1John2:27) God is a Spirit and by the anointing received you believe the Spirit holds a candle so you may justly divide the word comparing spiritual with spiritual. "The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly."(Pr.20:27) Belly is with reference to truth written in your inward being.
For example the word of God warns, "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption."(1 Co.15:50). The risen Christ also tells you to take up your cross and follow him and learn of him. An overcomer is one who shall sit with him, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."(Re.3:21) There are many instances of those who began well but "(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ."(Ph.3:18)
Hello Friends, today I wish to keep the conflict in Israel/Gaza in my prayers especially ass it seems that things will escalate more over the next week. I pray that civilians in each area get to safety.
To continue in my study on Who God truly is I move on to "L" and meditate on God as being LIFE.
God revealed Himself to Moses in Exodus 3:14 as "I AM WHO I AM" which speaks to His self-existence. He does not derive His existence from any other, nor did He ever begin to exist at any time, nor will He ever not exit. This is impossible for Him.
When He calls Himself "I AM, it is perhaps one of the profoundest statement we can know. HE IS!
He is clearly stating that He exists, o if, and, or buts about it. He has always existed, and will exist forever.
John 1:4 says that Life is in God. He is the source of all life. Because He is the Life. john 11:25 Jesus calls Himself the Resurrection and the Life. John 5:26 Jesus says that He has Life within Himself just as the Father has life within Himself. Thus saying that He is God , just as the Father is God. John 6:63 Jesus says that the Spirit gives life, affirming that the Spirit is God. And with these statements Jesus is saying that within the Godhead there are three who together gives life since they are Life itself. Nothing comes into existence without being created by God and it is He who give any creature life. In John 6:63.
God made us. Each person of the Godhead is involved in giving us life because they are Life itself, as Jesus says in John 14:6 when He says that He is the way, the truth, and the life.
Romans 5:10 speaks of how we are saved through the life of Christ. By the power of God's everlasting life, Jesus' body was resurrected from the dead and lives forever. This is how we receive salvation. Because He lives, we will live. And since all people ever created receive their natural life from God, those who are chosen by God to be saved, receive their spiritual life from God as well. see part 2
Just a few things, I am sorry you feel you have been lied to, there are different interpretations out there. If we study Matt. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 together it helps.
I have found when studying the Bible, we should not start with a preconceived idea, it is easy to see Scriptures that fit a picture we have painted in our mind rather than letting the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit reveal the true meaning.
First, Jesus's death and resurrection were hidden from them, Luke 18:31-34. Even after he was crucified, they were distraught and did not understand the fact that he was killed. John 16:16-20 and we have Luke 24:4-6. Not knowing Jesus was going to die would they be asking Jesus about His second coming?
Is all of Matthew 24 about the end time, many combined it with other prophecies to create a picture of the end time. Some of it is obviously about Jesus's second coming but much of it was to prepare them for what they were to endure up to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. False prophets we see there were many before 70 AD, Acts 21:36-38Acts 8:9 and others. If we look at history there were wars, earthquakes, and famine, Acts 7:11 and Acts 11:28.
Many put Matt. 24:15 and Mark 13:14 at the end time with an antichrist, should we not consider what Luke wrote about the same thing, Luke 21:20 that history has recorded?
One other thing why would Jesus say to pray their flee would not be on a Sabbath day? Today would not be a problem with the transportation we have. Back then the gates of Jerusalem would be locked and would be hard to get out and it would take days to get clear, with a pace of 2.5 mph.
I am with you, we sleep in the grave until resurrection the first of those who are chosen and faithful, Rev. 17:14 at Jesus's second coming and the second, the rest of the dead at the white throne judgment/the sheep and the goats and those whose names are not in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire, Rev. 20:15.
Try not to worry too much about the things of this life , your God is with you and He will help you , read your Bible , put the lessons you learn from it into your daily life , trust in God always , He will put you where He wants you to be and He will provide for your needs every day , ask Him and always thank Him .
Amen to you . I was not afraid to die when I faced the definite possibility of it , the only thing that made me sad was the thought of leaving my husband . Strangely enough , after ten years have passed since I had stage 4 cancer , I'm no longer sad to leave him . We had a good talk about it recently because of the events in the middle east and we are at peace about it and we are putting our trust into our Heavenly Father and His Son . I'm excited now :) looking forward to a new world , not ruled over by humans but by Christ himself in person , awesome days are coming , all things will be new and clean and all flesh shall see the Salvation of God , no more tears no more pain no more distress for all and forever ! Who doesn't rejoice in the promises ? Thy Kingdom Come !
You seem to have had a good wake up call and I'm so glad for you . Despite no evidence of this , many people still believe that we go to heaven or hell after we physically die . I am not one of those people . I believe that we will remain dead until Christ returns and ressurects and judges us . Stick to your Bible , put in the time and effort with it so you really know what it does and doesn't say , it's good to come on here but make sure that you read your Bible much more than you read this site :) . May God bless your efforts to draw closer to Him .
Dear Lee , hope you don't mind me responding to you . Like you I don't have much technology , just my mobile phone . Coming on here and reading the posts is a great help for sure but nothing beats the Bible , Old and New , so don't neglect it in order to spend time on here :) . Keep reading keep praying , and as you go about your daily life , try to put what you have read into practice and see your Heavenly Father all around you in His creation . He is everywhere and always showing the world His loving kindness , we should be doing the same as much as possible .
Hi , these verses give us examples of the kind of behaviour that people who don't know the Truth , are likely to indulge in . It's basically a list of the kind of things that a Christian should not be involved in . We are supposed to know better and not tag along with the kind of people who do those things . If we really know the Truth we won't even want to get involved in those things .
Giannis, and Wkrimes, and other readers who participate in Biblical Studies here
Then,Giannis,you remain in your speculative and ficticious interpretation of the things which the own GOD REVEALED to Moses around 2500 years after Adam or around 1500 years BC,or exactly two Days and half of works, according GOD revealed to Moses and he wrote in GENESIS 1:3 to 13.TAKE A LOOK. Actually, the one whom GOD has sent speaks the Words of GOD, like Moses, and the prophets, and the apostles of JESUS,for GOD gives the Spirit without limit, and above all GOD sent my Lord JESUS himself, through whom GOD made all things,understand?
That said, your thinking is from a human perspective, a stumblingblock, not from GOD's perspective. In fact, the person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of GOD but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit, undeerstand? He who has the Spirit makes Judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgment.
In fact, the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth.It's that. But the one who is of heaven is above all( Ephesians 1:3 combined with Philippians 3:20-21,among other Scriptures)for he testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony, but whoever has accepted it has certified that GOD is Truthful.For the one whom GOD has sent speaks the Words of GOD,for GOD gives the Spirit without limit.
Hebrews 4:12-13
12The Word of GOD is quick-the Word is GOD,SELF-EXECUTING,understand?-,and powerful,and sharper than any twoedged Sword,piercing even to the dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT,and of the joints and marrow,and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
13Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we must render an account.
I am a lot like you in many ways. I rid myself of all technology. No phone, vehicle etc. I wanted to go back to roots if you understand what I mean. I only kept my PC so I can try to study the bible and have only recently setup a facebook account a couple of months back so that I can try to "fellowship" with as many different Christians as that is where everyone seems to be and I did not want to ( 1 Corinthians 3:18) "deceive myself". But I am a very cautious and self-aware individual and so I am wary of ( Matthew 7:15) wolves in sheep's clothing while at the same time I don't want to become a fulfillement of the prophecy ( 2 Timothy 4:3) which I feel is actually coming to pass. I want to find that biblical sound doctrine So I know what path I need to walk.
I thank you for your time, patience and guidance and May our Lord God the Father bless you. Peace and love to you in Jesus name.
I thank you for your kind words. I just see things are going exactly according to scripture and rather 'criticise' the world I just humbled my heart, looked inward and realised I was no different. I don't want to be like the world anymore. I just want to stop eating the fruit that Adam and Eve ate and turn back to God if that makes sense. But my lack of knowledge makes it difficult for me to understand exactly the true doctrine of God. After all satan knows the scriptures better than I and there are many "doctrines of devils". I know and believe Christ died for my sins but I just can't believe "faith alone" where we can wallow in sin. Abraham was told and Abraham obeyed. That is my kind of faith, or at least I try. I'm not sure if that is the right faith to have. I feel like I am on the verge of understanding but I am missing a piece or 2 of the puzzle so to speak. Never let your candle burn out like the "unwise virgins".
I thank you again for your kind words and may God our Father guide you in to all truths. Peace to you in Jesus name. Amen
where was God when Satan entered the garden and deceived the woman.? Since we believe that God is all-knowing and omnipresent. I don't just get it, He should have used His power to stop and prevent Satan from entering the garden in the first place.
I think there is a correlation between the life of Adam and Eve before they eat the forbidden fruit and the life of a young baby, pure clean, innocent, ''blind'' naked, and never ashamed.
Part two
A beast and false prophet are coming but not claiming to be Christ, 2 Thess. 2:4 he "will exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped". This will be a worldwide deception that people of all religions will be deceived.
Some of Matt. 24 is for us today but much of it was for the disciples. History recorded many of the things Jesus said were happening, wars between Jews and Syrians and others. There was not only sedition and civil war throughout Judea but likewise in Italy: Otho and Vitellius contending for the empire. Earthquakes in Rome, Pompeii, Lycus Valley, cities of Pergamum, Laodicea, and Colosse. And the Bible tells of the famine in Jerusalem and other parts of the world.
Bad times are coming that we need to be ready for, we just need to keep in mind this fleshly body is not what is going to be saved. "Here is the patience and the faith of the saints" Rev. 13:9-10. I know we have different understandings; I could say more but I will leave it here.
God bless,
Beyond what I have shared, I really have never had much interest in discovering the past of our families, but now that I have some good information, I am glad that I did this. We all have a family history, much like the people in the Bible. In every family there is good and bad that is done and that happens to family members, blessings and curses, as Deut. tells us. But God know s the beginning from the end and in the end, our pedigree or history means nothing in terms of our reward in Christ. But I think we all have something to learn from history, whether our own, our countries, world, or the history set forth in the Bible.
I am well aware of Titus 3:9 says about avoiding foolish questions and genealogies and contentions, and strivings about the law, for they are unprofitable and vain. And because of this verse I have avoided doing genealogical research. However, I do not think this is talking about knowing one's genealogy (that was necessary to prove your Israelite heritage, especially one from Judah or Levi), but in the context here it is speaking about using one's genealogy to prove any sort of status in any circumstance. It just doesn't matter for believers as it does not merit us.
To continue, just for human interest here: My husband's family were some of the founding Pilgrims and Puritans of Massachusetts, Jamestown, VA., the Puritan colony in Connecticut, the Quaker colony of William Penn in PA. At that time in history, many of these sects fled to America due to persecution in England for "non-conformists".
His ancestors were the first English Govenor of New York after he negotiated it away from the Dutch of New Amsterdam and changed the name to New York, being sent from King Charles II to do this. Another ancestor was the recorder of this assignment and he settled on Long Island being awarded most of the Island by the King.
And then three branches of his family (different surnames) migrated to Maryland at the same timeframe and were among the first settlers of this colony, settling in what eventually became Annapolis. Others migrated to Virginia, then to the Carolinas and then to Alabama where all three families (of different surnames) ended up in the same city in Alabama. They were homesteaders there since Alabama was the frontier at that time. Many of these were "planters" as they were called who were of nobility sent by the King to plant tobacco farms, thus being awarded hundreds of acres to farm by the King. These soon became plantations with the history that accompanied these as far as social, economic, and culture, some of which created some of the sad history of slavery in our country, as it ready was practiced in England.
I also discovered that Thomas Jefferson's first cousin Lucy, married a direct member of my husband's line. I say all this to show what I have been busy with. I want to create a history of these families with historical and cultural information for my three sons, since they are the only sons to carry forward the family name. I thought it would be good to do before I get too old.
My family tree is pretty much the opposite of my husband's, coming to America in the 1800's as simple homesteaders.
In 1 John 4:18, where it says "He that feareth is not made perfect in love," it would seem as though it is saying that it is bad to fear.
Here is my understanding of this verse:
He says there is no fear in love; but perfect love (that is, love brought to completion), casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect, or complete in love.
He's talking about the motive for obeying God. Some people obey God because they are afraid. Those who have the Spirit of God, and have matured and understand about the love of God, they do things because they love Him. It's like Jesus said in John 14:15 if you love me, you will keep my commandments.
In Luke 12:5, if we look at it with Verse 4, Jesus is showing contrast. All man can do to you is kill you, physically put you to death. And He's following this line of hypocrisy. We act a certain way so that we don't get rejected. We act a certain way so that we don't suffer the consequences.
Even as a Christian, sometimes we compromise with nonbelievers because we have a fear and a concern whether they are going to reject us or receive us. Jesus said all you need to do is fear God. That is the only one you need to fear.
I hope this helps. God bless!!!
I have not written about LOVE, so go right ahead and write of it! I was debating between the two for "L" but it seems that the Spirit has caused me to think on how He is life over the past few days, so I went with that lead
Good to hear from you, Richard. I pray that your health is being renewed after your BIG DEAL you suffered recently. I am so glad you received the right treatment for that illness and that you returned home. How is your job going?
I have been here, but have not felt very led to share much in recent weeks. I check in daily to read posts and consider what is being said here.
Also, my sister in law, (husband's sister) is into the ancestry thing. I have not been. But she recently found that my husband's family is related to Elvis. Which is really funny because since I first met my husband I noticed resemblances in expressions as well as some facial resemblance. So I went online to find out how this relationship was brought about. Turns out that My husband's dad and Elvis were 4th cousins, going back to a common great, great grandfather on both maternal sides.
From that I have been researching the lines of my husband's families back to Normandy with William the Conqueror. Not related to him, but fought with him in the Conquest, were friends with him, served in his and other courts of Kings and that William the Conqueror awarded earldoms and baronages to many who fought with him and came from Normandy with him as a result. So many of my husband's ancestors were Earls, Barons, and Knights. Earls and Barons (Dukes and Lords) served in the Parliament in the House of Lords representing their fief or section of the county their manors were. One even was one of the signers of the Magna Carta. So I researched this to refresh my learning.
Then I researched how and when they came to America. Found out that many of ancestors left England in the early 1600's to settle the new colonies. Many of them were the founding settlers.
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18 KJV
To me this seems to make fear seem bad, and weak, like a character flaw if you have fear. However, the next fears says to fear God.
"But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him." Luke 12:5 KJV
The first one says someone that fears is not made perfect in love, but the other one says to fear God.
How do I reconcile these 2 verses? Thank you to anyone who replies.
Before you can be a doer of the WORD, you first have to be a hearer of the WORD.
You didn't understand what I said, because you were not a hearer of the word.
You and Christ were raised as ONE FLESH, a new creation.
Your the body, he's the LIFE and FAITH of the BODY, the DOER of the WORD is Christ, the WORD, you the body of the words that does works BY the WORD.
Ezekiel 36:27 I (the LIFE and FAITH) will put my spirit IN YOU (my body) and CAUSE YOU (my body) to WALK in my statutes, and keep my judgements and DO THEM.
Cease from your works (of your carnal mind, YOU DIED on the cross, only the NEW CREATION, you and Christ as ONE FLESH exist) and come into the sabbath rest, all the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
Faith without works is DEAD, but it's NOT YOUR faith and it's not your works: but the faith and works of CHRIST IN YOU, the new creation, by the resurrection of Christ.
God Bless YOU!
The disciples showed JESUS the buildings of the Temple.(Oh how great,admirable,were the stones of the Temple!)JESUS said:See ye not all these things?verily I say unto you,There shall not be left here ONE stone upon another,that shall not be thrown down.
Jesus left His disciples disappointed with His answer,evidently.
What JESUS prophesied LITERALLY was fulfilled,the Temple was destroyed in 70AD,and Israel was banned from their land and scattered around the world for around 1878 years,from year 70AD to 1948AD,more than 100K died under the Romans's attack.
Israel was punished severely from year 70AD until 1948AD, they suffered severe and great punishments in LITERAL fulfillment of Deuteronomy 28:15-68, so 53 verses of severe chastisements and curses.Take a look.The WORD IS GOD,self executing.
After JESUS went to the Mount of Olives,the disciples privately asked Him two important things:
1-What shall be the sign of thy coming?
2-and of the END of the world?(the current Devil's world)
The testimomy of JESUS is the Spirit of prophecy.He LISTED several events linked(1st)to His coming;(2nd)to the END of this current Devil's world.
JESUS LISTED SEVERAL EVENTS, as follow: Matthew 24:4-8:
4-Take heed that no man deceive you;(first concerns of JESUS).
5- Many shall come in my name,saying,I am Christ;and shall deceive many;
(Soon will manifest the Beast of the earth who has two horns like a lamb,actually a false lamb,a false messiah, AN IMPOSTOR:- John 5:v.43 combined with Revelation 13:v.11-18)
6-And ye shall hear of WARS and RUMOURS of WARS;see that ye be not troubled:for all these things must come to pass,but the END is not yet.
7-NATION shall rise against NATION,and kingdom against kingdom(G7,and G20,EU,UNO, among others Entities shall be DISSOLVED from now on?)
-there shall be famines;
-and pestilences;
-and earthquakes in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
The WORST is yet to come as is written in Matt.24:15-25
Get ready
God was right there when Adam and Eve ate the FRUIT.
What was that single TREE?
The tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil.
So when they ate the FUITH that were GIVEN KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL.
God himself placed Satan there in the garden to CAUSE Adam and Eve to partake of the FRUIT.
Why was this so important for them to consume the fruit of the tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil.
God word tells why it was so important.
Genesis 3:22 ....behold they have BECOME LIKE ONE US, to KNOW good and evil....
Genesis 1:27 ... so created he them in his OWN IMAGE .....
You CAN NOT be the IMAGE of GOD without having the KNOWLEDGE of God, good and evil.
Man's teaching distort the teachings of God's word, man was never made perfect in the beginning.
Romans 8:29 For man was MADE subject to vanity.
Man only became perfect, when He and Christ were RAISED as ONE FLESH, at Christ's resurrection.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is ALL ABOUT WHAT GOD HAS DONE.
By his words we are BORN AGAIN into the KINGDOM of GOD.
We were not there with him when he walked in the flesh 2000 years ago.
So, he takes us through those days, by studying his words, as if we were there, so we can come to the TRUTH of his works on the cross.
The disciples walked with him every day for 3 1/2 years and never understood a word he said.
We are no different today, because his words are veiled in symbols and parables we can not see what he is saying to us.
He told his disciples, after he arose, that he would leave and send the spirit of truth to them, then they would understand all things.
We only come to truth by studying his words and letting the spirit of truth tell us what they mean.
This is a growth process.
As we study we are faced with truths, that man has taught, that don't align with the word of God.
Now since God word says that man will believe other men, before he believes God, we have to rightly divide his word.
Most are lazy and don't want to spend time in the word of God, it's no effort for them to spend 10 hours watching tv or texting on their phone, but they cringe at spending 10 minutes in the word of God.
So they go to a brick and mortar church a hour a week, and are taught by other men, that were taught by other men, and then proclaim they know TRUTH.
And we wonder what's wrong with the world.
In this new life we have in Christ we serve God, not our sinful nature. This is the ideal. and we are to press in the achieve this ideal as we desire to walk by the Spirit of God who lives in us and is stronger in us than any in the world or even our own sinful nature. When we get out of step with the Spirit by grieving, neglecting, denying, not seeing to be filled up with Him, we begin to serve our sinful nature. We ought to take this instruction in Gal. 5:16-26 seriously and greatly desire to conform to what God is speaking to us through Paul.
I once wrote a song on this "walking by the Spirit" for a VBS session. I have misplaced it. I wish I had it handy to share here. I remember parts of it with the melody, and what I do remember lifts me up and encourages me to be determined to walk according to the Spirit for the glory, honor, and praise of God.
I hope you have a great day today, Jema. Always good to hear from you on here.
Part 2
In God's Essence, Life is His natural state of being. In our life her, which is our natural state of being, the life we have is derived from God, so we should be thankful for each day of life He grants us, rather that He wills for our life to continue from when He started it ---years ago. Our spiritual life is also derived from God through the Holy Spirit, who gives it, Jesus who gives it, and the Father who gives it. We should be ever thankful for having begun this life in us through the regeneration of the Spirit and the washing of the Word and that He will continue this spiritual life eternally. It too is a derived life, being graciously bestowed on us by our God who loves us so. But this spiritual life is supernatural to us, as it goes above and beyond our natural life her in time. This life is not supernatural for God because He is all of life essentially.
Those without faith in our Lord also will live forever after the resurrection of our bodies, but this life is equated with eternal death or the second death as Rev. 20:14 calls the lake of fire judgment of God. This judgement is death, though a person is alive eternally in a state of being dead to God away from His presence, goodness, grace, and mercy; without joy, contentment, nor anything we associate with living a life full of goodness.
God is the author of all life, but no one authored God into life. He is unique in this way from all other beings. I was thinking on this the last few days. I think of how we have attempted to displace God from the generation of life. First is came with the working of conception prevention, then with abortion. And then it jumped to manipulating conception through artificial means, then to embryonic transplantation, then to attempts to clone a human, and now scientists are working on creating organs from stem cells for transplantation. Scientists are at work with gene splicing, gene modification, genome isolation and experimentation transhuman.
The Bible is your safe guide. "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." (1John2:27) God is a Spirit and by the anointing received you believe the Spirit holds a candle so you may justly divide the word comparing spiritual with spiritual. "The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly."(Pr.20:27) Belly is with reference to truth written in your inward being.
For example the word of God warns, "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption."(1 Co.15:50). The risen Christ also tells you to take up your cross and follow him and learn of him. An overcomer is one who shall sit with him, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."(Re.3:21) There are many instances of those who began well but "(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ."(Ph.3:18)
To continue in my study on Who God truly is I move on to "L" and meditate on God as being LIFE.
God revealed Himself to Moses in Exodus 3:14 as "I AM WHO I AM" which speaks to His self-existence. He does not derive His existence from any other, nor did He ever begin to exist at any time, nor will He ever not exit. This is impossible for Him.
When He calls Himself "I AM, it is perhaps one of the profoundest statement we can know. HE IS!
He is clearly stating that He exists, o if, and, or buts about it. He has always existed, and will exist forever.
John 1:4 says that Life is in God. He is the source of all life. Because He is the Life. john 11:25 Jesus calls Himself the Resurrection and the Life. John 5:26 Jesus says that He has Life within Himself just as the Father has life within Himself. Thus saying that He is God , just as the Father is God. John 6:63 Jesus says that the Spirit gives life, affirming that the Spirit is God. And with these statements Jesus is saying that within the Godhead there are three who together gives life since they are Life itself. Nothing comes into existence without being created by God and it is He who give any creature life. In John 6:63.
God made us. Each person of the Godhead is involved in giving us life because they are Life itself, as Jesus says in John 14:6 when He says that He is the way, the truth, and the life.
Romans 5:10 speaks of how we are saved through the life of Christ. By the power of God's everlasting life, Jesus' body was resurrected from the dead and lives forever. This is how we receive salvation. Because He lives, we will live. And since all people ever created receive their natural life from God, those who are chosen by God to be saved, receive their spiritual life from God as well. see part 2
Just a few things, I am sorry you feel you have been lied to, there are different interpretations out there. If we study Matt. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 together it helps.
I have found when studying the Bible, we should not start with a preconceived idea, it is easy to see Scriptures that fit a picture we have painted in our mind rather than letting the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit reveal the true meaning.
First, Jesus's death and resurrection were hidden from them, Luke 18:31-34. Even after he was crucified, they were distraught and did not understand the fact that he was killed. John 16:16-20 and we have Luke 24:4-6. Not knowing Jesus was going to die would they be asking Jesus about His second coming?
Is all of Matthew 24 about the end time, many combined it with other prophecies to create a picture of the end time. Some of it is obviously about Jesus's second coming but much of it was to prepare them for what they were to endure up to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. False prophets we see there were many before 70 AD, Acts 21:36-38 Acts 8:9 and others. If we look at history there were wars, earthquakes, and famine, Acts 7:11 and Acts 11:28.
Many put Matt. 24:15 and Mark 13:14 at the end time with an antichrist, should we not consider what Luke wrote about the same thing, Luke 21:20 that history has recorded?
One other thing why would Jesus say to pray their flee would not be on a Sabbath day? Today would not be a problem with the transportation we have. Back then the gates of Jerusalem would be locked and would be hard to get out and it would take days to get clear, with a pace of 2.5 mph.
I am with you, we sleep in the grave until resurrection the first of those who are chosen and faithful, Rev. 17:14 at Jesus's second coming and the second, the rest of the dead at the white throne judgment/the sheep and the goats and those whose names are not in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire, Rev. 20:15.
God bless,
Matthew 13:45
45Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
And for me it is sow !
Then,Giannis,you remain in your speculative and ficticious interpretation of the things which the own GOD REVEALED to Moses around 2500 years after Adam or around 1500 years BC,or exactly two Days and half of works, according GOD revealed to Moses and he wrote in GENESIS 1:3 to 13.TAKE A LOOK. Actually, the one whom GOD has sent speaks the Words of GOD, like Moses, and the prophets, and the apostles of JESUS,for GOD gives the Spirit without limit, and above all GOD sent my Lord JESUS himself, through whom GOD made all things,understand?
That said, your thinking is from a human perspective, a stumblingblock, not from GOD's perspective. In fact, the person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of GOD but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit, undeerstand? He who has the Spirit makes Judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgment.
In fact, the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth.It's that. But the one who is of heaven is above all( Ephesians 1:3 combined with Philippians 3:20-21,among other Scriptures)for he testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony, but whoever has accepted it has certified that GOD is Truthful.For the one whom GOD has sent speaks the Words of GOD,for GOD gives the Spirit without limit.
Hebrews 4:12-13
12The Word of GOD is quick-the Word is GOD,SELF-EXECUTING,understand?-,and powerful,and sharper than any twoedged Sword,piercing even to the dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT,and of the joints and marrow,and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
13Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we must render an account.
Be careful or then get ready
I am a lot like you in many ways. I rid myself of all technology. No phone, vehicle etc. I wanted to go back to roots if you understand what I mean. I only kept my PC so I can try to study the bible and have only recently setup a facebook account a couple of months back so that I can try to "fellowship" with as many different Christians as that is where everyone seems to be and I did not want to ( 1 Corinthians 3:18) "deceive myself". But I am a very cautious and self-aware individual and so I am wary of ( Matthew 7:15) wolves in sheep's clothing while at the same time I don't want to become a fulfillement of the prophecy ( 2 Timothy 4:3) which I feel is actually coming to pass. I want to find that biblical sound doctrine So I know what path I need to walk.
I thank you for your time, patience and guidance and May our Lord God the Father bless you. Peace and love to you in Jesus name.
I thank you for your kind words. I just see things are going exactly according to scripture and rather 'criticise' the world I just humbled my heart, looked inward and realised I was no different. I don't want to be like the world anymore. I just want to stop eating the fruit that Adam and Eve ate and turn back to God if that makes sense. But my lack of knowledge makes it difficult for me to understand exactly the true doctrine of God. After all satan knows the scriptures better than I and there are many "doctrines of devils". I know and believe Christ died for my sins but I just can't believe "faith alone" where we can wallow in sin. Abraham was told and Abraham obeyed. That is my kind of faith, or at least I try. I'm not sure if that is the right faith to have. I feel like I am on the verge of understanding but I am missing a piece or 2 of the puzzle so to speak. Never let your candle burn out like the "unwise virgins".
I thank you again for your kind words and may God our Father guide you in to all truths. Peace to you in Jesus name. Amen
I think there is a correlation between the life of Adam and Eve before they eat the forbidden fruit and the life of a young baby, pure clean, innocent, ''blind'' naked, and never ashamed.