Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 239

  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I am in agreement with what GiGi has shared and if I might "piggyback" and share something, in 1 Timothy 2:9-10, Paul gives instructions concerning dress.

    To adorn means to dress. In fact, the Greek word is where we get our word cosmetics from. To put on an appearance would be a good general description of what he's saying here. Modest apparel is something that's orderly, acceptably, and decent.

    The word shamefacedness is an old English word representing the Greek word that has to do with orderly or Godly fear.

    Paul goes on to say not with broided, or braided hair. This has to do with that in those times, the women would braid their hair and then wrap it up into a bun. They used to call it the "bee-hive."

    So they would wrap their hair up on top of their head, and then they would weave jewelry in and out of it. And then they would go to church. Do you think anyone's going to notice them? Oh yes!

    But you see, that's the whole point here. With braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly garments. But be presentable in that which becomes women who profess godliness that they belong to God, through good works. The word good (Agathos) is spiritual good.

    In essence, what he's saying is don't be a distraction. Don't try to "gussy" yourself up to look your absolute best so that people would notice you.

    On the other hand, don't try to dress as lousy as you can so that people notice you. People are going to notice you and be distracted from the purpose of being there, which is to learn of the Lord and worship Him, and have fellowship together.

    God bless!!!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Carleton,

    Yes, there are so many ways we can give love to others. Brethren in Christ can greet each other in holy ways. Paul speaks of a "holy kiss". That must have been customary to do so in His culture. In ours, a "holy hug", "handshake", or "pat on the shoulder" can be such as a holy kiss. A cheerful, friendly, and sincere verbal greeting is always welcome. Willingness to stop and pray for or with someone is another way we engage lovingly with others. Sharing meals with others works well.

    We can become isolated from the love and affections so easily in our fast paced lifestyles, and especially online, it is easy to be aloof even when posting thoughts. I do know there are many on this forum who do not or rarely post, but they are ones in our fellowship circle here. We should be mindful and prayerful for these who do not communicate much, but read what is posted. May they all be blessed this day in the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Kstott,

    You can find accounts of John the Baptist int he beginning chapters of each gospel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

    Read Matthew and Luke first, then Mark, then John.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Sharon,

    In Genesis you can read how Isaac's servant, Eliezar, took jewelry with him to the family of Rebekkah and when taking her for Isaac's wife, put bracelets, necklaces and a ring in her nose. This was customary practice for that time and was not disallowed by Scripture.

    In Paul's epistle, he does speak of women adorning themselves with humility and godliness, as opposed to the proud way women displayed themselves at that time with fine jewels and clothing and hairstyles. He was not prohibiting the wearing of such things, but speaking to the way a Christian woman should wish to be adorned inwardly, in her character that shows forth in her way of life, which commends her to others, whether she wears jewelry, braids her hair, or by her clothing. The inward character defines a person, not what is shown outwardly as far as fashion.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Very true, Amasuca, our pedigree or credentials do not merit us anything before God.

    yet, we are to study and show ourselves approved of God. So, we are not to turn away from study of God's Word, using the mind God blessed us with to understand what the Spirit is teaching us in our studies. And if we are able to write thoughtful words that align with Scripture, that skill can be used of God to help others understand spiritual ideas. If we have a gift for orating, then God can use that speech to help others learn and mature in Christ. We should apply ourselves in every way God avails to take hold of the truth of Scripture and to draw near to God in Christ. We can train our minds to learn from Scripture, the preaching and teaching of others, and from our times of quietly meditating on the things of God while the Holy Spirit fills us with understanding in all of these instances.

    It is better to become literate than to remain illiterate. Being literate and able to read and reason allows us to not only learn from Scripture but also to be discerning of what others say about God and His Word, being able to recognize false teaching from true teaching.

    Yet, God is above and beyond our abilities or lack thereof and is more than able to bring truth to our inward being. He is the One who provides and allows us to come to know the truth and Him in Jesus Christ.
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes, that's what I meant. The Devil/Satan is our enemy who walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The battleground is our souls.
  • Sharon51051 - 1 year ago
    What does the Bible say about, "The wearing of jewelry"
  • Amasuca - 1 year ago
    Did you know that can have the most grandest of titles over your name, and be the most sought after in your field.

    As a preacher you can preach the greatest message, and be loved of all.

    You can have degrees, and be skilled in writing, and be the most influential, and still have your name blotted out of the LAMBS book of life.

    All those things are good, but unfortunately not good enough for our LORD.

    My credentials are in heaven.
  • Duncan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Last Part.


    I pray that you will read for yourself, for Hell is not An Abstract the same as the Bible which is Living the True Word of God.

    As you read the theory then comes the practical and in the practical, there is two option you are either a righteous man through the repentance at the cross or You're a sinner living in your sins in this world that is passing away with its Lust.

    A Tree is Tree whether it is Still standing or fallen and where it falls there it lays.

    Says the Preacher who was king over Jerusalem.
  • Duncan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Part A.


    First of all I believe the Bible is the word of God, it is true it is pure and without abomination

    It is written in

    Proverbs 8:7

    7.For my mouth shall speak truth;

    And wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

    8.All the words of my mouth are in righteousness.

    There is nothing froward or perverse in them.

    Hell is a real place and not an abstract and it was never created for man but for the devil and his fallen angels.

    In the book of Ezekiel chapter 32, The Lord spoke to His prophet Ezekiel and gave him word of Judgment to bring to pharaoh king of Egypt.

    And from verse 2 to 18 the judgment is issued to the king and all the land of Egypt

    But at the start of Chapter 32:18,

    Prophets Ezekiel receives the word of the Lord where he is informed to weep for Egypt and all its people and at the same time God revels Hell to us in this verse where Egypt is to be cast down to the depth of the earth. Egypt and famous nations which are going down to the pit.

    As we continue to read, we see that those Egyptian will be placed among those killed by the sword and those famous nation such Assyria is there, The Elams, The endomites Etc.all who are killed by the sword.

    In Verse 23

    The Lord point this for us That in Hell there is(Recesses of the Pit,)

    And the meaning of recesses is this

    1.The depths or innermost part of something

    2. a small space created by building part of a wall further back from the rest.

    All this indicating apportion or section a cage a cell in hell where this people are held.

    Another thing that stands out from this verse is that Those who are in hell they caused terror in the Land of the Living, again showing they are not living but are dead.

    In Verse 24 the last part we see the wording are in continue present tense indication this action is still happing. And I will quote the last the part on this Verse. Which is in

    Ezekeil 32:24

    yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit.

  • Kstott - 1 year ago
    Where do I read all about John the Baptist.
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Saw it long ago and it is a good one. Alan Bates Haylie Mills act in it.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hope you are ok , I can guess why you have gone :) . I will miss you . Stay strong in the Truth and the love of God . See you one fine day , much love in Christ .
  • Biblepreacher12 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The battle is sure agianst ourselves as our own mind wants to take us out of the bible word. A carnal mind is sin abd death. Your own mind is your own worse enemy, never mind the devil. Your ownself can get you out of the bible and loose your salvation. Don't know where you get your gospel from? It is a very perverted Gospel what you preach and not a gospel that Paul preached.

    Romans 8:[5] For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

    [6] For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

    [7] Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

    [8] So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

    [9] But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

    [10] And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

    Galations 5:17] For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

    [18] But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
  • Biblepreacher12 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dors not cancel what Jesus said or what Paul says to sin no more. 1st John 1:8 is not at all saying "if we say we have no sin that we commit everyday we deceive ourselves. 1st John 1:8 is referring to 1st John 1:3-4 writing to people how to have fellowship with John to be called a Christian and not a sinner any more as all sin is of the devil period 1st John 3:8. When we come to Christ we where all sinners as all has come short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. John is giving out the plan of salvation how to be saved.

    All means all not just one or two things in your life. Jesus never died for one sin or two things he died so all sin can be washed forgiven and forgotten.

    Get out of get into verse 9 to confess your sin. If you want to be in verse 8 be my guess, you are going to roast, you are going to burn. Verse 9 tells me he is just and able to forgive all sin and NOT just not one or two things.

    1st John 1:9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    [10] If we say that we have not sinn((ed)), we make him a liar, and his word is not in us

    According to the bible in 1st John 1:6, you are the liar as you claim salvation, you claim fellowship to be a brother of Jesus Christ, and yet you are still walking like the devil hand in hand with him. Obviously, you were told a lie believing you are walking with Jesus when in reality you are walking with the devil in sin.

    1st John 1:6] If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness,((sin)) we lie, and do not the truth:

    [7] But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

    We are to be dead unto sin once Romans 6:10-12. Jesus died unto sin once and not over and over to sin and repent as you are calling Jesus a liar and putting him to an open shame. No sinner can make heaven no matter how you slice it as all sin is of the devil.
  • Hammer63 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you! The seed that was sown among thorns never brought fruit to perfection also. Also, St. John 1 said we have received of his fulness. I thought I was the only one that ran across the scriptures you gave. It is easier life to live under the cross and our failures than to follow the gospel be transformed by the Holy Spirit and live under His direction. The keep continuing in failure is really no better than the old law. Hebrews 10:1 "For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect".
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Wikipedia article for Michael, and at the Protestant section it states:

    Citing Hengstenberg, John A. Lees, in International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, states: "The earlier Protestant scholars usually identified Michael with the pre-incarnate Christ, finding support for their view, not only in the juxtaposition of the 'child' and the archangel in Rev 12:1-17, but also in the attributes ascribed to him in Daniel." Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a Trinitarian, stated that Jesus is Michael "the only Archangel", and that he is God the Son, and co-equal to the Father. In Spurgeon's view, "archangel" means "head of the angels" rather than "head angel," and is a title similar to "Prince or Leader of the host." ( Daniel 8:11)
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 1 year ago
    John Wesley: "Michael here is commonly supposed to mean Christ."

    John Gill:"and is no other than Christ the Son of God, an uncreated angel who is 'one' or the first of the chief princes."

    The early Protestant leaders believed this.
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 1 year ago
    "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." 1 John 1:8 KJV.
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I'm sorry, my mistake, but I don't seem to be able to say what I mean clearly. I understand and agree with what you are teaching in these comments wholeheartedly. What I was asking you was, why in your comments when the 2 Corinthians verses are highlighted in red so you can place your cursor on it and it gives you the whole verse the link doesn't give the verse but says there's no text of those verses in the KJB which, of course, they are.. Maybe you can't see it but even in this last reply it does it. I know you don't mean for it to, but it's basically saying those verses are not in the KJB. I won't bother you anymore with this. I do admire what you have said in your comments that these people in the world are evil and we are to keep ourselves separate from them. Thank you for your patience. :)
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I attached a link to a source but this site blocked it. No external links allowed.

    The Protestant church called Seventh Day Adventists teach on this point. Go to: Seventh Day Adventist Church Biblical Research Institute. Search on the Adventist website: is Michael another name for Jesus. Dated February 13, 2012.

    The Seventh Day Adventists chose this name because they keep the seventh day sabbath. The Adventists eagerly look forward the soon return of Christ. Additionally, they teach the three angels message from Revelation. "Worship God, Babylon has fallen, come out of her, my people".
  • Amasuca - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen! If it wasn't possible, Jesus would've never said it.
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You are not understanding what I am saying. Jesus ETERNAL. He is the WORD. Jesus created everything. Jesus is God.Jesus is not a created being. Since Jesus is eternal, what was he doing before born? Think about it. What was he doing?

    His name was Michael the archangel. The leader of the angels. God was living among his creation, the angels.

    How is that far fetched?
  • Biblepreacher12 - 1 year ago

    James, 1:25- But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed

    James, 2:14- What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?

    James, 2:18- 18] Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

    James, 2:22-Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?

    James, 2:24 -Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

    James, 2:26-For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.


    If works are not present after knowing the truth in the word of God and accepting it, it is because your faith is false.

    (Faith = believe)in the word of God and put it into(practice = works)so the works come automatically otherwise it is faith does not come from God and this faith cannot save you!!







    It is good works that demonstrate that a person is saved

    You cannot(BELIEVE = FAITH)in the word without

    (PRACTICE = WORK)and you cannot(PRACTICE = WORK)without having heard, received and believed in the word.
  • Jesse A - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Sorry, I should of proof read that.

    So yes if you follow Christ and do the will of the Father we will (abtain) immortality.

    Not (abstain) like in the previous post.
  • Biblepreacher12 - 1 year ago
    Pay attention to what follows to fully understand all of the words of the Lord who teaches us in righteousness and mercy through his son Jesus Christ.

    ATTENTION: Beware of false teachers, pastors, prophets.


    Ephesians, 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

    (it is by grace that you are saved);


    Because it is used without taking into consideration the entire Bible.


    Titus, 1:16 They professthat they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

    Ephesians, 2:10- For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

    Philippians, 1:6 - Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

    Hebrews, 13:21 - 21] Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

    Titus, 2:7- In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing

    Colossians, 1:10- That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;


    Romans, 13:12 -The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the worksof darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

    Ephesians, 5:11 - And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works ofdarkness, but rather reprove them.


    1 Peter, 1:17- 17] And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:

    Romans, 2:6 - Who will render to every man according to his deeds:

  • Biblepreacher12 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    God is a spirit and we worship him in spirit and in truth.
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I hope you have a nice week brother Spencer. I have been thinking a good part of the day of the relationship between the sacredness of life and it's relationship in the Church with a present reign in Christ and non-resistance in doctrine. One small thought is everything belongs to God. So Paul says greet the brethren with a holy salutation, we can prove love this way, even a little bit on an online forum.

    God bless you.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Momsage. About your concern on "no matching KJB text": if a contributor writes out a Scripture reference that this KJBO Site engine doesn't recognize, then you will get that warning. Quite some time ago, KJBO put out information on what were the acceptable ways of writing Scripture (sorry, I can't find that information now). But in the case of " 2nd Cor 6:[14]", this wouldn't be acceptable because of the brackets used. I always spell the verse/passage out in full (even though it takes up more character spaces), e.g. 2 Corinthians 6:14, as I know the reader can just hover the pointer over the reference to see it rather than go to the Bible verse. Hope that helps sort this out for you.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks responding Carleton.

    I will touch base with you this weekend.

    God bless.

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