Didnt see that it was actually god trying to stop him, just like he told the children of israel to stop ignoring him as they went into apostacy. another way the devil has accomplished this is to tempt people into being so busy with life that they run out of time, energy and a desire to spend time in actual study. the church needs to get back to a love of the bible just like the man in psalm 1 where he studied his bible everyday with delight. also, there are so many versions out there, that new christians are asking men (not god) to tell them which bible they should read and study. the internet is swamped with videos of people asking which bible they should use, trusting perfect strangers to guide them in their choice. this explains why so many christians, according to surveys done, don't even believe the bible is inspired by god anymore. i'd like to find a church that uses the kjb only, worships on the sabbath, teaches true bibical doctrine and isn't affiliated with a denomination. hopefully, as the end times draw near, all of god's true church will be set apart and maybe even be persecuted for doing those very things.
i've done a brief study of the nkjv and niv modern versions as to what they have printed and what is in the kjb. i realize i am preaching to the chior, but i thought it would be interesting.
note: (my words are in single parentheses, some of the material is from others that have done these studies. unfortunaetly, i didn't make note of who they are but you can find them under "bible comparisions" on the internet.
1) the name lord, refering to god, is missing 66 times
Mr. long saw his hard, long struggle to have it published as the devil coming against this endeavor but satan was dancing in his shoes. he loved it. mr long didnt see that it was actually god trying to stop him, just like he told the children of israel to stop ignoring him as they went into apostacy. another way the devil has accomplished this is to tempt people into being so busy with life that they run out of time, energy and a desire to spend time in actual study. the church needs to get back to a love of the bible just like the man in psalm 1 where he studied his bible everyday with delight. also, there are so many versions out there, that new christians are asking men (not god) to tell them which bible they should read and study. the internet is swamped with videos of people asking which bible they should use, trusting perfect strangers to guide them in their choice. this explains why so many christians, according to surveys done, don't even believe the bible is inspired by god anymore. i'd like to find a church that uses the kjb only, worships on the sabbath, teaches true bibical doctrine and isn't affiliated with a denomination. hopefully, as the end times draw near, all of god's true church will be set apart and maybe even be persecuted for doing those very things.
i've done a brief study of the nkjv and niv modern versions as to what they have printed and what is in the kjb. i realize i am preaching to the chior, but i thought it would be interesting.
note: (my words are in single parentheses, some of the material is from others that have done these studies. unfortunaetly, i didn't make note of who they are but you can find them under "bible comparisions" on the internet.
1) the name lord, refering to god, is missing 66 times
The kjb has been accepted and handed down for centuries as the trusted, holy ghost inspired word of god; god's bible. there are over 200 modern versions (not translations) of the bible in english today. the authors of the modern bible versions such as niv, nkjb, asv, esv, etc. have flooded the market with "their" versions of god's word. why are all these versions out there? the devil knew he couldn't get christians to stop being true to god's word by a frontal attack so he slipped in by the backdoor. just like in the story of baalam and the children of israel in the book of numbers. the devil is very devious. these new versions have been said, by the publishers, that they are the same as the ancient text just in a more manageable format without ancient words, grammar and spelling, but you will see in the few comparisons i have listed below that is far from the truth.
first a brief history lesson.
in the early 1950's a man named howard long was a christian businessman who would witness to his customers often, with no hesitation, but unfortunately his pride was stronger in him then humility and it not only led to his fall, but also the corrupted version of god's word in the niv. mr long was embarrased when one of his customers, instead of responding to the gospel as he was use to, laughed himself silly at the "ancient" language of the kjb. unfortunately, instead of defending the word of god, mr. long was embarrased and there after was determined to put the kjb in modern language "so it sounded more morden and people could understand it better." it seemed mr. long didn't go to god and seek guidance but instead he went to the honored authorities of his day and told them what he wanted to do. they resisted for many years until mr. long was successfully able to convince them that what he wanted was of god therefore by 1975 the niv was published.
God uses marriage to communicate Christ commitment and relationships to us as seen in
Ephesians 5:23-32.
See verse 32.
"For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, AND SHALL BE JOINED UNTO HIS WIFE, AND THEY TWO SHALL BE ONE FLESH.
(Verse 32)
Praise the Lord that we have a God that is faithful and keeps his promises.
There is one God of all and he is the God of Israel "The fish fruit " also in who he made Promises to also!
Here's one of many.
Jeremiah 31:35-36.
"Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:
If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.
Joyce and I were just listening to a wedding service across the country, a young man and a young woman side by side, hand in hand making vows to be faithful for as long as their lives continue in sickness and in health, in adversity and prosperity. The couple answered affirmatively as they were married. Both the man and the woman were first married in the Lord before this day occurred. Now a three fold cord has made them whole for the rest of their lives together. She is bone of his bone and he will cleave to her. The Christian vow to Christ at the Cross is similar, only unto Him.
So, God shows marriage as what He means as well. Since the beginning, with a Promise.
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
Beginning with Britain's mandate over "Palestine," during which they gave most of it to the Arabs, and continuing on to U.N. Resolution 181, November 29, 1947, partitioning "Palestine"--and as part of every peace plan since--in fulfillment of this prophecy, not just one enemy but the nations of the world have divided God's land ( Lev 25:23). They will be punished for that defiance of God and His Word. Bush ought to tremble. The whole basis of the Roadmap to Peace is a further division of Israel.
Behind it all is Islam, the chief enemy of Israel. The battle over Israel is a battle for survival on Satan's part and a battle for the souls and destiny of mankind. If Islam and the nations siding with her should win, then we are all eternally lost. If God, whose integrity is tied to Israel's ultimate restoration and blessing, has not told the truth about His chosen people and their destiny, then how could we believe His promises that Christ paid the penalty for our sins and His offer of forgiveness and eternal life for those who believe in Him? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
If God, whose integrity is tied to Israel's ultimate restoration and blessing, has not told the truth about His chosen people and their destiny, then how could we believe His promises that Christ paid the penalty for our sins and His offer of forgiveness and eternal life for those who believe in Him? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Does it mean fishes and all other creatures that reside in the water were not destroyed by the flood? because I can't see where it was mentioned. But God destroyed man and every living creature by the flood, both on land and the birds of the air.
Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 7That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. ( Ephesians 2:5-7).
This verse shows how God is rich in mercy; and goes beyond just a one time experience and puts his people on display for the Millennium and throughout eternity all because of what Christ accomplished on our behalf on the cross. In the present He is working out our salvation through fear and trembling (stating that we are to work it out but implying of course that it is His strength and surrender to the Spirit that accomplishes this: Philippians 2:12-13). This is known as "sanctification" followed by glorification after death or at the time of the Rapture/Resurrection of the saints.
I brought out before in the last post and many times in other posts that God chastises all those He loves. This isn't a popular concept especially among the "prosperity gospel" crowd. Indeed the KJV says we are bastards if we aren't being disciplined in this way ( Heb. 12:8). A human child through the love of the parents is disciplined as the famous "spare the rod and spoil the child" and many like sentiments in scripture indicate ( Prov. 13:24). Ephesians 4:22 says to put off the old man; and Galatians states that we are crucified with Christ (chapter 2; verse 20).
God has also expressed His love in honoring His covenants; both with national Israel and the new covenant with His church.
This would be my response to comments on difficulty conceiving of the value of what happened in the Old Testament. Indeed all scripture is good for instruction and all other tenets as stated in 2 Tim. 3:16. There is much to learn from mistakes of others as well as worthy acts of saints of all ages in scripture.
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
There is a generic word for God and it is Ilah, found all through the Qur'an such as in Surah 4:171: "Allah is only one Ilah." The confession one must make or die declares that there is "No Ilah but Allah" " (5:73): "La ilaha i' Allah, Muhammadan Rasoulu Allah."
Of Allah the Qur'an says, "Far is it removed from his transcendent majesty that he should have a son (Sur 4:171); Certainly they disbelieve who say: Allah is the third of the three. Then how can the Arabic Bible call Jesus the "Son of Allah"? That Allah has a Son is denied 16 times in the Qur'an. How absurd, then, to use Allah for God in the Arabic Bible! What could, "For Allah so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son," possibly mean?
A Cup of Trembling
Israel only wants to be left in peace. It makes no threats against its neighbors. Yet Muslim nations have spent billions of dollars since the Yom Kippur War for the latest military equipment, with top priority for missiles carrying a variety of deadly warheads. The whole world knows these are not defensive weapons. They exist for only one purpose: to rain death and destruction upon Israel, bringing an end to its existence and taking possession for the Muslim world of all of the land God promised His chosen people.
The world, in taking the side of Islam, is joining this pagan and violent religion in its open defiance of the God of the Bible. He has warned that He will punish all the nations of the world for two things they have done to His chosen people, the Jews: "whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land" ( Joel 3:2). This is a remarkable prophecy. Israel has been conquered by many enemies who have occupied it, but never divided it. Not even the Muslims did that.
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
Graham's long-time friend Robert Schuller recently basked in the acclaim of Muslims at a Villa Park, Illinois mosque where he declared that he had come to realize that "asking people to change their faith was utterly ridiculous." Coming to the defense of history's most cruel and violent religion, Robert Schuller insists: "This is a time to guard against attacking religion.... It has been my honor to become acquainted with the power leaders of positive Islam. And there is and has been a strong anti-Islam propaganda loose in this world."
Positive Islam? Muhammad never heard of it! "Anti-Islam propaganda"? No one could give Islam a worse name than Muhammad, the Qur'an, and centuries of slaughter have done from the beginning!
In contrast, Jerry Falwell on 60 Minutes declared that Muhammad was a terrorist, and, as Franklin Graham has said, that Islam is "very evil and wicked." For those remarks Christianity Today rebuked them, saying that "Islam would not have become the second largest world religion if it were...as thoroughly evil as these comments suggest." Jesus said something about the "broad road," and Solomon about "a way that seems right unto a man."
In an article titled "Allah Does Not Belong to Islam," the Christian Research Journal has declared: "Allah is the God Arab-speaking Christians worship. The Arabic Bible is replete with the word Allah, beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation. Jesus Christ is even called the son of Allah in the Arabic Scriptures.... Allah is simply the word or term for God in another language [Arabic].... equivalent to...English God...French Dieu... Spanish Dios.. We can join our Arab brothers and sisters in Christ who often say, 'Allah be praised!'"
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt
While visiting Jerusalem in 1998, the Vatican's foreign minister called the Israeli presence in East Jerusalem "illegal occupation." In March 1999, Israel was notified again that the European Union "does not recognize Israel's sovereignty" over Jerusalem. In a papal bull on the year 2000 jubilee, John Paul II again rejected Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem. In mid-February 2000, the Vatican signed an agreement with the PLO calling for "international guarantees" to preserve "the proper identity and sacred character" of Jerusalem under international control. Wakf director Adnan Husseini, in charge of Muslim sites on the Temple Mount, declared: "Israel needs to remember that Jerusalem is not an Israeli city but it is a Palestinian city and we decide what happens here" (Jerusalem Post, 11/4/04).
From a religious point of view, Islam is pure paganism almost unchanged from what had been practiced by pagan Arab tribes for centuries before Muhammad was born. Ramadan and the hajj have remained almost exactly the same in Islam. The only changes Muhammad made were to promote Allah from chief god to only god--and to force submission to Allah under threat of death. Yet Christian leaders, among them some evangelicals, insist upon saying that Allah is the God of the Bible and that Islam is not so far removed from Christianity as is imagined.
Billy Graham has naively said, "Islam is misunderstood.... Muhammad had a great respect for Jesus, called Jesus the greatest of the prophets except himself. I think we're closer to Islam than we really think we are...." Yes, as close as the distance between hell and heaven! The Qur'an denies that Jesus is God or the Son of God or that He died on the cross for our sins. There is no salvation in Islam, and it is thoroughly anti-Christian.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt
A number of such diatribes were put together on a video by then Chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee Ben Gilman, who offered to show them in a press conference September 21, 1995. No one from the press was interested! Even more disturbing, Israel's Ambassador to the US, Itamar Rabinovich, pleaded with Gilman not to air the tapes--it might hinder the "peace process"!
Netanyahu writes, "...my party and I were virtually isolated in our warning that Arafat would not keep his word.... We were widely castigated as enemies of peace.... Our argument was that handing Gaza over to Arafat would immediately create a lush terrorist haven...." Of course, he was right.
Islam exercises incredible clout through the possession of the major oil deposits by Muslim nations. In view of that fact, the European Union continues to remind Israel that it "does not recognize Israel's sovereignty" over Jerusalem. The Vatican for its own reasons (numerous official documents declare that the church has replaced Israel as the "people of God") has opposed Israel consistently, refusing even to recognize its existence until 1994, 46 years after its declaration of independence. The PLO are in control of Temple Mount, the very heart and soul of Jerusalem. The nations of the world refuse to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
We are witnessing the continuing fulfillment of Christ's remarkable prophecy: "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" ( Lk 21:24).
We are witnessing the continuing fulfillment of Christ's remarkable prophecy: "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" ( Lk 21:24).
Note: By the way, this is the Jerusalem here on earth! Not the one comes down from Heaven in Revelation!
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
Yet President Bush insists, "The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself." If that is true, then Muhammad "hijacked" Islam 13 centuries ago at its very start. But how could the founder and his immediate successors practice an extreme form of Islam? Who knew Islam better than Muhammad himself?
By any standard, Muhammad was a terrorist, and so were his followers. In the Qur'an, Allah declares that he will strike terror into the enemies of Islam.
In the Wall Street Journal, Eliot Cohen of John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies reminded any world leaders who would listen that "an hour spent surfing the Web will give...the kind of insights [into Islam]...found during World War II by reading Mein Kampf or the writings of Lenin, Stalin or Mao. Nobody would like to think that a major world religion has a deeply aggressive and dangerous strain in it...but uttering uncomfortable and unpleasant truths... defines leadership." The major threat to Israel today is not from a few fanatics, as we pointed out, but from devout Muslims. Indeed, from Islam itself!
A number of available videos document the blatant deceit with footage of Arafat and his spokesmen and Islamic clerics over the last 20 years stating clearly to Muslim audiences that all of the "peace" negotiations are aimed at one thing: the ultimate destruction of Israel. Repeatedly, they speak of a "Palestinian state" from the Mediterranean to the Jordan with its capital in Jerusalem. But the world, including its media and leaders, close their eyes and ears to the obvious truth.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt
On May 4, 1994, in Cairo, Arafat and Rabin signed the "Jericho First" Peace Accord implementing Oslo. The afternoon of the historic handshake with Yitzak Rabin on the White House lawn, Arafat's name appeared near the top in a list of "world terrorists released by a congressional committee." He is one of the most evil mass murderers in history. Yet he was given the Nobel Prize for Peace, and Clinton and Gore received him repeatedly as an honored statesman in the White House. Thankfully, President Bush refused to deal with Arafat at all. What the world (including Bush) won't admit, however, is that Arafat's bloody, terrorist career was based on Islam!
Following 9/11/01, Prime Minister Tony Blair declared: "This terrorist act has nothing to do with Islam." Colin Powell, likewise, said, "Leave Islam out of this. Islam is peace." In fact, evidence gathered by the FBI shows that the Twin Towers were brought down to the glory of Allah in pursuit of world conquest and to obtain Islam's promised Paradise for the hijackers.
In a speech at the Islamic Center at Washington D.C., President Bush reiterated: "The face of terror is not the true face of Islam. Islam is peace." He reassured a joint session of Congress and the Senate and the people of the United States, "Terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by Muslim clerics [and] perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam Its teachings are good and peaceful."
In fact, the very morning of September 11, in a time zone six hours to the east, an editorial in Arafat's controlled newspaper, Al-Hayat al-Jadida, stated: "The suicide bombers of today are the noble successors of the Lebanese suicide bombers who taught the U.S. Marines a tough lesson in Lebanon 243 were killed. These suicide bombers are the salt of the earth, the engines of history the most honorable people among us." Then, down came the Twin Towers!
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
A False Peace
The whole "peace process" was an Islamic ploy by Arafat, and will be no different under his successors, whoever they may be. Oslo required Arafat to remove from the PLO Charter the call for Israel's annihilation. In grand style he announced that the clause had been revoked. Yet in the same speech he praised terrorists and terrorist countries. It was a bald "hoax" as London's Daily Telegraph (5/2/96) declared. The clause had not and has not been removed. And even if it were, that would change nothing. It is not the PLO Charter that defines Israel's extermination, but Islam itself.
Blind to the obvious truth, Rabin's widow proclaimed in confident but misplaced trust, "Tonight I can tell you that the Palestinian National Council has revoked the clauses in its covenant that called for the destruction of Israel." Rabin's successor, Prime Minister Shimon Peres, hailed this "most important historical development in our region in 100 years." Peres exulted on Voice of Israel Radio, "Today we have ended the Israeli--Arab conflict--Utopia is coming!" What madness!
He willfully was closing his eyes and ears to the frequent calls for an end to Israel, repeated throughout the "peace negotiations" many times by Arafat and other PLO leaders, such as this by Arafat's deputy, Abu Iyad: "It is our right that we should have...an independent Palestinian state that will function as a base from which to liberate Jaffa, Akko and all of Palestine." Another aide, echoing Nasser and many others, had earlier said, "The struggle with the Zionist enemy is not a struggle about Israel's borders, but about Israel's existence." This is Islam.
Oslo only brought increased violence against Israel. In the ten years prior to Oslo, about 200 Israelis had been killed by terrorists, while in the ten years following about 1,200 were killed and more than 5,000 wounded.
A child that is drawn to the faith and repentance in Jesus Christ, this child needs no teaching of the history of God's people for this born-again experience.
God uses Israel to show the world that he means what he says and says what he means!
First, I would like to say Revelation is not in any kind of chronological order, and we agree there are only two resurrections. The rapture, many believe this is just for the Church before Jesus's second coming. By saying this in my understanding is what makes 1 Thess. 4:13-19 look like a different event from the first resurrection at Jesus's second coming. Matt. 24:31Mark 13:271 Cor. 15:51-581 Thess. 4:16-17Rev. 11:15Rev. 19:11-16 At the last trump the second coming of Jesus, all these describe the first resurrection. Rev. 20:6.
There are only two resurrections, and we see the first resurrection at Jesus's second coming at the seventh and last Trump. After the battle, we see those in this first resurrection at the judgment seat of Christ, the thrones set up Rev. 20:4. Jesus and His chosen then set up the kingdom and the thousand years start. The rest saved and lost will not be resurrected until after 1,000 years Rev.20:5 Rev.20 the last verse 27 tells us this is not just for the lost there are those found in the Book of Life.
The Bride and the Marriage Supper, many say the Church is the Bride but nowhere in Scripture is the Church called the Bride. There are analogies of how Jesus loves and treats the Church as a man should his wife. In the first verse of 2 Cor. 11 Paul asked them to bear with his folly this suggests what he was to say is allegorical.
If we look at Matt. 26:29Mark 14:25 Jesus is telling the disciples he will not drink of this fruit of the vine until He drinks it new with you in my Father's kingdom, the keyword is new. The Bride of Christ is the New Jerusalem: Rev 21:9-11 She was arrayed in fine linen, the righteousness of saints, the garments clean and spotless of the saints is what she is arrayed in.
Christians are sons of God, Romans 8:141 John 3:2 we are joint-heirs with Christ Romans 8:17Gal. 3:29 we are the body of Christ 1 Cor. 12:27 we are in the body of His flesh Col. 1:22. We are who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb Rev.19:9. Like Jesus said at the Last Supper He will not drink until all is new. The marriage supper is when there is a new heaven and new earth and the New Jerusalem comes out of heaven down to the new earth and all saints from old to the new are the "Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!"
Good evening All. I read the 1-5 writings on Israel. My only comment is a child that is drawn to the faith and repentance in Jesus Christ, this child needs no teaching of the history of God's people for this born again experience. They do not need to know how God was faithful to literal Israel in past or present times. They just need to believe in Jesus and his blood and their sin state. This child that I am speaking of may not be born for many years from now, however the power of the resurrection will still be as powerful as today and as it was when Christ was lifted up.
On September 13, 1993, Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and Arafat signed the Oslo "Declaration of Principles"--a mockery of the League of Nations' "Declaration of Principles" in 1922--and Israel recognized Arafat and the PLO. In fact, Arafat never kept one provision of this agreement. He couldn't without betraying Islam and suffering the same fate as Sadat. He began immediately over radio and television to apologize in Arabic for Oslo, telling Muslim audiences that he was following the Prophet's example by entering into a temporary cease fire that would lead to Israel's destruction.
Muhammad's treaty of Hudaybiya--a 10-year ceasefire agreement with his own tribe, the Quraish of Mecca--set the legal precedent. Two years later, on a pretext, with an army of 10,000 he took over Mecca with its Ka'aba. Such a ceasefire is agreed to only when the Muslims are too weak to pursue conquest, and is broken as soon as they have the power to renew the attack. Such is the law of war and peace in Islam, as established by Muhammad. No Muslim has the authority to change it.
Tommorow see "The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
In 1988 Arafat (the worst mass murderer of modern times other than Hitler, Stalin and Mao) condemned all forms of terrorism and recognized Israel on paper. Lying to the enemies of Islam is honorable. Arafat's re-invention as an icon of peace was childishly simple: he vowed to reform--and presto--his heinous crimes of four decades were as though they had never been. Under pressure from the world, Israel made the huge mistake of believing this evil man and making him its "partner for peace."
The Madrid Peace Conference in October 1991 brought together delegates from Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon along with "Palestinians." Next came secret PLO-Israeli talks in Oslo in January 1993.
In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, September 9, 1993, Arafat said: "The PLO recognizes the right of Israel to exist in peace and security commits itself to a peaceful resolution of the conflict between the two sides renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence [and] affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel's right to exist...are now inoperative and no longer valid and undertakes to submit to the Palestinian National Council for formal approval the necessary changes " As a reward for this transparent lie,
President Clinton promised to pay 500 million dollars to the PLO and its agencies. In exchange, Arafat solemnly swore to comply with all terms of the Oslo Accords.
Interesting take on the Solomon idea. My thoughts are that ever person is a "foreign wife" to Christ prior to us being brought to God through Christ. We were enemies of God, as Paul says, and dead in our sins. When we are brought into faith and become untied to Christ, we no longer are "foreign" to Him, but "known".
My other though was that the promises of God concerning a "chosen priesthood, holy nation" were, in the wilderness, in the flesh, were the Israelites, (all tribes not just Jews). And this chosen people in the spiritual sense is the Church, as Paul says in Galatians.
Sometimes we forget about all of the tribes when we speak about God's chosen people. I think the only reason that the Jews were in the land of promise from their captivity was so that Jesus would be born in this land from the tribe of Judah.
We do not know if we are descended from the 10 tribes that were dispersed across the world. But God knows. And his chosen are not a matter of fleshly lineage anyway, but spiritual lineage from Christ.
Oh Freda, I have been thinking of you and praying for you. I will continue to do so. Keep me updated. I am sorry things are at a standstill and that you are not able to eat properly yet. It has been a long haul for you.
I would like to pause here for a second to ask how do you see Galatians 4:21-31 ties into all this?
Paul is not talking to Muslims here, He's talking to those who desire to be under the Law!!
Paul is using Issac and Ismael allegorically to present an on going issue in the Church today!
Back to Dave Hunt.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
By Dave Hunt.
The naivete of Western leaders in attempting to bring peace is illustrated no better than through former President Jimmie Carter. On March 26, 1979, he hosted at the White House the signing of a "peace treaty" by Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Carter wanted to quote one verse each from the Bible and the Qur'an about peace. There are some 400 such verses in the Bible, but his speechwriters, after much searching, could find only one verse about peace in the Qur'an.
Carter optimistically declared: "In the Koran, we read: 'But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust in God...[Surah 8:61].' So let us now lay aside war.... We pray God...that these dreams will come true."
Islam's "dream," however, is not what Carter and Israel hoped. The verse says "Allah," not God--and Allah hates Jews! Surah eight is titled Spoils of War and it is all about fighting and plunder in the conquest of the world for Allah and Islam. Verse 65 says, "O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight...." Verse 67 says, "It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land."
The very verse Carter so naively cited declares that the only "peace" Islam offers to anyone is to those who surrender to its conquests and convert to Islam. As noted above, Sadat's reward was assassination at the hands of fellow Muslims for daring to establish "peace" on any other basis than conversion to Islam. In so doing, he had betrayed Islam itself.
This theme is prominent in publications officially distributed by Ministries of Education in Muslim lands. For example, in Jordan, a book used in the first year of high school declares, "Israel was born to die. Prove it." A book for the second year of Junior High in Damascus declares: "The Jews are vile, greedy, enemies of mankind." In Syria, a 5th grade book boasts: "We shall expel all Jews from all Arab countries." In Egypt, a textbook for the first year of junior high urges students: "The Arabs do not cease to act for the extermination of Israel." A 9th- grade textbook declares: "Israel shall not live if the Arabs stand fast in their hatred.... Even if all the human race and the devil in hell conspire to aid her, she shall not exist."
When I present such facts to audiences, I see many eyes glaze over in unbelief. It is nearly impossible for anyone with a normal conscience to accept the fact that a religion in our day literally calls for the extermination of an entire people. Not a few fanatics, but Islam itself is Israel's chief and most determined enemy.
The Arabs were converted to Islam by the sword, and that is how they became the battering ram in this battle for Israel's survival. It is really a war between God and Satan that will finally come to its climax at Armageddon. How did we arrive at the present state where an enemy that is determined to annihilate Israel is looked upon as her "partner for peace"?
Hitler's Mein Kampf is still a bestseller in Muslim countries. The Palestinian Peace Prize for Culture was awarded to Abu Daoud for his book telling how he planned and carried out the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
What about Today?
Textbooks in Syria today lead pupils to the "inevitable conclusion...that all Jews must be annihilated." Calls for annihilation of Jews still resound throughout the Muslim world, such as the Friday sermon in Gaza's Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan mosque, Oct 14, 2000: "Have no mercy on the Jews...kill them...and those Americans who...established Israel here, in the beating heart of the Arab world...." That very day, two Israeli reservists took a wrong turn into Ramallah and were literally torn apart by a frenzied mob--an event that was cheered when the grizzly details were shown on Palestinian T.V. Hamas Leader, Mahmoud al-Zahar, a surgeon, expressed Islam's sentiment, "From our ideological point of view, it is not allowed to recognize that Israel controls one square meter of historic Palestine." In view of Islam's passion to destroy Israel, "peace" plans are a macabre joke!
Muhammad's command that all Jews must be killed is not an obscure teaching which one must search to find. It is in today's textbooks in Islamic schools worldwide, including, for example, the Muslim Academy outside Washington D.C. This declaration is continually repeated in Mosques and on Muslim radio and TV.
My wife, Ruth, and I together with our four children, ages 8-15, were in Egypt at that time, as eyewitnesses to Arab intentions. On an Egyptian freighter from Alexandria to Beirut, I sat in the lounge with wild-eyed, shouting Arabs around me, watching the Arab arms buildup under Nasser. We saw the complete confidence with which the Arab world, momentarily united behind Nasser in this common goal, prepared to exterminate the Jews. We were heading for Jordan in our VW micro-bus when the Lord graciously redirected us north through Syria. We crossed into Turkey safely just hours before war broke out.
Israel had no choice but to make a preemptive strike in self-defense. The destruction of the Egyptian and Syrian air forces on the ground and the conquest of the Arab armies in what became known as the "Six-day War" is history, another fulfillment of Zechariah 12:6: "In that day will I make the governors of Judah like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again."
Nasser never recovered from the blow to his ego, and died of a heart attack in 1970. He was succeeded by Anwar Sadat. The latter is remembered for making "peace" with Israel, for which he was murdered by the Muslim Brotherhood.
The real Sadat is revealed in an open letter he wrote to Hitler after the latter's death, expressing the hope that the Fuhrer was still alive, and sympathizing with his just cause against the Jews. Similarly, Egyptian columnist, Ahmad Rajab (Al-Akbar, 4/18/01), wrote: "Thanks to Hitler, blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, revenged in advance, against the most vile criminals on the face of the earth. But we do have a complaint against him--his revenge was not enough."
On May 16, 1967, Nasser ordered UN peace-keeping forces to leave the Sinai. By May 18, Egyptian troops were massed in the Sinai on Israel's border and Syrian troops had done the same on the Golan. The "Voice of the Arabs" broadcast, "The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence." On May 20, the Syrian Defense Minister declared, "Our forces are now entirely ready...to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland...to enter into a battle of annihilation." On May 22, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping. It was an act of war. On May 27, Nasser threatened, "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel.... We will not accept any coexistence with Israel...."
On May 30, Nasser announced, "The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel...while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation...the critical hour has arrived." Iraq's president thundered, "The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear--to wipe Israel off the map." Such is still their intent. In fact, no Arab map then or now shows Israel's existence, as already noted.
See Part 17.
This Post by Dave Hunt is for better understanding the conflict going on today and what has been going on in Israel for ever.
God has always protected them from annihilation. EVEN WHILE HE PUNISHED THEM!!
These territories, so much in the news today, were held by Jordan and Egypt for 19 years and used as terrorist launching pads against Israel until the latter was forced to take them in the Six-day War in 1967. During those 19 years, not one word was ever heard from the Arab world about a "Palestinian state." It was the Arabs, not Israel, who put the "refugees" in the camps and have kept them there ever since.
What About the PLO?
One often hears the complaint, "Just move the borders back to 1967 and that will bring peace." It was in 1964, however, during those 19 years when Jordan and Egypt held the West Bank and Gaza, that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed. What was "liberation" intended to accomplish at that time? The PLO charter declared that the very existence of Israel was illegitimate, that the Jews were merely citizens of the countries where they happened to live all over the world, not entitled to a land of their own, and that the intention of the Arabs was to take all of "Palestine" for themselves and literally "exterminate" the Jews. The logo of the PLO shows "Palestine" as comprising the entire territory from the Mediterranean to the River Jordan. For Muslims, Israel does not exist.
To Egypt's National Assembly, March 26, 1964, Gamal Abd-Al Nasser, who founded the PLO in Cairo ("Palestinians" in the camps had nothing to do with it), declared that the problem was "the very existence of Israel." On March 8, 1965, he boasted, "We shall enter [Palestine] with its soil saturated in blood." Shortly thereafter he declared, "We aim at...the eradication of Israel." The Arab world had spent 19 years for this war, and they were supremely confident that they would destroy Israel.
i've done a brief study of the nkjv and niv modern versions as to what they have printed and what is in the kjb. i realize i am preaching to the chior, but i thought it would be interesting.
note: (my words are in single parentheses, some of the material is from others that have done these studies. unfortunaetly, i didn't make note of who they are but you can find them under "bible comparisions" on the internet.
1) the name lord, refering to god, is missing 66 times
2) the name god is missing 51 times
3) heaven 50 times
4) repentance 44 times
4) blood 22 times
5) hell 23 times
i've done a brief study of the nkjv and niv modern versions as to what they have printed and what is in the kjb. i realize i am preaching to the chior, but i thought it would be interesting.
note: (my words are in single parentheses, some of the material is from others that have done these studies. unfortunaetly, i didn't make note of who they are but you can find them under "bible comparisions" on the internet.
1) the name lord, refering to god, is missing 66 times
2) the name god is missing 51 times
3) heaven 50 times
4) repentance 44 times
4) blood 22 times
5) hell 23 times
first a brief history lesson.
in the early 1950's a man named howard long was a christian businessman who would witness to his customers often, with no hesitation, but unfortunately his pride was stronger in him then humility and it not only led to his fall, but also the corrupted version of god's word in the niv. mr long was embarrased when one of his customers, instead of responding to the gospel as he was use to, laughed himself silly at the "ancient" language of the kjb. unfortunately, instead of defending the word of god, mr. long was embarrased and there after was determined to put the kjb in modern language "so it sounded more morden and people could understand it better." it seemed mr. long didn't go to god and seek guidance but instead he went to the honored authorities of his day and told them what he wanted to do. they resisted for many years until mr. long was successfully able to convince them that what he wanted was of god therefore by 1975 the niv was published.
God uses marriage to communicate Christ commitment and relationships to us as seen in
Ephesians 5:23-32.
See verse 32.
"For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, AND SHALL BE JOINED UNTO HIS WIFE, AND THEY TWO SHALL BE ONE FLESH.
(Verse 32)
Praise the Lord that we have a God that is faithful and keeps his promises.
There is one God of all and he is the God of Israel "The fish fruit " also in who he made Promises to also!
Here's one of many.
Jeremiah 31:35-36.
"Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:
If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.
I am doing well, I hope you are doing well also.
God bless.
Joyce and I were just listening to a wedding service across the country, a young man and a young woman side by side, hand in hand making vows to be faithful for as long as their lives continue in sickness and in health, in adversity and prosperity. The couple answered affirmatively as they were married. Both the man and the woman were first married in the Lord before this day occurred. Now a three fold cord has made them whole for the rest of their lives together. She is bone of his bone and he will cleave to her. The Christian vow to Christ at the Cross is similar, only unto Him.
So, God shows marriage as what He means as well. Since the beginning, with a Promise.
I hope all is well your way!
God bless our walk.
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
Beginning with Britain's mandate over "Palestine," during which they gave most of it to the Arabs, and continuing on to U.N. Resolution 181, November 29, 1947, partitioning "Palestine"--and as part of every peace plan since--in fulfillment of this prophecy, not just one enemy but the nations of the world have divided God's land ( Lev 25:23). They will be punished for that defiance of God and His Word. Bush ought to tremble. The whole basis of the Roadmap to Peace is a further division of Israel.
Behind it all is Islam, the chief enemy of Israel. The battle over Israel is a battle for survival on Satan's part and a battle for the souls and destiny of mankind. If Islam and the nations siding with her should win, then we are all eternally lost. If God, whose integrity is tied to Israel's ultimate restoration and blessing, has not told the truth about His chosen people and their destiny, then how could we believe His promises that Christ paid the penalty for our sins and His offer of forgiveness and eternal life for those who believe in Him? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
If God, whose integrity is tied to Israel's ultimate restoration and blessing, has not told the truth about His chosen people and their destiny, then how could we believe His promises that Christ paid the penalty for our sins and His offer of forgiveness and eternal life for those who believe in Him? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Praise the Lord for his faithfulness!
Ezekiel 36:17-28. " Verses 23-28 is yet future!!
God bless.
Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 7That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. ( Ephesians 2:5-7).
This verse shows how God is rich in mercy; and goes beyond just a one time experience and puts his people on display for the Millennium and throughout eternity all because of what Christ accomplished on our behalf on the cross. In the present He is working out our salvation through fear and trembling (stating that we are to work it out but implying of course that it is His strength and surrender to the Spirit that accomplishes this: Philippians 2:12-13). This is known as "sanctification" followed by glorification after death or at the time of the Rapture/Resurrection of the saints.
I brought out before in the last post and many times in other posts that God chastises all those He loves. This isn't a popular concept especially among the "prosperity gospel" crowd. Indeed the KJV says we are bastards if we aren't being disciplined in this way ( Heb. 12:8). A human child through the love of the parents is disciplined as the famous "spare the rod and spoil the child" and many like sentiments in scripture indicate ( Prov. 13:24). Ephesians 4:22 says to put off the old man; and Galatians states that we are crucified with Christ (chapter 2; verse 20).
God has also expressed His love in honoring His covenants; both with national Israel and the new covenant with His church.
This would be my response to comments on difficulty conceiving of the value of what happened in the Old Testament. Indeed all scripture is good for instruction and all other tenets as stated in 2 Tim. 3:16. There is much to learn from mistakes of others as well as worthy acts of saints of all ages in scripture.
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
There is a generic word for God and it is Ilah, found all through the Qur'an such as in Surah 4:171: "Allah is only one Ilah." The confession one must make or die declares that there is "No Ilah but Allah" " (5:73): "La ilaha i' Allah, Muhammadan Rasoulu Allah."
Of Allah the Qur'an says, "Far is it removed from his transcendent majesty that he should have a son (Sur 4:171); Certainly they disbelieve who say: Allah is the third of the three. Then how can the Arabic Bible call Jesus the "Son of Allah"? That Allah has a Son is denied 16 times in the Qur'an. How absurd, then, to use Allah for God in the Arabic Bible! What could, "For Allah so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son," possibly mean?
A Cup of Trembling
Israel only wants to be left in peace. It makes no threats against its neighbors. Yet Muslim nations have spent billions of dollars since the Yom Kippur War for the latest military equipment, with top priority for missiles carrying a variety of deadly warheads. The whole world knows these are not defensive weapons. They exist for only one purpose: to rain death and destruction upon Israel, bringing an end to its existence and taking possession for the Muslim world of all of the land God promised His chosen people.
The world, in taking the side of Islam, is joining this pagan and violent religion in its open defiance of the God of the Bible. He has warned that He will punish all the nations of the world for two things they have done to His chosen people, the Jews: "whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land" ( Joel 3:2). This is a remarkable prophecy. Israel has been conquered by many enemies who have occupied it, but never divided it. Not even the Muslims did that.
See Part 29, (And final)
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
Graham's long-time friend Robert Schuller recently basked in the acclaim of Muslims at a Villa Park, Illinois mosque where he declared that he had come to realize that "asking people to change their faith was utterly ridiculous." Coming to the defense of history's most cruel and violent religion, Robert Schuller insists: "This is a time to guard against attacking religion.... It has been my honor to become acquainted with the power leaders of positive Islam. And there is and has been a strong anti-Islam propaganda loose in this world."
Positive Islam? Muhammad never heard of it! "Anti-Islam propaganda"? No one could give Islam a worse name than Muhammad, the Qur'an, and centuries of slaughter have done from the beginning!
In contrast, Jerry Falwell on 60 Minutes declared that Muhammad was a terrorist, and, as Franklin Graham has said, that Islam is "very evil and wicked." For those remarks Christianity Today rebuked them, saying that "Islam would not have become the second largest world religion if it were...as thoroughly evil as these comments suggest." Jesus said something about the "broad road," and Solomon about "a way that seems right unto a man."
In an article titled "Allah Does Not Belong to Islam," the Christian Research Journal has declared: "Allah is the God Arab-speaking Christians worship. The Arabic Bible is replete with the word Allah, beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation. Jesus Christ is even called the son of Allah in the Arabic Scriptures.... Allah is simply the word or term for God in another language [Arabic].... equivalent to...English God...French Dieu... Spanish Dios.. We can join our Arab brothers and sisters in Christ who often say, 'Allah be praised!'"
This is not true.
See Part 28.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt
While visiting Jerusalem in 1998, the Vatican's foreign minister called the Israeli presence in East Jerusalem "illegal occupation." In March 1999, Israel was notified again that the European Union "does not recognize Israel's sovereignty" over Jerusalem. In a papal bull on the year 2000 jubilee, John Paul II again rejected Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem. In mid-February 2000, the Vatican signed an agreement with the PLO calling for "international guarantees" to preserve "the proper identity and sacred character" of Jerusalem under international control. Wakf director Adnan Husseini, in charge of Muslim sites on the Temple Mount, declared: "Israel needs to remember that Jerusalem is not an Israeli city but it is a Palestinian city and we decide what happens here" (Jerusalem Post, 11/4/04).
From a religious point of view, Islam is pure paganism almost unchanged from what had been practiced by pagan Arab tribes for centuries before Muhammad was born. Ramadan and the hajj have remained almost exactly the same in Islam. The only changes Muhammad made were to promote Allah from chief god to only god--and to force submission to Allah under threat of death. Yet Christian leaders, among them some evangelicals, insist upon saying that Allah is the God of the Bible and that Islam is not so far removed from Christianity as is imagined.
Billy Graham has naively said, "Islam is misunderstood.... Muhammad had a great respect for Jesus, called Jesus the greatest of the prophets except himself. I think we're closer to Islam than we really think we are...." Yes, as close as the distance between hell and heaven! The Qur'an denies that Jesus is God or the Son of God or that He died on the cross for our sins. There is no salvation in Islam, and it is thoroughly anti-Christian.
See Part 27.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt
A number of such diatribes were put together on a video by then Chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee Ben Gilman, who offered to show them in a press conference September 21, 1995. No one from the press was interested! Even more disturbing, Israel's Ambassador to the US, Itamar Rabinovich, pleaded with Gilman not to air the tapes--it might hinder the "peace process"!
Netanyahu writes, "...my party and I were virtually isolated in our warning that Arafat would not keep his word.... We were widely castigated as enemies of peace.... Our argument was that handing Gaza over to Arafat would immediately create a lush terrorist haven...." Of course, he was right.
Islam exercises incredible clout through the possession of the major oil deposits by Muslim nations. In view of that fact, the European Union continues to remind Israel that it "does not recognize Israel's sovereignty" over Jerusalem. The Vatican for its own reasons (numerous official documents declare that the church has replaced Israel as the "people of God") has opposed Israel consistently, refusing even to recognize its existence until 1994, 46 years after its declaration of independence. The PLO are in control of Temple Mount, the very heart and soul of Jerusalem. The nations of the world refuse to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
We are witnessing the continuing fulfillment of Christ's remarkable prophecy: "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" ( Lk 21:24).
We are witnessing the continuing fulfillment of Christ's remarkable prophecy: "Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled" ( Lk 21:24).
Note: By the way, this is the Jerusalem here on earth! Not the one comes down from Heaven in Revelation!
Isaiah 24:21-23.
See Part 26.
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
Yet President Bush insists, "The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself." If that is true, then Muhammad "hijacked" Islam 13 centuries ago at its very start. But how could the founder and his immediate successors practice an extreme form of Islam? Who knew Islam better than Muhammad himself?
By any standard, Muhammad was a terrorist, and so were his followers. In the Qur'an, Allah declares that he will strike terror into the enemies of Islam.
In the Wall Street Journal, Eliot Cohen of John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies reminded any world leaders who would listen that "an hour spent surfing the Web will give...the kind of insights [into Islam]...found during World War II by reading Mein Kampf or the writings of Lenin, Stalin or Mao. Nobody would like to think that a major world religion has a deeply aggressive and dangerous strain in it...but uttering uncomfortable and unpleasant truths... defines leadership." The major threat to Israel today is not from a few fanatics, as we pointed out, but from devout Muslims. Indeed, from Islam itself!
A number of available videos document the blatant deceit with footage of Arafat and his spokesmen and Islamic clerics over the last 20 years stating clearly to Muslim audiences that all of the "peace" negotiations are aimed at one thing: the ultimate destruction of Israel. Repeatedly, they speak of a "Palestinian state" from the Mediterranean to the Jordan with its capital in Jerusalem. But the world, including its media and leaders, close their eyes and ears to the obvious truth.
See Part 25.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt
On May 4, 1994, in Cairo, Arafat and Rabin signed the "Jericho First" Peace Accord implementing Oslo. The afternoon of the historic handshake with Yitzak Rabin on the White House lawn, Arafat's name appeared near the top in a list of "world terrorists released by a congressional committee." He is one of the most evil mass murderers in history. Yet he was given the Nobel Prize for Peace, and Clinton and Gore received him repeatedly as an honored statesman in the White House. Thankfully, President Bush refused to deal with Arafat at all. What the world (including Bush) won't admit, however, is that Arafat's bloody, terrorist career was based on Islam!
Following 9/11/01, Prime Minister Tony Blair declared: "This terrorist act has nothing to do with Islam." Colin Powell, likewise, said, "Leave Islam out of this. Islam is peace." In fact, evidence gathered by the FBI shows that the Twin Towers were brought down to the glory of Allah in pursuit of world conquest and to obtain Islam's promised Paradise for the hijackers.
In a speech at the Islamic Center at Washington D.C., President Bush reiterated: "The face of terror is not the true face of Islam. Islam is peace." He reassured a joint session of Congress and the Senate and the people of the United States, "Terrorists practice a fringe form of Islamic extremism that has been rejected by Muslim clerics [and] perverts the peaceful teachings of Islam Its teachings are good and peaceful."
In fact, the very morning of September 11, in a time zone six hours to the east, an editorial in Arafat's controlled newspaper, Al-Hayat al-Jadida, stated: "The suicide bombers of today are the noble successors of the Lebanese suicide bombers who taught the U.S. Marines a tough lesson in Lebanon 243 were killed. These suicide bombers are the salt of the earth, the engines of history the most honorable people among us." Then, down came the Twin Towers!
See Part 24.
The Islamic Threat to Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
A False Peace
The whole "peace process" was an Islamic ploy by Arafat, and will be no different under his successors, whoever they may be. Oslo required Arafat to remove from the PLO Charter the call for Israel's annihilation. In grand style he announced that the clause had been revoked. Yet in the same speech he praised terrorists and terrorist countries. It was a bald "hoax" as London's Daily Telegraph (5/2/96) declared. The clause had not and has not been removed. And even if it were, that would change nothing. It is not the PLO Charter that defines Israel's extermination, but Islam itself.
Blind to the obvious truth, Rabin's widow proclaimed in confident but misplaced trust, "Tonight I can tell you that the Palestinian National Council has revoked the clauses in its covenant that called for the destruction of Israel." Rabin's successor, Prime Minister Shimon Peres, hailed this "most important historical development in our region in 100 years." Peres exulted on Voice of Israel Radio, "Today we have ended the Israeli--Arab conflict--Utopia is coming!" What madness!
He willfully was closing his eyes and ears to the frequent calls for an end to Israel, repeated throughout the "peace negotiations" many times by Arafat and other PLO leaders, such as this by Arafat's deputy, Abu Iyad: "It is our right that we should have...an independent Palestinian state that will function as a base from which to liberate Jaffa, Akko and all of Palestine." Another aide, echoing Nasser and many others, had earlier said, "The struggle with the Zionist enemy is not a struggle about Israel's borders, but about Israel's existence." This is Islam.
Oslo only brought increased violence against Israel. In the ten years prior to Oslo, about 200 Israelis had been killed by terrorists, while in the ten years following about 1,200 were killed and more than 5,000 wounded.
See Part 23.
A child that is drawn to the faith and repentance in Jesus Christ, this child needs no teaching of the history of God's people for this born-again experience.
God uses Israel to show the world that he means what he says and says what he means!
All these things are for our learning.
God bless.
Part one.
First, I would like to say Revelation is not in any kind of chronological order, and we agree there are only two resurrections. The rapture, many believe this is just for the Church before Jesus's second coming. By saying this in my understanding is what makes 1 Thess. 4:13-19 look like a different event from the first resurrection at Jesus's second coming. Matt. 24:31 Mark 13:27 1 Cor. 15:51-58 1 Thess. 4:16-17 Rev. 11:15 Rev. 19:11-16 At the last trump the second coming of Jesus, all these describe the first resurrection. Rev. 20:6.
There are only two resurrections, and we see the first resurrection at Jesus's second coming at the seventh and last Trump. After the battle, we see those in this first resurrection at the judgment seat of Christ, the thrones set up Rev. 20:4. Jesus and His chosen then set up the kingdom and the thousand years start. The rest saved and lost will not be resurrected until after 1,000 years Rev.20:5 Rev.20 the last verse 27 tells us this is not just for the lost there are those found in the Book of Life.
See part two.
Part two
The Bride and the Marriage Supper, many say the Church is the Bride but nowhere in Scripture is the Church called the Bride. There are analogies of how Jesus loves and treats the Church as a man should his wife. In the first verse of 2 Cor. 11 Paul asked them to bear with his folly this suggests what he was to say is allegorical.
If we look at Matt. 26:29 Mark 14:25 Jesus is telling the disciples he will not drink of this fruit of the vine until He drinks it new with you in my Father's kingdom, the keyword is new. The Bride of Christ is the New Jerusalem: Rev 21:9-11 She was arrayed in fine linen, the righteousness of saints, the garments clean and spotless of the saints is what she is arrayed in.
Christians are sons of God, Romans 8:14 1 John 3:2 we are joint-heirs with Christ Romans 8:17 Gal. 3:29 we are the body of Christ 1 Cor. 12:27 we are in the body of His flesh Col. 1:22. We are who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb Rev.19:9. Like Jesus said at the Last Supper He will not drink until all is new. The marriage supper is when there is a new heaven and new earth and the New Jerusalem comes out of heaven down to the new earth and all saints from old to the new are the "Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!"
What a glorious site that will be.
This is my understanding different as it may be.
God bless,
The message to YOU is everything that is written in his word.
You will either believe the message or not believe the message.
The writers of the NEW Testament never used the words that describes God and God's saints in the Old Testament.
Do you believe the angel of the Lord was Christ.
If so, and you were resurrected with Christ as ONE FLESH, why wouldn't you be an angel.
Most things are symbols, not literal little creatures with with six wings and eyes on every side.
God Bless YOU!
God bless our faithfulness.
The end of "The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
On September 13, 1993, Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and Arafat signed the Oslo "Declaration of Principles"--a mockery of the League of Nations' "Declaration of Principles" in 1922--and Israel recognized Arafat and the PLO. In fact, Arafat never kept one provision of this agreement. He couldn't without betraying Islam and suffering the same fate as Sadat. He began immediately over radio and television to apologize in Arabic for Oslo, telling Muslim audiences that he was following the Prophet's example by entering into a temporary cease fire that would lead to Israel's destruction.
Muhammad's treaty of Hudaybiya--a 10-year ceasefire agreement with his own tribe, the Quraish of Mecca--set the legal precedent. Two years later, on a pretext, with an army of 10,000 he took over Mecca with its Ka'aba. Such a ceasefire is agreed to only when the Muslims are too weak to pursue conquest, and is broken as soon as they have the power to renew the attack. Such is the law of war and peace in Islam, as established by Muhammad. No Muslim has the authority to change it.
Tommorow see "The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 5) (Conclusion)
By Dave Hunt.
God bless.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
In 1988 Arafat (the worst mass murderer of modern times other than Hitler, Stalin and Mao) condemned all forms of terrorism and recognized Israel on paper. Lying to the enemies of Islam is honorable. Arafat's re-invention as an icon of peace was childishly simple: he vowed to reform--and presto--his heinous crimes of four decades were as though they had never been. Under pressure from the world, Israel made the huge mistake of believing this evil man and making him its "partner for peace."
The Madrid Peace Conference in October 1991 brought together delegates from Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon along with "Palestinians." Next came secret PLO-Israeli talks in Oslo in January 1993.
In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, September 9, 1993, Arafat said: "The PLO recognizes the right of Israel to exist in peace and security commits itself to a peaceful resolution of the conflict between the two sides renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence [and] affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel's right to exist...are now inoperative and no longer valid and undertakes to submit to the Palestinian National Council for formal approval the necessary changes " As a reward for this transparent lie,
President Clinton promised to pay 500 million dollars to the PLO and its agencies. In exchange, Arafat solemnly swore to comply with all terms of the Oslo Accords.
See Part 22.
Interesting take on the Solomon idea. My thoughts are that ever person is a "foreign wife" to Christ prior to us being brought to God through Christ. We were enemies of God, as Paul says, and dead in our sins. When we are brought into faith and become untied to Christ, we no longer are "foreign" to Him, but "known".
My other though was that the promises of God concerning a "chosen priesthood, holy nation" were, in the wilderness, in the flesh, were the Israelites, (all tribes not just Jews). And this chosen people in the spiritual sense is the Church, as Paul says in Galatians.
Sometimes we forget about all of the tribes when we speak about God's chosen people. I think the only reason that the Jews were in the land of promise from their captivity was so that Jesus would be born in this land from the tribe of Judah.
We do not know if we are descended from the 10 tribes that were dispersed across the world. But God knows. And his chosen are not a matter of fleshly lineage anyway, but spiritual lineage from Christ.
Thanks for the food for thought, Jema.
I would like to pause here for a second to ask how do you see Galatians 4:21-31 ties into all this?
Paul is not talking to Muslims here, He's talking to those who desire to be under the Law!!
Paul is using Issac and Ismael allegorically to present an on going issue in the Church today!
Back to Dave Hunt.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
By Dave Hunt.
The naivete of Western leaders in attempting to bring peace is illustrated no better than through former President Jimmie Carter. On March 26, 1979, he hosted at the White House the signing of a "peace treaty" by Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Carter wanted to quote one verse each from the Bible and the Qur'an about peace. There are some 400 such verses in the Bible, but his speechwriters, after much searching, could find only one verse about peace in the Qur'an.
Carter optimistically declared: "In the Koran, we read: 'But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust in God...[Surah 8:61].' So let us now lay aside war.... We pray God...that these dreams will come true."
Islam's "dream," however, is not what Carter and Israel hoped. The verse says "Allah," not God--and Allah hates Jews! Surah eight is titled Spoils of War and it is all about fighting and plunder in the conquest of the world for Allah and Islam. Verse 65 says, "O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight...." Verse 67 says, "It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land."
The very verse Carter so naively cited declares that the only "peace" Islam offers to anyone is to those who surrender to its conquests and convert to Islam. As noted above, Sadat's reward was assassination at the hands of fellow Muslims for daring to establish "peace" on any other basis than conversion to Islam. In so doing, he had betrayed Islam itself.
See Part 21.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
By Dave Hunt.
This theme is prominent in publications officially distributed by Ministries of Education in Muslim lands. For example, in Jordan, a book used in the first year of high school declares, "Israel was born to die. Prove it." A book for the second year of Junior High in Damascus declares: "The Jews are vile, greedy, enemies of mankind." In Syria, a 5th grade book boasts: "We shall expel all Jews from all Arab countries." In Egypt, a textbook for the first year of junior high urges students: "The Arabs do not cease to act for the extermination of Israel." A 9th- grade textbook declares: "Israel shall not live if the Arabs stand fast in their hatred.... Even if all the human race and the devil in hell conspire to aid her, she shall not exist."
When I present such facts to audiences, I see many eyes glaze over in unbelief. It is nearly impossible for anyone with a normal conscience to accept the fact that a religion in our day literally calls for the extermination of an entire people. Not a few fanatics, but Islam itself is Israel's chief and most determined enemy.
The Arabs were converted to Islam by the sword, and that is how they became the battering ram in this battle for Israel's survival. It is really a war between God and Satan that will finally come to its climax at Armageddon. How did we arrive at the present state where an enemy that is determined to annihilate Israel is looked upon as her "partner for peace"?
See Part 20.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
Hitler's Mein Kampf is still a bestseller in Muslim countries. The Palestinian Peace Prize for Culture was awarded to Abu Daoud for his book telling how he planned and carried out the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
What about Today?
Textbooks in Syria today lead pupils to the "inevitable conclusion...that all Jews must be annihilated." Calls for annihilation of Jews still resound throughout the Muslim world, such as the Friday sermon in Gaza's Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan mosque, Oct 14, 2000: "Have no mercy on the Jews...kill them...and those Americans who...established Israel here, in the beating heart of the Arab world...." That very day, two Israeli reservists took a wrong turn into Ramallah and were literally torn apart by a frenzied mob--an event that was cheered when the grizzly details were shown on Palestinian T.V. Hamas Leader, Mahmoud al-Zahar, a surgeon, expressed Islam's sentiment, "From our ideological point of view, it is not allowed to recognize that Israel controls one square meter of historic Palestine." In view of Islam's passion to destroy Israel, "peace" plans are a macabre joke!
Muhammad's command that all Jews must be killed is not an obscure teaching which one must search to find. It is in today's textbooks in Islamic schools worldwide, including, for example, the Muslim Academy outside Washington D.C. This declaration is continually repeated in Mosques and on Muslim radio and TV.
See Part 19.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
My wife, Ruth, and I together with our four children, ages 8-15, were in Egypt at that time, as eyewitnesses to Arab intentions. On an Egyptian freighter from Alexandria to Beirut, I sat in the lounge with wild-eyed, shouting Arabs around me, watching the Arab arms buildup under Nasser. We saw the complete confidence with which the Arab world, momentarily united behind Nasser in this common goal, prepared to exterminate the Jews. We were heading for Jordan in our VW micro-bus when the Lord graciously redirected us north through Syria. We crossed into Turkey safely just hours before war broke out.
Israel had no choice but to make a preemptive strike in self-defense. The destruction of the Egyptian and Syrian air forces on the ground and the conquest of the Arab armies in what became known as the "Six-day War" is history, another fulfillment of Zechariah 12:6: "In that day will I make the governors of Judah like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again."
Nasser never recovered from the blow to his ego, and died of a heart attack in 1970. He was succeeded by Anwar Sadat. The latter is remembered for making "peace" with Israel, for which he was murdered by the Muslim Brotherhood.
The real Sadat is revealed in an open letter he wrote to Hitler after the latter's death, expressing the hope that the Fuhrer was still alive, and sympathizing with his just cause against the Jews. Similarly, Egyptian columnist, Ahmad Rajab (Al-Akbar, 4/18/01), wrote: "Thanks to Hitler, blessed memory, who on behalf of the Palestinians, revenged in advance, against the most vile criminals on the face of the earth. But we do have a complaint against him--his revenge was not enough."
See Part 18.
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
On May 16, 1967, Nasser ordered UN peace-keeping forces to leave the Sinai. By May 18, Egyptian troops were massed in the Sinai on Israel's border and Syrian troops had done the same on the Golan. The "Voice of the Arabs" broadcast, "The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence." On May 20, the Syrian Defense Minister declared, "Our forces are now entirely ready...to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland...to enter into a battle of annihilation." On May 22, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping. It was an act of war. On May 27, Nasser threatened, "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel.... We will not accept any coexistence with Israel...."
On May 30, Nasser announced, "The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel...while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation...the critical hour has arrived." Iraq's president thundered, "The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear--to wipe Israel off the map." Such is still their intent. In fact, no Arab map then or now shows Israel's existence, as already noted.
See Part 17.
This Post by Dave Hunt is for better understanding the conflict going on today and what has been going on in Israel for ever.
God has always protected them from annihilation. EVEN WHILE HE PUNISHED THEM!!
On to Part 17
The Islamic Threat To Israel (Part 4)
By Dave Hunt.
These territories, so much in the news today, were held by Jordan and Egypt for 19 years and used as terrorist launching pads against Israel until the latter was forced to take them in the Six-day War in 1967. During those 19 years, not one word was ever heard from the Arab world about a "Palestinian state." It was the Arabs, not Israel, who put the "refugees" in the camps and have kept them there ever since.
What About the PLO?
One often hears the complaint, "Just move the borders back to 1967 and that will bring peace." It was in 1964, however, during those 19 years when Jordan and Egypt held the West Bank and Gaza, that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed. What was "liberation" intended to accomplish at that time? The PLO charter declared that the very existence of Israel was illegitimate, that the Jews were merely citizens of the countries where they happened to live all over the world, not entitled to a land of their own, and that the intention of the Arabs was to take all of "Palestine" for themselves and literally "exterminate" the Jews. The logo of the PLO shows "Palestine" as comprising the entire territory from the Mediterranean to the River Jordan. For Muslims, Israel does not exist.
To Egypt's National Assembly, March 26, 1964, Gamal Abd-Al Nasser, who founded the PLO in Cairo ("Palestinians" in the camps had nothing to do with it), declared that the problem was "the very existence of Israel." On March 8, 1965, he boasted, "We shall enter [Palestine] with its soil saturated in blood." Shortly thereafter he declared, "We aim at...the eradication of Israel." The Arab world had spent 19 years for this war, and they were supremely confident that they would destroy Israel.
See Part 16.