Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 243

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Frank Joseph.

    I will be happy to pray for you and your wife and home life.

    Dear Heavenly Father, Today we lift up Emilia and Frank Joseph before you and asking in Jesus' name for healing, positive growth, and increasing joy in their marriage. Restore to them the satisfaction of a happy marriage full of harmony, peace, and love. Help them to learn from You how to make their married life better, changing what needs to be changed, and accepting what may not undergo change at this time. Help them to wait on You to bring about the changes needed to make their married life fruitful in every way; a life that honors You through both partners and also honors each other. Help them to love one another and put the needs of the other ahead of themselves. Teach them to serve one another tirelessly and be passionate about showing respect, acceptance, gratitude, grace, mercy, and love to one another daily. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1:1 - 1 year ago
    Hello again Gerhardus,

    In my post I did not claim to be chosen of God due to education or certificate, so that comment does not apply to me.

    Jesus said that His words are spirit and Life, so yes, the Scriptures bring us knowledge of Christ without Him appearing to us. We hear from those He inspired who WERE eyewitnesses of Him when He lived on earth (Paul being the exception having seen the risen and glorified Jesus).

    Gerhardus, one thing I think every believer has is the Holy Spirit because Peter said that the Spirit is given to all who come to faith in Jesus Acts 2:38-39. When you ask those on this forum if we have received the Holy Ghost, it seems like you are posing a challenge to others as to the genuineness of their faith, which you cannot determine. And when you denigrate those who seek to learn from Scripture, you are showing a prejudice towards people who use their minds as well as their hearts to come to know our Lord and the Father.

    We are to love the Lord with all of our hearts, soul, MINDS, and strength. We are to us our mind to access what God says in HIS Scriptures. It is with our minds that we hear the Scriptures spoken or with our minds that we read and understand what we read. This is as God has designed it to be.

    Scriptures do not tell us to expect a "visit" from Jesus to be taught of Him, as you seem to state. He gave us Scriptures as a sure and stable revelation of Himself and how He saves us from our sin. How we are to live inn a godly way for His glory and how we are to treat one another with love, especially those who also believe.

    Gerhardus, I am glad to have read your posts. I hope our conversations will be gracious and reflect the truth of God revealed in Scripture. I will be praying for you. I hope you will also lift me up in prayer. Thanks.
  • Gerhardus - In Reply on Genesis 1:1 - 1 year ago
    Do every one have the Holy Ghost?
  • Gerhardus - In Reply - 1 year ago
    John 14:6 | Read whole chapter

    Iesus saith vnto him, I am the Way, the Trueth, and the Life: no man commeth vnto the Father but by mee.
  • Gerhardus - In Reply on Genesis 1:1 - 1 year ago
    A person need to receive the Holy Ghost. And Christ gave the Holy Ghost unto his Apostles and they gave it unto those that were chosen by God. Jesus said unto his Apostles free you have received it free you shall give it. If he that claim he is a chosen of God because he paid for the education and has a certificate to prove it is a liar and had been lied to.

    The New testament acknowledge Jesus and tel us things about him and the works he did and the things he said but it also tel us about the Apostles and the things they did and say and how God appeared unto them and have send them where He God needed them.

    The Scripture by itself dont bring salvation. It may bring hope. Salvation is to know the true God and his Son Jesus Christ - the Church today off which Christ is the head.

    What I learn from the new testament is that God - if (you are a chosen) may personally appear unto you, from time to time, with a special request which you SHOULD NOT go against.

    The thing is - CAN "YOU - meaning anyone today" with authority claim he is a chosen one of God.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I do understand how you feel and I've been in a similar situation to you . I haven't been to church for a while now and I miss it . In all honesty I don't miss the people , I miss the sermons , I love to be taught about the Bible and I'm always hungry to learn and I miss the bread and the wine very much . It is a precious privilege to partake of the bread and wine and I believe we should do so if possible . Keep looking for a church , I hope you find somewhere you can be comfortable and enjoy , I miss singing hymns also . I sing them at home but I have a hideous singing voice :( .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Really ? I can't quite believe that you said that , perhaps I'm missing something , forgive me if that's the case .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Stay cool , don't allow yourself to be baited . I don't agree with everything that you say but I am very grateful to you for keeping me sharp and focused and you have very much helped my understanding , I have learned things from you and that's what I want from this site , to learn . Thank you .
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother Spencer,

    Amen! False teaching must be called out, so thank you for doing so!

    But you know something? No matter how false or corrupt someone's teachings are, there will always be at least one follower, and we see that here on this forum.

    I think the best advice given by Jordyn was when he said "Don't believe a word I say without looking to the scriptures and asking Christ to teach you."

    Well, I have taken his advice and searched the scriptures, which we are supposed to do anyways without anyone telling us to do so, and I find that the things he's saying go completely against sound biblical doctrine.

    Again, thank you for exposing these things.

    God bless!!!
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 16 - 1 year ago
    Hello, Fred

    We will meet up when God wills it, either in this life or the life to come which will last forever.

    We do need to be wise and watchful concerning the genuine truth of God vs. truth that man thinks is genuine. I wish that all believers would all have the same genuine truth of God, but for reasons we do not understand, God has allowed so much diversity within the body of Christ as to doctrine and practice. Perhaps it is for us to practice love and patience, forbearance and gentleness in teaching one another, especially with those who may not believe exactly as we do ourselves.

    I imagine when we are resurrected, we will be very humbled by realizing that what we thought to be genuine truth of God and His ways and His Word really does not even touch the surface of the depths of the wisdom, knowledge, will, grace, and truth of God in Christ.

    Every day that God gives us to live in this first life is filled with opportunities to worship Him, serve Him, serve others, speak the truth to ourselves and others, exercise the love of Christ to those we come in contact with in the day that God gives us, and also to have our faith be tested in order to drive us to the Word to have His Spirit bring us into truth and instruct us on how to live this day, today, for the Lord and for the benefit of others.

    Fred, I am glad that you are back posting. I always enjoy your wisdom. Thanks for giving it out to those who have been called to be children of God.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1:1 - 1 year ago
    Hello Gerhardus, welcome.

    The story of Philip and the Ethiopian demonstrates why God gave the offices of pastor, teacher, evangelist, apostle to the church Jesus created and promised to preserve throughout the ages. The Scriptures are our teachers because the words were written by apostles, taught of God, Who gave them the inspiration as to what to write. The Words in Scripture are God's message to us.

    We are to read the Scriptures repeatedly to get them deep into our minds and hearts:

    *to be able to remember verses to share with others in their time of learning or need

    *to bring to mind when we need comfort, correcting, and understanding in all situations in our lives

    *to teach them to our children in the everyday moments when circumstance come up where a good word from Scripture is needed without opening up the Scriptures to search for a verse

    There are many more reasons to be very familiar with ALL of the Bible, so frequent reading is important.

    Then there is the study of the Scriptures that goes beyond just reading it. We do this to:

    *learn correct doctrines taught by the apostles across the epistles

    *to learn more and more of Jesus in the Gospels

    *to mature in our understanding of what God has revealed in Scripture

    *to share our thoughts with others as we interact with Scripture

    *to learn from a pastors sermons, teachers who lead us, and those God has anointed to be wise in Scriptural truth.

    There are many other reasons to study the Scriptures

    We meditate on what we read in Scriptures to:

    *allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith

    *to immerse ourselves in the thoughts of Gods instead of thoughts of the world

    *to mindful of God's Presence in us and His prescribed way of coming to Him through prayer and His Word

    *to help us as we pray with the help of the Holy Spirit

    There are many other reasons to meditate on Scripture.

    All these actions are important to employ in our lives regularly.

    Jesus said, "My words are Spirit and Live"
  • Gerhardus - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jesus said - No one comes to the Father than by me and no one come to me if the Father have not chosen him. So even having the new testament to read dont help much.
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother S Spencer:

    Quote my words, don't say I said something that I did not say.

    I will debate with you all day long if you wish.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    BrotherS Spencer:

    HOW were you saved?

    WHAT were you saved from?

    WHEN were you saved?

    God BLESS YOU!
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you Gigi.

    God bless you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    So right on, S. Spencer.

    Thanks for addressing these heresies espoused by "Jordyn", a new screen name of one we have known by other names on here, I believe.
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    Today in the UK is Armastice day , remembering the dead of two world wars . There have also been hundreds of thousands deflecting from this national day of remembrance by staging pro palestine marches . UK is a democracy so this is certainly permitted . We were assured by the organisers that the march would be peaceful , we believed them . I've just watched on the news , crowds of men , six and seven deep , surging towards police officers attacking them very deliberately . The police are responding in equal measure . This conflict is divisive worldwide . We have a large muslim population in the UK , which is a very small island . I hope that wherever you are , that you keep away from this trouble , do what Rahab and her family did , stay home with your doors closed and wait for the Mercy of God .
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Part 2.

    Galatians 1:8-9.

    Jordyn said;

    Those who believe they DIED and were made ONE in Christ, will never die again.

    Those who don't believe they DIED, and the resurrection made them ONE as the Father and Son and son are ONE will be cast into prison, the GRAVE. "Made one in Christ" in Jordyn's opinion means you become Gods"

    Is this not another Gospel?

    More issues.

    Jordyn claims the flesh of the unbelievers is the devil and the bottomless pit mentioned in Revelation 20:2-3 is the grave.

    He also claims we are already living in the 1000 years mention in verse 5.

    He claims the unbelievers/Devil will be loosed out of the grave, "resurrected" in Revelation 20:7.

    After all the dead are raised at the second resurrection, "LOOSED OUT OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT" the Sons of God "WILL PREACH THE TRUTH TO THEM ABOUT THE TRUTH OF THE RESURRECTION"


    Revelation 20:7-8. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

    AND SHALL GO OUT TO DECIEVE THE NATIONS which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

    (Jordyn says these verses says the unbelievers will preach the truth!)

    The bible says Satan will deceive the nations!

    So, Jordyn says God will judge the unbelievers by the word of God and give them the truth and mercy given to us, and they will have DIED the second death, and also become the SONS of God and will enter the Kingdom. Thats what he gets out of Revelation 20:2-8.

    However, Look at Revelation 22:11-15. SOME REMAIN UNJUST!

    Some have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city.

    Some are seen here in verse 15. "For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.


    Revelation 22:19.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - 1 year ago

    Part 1

    Here is something I wanted to address earlier but I had to wait until the weekend due to my busy work schedule.

    Jordyn said;

    "The wages of UNBELIEF is DEATH.

    The Gift of BELIEF is IMMORTAL LIFE and Christ ONLY has IMMORTAL LIFE."

    and then in a few more lines you said the unbelief and those who believe will receive eternal life.


    Well, there is no reward for the righteous.


    Here is more blasphemy in this theology.

    Here is a direct quote of what he stated. (Pay close attention to 1a!

    Those who believe they DIED and were made ONE in Christ, will never die again.

    1a) "Those who don't believe they DIED, and the resurrection made them ONE as the Father and Son and son are ONE will be cast into prison, the GRAVE. Revelation 20:2-3. End quote.

    (Shouldn't it be those who didn't receive Christ and had their names written in the Lambs book of life will be cast into prison?)

    Jordyn is saying who ever don't believe in his theology is the unsaved! I WILL COME BACK TO THAT.

    1b) After God has gather all his SONS to be priest in the Kingdom, he will resurrect the unbelievers back to their flesh and blood bodies, they will be loosed out of their prison ( Revelation 20:7).

    After all the dead are raised at the second resurrection the Sons of God will preach the gospel to them about the truth of the resurrection, judge them by the words of God, and give them the truth and mercy given to us, and they will DIED the second death, and also become the SONS of God. End quote.



    From what he has mentioned in the past, according to him the devil is our flesh.

    The bottomless pit mentioned in Revelation 20:2-3 is the grave.

    The unbelievers/Devil will be loosed out of the grave, "resurrected" in Revelation 20:7.

    I will deal with this in part 2.

    See Part 2.
  • Gerhardus on Genesis 1:1 - 1 year ago
    The Scripture is good for teaching and referral. Knowing the Scripture by heart is good but is not meaningful to God. Looking at the piece where Philip was send to the eunuch on the wagon there are a lot to learn from this piece.

    1) The Lord after His crucifixion appeared unto Philip (ONE he taught) and instructed him to visit the eunuch on the wagon. It is clear that God from time to time make use of people HE TAUGHT to go and do work for HIM. Now then if you are not a taught of Christ how will he appear unto you?

    2) The eunuch did read the Scripture but did not understand (hidden from). This again shows me if you are not taught by Christ himself or by one he directly taught and or they taught you will not understand the scripture. And therefor not one of HIS. As it is written in the scripture where Jesus told them who did not understand - you dont understand cause you not of my flock.
  • Biblepreacher12 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen, not one church can give you the truth. Jesus said in

    " John 8:31] Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

    [32] And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

    Churches are walking around in their sin with strong delusions to believe a lie to ve damned with. They all believe they are holding onto God's hand when in reality they are holding unto the devil's hand up to their neck in sin and expecting grace to keep on saving them like it is a walk in the park. Churches are not interested in going back to the old road of revival with the King James bible as they have tasted too much of the world and not too much of the word. As Jesus said, his words has no place in them John 8:37. He was talking to Abraham's seed to his people before people were called Christians. Christanity has rejected Jesus Christ the Son of God as prophesied abs accepted the world and the bible in 2nd Cor 6 tells us to come out from amoung them. Come out of the synagogues of Satan who refuse the love of the truth and walk hand in hand with your pocketbook and nothing for the saving of the soul. You find a evangelist who believes in the perfecting of the saints and does not rebell agianst the words of the Gospel of Christ the King Janes Bible. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft...this is what the church is engaged in their abominations and their carnal minded fun only to be cast into hell after with no fear of God before their eyes.
  • Biblepreacher12 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    What law is John talking about? Not the ten commandments but the law the that Jesus came with, the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1-2. The ten commandments were a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ Jesus Galations 3:24-25. Sin is a violation of the law of the spirit of life as it is the opposite of what Moses carried the law of sin and death. All sin is of the devil period 1st John 3:8. Tge reason why mankind sins and has to sin is because thry are a servant to sin a servant to the devil and not to Jesus Christ the Son of God.

    The law of Moses made nothing perfect, it was the brining in of the better hope that did Hebrews 7:9. The law of spirit and life as Jesus'words are spirit and life John 6:63. Churches of all kinds are still bound by the old law, that is why they still celebrate the Sabbath when Jesus is now our rest and not the Sabbath day anymore.

    Gal.3[24] Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

    [25] But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster

    Rev 14:13] And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

    Hebrews 4:8] For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

    [9] There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

    [10] For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

    Romans 8:1] There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    [2] For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

    [3] For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1 john 3:4,-... whoever commits sin transgresses the law, for sin IS the transgression of the law.. 1cor 7:19,circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God... I have to say, according to the bible, they must still mean something, jot, tittle, whatever.. it doesn't save us but they seem rather important.
  • Biblepreacher12 - 1 year ago
    In Christ Jesus we are blessed with the righteousness of God though faith. No one can be righteous be being faithful to the Ten Commandments. We must be faithful to Jesus. Jesus presented himself to his Father on the day of his resurrection as a living sacrifice, and He became the one to redeem us from trying to establish our own righteousness by keeping the commandments. Now, thorough Jesus Christ, we are made the righteousness of God. Anyone who claims to be righteous by keeping the commandments or because they do not commit any sin, have a righteousness which is of no avail for it has been done away with by the death and resurrection of Jesus our Lord. We can not say the Ten Commandments are to be done away with. It is the righteousness which was once obtained by keeping the commandments which is done away with. This is why we glory in Christ Jesus at all times for He is our righteousness if we choose to walk and continue in his word. We follow after new laws the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1-3. Jesus is the end of the law of righteousness Romans 10:4. You were a righteous Jew when you kept the commandments. It is now in us thorough the words of the bible which are spirit and life John 6:63.

    It is much like the Sabbath. The Sabbath has been done away with because the Lord of the Sabbath whom we serve daily is the forerunner. We are resting in the words of Jesus and not resting on any particular day as the Sabbath day was foreshadowing of things to come. Jesus is the head of the Ten Commandments for righteousness sake, and He is also the head of the Sabbath for rest's sake. In Christ we have ceased to work for our own righteousness. We need to be born of God and do what the Bible is telling us to do. "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he can not sin, because he is born of God." 1st John 3:9. Strive to enter in at the straight gate, and to sin no more. "
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    So Matthew Ch 13 from V 18 onwards , is talking about the very end of this world , after the one thousand year reign of Christ on earth in his Father's Kingdom ! V 49+50 speaks to Revelation Ch 20 !
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you , that ties in with Matthew Ch 13 V 28-30 and Revelation Ch 14 V 15-20 .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you , you make me think about the Truth all day :) .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks so much Jordyn , you have given me plenty to think about . I have often wondered about Genesis Ch 49 , it always seemed very significant to me but I couldn't work out why . Tying it to the twelve apostles and their governing of the twelve tribes in the Kingdom has been a revelation to me , thank you . As always you get my brain going and I'm very grateful for your insights :) much love in Christ .
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 16 - 1 year ago

    Fred, Haven't heard from you for a while. Welcome back to posting!
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Formal church attendance: Vows and covenants

    1 Corinthians 10:4 talks about everyone drinking from the same spiritual rock and the Rock was Christ. God made a covenant with His chosen people and delivered them after 400 years of bondage in Egypt; passing them through the Red Sea. Not all Israel is Israel however. ( Romans 9:6-7). Some argue this represents Baptism; holding those under the covenant parents make on behalf of their children at infancy. Whatever the case; when we become church members; we make a vow or covenant as to our service toward other believers. In fact when we first come to Christ; it should be looked at as a Covenant. Christ has fulfilled everything in the finished work on the cross on our behalf; but is only EFFECTIVE if we are truly saved. God makes us willing ( Psalm 110:3) and He gives the gift of repentance. ( 2 Timothy 2:25 and several other references). If we truly are saved we will love God and of course keep His commandments ( John 14:15). This involves obedience toward Christ and Him being Lord Savior AND Master of our lives.

    When we make a church vow as members we affirm our faith in Christ; and our commitment to the body of Christ (prayer and fellowship). In Pittsburgh one of the things my pastor did annually was print out our vow as a reminder which I think is a good thing. This naturally encompasses the discipline of rebuking a brother and going through necessary disciplinary measures if personal resolution cannot be accomplished. If leadership is guilty and the congregation doesn't corroborate clearly evident apostasy or sin then we must disfellowship. I went through a specific issue that I won't elaborate on now with an elder after discussion with the Pastor in a previous church; eventually I left; so I've been there. This as with a marriage involves the same principal; we always seek reconciliation but separation may be needed at times. We are all part of covenant fellowship with all true Christians.

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