I agree with Jesse. At the time of this Revelation of Jesus Christ to John (around 90 AD or perhaps a bit earlier), these 7 churches existed in Asia Minor, either planted by Paul, John, or some other apostle. These were actual cities in Asia Minor and the churches had existed there for a few or many decades, depending on when the gospel first reached the people there. Each church believed in Jesus and served the true God, but each church was a bit different from the others AND each Jesus highlighted specific problems in each church as a warning to them (and to us) of the dangers of developing false teachings and allowing sinful living to flourish in ourselves and in our church communities.
John must have known these churches. He may have placed the bishops, pastors over them at one time. He may have visited them to preach. It is known historically that John did appoint some bishops of Asia Minor. I think he appointed Polycarp.
So, John was not some type of hermit off a secluded place for most of his life in Christ. he was active in living out his apostleship until he was arrested for witnessing for Christ and exiled to Patmos, an Agean island.
Christ was speaking to John about these churches for a reason. One reason may have been because John would be released from Patmos and he returned to his apostolic work in Asia Minor until his death in about 95 AD. He most likely returned to these churches to help them get back on track. His Revelation in written form was been distributed among the churches also
Jesus was giving direct help to John in his apostolic work that he would continue after his release from Patmos. he was later martyred. Such a stellar disciple he was. Boiled in oil and killed for Christ's sake after a lifetime of serving the Lord heartily and faithfully. 26 AD - 95 AD into eternity!
in his days pahraoh-nechoh, king of egypt went up against the king of assyria.....
- pharaoh necho of egypt went up to the euphrates river to help the king of assyria...
(again a totally different scenario)
acts 8:37
....i believe jesus christ is the son of god.
- omitted completely
(there are many more more. i don't know which niv version i am using on my computor with bible gateway, as there has been 3 versions so far of this book. it seems to them the holy ghost can't quite make up his mind exactly what he wants to say so he has to keep coming back to fix it. actually, i believe that it has to be changed every so often in order for them to keep their copywrite so they can sell it. i'm not sure what version this is and what changes they made but it really is a mute point, they are all wrong.)
god bless you all who understand the wrong of modern versions of these books.:)
Mr. long saw his hard, long struggle to have it published as the devil coming against this endeavor but satan was dancing in his shoes. he loved it. mr long didnt see that it was actually god trying to stop him, just like he told the children of israel to stop ignoring him as they went into apostacy. another way the devil has accomplished this is to tempt people into being so busy with life that they run out of time, energy and a desire to spend time in actual study. the church needs to get back to a love of the bible just like the man in psalm 1 where he studied his bible everyday with delight. also, there are so many versions out there, that new christians are asking men (not god) to tell them which bible they should read and study. the internet is swamped with videos of people asking which bible they should use, trusting perfect strangers to guide them in their choice. this explains why so many christians, according to surveys done, don't even believe the bible is inspired by god anymore. i'd like to find a church that uses the kjb only, worships on the sabbath, teaches true bibical doctrine and isn't affiliated with a denomination. hopefully, as the end times draw near, all of god's true church will be set apart and maybe even be persecuted for doing those very things.
i've done a brief study of the nkjv and niv modern versions as to what they have printed and what is in the kjb. i realize i am preaching to the chior, but i thought it would be interesting.
The kjb has been accepted and handed down for centuries as the trusted, holy ghost inspired word of god; god's bible. there are over 200 modern versions (not translations) of the bible in english today. the authors of the modern bible versions such as niv, nkjb, asv, esv, etc. have flooded the market with "their" versions of god's word. why are all these versions out there? the devil knew he couldn't get christians to stop being true to god's word by a frontal attack so he slipped in by the backdoor. just like in the story of baalam and the children of israel in the book of numbers. the devil is very devious. these new versions have been said, by the publishers, that they are the same as the ancient text just in a more manageable format without ancient words, grammar and spelling, but you will see in the few comparisons i have listed below that is far from the truth.
first a brief history lesson.
in the early 1950's a man named howard long was a christian businessman who would witness to his customers often, with no hesitation, but unfortunately his pride was stronger in him then humility and it not only led to his fall, but also the corrupted version of god's word in the niv. mr long was embarrased when one of his customers, instead of responding to the gospel as he was use to, laughed himself silly at the "ancient" language of the kjb. unfortunately, instead of defending the word of god, mr. long was embarrased and there after was determined to put the kjb in modern language "so it sounded more morden and people could understand it better." it seemed mr. long didn't go to god and seek guidance but instead he went to the honored authorities of his day and told them what he wanted to do. they resisted for many years until mr. long was successfully able to convince them that what he wanted was of god therefore by 1975 the niv was published.
Shalom Brother in Truth, all praises go to The Only Begotten Son because without Him and His mercy I wouldn't even be on this website. All Glory goes to The Most Highest Power, The Holy Trinity (The Father, The Son/Word and The Holy Ghost).
1 Thessalonians 5v18 is right family, thank you (giving thanks) I wasn't aware of this verse as well. I tend to highlight verses/scriptures that truly hold value to my day to day walk. So, I am giving thanks to The Highest for you sharing that highlight with me.
In Hebrews 4v12, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." speaks nothing but facts. So, all of the bible is alive and active and also inspired by The Most Highest Power as it explains that in 2 Timothy 3v16; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" Regardless of those individuals that tempered with the Holy words of our Father. He still is so majestic that He is ahead of that lol. God is mind blowing family. Keep up the great work, it is all about seeking Jesus Christ of Nazareth, fearing the Most Highest, and giving our whole hearts to The Holy Trinity. Every day we must have a sincere heart to heart with The Holy Trinity and even within that Jesus is helping us keep that relationship up. Like it says in Hebrews 7v25; "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."
The God we serve is beautiful family. Let us continue to strive to protect our salvation and also Him. Glory to The God of Abraham and Praises to The Lord of Lords Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Peace, Love and Blessings within and without Family.
We know that GOD CURSED the Earth because disobedience of man,and warned him,saying:"Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;...in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of thy life;In the sweat of thy face shall you eat bread,till you return unto the ground;out of it wast you taken:for dust you art,and unto dust shall you return.
As above described,the terrible picture after GOD cursed the Earth, what our GOD meant by His words or even revealed when He said of the existence of the world of Devil full of"Thorns and thistles"? Well,with the proliferation of human beings after Earth had been CURSED by Him,nations would emerge or be formed on Earth,and would be like"thorns and thistles".GOD said: Numbers 33:52-55
55If ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you;then it shall come to pass,that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes,and thorns in your sides,and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.
52Ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures,and all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their high places:
53And ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land,and dwell therein:for I have given you the land to possess it.
Joshua 23:11-16
11Take good heed therefore unto yourselves,that ye love the Lord your GOD.
13Know that the Lord GOD will no more drive out any of these nations from before you;but they shall be snares and traps unto you,and scourges in your sides,and THORNS in your eyes,until ye perish from off this good land which the Lord your GOD hath given you.
15The kingdoms OF THIS WORLD are become the Kingdoms of our Lord,and of His Christ;He shall reign for ever and ever.
12Therefore rejoice,ye heavens,and ye that dwell in them.Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea!for the Devil is come down unto you,having great wrath,because he knows that he has but a short time.
( Jer 23:36) perverted is #2015; it means "to change".
( Ps 12:6-7) 6) "The words of the LORD are pure words" pure is #2889; it means unadulterated, uncontaminated, sound.
7) "Thou shalt keep them O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever". preserve is #5341, it means to guard, to protect, maintain, obey.
( John 14:23-24) "If a man love me, he will ((keep my words)) and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him".
This verse is telling us if we don't keep His words the Father and Jesus will not come unto us and abode with us.
Many on this site do not keep His words.
His words are pure words preserved for ever in the King James Bible, ((FOR EVER))
They are not preserved only in the manuscripts, ( 2 Tim 2:15) tells us "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". We are told to study, and rightly divide the word of truth.
Can we study and rightly divide the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts today? No we can not!
His words are pure ( Proverbs 30:5) His words are Alive ( Heb 4:12) His words are Inspired ( 2 Tim 3:16) which is God breathed ( 2 Pet 1:19-21) His words are sound doctrine, His words are not perverted.
Modern versions are perverted words of men ( Jer 23:36) they have all "changed" the words of the living God!
It is very important to see this Truth, modern versions are doctrines of devils ( 1 Tim 4:1)
Modern versions are not sound doctrine ( 2 Tim 4:3-4)
I pray this is helpful to any who trust modern version bibles.
Chris has given you the verse in Revelation. There is also a verse in Deuteronomy 4:2 that speaks similarly about adding to the words the Lord has given through Moses or to take away or diminish them.
Hello SLLockhart. I believe the verse that is closest to what you seek is in Revelation 22:18,19. Although, these verses specifically relate to this particular book of prophecy (The Revelation) that no one might add or take away from the words of the Book or else suffer under God's Hand, the Truth would apply to all of Scripture. And 2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us that these Holy Scriptures are "given by (the) inspiration of God", or as in the Greek, "God-breathed"; which clearly shows us that the power & truth of God's Words are given by His Spirit - 'breathed' upon those writers, they being moved by Him to pen these words for all who read or hear them. This then becomes a very serious matter in the reading, understanding, & correctly 'dividing' of God's Word, without forcing any human input which can only bring corruption to it.
Tonight I am thinking of some words of Jesus in Luke 21.
We have in our yard both the Olive and Fig tree. The Olive is high up on our hill and the Fig is lower down by our home. The Olive with further work can produce an oil and edible fruit, The Fig own its own can produce fruit. In the last days Jesus says, will be a
"distress of nations, with perplexity." part of verse 25.
Nations are like trees some high on the hill and some low and close to home.
Jesus in Luke 21 describes the times and how it will be near the end of the times.
The Olive tree is not mentioned in these times but Jesus gives the parable mentioning the Fig tree and the other trees beginning in verse 29.
We are advised to be looking up in times of perplexity for His return. Otherwise we may fear. What we may see in these last times are the Fig tree and other trees thriving close to our home instead of the Olive tree.
So we walk in conversation together, in love and in concern.
"whoredom" is now glamourised and painted as empowerment or some form of feminism. I used to ask myself why God had so many rules for everything and at some point I thought they were harsh.
but taking a step back and looking around at what's happening to our generation, it makes sense why he has so many rules. out of these rules come out honesty, harmony, peace and most importantly ORDER. Gods order brings to life and when disturbed it destroys everything in its path
take a look around at our world, everything is getting destroyed but as Gods children we'll get through it through Jesus Christ who strengthens us
Every sickness or medical condition is a spiritual attack. I pray that the Living God delivers you from any weapon that is formed against you, and I pray for healing by the Blood of Jesus. Stay positive, stay away from negative people and try to fast or eat as healthy and clean as possible. Prayers up soldier. Glory to Yeshua.
I absolutely agree. We are the Sowers. Our job is just to plant the seed and allow God/Jesus to do the rest and the power of repentance is an understatement. It is a literal war trying to activate your voice to actually repent sincerely and its only Jesus that could give you that boost of willpower to get over the hump. Especially when it comes to fighting against addiction and I am a living testimony of that. If it wasn't for Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I would not be alive. My spirit would be deceased, and I am highly aware of it. Glory to Jesus Christ of Nazareth/Father of Lights.
Yes, indeed it is. And Praise THE MOST HIGHEST. I am thankful because I was not aware of this parallel passage. I love finding parallels in the scripture. It's like finding hidden gold in the bible but far times more valuable than gold of course. Glory to The God of Israel.
God's calling is consistent. Some are called to be prophets to which the name Jeremiah is pre-eminent. (Je.1:5) Some are called to be helps, teachers etc., Ephesians remind us of the same. The Bible being god-breathed it bears names of holy men crediting them as authors, more accurate would be to call them as having taken dictation from the Holy Spirit. Conversations quote unquote therefore owe their truth to the Spirit.
St Paul writes as to how the Spirit helps us with our prayers.(Ro.8:27-28) The same holds true with dictating what transpired between parties where the Spirit is setting down precisely the truth, ("Thy word is truth"). For example Jonah praying from the belly of the fish only the Spirit could do justice. So faith is essential in order to understand how several parts in the God document relate to one another. Literal approach will not be of much help.
I believe you're correct Bonnergy, there is no indication anywhere that the creatures under the water were affected by God's Judgement upon man & beast. Genesis 7, as you quoted, clearly indicates that as those pairs (or, sevens) of animals that were led into the Ark ( Genesis 7:8,9,14,15,23) were saved & all other creatures that lived on the land or flew were destroyed. Noah was never instructed to get pairs of sea creatures into the Ark. Why God allowed this, we can't know for sure, except that with a flood of that magnitude, all animals (& mankind) which could not live/breathe underwater, were destined to perish, save those which were saved by God. So, even though it was for mankind's wickedness the Earth was destroyed by water, unfortunately the innocent animals living above ground had to also perish with man.
There have been several instances over the years where someone will post a question and we as a group give answers that we believe to be true, and we disagree with each other's answers, and then we argue back and forth amongst each other, and the person who posted the original question never joins into the conversation.
Sometimes the questions are controversial questions and I think that sometimes we get baited into the very thing you and I are doing here. I don't see this as being the case with this, as I believe this was an honest question being asked, but I do think it would be nice if the person who posted the question would at least respond to the answers you and I gave, or perhaps join in the discussion.
Jordyn, you and I are just going to have to remain in disagreement on this one. As I said, unless PBC79 has any other questions, or wishes to respond to what we shared, I see no need to continue this. If this is something you feel strongly about, perhaps you can start a new thread?
The original question by PBC79 seemed to be asking if Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 are referring to seven churches, or one church. This person was told that the seven churches of Revelation are all one church. I believe that is incorrect.
Although you and I gave conflicting answers, I stand by my original response to PBC79. I still hold that these were 7 literal churches that were established in those seven locations listed in Revelation Chapters 2 & 3. And each one of these churches were given a specific message.
Now, as far as continuing on in this discussion, I see no purpose in it unless the person who began this thread has more questions. I gave my answer to the original question that was asked, and you gave yours. So, unless PBC79 wishes to enter this discussion, I see no need to continue going back and forth with each other about things unrelated to the question asked.
Hi Nick , may I ask do you get any help with your mental health issues ? Medication can definitely help , my own step sister suffers with paranoid schizophrenia . When she was young and before she was diagnosed and treated , she was in a terrible state . It took a while to find the right meds for her but now in her fifties , she's leading a normal life and has been doing very well for over 30 years . She's married , has a grown up son and is content , so I do know meds can help a lot . As for doing everything that the Bible tells us to , none of us are capable of that all day every day , only Christ is sinless , we are all imperfect in this life . Most importantly you need to have faith in God's love for you and in His willingness to forgive our sinfulness through and because of , Jesus Christ and what he accomplished in order to reconcile us to God . Try to pray to God at least twice a day , even if you just thank Him for all the good things in your life . Try to read your Bible every day , pick a time when you are confident you won't be disturbed , set a time limit or a chapter goal , maybe two chapters a day ? Or twenty minutes ? Whatever you feel is doable for you . The main thing is to persevere . It takes time and effort to get to know your God . Don't be impatient with yourself , relax and enjoy learning about and growing closer to Him . Do you know anyone who might like to read with you ? Is there someone you could talk to about what you read every day ? Maybe you could come on here and talk to us about what you read each day ? I hope you continue on this path towards a better understanding of and a stronger faith in your Dear Heavenly Father , He's waiting to greet you :) .
I agree with Jesse. At the time of this Revelation of Jesus Christ to John (around 90 AD or perhaps a bit earlier), these 7 churches existed in Asia Minor, either planted by Paul, John, or some other apostle. These were actual cities in Asia Minor and the churches had existed there for a few or many decades, depending on when the gospel first reached the people there. Each church believed in Jesus and served the true God, but each church was a bit different from the others AND each Jesus highlighted specific problems in each church as a warning to them (and to us) of the dangers of developing false teachings and allowing sinful living to flourish in ourselves and in our church communities.
John must have known these churches. He may have placed the bishops, pastors over them at one time. He may have visited them to preach. It is known historically that John did appoint some bishops of Asia Minor. I think he appointed Polycarp.
So, John was not some type of hermit off a secluded place for most of his life in Christ. he was active in living out his apostleship until he was arrested for witnessing for Christ and exiled to Patmos, an Agean island.
Christ was speaking to John about these churches for a reason. One reason may have been because John would be released from Patmos and he returned to his apostolic work in Asia Minor until his death in about 95 AD. He most likely returned to these churches to help them get back on track. His Revelation in written form was been distributed among the churches also
Jesus was giving direct help to John in his apostolic work that he would continue after his release from Patmos. he was later martyred. Such a stellar disciple he was. Boiled in oil and killed for Christ's sake after a lifetime of serving the Lord heartily and faithfully. 26 AD - 95 AD into eternity!
are saved -
are being saved
8) 2 kings 23:29
in his days pahraoh-nechoh, king of egypt went up against the king of assyria.....
- pharaoh necho of egypt went up to the euphrates river to help the king of assyria...
(again a totally different scenario)
acts 8:37
....i believe jesus christ is the son of god.
- omitted completely
(there are many more more. i don't know which niv version i am using on my computor with bible gateway, as there has been 3 versions so far of this book. it seems to them the holy ghost can't quite make up his mind exactly what he wants to say so he has to keep coming back to fix it. actually, i believe that it has to be changed every so often in order for them to keep their copywrite so they can sell it. i'm not sure what version this is and what changes they made but it really is a mute point, they are all wrong.)
god bless you all who understand the wrong of modern versions of these books.:)
divine - divination6)
6) proverbs 18:
the words of a talebearer are as wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. (they really hurt)
- the words of a talebearer are like tasty trifflies' (i doubt anyone would agree that hurtful words taste good like candy.)
7) 1 corinthians 1:18
are saved -
are being saved
8) 2 kings 23:29
in his days pahraoh-nechoh, king of egypt went up against the king of assyria.....
- pharaoh necho of egypt went up to the euphrates river to help the king of assyria...
(again a totally different scenario)
5) proverbs 16:10
divine - divination6)
6) proverbs 18:
the words of a talebearer are as wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. (they really hurt)
- the words of a talebearer are like tasty trifflies' (i doubt anyone would agree that hurtful words taste good like candy.)
7) 1 corinthians 1:18
are saved -
are being saved
8) 2 kings 23:29
in his days pahraoh-nechoh, king of egypt went up against the king of assyria.....
- pharaoh necho of egypt went up to the euphrates river to help the king of assyria...
(again a totally different scenario)
5) proverbs 16:10
divine - divination6)
6) proverbs 18:
the words of a talebearer are as wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. (they really hurt)
- the words of a talebearer are like tasty trifflies' (i doubt anyone would agree that hurtful words taste good like candy.)
7) 1 corinthians 1:18
are saved -
are being saved
8) 2 kings 23:29
in his days pahraoh-nechoh, king of egypt went up against the king of assyria.....
- pharaoh necho of egypt went up to the euphrates river to help the king of assyria...
(again a totally different scenario)
i've done a brief study of the nkjv and niv modern versions as to what they have printed and what is in the kjb. i realize i am preaching to the chior, but i thought it would be interesting.
first a brief history lesson.
in the early 1950's a man named howard long was a christian businessman who would witness to his customers often, with no hesitation, but unfortunately his pride was stronger in him then humility and it not only led to his fall, but also the corrupted version of god's word in the niv. mr long was embarrased when one of his customers, instead of responding to the gospel as he was use to, laughed himself silly at the "ancient" language of the kjb. unfortunately, instead of defending the word of god, mr. long was embarrased and there after was determined to put the kjb in modern language "so it sounded more morden and people could understand it better." it seemed mr. long didn't go to god and seek guidance but instead he went to the honored authorities of his day and told them what he wanted to do. they resisted for many years until mr. long was successfully able to convince them that what he wanted was of god therefore by 1975 the niv was published.
I am a new to this person, and was curious about this scripture as it was brought up in a Facebook post.
Thanks again.
In Hebrews 4v12, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." speaks nothing but facts. So, all of the bible is alive and active and also inspired by The Most Highest Power as it explains that in 2 Timothy 3v16; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" Regardless of those individuals that tempered with the Holy words of our Father. He still is so majestic that He is ahead of that lol. God is mind blowing family. Keep up the great work, it is all about seeking Jesus Christ of Nazareth, fearing the Most Highest, and giving our whole hearts to The Holy Trinity. Every day we must have a sincere heart to heart with The Holy Trinity and even within that Jesus is helping us keep that relationship up. Like it says in Hebrews 7v25; "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."
The God we serve is beautiful family. Let us continue to strive to protect our salvation and also Him. Glory to The God of Abraham and Praises to The Lord of Lords Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Peace, Love and Blessings within and without Family.
Brothers in Christ
We know that GOD CURSED the Earth because disobedience of man,and warned him,saying:"Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;...in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of thy life;In the sweat of thy face shall you eat bread,till you return unto the ground;out of it wast you taken:for dust you art,and unto dust shall you return.
As above described,the terrible picture after GOD cursed the Earth, what our GOD meant by His words or even revealed when He said of the existence of the world of Devil full of"Thorns and thistles"? Well,with the proliferation of human beings after Earth had been CURSED by Him,nations would emerge or be formed on Earth,and would be like"thorns and thistles".GOD said: Numbers 33:52-55
55If ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you;then it shall come to pass,that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes,and thorns in your sides,and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.
52Ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures,and all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their high places:
53And ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land,and dwell therein:for I have given you the land to possess it.
Joshua 23:11-16
11Take good heed therefore unto yourselves,that ye love the Lord your GOD.
13Know that the Lord GOD will no more drive out any of these nations from before you;but they shall be snares and traps unto you,and scourges in your sides,and THORNS in your eyes,until ye perish from off this good land which the Lord your GOD hath given you.
15The kingdoms OF THIS WORLD are become the Kingdoms of our Lord,and of His Christ;He shall reign for ever and ever.
12Therefore rejoice,ye heavens,and ye that dwell in them.Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea!for the Devil is come down unto you,having great wrath,because he knows that he has but a short time.
( Proverbs 30:5-6)
( Rev 22:18-19)
( Jer 23:36) perverted is #2015; it means "to change".
( Ps 12:6-7) 6) "The words of the LORD are pure words" pure is #2889; it means unadulterated, uncontaminated, sound.
7) "Thou shalt keep them O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever". preserve is #5341, it means to guard, to protect, maintain, obey.
( John 14:23-24) "If a man love me, he will ((keep my words)) and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him".
This verse is telling us if we don't keep His words the Father and Jesus will not come unto us and abode with us.
Many on this site do not keep His words.
His words are pure words preserved for ever in the King James Bible, ((FOR EVER))
They are not preserved only in the manuscripts, ( 2 Tim 2:15) tells us "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". We are told to study, and rightly divide the word of truth.
Can we study and rightly divide the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts today? No we can not!
His words are pure ( Proverbs 30:5) His words are Alive ( Heb 4:12) His words are Inspired ( 2 Tim 3:16) which is God breathed ( 2 Pet 1:19-21) His words are sound doctrine, His words are not perverted.
Modern versions are perverted words of men ( Jer 23:36) they have all "changed" the words of the living God!
It is very important to see this Truth, modern versions are doctrines of devils ( 1 Tim 4:1)
Modern versions are not sound doctrine ( 2 Tim 4:3-4)
I pray this is helpful to any who trust modern version bibles.
Revelation 22:18-19
I will most certainly pray for you and your mom. Thanks for letting us know your requests.
Chris has given you the verse in Revelation. There is also a verse in Deuteronomy 4:2 that speaks similarly about adding to the words the Lord has given through Moses or to take away or diminish them.
We have in our yard both the Olive and Fig tree. The Olive is high up on our hill and the Fig is lower down by our home. The Olive with further work can produce an oil and edible fruit, The Fig own its own can produce fruit. In the last days Jesus says, will be a
"distress of nations, with perplexity." part of verse 25.
Nations are like trees some high on the hill and some low and close to home.
Jesus in Luke 21 describes the times and how it will be near the end of the times.
The Olive tree is not mentioned in these times but Jesus gives the parable mentioning the Fig tree and the other trees beginning in verse 29.
We are advised to be looking up in times of perplexity for His return. Otherwise we may fear. What we may see in these last times are the Fig tree and other trees thriving close to our home instead of the Olive tree.
So we walk in conversation together, in love and in concern.
but taking a step back and looking around at what's happening to our generation, it makes sense why he has so many rules. out of these rules come out honesty, harmony, peace and most importantly ORDER. Gods order brings to life and when disturbed it destroys everything in its path
take a look around at our world, everything is getting destroyed but as Gods children we'll get through it through Jesus Christ who strengthens us
in all things ( we ought to give thanks ): for this is the will of god in christ concerning you.
( 1 thessalonians 5:18 )
much love to you and yours...family is great!
God's calling is consistent. Some are called to be prophets to which the name Jeremiah is pre-eminent. (Je.1:5) Some are called to be helps, teachers etc., Ephesians remind us of the same. The Bible being god-breathed it bears names of holy men crediting them as authors, more accurate would be to call them as having taken dictation from the Holy Spirit. Conversations quote unquote therefore owe their truth to the Spirit.
St Paul writes as to how the Spirit helps us with our prayers.(Ro.8:27-28) The same holds true with dictating what transpired between parties where the Spirit is setting down precisely the truth, ("Thy word is truth"). For example Jonah praying from the belly of the fish only the Spirit could do justice. So faith is essential in order to understand how several parts in the God document relate to one another. Literal approach will not be of much help.
I have no problem when parties disagree, it's part of God's plan, he sets brother against brother and sister against sister.
God Bless YOU!
Is EPHESIANS 1:4 in any way related to JEREMIAH 1:5.
Thank you for your reply
(Part 2):
There have been several instances over the years where someone will post a question and we as a group give answers that we believe to be true, and we disagree with each other's answers, and then we argue back and forth amongst each other, and the person who posted the original question never joins into the conversation.
Sometimes the questions are controversial questions and I think that sometimes we get baited into the very thing you and I are doing here. I don't see this as being the case with this, as I believe this was an honest question being asked, but I do think it would be nice if the person who posted the question would at least respond to the answers you and I gave, or perhaps join in the discussion.
Jordyn, you and I are just going to have to remain in disagreement on this one. As I said, unless PBC79 has any other questions, or wishes to respond to what we shared, I see no need to continue this. If this is something you feel strongly about, perhaps you can start a new thread?
God Bless!!!
(Part 1):
The original question by PBC79 seemed to be asking if Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 are referring to seven churches, or one church. This person was told that the seven churches of Revelation are all one church. I believe that is incorrect.
Although you and I gave conflicting answers, I stand by my original response to PBC79. I still hold that these were 7 literal churches that were established in those seven locations listed in Revelation Chapters 2 & 3. And each one of these churches were given a specific message.
Now, as far as continuing on in this discussion, I see no purpose in it unless the person who began this thread has more questions. I gave my answer to the original question that was asked, and you gave yours. So, unless PBC79 wishes to enter this discussion, I see no need to continue going back and forth with each other about things unrelated to the question asked.